Sis Ve Gece (Fog And Night) (2007)

-The road is clear!
-Be safe.
-Friends, may God be with you.
-We're just here to observe, ok!
Everybody did well, thank you.
Now go to the cars.
There are three bodies in the living
room. Two men and a woman.
-Take care of them.
-Yes captain.
-Sedat what happened back there?
-I don't know.
-Two people were running so we fired.
-I think one of them got shot.
-Are you alright?
-Thank God I'm fine.
-Well, all's well that ends well.
-Ok, thanks.
-Fine, I'll see you later.
-See you later.
-Sedat, good morning. When did you get in?
-Good morning.
A while ago...
Why did you get up...
-Can I get you some coffee?
-I'll just finish this and go to bed...
Sedat... Sedat... Are you asleep?
Mine... Mine... Are you asleep?
Always on your mind, eh?
-What is?
Come on Yildirim,
who told you about Mine?
No one...
I was wandering why you weren't
trying to find my murderers...
...and here you are, all in love.
-The killers were found...
-Come on Sedat.
This girl, she made you
feel good, didn't she?
Swept you off your feet, took
you to places you had forgotten.
But love, at your
age, is very dangerous.
What does it have to do with age?
A lot...
This affair started
after my death, right?
Dad... Breakfast is ready.
Good Morning Dad!
Good morning. Come come...
Come inside. God...
My beautiful daughters...
Let mommy wait a little.
Let's sleep a little longer...
The terrorist were found
on the outskirts of town...
...and shot at police officers
who tried to stop him.
After a 15 minute shoot out...
Gke! You haven't drunken your milk.
-I don't wanna drink milk.
-No honey, you have to.
Look how Aya is drinking.
Come on, lets race.
-I don't like milk.
-Shh. Wait a minute.
a woman were captured.
It was discovered that these
terrorists had previously...
...wounded five police officers during
a raid at a police station.
-How did it go last night?
-How was the rookie?
From a generation
hired via a newspaper ad.
I'm tired of this job.
Political squad has an operation
and I'm there to supervise.
You are investigating the relations
between terrorists and foreign countries.
Have a little patience Sedat!
What more should I do.
Look at what I've become.
It's Yildirim's fault you're like this.
I dreamt about him again last
night. Why is it his fault?
Sedat! This is not
a village tea house.
-So no one should give their opinion.
-No, they should.
They should, but not by
collecting signatures, like you did.
That was to strengthen
the secret service.
But what did you do?
You shut everybody out.
We did no such thing Sedat!
Yildirim quit because he wanted to. I
begged him not to go but he didn't listen.
Then what happened?
He got shot by terrorists because
his personal security was compromised.
Then why didn't the secret
service take on his investigation?
I personally ordered the investigation.
Then what happened?
They said the political squad
would have to deal with it.
-Who? Soldiers?
-Why do you say soldiers all the time?!
Because they were in
charge of us at that time.
Soldiers who don't know the
first thing about intelligence.
Sedat! Don't forget!
Soldiers established the secret service.
Good morning.
They are questioning everybody
who has signed the petition again.
-They want a report from me.
Ordered by Mr. Ismet. Do
you know anything about it?
No. I've just heard about it.
-I thought that case was closed?
-Maybe the new boss wants to know about it.
I think they're going
to wipe all of us out.
Ali Nesim, the brother of
one of the terrorists Glizar Nesim...
...has claimed in a press conference today
that his sister was summarily executed.
Claiming she had nothing to do
with these terrorist he said...
"There were only two people
who were armed at the house...
...but three were killed.
And if investigated you will see that none
of those guns were used by my sister.
She was summarily executed.
-Have you seen Mrs.Sevim lately?
-She came over for tea today...
-Why, has something happened?
-No, I was just curious.
She has problems
with her daughter Mine.
She hasn't heard
from her in two days.
I don't want to hurt you but
we cannot be together anymore.
We need time.
Let's think this over.
No Sedat!
You found that jail bird didn't you?
No it's not that.
Accept that it's over.
Tell me, how you can
handle the both of us?
How have you been handling me
and your wife for the past year?
What is it Sedat.
Are you okay?
Nothing. I just dropped the fork.
Mine... Mine!
-Shh, she's sleeping.
-Who's sleeping?
Mr. Sedat, is that you?
Please, come in.
For a minute I thought your daughter
was Mine. From behind..Same coat.
Ah...Mine bought that
for her.
She insisted she had to
have a coat just like Mine's.
So Mine said let's buy you one.
You know how she is.
-Won't you sit down?
-I don't want to disturb you.
Please do sit!.. I haven't
seen you around lately...
Yeah well, I've
been busy with work...
Mine is missing too.
She hasn't called either.
Do you know where she is?
I haven't heard from her lately.
Have you noticed anyone around lately.
