Sinister Squad (2016)

Are you sure our boy's
going to show?
This isn't exactly his
neighborhood, Goldie.
This isn't home for us
either, Piper.
Back home this guy is the
biggest of the big baddies.
I know people who wouldn't even
say his name out of fear that
they would lose their firstborn.
What kind of name is
rumpelstiltskin anyway.
Alice: Alright, you two -
stay mum.
Here he comes, the
squirrely bugger.
Remember, Piper, dear-
he's expecting a dealer named
hans to give him a piece of the
magic mirror.
And where he goes...
Death's messengers are
never far behind.
Where's hans?
Couldn't make it.
He sent me.
I'm Piper.
Did - did you bring it?
It's nearby.
You fiending, pal?
Careful, Piper.
If you know hans, then you
know why I need it.
-Sure. Sure.
You're running out of juice and
you need a taste of the good
Great a magic mirror.
Ground up for?
What do you snort it?
Do you have it ?!
Anything for rumpelstiltskin--
hey sshh!
Don't move.
This is new.
Where is it, huh? Where is it!
I told you, it's nearby.
Alice: Piper's fine. Stay put.
I don't want him in that blonde
head of yours, too.
Where did you hear that name?
You're lying.
Hans would never tell you that
name. Do you know why?
Because I told him not to.
Just like I can tell you to give
me what I need.
Then do it.
Give it to me now!
Oh, oh.
You lost your juice, pal?
No, no, no, no,
no, no, not now.
Who sent you?
Was it them?
Who is them?
Death: Rumpelstiltskin.
Goldie: Alice something's
Alice: It's him. Death or one of
his messengers.
Alice: His powers are
gone! After him!
He can't move.
Did you think you could
hide from him?
You were supposed to bring
him the magic mirror.
You broke it.
And you cheated him.
Death doesn't like to be
Next time tell him to
read the fine print.
Tell him yourself.
Male #1: Alice, blood.
Curiouser and curiouser.
We've made a delightful mess of
things, haven't we?
Let's not dally, now.
It's through the
looking glass for you.
Is this thing on?
Hats off
to our newly arrived guest.
I'm sure you have oh so many
questions, but for now, a word
of advice:
Don't try too terribly hard to
keep your head
some would say,
to survive here
you'd have to be mad
as a hatter.
Most people think me quite mad.
Monsters and magic.
Uncommon nonsense they say.
Perhaps I am mad.
Why sometimes I've believed as
many as 6 impossible things
before breakfast.
I've seen wonder. Mad or not,
you're quite real.
Someone needs to make sure
you're not being naughty.
After all, it was you who
turned the fabric of reality
into something not unlike
Swiss cheese, I'm afraid.
So sorry you're unable to
I prefer to be absolutely
certain you've lost your powers
of persuasion,
before loosening up that silver
tongue of yours.
reminder, dear Alice, our good
Piper's just returned
from a jaunt at the zoo and he's
brought a guest.
And miss goldilocks
stepped out for her date.
When she returns we'll be near
to bursting and all before
tea time!
Seeing as your restraint, I'm
sure he needn't tell you but
your appendages appended by
keeping them to yourself.
Else they're likely to be bit
off by what's behind
Alice: Your new cellmate,
as it were.
This big baddie was our first
That's a good Wolfie.
First of many!
Before I
remember, will one of the
please forget to give the good
doggie a proper housing?
That little lemon's gone
a tadripe.
As you can see,
your meddling's brought all
sorts of grim beasties
and monsters from your
world to mine.
Unfortunately, you also let
something else in.
Something worse.
Alice: A cult. Armed, trained
working for death himself.
Death's messengers.
I think you know them.
Judging by your friend in the
Alice: They're planning
something and it's up to us to
stop them.
I'll be clear.
Whether I allow you to speak or
not depends entirely on what
you're willing to say.
Alice: Tell me everything you
know about these messengers.
If you cooperate I can make your
stay here a tad more
Perhaps even you won't have to
eat through a straw for the rest
of your life, hmm?
Otherwise, breaking the magic
mirror will bring you more than
just seven years bad
luck, I'm afraid.
Alice: We'll keep rounding
up monsters.
You can decide whether you
want to be one or not.
Blink twice if you've
understood me.
And blink twice if we
have a deal.
Suit yourself.
I'll leave you to think
about it.
