Siren Song (2016)

The living...
An endless chorus of voicesfrom
the beginning to the end.
But if a voice is silencedand
the killer is never caught,
the dead continue to wail.
Their cry goes unheard.
The slayer lives on, day follows day.
And eventually, whenthe killer
realizes thatno one is coming,
he must feelhe has cheated the gods.
But the old gods...
are vengeful creatures.
There are three sisters.
They were trusted to
keeptheir beautiful friend
persephone far from Hades,
lord of the underworld.
All they had to dowas stay together.
Why can't they do it? Jealousy?
Brought by the lure of a voice?
So the sistersabandoned persephone.
Then Hades dragged her
downinto the land of the dead.
The gods, in their rage and fury,
transformed the sisters into
themonstrous and ravenous sirens
and banished themacross the seas,
cursing themto remain there together...
for all eternity,
singing thedead's song of vengeance.
Are you even watching?
Yeah, yeah.
Can you pass me the other one?
Oh, my God.
There you go again, huh?
Throwing my heart on the floor.
I don't know why I said that.
That was stupid.
No. I'm sorry. I just
wish it didn't happen.
It's my fault. Come here.
So focused and...
so wrapped up in my career,
I forgot what was important.
I should have stuck by you, Dan.
I should never have walked outon you.
It's this place, you know,
it sucks the life out of us.
It puts so much pressure on us.
It's getting better.
Soon we'll have a new
sous-chefin the kitchen and...
maybe in a few yearswe'll
have some kids, huh?
Get them on pot washing.
You never said you wanted kids.
Are you serious?
I guess I'm growing up.
I guess you are.
So, what are we gonna doabout this, eh?
I don't know.
Dust it off, it'll be fine.
I'm kidding.
- Yeah.
- Stick it in the bin.
Get me another one.
You're in the hospital.
How are you feeling?
You've been in a comafor three days.
Can you hear me?
The police will needto
ask you some questions.
You've sufferedsevere head trauma...
Severe injuries.
Injuries... Trauma, trauma...
I cannot feel
...In my lifethings seem surreal
...Take a dropthen roll the dice,
all my dreams on paradise
Are you even listening to me?
I don't know whether
you'retaking the piss or not.
- You expect me to funda four-month
tour of europeanvegetarian restaurants.
I know you've hada tough year this year,
but you've been back six months,
you're my top food writer,
and yet all you producedsince
you've been back,
is a pile of crapabout veggie
restaurantsand bloody tofu burgers.
- You're makinga fool out of me, Dan.
Don't make me show youthe readers' letters.
It's obviousyou had some troubles.
You got no memory of that week.
Who wouldn't be messed upfrom that?
If the police were gonna findthe guys that
killed Annie, they'd have done it by now.
You've got to find closuresomehow.
Because if you don't, your life's screwed.
Believe me, I want closure, Mike.
I'm trying to be supportive.
I really am. But...
But this magazinecosts
a lot of money to run.
Okay, Mike.
Write me somethingcarnivore-friendly.
- Please.
Okay, Mike.
So? What do you think?
Uh, if I'm honest mate,
it looks exactly the same.
- Oh, if it's not broken,
don't fix it right?
Have you met anybody yet?
I have actually.
I've found a girl, haven't
exactly met but...
Hmm. Don't tell me you'rewasting your time
searching forthe love of your life online.
You need some flesh.
You need to bury your facein some titty.
We talk about things, you know?
Yeah. Little eye chat?
Little eye wink. Huh?
How well can you knowsomebody
you've never met, man? Seriously?
Yeah, well, how would youever know anybody?
I won't argue that.
So, when are you opening?
Thank God, not for another week.
Still in boxes, the place is a mess,
but we're getting there.
You wanna check the back?
- No, no, no.
- No?
- I'm good.
Well, it might betherapeutic for you.
Come on, it's nice to have you around.
After all, I wouldn't have thisplace
if it wasn't for you. Come on. Come on.
- You know what would be great,
is if you just cameon opening night.
We'll have a good timeand maybe
somebodycould get a review out of it.
That's what this is about?
No, it's not what this is about. I just
said, we'll have some funand, you know...
maybe I can meetyour virtual girlfriend.
Are you all right?
Are you going to be sick?
No, not, don't do that here.
Hi, Victor.
I have a present for you.
Oh, wow.
Yeah. Yeah, that's lovely.
I would loveto see your bedroom.
Um, I thought maybewe could go for a walk,
have a little drink?
But, uh, you invited me over.
I did, yeah. Um...