A guy named Fahri
stopped by... A tall guy.
There were rabbits in the
forest. Then they went to sleep.
-Do you like rabbits?
-Don't bother, she won't say anything.
-She had a deal with her father.
What deal?
Well, Mr. Koo used to hunt.
Rabbits, partridge,
all sorts of things.
He would bring the animals home and
tell Maria they were just sleeping... that she wouldn't be sad.
But he'd say "they
sleep best in the freezer"... Maria would take them
and put them in the fridge.
Then she'd forget about
them ten minutes later.
We'd tell her that they'd woken
up and gone back to the forest.
She doesn't even know her father
is dead. She thinks he went hunting.
Sometimes she asks when he'll be
back, then she'll forget about it.
-Is this your son?
Handsome boy.
Where is he now?
-Why didn't you go with him?
Mr. Koco's grave is here.
I couldn't leave him all alone.
I have some linden tea
boiling, would you like some?
Thank you. With your
permission I'll just check upstairs.
-Maybe she has left a note or something.
-Go right ahead.
Do you have a spare key
for Mine's apartment?
Sure. It's right next to the door.
-May I?
-Good night.
-Good night.
Sedat don't...
Madam looked so nice when
she was young, don't you think?
-Yes she did.
You know, Mr.Koo fell in love with
a young Greek girl when he was 50.
Set her up on a nice
house, bought her stuff.
A couple of years later she ran
off with a young Greek guy...
...and Mr. Koco was devastated.
He closed his tavern
and kept to himself.
If I hadn't known better I'd
say it was a great love affair.
Do you think Madam knew?
Is this jasmine?
Why do you hate her!
-I hate her and I want her to death.
-To death?
Up to the point where I
sacrifice everything I care about.
My family, my job, my pride.
What about Mine?
Does she love you?
At first she did, maybe not
like I loved her but she did.
Maybe I reminded her of her father.
Maybe the fact that you
were married appealed to her...
...a young girl, taking a
man from a grown woman.
She left me because I was married.
What about Fahri? Doesn't he have
to do anything with your breaking up?
Look how beautiful she sings.
I wanted to be a singer too.
Two drops of rain, earrings on your ears...
Ah, the boat that carries its passengers
Stand still, I love you still!
Fahri Ertrk.
He was charged with
some illegal graffiti.
Then raided a police station with 5 others.
One of them and two us got killed.
He was wounded. Went to jail.
He realized this was no way to continue
and was expelled from the group.
Then he started writing poems. So he
is not affiliated with any organization.
He has a friend named Sinan,
they always hang out together.
He publishes a magazine of some kind.
They were pardoned and released in '91.
How long has this girl
been missing?
Eight or nine days.
Captain, Fahri Ertrk went to
visit his mother in Antalya.
-When did he leave?
-His landlord said a week maybe ten days.
-Did you get his mother's number?
-We didn't.
Well done assholes."We didn't get
it!"... Go find that number!
-Yes captain.
-They are making us work with kids!
Damn it. Do you think
this girl left with the guy?
-I'll check it out and keep you informed.
Thank you.
-Don't run Gke!
-Gke wait for me!
-Good morning!
-Good morning Mrs. Sevim.
-Is Sedat home?
-He is. What is it?
No word from my daughter yet.
Still no news, I came to tell him that.
Sure. Come in.
Is it possible that she went
somewhere with her friends?
Yes. Please don't
jump to conclusions.
It's been over a week.
Surely she would have called!
Ok, I'll look into it.
Come on, don't look so sad now.
I'm sorry to be bothering
you with this all the time.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
I just talked to Selin in Italy...
A friend of the missing girl.
-What did she say?
-She said she didn't know anything.
-Are you sure?
-Well she said...
...they were together before she went
to Italy and everything seemed fine.
I'm gonna get some coffee.
Would you like anything?
No, thanks.
Yes Naci?
Okay! I'll be right there.
Ah Mine, look what we've become.
Both your lovers in the same place.
-Where's Mine?
-I really don't know.
I last saw her before I left...
-Where were you?
-In Antalya. With my mother.
Ten, eleven days ago.
Last Wednesday.
-Where did you meet?
-We went to a cafe in Taksim.
-What did you talk about?
-Nothing, this and that.
I told her I was going to my mother's,
she said fine and we parted. That's all.
What was your
relationship with this girl?
She was my girlfriend.
Were you arguing lately?
Naci... He
doesn't know anything.
-What can we do.
-Let him go.
-Are you sure?
-Let him go.
Look... Do you want me
to put surveillance on him?
I don't think it's
necessary. Good night...
Okay, I'll be right there.
-Mr. Sedat.
-Yes. Is Madam Eleni here?
She's inside... She
was very frightened.
Mr. Sedat! If you
knew what happened to us.
What happened Madam?