Piper: You sure you want to go
alone, Goldie?
Golding: He's expecting an
I don't want him running off
before I have a chance to take
him in.
Piper: I don't think this guy
scares easily. You'd be lucky to
land one hit.
Goldie: One is all I need.
How tough could he be with a
name like bluebeard?
I asked for a brunette.
Ha! Ha!
Naughty little girl.
Blondes have more fun.
Ah, we'll see.
Yes, you've met my wives.
No one's ever...
Hit me before.
You must be special.
I'm going to take my time.
Better hurry up then.
I knew I only had one
shot to land a hit.
So I made it count.
Poison should only take a
minute or two.
Give or take.
Alright, bring them in.
Piper: Rumpelstiltskin,
yeah, his mouth definitely
was one of ours.
Where we're from he's a bit
of a bogeyman.
A powerbroker. Literally,
Traded influence for favors.
Delusions of grandeur,
for sure,
but never quite got
power of his own.
A whisper from him and a king
would hand over his crown.
An army would retreat.
At least that was before he
broke the magic mirror.
It was a gateway between worlds.
He could've used it to go
But he broke it.
Somehow tied himself to it and
he needs it or he is powerless.
Honestly, I don't get it.
If his powers aren't working
then he's just a glorified
Why do you want him?
It's not what he can do that
I'm interested in,
it's what he knows.
Who he knows.
I'm convinced he wants something
from these messengers.
Or perhaps more likely, that
they want something from him.
Yeah. Yeah, he was pretty
spooked back in the alley.
I got to go with Alice on this
one, Goldie.
If you say so.
Who's next?
The big bad wolf.
Got a temper on him.
Didn't recognize him from back
home, but I know the type.
Found him at the zoo,
of all places.
He was eating the animals.
You didn't see what he did to
those poor little pigs.
Took six tranq darts just to
bring him down.
I thought I was going
to lose my head.
You've seen worse?
I've lived with worse.
Goes by bluebeard,
obvious reasons.
He has a set of blades
he calls his wives.
Somehow it makes him stronger
every time he kill someone.
Goldie: When I picked one up i
could feel the life force of
everyone he killed.
Almost like it was flowing
through me making me stronger.
But he only kills women?
A lot of them.
Is that you in there, Goldie?
Oh, he quite fancies you,
doesn't he?
Yes, it is you.
Since those bears didn't
tear you apart,
come sleep in my bed, Goldie.
You okay with him being here?
He doesn't scare me.
When I signed up for this, it
was to get rid of guys like
not start a collection.
Fire with fire and all of that.
If we were to be beat the
sooner or later,
we'll need some monsters
of our own.
It's only a matter of time.
Alice: It's a start. Get back
out there, you two.
We've reports of missing persons
turning up half eaten.
If I had to guess I'd say
if possible, I'd have you find
her before her next meal.
Piper: It smells like the place.
Goldie: I hate witches.
Careful, Piper.
We're here to catch a witch.
Table for two, huh.
She shouldn't be far from
whatever this is.
Piper: Goldie, he's a messenger.
Piper: What would a witch want
with one of death's messengers?
Goldie: Piper!
Goldie: Hold still!
Witch: He's miiiine!
Oh, I'm sorry am interrupting?
Do I know you?
Looking glass, right?
Am I right?
Death: Hi I'm death, ruler of
the underworld, reaper of souls,
nice to meet you in the flesh.
Well, in this guy's flesh.
Tell Alice I said "hi."
My love.
You're here. You heard me.
And now we can be together.
And who might you be?
Death: You killed one of my
messengers, didn't you?
You did, didn't you?
Death: Naughty girl.
Death: Yeah.
I - I - I dreamt of you,
my love.
Of a new underworld.
It takes a certain kind of
crazy to court death.
I only wanted...
To help.
I think you have.
Mission accomplished.
Goldie: Let's bag her up.
Ladies, gentlemen, and men.
May we welcome another
guest to the party.
Apologizes for the neck
Make you much less, munchier
than you were before.
Her name is carabosse.
Cannibal witch.
I - I don't even know
where to start.
She's in love with death.
He knew who you were,
and we were.
Goldie: Somehow she was
able to help him
possess a messenger corpse.
Goldie: Alice, death... seemed
almost happy to see us.
Alice: Then let's figure out
if she's part of death's
Clock's ticking, after all.
