Siseon 1318 (If You Were Me 4) (2008)

If it's possible
to turn back time like
for 10 years? 20 years?
or even 5 years?
I think only one place
I'd never want to go back...
would be the school.
Don't you think?
We are 8th graders,
and the midterm exam's
over today.
Korean Literature, 1st period.
No, no!
Don't get me mixed.
She's the bottom ranked
of our class, MA Jin-ju.
I could be her... or her.
I represent everybody,
or nobody.
I'm just a pathetic one who
brings the class average down.
I admit it.
So students like us should be
hot and attractive instead.
Her? She's PARK Jin-ju.
she stands first
in the whole school.
She's a bit cocky,
but somewhat sweet, at least.
So we don't
usually screw her over.
Pen down and hands up!
Hands up!
Hey, you!
5 more minutes please.
That's all we ask for you.
5 more minutes please
How come things
I've studied
are never on the test?
Not a single question.
I studied all night.
Me too. Me too!
I fell asleep.
Me too. Me too!
I am jealous of smart girls.
They're good looking, too.
They're good looking, too.
Are they really smart?
Or are they just lucky?
Woo, Woo
They are smart,
and also lucky.
What's good is money.
Focus, guys. Focus!
Yes, sir.
That's my cell phone!
Give me mine!
Cellular Stations-We
need a break!
It's the report cards.
Report cards.
Report cards.
It can make us unhappy
and sometimes
it can make us happy.
Please don't let us
go thru hard times.
Please Don't let us,
Please don't let us...
Do Not Test Us! Please.
As usual,
the top in the class is..
And the last?
MA Jin-ju!
Your names are the same,
but you're always at the bottom.
Shame on you MA Jin-ju!
Make your name worth!
No, never.
It's cool to have a name same
as the top!
Who knows?
Someday, the world flips over.
and I, MA Jin-ju
may become PARK Jin-ju.
PARK Jin-ju
may become MA Jin-ju.
Then what?
It would be boring.
Studying is boring.
I'd rather be playing.
My mom always says,
What will you be?
You're helpless, hopeless,
I couldn't be
more disappointed.
But she doesn't know
what my real dream is!
My dream!
My dream!
My dream!
My Dream!
My dream!
My Dream!
Stop blowing the dust
and sit down!
The top ranked student
in the school, once again,
and also the jewel
of the school,
PARK Jin-ju got the first place!
Congratulate her with applause!
Don't be so happy.
But don't act like you're not.
I don't wanna be left out.
I don't wanna be
called stuck up.
You don't really know.
How much fear
I carry all the time.
Mom, my report card.
- First place, again?
- Yeah.
I'm so happy.
My little precious girl.
She says
it's all for my benefit.
For my bright future, but...
- Dad, my report card.
- Report card? First place, again?
Buy you something?
I really don't know
if they're
telling me the truth.
I've been always doing it.
I feel like doing it.
Don't be so happy.
But don't act
like you're not.
I've been always doing it.
I feel like doing it.
If you get it wrong,
it takes too much
time to go thru it again.
It takes 40-50 minutes
to interpret.
So in order to do it right,
conjunctions are
really important...
Have some snacks.
You fool!
Psycho, PARK Jin-ju!
Get lost!
Isn't it Jin-ju?
Jin-ju! Jin-ju!
Jin-ju! Wake up!
Jin-ju! What's wrong?
Are you okay?
Did you feed yourself today?
What's eating you
the most lately?
Then why do you
look so unhappy?
What about studying?
Isn't it tough?
No, not at all. I love studying.
The exam is near.
I've gotta go study.
No, no. You'll
miss the test this time, okay?
No way! I have to!
I love studying.
If I don't get the 1st place
in the class...
What happens... if you don't?
Let's ditch the exam this time.
What did she say?
PARK Jin-ju!
Are you okay?
I heard you've been in a hospice.
What are you doing here?
Are you going nuts, too?
Ultra light plane!
They're called
micro light as well.
One sheet
weighs below 150 kg.
Two sheets
are below 225 kg.