I invited you for my sister.
So I get to fuck youand your sister?
She's asked meto keep you
companywhile she prepares for dinner.
Here, give me some of that.
Hold on.
What's that then?
You know, the musemight hit me, you know?
The muse.
Did I say something wrong?
My girlfriendused to call me that.
Her muse.
Bad breakup?
She died.
I'm sorry.
It doesn't matter.
Tell me.
You can tell me anything.
One day, I came home and...
Hold that thought.
I'll be right back.
Where are you going?
That stuff will knock you out. Wait for me.
Sometimes I wonder...
if the sirens have
adaptedtoo well to their fate.
Playing with human soulsis dangerous.
Perhaps they've becomea little too quick,
feasting on the guilty,
a little too eagerly.
I've been drinking, bitch.
What's it to you?
Always judging me.
How do you thinkthat makes me feel?
You're nothing!
- Easy.
You make me fucking sick.
I should've run you downa long time ago.
I should've finished you offa lot sooner.
I understandwhat you're going through.
The loss must be so hard.
Well, I don't thinki'll ever get over it.
We're surroundedby awful things.
Yeah. Yeah, I know.
I think I'm falling for you.
I know that might be a...
- No, Callie, please. Um...
I'm glad you said it. I feel the same way.
What? What's the matter?
Listen you deserve to be happy.
Just be yourself.
That's just it though.
I wanna be somebody else.
I mean, I wish I could go backand
just do it differently, you know?
- Me too.
- Really?
I mean you live onsome idyllic little
island, running your own hotel.
Things aren't alwaysas they seem.
I would leave if I could.
Callie? Everything all right?
Ahh! Fuck!
I've got to go.
Callie, what's going on? I heard a scream.
Are you okay? Callie?
Pick up, pick up.
You've reached my answer phone.
Please leave a message.
All right, Ryan.
I'll be over tomorrowfor the review.
It's me again. You let me know you're okay.
Any luck?
Do you think she dumped you?
It was going well.
I heard a scream.
let it go man.
All right? You've got a job to focus on,
I have a job to focus on, so...
can we get on with this?
- Yeah.
I'd like my review.
Ah. You're going to love this.
It's a fresh parma ham...
and a lovely creamcheese en croute,
with abeautiful virgin olive oil.
Simple and clean. It's one of my favorites.
Aren't you gonna have to try it?
I should've called the police.
And say what?
My virtual girlfriendis
not calling me back?
What if something'shappened to her?
Then I'm surethe police would
havetaken care of it by now.
All right. Forget that.
This is great, I know.
Now to the main course...
What is it?
Ah. Your favorite, a filet mignon.
Sink your teeth into that.
This is supposed to be funny?
This was Annie's signature dish.
Dan, it's my signature dish.
Ryan, I'm not doing thiswith you right now.
You really are a piece of work.
Dan, come on man. Just sit down and try it.
Okay? Dan come on.
You're a piece of shit man.
Dan, I wouldn't do that to you.
Don't leave like this.
damsel in distress...
...She needs a hero...
...To shield her pretty eyes,
because these are thingsshe shouldn't see
well, you might fool them
but you don't fool me
because she likes the drama,
but she'll turn her head...
...But she don't look away, just watches
instead, but she likes the violence
and the excitement, as punches are
thrown, when your cover is blown
damsel in distress...
...She needs a hero...
...To shieldher pretty eyes...
...Because these are
thingsshe shouldn't see...
and she walks away, reluctantly
because she likes the drama,
but she don't turn her head,
but she don't look away,
just watches instead,
but she likes the
violenceand the excitement,
as punches are thrown,
when your cover is blown.
I haven't seen youon the island before,
have I?
- It's only the hotel
thatbrings people there now.
- My girlfriendworks out there, Tess.
- She can be fiery though.
- Jerky?
No. No, no, no. I'm good. Thanks.
Hmm, suit yourself.
Sometimes I wonder if the sirens
have adapted too wellto their fate.
Playing with human soulsis dangerous.
Perhaps they become a littletoo
quick with their knives,
feasting on the guilty,
a little too eagerly.
A safe arrival.
If when you need a rideback into town.
Oh, thanks.
It's leather.
It's local made. That'll be 19.50.
Thank you. Keep the change.
- Oh, thank you.
I told you not Togo snooping down there.
- Ow! I'm sorry, Tess.
Welcome to the inn.
You're Danny, aren't you?
Just Dan.
Is Callie around?
Someone shouldprobably intervene.
Not me. I observe.
Where is she?