Oh, splendid. We're making an
Hellooo, rumpelstiltskin.
They found you.
Ah, there you are.
I'd like to show you something.
Months now, we have been chasing
down these messengers
while you've been running around
for what's left of that mirror.
There's nothing magical about
you at all, is there?
Picked this up from one of their
nasty little rituals.
I suspect you know what it is.
What it can do?
I'd like you to tell me so we
have some chance of stopping
I've had my suspicions.
You've run dry.
Why else would you be so
desperate to get your hands
on that little bit
of extra power.
Unless there's something
out there that scares
you more than me?
I like this one.
She's feisty.
Good little pets.
Tweedledee: Uh oh.
Tweedledee: I'm coming.
Ah, yes my little pet.
Good night.
Good night, twiddle..Dee?
Contrawise, I'm dum.
Of course you are.
I'll get it next time.
Tweedleddum: She killed him!
Killed my bother!
-Alice: Where is she?
Alice: How did this happen?
It's not like you don't
have a spare.
Alice: Not another word!
Never hurt no one nohow...
I know.
I know.
-Alice: We must find her.
Alice: Before she causes any
more damage...
No, no, no, no.
She must have cut the feed
Why wouldn't she just leave?
Why indeed.
There must be something
she wants.
You remember that little
resurrection trick she did.
The morgue?
I'm gonna go check it out.
-Good, go.
Would you like to sit this
tumble out, love?
Contrawise, mum.
That's a good boy.
Off to the armory
with you, then.
Lock the doors and
watch for witches.
This one is in love with death.
If she's still lurking about
I've no doubt she'd
head there next looking
for his scythe.
Which reminds me,
collect rumpelstiltskin and
meet me upstairs.
Wake up, wake up, my love.
Oh, it's you again.
So this is looking glass.
My love.
You need me!
Let me...
Make you whole.
And how do you plan of
doing that, witch?
Here is everything you
need for the ritual.
I can perform it.
So this is where they
have my scythe?
I can feel it.
Yes. Yes, it's here.
But, I brought you a
little gift.
Not what you seek...
...but who you seek.
You need to seek a mint.
I hope you're pleased
with yourself.
Tweedledee was a kind and gentle
boy and it's your selfish
meddling which got him killed.
A fact I'm very much aware of.
I know you know more
than you're letting on.
If I find you've kept anything
from me that would have saved
his life...
I'll have your head.
Everything almost ready.
Just send your messengers and
let me take care of the rest.
Oh they're on their way,
Death: Find my scythe!
Kill every one of them,
and bring me 'stiltskin!
First messenger that bags me
a monster gets to skip a
circle of hell.
Goldie here. We're breached.
Lock it down.
I'm securing the prisoners.
Stay sharp. We don't know how
many there are.
Oh no.
-You didn't think I'd leave
without saying goodbye, did you?
You remember my wives,
don't you?
They remember you.
Let's have a threesome.
Bad doggie.
Alice: Apologies for leaving but
we're in a spot of bother at
Death has come and found us
wanting, I'm afraid.
As you can see, we're under
attack and I'm a tad
You're either with us or not.
I'm hoping these insure
the former.
Picked them up in wonderland,
all though I fear I don't recall
Quite explosive.
My little insurance policy.
It's time for you to prove your
Sorry I can't wait around for
you to come to your senses on
your own time.
You see, sense is rather useless
sentiment with so much
senselessness afoot.
You work for me now.
If you try to leave,
I'll kill you.
If you try to remove it,
I'll kill you.
As a matter a fact, if you
do anything I don't like,
I'll kill you.
Blink twice if we have a deal.
Now, you have a visitor.
Alice: I believe you've met
"her majesty," queen of hearts?
Your first task is to get
her to wear this.
Welcome to looking glass.
Gelda, baby!
What are you doing here?
Rumpy: How long has it been?
-Gelda: Oh, don't pretend like
you don't know!
What's going on out there?
-It's the messengers, the
place is crawling with them.
It's going to be like herding
mice getting rid of...
Who is she?
She's one of mine.
So she's nuts?
Apparently the two of them used
to be an item if that tells you
Rumpy, you look terrible.
Why am I not surprised to find
you between yet another rock and
a hard place?
How did you know I was here?
Oh, I always like to know right
where you are.
I couldn't let anything happen
to my little rumpy.
What have you gotten
yourself into?