If it wasn't for Seref. My kid
would be in the hands of murderers.
I had sent Maria to the store.
She didn't come back.
She didn't come back.
Then she came with Seref...
Let me tell you.
You know my grocery store
at the entrance of the street.
-Isn't that a realtor?
-Well we do two things...
It's a realtor and a grocery store.
When you see the rent and sale ads.
I saw a car drive by today, it
was looking strange so I got suspicious.
Then it vanished. I'm coming back
from the city council's office.
...and I see them dragging Maria by
the arm and taking her to the car.
I went after them. They got scared when
they saw me, left the girl and ran.
-Did you get the licence plate?
-Of course I did.
But why would they
want to kidnap Maria?
They were going to
use her to beg Madam.
-The country is full of cannibals.
-Good Lord.
-Remember that raid in skdar?
The Interior Ministry is starting an
investigation. They want a report from us.
I guess Naci doesn't know what's going on.
I saw him yesterday and he was happy.
He'll find out soon. Don't
tell him anything anyway.
-Do you think he'll get into trouble?
-The press is exaggerating...
Someone's brother is complaining
about a extra-judicial execution...
-Enjoy your meal.
-They got the guy.
-Okay.You go, I'll be there.
-Enjoy your meal.
-Who did they get Sedat?
-You know my neighbour's daughter...
She's been missing for a while. They
tried to kidnap her landlady's daughter.
-How can I explain this to you...
My neighbour's daughter is missing. And
she has a landlady who has a daughter...
...a little retarded.
They had the same coats..
He was in jail for raping a kid.
They almost killed him inside.
-He raped a kid?
-Yeah! And than a German tourist.
He later became
someone's boyfriend inside.
-Nice! What else?
-Burglary, pickpocketing, heroin sale.
-What else?
-He swore not to do bad things once.
Sacrificed a lamb or something.
His uncle was a holy man.
Took him inside. Then he goes and
steals the carpets in the mosque.
-Don't lie man!
-I'm not lying!
I've never seen this girl
in my life. Is she dead?
Let's begin.
Is she dead?
Stop... Please stop...
Please stop...
I'm not your guy.
I'm telling you I didn't kill her!
I swear to you, I didn't do it.
-How do you know she's dead?
-How should I know?
Whenever there's trouble and
you don't know who did it...
-I get taken into custody.
-We have a witness...
...that says he saw you with her.
That's a lie...
-Where were you yesterday morning Neco?
-In the bathroom...
-Did you have the runs?
-I run that bathroom.
-Where is your car Neco?
-My car?
-That white Sahin of yours.
-At the mechanic.
-What are you guys after?
-We're after you Neco.
How long has it been there?
You have nothing on me
about that.
-It was an accident.
-What accident?
I'll tell you. Three days ago...
...a yogurt truck slammed into
me at the entrance of aglayan.
-Keep making stuff up Neco, go ahead.
-I swear it's the truth.
Neco! Weren't you in
Kurtulus last night?
-What, in Kurtulus?
-They saw you on Akasya boulevard.
Akasya boulevard? Did
that bastard Seref tell on me?
Do you know him?
Yeah, that guy that buys
and sells houses, the realtor?
Yes. The realtor.
Yeah realtor! He's a
crook! He robs the dead!
-He robs the dead?
-Now brother, let me tell you how it is...
Let's say you are Greek... Okay?
You have a nice house over there...
Now here comes that bastard Seref...
Intimidates you, throws rocks at
your window... graffiti on your wall...
...anonymous threat letters...
Then he comes in like the
nice boy of the neighbourhood and...
...tells you to sell everything
and go back to Greece...
So this Greek friend of ours sells
his stuff pretty cheap to Seref...
...and he goes, here's
your lovely new building...
Sedat! What happened,
is everything ok?
How long have you
been working for the KYP?
For who brother?
Don't you know about the
Greek Intelligence Service?
What? No brother I'm
Turkish to the bone!
-Would I ever work for the Greeks?
-I heard they paid you well.
It's a lie! Look! I swear
on my grave that it's a lie!
They said that you bother
Greeks so they work for them...
I'm being framed!
Would I ever do that?
You're right. He's
not going to confess.
Did you say goodbye
to your mama Seref?
Look! You're making a huge mistake.
I don't work for the Greeks man!
-Look, still he denies it.
-I'll do whatever you want.
I'll be your snitch for life.
You go be a rat for the
Greeks... You Greek seed.
Man, why don't you believe me.
I'm not working for the Greeks!
What did you want with that poor girl?
That bastard Neco thing was a set up.
But I don't have anything
to do with the Greeks!
-You were wrong to pity him.
-I don't know.
He suddenly grew
old during the interrogation.
I somehow even felt close
to him. I looked at him.
...and here we are two stupid boys in
love and she's nowhere to be found.