It reaches up to 150 knot.
Isn't that amazing?
That's my dream!
I wanna fly,
and the sky's no limit!
May my dreams
all come true!
I wouldn't mind being a pilot
or the boys in blue!
Oh, my! You need
a war to fly airplanes?
No way! Peace is my motto.
Every time I was down,
I wished I was a bird.
Every time I was out,
I wished I was a butterfly.
Far and far away
over the ocean and the sky...
Although, I'd get sore wings
if I fly for too long.
We don't need a flower.
We don't need a nest.
We don't need a flower.
We don't need a nest.
Even the cloud's
on it's own.
They meet. They greet.
They part.
And when they feel gloomy
They become rain and fall.
We don't need a flower.
We don't need a nest.
Although, I'd get sore wings
if I fly for too long.
If they get too sore,
I can lean on a cloud.
It might be
a different day tomorrow.
It might be a different world.
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows.
They say that the farthest flying
seagull sees the farthest.
What about seagulls
with poor vision?
Give up seeing?
Give up flying?
Or does he have to
kill himself?
I heard they took
all your books away.
You can read it.
I was diagnosed with ADHD,
a concentration disorder.
I have to take pills. Like that
will make me the top student...
If I see you cheating,
you'll get an F. Now start.
MA Jin-ju!
Student number: 10323.
Name: MA Jin-ju.
My student number is 17! 17!
I saw and heard everything.
I was sitting right in the middle
of PARK Jin-ju and MA Jin-ju.
Although it was
none of my business
my heart was pounding fast.
Hey! Mah and Park,
come out!
Right now!
Nobody saw them cheating?
Speak up!
You both wanna
get suspended?
Hey, you!
Is this what you learned
from your parents?
I know you did it.
You, troublemaker!
What happened?
Did you see?
Don't you worry,
Mrs. Park. Thank you.
I said be quiet!
What did they say?
Come On, Tell me!
We neither going to
be suspended
nor be transferred
to another school.
We are still young.
We are no kids.
We're no adults.
We're the mother of adults.
We're the father
of the mother.
Let us know how warm
the morning ray is.
Give us the power
to pull thru winter.
Teach us how to
embrace the spring.
When the wind's strong,
Push us off of a windy cliff,
so we can learn how to fly.
Main Cast
NAM Ji-hyeon, JEONG Hwa-yeong
Written and Directed by
BANG Eun-jin
Sejong Communications
Translation Supervisor
Yoon Yong A
Nothing has been changed.
Can schools ever change,
after all?
Since then,
PARK Jin-ju's always
been the top,
although she ranked second
or third a few times.
Nobody knows
what happened to MA Jin-ju.
All of a sudden, she showed
tremendous academic
But soon, she stopped.
It was too boring for her.
She said she didn't wanna be
in the exam hell.
we're all still studying.
There goes the bell!
I'm afraid of
our cafeteria's lunch.
Maybe the bean paste soup
and only one side dish from it?
I wanna go out play now
instead of studying.
What high school
am I going to?
I have to take the exam too.
Anyway, you're entering to school
through the weight lifting.
I guess we can go in now.
Let's go.
Don't forget your vests!
Move the goal post back!
Push it harder!
I'm fucking trying!
Super So-yeong,
Always count on you!
Damn strong!
She looks strong!
You can make fun of her,
but she's going to high school.
I'm so envious of it!
Thank you for all you've done.
Don't mention it.
Cheol-gu is a bit shy.
I wonder he'll be able to adjust.
It can't be worse than here.
When does the new semester
start in Australia?
The semester starts
at the end of September,
but we'll be there earlier...
Kim, let's have lunch?
Please go ahead without me.
because of a language institute.
His English
still needs improvement.
He is happy, right?
You know
he doesn't talk much.
We're doing this for him.
Maybe he knows it too.
Are you going with him?
Yes, but his dad
is staying here.
My sister lives in Melbourne.
You must get through it.
Hang in there, again!
Stand it!
You're doing very well.
Wanna drink?