Well, it's been a little rough
since the last time I saw you.
Apparently, if you've thrown in
with this lot.
Gelda: You know, that Alice is
quite batty, don't you?
So maybe we can take this
reunion to the cell block?
Considering we're a little
exposed here?
We're reasonably safe if
she's near.
She's unhinged, unpredictable,
and unfortunately something of a
secret weapon.
Alice: If she's going to help,
we'll need him to convince her.
She can control them.
Any man, really.
Any man but him.
Oh, trust me...
She's nuts!
Completely insane.
And she's got me by the balls,
Oh, does she?
Oh, yes. Right under her thumb.
Well, we can't have that.
You could have escaped
whenever you wanted to.
Why didn't you?
When we found you, you were
eating zoo animals for food.
Is that because you didn't
want to hurt people?
All I do is hurt people.
Right now that's a talent
we can use.
Tell me, what is it that she
wants from you?
Oh she thinks I have something
to do with death and his
And do you?
-Of course not!
But she won't help me unless
i help her stop them.
If I'm going to get out of this,
i need your help.
Of course you do! And I can
leave anytime I want, darling.
But I can't.
I need your help.
Please, baby.
What do you need me to do?
I need you to put this on.
That's mine!
Oh no! Goodbye, rumpy!
You're on your own!
Call me if you make it
out of this.
Do I have to beg?
Then beg!
my queen,
my love...
Do you love me?
What's not to love?
Yes! Yes, I love you!
But you left me.
Well, you did marry a king.
King of the morons and
the crazies.
I hate crazy! I hate it!
Rumpy, I was so boring
without you.
You were supposed to come visit.
And I waited and I waited for
you to get your hands on
that mirror and you broke it.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That was an accident,
really, baby.
I never really wanted
to be here...
With her.
I'd rather much be here
with you.
I'm waiting.
Gelda, queen of hearts,
queen of my heart.
Please, show me kindness.
Stay, baby.
You know I could never
be apart from you.
You're lucky I've always had
a soft spot for you.
Sometimes I wonder how much of
that was real and how much of
that was mind control.
Oh, gelda.
You and I both know... I could
never control you.
Nor I you.
So you agree to help?
I do.
Splendid! It's official.
You sure you want to strap
bombs to these nut jobs?
Alice: Let's not think too much
about it, shall we?
What now then?
Alice: Now we let the
monsters out.
Rumpy:...Sitting pretty.
- Piper: Oh yeah.
- -Gelda:
Alice: Alright beasties, time to
earn your keep.
We've some unwanted guests and
I'd like the lot of you to help
me shoo them away.
Oh no, what now?
Alice: Gelda, darling,
meet bluebeard.
Alice: He's a nasty one.
He'll need a little of your
I'd like him in goldilock's
care. She's no stranger to
Why would I help you?
Is this our naughty boy?
Alice: I don't like it any more
than you do.
But I'm without
options at present.
Well, I would love to
slaughter all of you.
It'd be fun.
You'll help because I tell you
too, silly.
You'll be a good boy and
do everything
miss goldilocks
here tells you to.
Goldie: Don't worry.
Won't you?
Are you a good boy, now?
Are you a good boy?
A good boy.
Piper: Alice, if she can mind
control him like that,
any reason why we can't just put
her on the pa and tell these
guys to back off?
Unfortunately, her charms only
work in person.
How do you do it anyway?
Some of us are natural
leaders, darling.
Alice: Goldilocks, dear. What
about our Wolfie?
Can I trust you?
Then trust me.
Goldie: He'll be fine.
Alice: That settles that, then.
Tell us what you know.
Thought you'd never ask.
He calls himself death .
Total hack.
He runs a shit show called
"the underworld."
You see he's just a hustler.
He does something for you, you
do something for him,
he gets your soul for the
Now, a while back he asked me to
get a hold of something for him.
The old magic mirror.
He wanted to use it to come here
and take over, so I broke it.
And now he's just stuck there
and can't get anything done
anywhere else without acting
through his cult.
Death's messengers.
Oooohhh, scary!
But, they're just people that
can be killed.
Luckily, you're all
excellent killers.
If he's here, it's because he
knows you have the scythe.
If they get it to that witch,
she'll be able to perform a
ritual to summon death here
to this realm.
And that my friends would be
a real problem.
Death and decay, spreading
like a cancer, hmm?
