Sinyora Enrica ile Italyan Olmak (2010)

Where did you put my stuff, Enrica?
Stop Francesco!
At least talk to me!
We are both very tense!
Let's talk tomorrow! You'll see!
Enrica! I won't ask again!
Don't go Francesco!
At least for Giovanni!
That's enough Enrica!
I can't stand anymore!
There it is!
Keep your voice down please
Francesco, you'll wake Gianni up!
Get lost, Enrica!
There is a car outside!
What it is waiting for?
Look at me! Look into my eyes!
Answer me!
If you go... If you just go like this...
Yes, if I go... What happens if I go?
Let me know, Enrica!
Answer me, Francesco!
Are you going to that bitch?
Let me go, Enrica!
You can't Francesco!
I won't let you go!
I was gone long ago Enrica!
- Ekin... Ekin!
- What's going on?
Italians came to the village.
They're looking for you!
Calm down boy!
Just take a breath!
Uncle Mehmet said some Italians came
to the village, they're looking for you!
Ok, all right!
Welcome, how are you?
Good, very well.
You speak Italian as well.
If you're in the vine business, it's not
easy to resist learning some Italian.
Come on. Come on in.
Could it be it's about you?
- You must be Mr Ekin's uncle.
- Yes, I'm the one and only uncle of him.
You know I myself let Ekin
go there.
- Where to? Italy?
- Yes, to Italy.
If it was up to his father he would
make him work with him in the bazaar.
Since Italy, he has never talked to his son
ever again. But there is nothing to do about it.
How did you end up all the way here?
His uncle is asking
the reason why you are here.
As a matter of fact we came
here for legal paperwork.
We came here as representatives of
Signora Enrica.
Unfortunately she is no longer with us.
Do you mean Sinyora Enrica?
You must be Mr. Ekin.
I'm a lawyer, Alessandro Neri.
And this is my colleague
Claudio Molesini.
Why me? Especially when she
has her own son... Is Giovanni dead?
Giovanni, the one we met dealing
with these details.
We struggled with some difficulties over
him. You know the sum is quite high.
Rimini, and 2 in Forli...
...which her son still lives in.
And in a bank account...
...430,000 Euro is left to you.
We can start the paperwork on the 18th
of this month if it suits you.
Is it possible for you to be in
Italy at that time?
I don't know what to say.
When her son is there...
We didn't part
with good feelings.
There is also a
key left for you...
We couldn't figure out what it's for.
Looks like it belongs to a wardrobe.
I know what it belongs to.
Who is it, Signora Enrica?
Did someone knock on the door?
Why didn't you hear it? Have you
been in the bathroom all this time?
The film was just starting when you got in.
The whole 3 hour movie has ended.
Beauty requires sacrifice!
Leave me alone now and get the door.
Yeah right!
Who is it?
My name is Ekin.
I'm come from...
I come from Istanbul.
- There's a man outside!
- How nice. Why don't you bring him in?
He even says his name. They try to
take advantage of the rain.
Those gypsies are everywhere!
What happened to the girl that you
were mentioning was coming?
The Arabian...
He's making it harder.
I wish you were a little bit as
clever as you are beautiful.
She is not Arabian.
She's from Istanbul.
- Istanbul!
I am the new student of Titus.
I bring you peace and love from
# Donatella! #
Enrica, is that you?
# How many times do I have to tell you
that I don't want... #
...male students in my house.
What male? I don't get it...
There is a man in front of my house!
And he is talking to me about Titus!
- I mean your school.
- Look Enrica, there must be a mistake!
We didn't send you anybody. Except
the girl that is due to come.
I think she was supposed to come
Oh really? Here she came!
But I think she changed gender!
Enrica, would you please calm down!
First of all, he couldn't be a man,
he would only be a boy.
Donatella you know me! Unlike Mara,
I don't welcome anyone...
...who appears in front of my door.
But Mara makes double the money
that way each year, Enrica.
Enrica do you hear me?
Put some clothes on instead of
playing with your hair!
Don't walk around naked
inside the house.
Did you take him in, Signora?
Did you changed your mind?
Ok, ok I won't say anything...
Come on in.
This is your room. You can put
your clothes here in this wardrobe.
The bathroom you can use
is here behind me...
Are you coming or not?
Look at me young man, are you
planning to come here?
Or are you going to do
'Singing in the rain'?
Did Signora Enrica take a man in
the house? Why didn't I hear anything!
Because you were sleep doggo!
Did you make coffee?
- I hope no incident breaks out!
- Give it to me!
Goddamned! Fuck off! This isn't it!
Where the hell is this?
Come on boy!
What are you doing?