This is a task for heroes.
But I don't thinkwe're going
to findany on this island,
just heartsick fools.
Can I help you?
Yeah. Um, I'm looking for Callie.
Oh, you must be Daniel.
She's told meabsolutely nothing about you.
You're a total secret.
But a very handsome secret, nonetheless.
Uh, and you are?
Lydia. Her older sister.
Callie didn't mentionshe had a sister.
Seems like you're infor
a very educational visit.
I see you've alreadyhad the
pleasureof meeting Tess.
Oh, I wouldn't exactlycall that a pleasure.
You know she's the youngestof us three.
Um, so, you...
so is Callie around?
Because she's beenexpecting me, so.
- Callie, can you come herea moment please?
I have a surprise for you.
Small confession, Daniel.
That text, rescue me,
kiss, kiss, I sent it.
- What?
- Text?
I just hadto get you two together.
I'm speechless.
My God. What's going on here?
I've laid a room up for you, daniel.
Oh, you don't have to stay.
What? I can, so, I can stay some...
I think it's a great idea.
I can stay, I guess.
See? He can stay.
But, um...
Go on, Callie.
All right.
I hope my sisters didn'tfreak
you out completely.
Oh, they have.
You never told meyou had sisters.
Are you joking? You just met them.
So, uh, Tess, is she a bit unwell?
I'm sorry Lydia tricked
youinto coming here.
Really. I have no idea why.
Okay. Um, I'll leave tomorrow, I guess.
That's probably best.
So, this is you.
Just get yourself settled in.
Yes, Dan?
What's up?
I mean, seriously.
I wasn't expecting this.
I don't know what to say...
I heard a screamand nothing for two days.
And now this?"Here's your room,
I hope you settle in?"
All right.
How about you come to minefor dinner
tonight, around the back of the hotel.
And we'll talk?
We'll talk.
Say around 7:00?
It's a date.
It's a date.
I don't know if that'll help.
Just try that.
I hate this van. It never works.
You all right there?
I don't suppose you knowanything
about engines, do you?
Me neither.
Our van won't start, so we're a bit stuck.
Well, there are worst placesto be stuck,
I suppose.
Yeah, I've been in most of them.
It's nice here though.
Dan, by the way.
So, uh, you're stayingat the hotel then,
I take it?
Yeah, I'm here with my band.
Well we've been herefor two nights already.
Oh, you've been stuck herefor two days?
It sounds stupid, I know...
but someone has stolenall of our stuff,
wallets, phones, bag, everything.
So that rules outcalling a mechanic.
That's awful.
Listen, I don't have muchbut
I could lend you something.
No, it's not as bad as it seems. Callie has
offered to put usall up free of charge,
until the van is fixed. Thanks though.
Right, right,
you're a friendof Callie's then?
by having a fewjamming sessions together.
Callie's a musician?
Yeah. She's got an amazing voice.
My brother is totallyin
love her, of course.
Right. Um, you don't happen to
knowwhere her cottage is, do you?
Oh, yeah, it's just over there,
and up the Lane.
All right. Thanks for that.
Good luck to you.
- Thank you.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Just about found it.
Huh, nice place.
Thank you.
Can I get your coat?
And... You look beautiful.
Oh, this is nice.
Sit down.
Not bad.
You don't think so.
That was all right.
Fate's been good to us anyway.
You think so? Still stuck here.
Exactly, we need to practiceto
see if wehave to be unplugged.
You know, this isthe most
expensive roomin the whole hotel,
curtesy of Callie.
Look Ethan, I think that ship has sailed.
Her boyfriend's here now.
What do you know?
I know that they're on a date.
Um, so Callie I've,
I thoughtmaybe we could talk, um,
about what happenedbefore you...
Can it not waituntil after dinner?
This is our first timetogether
in the flesh, Dan.
I, kind of, imagine it would be,
I don't know,
You know,
Callie and danhave nothing in common.
How do you know that?
Callie is a musician.
With a voice like that,
she needs an artist.
Someone like me.
Or and actual artist like Jake.
Lydia said Dan's a food critic.
See, he writes about food, you know...
we write about love.
You can't write a
five-starreview like that.
Yeah, no kidding.
We've neverhad a five-star review.
How's it going then?
Tell me what's beenyour best ever gig?
Probably a few days ago,
that seaside place, the gold and admiral.
Right now an audience of seven.
And free chips.
You can't beat free chips.
Well, all right. Then what about before me?
What was your best. No,
what wasyour worst ever gig?
Well, don't keep secrets. I hate it.
