Siren (2010)

Where are you headed?
I know that place.
You got me kind of
distracted over there.
What have we got here?
You like that?
Are you a bad girl?
I thought so.
Wait, there's
someone here.
- No no, baby, don't stop.
- Someone's here.
Baby, don't stop, no.
Baby, baby, baby.
Baby, there's nobody
fucking here.
There's nobody here,
Hey sexy.
I'm sorry.
I tried.
I just couldn't
do it anymore.
Oh baby,
you were great.
I felt ridiculous
all dressed up like that.
You have no idea.
You have no idea how
incredibly fucking hot you looked.
I hope Marco's flight
wasn't delayed.
It's been years
since I've seen him.
Who's that?
It's a text
from Claire.
Looks like she's stuck
at the office all weekend...
some big deal
or something.
Oh, that's too bad.
I thought they'd really
hit it off.
Don't worry about
Claire not coming.
- Really?
- I've got this whole thing planned out.
I can't believe
your boss is trusting you
with the boat for the weekend,
you big hotshot.
- I just want one thing.
- What's that?
I want you in the red dress.
Wait a sec.
- What is it?
- This is for you.
Babes, thank you.
I've always wanted
one of these.
Open it up.
You made it.
Great to see you.
You're looking...
you're looking great.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Thank you.
You look pretty good too.
All this traveling
really suits you.
It's been
way too long.
Yeah, five years
since college.
I'm sorry.
Ken, this is Marco.
Good to meet you,
Nice to meet you too.
Yeah, sorry we're late.
Me and Rach had to
make a little
pit stop.
Hey, no problem.
I haven't worn a watch in two years.
No one ever told you
that time is money?
You want to pay close
attention to the map.
You don't want to hit
any rocks.
Is this really the island
from "The Odyssey"?
It's possible.
You never know.
This is a very ancient
part of the world.
Baby, what the fuck's
he talking about?
Greek mythology.
Didn't you see "Clash of the Titans"?
The siren's song
pulls the sailors
towards the rocky shores.
So beautiful,
but very very
That's why Odysseus
has his crew plug their ears with wax.
Yeah, I thought
they tied him to the mast.
And he told them, no matter
how hard he begged,
not to untie him
until they were
far away
from the island.
What are you doing?
- Aye aye, mate.
- Bon voyage.
- See you Monday.
- See you Monday.
I promise
I won't drown.
Amazing boat.
One of the partners
let us have it for the weekend.
They usually use it
for clients.
They love
showing off.
Their parties
get kind of crazy.
Sounds like
he's doing okay.
They love him. You wouldn't believe
how much they're paying him.
And this villa
we're going to
is absolutely
What about you?
- Me?
- Yeah.
I'm great.
So when's
the wedding?
I'm working on it.
You know, I never pictured it
quite like this.
What do you mean?
I always thought,
you know...
You're the one
that got away.
Now come help me
with lunch.
All right, Captain?
Too bad Claire couldn't
come along though, man.
She's fucking hot.
Oh really?
Yeah, quite
the free spirit.
I'm just happy
to be with you guys.
So how is this traveling-the-world thing
going for you?
Have you managed
to find yourself yet?
I'm working on it.
You know, sometimes
you need some distance
to see what's
right in front of you.
This boat is amazing.
A lot of money to be made
with these guys, man.
And they know
how to party.
- Oh yeah?
- Oh yeah.
I like to hear that.
The road to enlightenment
is definitely paved
with excess.
That's what I'm
talking about, yeah.
You want to do me a favor
and take over for a while?
Yeah, sure.
Straight ahead?
And where are you going?
You just set the controls
for the heart of the sun.
Will do.
What the fuck?
Turn us around.
- Somebody's in trouble.
- What?
It's too fucking shallow.
Somebody needs our help
over there.
Who the fuck is that?
Whoa whoa, are you okay?
Whoa whoa, hey,
are you okay?
Hey, what happened?
- Oh relax.
- What's going on?
- What the fuck is he saying?
- I don't know.
I can't understand him.
Take it easy.
Qu'est-ce qui
se passe?
- God, he's bleeding from his ears.
- He can't hear us.
Hey hey, rela...
hey hey hey.
Hey, don't do that.
Hey, don't do that, hey.
Hey, whoa whoa.
Okay, relax.
Okay okay.
Mayday mayday mayday.
This is Persephone,
Persephone, Persephone.
Calling all stations.
In need of
immediate assistance.
Try another channel.
There's nothing,
all right?