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
And that's why we're going
to stop him.
Excuse me?
And why you're all
going to help.
Attention death's messengers,
we're not afraid of you.
We know what you're after and
you'll never get your bony hands
on it I'm afraid.
Alice: You're about to find out
what we've been keeping in our
This is your last warning.
Yo, mice!
Leave my facility or you won't
like what happens next.
That is all.
Thank you.
Finally. What's your plan to
get this thing off?
What do you mean?
-What do you mean what
do I mean?
Oh I can't imagine that you're
here and you don't have a plan.
You do have a plan, right?
Well, I'm working on it.
Ever wonder if keeping a
basement full of monsters
was a bad idea?
You good here?
I'm off to my witch hunt.
-I got these two.
- Goldie: Bluebeard is
having his fun.
Goldie: And the wolf is, well
he's working out some anger
At least it's not mice .
Oh, rumpy, I am very
No, no, no, no, no listen.
Just bide our time and find
ourselves in the armory.
What for?
The magic mirror.
She's got some locked up with
that big fat idiot.
Enough for one last shot of
the ol' magic.
At least enough to
make her let me go.
Oh, but then, clearly you
don't need me then.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
gelda, baby. Come on!
It's your little rump
roast, please.
Wake up.
This is your plan?
I'm running out of messengers
here, witch.
See how desperate she is?
Desperate enough to let
rumpelstiltskin out of his
So they're working together?
That's adorable.
Listen, seriously.
We just have to see this
through, right?
Play her game and make her
think she's in charge.
If you believe that, you're
even madder than she is.
Gelda, wait!
Drop it.
Oh, rumpy.
You do care!
You like that, don't you baby?
I want to talk to 'stiltskin.
Want to make that happen?
Oh, yes.
Carabosse: Yes.
Maybe you're not as useless
as I thought, huh?
Piper: 'Sup, witch?
Owe you one, Piper.
Goldie: Bluebeard.
Down boy.
Keep your paws off her.
She belongs to me.
-Shut up.
Goldie: No! Don't hurt him!
Trust me, remember?
It's okay.
It's okay.
There's still more
of you, okay?
I need you.
Goldie: Snap out of it.
Goldie: Better yet, use it.
Goldie: This isn't over.
I'm sorry.
I warned you.
Be careful.
I'll tear this whole
place down.
- There's still a bunch of them
How did we do?
-Shut it!
Yes, mum.
Did you have an accident?
How about a pooper scooper?
Mustn't dally now.
Taking too long.
Mustn't waste time.
Alice: You're late, you're late,
you're late.
You've gone and mucked
things up, Alice.
Trading monsters for messengers,
and more are coming to join the
You've figured out the players,
but not the game.
You know who loves games,
don't you, Alice?
Oh, god.
Alice: Goldilocks, if
you could be so kind, it's just
occurred to me that we're
missing a guest.
Bring me hatter.
Aren't there usually
four of you?
All in all not bad. But I'd be
surprised if that was the last
of the messengers.
I imagine it wasn't.
You're back to witch duty.
Apologies, love, seems it's
going to be a long night.
Off you pop.
Yes, mum.
-Gelda: Alice?
Well we all had a good, bloody
time on your behalf and you
should be pleased.
So, what do you say we take
these off, yes?
Absolutely not.
You said if I played along
that she'd take these away.
Gelda, baby it's just so Alice
here feels safe.
Do you feel safe?
I doubt very much she'd
blow me up with all of us
standing here!
Don't be so certain.
I'm getting bored of this game!
Pretty soon I won't want
to play anymore.
You're killing me, here.
Imagine going home to
that every night.
I need you to take a little
trip for me, love.
Oh, what fun.
Where are we going?
Well, the underworld,
I'm afraid.
Oh well then, that'll take a nip
of the good stuff.
I thought you might say that.
Alice: No better 'trip' outside
of wonderland.
Are you really doing this,
Oh, don't worry about
hatter, dear.
This'll be mild compared to what
he got up to in wonderland.
Goldie: If you say so.
What's wrong?
- Are you serious?
I can't believe she's
doing this.
Desperate times, Goldie.
Alice took us in and for a while
everything felt just right.
Lately I'm wondering if we made
a mistake in trusting her.
Classic goldilocks.
I'm serious, Piper.
I know!
-Well then, act like it.
I am.