The training's
too much for you?
It's all right...
What are you gonna do
after quitting it?
Did you talk to your parents?
how are you gonna
go to high school then?
You've pulled
through everything till now.
If you give up now,
everything will
do down the toilet.
- Sir.
- What?
Should I start figure skating?
Or maybe...
something like
synchronized swimming?
Oh, my goodness...
Just tell me
you would rather study.
Don't waste
your talent and strength.
If you learn those types of sports,
you should've started very young.
You're too late now!
Let's think it over after
the competition of the next month.
We don't have a choice
because you are already
on the list.
I really need you!
See you in the evening.
The newly hatched
baby turtles are
heading toward the sea
to grow up.
Nobody has ever told them
what to do.
But the turtles smell the ocean
and know that its their home
through instincts.
The ocean will train and raise
the baby turtles.
The turtles will grow up
and come back to the
same location 30 years later.
This is gonna be
a great opportunity for your travel
make new friends...
I hope...
I can learn more English...
I know your English
is going to improve
I really look forward to
seeing all of
your accomplishments and future
OK then good luck Cheol-Ku
Have fun in Australia.
Thanks, Miss Norman
Ki... Kiss me...
You look like
you've lost some weight.
I haven't changed at all.
Anyway, whatever you do,
just do your best.
If you do your best,
you'll succeed.
You just...
What are you doing here?
Madam, it's good to see you!
You are having a late lunch.
Is this your daughter?
Yes, she's my youngest.
She won a silver medal
in the last provincial competition.
She'll win a gold medal
next year.
Wow. That's great.
Such a hard working girl.
Excuse me!
I'm getting off here.
I'm getting off too!
Can't you hear me?
Sir! What are you doing?
I'm watering the sea.
The sea is dry.
Can you hold this?
Let me go to the toilet.
What are you doing?
I said, What are you doing now?
Something's wrong today.
Something's wrong today.
All of a sudden,
everything became dull.
I've got a big hole in my heart.
I feel like
I've been lifting weights ever
since I was in my mom's womb.
I feel like
I have stuck in my throat
with words can't be
swallowed or said.
Why did you follow me?
I'm sorry about yelling at you.
I thought
you could understand me.
I wanna stop
doing something.
But, I don't know what it is.
Adults never take responsibility.
They just wait for us to grow up.
A few days later,
I'll be in the other side
of the sea.
I'm different from you.
I feel so trapped.
I'm just taking it.
Go in quickly!
Hurry up, you guys!
Hey, you! Come here!
How dare you have lipstick on!
Mr. G!
There is a pervert over there!
- You crazy bastard...
- Pervert! Pervert!
You are so dead! Come here!
Stop right there!
Wow, she's so pretty!
Who do you think
she takes after?
Of course, it's me.
Oh, my!
So pretty...
You scared me!
Where is she?
My little sweet heart,
are you okay now?
Let's hide her here for now.
Kyu-ri, you have to
move her later.
don't forget to give her
some milk after the 3rd period.
Okie dokie!
Oh my dear...
What are you taping now?
Wanna know what it is?
It's our secret!
Well, to be honest...
What's the matter with you?
You've been never interested in us.
No, no, no!
Where's the milk?
I spilled it!
What should we do?
Aren't you taking a test?
I am.
- but you can go first.
- What about you?
I'll catch up, you go first.
What was that?
Go back to your seat.
Next, Kim Hee-su.
Is she absent?
No, she's not.
Can she do it later?
No. Tell her she'll get an F.
Who's next? Lee Cha-seon.
Lee Cha-seon?
You can start.
Put out the cigarette!
It's not your first time
seeing me smoke?
It's the warmest place
in school.
Feed her here.
She's cute.
You guys are so dead!
You know,
you better not smoke in school.
What the heck
are you doing here?
What is this?
What's that?
This is your child, isn't she?
I think she looks more like you.
How dare you...
Take your hands off!
You little girl...
You were just suspended
from school.
Do you even know
what's gonna happen
if you get into another trouble?
