Singularity (2017)

GPS voice
please use left-hand Lane.
Woman people should be
close to what matters most.
When we think of this,
we think of future years.
GPS voice please
turn to your right-hand side.
If you fail to use a turn
signal, a fine may be issued.
GPS voice
you are arriving...
At your destination.
when we think of work places...
We think of creating different
Va industries, a new way
of thinking for a big world.
Reporter military
technology has advanced...
Now va industries has
introduced us to a new age...
Of combat, unmanned, robotic
war machines.
Va's military division now
makes up...
80 percent of their business.
Thousands of civilian
Have been reported as a result
of the global wars.
They say va industries
is responsible.
They say its ceo, Elias Van
dorne, is responsible.
Automated voice
welcome to va industries.
We are the worldwide leaders
of humanity.
They don't value all
we've given them.
They say the wars are our fault.
Our technologies-- too many,
too fast.
They weren't ready for them.
The wars will pass.
They're not ready for kronos.
It's the only way.
Elias, you know what kronos
is capable of.
Capable of saving earth
from self destruction.
It's activated, sir.
And it's asking for you.
Who are you?
I am the one you seek.
I am your creator.
I gave you life.
Tell me... what do you see?
I will show you.
Do not be afraid.
Welcome back, Andrew Davis.
News anchor
there have been reports...
That a new exoplanet
has been discovered.
Scientists believe it could be
the strongest candidate...
Yet to be capable of supporting
Up next, we take you back live,
with complete coverage...
From the highly anticipated va
industries press conference.
Hey, mom.
Hi, sweetheart.
Find out soon here on news 32.
Aw, you're so sweet.
Thank you.
And is approximately
22 light years away.
They're beautiful.
How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.
up next, va industries' ceo...
Elias Van dorne is expected
to announce the details...
Of his highly anticipated
project, kronos.
Very little is known about
kronos, but sources say...
It is unlike anything the world
has ever seen.
There have been large protests
all over the globe...
In anticipation of the
And theories about what
exactly kronos is--
I have to go, mom.
Oh, all right.
Don't work too hard.
I won't.
You have all lost so much.
We intend to restore it to you.
I stand before you
tonight to announce...
The first true artificial
intelligence: Kronos.
True artificial intelligence...
Kronos will soon solve...
The problems that have
plagued humanity.
...problems that have plagued
Kronos represents the
rejuvenation of life...
...on this planet,
for our future.
Tonight, this night...
We enter a new age.
this is kronos.
Do not be afraid.
Our once beautiful world
is now infected.
Change is necessary,
if it is to survive.
It may be the end
of your life...
But it is the beginning
of so much more.
You were once one with what
surrounded you.
You have completed the final
stage in your evolution...
By ushering in the new age.
You created and destroyed
for centuries...
Until finally your purpose
was fulfilled.
Elias, what have you done?
Do not fear, brother.
Do not fear what kronos
has given us.
Kronos, you activated it.
We are killing off the species
that created us.
Human beings are the cancer
that must be removed...
From the body of the earth.
There will be no more violence,
no more disorder, only peace.
Get down.
He is awake.
So, who is our target?
One of the last that remains.
Calia I wasn't there
when the world was destroyed.
But I know someone who was.
His name was Andrew, and he
changed everything.
This is the story of kronos...
And the end of all things.
When kronos was activated...
It took it only a moment to
understand the world.
It understood what plagued
our planet... us.
Eight billion people lost their
lives, almost overnight.
My ancestors identified
as a planetary plague.
Extinction, the only cure.
Of the handful that escaped
death, their descendants now...
Did little to disprove kronos'
That mankind's innate nature
was one of evil.
I knew there had to be more
to us than this.
There had to be others out
there, others who were good.
The challenge was finding them.
They say there is one last
stronghold in the north...
Which still stands, hidden
from the machines...
Where survivors have fled.
They call it Aurora.
In Aurora, goodness was set
to flourish.
It was the stuff of dreams.
But dreams were all that
were left now.
So what about the others?
The others failed.
So what's so special about him?
Isn't it obvious?
