Sink the Bismarck! (1960)

Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
Sieg heil!
This is London. Ed Murrow reporting.
To an American reporter...
there is something very special
about the people of this city...
this island, this nation.
Never in the long and stormy
history of Great Britain...
have her fortunes been
as low as they are...
in this spring of 1941.
Britain is fighting alone
for her very existence...
fighting desperately.
Yet her people remain
steadfast and unflinching.
Britain's allies have been
defeated one by one...
as the dark stain of Nazi conquest...
spreads across the map of Europe.
In Africa, Rommel is giving
the Eighth Army a very bad time.
Greece has fallen.
And the Luftwaffe continues
to smash English cities.
The worst news of all
comes from the North Atlantic...
where last month, German U-boats
and surface raiders...
sank 600,000 tons of shipping.
In this battle,
Britain's lifeblood is at stake.
This is the battle on which depends...
the future course of the war...
the future course of British history.
The battle of the North Atlantic
is fought at sea...
but it is directed from
the admiralty, here in London.
Very deep in the ancient
Admiralty Building...
Here is the guiding brain
and central nervous system...
of the British navy...
The Operations Division.
Take Captain Shepard's things...
and put them in the office.
Aye, sir.
Thank you.
This, of course, is the message center...
for incoming and outgoing signals.
These tubes lead to
the wireless room down the hall.
Oh, Shepard...
Anything wrong?
That man's uniform.
Oh. We're quite informal here
about some things.
You'll find it's much different...
from the bridge of a ship at sea.
It has to be that way.
Shepard, this is Commander Richards...
the duty plot officer.
Captain Shepard is
the new director of operations.
[Mouth Full Of Food] How do you do?
Don't let me interrupt your meal.
Captain Shepard,
Second Officer Anne Davis.
Captain Shepard's taking over for me.
How do you do, sir?
How do you do?
Be nice to her, Shepard.
If she got angry and walked out,
we'd lose the war.
Seriously, you can depend on
this young lady.
I've done it many times.
Anne, be a darling, will you...
and get your plot report in
as soon as possible.
We mustn't be late...
forJimmy's party tonight.
I suppose I should shed a few tears...
at leaving this place...
but quite honestly, I've hated the job.
Too much responsibility,
I'm getting a command at sea.
That's what I've always wanted.
I hope you find one...
that doesn't involve too much strain.
It's a different kind of strain.
If a man's going to serve in the navy...
he ought to serve at sea...
unless, of course,
it's a man like yourself...
who's already seen action.
He should still serve at sea.
Yes. Well, I better get along.
I'll say good-bye now...
unless you have any questions.
I don't think so. Good luck.
Thank you.
We thought we might be of some
assistance, sir...
not knowing your way around yet.
Is there anything I can do for you?
Yes, there is something.
I saw a rating enter the war room...
without his jumper.
From now on, everyone
will be properly dressed at all times.
I cannot have officers
eating sandwiches on duty...
Commander, under any circumstances.
I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again.
Excuse me, sir.
I think you should know
that Commander Richards...
stood two watches without relief...
I'm sure Commander Richards...
doesn't need an interpreter,
Miss Davis.
I was also surprised
to hear a Wren officer...
addressed by her Christian name.
To me, this kind of informality...
is both irregular and inexcusable.
Come in!
Sorry to interrupt, sir.
Priority signal.
Thank you.
Huh. Excuse me.
Come in.
Oh, Shepard.
You know the assistant chief
of naval staff.
Yes, indeed, sir. Very well.
How are you,Jonathan?
I'm glad to see you again.
I have a signal here...
from our naval attache in Stockholm.
He reports two large German warships...
steaming through the Kattegat.
What ships are they?
He doesn't say.
Think it might be the Bismarck?
It's possible, sir.
She's just completed
three months' training...
in the Baltic.
Couldn't pick a better time
to break out...
with this Crete business
going on...
and our convoys scattered.
I have a nasty hunch
that's the idea, sir.
I hope you're wrong.
Can't afford to have that monster loose.
Look what Scharnhorst
and Gneisenau did to us.
All in two months.
They don't have anything like
Bismarck's fire power.
She could stand off and sink
every ship in a convoy...
without ever coming under fire.
Shepard, get on to
the Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
Tell him we're not sure...
but we're very much concerned.
We'll let him have...
every scrap of information.
Aye aye, sir.
Oh, and, Shepard.
I wish you'd prepare
your recommendations...
in case it is the Bismarck.
Very good, sir.
Pretty rough assignment...
for a new man on the job.
I'm not worried about Shepard.
He's one of the ablest men
in the service.
I'm told he's as cold
as a witch's heart.
That's a slight exaggeration, sir.
I want a man who's cold.
I'd like a man with no heart at all...
no soul...
just an enormous brain.
The battle of the North Atlantic...
is a grim business.
It won't be won
by charm and personality.
We've had too much of that.
I've known Shepard for years.
We've served together before.
He was different then.
Any particular reason for the change?
I suspect there are many reasons, sir...
reasons of a personal nature.
Oh. I see.
Well, how are we going to
get the information...
on those two ships?
We have an agent in southern Norway...
Get in touch with him.
It's too dangerous to get in touch
with him directly.
There isn't time to go
through Zurich or Stockholm.
In this case,
you'll have to make direct contact.
Sir, this man is
in Nazi-occupied territory.
I realize that.
All the same, we must get
in touch with him immediately.
Aye aye, sir.
[Automatic Weapon Fire]
The enemy ships
were sighted coming out of the Baltic...
obviously heading out to sea...
obviously not in the service
of the king.
Now, what have we got over here
at Scapa Flow?
Battleships King George V,
Prince of Wales...
battle cruiser Hood...
a few cruisers and destroyers.
The rest of the fleet's
out on convoy escort.
It's from Admiral Cunningham, sir.
"Situation in Crete is deteriorating.
German airborne troops
have captured Maleme Airfield."
Why is it we never get
our bad medicine in small doses?
Perfect timing for an enemy breakout...
in the North Atlantic.
Cunningham and his fleet
busy down here in Crete.
Sommerville's got his hands full...
trying to reinforce Malta
with Force H.
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
are up here at Brest.
We must keep them covered.
And 16 convoys to guard...
scattered all over the Atlantic.
If we had a hundred more ships...
we still wouldn't have enough.
Sir, we've just had a signal...
from our agent in Norway.
The message is incomplete.
"Sighted two enemy ships
of Kristiansand at 033 5
sailing due west...
Cruiser Prinz Eugen and..."
The transmission stopped
abruptly at that point, sir.