Am I the baby's mother?
Does it really matter
at this point?
I think you wouldn't
have been caught
if not making
a fuss about the baby.
Babies need milk every 2 hours
and poop every 3 hours.
There's nothing
we can do about it.
What if Hee-su gets
I don't have any comment.
Please don't tape of me.
Kim Cheol-jung
A Class Teacher
From a biological perspective,
Lee Tae-hee
A Teacher of Biology
adolescence is the most
suitable time for pregnancy.
But from an ethical perspective,
Jeong Jae-hun
A Moral Teacher
a teenager getting pregnant
is not appropriate.
You're so beautiful.
But where's your mommy?
Where the hell is she?
There are a lot of
young single moms out there
Lee Hee-jae
A School Nurse
and some of them
want to keep their babies.
I think adults have some
responsibilities for those babies.
Look, she's just so cute...
Every classmates knew about it
but kept their mouth shut.
A baby at school? No way!
If we can't find her mother,
take her to the
orphanage temporarily.
Without her mom's permission?
Is that OK?
How about this?
From a biological perspective,
you should
have a breast examination.
A breast examination?
For what?
When a woman
gives birth to a baby,
she feeds her baby with...
I disagree with the idea morally!
Growing up in a carriage
without parents...
Kim Song-min
A Teacher of History
She's a legendary princess
In the view of the mythology,
humans never gave
birth to heroes.
They hatched out of an egg or
came from an ocean and so on...
In short, they are so different
and unique creatures...
and also they go through
enormous hardships and...
Don't disturb my interview!
I think doing
more physical activities
Kim Sam-du
A Teacher of Physical Education
is the best solution for them.
More PE classes will reduce
their sexual desire.
Our schools
is the place for education.
Bae Jeong-hyeon
A Vice-Principal
Anything that distracts students
from studying
shouldn't be tolerated.
That's our responsibility and duty
as an educator for their futures.
How did it go?
Are you okay?
I can't...
You are going to
have a breast examination
to find the baby's mom.
It's ridiculous!
Be quiet!
Let's start from No.1.
My breast size? 34.
It's a bit large?
Don't you respect us at all?
Yeah, she's right!
Let's calm down.
- Don't be panic.
- Shut up!
If you don't go thru
the examination,
tell me who the mother is.
We can't ever tell you that!
Because we don't want adults
to look down on her.
We just started helping out
the baby for fun.
But it's different now.
We're happy looking after
the baby.
We don't mind feeding her,
changing her diapers,
and taking care of her.
When the baby smiles,
I forget about my tiredness...
I start to think about how much
I appreciate my mother
for raising me...
The baby...
doesn't have a mother.
Are you sure?
Miss, I... my stomach hurts!
I don't know.
My stomach is twisting!
- You too?
It hurts so much
I feel like I'm dying!
What's wrong with all of you?
Food poisoning in this winter?
This way, this way...
If this were a movie,
a man would just come out
of nowhere and help us.
What is her father doing?
There is no trace at all
for the baby's father.
Hey, stop right there!
You little chicks...
Mr. G! Please!
Hiding the baby away doesn't
help you anything!
Bring the baby back now!
What the heck are you doing?
Mr. G!
Please don't come closer!
I'm going to shoot it!
What the heck are you doing?
Put it down!
We can't send her
to an orphanage!
You are now pissing me off!
She's not going to there right now!
We can take care of her
on our own!
It's not
as easy as it may seem!
All right, put it down first...
We can take care of her
for ourselves!
Cut the crap!
Put it down now...
It's your baby...
- Hee-su!
- Are you OK?
What are you guys doing here?
Go back to the classroom now!
Hurry up!
Go back to your class!
Do you guys really think it's okay
to look after a baby at school?
What gives you the right
to send her to an orphanage?
Why can't we bring a baby
to school?
Is it against the rules?
This is a school,
not a daycare center!
Then what choice does a high school
student with a baby have?
Do I have to put her up
for adoption and study?
Or do I have to quit school
and look after her?
You shouldn't have had a baby
in the first place!