Get out of there!
Wait a minute!
I fixed it for now...
I fixed it for now but the spark plug
cables must be changed soon.
My uncle at the village had the
same one some time ago...
That one always broke down
from the same problem!
I don't ever want to see you
working on my car again!
You will break down a car
that runs just fine!
Anyway, I told you everything,
not my responsibility anymore!
I mean good morning.
Good morning.
Come on, have a seat...
Eat something...
Signora Enrica's jams are very tasty,
do you want some?
Valentina are you in love?
The coffee is boiling over!
Oh my God, did I get naked for
this boy!
Coffee with a little sugar?
Can't you speak at all then?
By the way I am Maria, and she is
I'm leaving, Maria.
I will go to the seaside.
In November?
I forgot to tell you. I should also
check the trains to Palermo.
And our guest should
drink his coffee, no?
Whatever, don't mind Valentina.
She's a little bit crazy.
I know you don't understand what
I've said but one day you will.
But she is a good girl...
I mean sometimes...
Shall we leave?
Deep down, Signora Enrica is a wonderful
woman. She is little tough sometimes.
She got depressed when her husband
left her for no reason long ago.
She didn't leave the house for years.
As far as I know her husband was a very
famous cyclist. That's what they say.
Do you like bicycles?
Get lost here, asshole!
Fuck off! Bugger!
Let's hurry up a little otherwise we'll
be late. We already are anyway...
This is our famous school Titus.
- Good morning.
- Good morning Maria.
Look who I brought for you. Your
famous girl student Ekin.
No need to ask!
Ekin is a male and
female name, like Andrea in our country.
Anyway I'm late. See you later.
See you Maria. Thank you.
How was your journey?
I am sorry I thought you studied in a
course in Istanbul...
...and came here to practice and
improve. That's usually how it happens.
Well then, can you speak English?
Nope I see!
Ok, well then...
Do you speak Turkish?
- Yes, yes... I can.
- Do you...
- Yes, yes I do...
- You can...
I was only joking, a Turkish girl
student taught me that.
Ok then, none of us could speak Italian
when we were first born, could we?
Come I'll take you to class.
Come on!
Here's our new student Veronica!
Come in, come on in Ekin...
I have change, if you need it.
Here it is. No need.
Here's your change.
Thanks very much... Is it possible
to exchange if my daughter doesn't like it?
- Certainly... As long as it's not worn.
- Thank you very much.
Look at the all the torture
over one piece of clothing!
It's just for a silly dress.
I'm coming.
It was you, then!
I came to see you.
- There you go, you just saw me. And...
- You know...
You are asking for money, aren't you!
This time it's not a lot, Mom!
I am working... I would like you to
leave, please.
Enrica, I said I need this money...
Listen, you have to leave!
I'm working!
What happens if I don't leave? Are you
going to call the police on me again?
I still remember what you did anyway.
Everybody is staring us!
Enrica are you giving it to me or not?
Get out of here!
Look woman, do you want to make
me a mother killer at this age?
Leave me alone!
Ok, this time Enrica!
We'll see... It's not over!
Is everything all right, Enrica?
Yes! Yes everything is fine, Milena!
Where have you been?
I have been waiting you!
Well come, come on.
Come on Ekin, let's go.
Come on, my aunt cooked
stuffed vegetables, have one.
What are they, are you eating a cigar?
Stuffed vegetables, I mean dolma...
Have one...
No, thanks.
Come on. Don't be shy. Have one...
Thank you Ekin, I'm ok.
Come on, don't make me sad...
Have one...
Ekin, I said I don't want it.
Why are you getting so wound up?
You wait here, I'll be right back!
Where did I put the key, I can't
find it!
Let me look for it.
God forbid!
How come they act like that
especially in the middle of the day!
Maria! Where the hell have you
Leave me alone and mind your own
I'm not obliged to tell you anything.
- It's late out there.
- Mind your own business!
What's up, do you have a problem?
Calm down!
Come on, help me.
It smells so nice.
What is he doing here?
Come here...
We are here. The pizza place is
...turn left when you leave.
It's open till 11 everynight.
See you later.
Shouldn't we have asked him
if he would eat with us, poor boy!
He is a foreigner. Why should we ask that?
What is he's leaving in two days.
Did we ever ask the others, Maria?
Don't mind her Signora Enrica,
Maria is talking rubbish as usual.
He should be grateful that you
let him in. Freak!
Lasagne is very tasty.
Who wants another plate?
Me... No, no... Yes... No... Yes...
No, no... Just a little bit.
I give up, I don't want any. I have
to stay in shape, the summer's coming.