Did you try to get him back?
Yes, sir. No further contact.
Where is Kristiansand?
Off here, sir.
Southern tip of Norway.
What do you think, A.C.N.S.?
I don't think this man...
would have transmitted
in the circumstances...
if it hadn't been something
really important.
Then we'll proceed on the assumption...
that it's Bismarck.
May I suggest we put
Coastal Command to work...
on air reconnaissance?
Yes. Everything from Bergen southwards.
Tell them to photograph
everything that looks suspicious.
I'll talk to Commander-in-Chief
at Scapa Flow.
Aye aye, sir.
[Ship Horn Sounding]
[Ship Horn Sounding]
Excuse me, sir.
First sea lord on the line, sir.
Commander-in-Chief, sir.
Hello,Jack. How are you?
I'm fine.
Those two German ships...
were sighted off southern Norway
at 033 5.
One is the Prinz Eugen...
and we're not sure about the other.
Do you think it's...
I suggest you proceed
on the worst possible assumption...
that it's Bismarck
and she's breaking out.
I can't think of anything worse.
We can't let that ship
get loose in the Atlantic.
I'll come to immediate notice
for steam, sir.
All right. Good-bye.
We're directed to assume
that it's Bismarck...
accompanied by Prinz Eugen...
and that they're attempting to...
break out into the convoy lanes.
Now, gentlemen, they'd have
four available passages...
wouldn't they?
Here's the Denmark Strait...
the passage south of Iceland...
the Faeroes-Shetland Passage...
and the Fair Island Channel...
between the Orkneys and the Shetlands.
Anyone care to place a bet?
What about the Iceland-Faeroes
Not too near our bases,
room to maneuver.
Why wouldn't he take the nearest exit?
Fair Island Channel's
only a few hundred miles.
Too close to our air patrol.
All you're saying is
it could be any one of the four.
Actually, of course,
you're perfectly right.
I'm afraid somehow or other...
we've got to guard them all.
Have we any idea
where they are now, sir?
Nothing definite.
Jenkins, check with Coastal Command...
that they're carrying out a search.
Aye aye, sir.
Looks like two cruisers.
That's what the pilot said.
One's a cruiser, all right.
The other one's...
Bismarck's been located in Norway.
Definitely identified.
Bismarck's in Grimstad Fjord.
They want us to send
everything we've got...
Bombers, torpedo planes, everything.
No luck. Nothing.
Visibility down to nil.
Cloud down to 200 feet, sir.
Can't get a bombing run
in weather like that.
What convoy's that, Miss Jackson?
What convoy's that, Miss Jackson?
O.G.62, sir.
Now, Miss Davis, take the Arethusa...
from O.G.62.
Put her with the Home Fleet.
Now take the Victorious...
from that convoy forming
up in the Clyde...W.S.8.B....
And put her with the Home Fleet.
Sir, Operations Home Fleet calling.
Director of operations.
No, I'm sorry.
We still have no information.
Well, the weather's closed in
over there.
The aircraft can't see a thing.
Yes, as soon... as soon as I hear, right.
Right. I will.
take the Repulse from W.S.8.B.
and put her with the Home Fleet.
Home Fleet looks better now, doesn't it?
Yes, sir, but I wouldn't give much
for the convoy.
You do recall that's a troop convoy...
don't you, sir?
Yes, I do.
They've got a long way to go...
round the cape to the Middle East.
This leaves them unprotected.
I'm quite aware of the circumstances,
Miss Davis.
This is a risk we have to take.
We have to take, sir?
Well, Shepard...
what do you have in mind?
I think we must reinforce
the Home Fleet, sir.
They can't patrol everything
from here to Greenland...
with what they've got now.
Well, where do we get the ships?
We'd have to take ships from other duty.
It would involve some risk.
We could take Victorious
and Repulse off escort duty.
That would give the Commander-in-Chief
an aircraft carrier...
and another battle cruiser.
What convoy were they covering?
The W.8.S.B., sailing
from the Clyde tomorrow.
It's a large troop convoy, sir...
We'd be exposing them to
a long and dangerous voyage...
without proper escort.
Is that what you're recommending?
Yes, sir.
You're willing to gamble
the lives of 20,000 men?
I think there's a difference...
between a gamble and a calculated risk.
Good for you, Shepard.
Of course, I realize it's...
It's not an easy decision to make.
The important ones never are.
All right, go ahead...
and detach those two ships
from the convoy.
Inform Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
Aye aye, sir.
[Ship Horn Sounds]
They're giving us Victorious
and Repulse.
Now we can send Hood
and Prince of Wales out...
to support the patrols
in the Greenland area.
I want them ready to sail
within an hour.
Prince of Wales
has civilian workers aboard.
They're making adjustments
to the gun turrets.
If they don't finish their work,
they'll sail with the ship.
Aye aye, sir.
As far as the rest of the fleet...
we'll wait for definite information.
I suppose my nerves
can stand it if yours can.
I've just talked to Captain Shepard.
The visibility over the coast of Norway...
is absolutely nil.
She may be there. She may not.
What's the latest forecast?
Pretty bad, I'm afraid, sir.
Looks like two days
of very thick weather.
The weather report is
very good, Admiral...
Two days of heavy overcast.
Good news, is it not so, Captain?
It is, sir.
Thank you, Bernhardt.
We have a most interesting
chess game here, Lindemann.
The important moves
this time are at the opening.
To break out into the Atlantic
will not be easy, sir.
Yes, but we have the advantage...
because they do not know
what we are going to do.
We can move out immediately...
or we can hide for a while...
under this beautiful overcast.
Also, we have a choice
of four different exits.
Group North has suggested
the Iceland-Faeroes Passage.
You're not forgetting that, sir?
We have to take orders from Group North.
We do not have to take suggestions.
Yes, sir.
Lindemann, we have
a great opportunity here.
I do not intend to let Group North...
or anyone else lose it for me.
There can be great glory in this voyage...
glory for the Third Reich...
glory for us!
For you, sir.
You are the fleet commander.
I will see that you are not forgotten.
I was forgotten after the last war.
Until the fuehrer came to power...
I got no recognition, no promotion.
I was ignored...
just as Germany was ignored.
The world only remembers the winners,
We must make sure this time...
that it will remember us.
I am sure it will.
How soon can you get under way?
I can have steam in half an hour, sir.
I want to be out of here
in 15 minutes.
Signal Prinz Eugen.
Very well, sir.
[Yelling In German]
Sir, it's a signal from
the Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
An aircraft from Hatston's
got through to Grimstad.
There's nothing there now, sir.