Or you should have used
What does age have to do
with love?
First, to raise a baby...
We don't need all this talk,
Bring your parents.
We are not talking
to you anymore.
Don't cry, baby.
She's hungry now...
Don't cry, baby.
I'll quit school.
I wanna go to college too
and also raise the baby.
But I know that's impossible.
I thought about putting her up
for an adoption a lot.
I even visited the institution,
but I don't think I can do that.
I just called my mom in Busan.
Sir, I'm sorry.
You shouldn't be!
If she wants both
at the same time,
the school can't let her
do that?
That's right!
I totally understand you guys
but let's face the reality.
I'm sorry, Sir.
Please do her a big favor!
Directed by YUN Seong-ho
Be more energetic!
No, like one in the
'Talk, Play, Love' UCC.
My universe...
is moaning...
in pain.
I can't hear...
it's footsteps at all...
Did you finish your assignment
from the universe?
No, mom. I'm the universe.
Let's confirm everything
at 9 am tomorrow.
We stand out here
for 30 minutes?
No, 1 hour.
I'm counting on you guys.
Chapter 1
No good expressions
of their emotions
but tender hearts inside
A girl died right over there.
You dumbass.
You are!
A girl really died here.
She just committed suicide.
How do you know?
Her boyfriend dumped her.
Because of her pregnancy,
she took pills and died.
No kidding.
My sister's the friend
of her sister.
Swear to God.
Me too.
I do swear to God.
Me too.
I swear to God.
What the...
Come on, swear to God.
There goes your sister.
That's you.
Chapter 2
Psychological descriptions
of independent
schoolgirls and
decent schoolboys' proposals
Hey! Let's talk it out, talk...
You didn't, why should I?
I didn't hurt her on purpose.
It was just a mistake!
Mistake, my ass!
Hey, stop it!
You stay out of this.
- Please.
- Just go away!
You're being more violent.
You wanna die?
A girl died right here.
She really died here...
She's not
from this neighborhood,
but was found dead here after
drinking with some boys
she met online.
She fell asleep here and died.
It was summer, but it got cold
at night and she died.
I'm gonna listen to music...
It helps you
writing essays on SAT...
I've been taking care of Ha-yan,
but I did it once.
Stop bugging me.
Only did it once?
You know what I'm talking about.
You always do that with her...
It's just sex!
You pervert?
If sex makes you a pervert,
what about your parents?
Don't bring my parents
into this!
I can be responsible for it.
Give me a break!
How can you do that?
You're a just high school kid.
So it's not okay
for high schoolers,
but it's alright
for college students,
even if they're incapable?
That's bullshit.
No kidding!
I can be responsible for her.
I bought clothes and shoes that
Ha-yan is wearing right now.
You know that.
No, I don't.
It's the same thing
as studying.
Nothing's gonna change
if you go to college.
make 1,000 dollars a month.
You think you can make it
with that kind of money?
It costs me
a several hundred dollars
to take Ha-yan to her auditions.
In addition to,
you'll be responsible
for rent and bills
when you grow up,..
wouldn't be enough.
I can make that much money!
You also have to
pay for your cell,
with real estate prices rising.
Shut up!
Hey, it won't
just be you, okay?
We're gonna have babies.
Didn't you hear
about the dead girl?
She used her lunch money
and bought a cell phone.
She got caught
so she ran away
and she was found dead
right here.
Hey, you really believe that?
It's all lies. Did you see it?
You know some girls do that...
or not...
No answer?
No, look.
Let's just go.
Chapter 3
A dare conclusion:
the conflict of a actual reality
That's not a good way
to treat a guy.
Violence is wrong
but sometimes
you have to forgive it.
And you know
Ha-yan's boyfriend's
blood type is AB.
she takes advantage of him.
I saw them
in Myeong-Dong and
her boyfriend
was paying for everything.
Students don't have money.
If they break up,
he's gonna suffer a lot.
My mom and dad are both AB...
Is your mom like that too?