There's still no signal.
Rach, there's no signal
'cause we're in the middle
of fucking nowhere.
Oh well, thanks for
reminding me.
It seems to be
completely blocked up.
It's completely
silted up.
What are we gonna do?
there's a box of spare parts
down below.
I guess
I could fix it,
but it's gonna
take a while.
Maybe we can
flag someone down.
First we gotta do
something about this.
It's not our fault.
Rach, we're foreigners
in a strange country.
Think about it.
We don't even know
who the fuck he is.
They hang people for
shit like this, right?
Yeah, he's right.
Let's take him
back ashore.
That's where
he came from.
That's where the fuck
he will stay.
Someone's here.
- What?
- Someone's here.
Hey! Hey!
Where are you, Rachel?
- Rach, where are you?
- Rachel!
It's okay.
It's okay.
We're not gonna
hurt you.
Do you speak English?
We didn't know
what to do.
He just died on our boat.
Do you understand?
Was he your friend?
I'm Rachel.
What's your name?
Hi, Silka.
What happened?
What are you doing
out here?
I don't remember.
That man...
who was he?
You came back for me?
We're gonna help you.
Is there anybody else here?
I don't know.
- Who was that man?
- I don't remember.
You must think.
Come on,
try and remember.
Maybe you should
take a break.
Who were you with?
Can I talk to you
for a minute?
It's okay.
Don't worry about it.
You're probably
still in shock.
I'm gonna fix you
something to eat.
What is your problem?
She's just a girl.
She's a witness, okay?
She saw us.
And you're acting like
we're guilty of something.
I just want to know
what the fuck is going on.
She doesn't remember
No no no no,
there's something
that she's not
telling us.
She's traumatized.
Look, let's just
take it slow, okay?
There you go.
Oh, you like that one?
I designed it myself.
I had it made
when I was over in Goa.
Have you ever
been there?
Well, it's
completely wild.
I was out of line
I shouldn't have reacted
that way to you.
I'm just trying
to figure out
what the hell
is going on here.
Okay, so what's the plan?
We're gonna go ashore
and make camp,
set up a signal fire,
try and flag
somebody down.
Besides, it'll be fun.
We should get started.
It's getting late.
So weird...
that's completely dead.
Help me.
Help me.
Are you okay?
What is it?
You remember something.
Don't worry.
It'll come back.
It's all right.
How is it going
up there, dude?
What's the matter?
Is she still up there upset at me?
No, not at all.
I'm just looking for
a bit more fuel
for the fire.
You got an opener
You know,
I do actually.
Did Rachel
give you this?
What made you guess?
"Forever" that how long
you're gonna make her wait?
Well, if I were you,
I wouldn't leave her
dangling for too long.
What are you
trying to say?
No, nothing.
No, nothing?
Are you trying
to steal my girl?
Is that what this is
all about for you, huh?
- No.
- No?
I'm just
fucking with you.
Come on, let's get
this party started, eh?
Hey baby.
You look like
you could use a drink.
I can't stop thinking
about that man.
What do you think
happened to him?
Well, probably
a fisherman
whose boat ran into
trouble, you know.
And Silka... I'd say
she's just a tourist
that got stranded.
What do you think?
He was bleeding
from his ears.
Rach, Rach,
hey, it wasn't
our fault, okay?
You can't keep
thinking about it.
We're just gonna deal with it
the best way we can.
Besides, look on
the bright side.
A man died here today.
I mopped up his blood.
Which is why you gotta
stop dwelling on it.
Look, we're gonna
be heroes, okay?
We're rescuing a survivor.
We've got plenty of supplies.
Tomorrow I promise
we'll flag somebody down.
But let's just
enjoy ourselves tonight.
You're right.
Maybe I do need
that drink.
That's the spirit.
Think of it
like an adventure.
It's kind of like
what we spoke about.
What do you mean
by that?
You gotta admit
she's pretty hot.
What did you just say?
Is that what this is for you...
some kind of fantasy trip?
I just...
Her parents are probably
worried sick.
Maybe it'll help her
remember who she really is.
You're sick.
Rach, I'm just...
I'm just kidding around.
Just here is good,
We've got a view
out to sea,
good sight lines.
Hey man, looks like
someone's been here before.
Yeah, that's
a good thing,
I guess.
We've got loads more stuff.
Let's go.
Hey, where are
you guys going?
How old do you think
she is?
Old enough.
Hey, where are
you guys going?
Wait up.
Come on,
wait for us.
It's really weird...
I recognize this place.