But Fahri's
organization tried to kill you.
Do you think the organization would
be involved in a personal matter?
You must find that street vendor.
I will...
Are you okay?..
I'm going downstairs to the
canteen,would you like anything?
-Would you like something?
-No thank you.
God spared you my friend,
I'm glad you're fine.
-Any developments?
-Fahri is dead.
The gun is a Kirikkale.
It was his father's.
What about the street vendor?
Last night we shot someone in
Balmumcu. Mustafa was there too.
Yeah... zer Yilki.
You remember the night
they shot at us in skdar... was the same gun
we found on the boy.
Mr.Ismet, these things
has been a problem for all of us.
You know, they asked
for my written report.
Are they going to
finish us off this time?
-Nothing's gonna happen.
-Of course but...
My girl is going to
a private high school...
...the little one has started elementary
school. I have the mortgage on the house..
What the hell am I supposed to do?
Are they going to fire me or what?
-zer Yilki.
-This is not the street vendor.
-It's not?
Turn the heat up,
I'm freezing...
The radiator is still not working.
To your house right?
No, we're going to Mine's house.
-The missing girl's house!
-Yes, the missing girl's house.
-But Mr.Ismet told me to take you home.
-Never mind what he said.
What's going on Mr. Sedat, first
Mine disappears, and now Fahri is dead?
Yeah I know...
He used to visit Mine a lot lately...
He had a record, released
from prison with a pardon.
Do you think Fahri might
have done something to Mine?
Where did Mine find this guy?
From school I guess...
-I'll be on my way now.
I insist you have some
sherry before you go.
I have a little cold and I'm taking
some antibiotics so I'd rather not drink.
Come on! A little
sherry is not alcohol.
Mr. Koo used to drink
one every night as medicine.
-Another time perhaps...
-As you wish.
Excuse me. Please
don't. I know the way.
-It's okay, I'll walk you out.
-Maria good night...
-Good night Madam.
-Good night dear Mr. Sedat.
-Who is this Mine?!
-What are you doing here?
-I was waiting for you.
-Who is running the operation?
What operation?
Sedat! You will tell me everything!
I want to know
what the hell is going on.
Okay then I'll tell you
the truth. You know why?
Yes, I'm having an
affair with this girl.
Because first you took care of Yildirim.
And it's not just a simple fling...
I'm crazy in love. My career always
came before my family even my kids.
Then you cast me aside. Made
me a watchdog in police operations.
Then I met Mine and she
filled the void inside of me.
Ok uncle, please calm down...
Please sit, please...
OK. I'm fine.
You start talking. Who is this Mine?
What is your relationship with her?
She is our neighbour from the building.
We used to run into each
other from time to time.
Look son, my father;
your grandfather...
...was one of the best intelligence
agents the country has ever seen.
I have as much respect for
my grandfather as you have.
But you have been cleverly set up.
-Set up how!
-Stop playing games Sedat.
Come to your senses.
The games that are played in
our country have not ended.
They want to divide us,
make our government weak.
They want to render every organization
that stands in their way ineffective.
And their first target is our secret
service. They have their people among us.
You're exaggerating uncle...
Look, there are two possibilities here...
...either the terrorist
organization did this...
...or Fahri thought Mine
was a snitch and he did it.
I read his file. He
was against terrorism.
-Maybe he was jealous.
-Why would Fahri be jealous of you?
What is it between you
and this girl? Is it love?
Maybe he thought so.
Sedat son, you have
been blinded by love.
Fahri is dead, you
could have been too.
And the reason for
it all, the girl, is missing.
She left you to face each
other and disappeared.
I'll tell you, you two
boys were pawns.
The real target was
the secret service.
I was worried,
where were you?
I was with my uncle and
the conversation ran a bit.
-Is your arm okay?
-Yeah fine.
-Daddy's here!
-Sweetheart. How are you?
-I'm fine.
-Where's your sister?
-She's inside studying.
-Come on, let's go...
-I cooked some okra, you'll eat it right?
-Yes I'll eat it.
-Don't you have a kiss for daddy?
-Hi dad. I was studying.
-Did you girls eat your dinner?
-A long time ago.
-Why didn't you come dad?
-Dad is busy Gke.
Come on, continue
with your homework.
Mrs. Sevim is here...
She wants to see you.
She drops by everyday now.
The poor woman is devastated.
Any news for her?
-Didn't like it?
-Yes, it's fine thank you.
Please eat. How else are you
going to pull yourself together?
I don't feel like it.
Maybe you should go
easy on the smoking.
Did Mrs. Sevim say anything?
Her ex husband
came in from Germany.
He, too would like to see you.
He left his phone number
at the hotel he is staying.
-Would you like me to make some coffee?
The things that Ismet
said, might be true?
No, Mine can't be a spy.