When we were young, we took
care of both our asses and our stomachs.
No, thanks. It's enough.
He is still not back? He went to the
pizzeria down the road, didn't he?
The one across from the traffic lights.
He should be eating his pizza there.
But it's been an hour, Signora Enrica.
I am affraid that he is lost.
Why would he get lost?
He's an adult!
What if he is really lost?
I bet he doesn't know this neigborhood.
Should we call the police
Signora Enrica?
Yes, absolutely...
Would you like to call the secret service
and tell them an idiot is lost!
You don't give a damn about
anything do you?
At least I am what I am!
I not pretending like you!
What do you mean, not like me?
You know what I mean!
Watch your mouth!
- Virgin!
- I said watch your mouth!
That's enough girls! Cut the crab!
I can't take it tonight!
Who's turn is it to
do the dishes?
Fake nun!
Here we are!
Be careful! I almost fell!
Be quiet! You're going to disturb the lady!
One, two, three...
- Cheers!
- What the fuck!
Come on! Come on! We have to go!
Go! Go!
Come on!
Look at me! This is a home!
Do you get it? It's not a hostel!
I don't understand a word!
What's going on!
God! I missed school!
What am I doing!
Get lost, you doormat!
I couldn't see.
My name is Ekin.
I came from Istanbul.
I... Brought you... love and peace from Turkey.
I mean love.
Wait a minute!
- My name is Ekin.
- Yes.
I came from Istanbul.
I am the new student at my school Titus.
I brought you love and peace
from Turkey
My God! Don't you know any other words?
So Ekin? What do you do?
Yes, yes Ekin!
I got that one.
Ekin, Ekin all right!
What do you do? Who are you?
Why Italy?
No, not Italy.
I came from Istanbul.
God! Ekin, I can't stand this anymore!
What kind of courage is this without
even speaking a few of words!
Go and talk to Maria.
You have no chance young man!
It seems that I have to say something
more serious!
She didn't like it.
It is Italy, in the end, of course.
Do I smell or what?
I... I want to take a shower.
I get it. You want to take a shower.
- I get it! Ok!
- Thank you.
Is there anything visible I wonder?
I'm freezing!
Fuck off!
I'm freezing! Stop doing that!
I'm begging, just a little more hot water!
You, the God of love.
There it is.
I'll be off now, I have
a lot to do tomorrow.
So this beautiful house is yours!
- See you later!
- See you.
I am not stupid enough to show you
where I really live.
Come on!
What could it be! He would only say
'I am Ekin from Istanbul'.
Good evening, Valee.
I see you are already speaking
Italian now.
You, the god of love...
Star of the suns...
Go on, you little poet!
I am yours against all your deformity.
Pardon me! What did you say?
I belong to you!
What do I expect from this idiot!
What are you doing here with my purse?
I didn't want to wake you up!
I see!
You come into my house in the middle
of the night like a thief...
...and telling me that you didn't
want to wake me up!
Ok, I'll get an appointment
for the next time.
There isn't enough money here.
Take it and leave!
You are hiding them somewhere
like the last time, aren't you?
You will not change will you, mother?
Giovanni, where did you get the keys?
That is the only problem isn't it?
Giving these keys to...
all the fucking strangers and asking
me where I got them?
Main problem is this, isn't it?
Where did I get the keys?
Do you have your sweet cookies
here like last time?
Giovanni, you really are sick! You can't
come into my house like this!
There's nothing in here!
This is our house, Enrica! This house
also belongs to my father!
That was before he gone!
Are you gonna tell me now?
Tell you what now Giovanni?
Tell you what!
The whereabouts of your valuable
money which you hide from me!
Take what you get and leave Giovanni!
I have payments due, Enrica!
I have payments due!
You always have payments due, Giovanni!
You should have gotten a job instead of
bumming around like a loser!
What did you say?
I said get a job!
No before that? Like a loser!
Yes I said loser!
What are you then? You can't
keep a job for more than a week!
You are 30 years old, you don't even
have a girlfriend to introduce to me...
And worst of all, you're not ashamed...
I'm still working but you come into
my house like a thief!
What are you then if you are not
a loser?
You are loser!
I warned you, didn't I?
Do not use that word for me again!
Let me go!
Let him go Giovanni! Let him go!
Please Giovanni!
That's enough!
Where did this idiot come from?
Ekin are you all right?
It's not over, Enrica!
What a nightmare!
What happened to me!
# "Meet me at the garage at 3 pm!"#
What timing...
Are you blind, woman!
How many more times do I have to tell
you not to put ads in my mailbox?
You maniac of a woman!
They will never send a postman to this
house again!
Go to hell!