I'm going to go back to my witch
hunt and I'm going to go check
on tweedle...Dum?
His brother is dead, Piper. It's
not funny anymore.
We'll get through this, Goldie.
Remember hatter,
the underworld.
I need to know what death
is planning.
Hatter: Yes, yes, yes.
- Do you think you can do that
for me?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
I always fancy a tumble down the
ol' rabbit hole, dear.
Alright then, sit back.
Hatter: Oh yes...
Bad vibes here, dear Alice.
Taste like...
Have I made a rhyme?
Hatter: I feel like to pop.
Hatter: Good stuff.
He'll be like this for
some time.
Hey buddy.
Seen any witches?
If the witch was here, you won't
need ask, nohow.
Listen, I'm sorry about
your brother.
I know I wasn't the nicest to
him, but you know--
it's okay.
Keep your head up high,
big guy.
Alright. Okay.
Alright, buddy.
How long is this gonna take?
There's nasty business afoot
this evening, Alice, my dear.
Yes, hatter.
We know.
What nasty business?
What are they looking for?
Best be quick like now.
They nearly have
everything they need.
What do they need, hatter?
The prickly thing.
The scythe.
And the proper attire,
of course.
Attire? For what?
Hatter, what attire?
For the grand party, of course.
But you won't like the
guest list.
Death is coming.
And he has grand plans for you.
Grand, grand, big funny plans.
What does he mean?
What does death want with you?
I want to stop him as
much as you do.
Where's gelda?
Alice: Goldilocks, be a dear
and head outside to check the
Gelda, darling, don't make me
blow you up, sweetheart.
Gelda, come back.
Rumpy: Gelda, come back.
Alice: Gelda, I'm not joking.
Not one more step.
No, no, no. Let me talk to her.
I can give her the rumpy noodle.
Come on.
Alright, buddy.
Alright, big guy.
That's good.
Tweedledum: You're okay.
That's far enough!
Like me, now.
And off with your head!
Oh, which one is that?
That's tweedledum.
Drop it.
Drop it.
Open it.
Take a hike, pipsqueak.
Gelda, I will blow you up!
Well, go ahead then.
She's in the armory.
That's it.
If we're lucky she'll take that
scythe with her.
-No, no, no, no, no, please.
Let me talk to her.
Let me go and get her.
You two are pals,
You remember the magic mirror?
The last time I broke something
like that, it got us into
this whole mess in
the first place.
But the scythe is even more
No one knows what will
happen if it goes off.
Alice, come on.
Ten minutes or I will
kill you both.
Good, I can make it work.
Why do you care?
Because I love her.
Of course.
Tonight is the night, my love.
Only if you keep your promise,
I will. I will.
Oh yeah? Then do it.
Piper : Gotcha.
Look what I found.
Alice: Just the witch i
wanted to see.
Alice, tweedledum...He...
Two down.
I could use a riddle about now.
Alice, you don't seem much of
the riddling sport.
Hatter, something's happened.
We've lost another friend.
Perhaps we ought to
lose one more.
Bring me one of the bodies.
The messengers?
Yes. Go.
Wake him up.
I want to talk to him.
What makes you think he
wants to talk to you?
Because I want to
offer him a deal.
Is this the part where one of
us says "so we finally meet
at last?"
We finally meet at last.
What do you got for me?
A consolation prize really.
You see, we'll never let you
have your little ceremony.
Forget your interest in this
And I'll give you
Hmm, stiltskin.
Did I getcha?
Anyway, I just had the most
interesting conversation with
the rabbit chaser.
You got to hear about it.
You caused me some
trouble, bud.
Look, buddy.
Can you scroll me to
the bottom here?
Kind of on the clock
here courtesy of Alice.
You know she tried
to trade you?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. She
offered you right up.
To be fair, ii should say, you
know, her world for your
worthless life.
But there's no question there.
There's no trust
between you two.
Ironically, she still has no
idea that you are way more
valuable to me than
you are to her.
So what do you want, huh?
Spit it out.
What do I want, what do I want,
what do I want. What I've always
Before you broke the mirror.
Hey, ta, ta, ta, ta,
ta, ta...Accident.
Hey, there are set backs.
It's cool, baby.
I'm flexible. I got a
backup plan.
How is that?
These bodies...They're...
So fragile.
They deteriorate so
quickly but, not you.
No, see, you've had real power.