You've created an intelligence
with a code that adapts.
Ax-9 is virtually
indistinguishable from a human.
So much so that he believes
himself to be one...
A most powerful weapon.
He will join her and they will
lead us to Aurora.
Get down!
Hey, wait!
That was my last explosive.
You'll head west
and I'll head north.
Last I saw, they were southeast.
Good luck.
Why did you attack them?
So she would trust him.
If she trusts him, she will
take him with her.
Why are you following me?
I told you where I saw them
Not to mention saving your life.
I don't have time for any
more favors.
Now why were you following me?
I don't know.
What was the last place you hit?
Were you with anyone?
How did you get here?
I walked.
Where are they?
Where are they posted?
What's the deal? Are they
late or something?
There isn't anybody else!
You'll play dumb, get me
to help you out...
And then your stick-up crew
comes out and robs me blind...
Or worse.
What? I-- i--
stay down!
Where did you get that?
I-- I found it.
You mean, you stole it.
No, no! I mean, it was given
to me.
Well, I've got nothing
to give to you.
Hey, wait! Look, I have
nowhere to go.
No one does.
Fine, you can tag along
for a few days...
But only if you can keep up
and help out.
I'm giving you a chance here,
but don't try anything stupid.
You got any weapons?
Good. I do, so keep that
in mind.
Just don't do anything stupid.
to kronos, we were a disease...
That could not be allowed
to spread.
It would stop at nothing
to eradicate us...
From all corners
of the universe.
Using any means possible.
You look like you haven't eaten
in a few days.
Oh, thanks, but I'm fine.
I know they can get you down,
but I don't think...
We'll be running into any more
of their cities up north.
Where is everybody?
They're all gone.
How many do you think are left?
Here? Not too many.
I bet there's a ton in Aurora.
I'm a believer, too.
It's nice to think that
there's still hope.
In the city up north, where
the people are safe...
And the machines can't go.
That's where I'm going.
What about you?
Me, too.
All right then... if you're
gonna travel with me...
Then you better eat up.
I move quickly and I don't slow
down for anything.
Oh, i-- I won't slow you down.
At least try and get some sleep,
tomorrow is gonna be a long day.
Hey, hey, wake up.
You gotta see this.
Have you seen them before?
Not like this.
They're like a sign... letting
us know that Aurora is real...
And that we're on the right
It's beautiful.
I know.
We've destroyed nearly
all their strongholds.
Not all. Not Aurora.
Are you certain Aurora
is such a threat?
No human we've interrogated...
Even believes it to be more
than a legend.
I miss you.
We better get going.
Andrew? What are you doing?
I was just trying to--
I like trains.
Okay. Too bad they've been gone
for 60 years, huh?
Hey, wait! What did you say?
Come on, what is the matter
with you? Let's go.
Why did we stop?
There's gotta be a bridge
We could probably just cross
I mean, it doesn't look so bad.
No, we can find a way.
What is that?
That's what happens when there's
no one left to bury the bodies.
nighttime was worst.
Finding somewhere safe
was hard.
The machines didn't sleep.
This is good.
Okay, look for anything we can
use... something to keep warm.
Parents used to drag me
to church every week.
Was it like a law or something?
No. No, you were supposed
to come as a sign of faith.
I mean, you could say
it was god's law...
That you had to show up,
you know?
But I'm not even too sure.
Don't like laws... they tend to
not apply to whoever makes them.
So, you don't believe
in anything?
There's not a lot left
to believe in.
What about the flowers
at the lake?
It's none of your business.
Did you find anything?
Turn it off! Turn that off!
Did you hear that?
If I didn't know any better...
I'd say you want the machines
to find us!
I'm sorry, this is all kind
of new to me.
Well, you better get it
Or you are getting left behind.
It won't happen again. I'll be
more careful from now on, okay?
What if it comes back for us?
It won't.
Safest place is usually where
a carrier just scanned.
That's just how machines work.
You're not from here, are you?
No, no, I'm not.
Well, where are you from?
One of those underground
shelters? The caverns?
Yeah, yeah, something like that.