They are my books.
Come on!
Come on in!
We used to use this place as a garage.
The bicycles used to stay here.
It turned into a warehouse that I started
to put the stuff not used stuff in years.
Now we are going to use this storage for
a good and useful purpose.
For you...
Pay attention! Italian is serious
What are you doing, they are mine...
A school that doesn't even give books
but photocopies instead seems useless...
But If you tear them all
how will I learn Italian?
She's torn them all!
What you did last night was very brave.
I have to admit that I am impressed.
I am going to help you.
I will because you helped me.
I saw you.
I am talking about Valentina.
That Sicilian...
You like her, don't you?
That's what I'm going to help you with.
Come on give me a hand, let's
throw them all out.
Later we can move them all to
the storeroom downstairs.
You might have to change a bit.
Of course it won't be easy...
You have to become somebody that you
are noticed everywhere you enter...
You have to go through a
Yes! Renaissance!
Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and
Signora Enrica!
Sounds good!
Let's take the books down...
This is...
- Pardon me!
- Is this you?
Give it to me!
Where did you get this?
I thought I destroyed them all...
How beautiful I was...
All of Rimini used to talk about me when
I went out...
And one day even...
Come on. You start painting.
You are at home. Aren't you
working today Signora Enrica?
We take shift, the season's changing
and the business is very slow nowadays.
Wake up young man! Time is for
working not for sleeping!
But it's only 7 am!
Even you don't care what I say!
If we really want to teach you Italian...
...we have to start from the beginning.
You also use the Latin alphabet
as far as I know...
Now start repeating after me,
and writing afterwards.
The Italian alphabet consists of
A, b, c, d...
...e, f, g...
Ta-vo-lo, se-dia, la-va-gna...
Repeat after me...
Don't make me crazy, stop saying
these like a Moroccan!
If we have such a hard time with
such a simple word...
No, it's not going to work like this!
You are going to read this
all day long!
I don't care if you understand anything
or not or if you get offended!
You're going to know this tale
word by word by the end of the day!
She is really nervous!
What is that? The whole house is filled
with a wonderful smell...
You are master in the kitchen.
You carried all of Rimini here again.
Don't say that, Signora Enrica.
I bought just a couple of things.
I couldn't really find anything
that suits my taste.
Everything is so expensive!
Anyway, I'll put these away...
She couldn't really find
anything that suits her taste!
The food is ready, are you
coming in, young man?
No. Thank you very much.
But why didn't she ask again?
You say no! She asks again and then
you say ok! I'm gonna starve!
These apples are nice.
Can I have some apples, please? If it's
not too much trouble for you!
Of course. A few apples.
Padre Giuseppe's mass is nice
isn't it?
Yes, his mass is always nice.
Maria? Is that you?
Hello Sister Pia, hi Sister
Giovanna. How are you?
Good, good...
Maria, Do you have any idea how
worried we are about you?
What happened?
I don't know, sisters!
I really don't know what to say!
I mean...
I am not sure yet if this is
my way or not. That's all.
Maria are you aware of what you
are saying?
I think I just need some time
Sister Giovanna
What are you planning to do
with that time?
Please excuse me. I really should go!
Forgive me!
- Go then! Go!
- But Maria!
I am sorry! I really must be
off now! See you later!
I swear they will never send a postman
this home again!
Get out of my way, bugger!
How are you, Italian?
I am fine, how are you Signora Enrica?
Yes, that was postman. Nothing to worry
about. They'll send a new one anyway.
Well done! It's obvious that
you are studying Italian!
But we're going to do an
exercise today.
This was our only entertainment at the
time? It's from my father...
I mean...
Are you sure that it works?
There you are.
My loyal channel...
How odd! This channel against all odds
keeps playing the classics through the years.
These are my the songs of
my youth.
Right hand will be around the waist...
...the other hand a little bit higher.
Shall we?
- I can't do it!
- Why?
Just for that?
Listen to me, young man!
If I tell you to dance, you will dance!
Do you understand?
And dance!
What is that?
Come on in.
How many times do you think we
should go to church per year?
Where in God's name are you
getting these questions from?
Did you come here for that?
Yes, I just wondered!
You just wondered that how many times
we should go to church per year?
- Don't you think it's a bit weird, too?
- What?
- I think it's weird.
- What Valentina? What is weird?
This is the first time I've seen her
like this since I came to this house.
- Let her do what she wants.
- Yes she can do what she wants but...
Come here and look at how
they are dancing.
You can't be serious.
I can't believe it!
They look so cool.
Yeah right!
Just like Miss Piggy and Kermit.
I have never seen her
this happy before.
See you!