You just pissed it all away
and now you're just
scrambling to get it back.
See in your body, in your
body I'd be permanent.
Look, buddy...
I'm not seeing the silver
lining here, pal.
You give me your body.
I'd rather let Alice blow me up.
And you get the underworld.
Now we're talking.
We have the witch. The scythe.
And Goldie will be back soon.
There could be only so many
messengers out there.
Then tell me this: If we've
won, why is she so tickled?
You've always wanted to be
more than just a lapdog.
-Real power.
A kingdom of your own.
So be my lapdog.
Trade me your body. I'll rule
this realm and you can have my
I'm sick of the underworld,
It's time for me to move on.
It's a good fit for you though.
Considering, well, obviously.
What if I say...
Well, Alice will lock you up
and I know just where to find
And I will keep coming and
coming and coming.
The underworld has no
shortage of souls, brother.
Trust me on that.
Nobody wants to die.
Eventually, she's going to find
out and she's just going to kill
Then I'll just have to find
another way. Just come on.
Save me the headache.
Alice will kill me anyway
if I say yes.
Lot'a good my body'll do you if
she blows it up.
So then we got to make it look
real good then, don't we?
Something funny is going on
and I don't like it.
I don't like it one bit.
How puzzling.
All these changes.
I don't know who I am from one
minute to the next.
Running as fast as I can just to
stay in one place.
I'm afraid if I don't find out
soon, I'll do something quite
Piper, be a dear and head
upstairs for me?
Where am I going?
The armory, of course.
I'll not gain a pawn only to
sacrifice my queen.
Rumpy, dear, I'm feeling quite
I hope you're not plotting.
I mean it now. Your ten
minutes is almost up.
If you don't bring gelda right
back down here then
I'm afraid you'll leave me no
choice but to blow you both!
Best not be late.
Rumpy: Where is it?
-Gelda: What took you so long?
Rumpy: Where is it?
-Gelda: Where were you?
Excuse me?
No 'thank you?'
thank you for what?
Is this what you're looking for?
Did I do good?
I did, didn't I?
You did great, baby.
I want it like old times,
When it was just you and me and
everybody did what we said.
And no Alice.
I want it like that too, baby.
But someone has to stop death.
Let her deal with it.
Rumpy, let's run away
Gelda, I can't run anymore.
You don't understand.
I don't think you understand.
He'll never stop.
Don't you know?
Death always catches up to you.
Now, I have a plan for both of
us to get out of this,
You just need to give me that
vial and trust me.
This is the one thing that can
get me out of this.
Wrong. I'm the one that can get
you out of this. Me!
And, it's time you start
acting like it.
Gelda, stop!
You're right.
You're absolutely right, baby.
I love you.
Now let's just take that, and
go to Alice and just give me--
where were you?
What? What do you mean?
You better tell me now?
Okay, okay, okay. It was him.
It was death, alright?
He offered me a deal I didn't
like, so I didn't take it.
What deal?
Gelda, please.
A trick. A trick, alright?
I give him my body, and he lets
me take the underworld.
Exactly, now come on.
So you turned him down then?
For me?
Yes, of course.
So that we can be
together, forever.
--Promise me.
I promise.
If this works out -- --
I promise.
We'll be together.
I love you.
Rumpy: I'm sorry, gelda.
It had to look believable.
It was the only way.
Goldie: It's a robe. That
must be the 'attire' hatter saw.
Let's get out of there
and do this quietly.
Come on, bluebeard.
Are you a good boy? A good boy?
Good boy.
Goldilocks dear, please do
return soon as you can.
Sick 'em.
Where's bluebeard?
As much as I would love to tear
her apart...
Why don't you show me that wild
side you been trying so hard to
keep at bay.
Are you okay?
Where's the robe?
Goldie: Come on. Where's
the robe?
Hey is just me remember?
We have to get back
inside and help!
I'm afraid that's as far as i
can trust you, rumpelstiltskin.
Piper: He's here! He's here!
Please don't blow him up.
Aren't you supposed to be the
master plotter here? What's
happening? What's their game?
Alice, we really need to talk.
You need to tell me what's going
on or else I don't think I have
a need for you anymore.
As a matter of fact, I think i
like you better back in your
Listen, if you want to stop for
good then I have to tell you
and you're really going to have
to trust me.
You must think me mad.
All you've done is lie.
Why should I trust you?