Well, they've sailed.
At least we know that much.
Now we can get moving.
Position of all convoys, sir.
Thank you.
All we can do now is wait
and see what happens.
That's the worst part
of our job...the waiting.
You have a son
in the service, haven't you?
Yes, sir. He's at Gibraltar.
He's an air gunner in the Ark Royal.
I bet you're glad...
he won't be mixed up
in this Bismarck show.
Why should I be glad?
If you were, you wouldn't admit it,
would you?
He must take his chance
like everybody else.
I see.
There's an air vice marshal
coming in later...
to help out on reconnaissance.
Give him a briefing, will you?
You wanted to speak to the crew,
They've been alerted.
Captain Lindemann...
with your permission...
I would like to address
the ship's company.
As you wish, sir.
Thank you.
Officers and men of the Bismarck...
this is the fleet commander.
We are going out into the North Atlantic...
to attack the British convoy system.
We are going to sink their ships...
until they no longer dare
to let them sail.
It's true we are only two ships...
but the world has never seen such ships.
We are sailing in the largest...
the most powerful battleship afloat...
superior to anything
in the British navy.
We are faster...
we are unsinkable, and we are German!
You cadet officers...
you were selected by
the highest authority...
to make this voyage.
When you return to the fleet...
you will have many
inspiring stories to tell...
stories of German sea power...
stories of Nazi victory!
To all of you, I say this...
Never forget that you are Germans...
never forget that you are Nazis!
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
In the center, the main plot.
What's that?
Another convoy, sir.
Fine. Carry on.
Now, sir...
over here, we have the Hood
and the Prince of Wales.
They left Scapa Flow 40 hours ago.
Here we have the Repulse...
the aircraft carrier Victorious...
and the King George V.
They've been steaming
for approximately 18 hours.
In this area...
the cruisers Arethusa,
Manchester, Birmingham.
In the Denmark Strait...
the cruisers Suffolk and Norfolk.
As you can see, sir...
our cruiser screen is
spread out much too thinly.
Now, if your people
would get into the air...
can't fly reconnaissance missions
in weather like this.
We realize that, of course, sir.
We must assume that the Bismarck...
in company with the Prinz Eugen...
is going to attempt a breakthrough...
to the North Atlantic.
We don't know where...
and we don't know when.
If it's here...
or here...
then the Repulse and the Victorious...
and the K.G. V will have to do the job.
If it's here in the Denmark Strait...
then the Hood and the Prince of Wales...
will have to go after her.
I should think they'd handle it.
Hood's a great ship.
So is the Prince of Wales.
She's fresh from the builder's yard.
No training for her crew.
She put to sea with the contractor's
workmen onboard.
The Bismarck's a tough proposition
for any two ships.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
The first sea lord can see you now.
Thank you very much, Shepard.
[Telephone Rings]
Yes, sir.
Right, sir.
Yes, I will.
Commander Richards, who's your relief?
Dexter, sir.
He's late, isn't he?
A little. I don't mind, sir.
I do. Tell him I'll require him for duty
the next three nights.
My dearest Tom...
Come in.
Thought you might like some tea, sir...
since you won't take any rest.
What are you doing here?
You're off duty.
Third Officer Simpson's down with flu.
I'm just filling in.
Oh, thank you. Would you file that
for me, please?
There's an air raid going on up top.
Bad one?
No, not very.
Won't your family be worried about you?
I have no family here.
My father lives in Canada now.
I thought that surely you must
be married or something.
No, sir. Nothing at all.
Doesn't that seem odd...
if you don't mind my saying so?
I was going to be married last year... didn't work out.
His fault or yours?
He was at Dunkirk...
and he was listed as missing in action.
It was just a year ago...
a year ago next week.
He was a rather wonderful man...
not brilliant or dashing
or anything like that...
but just rather wonderful.
I'm sorry.
I think it helps to
talk about these things...
don't you, sir?
No, I don't.
I don't think it helps at all.
Getting emotional about things...
is a peacetime luxury.
In wartime, it's much too painful.
You can't turn off your emotions...
just because there's a war on.
You can't do anything
about your feelings.
Yes, you can.
Director of operations.
Tell you why I called,Jonathan.
Dexter's here in my office...
and he has rather a special problem.
I understand you've given him
extra duty.
Correct. I'll require him for duty
the next three nights.
It seems that his girl is an army nurse.
She's got orders to sail tomorrow night.
I'm very sorry that Dexter's young lady
is going overseas...
but that's beside the point.
Couldn't you make an exception?
I won't make an exception
for this officer...
or any other...
certainly not for reasons
of personal convenience.
Well, it's very simple, sir...
either you have discipline
or you haven't.
Well, I'm sorry, Dexter.
Thank you, sir.
By the way, Jonathan...
there's a fleet commander
aboard the Bismarck.
Yes. Admiral Gunther Lutjens.
You know this man?
Yes, sir, I do.
One of his cruisers sank my ship.
Oh. Then you'll have a special interest
in him.
Commander Richards,
have a bunk made up in my office.
Yes, sir.
I want the latest report
on all shipping...
in the North Atlantic...
enemy, friendly, neutral.
Any air reconnaissance over this area?
The weather's still too bad.
You show two cruisers
in the Denmark Strait.
Is Suffolk back on station?
We assume she is.
We don't know for certain.
She's quiet as a tomb.
Alter course to 1-9-0.
Starboard 15.
Starboard 15, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Very good, sir.
Bloody fool!
This blasted fog.
It's like looking into a cake of ice.
I can't see a thing.
You see something out there...
it will have 15-inch guns.
The Bismarck's
got a solid foot of armor plate.
Who said so?
The gunnery officer, that's who.
He said we might as well
throw crumpets at her.
I wish someone would
throw a crumpet at me.
Ship bearing green 4-5!
Two ships bearing green 4-5!
Hard aport! Full ahead both!
Hard aport. Full ahead both, sir.
Shall we follow them, sir?
Steady on 1-3-0.
Steady on 1-3-0!
Yeoman, make to admiralty.
Bismarck and cruiser sighted.
My position...
Give latitude and longitude.
Get that off immediately...
in case we run into trouble.
Aye aye, sir.
Check radar.
Check your radar plot.
Enemy report from Suffolk, sir.
They've found her.
Picked her up in the Denmark Strait.
Bismarck and a heavy cruiser.
There, gentlemen.
Course southwest.
Now things are looking up.
Tell the first sea lord
Good job we've got
some heavy stuff in the area.
Richards, let me have
an intercepting course...
for Hood and Prince of Wales.