Someone ripped out all my tomatoes!
- In the garden?
- Matto ate them all I bet!
Are you crazy, would a cat eat
At our place in Sicily, cats eat
everything they can get.
Don't be ridiculous, cats
wouldn't eat tomatoes!
I guess there is a problem where you
come from. They eat them in my country.
That's enough!
Enough Valentina!
I can't take this now.
Whoever ate the tomatoes, I know what
to do if I ever catch him!
Do you know what I found today?
The treasures of the Vatican.
- The treasures of the Vatican?
- Wait!
I'll bring it!
Dear God, although I promised
myself a thousand times...
...I went into that shop again.
I can control everything but not my heart.
Give that to me! Valentina
please, give it back to me!
I beg you Valentina! Please, Valentina!
- No way!
- Give it to me!
Actually you should read this part;
I was just buying some fruit...
...and he came to help me again!
- Give it back to her Valentina!
'While he was helping, his arm touched
my breast by mistake. I know...
...he was doing it on purpose. But I
liked it a lot.' Do you like it, Maria?
What? You are healthy!
This is good news, Maria?
Well done Valentina.
Open the door?
Come on, open it!
Maria, I have the diary.
Signora Enrica as you know, I will
be back in just 3 months.
I have to come for graduation.
I am taking some of my stuff back home.
I will be able to take the
rest after I come back. There's too much.
Naturally... If you carry all
of Rimini home...
Here is my taxi.
Since when have the taxi drivers
become so handsome?
I have a couple of suitcases, thank you.
No problem, Miss.
God knows how I will be able to
carry all this luggage to Sicily.
You know how to get by...
My clothes will be safe
won't they?
Don't worry, I know a secondhand dealer
who would pay good money for all of them.
Don't make me laugh, Signora Enrica.
Anyway bring us some of your famous
wine again from your father's factory.
Goes without saying, Signora Enrica.
Actually we can do it like this...
...I will tell my father and we will
send you a few cases of wine...
...regularly each year and you give me
that aging bottle.
Go on! Your taxi is waiting for you.
# "Where are you going, princess?"#
To the airport.
Where are you going, princess?
Me handsome? Inside...
It's meal time...
No... Not you...
Valee... Princess...
You mean Valentina?
Stop looking and acting like
a loser like this.
No, Valee!
Do you think you can get this girl
like that!?
Do you have any idea how many desperate
men like you are waiting...
...just around the corner?
Be a little bit of a man!
What impresses people is
not you being breathless... is you making them breathless!
Don't mess with me! Go and study!
Something smells so nice.
What have you prepared us tonight?
Meat, salad...
Could you bring a bottle of wine from
the cabinet?
I didn't get that.
I want bottle of wine.
From the cabinet...
Is something broken?
How did you find this one
among all that wine?
And I was hiding it at the very
back of the bottom shelf.
We can't have that one... No!
Why? Why not?
Because we can't. This one has
a story...
- What is this?
- Pork.
- You don't get it, do you?
- No.
Pass me your plate.
No! No!
No! Thanks!
Eat some salad!
Thank you!
Dogs and Men are not allowed.
What is this?
So you saw the sign outside.
That's from the old days.
Ok but... Why? Why dogs?
Because they scare Matto.
- And men?
- And they scare me...
I guess Emiliano checked it already but
count it once more.
Of course I will... Like they say,
don't trust anybody.
Nowadays I don't even
trust myself.
Bad times, aren't they? We were actually
waiting for you to show up earlier.
After that telephone call in the
middle of the night.
I can't remember the name of that kid!
What was it?
JYes, the famous Ekin incident.
Is Ekin lost, never to turn up?
Don't worry, everything is all right...
Don't you think that I forgot about
your promise about...
...sending new students in winter.
Of course.
What is she going to do with all that
She couldn't take it to the grave
after all?
Good day to you Riccardo. How are
you? Is everything all right?
- Not so bad.
- What's wrong, what happened?
Nothing. It's just weird that you
ask me how I am after all those years?
- It happens sometimes.
- Even if it takes 30 years to...
Tell me what would you
like to have today?
Shall I give you the usual, then?
No, no. I am looking for meat,
no pork tonight.
You got the money then!
- Would you like this?
- It's nice.
What are you doing?
I'm just filling in the blanks.
Slowly, slowly...
Let's not make it any shorter, Barbara.
This is enough.
It's ok, make it a bit shorter.
Come on, how old are you!
You've become like Valentina.
Did someone say 'Valentina? '
Sure someone said 'Valentina'.
Go on, get lost now.
We're working here.
So it is right!
I heard the gossip
but I didn't believe it.