Honestly, if this was your
plan, no wonder death dumped
your ass.
Good evening, Piper,
I'll take that.
That one, we need alive.
You're not any fun.
Bluebeard: I believe this is
what you need. I want in.
Chin up Piper, we'll figure
something out.
So this is where you've
been hiding?
You gotta admit, it's pretty
funny how things work out
sometimes, huh?
You. I'm so sorry. You must be
feeling so out of the loop right
Well let me catch you up to
See after our conversation, i
had another little chat...
With this guy.
What does he mean?
What do I mean, what do I mean,
what do I mean,
what do I mean is it's time for
you to come through on your end
of the deal.
Death: Man.
You will do anything to wiggle
yourself out of trouble.
Am I right?
Even killing the only woman who
ever really loved you.
You're real scum.
I gotta respect that.
Come here, girl!
Come here, girl!
Come, girl!
Come, girl... stay!
See, I forgot to mention...
Consider this a way to
seal our deal.
Call it my signature.
Death: Any objections?
Death: No?
Well then let's start this
ritual, huh?
Come here.
Please, stop.
I can't!
Death: Hey hey! Blueballs is
here. Bluebeard is here.
Death: Keep your eye out for
blondie and her dog.
Death: Come on, rumpy.
Death: Time for me and you to
get real cozy.
We don't hurt you.
You can't.
We good?
I'm with you.
What's taking so long?
The sacrifice must be perfect,
my love.
The circle must not be broken.
Death: Oh my god! Whatever,
just hurry up.
- Really?
Goldie: You take neckbeard, I'll
take the others.
Ha ha! I'm disappointed, Wolfie.
Let me show you how it's done!
- Goldilocks, hurry!
I'm coming, Piper.
-Death: Oh, no you don't!
Alright, death. Give me
something to hit.
Alice: Oh no, Alice!
Open, dammit!
He's lying!
He doesn't care about you.
Death: Witch, let's go.
He loves me.
Goldie: Get him, hatter!
Goldie: Is something wrong,
He's using you.
What do you think is gonna
happen when this is over, huh?
Death will enter
rumpelstiltskin for me.
And then, we will be together
You obviously have no idea
what's gonna happen.
Death: No more talking.
Time for killing.
Alice: There you have it.
Now, crackle.
Alice: I've had enough of you!
You can't win.
You should have
possessed a better brawler.
Messenger: Nice punch. Do you
get a free bowl of porridge
with that?
Bluebeard: Come here, boy.
Cage match, then.
Death: Now you're really gonna
get it you blondie--
It's time.
Kill rumpelstiltskin!
You're okay.
You're alright.
Please be okay.
She's a bit much for you,
little girl.
It's just...
Alice: You want to stop him?
Alice: I'm trusting you,
Alice: Tell me, how do we stop
this now?
Alice, no!
Alice: Don't make
me regret this.
Alice, what are you doing?
Kill him!
Blink twice if we have a deal.
Hurry, this body won't hold.
Alice, kill him!
I underestimated you.
Everyone does.
You sold us out, you
son of a bitch!
I get the underworld,
and you get my body as soon
as we shake.
Don't let them touch!
What happened?
What did you do?
What he told me to.
He said to blow up the wristband
when they shook hands.
And I'd be rid of them both.
Not like him to sacrifice for
the greater good.
No, no it's not.
- Piper!
Did we win?
- Piper.
How are you alive?
I wonder what rumpelstiltskin
got out of the deal?
Messenger: Truce!
Alice: Rumpelstiltskin, i
presume. So that was your
Rumpy: Aww, look at them.
Rumpy: So happy.
So alive!
Rumpy: Thanks to me, of course.
See, things are under "new
management" downstairs.
It's not as sinister as you
assumed, Alice.
I gave a few souls back.
Maybe you can make something out
of them.
Your own little sinister squad.
You want to make a deal?
I already got everything
i needed...
From you.
Rumpy: Consider this a freebie.
A peace offering.
Don't forget, I know you tried
to sell me out.
Oh, Alice.
You're cleverer than that.
Hopefully after this we can
trust each other a little more.
I tell you what. I
can make you a deal.
Rumpy: A real no brainer.
You keep an eye on
everything up there.
And I'll keep an eye on things,
down here.
Better the devil you know, then?
Something like that.
Too-do-loo wonder-bread.
Ha, ha!