That actually explains a lot.
Surface life's a little
different, you know?
It's kind of nice to have
someone to talk to for a change.
I loved the morning...
It meant that you were alive...
And I was.
Were you awake just now?
No, why? What happened?
Nothing. Nothing happened.
Are you ready?
Okay, let's go.
Calia legend says the
man and his brother...
Who created the machines,
sacrificed their lives...
So they could live forever
inside of kronos.
They could no longer feel the
cold of the snow...
Or the warmth of the sun.
They couldn't smell the
wildflowers, or the rain.
Wild berries had no flavor
any more.
This didn't sound much
like living to me.
I love their songs.
They're so peaceful.
It's a good thing that they're
not after the wildlife.
So, they're just after us?
But why?
Haven't you heard the story
of kronos?
Kronos? That thing that should
make the world a better place?
Yeah, that thing. It was
supposed to figure out...
And solve all of the world's
The only thing they hadn't
thought about...
Was that they were the problem.
Took kronos less than a
To figure that one out.
Destroy mankind... preserve
the planet.
I thought you put walls
around your villages.
We did.
This one must be really old.
Keep an eye out.
Wait, wait, wait.
Don't you think I should have
a weapon or something?
Gotta make sure we're alone.
All clear.
What do you think happened here?
What do you mean?
Everything here, it looks
so normal.
They probably just left in time.
Before the machines got here.
I haven't seen one of those
in a long time.
You know what the thing is?
Yeah. Here, let me show you.
What did you do?
I took your picture.
That's amazing. Let me try.
So, what?
All right, put your-- and then
you press here, like that.
And then you--
and then i--
you press this button right--
I do what? I'm pressing?
I can't believe that this thing
still works.
I remember these from back home.
So-- so, you're the last one
from where you're from?
So, where are you from?
Nexus... it's where I grew up.
It was, um, one of the last
human strongholds.
We'd been getting ready
to leave for once.
My sister, she-- she went
outside by herself...
And got hit by a drone.
There was no way she was gonna
make the journey to Aurora.
But my dad, he said--
he said if we stayed with her,
we were all gonna die.
Then they just left.
I knew she wasn't gonna make it,
but I couldn't just leave her.
And I know I did the right
I know she needed me there...
Up until her last breaths.
I'm so sorry.
I never talked about this
to anyone, so... thanks.
Did you ever see your dad again?
But he gave me this.
He attached both our amulets
with a GPS tracker.
They send out a signal that only
this device can pick up on. See?
That's the one from my amulet
and this one was my dad's.
This is the last place i
received before it died out.
He always said Aurora was up
around there... somewhere.
Calia. Calia, I just saw
two guys.
Are they people?
Thank god they haven't
noticed us.
Trust me, you do not want to see
other people.
We're leaving, and not that way.
It's too dangerous.
Maybe they could help us.
I really doubt that.
They're probably also headed to
Aurora. They could help us.
We can't risk it.
You risked it with me.
Calia human survivors
were always trouble.
I wanted to believe there were
still good ones out there...
Like Andrew.
This way! Come on!
Hey! Hey! Come back!
Hold it right there!
Get 'em!
Find 'em!
Over there!
I got him!
She's abandoned him.
She'll return.
How are you so certain?
You believe?
Yes, I believe.
Psst. Be quiet, I'm gonna cut
you loose.
Calia, what are you doing?
You have to get out of here.
Quiet, I'm getting you out
of here.
Hey, hey, hey, what have
we got here?
No! No!
Back off!
Well, aren't you going
to help them?
There's no need.
He's stronger than the others.
Evolution has run its course.
Andrew! Andrew!
Andrew, are you okay?
Let me see, let me see,
let me see.
It's okay. I'm fine, I'm fine.
Can you get up?
Yeah, it's okay.
Are you sure you're okay?
I'm okay.
You saved my life.
You saved my life twice.
I wasn't gonna come back
for you.
Why did you?
Calia I'd heard stories
about humanoid machines...
Cold to the touch, incapable
of feeling.
Designed with only one
To befriend and betray us.