Come on, Barbara!
Don't exaggerate.
Why shall I not exaggerate? This is the
first man I've see here since your husband!
I haven't even seen Giovanni properly
in this house since he was child!
Ok, you can take it off.
It will be ready by tomorrow.
By the way I saw Giovanni
the other day.
May the devil see his face...
Don't talk like that Enrica,
in the end he is your only son!
You don't have another son.
He didn't look very good. He's still
drinking day-in day-out, isn't he?
He is a grown up. Is it my fault if he
still can't have a decent life?
No matter how many jobs I get for him,
eventually he gets himself fired!
You are right but, it's not easy
for him either.
Poor child, he was always all over the
place. Do you think it's easy?
In the end he is your son!
Francesco's son! Not mine!
Tomorrow is good, Barbara! I am at home
after 3 pm, you can pick it up.
Tomorrow is fine. Hi Maria!
Signora, do you have some time?
What's wrong, what happened?
- Cream, lemon and anything else?
- Ok and a little bit of this too.
I told you didn't I...
Signora Enrica told me about this
place. I'm staying at her home.
- Did you say Signora Enrica?
- Yes.
She is a little bit famous around here.
- Anything else?
- No, Thank you.
Here is your change.
I saw Maria a couple of minutes ago.
With a man... She was riding on
some guys motorbike.
So, what's wrong with that?
- I will talk to her when she comes back!
- Well. What will happen when you talk!
Are going to tell her not to
ride on anyone's bike or what!
Don't be ridiculous.
You're wrong!
Is that so? So you're the only
clever one!
You can't make decisions on
behalf of others.
I mean this is all the
foreigners problem!
You forget that you came to a
different country...
...and instead of adapting to it
you try to bring your habits...
...and traditions and
customs and all your shit here!
Do I need to adapt to you or
should you adapt to me!
You think you can come here and change
the whole world in minutes, don't you?
Everyone can change, Signora Enrica!
By the way, my Italian is still not
good enough! This is unfair!
- I don't understand everything you say!
- That is exactly what the problem is!
Not again?
Do you still wonder about the story of
this bottle of wine that I didn't open?
This is a very old story that belongs to the
beautiful times of Enrica.
I was beautiful sometimes too, you know.
I was a real bombshell.
My breasts were better than
Claudia Cardinale's.
My voice... cognac...
High heels were trendy then...
My legs were like the marble pillars
of a Roman temple.
I really liked wearing high heels.
My grandfather used to live in
San Leo then...
We used to go San Leo
with my father on the weekends.
Just before I got married...
We went to a bar one day...
...with llaria who was my best
friend then.
I had a few drinks, but...
...I didn't remember what it was.
Then I went upstairs to the toilet...
...which was at the end of the hall.
When I was on my way to the toilet,
I passed by a room...
I noticed the door to my left
was ope...
...All the way.
Inside there were some people having
a heated conversation about movies.
That's what I figured out from the
voices anyway...
I was just passing by when I realized
that they changed the subject...
...and started talking about me
I think, "Have you seen her? Have you
seen the one that just passed by"...
...or something like that...
They were talking about my boobs?
Then I went to the toilet.
Afterwards, I went downstairs quickly
without looking around...
Like I heard nothing at all.
Then the bartender asked me
if I knew who was upstairs.
And I said I didn't care.
The bartender said, "Fellini!" And he
came down to ask about you just then.
He needs someone like you in his movie.
A grocery store owner or something...
I didn't really get it. "Someone with
big boobs like you!" he said.
I was so young then of course.
I blushed all of a sudden.
That's so cool!
What did you do?
I ran outside.
I thought that bartender
was making it up all.
I didn't believe it!
Thinking of it now, how foolish I was.
I was such a fool.
Dann hrte ich dass Fellini tatschlich
dort einen Drehorte suchte.
Then I heard that Fellini actually was
there scouting locations for...
...and married an idiot!
How about the wine?
I forgot about llaria and left
her behind, when I ran outside.
Just as she was leaving too,
the bartender asks her...
..."What shall I do with the wine that
Fellini sent for you?"
She grabs it hastily and
runs out after me.
I took it from her, after a long fight.
Then we never talked again.
Just because of this wine.
Signora, who is Fellini?
I wish I never asked!
This can't go on like this.
Something bad will happen
to my Fellini.
Now, even Fellini can't find it.
Promise, one day, if I die.
You never forgot did you?
Marlon Brando.
Nothing! Read your stuff!
Why is the closet locked, Signora Enrica?
Don't worry, I chose a very good
Sicilian wine for you.
Is this called choosing now?
They are all the same. Just couldn't
finish them, whatever the source!