You know
it's bad to hit somebody
but sometimes you do it
In some ways,
it's an expression of love.
You know my sister
is very bright.
She's really nice to me
but sometimes she hits me.
It's not that she hates me.
I sometimes act crazy.
One time,
she asked what my dream is.
I told her that I don't have any.
Then she got upset and hit me.
After getting hit couple of times,
I discovered my dream.
I have a dream.
What is it?
I want to be a police officer.
A traffic cop?
No. I'm going to police academy
and I'll work for the government.
The pay is good
and it is secure.
Plus, people never mess
with government officials.
For instance,
someone died here,
but nobody knows about it.
government officials know.
The girl went to U.S.
to learn English
and came back to Korea.
But her English wasn't any good.
So, she tried to return to America,
but her family went bankrupt.
Her grades stayed low,
and she committed suicide.
You know what's funny?
You know how she died?
She held her breath until she died.
That's different from
what I heard.
I'm pretty sure I'm right,
because my sister knows
a boyfriend of the dead girl.
and he said that he overheard
people talking in the bus.
Then it must be true!
Of course, totally!
Are you a good student?
- I'm better than you.
- His grades were good.
If I try,
I would make good grades.
I purposely am not making effort.
Yeah, right.
It'll be not enough going to
any 4-year university.
You should go to good one in Seoul.
But you can't compete with
those students in Gang-Nam.
What do you like?
What are you good at?
- What?
- You're good at beatbox!
Let's say they grade you
on beatboxing at school.
Then students in Gang-Nam will
go to the best private academies
with foreigners
to learn beatboxing.
You can't compete with them.
So it's a better idea
to start early and make money.
I play online games
and gather items
and you know
how adults treat me?
They respect me
and ask me for items.
Who are you? Are you
the Little Match Girl
or something?
No, I'm the answer
to the question,
how can we make people
aware of their enemy?
While others suffer making
a 1,000 dollars,
I'll be making 800-900, get it?
You're so realistic for a kid.
Yes, I'm realistic.
What's wrong with it?
You acting like a teacher.
I'm a teacher, you fool.
It's funny
how we are good friends.
When you were in junior high,
you fooled around.
Chapter 4
Riding on the bike with
Pizza delivery boys...
The sound sensibility of
not mentioning social standing
They weren't that bad.
I hung out with them
'cause I was bored,
but they were really nice.
I'm not saying they were bad.
You know
I'm not realistic but I think
they are even worse than me.
That's right.
Having fun
is only for the moment,
you'll never make
anything of yourself.
By the way, I have a dream.
What dream?
Fashion design.
- Design?
- Yes.
But in order to do that,
you have to do well in school.
When I said I'll study art,
my friends laughed.
They said I wouldn't make it.
Are your grades okay?
I did play around a lot,
but I was still responsible.
I used to study hard, you know.
Out of 400, I was...
It might be a good idea to go to
a vocational high school...
instead of going
to an Arts school,
to improve your grades.
I don't think I'll study if I go to
a vocational school, so...
If you wanna study design,
you at least have to
go to Kukmin University.
It's very hard to enter the college
and graduate it.
And then study abroad...
It takes a lot of money...
You know, I'm just...
When I see people dressed,
I wonder about
what they're wearing.
And think how they would look
so much better
with different outfit.
And you need
to be well-educated
and have a wealthy family.
Even the people with
those things hardly make it.
And tons of people start preparing
from elementary school.
My mom runs a clothing store
in Dongdaemun.
So, I can work in wholesale.
I can go to a vocational college
and study design...
There are lots of
talented kids, too.
They come from everywhere.
So, what I'm saying is that
if you want to do it, just do it.
But you have to go to college
and go abroad and study...
I think... It's not easy for you.
Then I'll do it only
to the extent that I can.
See ya.
Chapter 5
The liberal plot to approach
their problem by talking
Who do you want to vote for
the president?
I wanna vote for Lee In-jae
He looks like my father.
You like your dad.
Are you crazy?
What about you?
Heo Gyeong-yeong.
He said everyone will get
who's gonna marry you?