Jesus, Rach.
Hey, are you okay?
I think so.
Okay, her color
is coming back.
I think you're gonna
be fine, yeah?
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
I'm fine.
Think you can make it
back to the boat?
Yeah, no, I'm okay.
Really, I'm fine.
Are you sure?
Hey hey.
Are you sure?
It's fine.
Let's get you in
some dry clothes, hmm?
I'll start the fire.
Where are you?
where are you?
Where are you?
She wants you.
Marco, where are you?
We're coming.
Where have you been?
Well, you can't just go
running off like that.
We're supposed to
stick together.
What's wrong?
No no, I can't.
I can't. I...
Yeah, I'd better go
and bring the gear up.
God, it's so
beautiful here.
What's wrong?
Do you remember
Sorry, I didn't
mean to...
I'm just
so happy now.
There's a man all alone
in the middle of the woods.
There's a knock
at the door.
And he goes and
he answers the door.
And there's a big burly
Scottish lumberjack standing there.
And he says,
"Hi, my name's Angus.
I've come to invite you
to a party."
The man says, "That's great.
What kind of party?"
And Angus says,
"Oh, you know, the usual...
a bit of fightin',
a bit of drinkin',
a bit of dancin',
a bit of fuckin'."
The man says,
"That sounds interesting.
How many people are gonna be
there in all, you know?"
And Angus says,
"Oh, there'll just be the two of us."
Come on, baby.
Come on.
That's the spirit.
Who wants
to play charades?
No, we're not
playing charades.
I'll break your heart
To keep you
Far from where
All dangers start
And atmosphere
Gets crazy life
Where every breath
Just bites
Into the soul
Space so calm about you
I'll break your heart
To keep you
Far from where
All dangers start
I'm on my way
I'm on my
What a voice.
Are you seeing this?
If this is a dream,
I don't want to wake up.
It's so
beautiful here.
Look at the stars.
Where's Marco?
He went to the...
Maybe we should
go back in.
What's the rush?
I'm cold.
We'll keep you warm.
Right, Silka?
Don't start
without me.
There's somebody here.
Where is he going?
You came back for me?
No, I can't.
Yes, you can.
She wants you, Marco.
Oh, Jeez.
No! No!
She asked for it.
It's all up here.
Come on, man,
I'm not fucking around.
Say something!
What the fuck?
Oh shit!
I warned you.
You're fucking dead.
I fucking buried you.
It's inside you.
What the fuck's
inside me?
Get the f...
oh no!
Stay the fuck
away from me.
We must cut it out.
No! Marco! Rachel!
Get the fuck...
Oh shit.
Dude, what the fuck
have you done?
Where's Ken?
No idea.
Well, where is he?
Everything was just
so fucked up last night.
It was like I was having
a bad trip or something.
Where have you been?
We have to leave now.
Get everything together.
We gotta get back in the boat.
- Why? You said...
- Listen!
I found another body.
I think he maybe have been
with the other guy.
Oh my God.
What the fuck's
so funny?
Is this all
a joke to you?
Hey hey, do you have
that you want to share with
the rest of us? Please share it.
What the fuck's
so funny?
You think
you're the hero,
but you're not.
What the fuck is wrong
with you, huh?
What the fuck
is wrong with you?
Don't you want to get off
this island?
Don't you want
to get off the island?
You're going to
die here.
Nobody's coming
to save you.
Let her go.
We can't just
leave her here.
Yes, we can.
I'm not leaving
without her.
Hey guys,
look over here!
There's more.
They're everywhere.
What the fuck
is that?
Okay okay.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I think there's
something down here.
What is it?
What the fuck
is that smell?
What is it?
It's bodies...
lots of dead bodies.
No no no no.
This isn't real.
This isn't real.
This isn't real. This isn't real.
This isn't real.
- Rachel.
- This isn't real. This isn't real.
- Rachel, Rachel, Rachel.
- This isn't real! This isn't real!
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's not real.
It's okay.
I don't understand.
Where is she?
Where is Silka?
It doesn't matter,
all right?
Hey, we're leaving.
We're getting
out of here.
Trust me.
Okay okay.
We must get back
to the boat.
I'll break your heart
To keep you
Far from where
And atmosphere
Gets crazy life
Where every breath
Just bites
Into the soul
Space so calm about you
I'll break your heart
To keep you far...
I'm on my way
I'm on my
What are you doing?
Okay, there's a lot more stuff.
Let's go.
I don't understand.
I've changed the valve.
It should be clear.