The source will soon be here,
don't worry.
What do you mean?
Has she called? Seriously?
She should come soon, her
graduation is soon.
Let's have a toast to this news,
shall we?
- Cheers.
- To Valentina's return...
Cheers in Turkish?
It's very hard... I give up...
It's almost done!
Please repeat after me.
No, I can't toast.
Well then.
The fish.
I wish there were a raki here now.
Who is he?
Raki is our wine.
I mean it's our traditional drink.
It gets white when mixed with
water and all.
It would be nice if we had
a glass of raki here, right now.
- Were you a drinker then?
- Of course I drink! And like a madman.
My God! It's L'Elisir D'Amour!
Sir, would you like to dance?
- Are you asking me to?
- Yes.
Let's dance.
What was that noise?
Welcome, son!
You are taller than me. Can you
get that huge thing down please?
It's very interesting! Why are they
all full of holes like this?
Ok, this would fit you.
Come on, take it off.
This is embarrassing!
- No! I am shy!
- I told you to take them off!
Good heavens!
You find it funny, don't you?
You still haven't told me why
they have holes in them?
Now you can speak Italian.
Now we have to find a name for you.
There's no need, I like my name.
Salvatore! How is it?
- I said I like my name! No Salvatore!
- Ok Salvatore is good!
Salvatore! Ok! Salvatore is good!
They have holes all over because
when I need a patch for my customers...
I had been using pieces from these.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Salvatore,
happy birthday to you.
- But how?
- I checked your passport once.
I'm speechless.
Do you like it?
Is this for me?
Thank you very much! This is amazing!
It's a race bike.
It's not like the others!
Don't you worry. I can handle it.
But what about cake?
Are you ready for the sea?
What sea? This bike is so cool.
How can you be in Rimini and
never go to the seaside.
Ok, but I don't have a bathing suit!
Don't worry, Signora Enrica
thinks of everything.
This is yours and put these
contact lenses on.
I'll help. Let's go!
Hey, come on! Aren't you going
to swim?
Go ahead. I'll come in in a minute.
How did you carry all that wine?
Come on Signora, there are enough
idiots in the world.
You scare me sometimes.
So, is Maria here?
She went long ago.
You were so mean to her.
I think she stayed too long.
Come on Signora Enrica!
If she is gonna be a nun...
Why not?
How about our Kermit?
- Who is Kermit?
- The stupid boy?
The one that kept stalking me and
stopping me in front of the billboards.
That's it.
Who is Salvatore?
Here I am.
Do you have a new student?
Hi Valentina!
But you...
Is it really?
Put them on here so we can see.
I'll let you know when I'm modelling.
Thank you, Signora Enrica.
This is unbelieveable.
I'm leaving Princess!
See you in the evening.
Ok handsome. I'll do the dishes.
But where is he going?
To another girl probably.
I can't count anymore.
I'm leaving too, Signora Enrica.
My bike is still in the garden isn't it?
Yes, right next to the garage.
What a cool bike this is.
How are you?
So so, how about you?
Not much to tell. What are you doing?
Nothing, riding my bike.
Obviously. Are you kidding?
You look just like a Sicilian
like this you know?
If you say so.
I arrived today.
How nice...
The journey was a little exhausting.
By the way I brought you wine,
did you see?
- No.
- Are you kidding?
Listen, I will get my diploma
on Friday.
We're going to have a graduation party
at Lilliput. Would you like to come?
Maybe... I'll let you know.
See you later.
But you don't know where...
Fuck off! Stop, goddamned thing!
Well done Salvatore!
You did a great job.
I mean if you don't believe me,
you can ask Signora Enrica.
So the famous "mamma li turchi"
saying comes from there.
- Exactly.
- You mean so old...
Your friend is very cool.
Why didn't you introduce him before?
Isn't he?
Come on Salvatore, I'll introduce you to
one of my closest friends.
I'm pleased to meet you all.
- We are too.
- We'll talk again if you're around.
- See you.
- See you.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Let me introduce you, Salvatore.
- Nice to meet you.
- Me too.
- The honour is mine.
What a wonderful night, isn't it?
Did you have fun?
Yes, it was not so bad.
Do you know what? You look
Sicilian like this.
Sicilian? Yes.
You said that before.
Do you remember what you said to
me on that first night?
The one in
front of the billboard...
- Yes.
- I see.
That was just rubbish.
It was like the Goddess of love.
- Come on! Say it again.
- No!
- Come on!
- No way!
I insist, please Ekin!
Sorry Salvatore.
I think it was like...
You are the Goddess of love.
Star of the suns.