I can smell them a mile off.
Before you started the band,
we were incomplete.
Yeah, we were really, really shit.
There were no worse gigs. In fact they
were all contendersfor worst gig.
Should we get back on it then?
We don't want to enragethe
rock and roll gods.
We create our own fate.
There's no gods to punish us.
Well, that's lucky, Ethan,
because your last riff was shit.
Come on, bro.
Um, listen, Callie, I'm having a bit of
a problemwith food lately, just meat.
So I don't knowwhat you've prepared
but pleasedon't be offended if I...
I'm practically vegan myselfthese days.
Mmm. Mmmm.
This is really good.
- Yeah?
- Honestly, really good.
Would I get a good reviewin your magazine?
Sure, why not?
If I've still got a job that is.
What do you mean?
Well, turns out the, uh, gastronomical
readership isn'tas veggie-friendly as I'd hoped.
So apparently if I don't
starteating meat again soon, then...
Hmm, what? What is it?
Nothing. It's an animal, that's all.
You don't get much of thatin the big city.
I guess not.
I hated it actually.
So leave.
Leave with me.
I've known you for, like, two hours...
Hey, you've known me for months.
You know everything about me.
I touched youfor the first time today.
Two minutes ago.
Yeah, but we have a connection.
It's rare.
No, my sisters...
Your sisters will get over it.
How about we get to knoweach other?
This is wrong.
What the fuck was that?
I better go out to take a look.
Yeah, here, here, I'll come with you.
This is happening too fast. Stay here,
I'll be right back.
How life repeats itself,
on a blinded promise...
ready to fly the nestabandoning
thosethat are near...
but the gods remain vengeful,
the dead must be avenged.
My God, there you are.
What the fuckare you doing here?
What do you meanwhat am I doing here?
I came to find your ass.
You're the one that texted me.
I didn't text you.
Sure you did.
You didn't send me that?
Rescue you. Rescue you from what?
We've got a problem.
Come with me.
Come on.
How could somebody else text me
to come and be here, help you, rescue you,
I don't, I don't...
I did not text you.
The only theory I can thinkis Lydia.
- Callie is deceiving herself...
What you do about her?
We must convince her.
where have you been? We were worried.
We need to talk.
I'm so sorry, Tess.
I'm not like you.
I wasn't like me once either.
- Don't forsake us again,
or we'll perish.
I'm being torn in twodirections,
it's so hard.
It is.
But you must keep trying.
But I'm different.
I don't think you are.
I've made a decision, Tess.
I'm choosing Dan.
This can't happen.
I'll be leaving in the morning.
You can't go.
We have stood by youall these years.
We get the same text...
and then calliejust goes missing?
Forget this, man, let's blow this joint.
I'll take you back to London,
we'll go hang at the restaurant.
No, no. Fuck that.
I'm not leavinguntil I found Callie.
Forget that girl, man, fuck her.
No, no, fuck you.
I'm sick and tired about
hearingabout your fucking restaurant.
The place makes me sick, all right.
My wife died in that kitchenwhere
you prepareyour shitty food.
It's like eatingher fucking flesh.
I'm done with it.
I"m moving on.
I mean, after all isn't
thatwhat you fucking wanted?
I'm gonna pretendyou didn't say that.
Oh, sorry.
We have a guest.
No, I'm...
You're Ryan,
I know,
we've been expecting you.
Dinner will be served shortlyif you'd like
to make your waydown to the dining room.
After you.
Callie will be joining us soon, daniel.
This stuff is excellent.
I thought we were going to jam.
We are jamming.
We must at leastget really drunk.
So that sounds good.
Now that I'm leaving the island,
can I be your singer?
Of course you can.
When did you join the band?
About a month ago.
She replaced my best mate Sam.
Did I?
He died.
Why didn't you tell meabout this before?
It was about time.
All right.
He could bea real pain in the ass.
We don't have to talk about it.
- I just wanted to loosen him upbefore the gig.
- Ethan, stop!
So, I spiked his drink.
Turns out he hadthis medical condition.
We didn't knowanything about it.
He was a great musician.
Way better than me,
the pigswere after me from the start.
Lennie hadn'tgiven me an alibi,
but shealways comes through for me.
Go on.
I killed him.
I killed him. And I got away with it.
It was an accident.
I knew,
and deep down,
she knows I knew.
I have to get out.
- You all have to leave.
Are you listening to me?
- Get off this island, now!
Of course I don'tblame the sisters,
they can'thelp it if all kinds of...
and riffraffcome to show hospitality.