My uncle's paranoid, that's all...
Could Ismet be playing you?
No he'd never do that.
He always protects me.
He makes different
logical connections...
Every organization wants
to infiltrate the other.
If I hadn't known Mine
maybe I would think like my uncle.
- But, no, it's not possible...
-Mustafa... What about him?
-Hello. I'm here to see Metin Akdag.
-He's in the lobby.
Mr.Sedat, right?
Won't you sit down?
What happened to
my daughter Mr. Sedat?
We don't know anything either.
-I can think of something.
You know, Mine looks like
her mother's youth.
As you may know she was
staying with her step father.
-What does that have to do with anything?
-And Sevim is getting older.
Mine is young. The guy might
have taken an interest in her.
-How so?
He was constantly poking
his nose in her business.
And she saw him checking her
out through the door a couple of times.
They live in the same house,
it could be a coincidence.
Well, he made a pass at her.
I mean when she didn't return the
affection... She never liked that guy.
She said she hated him and stuff.
This Ceyhun was Sevim's
boyfriend before me.
All the way from high
school. He got her pregnant...
...then left her to go to Ankara
to study. She got an abortion...
...but that was enough to ruin her
reputation. The bastard didn't even care.
Sevim was my aunt's
neighbour. I saw her and liked her.
My aunt said to marry
her and take her to Germany.
We got married, went to Germany.
Than Mine was born.
Then one day the two
of them returned to Turkey.
Mine was fourteen
maybe fifteen at that time.
They ran into Ceyhun. Then I
started receiving letters in Germany.
A lot of stuff happened. We got
divorced and they got married.
Mr. Sedat, please, please help me.
I'll do my best. When are
you going back to Germany?
Tonight. I need to
check in at the factory.
But I can take a leave
in two days and come back.
I was wondering if
I should stop by in Italy.
Mine has a friend there
named Selin.
She's over there on vacation to see her
father...Maybe I'll find out something.
It's your call but
I don't think it will help.
We spoke on the phone,
she doesn't know anything.
-Welcome daddy...
-Hello sweetheart...
-What's up?
-Are you hungry?
-Dinner's not ready anyway.
It'll be ready soon. Mrs.Sevim came
again, she wants to talk to you.
But she's very nervous.
Okay, tell her to come!..
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
Sorry to be disturbing
you at this hour.
It's totally fine Mrs. Sevim.
Please come in.
Don't believe him Mr. Sedat.
He wants to hurt us...
He's been drinking again.
He said all sorts of
stupid stuff on the phone.
Like Ceyhun was in love with Mine.
He told me he told you everything.
You'd think he was a nice man...
You have to live with him for
-Why? What did he do to you?
-Never mind.
Look, it's your daughter.
A detail you think might be
insignificant could lead us to her.
Actually... I'm a little ashamed.
There is nothing to be ashamed about
Mrs. Sevim please, feel comfortable.
Mr. Sedat, Metin... Metin was...
Well he couldn't
perform the first night.
Then he got better,
I got pregnant.
But later we separated our beds.
Then I hooked up with Ceyhun.
I never loved Metin anyway.
I had to marry him.
He always complained that he
needed to get out of the coal mine.
I don't know if he was...
you know because of that...
...but later on they
took him out of the mine...
...and made him the
security thing of the mine.
-Security what?
-Something like a special police.
-Since when?
-It's been four or five years.
He worked secretly for a year, made
reports about the workers and stuff.
Then he got promoted upstairs.
-Is he still there?
There was a German guy...
Rolfi, he used to call him.
Rolf... Rolf... Rolf
Schmitz or something.
Mr.Sedat... Could they
have kidnapped Mine?
You met with the girl's father.
Is there anybody else
involved in this case?
No, this is purely
personal information.
You don't think much
of my theory do you?
Do you think it's a coincidence that this
guy works in a security organization?
It's just a simple security team.
The guy in charge of that team once
used to work for German intelligence.
He went to work for the private
sector after the wall was torn down.
A lot of spies were put there
without a job after the cold war.
-He's just one of them...
-You must investigate the girl's father.
-Where is this guy now?
-He went back to Germany.
Went back to Germany! Strange! His
daughter is missing, maybe dead, but...
That's all he could take off from
work. He'll be back next week.
Do you think he'll be back?
Uncle... Metin is not the spy
type... He's a weak guy...
Most of the ones that are recruited
into this type of thing are weak.
Come on uncle! We're
talking about a miner.
Why are you focusing on the
guy, what about his daughter?
She has spent her childhood in Germany.
Went back every summer to see her father.
Maybe they recruited her and
then she convinced her dad.
Naci, Fahri had a friend,
a bookstore owner.
What was his name? What
was the name of the bookstore?
-Hello... I was looking for Mr. Sinan.
-Sure, come in, he's inside...