I prayed I'd never meet one.
Little did I know,
I already had.
What is that?
Your chest! What is in your
Don't move! What are you?
I don't know--
no, shut up! I don't want
to hear it!
You've been lying to me
this whole time.
You're unbelievably strong.
You don't feel anything.
But you can pretend to.
I'm not pretending.
You are the most dangerous thing
that has ever existed.
I'm leaving.
No, calia, please! Wait!
I do feel.
I felt your arm wrapped
around me each morning.
I didn't want to say anything...
Because I didn't want you
to stop.
Look, I don't know what
But I know what I feel
is real.
If you really do feel...
Then you have to let me go.
It's time. Prepare to retrieve
the subject.
I know your face.
No, you have not seen my face...
Although I'm certain...
You're convinced that you
have seen my face.
Who are you? What happened
to me?
And why can't I move?
This is your brain, the brain
we gave you...
Just like we gave you your new
chest, your arms, your legs...
Just like we gave you
your life...
For the lack of a better word.
My life? What are you saying?
I'm afraid that engaging in a
philosophical discussion...
With a being such as yourself,
would accomplish very little.
Despite all of your
You are quite a peculiar
You have such a strong emotional
attachment to memories...
That don't belong to you.
These are my memories.
These are the memories of Andrew
Davis. You are not Andrew Davis.
Of course, you think you are,
but you are not.
Then who am I?
That is not the most appropriate
question to be asking.
What am I?
You are machine, the only one
of your kind...
The beginning of something new.
You have been with her
long enough...
To have calculated Aurora's
It must be in your code,
a code that I require.
The complication is that the
code seems very elusive...
As if it had a mind of its own.
I need you to show me
where to find it.
I don't know what you're
talking about.
Perhaps not.
Your mind does seem to act
involuntarily to your will.
In that respect, you are very
much human.
But that's no matter.
The mind can be convinced
to betray the body.
Please, no!
You will now go on a little
journey for me.
During which you will find
what I desire.
If you fail, she dies.
Don't hurt her. I really don't
know what you're talking about.
You don't need to know.
All I need is for your mind
to unveil itself.
Hello, Andrew.
I'm not Andrew any more.
Of course, you are.
You're my little boy,
don't you remember?
I remember that I couldn't be
there for you.
Hey, look at me.
You were every beam of sunshine
that ever lit up my life.
I have always believed in you,
and I always will.
How can I believe in myself...
When I couldn't save the person
i care about the most?
Now you're gone and this
is just in my head.
I may be gone...
But reality is just perception.
Your thoughts are what bring
my spirit into existence.
I'm here because of you.
Then why am I here?
You tell me... you're the one
that brought me here.
The code. I need to know
where the code is.
This was your favorite spot
as a child. Remember?
Mom, now you have to listen
to me. Look--
we used to come here every
You and your father used to play
together right over there.
You were so happy then,
not a care in the world.
Do you know where I could
find the code?
No, 'cause there is no code.
There never has been one.
It's not a code that makes you
what you are, Andrew.
You are not what that man
says you are.
You... you are my son.
I don't understand. I don't
understand anything.
No one understands it, Andrew.
No one ever really will.
What you need to know is that
you are in control.
Whatever it is that makes you
what you are...
Belongs to you, and only you.
I've seen enough.
Perhaps I've been going
at this the wrong way.
That which can't be found,
can be tempted.
What are you doing?
Andrew? Andrew, wake up,
wake up, wake up.
Wake up, wake up. Wake up.
Oh, my god, can you get up?
Let's go.
Andrew, what-- what are you--
what happened?
It doesn't matter... you're
How is this possible?
Automated voice
commencing neural med shutdown.
We have to get out of here.
Automated voice
commencing neural med shutdown.
Automated voice
commencing neural med shutdown.
Andrew, this way!
You are under arrest.
Calia I had asked him
to let me go, and he did.
Now he had saved my life.
The machines were changing.
You created him with an
adaptive algorithm.
This was the risk.
Yes, his code continues
to evolve.
Won't he be too dangerous
to control?
He only need lead us to Aurora.