I am yours against all your
I just belong to you...
You are so romantic.
Come here!
But here...
It's ok, no one will see us here!
Good morning.
No orange juice this morning?
Where have you been?
You didn't come home last night?
How did you figure that?
I knocked on your door this
morning, you weren't there.
I was in Valentina's room. You were
asleep when we came back, Signora.
Don't be polite to me like that!
So, what happened?
You'll never know!
She wasn't there when I woke up.
Do you know where she is?
Did you hook up with her?
Come on!
I said did you hook up with Valentina?
Why do you say it like that?
Did you hook up with her in my house?
I really don't understand these
questions. No we didn't make out here!
We were too drunk and we passed out
immediately after we came home.
Did you see Valentina?
I'm leaving soon...
...thinking of sending a postcard
to my uncle.
About my decision to stay here...
This girl is really gonna kill me...
Hello, Valentina!
- Raffo?
- Hi Salvatore. How are you?
Have you seen Valentina?
- No, I haven't seen her.
- By the way I'm fine, thank you.
Hey, look at me!
Don't say a word!
I'll talk to you later.
Vale, what's happening?
Vale, what's happening?
Stop whining like a girl!
Who do you think you are?
You jackass!
What the hell are you doing with
this guy?
Was I supposed to ask you who to
hang out with?
Of course you should!
Oh really? Why should I?
Cause you kissed me!
How old are you? Twelve or something!
So what if I kissed you?
I see, that's all then!
Yes it's all Ekin. It's only for sex!
What the fuck are you looking for?
Mind your own business!
But I just thought...
What did you think?
Did you think that you would be an
Italian with making pasta and...
...talking Italian with Signora Enrica!
Do you think that, Ekin?
Let's go!
Who are you?
So called Salvatore!
Fuck off!
Why is my father's bicycle here?
I see you learnt to speak Italian.
What are you doing here?
Should I have asked you before
Do I need to get permission from
you to be in my own house?
You're drunk Giovanni!
I know who you get the courage
from to talk to me like this!
Ok Gianni, I'll let Signora Enrica
know that you're here!
Don't worry!
She went to tombola!
Weird! The woman never
went anywhere for years...
I have never seen her go
anywhere for all these years...
...but now I find out from my friends
that she went to tombola!
Actually, I didn't see much of her
when I was a little child either but...
Giovanni, I still don't get the point!
I saw you two!
You were dancing!
So it was you outside!
Maybe it was you on the phone!
Giovanni you're drunk!
Like that time...
At first, I didn't think that
you could go this far.
I think you're exaggerating!
Now I see that you've gone too far
but remember that this not your home!
I can't stand anymore.
I'm going my room.
Where are you running to, you bastard!
This has gone too far!
What do you want from me!
Tell me! Is this what you want!
Bravo! Bravo!
Well done Ekin!
Keep going!
Signora Enrica, it's not how it seems!
Get out of my house!
But Signora!
I said get out!
Get out off here!
Giovanni? Giovanni, are you ok?
I put some money in the envelope.
It's near the door.
Should be enough to get you
by for a while.
I'm not here for that!
I came to get my father's belongings.
They are in the downstairs
storage, aren't they?
# When I was child... #
# I was always crying for you not to
send me to the boarding school. #
You were trying to
get me away from you.
# The rage you had for
my father... #
# ...was so strong... #
# involved me in it too... #
# Whereas... #
# ...I didn't even have a clue about
anything that went on... #
# Now I know everything... #
But now I don't have a mother...
By the way, that knife was mine...
# What about your story? #
How did you come here?
You mean my story?
It's a long story. My father is a
shop owner in Istanbul, Grand Bazaar.
Wait a minute!
Here's his business card.
# When I grew up he wanted
me to work with him... #
# He wanted me to learn the art of trade. #
# Anyway, I have an uncle as well.
He is a great guy. #
# He likes Italy. #
# Now he is investing
in the wine business. #
# He always wanted to work with me! #
But my father won't allow this.
Anyway my uncle sent me
here to... around and gain knowledge.
So it seems that he hit the jackpot.
# Now because of me... #
# ...they don't talk to each other. #
# Just like your wine... #
# ...I am a very valuable asset. #
As we talk about it,
shall we open the wine?
- Ekin!
# - Ok ok! I forgot it! #
Welcome! How may I serve you?
Are you American?
I'm Italian.
I'm looking for Ekin.
Now, I get it!
I try to find Ekin.
Where is Ekin?
Ekin isn't here!
I don't have a son Ekin!
Get away! Leave here!
Get away!
"You were right, everybody can change."
Cheers Signora Enrica.
Cheers Ekin.