Sir, this one's from the Norfolk.
Norfolk's there, too, sir.
She's with Suffolk.
They're shadowing
in thick fog, using radar.
I hope that radar
works better than usual.
She could blow them both
out of the water.
No. Lutjens is too clever for that.
He'd rather shake off a pair of cruisers...
than stop to sink them.
Course to intercept Bismarck
is 3-1-0.
That would bring Hood in contact...
just about...there.
Just about here, sir.
The intercepting course
is 3-1-0 degrees.
At full speed, we should make contact
at 0300.
I don't want to engage him
until daylight.
Give me a course and speed
to intercept at dawn.
Aye aye, sir.
At 27 knots... course 2-9-5...
we should meet them at first light.
We'll proceed on that course
at that speed.
Pass the word to Prince of Wales.
Signal from flag, sir.
Speed...27 knots.
Admiral's intentions follow, sir.
Very good.
Wilson, tell the captain...
we've gone onto 27 knots.
Also, the admiral's
sending his intentions.
Oh, Wilson, how are the civilian workers
enjoying themselves?
They're loving every moment of it, sir.
I'll tell you one thing...
I'm not sleeping in one of these
bloody hammocks.
Make a note, Walter...
to speak to the captain.
We'll have double beds put in.
Very funny. I never even had a chance...
to tell me wife what was happening.
They thought
she might not let you go.
Imagine what she thinks I'm up to.
Pity she's wrong, isn't it?
She'll never believe this.
Where are we going?
We picked up speed.
What's that for in the night?
Captain speaking.
Bismarck has been sighted
in Denmark Strait.
She's on her way out into the Atlantic.
We plan to tackle her
about dawn tomorrow morning.
You'll be going to action stations...
shortly after midnight.
I'm confident tomorrow is
going to be a big day for us.
Good luck and good shooting.
They can't do this. I'm
in a reserved occupation.
I never thought
a thing like this would happen.
Fancy me fighting Germans
on the high seas.
Here, lad. You ever been in
a battle before?
Yeah, hundreds of times.
Don't hardly give it a thought anymore.
Latest plot report, sir.
Suffolk and Norfolk still in contact.
Hood and Prince of Wales...
are estimated 120 miles from Bismarck.
Should be quite a show tomorrow morning.
I know where I'd rather be.
Excuse me, sir.
What a time for Shepard to take over.
I hope he's getting
all the help he needs.
Help, sir? I didn't think
he needed any help.
Captain Shepard is
a very old friend of mine.
You would be quite wrong
if you judged him too harshly.
He had his ship
blown from under him
last year in Norway.
This job here means promotion for him...
but he can't wait to get another ship.
Only two things matter to him...
His family and the sea.
I didn't know he had any family.
His son is an air gunner
serving in the Ark Royal.
He and the boy are terribly close.
And his wife?
He hasn't spoken about her,
and I haven't asked.
Signal from Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet.
"Suffolk and Norfolk
will continue shadowing tonight.
They won't engage the enemy."
Right. Make to Hood
and Prince of Wales.
If enemy maintains present
course and speed...
you should make contact
approximately 0510.
Right, sir.
And, Dexter.
Yes, sir.
Add to that... good luck.
Very good, sir.
[Bugle Playing]
I'm not strong enough
for this sort of thing.
Besides, I've got flat feet.
Ah, shut up, Henry.
If we're going to fight the Bismarck...
I'll check "Y" turret.
We better check that turbine.
I always get seasick.
Hood and Prince of Wales...
are somewhere in here.
Suffolk and Norfolk...
report Bismarck and Prinz Eugen here.
If so, we shouldn't have long to wait.
Should be getting light up there now.
Signal from Suffolk, sir.
"Have sighted Hood and
Prince of Wales bearing southeast.
Distance...15 miles."
That means they've made it.
Good old Hood, she'll get them.
[Bell Ringing]
Come on, hurry up!
Come on, everyone!
Right gun shell!
Right gun shell!
Right gun, first half charge!
Right gun, second half charge!
smoke bearing green 4-0.
Bismarck and cruiser...
bearing green 4-0...
about 12 miles.
Closing fast.
[Gunther Lutjens]
Those are not cruisers.
They are battleships.
Captain, open fire on the leading ship.
Target leading ship!
Stand by to open fire!
Target leading ship!
Stand by to open fire!
Hard aport.
Open fire when you have the range.
Concentrate on Bismarck.
Aye aye, sir.
Let me know when
you're ready to engage guns.
Tell Prince of Wales to open
fire when she's in range.
Hard astarboard!
Range...25,000. Bearing...300.
All turrets ready to open fire, sir.
Open fire.
That was too close for comfort.
Turn 20 degrees to starboard, Captain.
What happened?
The Hood's gone.
Good God.
Yes, sir?
Make to admiralty from Prince of Wales.
Tell them...tell them
the Hood has blown up.
Aye aye, sir.
[Incoming Fire]
Starboard 15.
Starboard 15, sir.
Starboard 15.
Signal from Prince of Wales, sir.
Well, what is it?
It says... HMS Hood has blown up.
Bring it here.
Signal from Suffolk, sir.
"Hood sunk.
Prince of Wales
and Bismarck exchanging fire."
Port 20.
Tell the engine room to give me
everything they've got.
Course 2-4-0.
Very good. Course 2-4-0.
Give me a hand.
Hard aport. Steer 1-5-0.
Make smoke.
She's badly damaged, sir.
She's turning away and making smoke.
Do you want to pursue?
No. We have more important work to do.
Hold your course.
Steady on present course.
Very good, sir.
Captain, congratulations.
It's a great moment for the German navy.
Yes, Lindemann...
and for the two of us.
[Speaking Foreign Language]
This morning, HMS Hood...
largest British warship,
was sunk by the...
[Speaking Foreign Language]
[Speaking Mandarin]
[Speaking German]
This is London. Ed Murrow reporting.
This island, which is
no stranger to bad tidings...
received news today that HMS Hood...
largest warship in the British fleet...
and pride of the British navy...
has been sunk by the German
battleship Bismarck.
From the Hood's
complement of 1,500 men...
there were three survivors.
In the same engagement...
the battleship Prince of Wales
was badly damaged.
Two British capital ships
have been put out of commission...
and the most powerful
battleship in the world...
is now loose on the high seas.
It remains to be seen
whether the British navy...
has the capability
at this crucial moment...
of concentrating enough sea power...
to deal with the situation.
There is undoubtedly great
rejoicing in Berlin tonight...
and also on the Bismarck.
Here's to the ship, Lindemann...
and here's to us.