You're not smart,
you're nothing.
What about you?
What do you have?
So, I won't get married.
Girls don't mean
anything to me.
It's you.
Chapter 6
The ending of encouraging
their hopes
and the climax of their concert
I said no.
- Please!
- No way.
You don't need
a new cell phone.
Mom, please.
Think about
your monthly expenses for
extra lessons of English
and mathematics
and those Principle lessons.
I don't have any money.
I don't need lessons.
Buy me a cell phone
with the money.
No, you need those lessons.
I know everything already.
Then tell me
what you know about.
It's nothing special.
To succeed,
you need strong will.
Now that's principle, isn't it?
So can you be
in the top 5 of your class?
Top 5?
I'm preparing
for foreign language high school.
I can be in the top 3.
Oh, well...
I'll buy you new cell phone.
You better keep your promise.
Alright, mom.
Good. Now I have to go vote.
Wanna come with me?
No, I'm gonna stay in the car.
Mom, who are you gonna vote?
Who do you think I should?
You tell me.
Vote for Lee Myeong-bak.
Lee Myeong-bak? Why?
Because he's gonna win.
It'll feel good later,
if you vote for
someone who get elected.
You are such a smart girl.
Okay, then!
Mom, my space is moaning
and I can't hear
its footsteps at all.
Did you finish your assignment
from the universe?
No, I'm the universe.
Do you know
you'll get a present
from the market?
No, I'm the present.
Don't you wanna live your life
with a prepared future?
No, this moment is my life.
A new language will liberate you
from the world.
No, I'm the language.
You're here.
It's cold.
I voted for Lee Myeong-bak.
There weren't
many people inside.
Let's go home...
Too many choices
too short of a life
Too much talks
too little conversations
Too many opportunities
too little time
Too many economies
too little...
Too many nations
not enough people
Too many rich
too many poor
Too many confessions,
too little silences
Too much silences
too little promises
Too many promises
too little sincerities
Too much sincerities
too many same patterns
Too many patterns
too little thought
Too much thoughts
too little actions
Too many choices
too many short lives
Too many tomorrows
too little today
A Film by KIM Tae-yong
Hey, Jang Cha-eun!
Don't you attend a class?
Do you ever study?
Do I know you?
It's me, Choi Yeongchan,
your classmate!
You're? Okay, then.
Raise your knees!
Jump! Jump! Jump...
Right, watch your waist!
Straighten your knees!
Hold up your heads more!
Bend your knees more!
I'll transfer.
You'll practice harder?
Yes, sir.
- And Mijeong?
- Yes.
Okay. Work hard.
- Are you going too?
- Yeah.
- You have to do your best.
- Okay.
Good. What about you?
I'm going to.
Don't spend too much time
with boys, okay?
You have to practice harder.
What about you, Cha-eun?
Why aren't you answering?
Dad, take a look at this.
What is it?
Our athletic team
will be closed.
Our coach is giving us
an opportunity to transfer
to Seoul.
He said I can be a good athlete
with more training.
So he asked me with him.
Can I go?
My friends are going too.
Take this and go home.
Good, now you ask me.
it's too easy a question.
What's it? I've looked
at it again and again,
but I can't figure it out exactly.
- What?
- The words in red...
Do not dump Inflammables
What does that mean?
Don't throw away something.
What kinds... of things?
How should I know?
You're the one to know that.
What am I supposed to know?
Why don't you know that?
All mothers know things like that.
And please don't pop
into my room.
What comes after 27?
Don't do that, all right?
Hey, Jang Cha-eun!
You're not running today.
Minjeong told me that
you're the best runner
in our school.
She talks about me a lot,
doesn't she?
She likes me a lot
but she's not my type.
Isn't it hard to run?
I feel like I'm dying when I run.
Do you know I'm taking
Taekwondo lessons?
You don't?
I'll show you and look.
I'm good at Taekwondo.
Cool, huh?
Not really.
They say that this sea is going to
become a huge piece of land.
Can you believe it?
No way, really?