Is that working?
I think so.
That's moving.
That's moving. There you go.
Mayday mayday mayday.
This is Persephone,
Persephone, Persephone.
Can anyone hear me?
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
This is Persephone,
Persephone, Per...
Is that moving?
Yeah yeah, just...
Silka, I'm here.
Silka, can you hear me?
Silka, I can...
Help me.
One, two, three!
Try it again!
Oh fuck.
One, two, three!
Is that it?
Is that it?
- Yeah, baby!
- All right!
We're out of here.
Rach, Rachel.
Hey baby.
Baby, are you in there?
Help me.
I'm waiting.
Rachel, please.
Help me.
Help me.
Help me.
Rachel, Rachel.
I'm waiting.
I'm waiting.
Over here, Rachel.
Come to me.
This way.
Over here.
Come to me.
Rachel, Rachel.
Rachel, Rachel.
Where the fuck
are we going?
You belong here.
What the hell
are you doing?
I found Silka.
Hey, listen.
Hey, that's enough, okay?
The boat's fixed.
We're gonna leave here.
No no no,
wait wait.
Silka! Silka!
Rach, Rach, Rach.
- Sil...
- Hey, she's gone, okay?
No no,
she was here.
Baby, she made
a choice.
We're leaving.
Guys, this way.
- Help me.
- Rachel, come on.
Help me.
Guys, come on.
Rachel, come on.
Where the fuck are we?
- I'm waiting.
- Rach, Rachel, come on.
Help me.
Rach, come on.
If we just follow this way,
we'll get to the north.
For fuck's sake.
Marco, come on.
Just follow me,
all right?
We're just going around
in circles.
Haven't we already
been this way?
Come on, we need a rest.
What's going on?
Ken, can you please
just listen to him?
Marco, I'm trying to get us
the fuck out of here.
It's all up here.
I'll break your heart.
It's all up here, man.
Guys, I think I know
what's going on.
What are you
talking about?
She hypnotized us.
It was the song, man.
None of this
is really happening.
Stop it, Marco.
Stop it.
It's all up here.
It's all up here, man.
What is?
Rachel knows.
Rachel's known all along.
Marco, get a grip, eh?
We're all in it
Marco, where have
you gone?
Rach, Rach.
Rach, hey Rach,
wait wait.
He's gone.
He was just behind me.
Rach, we've got to
keep moving.
Where are we going?
I know how to get off
this island.
We can do this
- Okay.
- Okay.
Okay okay.
Just in case.
It took me a while,
but I finally
figured it out.
It's all in here.
I'll break your heart
To keep you
Far from where
All dangers start
And atmos...
Crazy life
Where every breath
Just bites...
Oh shit.
Oh, here.
My foot.
My foot's stuck.
Here, let me help.
Rach, Rach,
I need my hand.
It's okay.
Ken! Ken!
Rachel, Rachel,
I found it.
Silka, I know
you can hear me.
I know you can.
Please just...
just let him go.
I'll do anything.
Marco, Marco.
Jesus, Marco.
What the fuck
happened, man?
It's all up here.
- Can you hear me?
- Ken.
- Rach!
- Ken!
- Rachel.
- Oh.
- Rachel.
- Oh honey.
I thought
I lost you.
No, you're not getting
rid of me that easy.
I found the water.
We're gonna
get out of here, okay?
You're covered in blood.
It's Marco's.
Where every breath
just bites...
What are you doing?
She did this.
What do you mean?
Let's go.
Silka did this.
Can't you hear her?
I'll break your heart
We've got to stop
the singing.
We're like the...
the sailors in that ship...
they put wax
in their ears.
That's how they stopped
the singing.
That's enough.
You can have me
if you let him go.
We don't need him.
I'm the one
you want.
I'm the one.
We have
each other now.
I'll break your heart
To keep you
Far from where...
I'll break your heart.
I've always loved you.
I love you too.
You catch her
dangerous eyes
Her silhouette
in the smoky music
Shift around
the drunken hall
When I pull you near
Love poison's
in your blood
The heat is rising up
You've been called,
By a rattlesnake siren
Shut down, shut down
Shut down, rattlesnake
Shut down, shut down
Before the night
comes in
Shut down, shut down
Shut down, rattlesnake
Shut down, shut down
Before the night
comes in
Shut down, shut down
Shut down, rattlesnake
Shut down, shut down
Shut down, rattlesnake
Shut down, shut down
Shut down, rattlesnake
Shut down, shut down
Before the night
comes in.