We have beaten the best they have.
Do you realize that?
Yes, sir.
They will never stop us, not now.
You wanted the damage control report.
What is it?
We received one hit
forward on the port side...
over number two fuel tank.
We're losing a little oil.
Anything serious?
No, sir. I would say
the damage is very slight.
However, I recommend we put about
and have it repaired.
Put about? You mean go home?
Yes, sir. We could refuel
at the same time.
Are you mad?
We have fought our way out
into the Atlantic.
This is no time to turn
and run for home.
We wouldn't be running.
We've won a tremendous victory.
It's not the victory that was ordered.
You haven't been close
to the high command, Lindemann.
Do you know what will happen...
when Admiral Raeder
reports the sinking of the Hood?
The fuehrer will smile...
and everyone else will smile...
and then, a few moments later...
he'll turn to Raeder with a scowl.
"What about the convoys, Raeder?
Have they sunk any convoys?"
There will still be
plenty of convoys, sir...
after we make repairs.
Is your ship unmaneuverable, Captain?
Are the guns damaged?
Anything out of action?
No, sir.
Then we will push forward...
as instructed by the high command.
But surely the fuehrer must realize...
Are you going to tell the fuehrer
what he must realize?
No, sir.
Then do not tell me.
For the time being...
we will hold our present
course and speed.
Yes, sir.
There will be no further
statement to the press...
not for the present.
Make a signal to admiral
commanding First Cruiser Squadron.
Suffolk and Norfolk
must maintain contact...
with the Bismarck...
so that Home Fleet can intercept.
Continue shadowing as long
as you have fuel to do so.
Excuse me, sir.
This is Bismarck's latest
position, course, and speed.
Send it to the C-in-C,
Home Fleet right away.
Now, Shepard.
At its present speed, sir...
the Home Fleet cannot make
contact with Bismarck...
until tomorrow...
and then only if she maintains
her present course.
What if she doesn't?
That's it exactly, sir.
They won't make contact at all.
Prime minister for you, sir.
First sea lord here.
Now, first sea lord...
I want to make it unmistakably clear...
that there is absolutely nothing
as vital...
to the nation at this moment...
as the destruction of the Bismarck.
You are authorized to employ...
any means at your disposal...
regardless of risk...
and regardless of the price
that must be paid.
This is a battle
we cannot afford to lose.
I understand, sir.
I don't care how you do it.
You must sink the Bismarck.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
Well, gentlemen, any suggestions?
In my opinion, sir...
we cannot leave this entirely
to the Home Fleet.
We must reach out and pull in...
everything we can lay our hands on.
I've ordered Rodney to leave her convoy.
She was the last available ship.
I don't suggest this lightly, sir.
Down here at Gibraltar, we've Force H...
Renown, Sheffield, Ark Royal.
We can't strip the Western Mediterranean...
with this Crete business going on.
Perhaps if we left Ark Royal down there...
and sent the other two out.
No, sir.
We may need Ark Royal's aircraft.
What do you think, A.C.N.S.?
It's taking a serious risk.
I know Shepard has weighed
that very carefully.
In view of what the prime minister said...
we don't seem to have much choice.
Well, I may be able
to argue with you two...
but I can't quarrel
with the prime minister.
Order Force H to sail.
Aye aye, sir.
It's not for you, boy.
Oh, thanks.
Thompson, where are you?
My dearest Tom...
I'm really much too tired to write...
but I think of you so very often...
that I'm always afraid...
there may be things
I will forget to mention.
Marvelous. No letter again.
Where are we off to this time?
Tom, is it true...
your father is director of operations?
I'm afraid it is.
He's got a nerve, moving
us out of Gibraltar.
Tell him we don't want to go to sea.
It's my fault, really.
I thought you blokes would like
a couple months in England.
You're kidding.
Not at all. My girl's in London.
You mean to say
you asked your father if...
They wouldn't dare, not in wartime.
Your father would do the same for you.
This is the captain.
I thought you'd be interested to know...
we shall be operating in the Atlantic.
We've got orders to go
after the Bismarck.
No, no, boys!
If Bismarck holds her
present course and speed...
when's the earliest we can engage her?
at best possible speed.
If Norfolk and Suffolk
can keep track of her...
they can guide us in.
Suppose Bismarck gives them the slip?
If she shakes off those cruisers
during the night...
we may never get hold of her again.
She's got the weather on her side, sir.
Looks very bad for tonight.
Slow her down before nightfall.
Sommers, do you think Victorious
could launch an air strike?
She's supposed to get
her deck landing training.
Most of her pilots
have never flown off a carrier.
I'm afraid they'll have to
start their training now.
Detach Victorious from the fleet.
Tell her to close Bismarck at 30 knots.
She's to launch an air strike...
when she's within 100 miles.
That's all, gentlemen.
Signal Prinz Eugen that
she is to proceed on her course...
and make for Brest.
We will keep the enemy cruisers occupied...
until Prinz Eugen is out of sight.
All right, Captain,
you can make your turn.
Hard aport.
Stand by to open fire.
Radar plot, range decreasing...
decreasing very rapidly.
Range down to 22,000 yards.
She's doubled back on us, sir!
There she is, sir!
Hard aport. Full ahead both.
Hard aport.
Make smoke.
Make smoke. Full ahead both.
Signal to Prinz Eugen...
Good-bye and good hunting.
That's all, Becker.
Very good, sir.
Cease fire, Captain.
Cease fire.
Cease fire, sir.
Signal to Group West...
Prinz Eugen successfully detached...
and proceeding independently.
Have been unable
to shake off enemy cruisers...
because of radar.
Will attempt to break away
during the night.
Thank you, Mueller.
Very good, sir.
All right, Captain...
you may resume your original course.
Starboard 20.
Starboard 20.
Starboard 20.
There she is... starboard beam.
[Klaxon Sounding]
[Shouting Orders In German]
Hard astarboard!
What is it?
All right.
One hit on
the port bow, sir.
What is the damage?
Very slight, sir, and no one wounded.
We will have the damage
repaired in a few hours.
That is good. That is good.
Lindemann, if there were...
submarines in this area...
we would zigzag, wouldn't we?
Of course, sir.
And the cruisers following us...
would be obliged to do the same.
Yes, sir, but...
Captain, I want you to set
a zigzag pattern.
Hold speed at 20 knots.
In exactly two hours...
we shall stop zigzagging...
and proceed at full speed...
in whatever direction
we're headed.
We will be out of radar range...
before they realize they have lost us.
This hit Victorious claims...
it hasn't slowed Bismarck down at all.