No, I'm rightabout this aren't I?
Good evening everyone.
Don't worry, Daniel,
calliewill be joining us shortly.
Now, it is my absolute pleasureto
inform youthat one of our finest calves
is being slaughteredfor
this evening's meal.
We do after all havea renowned food
criticand restaurateur in our company.
I see you've metour other guests.
Callie will be all rightin the morning.
You guys are fucked up.
Oh fuck. I'm gonna get smashed.
I have it on very good authoritythat we
have a recoveringvegetarian in our midst.
And I just like to reassure himor her that
we take great careof our livestock here.
We keep them safe and well fed.
Oh, that's nice isn't it, george?
Until they're up for the chop.
Even then, George I can assureyou
it's a very civil affair.
They barely feel a thing. We all come to
our endone way or another, do we not?
Now, as we eat tonight,
I pray we take a moment...
to considerthe mortality of the
livingand the souls of the dead.
And what have we here, miss Lydia?
Well this, in my opinionis one
of the finestcuts we've ever had,
a delicacy some might say.
Ethan, get up.
God, I'm starving.
The verdictof the critic is upon us.
Five star.
So the local faredoes have a
knackfor coaxing the tongue.
First class, Lydia, first class.
The hour's now, Callie.
Tess! No!
No! Get off me. They're
trying to destroy us.
We are here for a reason.
You're kept here as a prisoner.
It can't be. We all die.
Um, you said beef. It's interesting.
How is it prepared?
Family secret, I"m afraid.
I could tell you,
but then I'd have to kill you.
- What's happened?
- Callie.
What about Callie? Where is she?
Callie, in the woods.
Dan, Dan. What are we doing, man?
This place isa fucking freak show.
Let's get out of here.
I'm not sure what elvirawas serving
back there, but it wasn't beef.
I know you heard that scream, man.
We're going to go get Callie.
I can't lose another one.
Forget about her.
Let's go get the cops,
they'll take care of everything.
- Why are you here?
- What?
Seriously, why the fuckare you here?
I came to help you.
So help me.
Don't stand there and
pretendyou give a shit about me.
All you care aboutis
your fucking restaurant.
Dan, I'm your friend.
Is that why you fucked my wife?
What? You don't thinki don't remember?
You took my business.
You fucked my wife. You took everything.
When I found you, youcouldn't
flip a fucking burger. I made you.
- You made me?
- Yeah.
You made me?
You'd be in fucking prisonright
now if it wasn't for me.
I keep my mouth shut, you signthe restaurant
over to me. That was the agreement.
You wanna fucking kill me?
Go ahead and do it.
Fucking do it, I dare you.
Get the fuck out of here, Ryan.
Go back to London.
You'd be in fucking
prisonif it wasn't for me.
Hi, mate. Look, I...
I really need to get a liftout of here.
Is there any wayyou could help me?
Well, I can take youto the ferry for 20.
The thing isi haven't gotten any money.
I've been robbed.
I just, I really needto
get off this island.
you do me a favorand I'll do you a favor.
Fuck off!
What's happened?
Are you okay?
Who did this?
Come on. Just, let's get out of here.
- Callie.
- What? What about Callie?
Where is she?
No, this wasn't me.
This wasn't...
This wasn't me.
Ryan. Ryan, mate.
Ryan, no. Ryan!
Don't kill me.
I'll prove to tessi'm good enough.
Naughty, naughty boy.
Touch her.
Eat it.
Eat it.
Eat it. Eat it.
I will savor the rest of you.
Help me.
Shit. What's happened to you?
I'm gonna get you out of here, all right?
Go, leave. Go!
Ah! Shit!
You will die here.
You will die here!
Did you think you could
stealour sister away from us?
You are a dream to Callie.
She will awakenand you will be forgotten.
We've been waiting for you.
Just like all the others.
And you wanted to be with that?
I found who I am.
He told me what you did.
My sisters were right.
I've been blinded by love.
I wanted to be with you.
I love you, Callie. Please.
Let us hear your true voice.
Go on, Callie.
What really happened, Dan?
I want to hear you say it.
You really had the truth.
I've killed Annie.
You've got to help me.
We got to clean this up.
We got to make this look real.
You killed her.
I had to.
I had to.
I had to.
She broke my heart
and you ripped hers out.
Callie. Callie, please.
You think it's a dream,
when really it's a nightmare.
Those tortured souls...
are never quiet...
their cries heardup through the earth...
on the water...
in the wind...
they demandthat their secrets be told...
and there are creaturesout
there who listen.