-Hello Mr.Sinan?
-That's me.
Could I speak to you
if you have a moment?
-What is this about?
-Fahri Ertrk.
Yes, how can I help you?
I understand you were
close friends with Fahri.
You have his picture here.
Who are you looking for?
I'm trying to find you. Here
you are. And this is your friend.
We were fifteen at that time.
-This guy...
-I don't know what you're after but...'re looking
for the wrong person.
Why do you say that?
He's not the type that can be found in
your files. He is not a political prisoner.
-Killed his father and wife.
-What is he doing with you?
He had served under Fahri's father
in the military. We met in jail.
-What was his name by the way?
-Cuma Dagli.
Look, you have nothing on him...
He's still in jail, serving life.
-Handsome guy.
-You can ask me whatever you want.
-I have nothing to hide.
-I know.
Frankly I was
expecting you sooner.
Why is that?
Fahri and I were childhood friends,
we were in the same organization.
...we served time together.
-Why did Fahri try to kill a cop?
Come on, a revolutionary
shooting a cop for love?
Fahri was different.
When he was attached to something
he dedicated his whole life to it.
He was passionate.
Aggressive. Emotional. Brave.
He entered the university
exams after he got out...
...enrolled in Mimar
Sinan Faculty of Literature.
-One day he came to me...
-I met a girl.
-Then he whispered her name.
I knew then that he was
head over heels in love.
To tell you the truth I
was a little jealous...
...but more than happy for him.
Then he came
one day, all shook up.
The girl has a
boyfriend... And he's a cop.
I immediately thought maybe
she was working for the police.
Then Fahri came again.
He was very sad.
-She's pregnant...
-Pregnant by who?
Fahri thought it was his.
That's why he had proposed.
-But Mine rejected him.
She had said that she was
too young to become a mother.
...and that a child would get
in the way of her painting.
They got into a fight...
And Fahri left for Antalya.
Two days later
the girl goes missing.
-I don't know.
When I last saw Fahri
he was in a state of panic.
The cop killed the girl! Now
they're going to try to frame me.
This Cuma, is he the street
vendor that fired at you?
-It's definitely him.
-But he was in jail.
-He must have gotten out somehow.
-He must have been given leave.
I don't know. We'll figure it out.
Use the interrogation
place at atalca.
Will you bring Cuma there?
The team will let you know.
The Secretary of State called
me in for an emergency meeting.
Maybe they will
ask for my retirement...
Maybe it's not what you think.
Like you give a damn. Now go.
-Is this Mr.Sedat?
-Yes it's me.
-This is Tevfik from anakkale.
Sorry to wake you up but
Mr. Ismet said this was important.
-Did you find Cuma?
-Yes, he 's here with us.
-Where are you?
-In atalca.
Hello. I'm Tevfik,
we spoke on the phone.
Where is he?
-Did you bring him in this?
-Yes. We've used this box before.
Get him out
so we can have a look.
-Get out!
-Get out!
-Get out!
-I said get out.
Get out! Get the fuck
out! Motherfucker...
Get the fuck up! You bastard..
-Get up! Get up!
-Don't curse!
What the fuck did you say!
What did you say? Is this better?
Is this better you asshole?
-Yeah! That's better!
-Okay guys. Go get some rest...
Don't be scared. Don't be scared,
I'm just going to clean you up.
Did you recognize me?
Look Cuma,
don't do this to yourself.
We both know very
well where we met.
I don't know you.
Sure you do.
You know me very well.
And there's no need to hide anything.
Fahri told us everything
before he died.
Don't lie, Fahri died
during the shoot out.
That's what we told the papers...
Fahri was wounded but
he didn't die right away.
We questioned him
and he told us everything.
Cuma, where's the girl?
According to Fahri you killed Mine.
Now why would I kill Mine?
Apparently you were furious when
she left you and fell for Fahri...
Why did you help Fahri?
Fahri is a brave guy. His father
was my commander in the army...
He was a very good person,
Colonel Nazmi, God rest his soul.
Why? What did he do for you?
He did plenty... I was in the army...
I got a letter from my uncle...
It was written that...
Your father has... your wife...
I was shocked.
It was a matter of adultery,
something you can't tell anyone.
I went straight to the colonel.
Told him everything.
I asked him permission
to go and finish this.
He gave me a gun
and some money.
He said I could take as long
as I needed to finish the job.
But he said, don't
let anyone see you.
And later?
I went straight to my village...
but I couldn't shoot my father...
He was getting ready for prayer,
he begged me, I couldn't do it...
I entrusted my wife to my father
in law and went back to my post.
I finished my military service... I
couldn't stay in the village any longer.
A new factory had opened in town. I took my wife
and started to work.
One day, the transformer burned... the foreman told us
to go home.
-And I went home.
On my way I stopped at the bazaar.