She's been zigzagging now...
for more than two hours.
That's odd.
She must know we haven't...
any submarines in the area.
I wonder if Victorious
can get off another strike.
I'm afraid not. It's too dark.
Signal from Norfolk, sir.
Yes? What is it?
Sir, they've lost contact with Bismarck.
This is London.
Over 24 hours have passed...
since the battleship Bismarck
destroyed HMS Hood.
Reportedly, the British
have attacked the Bismarck...
with aircraft from a carrier...
but Berlin says the attack
was beaten off successfully.
Berlin adds that Bismarck
was able subsequently...
to shake off the surface vessels
pursuing her.
The German battleship has survived...
the heaviest guns and ships
in the British navy...
and the gloomy speculation now is...
that the British navy
may have trouble finding her...
let alone destroying her.
Of one thing we can be sure...
The lights will burn late
in the admiralty tonight.
This is her last known position...
This is her last known position...
and this...
her farthest on.
That means she has to be
somewhere inside that circle.
In this sector, search aircraft
from Victorious.
To the south and west...
cruisers Suffolk and Norfolk.
That leaves two possibilities.
Either she's broken back to Germany...
or she's headed for
one of the French ports.
Now, Miss Davis...
if you were Bismarck, what would you do?
Well, I suppose I'm not very brave.
I'd head for home, sir.
And a very sensible thing to do, too.
Plenty of fuel, good repair facilities...
complete protection.
But not Lutjens...
or any other German fleet commander.
Why not?
Because in Nazi Germany, he'd lose face.
I've fought these people before.
They have to prove
their superiority every day.
That's their one tremendous weakness.
Signal from the Commander-in-Chief.
"King George V running short of fuel.
Can't maintain full speed much longer."
[Telephone Rings]
Supposing she is heading
for a French port.
Won't be long...
before she gets
friendly submarine support...
and complete air cover.
Too late to stop her then.
Scharnhorst and Gneisenau at Brest.
Supposing Bismarck joins up with them...
and all three of them
decide to come out together.
What then?
[Door Opens]
What's the trouble?
He just collapsed, sir.
Take him in the office.
Why is this man on duty if he's sick?
I don't know, sir.
He didn't report sick.
Get someone over here.
Aye aye, sir. Simms, take over.
All right. Leave him here.
Aye aye, sir.
Sorry, sir.
Why the devil
didn't you report sick?
I'm sorry, sir.
I didn't want to miss anything.
All right, Brown.
We'll get you along to the sick bay.
If anything happens, I'll let you know.
Thank you, sir.
What time is it, Miss Davis?
About 6:30, sir.
Morning or evening?
It's a very fine morning.
I think you should take a short walk.
You haven't been outside
for five days.
Take down this message
for Commander-in-Chief,
Home Fleet...
Our interpretation
of best available information...
indicates Bismarck
heading for the coast of France.
Proceed accordingly.
Sir, must you stick your neck out
quite so far?
I'm afraid that goes with the job.
To admiral commanding Force H...
Proceed to intercept Bismarck...
on assumption she's headed for Brest.
Suggest search by aircraft
from Ark Royal.
Your son is in Ark Royal, isn't he, sir?
Yes. Yes, he is.
Get that off immediately,
will you?
Come in.
Come in, Miss Davis.
Signal for you, sir.
Thank you.
This is a report on the
Ark Royal's air search.
They haven't found a thing.
Better tell Captain Shepard.
Yes, sir.
Also, two of Ark Royal's aircraft...
failed to return to the carrier.
No need to tell him that,
I should think.
By the way, how would you like
a trip to America?
America, sir?
The admiralty's sending a mission over...
Two regular officers and a Wren officer.
The board picked you as first choice.
It sounds very exciting.
There will be no change, of course...
until this Bismarck thing is settled.
Aye aye, sir. Thank you very much.
Yes, it would have to be
long-range aircraft...
Catalinas, I should think.
Yes, that's right. Call me back.
Seems our forces
are very heavily committed...
to a single course of action.
Is that based on the definite knowledge
that Bismarck...
is headed for a French port?
On definite knowledge?
No, sir.
It's based on my summing up...
of the general situation.
It was a decision that had to be made.
I hope you're right, Shepard.
I hope to God you're right.
A report from Ark Royal, sir.
They haven't found anything.
All right.
Are you off now, Miss Davis?
Yes, sir. My watch ends at 7:00.
I seem to have a lot of work
to do.
Could you stay and help me out?
Of course. I have a dinner date...
but that's not until 9:00.
Let me have the latest
on available aircraft
in Force H.
Aye aye, sir.
"Coastal command will activate
two crossover air patrols.
"The northern-most will cover
possible enemy courses...
"from Brest to La Rochelle.
The southern-most
will cover La Rochelle
to Cape Finisterre."
If you'll coordinate that
with Coastal Command...
I'll get on with the business
of Force H...
and you can enjoy your dinner date.
At half-past one in the morning, sir?
Oh, I'm sorry.
I had no idea what time it was.
By the way, Miss Davis...
I'd like to make arrangements...
for you to work with me full-time...
if you can face it.
What I had in mind...
was to make you my assistant.
I appreciate you thinking of me, sir.
I need someone who's intelligent
and dependable...
Quite honestly, someone like yourself.
Well... what do you say?
I don't know quite what to say, sir.
I'd make an effort not to be so rude...
as I have been in the past...
if that's what's bothering you.
It isn't anything like that.
If you want to say no,
please say so.
Well, you see...
Well, you see...
[Telephone Rings]
Director of operations.
One moment, please, sir.
It's Captain Farnum... Casualty Section.
Hello, Richard. Yes?
What sort of bad news?
Is there no other information?
I see.
Yes. I appreciate your telling me.
Thank you, Richard.
My son's missing.
His plane ran out of fuel...
and failed to return.
I'm terribly sorry, sir.
There's a good chance...
he'll be picked up.
You were picked up.
When I got out of hospital...
all I could think about
was getting back to London.
I wanted to see my wife.
I took a taxi from Waterloo.
As I drove into Welbeck Place...
everything looked so familiar.
Every house was just as I remembered it.
Every house except mine.
There was a large
black hole in the ground...
where my house had been...
uh... where my wife had been.
I didn't think it was possible
to feel such pain.
I know.
I've been through it myself, and I know.
I swore that night I'd never again...
get emotionally attached
to a human being...
as long as I lived...
but I made one mistake.
I forgot about...
I forgot about my son.
You can't avoid pain
by fencing yourself off.
Sometimes you need
the help of other people...
more than anything else...
but you have to let them get
close enough to help.