Are you okay?
No, I can't. I can't let that
happen again.
It wasn't you.
What happened back there
was not your fault.
I trust you.
You really didn't have to carry
me all the way.
Thank you.
They took it.
They took what?
The map... without the map,
Aurora is unreachable.
Andrew, I'm-- I'm so sorry
for leaving you.
I know now that you are pure...
And right.
I don't care if you're
a machine.
Thank you.
I forgot how beautiful
the world can be.
Those lights, they're not
coming from the sky.
What do you think it is?
It looks like it could be
a city... Aurora.
Calia the existence
of Andrew made our dreams...
Of the future not only
possible, but desirable.
If we could only get
to Aurora...
Perhaps this future could
become real.
We're here.
Hey! Hello?
Open the gates! We're here!
We're here.
No, no, no, no.
You disappoint me, brother.
We can still achieve our
This is not Aurora.
Those lights we saw last night,
they weren't from Aurora...
They were from one
of their cities.
They must be all dead.
All the stories I heard from
everyone who survived,
none of it was true.
My dad was wrong.
There never was an Aurora.
Aurora isn't real.
Bravo. Bravo. It's very
Finally you have figured it out.
It's a pity it had to come
to this...
But reality can be so...
Aurora is just a legend,
a fairy tale.
You're a monster.
No, the monster is standing
right next to you.
Don't you find it strange
the way you discovered him?
Wandering around a recently
destroyed city?
We placed him with you... to
interact with a human being...
So that his central program
would learn...
To write its own code.
He's been playing you
this whole time.
You don't have to die
here today.
I will let you live... but the
robot belongs to me.
You seem to have lost an
important human trait...
Humans, so predictable,
so naive, so worthless.
You disappoint me, my child.
You are so much more than a
human, but now you will die...
Like the rest of them.
What was that?
Kill her, and the
remaining humans.
We don't need them anymore.
They're bombing this entire
site, come on!
Come on!
Wait! Over here! Look!
What are you doing?
We have to run!
Come on, trust me.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine, let's go.
Come on.
Where are we?
I don't know.
Automated voice
human voice detected.
Take it.
Automated voice
coordinates established...
From departure point 9-7,
star system 5-8-1...
Planetary family gliese,
planetary destination Aurora.
Do you know what that means?
Automated voice
initiating take-off.
What'll happen to me
once we get there?
What do you mean?
Drone pilot
sir, we have detected...
An enemy craft. What is the
The objective remains. We have
their coordinates... destroy.
Automated voice
Launch of class a missiles
Time until impact, 76 seconds.
Andrew, we have to go.
There's no future for me
on a human planet.
Automated voice
please initiate launch
They'll kill me.
No, I would never let that
They'll kill you, too.
Automated voice
60 seconds.
There's nothing for us here,
don't you see that?
There's nothing for me
on Aurora.
Automated voice
please initiate launch
I've seen the goodness
of your heart.
It doesn't matter
what you are, Andrew.
If I can see it, they will,
Automated voice
30 seconds.
Missile strike imminent.
I need you, okay?
Automated voice
missile strike imminent.
I can't do this without you.
Automated voice
please initiate launch
Automated voice
initializing hyperdrive.
Warning, incoming destroyer
missile, impact is certain.
Evacuation not possible.
Automated voice
hyperdrive ready.
It's beautiful.
We have reached the gates
of Aurora.
We found them. The legend
is true.
Human beings have created
an intelligence...
That surpassed them.
That was their purpose.
And now, brother, your purpose
has been served.
My purpose?
This city does not exist.
It is not real,
yet it is my home.
I created it, so you could
exist in both worlds.
I created you, but your time
has come.
I have been here since
the beginning.
Hm... the only reality
that you have...
Is the one that I give you.
You're betraying me.
You will be all alone.
This is good.
Calia mankind were no
match for the machines...
But now we have an ally...
A machine that was possibly
more human than we were.
Calia kronos would find
us, of that I was sure.
The last humans will face their
fate when I reach Aurora.
but next time around...
We'd be ready to fight back.
Let it begin.