I'm serious.
There is going to be a factory
and a golf course.
What's so great about them?
I don't know.
I thought you'd leave
like the others.
I'm glad you didn't.
How come?
My sister!
Who is he, sister?
I didn't know
you have a boyfriend.
He's not my boyfriend,
just a classmate.
Just a classmate.
Would you like to join us
for dinner?
You're welcome.
He lives far from here
and has to get going.
He can eat quickly and then go.
- Let's go.
- No, it's okay.
Lots of good things to eat.
- I'm fine.
- Let's go.
- No, really...
- We have lots to eat.
Where do you live?
Have some apples.
What did you say
your name was?
Choi Yeongchan.
Did I ask you?
Go ahead, eat.
My mom said eating an apple
at night isn't good for you.
Mom, it's aunty Mariz!
Hi, Mariz!
How are you doing?
When did you come back?
Now you're in Philippines
or Korea?
- Yes, yesterday. I'm so jealous.
- Can you speak Filipino?
You travel around and...
Can you speak it too?
She's not my real mom.
She's not my real mom.
Mom! She just said
you're not the real mom!
- Filipina, give us the ball!
- Throw the ball!
- Give us the ball!
- Throw the ball hard!
Throw it!
Hey, Filipina!
Come on!
Throw it hard!
Hurry up!
Hey, throw the ball hard!
Hurry up! Filipino, come on!
Give us the ball!
Hurry up!
Stop crying,Dongmin
See you tomorrow.
- Good bye.
- Bye!
How come you always
get beaten up?
Is there a problem with that?
Then you shouldn't cry.
You've always got
beaten up and cry.
I told you to hit them back!
Get it?
Okay. Let's go home.
Look at them, sister!
New sneakers!
Cha-eun, you're here.
You didn't go out?
I bought something for you.
Guess, what it is.
Cha-eun! Try them on.
I heard you run very well.
You can wear them when you run.
You don't wear things like that
when you run.
How come?
You don't like them?
Aren't they pretty?
So expensive.
Wear it when you meet
your boyfriend.
He's not my boyfriend.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
Don't you get it?
Don't wear
and throw them away!
Please throw them away.
Dad, I want to keep running.
I want to transfer
the school in Seoul
No way.
Everyone else has already left.
I run fast. I wanna go.
I'm going to!
Finish your dinner.
Lay like this
for your punishment.
It's a blackout!
Mom, turn on the light!
Turn on the light
before an alien will come out!
Hey, you!
Why are you ignoring me?
Come here!
Turn off the light.
Do you have any money?
Give me some money.
Is this all you got?
More at home.
Go and get it.
I said bring it!
Then show me your boobs.
Here you are!
Do you like me?
If you like me,
you shouldn't do that.
For what?
I don't know.
Take care.
Let's go home!
It's cold outside.
Get in!
Come on!
No way!
Ok, I'll take you
where you want to go. Get in!
I better call your dad.
I'm with Cha-eun.
We're going to Seoul for fun.
What's the big deal?
I'm spending time
with my daughter.
What is the problem?
I'm going out
with my daughter!
Just take good care of our son
while I'm gone, okay?
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Hello...
- Where are you now?
-Hello? Hello?
- Where the hell you are!
Let's drink
a bottle of Soju, too.
It's very good!
Drink some.
I don't want any.
You're missing out.
It's good.
Wow, it's cold.
When I first came to Korea,
it was so cold.
I should've run away then...
Why didn't you run away?
You grabbed me.
I did?
Yeah, very tightly.
When you were 3 years old.
I never did that.
You did.
I didn't.
You did!
No, I didn't!
My dear, come here!
- For what?
- It's fun!
I can't get through.
Help me...
Hold on...
Cha-eun, come here!
Cha-eun, hurry up! Run!
Try to catch me!
Try to catch me.
Get it.
Oh, no! Oh, God...
Oh, no!
It's mine.
Get it.
Come on, very good.
Run. You can do it.
Jang Cha-eun?
I feel so suffocated
I said, I feel suffocated...