I don't want any help.
I found when I was deeply troubled...
that I needed people very badly.
People want to be needed.
I found that out, too.
We're in business again.
Bismarck's been spotted
by a Catalina flying boat...
headed for Brest.
Your hunch was right, sir.
Excuse me.
Sir, Captain Shepard has offered me...
a new job to be his assistant.
I'd like very much to take it.
I hope you'll have no objection.
Jonathan, what have you
done to that girl?
She's just been offered
a marvelous opportunity...
to go to America.
It means sure promotion.
She's turning that down
to stay here with you.
I don't understand it.
Here's the situation...
The flying boat spotted
Bismarck at 1030
and has been shadowing ever since...
using cloud cover.
I'm sorry, sir.
You were saying...
the flying boat spotted
Bismarck at 1030
and has been shadowing ever since...
using cloud cover.
From time to time, Bismarck has put up...
very heavy anti-aircraft fire.
By now, the British know where we are.
They'll send out everything they have.
We can sink anything they send out.
What was your latest fuel report?
We've lost about 200 tons...
from the tanks that were damaged.
We have 3 5% left.
That is more than enough.
I want to check the plot.
Becker, keep me informed
about the fuel situation.
I will, sir.
I've requested air cover
from the Luftwaffe.
How soon can we expect
them to be with us?
Shore-based aircraft can operate...
approximately that far
from the coast, sir.
We will arrive at that point...
about dawn tomorrow.
What about King George and Rodney?
What is their position now?
Based on reports from Group West...
I have them plotted...
That is good.
They cannot possibly overtake us now.
A day or so in Brest to make repairs...
and then we come out again
with our tanks full.
Also, Lindemann... I have an idea.
Suppose Scharnhorst
and Gneisenau came out with us.
We would be the most powerful
fleet that ever sailed.
Nothing in the world could touch us.
Excuse me, sir. Personal signal...
for the fleet commander.
Thank you, Mueller.
"Best wishes on your birthday."
Adolf Hitler.
This is a great honor.
Yes, please. Right.
Here are the fuel consumption reports...
for K.G. V and Rodney, sir...
as close as I can calculate them.
Don't look too good, do they?
They're 140 miles astern of Bismarck.
Can they steam at full speed
long enough to overtake her?
They wouldn't have enough fuel
to get home.
By daylight tomorrow, Bismarck will be...
in range of German air cover.
They'll send out the whole Luftwaffe.
And a line of U-boats.
We have to slow her down by tonight...
so Home Fleet can overtake her...
before she gets into friendly waters.
Renown and Sheffield can't do it.
That leaves Ark Royal.
Call it 9 1/2.
There's time to get off
one air strike anyway.
With luck, they might get off two.
Yes, sir.
We'd better get in touch with Ark Royal.
Your torpedoes have been fitted
with new magnetic exploders...
so you should get good results.
You have Bismarck's position...
course, and speed.
She's now 2 4 miles away,
bearing 183 degrees.
She's all by herself,
so make your attack immediately.
Oh, there's just one final word.
The Home Fleet's 100 miles astern.
Unless you stop Bismarck today,
they'll never catch her.
It's up to you, gentlemen. Good day.
The Sheffield's been detached
from the flagship, sir.
She was ordered to close
Bismarck and shadow her.
How long ago?
It wasn't decoded immediately, sir...
because it wasn't addressed to us.
We just happened to pick it up, sir.
Our pilots have orders to attack...
any ship alone in that area.
Send a message to all aircraft...
"Look out for Sheffield."
Send it in plain language
Aye aye, sir.
Bit of a cockup somewhere.
It's the Bismarck, all right!
It's all right. They're ours...swordfish.
Sounds as if they're going to fly
right over us, sir.
They're using our position
to get their bearings.
I can see them now, sir. There they are.
They're attacking us!
Full ahead both! Hard aport!
All guns, hold your fire!
Torpedo exploded
as it hit the water, sir.
There's another one.
They're exploding short.
What's the matter?
It's those damn magnetic exploders.
Here comes one that didn't explode, sir.
Hard astarboard.
Hard astarboard.
That was the Sheffield, sir...
just came from the carrier.
Signal the other aircraft.
Tell them to break off the attack.
Wheel amidships.
Wheel amidships, sir.
We all feel the same
about what's happened...
so there's no point in discussing it.
Let's just say we've learned
a very important lesson...
which may well prove
a blessing in disguise.
All right, let's get on with the job.
There's still enough light
for one more attack.
Think you're up to it?
Yes, but what about
those magnetic exploders?
They're being changed.
We'll go back to contact exploders.
Keep your seats, gentlemen.
I have a message here
from the Commander-in-Chief.
"Unless the enemy's speed
has been reduced by midnight...
"King George V will
have to abandon the chase...
and turn back for refueling."
There's no need to tell you
what that means.
This is our last chance, gentlemen.
I suggest you go below
and get something to eat.
You'll be taking off at 1830.
[Bells Ringing]
Skipper! Ship bearing green 4-5.
This is it, boys! Come on, let's go!
Hard astarboard!
Where was that?
Amidships. No serious damage, sir.
Thank you, Mueller.
Tell damage control to keep us informed.
Hard astarboard!
Hard aport!
Hit in the steering compartment, sir.
Put your rudder amidships.
Rudder amidships.
The rudder won't move, sir.
What ships are these?
The 4th Destroyer Flotilla, sir.
They're getting close.
We picked up two
very peculiar reports
from Coastal Command...
following the attack by Ark Royal.
The first one says,
"Bismarck circling."
The second one reads,
"Bismarck heading nor-norwest."
That's impossible, sir.
She'd be headed straight
for K.G. V and Rodney.
Sounds like faulty identification.
Wrong ship, most likely.
Sir? Signal from Sheffield.
They made contact with Bismarck.
She's steering north at 10 knots.
That's incredible!
It must be Bismarck.
But what's she doing on that course...
and at a speed of 10 knots?
Hit by a torpedo, I'll bet...
and damaged.
Could be, sir.
Or rudder, can't maneuver.
We've got a chance now, sir.
I think we've got a chance.
It's the Bismarck, all right.
Make to Solent...
intend to attack with torpedoes.
Ships turning to port.
Firing range 4,000 yards.
Aye aye, sir.
Bring on 30 knots.
[Yeoman] From Captain D, sir.
Speed 30 knots.
Turning to port to fire torpedoes.
Firing range 4,000 yards.
Good! Then it is the Bismarck.
Damage control.
Damage control.
Damage control, sir.
Captain speaking.