I still remember it was the end of May.
Cherries had started to come out.
I bought some cherries for my daughter.
Some vegetables for the house...
As I came to the
entrance of the street...
...I see my daughter sitting
on the pavement and crying.
I asked her why she was crying...
She said that her mother
wouldn't let her into the house.
I started thinking
how this could be...
Someone looked through the window for a
second. Then I heard someone running.
Then my wife came out... I
asked her why the kid was outside.
She said that she had some visitors.
She was kind of worried.
I looked inside and saw my father.
It was as if I was struck by lightning.
I stabbed him with a meat
cleaver and than stabbed her.
Then I took my daughter to my uncle's.
Then I turned myself in.
-Then you met Fahri in jail...
-The colonel had come to visit...
When I saw him I understood that
Fahri and I were in the same prison.
I knew Fahri from way
back when he was a kid.
The he told me to look after Fahri.
When Fahri was released he kept checking
on me, came to visit, brought me money.
One day my daughter had
a legal problem and I told Fahri.
He immediately found her
a lawyer, filed a lawsuit.
This happened more than a year ago.
He came to prison to tell me
that we had won the case.
I realized he was troubled...
Is something wrong with you?
-It's nothing...
-Are we not friends?
-Remember I told you about a girl.
Yes. She's been
missing for two weeks.
She'll show up,
don't worry about it.
Well, it's a bit complicated.
There's this cop, her ex boyfriend.
They broke up. He couldn't
handle it when she fell in love with me.
He did something to her and now
he's trying to frame me for it.
-So what's gonna happen now?
-They won't leave me alone...
I have a leave coming up.
I will be out for five days, you
get me a gun and I'll finish him off.
No... This is my problem.
Who's gonna know? I'm a jailbird.
No one will figure it out.
-You can't do it alone!..
-We'll finish this together.
But promise me, if I get shot,
you'll leave me and run.
I'm sorry, I have
nothing against you.
But I'll do anything for Fahri.
You cracked him up
pretty quick didn't you?
Don't you ever sleep?
I don't sleep when there's
work to do. Did you get the tape?
What tape?
Sorry! We interrogated a Bosnian
yesterday! I got the two mixed up...
-Well have a good day.
-You too.
Drive safe.
-Yes Glseren?
-Good Morning Sedat. How are you?
-I'm fine, fine. How are you?
-Where are you?
-I'm out of town. What's up?
-The undersecretary called me yesterday.
...says he wants to visit me,
did you know about this?
No, I didn't know.
Today is the anniversary of
Yildirim 's death you know...
-Yes I do.
-I'm going to the cemetery.
Ok I' ll see you there.
God bless the soul of Yildirim
skpl. Who we stand before...
Thanks for coming Sedat. I have
no one to turn to but you.
Don't say that Glseren...
Whenever you need me...
Yildirim, loved you
like his own brother.
God rest his soul.
-Sedat, please tell me what to do.
-Why, what happened?
The undersecretary is coming to visit me,
what more do you want me to say?
Maybe they're going to apologize...
Aren't they a little late? I will
ask him about Yildirim's killers.
He will tell you that
they have been caught.
Only on paper.
You have all the resources you need...
...all the information... But still you
can not catch your friend's killer.
It's not as easy as you think.
Yildirim used to say that too...
When there was
something he couldn't explain.
Yes? Hello Mr.Metin.
When... Okay, tomorrow at ten...
-Hello Mustafa.
Did you know about the meeting?
It just finished. No one said anything
but everybody looked satisfied.
-Did the undersecretary leave?
-He did. Mr. Ismet called just now.
-He asked about the report.
-Is this about Naci's story?
I told him I was
waiting for your signature.
He said to take it to
him when you arrived.
Let me see that.
I wrote a separate report because
I didn't see what went on in the house.
I didn't write anything wrong.
You can read it if you want to.
No need. I'll write my own report.
-Welcome Sedat.
-We were worried, where were you?
-How are you Sedat?
Thanks, I'm fine... I brought the report...
-Well, Orhan. Complete your preparations.
-Yes sir.
-I was just going to ask if I could leave.
-Good bye.
-See you Sedat.
-See you.
Sit, I have things to tell you.
The meeting went well I gather.
It wasn't as scary as
I thought it would be.
-What was the outcome?
An end to factions and discrimination
inside the secret service.
-What about previous arguments, conflicts?
-All will be forgotten.
And they will visit
Yildirim's wife this afternoon.
-So they are apologizing?
-What needs to be done will be done...
Will Yildirim's killers be found?
Don't push it Sedat. That
business has been taken care of...
And between us,how
many people really liked Yildirim?
He was a good guy, a brave
guy but he was paranoid.
You will be given
more active duty.
-First I have to find Mine.
-You were right Sedat.
The girl and her father
checked out clean...