I want a report on that rudder.
The divers are down now.
They'll be up in a moment, sir.
Range 6,000 yards, sir.
I see.
It's impossible
to free the rudder, sir.
It was jammed too badly
by the explosion.
How early in the morning...
can you put a couple
of divers over the side?
At first light, sir...
about 5:00 if the sea is not too rough.
I do not care about the sea.
I was thinking about the men, sir.
Sir, from fleet commander.
Thank you.
"Group West is sending out three
seagoing tugs.
"All submarines
in the area have been ordered...
to concentrate at this point."
That is good.
That is very good.
Range 5,000.
Attention all hands.
Attention all hands.
This is the fleet commander.
We are having some difficulty...
repairing the damage
to our steering gear...
but I assure you
there is no cause for alarm.
Stand by the torpedo tubes.
Stand by the torpedo tubes.
By morning, we will be in good hands.
And if the British Home Fleet...
should be foolish enough to appear...
they will be torpedoed by U-boats.
Meanwhile, let me remind you...
that our guns have not been damaged.
This is still the most
powerful ship afloat.
I have in my hand a message...
addressed to the entire crew.
"All Germany is at your side.
"Your gallantry is
an inspiration to our people.
"You will forever occupy
a place of honor...
in the history of the Third Reich."
This message is signed by the fuehrer.
Range 4,000 yards, sir.
Port 20, fire when the sights come on.
Two enemy destroyers on port bow, sir.
Alarm port.
Alarm port, sir!
Range 4,000, bearing 300 degrees.
Guns ready port.
Guns ready port, sir.
Illuminate with star shell.
Illuminate with star shell.
They've seen us!
Now we're for it!
All torpedoes gone, sir.
Let's get out of here. Hard aport.
Open fire main armament.
Torpedo hit amidship, sir.
Good man!
She's got the Solent.
Good shooting, Lindemann.
Cease firing! Cease firing!
One hit on the armor
near the forward boiling room.
The damage can be repaired...
and it won't affect our speed, sir.
Thank you.
That is good.
Destroyers are still shadowing, sir.
They have orders
to keep track of the Bismarck...
until the Home Fleet closes.
They claim three hits with torpedoes.
It hasn't even slowed her down.
What about the reports
of enemy submarines?
A.C.N.S. says these have been confirmed.
I've notified the Commander-in-Chief.
What is C-in-C doing about it?
He hasn't altered his plans.
I'd like to send him a signal...
telling him to be careful...
but I'm sure he'd resent it.
Thank you, no, sir.
I'll be here if you want me.
Sorry about your son.
Yes, sir.
Captain Shepard, sir.
Excuse me, sir.
I took in an operational signal...
from one of the destroyers
shadowing the Bismarck.
They picked up three flyers
in a rubber boat.
Must have been over an hour ago...
so I couldn't get off in time.
I heard about your son...
so I thought I'd tell you.
It might not be him at all, sir...
but you never know.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Oh, sir, A.C.N.S. has been calling you.
Says it's very urgent.
Assistant chief of staff, please.
Yes, sir.
Hello, sir. Shepard here.
Jonathan, I've got
the most marvelous news.
Your son is alive and well.
He's been picked up by a destroyer.
This is absolutely official.
Farnum got the message half an hour ago.
Don't you understand,Jonathan?
Your son is alive and well.
What did he say, sir?
He didn't say anything.
Well, will you excuse me, sir?
Signal for Captain Shepard.
I'll take it.
It's from King George V.
[Richards] What is it?
They've sighted Bismarck, sir.
Oh! Here comes the main event.
Urgent signal for you, sir.
Right gun load.
Right gun second half charge.
Right gun loading.
How much fuel have we got left?
We shall have to
break off action in two hours, sir.
Main armament ready.
Enemy speed 10 knots.
Course 3-5-0, sir.
They outnumber us 2 to 1...
and we can't do more than 10 knots.
What are you saying, Captain?
This is the Bismarck.
We still have all our guns...
and any moment now
the Luftwaffe will arrive.
[Speaking German]
Open fire, Captain.
Open fire.
Open fire!
She's hit.
Good shooting, Captain.
[Speaking German]
[Speaking German]
[Speaking German]
Signal from King George V, sir.
"Bismarck on fire amidships.
Two of her turrets out of action."
All right.
I thought I'd be
cheering, sir, at this point...
but I'm afraid I can't.
I know. It's always that way.
[Speaking German]
Hoffman, we have to flood
the forward magazines.
Get the men out.
They can't, sir.
They're trapped by the fire.
There's too much
danger of blowing up. Flood them!
What about the men?
I gave an order, Hoffman!
Flood the forward magazines!
Flood the forward magazines.
Our fuel state is critical, sir.
Get closer. Get closer.
We've got to finish her now!
All the guns out of action...
except "A" turret, sir.
Where is your Luftwaffe now, sir?
I don't understand it.
The fuehrer promised...
promised to send help.
They will be along any minute now.
You will see.
He was proud of that.
"Tomorrow the world."
He said that only yesterday.
He was right.
Heil Hitler.
Sir, all the officers
on the bridge are dead.
I have to tell them
that all the guns are finished!
Finished? Tell the men to abandon ship!
Abandon ship!
Abandon ship!
We've got her! She's finished!
The Dorsetshire has joined us, sir.
Tell Dorsetshire
finish her off with torpedoes.
Aye aye, sir.
Cease firing!
She's going. Yeoman?
Tell Dorsetshire
to stand by to pick up survivors.
Aye aye, sir.
Make to admiralty... Bismarck is sunk.
Fleet is returning to Scapa Flow.
Aye aye, sir.
Well, gentlemen...
let's go home.
The prime minister wants to see us
tomorrow morning at 11:00.
I assume you can make yourself
Certainly, sir.
Why should he want to see me?
Seems to think you had something
to do with this operation.
Thank you, sir.
Well done,Jonathan.
Thank you, sir.
Petty Officer Williams?
Take a message for
Telegraphist Brown in sick bay.
Tell him the Bismarck's been sunk.
Aye aye, sir.
May I offer my congratulations, too,
Thank you.
Uh, take a message.
Request pleasure of the company...
Second Officer Anne Davis...
at dinner.
Good. I know you must be very tired...
and it's nearly 9:00...
but how about tonight?
Right now.
I'll get my things.
Great heavens.
It's 9:00 in the morning...
and I asked you out to dinner.
We could always make it breakfast,
couldn't we?
Why not?
You know, Harvey, these boys worry me.
Four stripes on his arm...
he don't even know
what time of day it is.