So they weren't spies?
I had someone in Germany
check on Metin. Don't laugh!
Every possibility has the
potential for mistakes.
What about Cuma's
interrogation tape?
-What tape?
-You men should be more careful...
Is Mine dead?
I don't know.
I don't want her to die.
Sedat please help...
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Did I wake you up?
No I was awake.
I sent the kids.
-Are they gone?
-Yes a while ago.
What time is it? I'm
very late, I have to go.
Mr. Sedat, I found out
that Mine was pregnant.
-Who told you that?
-Selin did.
Mine had another boyfriend
besides Fahri and it was his baby.
They broke up a month ago.
Who was this guy?
She said she didn't know
him but I think she does.
What else did Selin say?
She said she didn't think
that guy would hurt Mine.
She mentioned another possibility.
Mine was going to have an abortion...
And she was bleeding that day and
she couldn't take Selin to the airport.
Then she said Fahri had a friend
that was a nurse or a doctor...
...and that they went to
the hospital together.
-What did the doctor say?
-He said that it was nothing...
...and that she
shouldn't lift heavy stuff.
Selin said that she felt
relieved after having heard that.
But my main intent is to find this
guy. Can we learn his name?
-The ex boyfriend's...
We can. What
was the name of the doctor?
Her name is Mine Akdag.
-When was the patient here?
-It must have been a month ago.
She came in with nurse Glizar.
-Nurse Glizar is dead.
You must know this. She was shot by
the police during the raid in skdar.
-In skdar?
-She died during the raid at her house.
I remember the incident but
I didn't know her name was Glizar.
Glizar died the same night the girl
came to the hospital. I examined her.
She was bleeding. It wasn't much
but I was afraid of a miscarriage.
I told her we'd wait tonight and
abort it if the bleeding didn't stop.
She agreed. And she didn't
come back the next day.
That's the day when we found
out that Glizar was dead.
Are you sure, it was the
night that the girl came to you?
-Did they leave the hospital together?
Oh my God! Mine was with
Glizar that night.
The day Mine went to the hospital is
the same day of the raid in skdar.
That means the same
day Glizar was killed.
I called Mine that day
but couldn't reach her.
Could Mine have been
at Glizar's that night?
Let's say Mine went to
the house that night.
But decided against staying
when she saw it was crowded.
Someone from the house
wanted to take her to a cab.
Then they noticed the police. That's
why they left through the back alley.
Otherwise why wouldn't
they use the front door.
Wouldn't the guy want
to take her to a hospital?
Because Mine is not a member of
the terrorist organization. Mine was shot.
She was shot but
she even didn't notice.
She can walk, run.
She got into a car and gets away.
The guy wanted to
take her to a hospital.
Because Mine is not a member of
the terrorist organization.
She doesn't need to
hide from the police.
Maybe she was scared and
didn't want to go to a hospital.
Okay then were did she go?
What do you think
happened to this girl?
She's probably dead.
Well if she wasn't shot in the arm
or such she's most likely dead.
-But she got away with that wound.
-Well maybe she could...
She could even live like that for a
while. Then she drops dead somewhere.
You know this stuff
better than I do Sedat!
Okay Naci, but there
is no body anywhere.
-Maybe they buried her.
-Why would they take that risk?
You're right. Why would they?
That's why I think they still have her.
Look, there are no
cells that we know of okay?
We landed them a big
blow with that operation.
So you're saying that there
aren't any cells left, is that it?
I wish that was the case. I'm saying
there aren't any cells that we know of.
But I bet those bastards
have houses everywhere.
Naci I need a favour.
If you locate a house like that please do
not start an operation without telling me.
Mine could be inside.
Careful, don't bang that.
-What happened? What are you doing?
-I'm moving her stuff.
My house in Ataky has
been vacated by my tenant.
I thought it would be wise not to
pay rent for this house anymore.
-Did you move everything?
-There are some little things left.
It's a students flat so
how much can she have!
I wish you'd notified me.
I'll just check upstairs.
Sedat, I lost my earring, the
one you got me for my birthday.
I'll buy you a new pair.
They were special. Objects
have personalities too.
Mr.Sedat... I was gonna
ask you about this guy.
-Which guy?
-The guy that Mine used to date.
Did you find out who he was?
-He was a friend from school.
-That's what Selin said.
-I'll just check on Madam.
-See you Mr.Sedat.
See you.
-They forgot to take Mine.
-They forgot to take Mine...
-Mine is gone, Maria.
They forgot to take Mine...
-They forgot to take Mine...
-Mine left this morning Maria.
No she didn't.
She's sleeping inside.
Where is she sleeping Maria?
Right there. Inside...
Okay, show me.
Come. She's sleeping inside.
Like the rabbits.
Like the rabbits?
My father's...
There's Mine...
Shh she's sleeping...