Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin (Sissi: The Young Empress) (1956)

- Well, Baron...|- Your Majesty?
Are you happy with|the end of the wedding?
The work have been accumulated...
and I have a little time|for the Empress.
The ministers are|already reunited.
Send them in.
Please, gentlemen.
Excellency, make your report.
The fact that created some|problems in the Congress...
was the amnesty that Your|Majesty gave to the Hungarians.
And I do not hesitate to say that...
All the ministers were|against this amnesty.
We all have the same opinion|that the amnesty represents...
a new and great danger|to the Austrian nation.
It will be worst if we|consider them our enemies.
I will give the amnesty,|even against the ministers will.
I could...
The amnesty will be|given immediately.
The countess Sofia!
I need to speak in private with|the baroness Esterhazy!
Baroness Esterhazy, I nominated you|master of the Empress...
because of the great|confidence I have in yours.
Everything the Empress does,|it must be informed to me.
This way, I'll have conditions to conduct|better the life of this young lady!
Concerning to the mutual confidence...
I'll report myself|the best way is possible.
What do you have to report?
One more time,|they brought a new parrot.
I ask your permission|to lock it in the backyard...
because the scream is terrible.
If the Empress likes animals so much...
you must keep them|where she wants!
And if the noise bothers you...
I suggest you to|put cotton in your ears!
Open this drawer.
- What book is that?|- The Empress' diary.
Give me it.
Do you have anything|else to report me?
The Empress complains of|our installations for the bath.
Maria Teresa lived|and took bath here.
For someone that is empress|by accident, it's very good!
- What else? - She asked if...
colonel Bckl from Ischl|did not show up for an audience.
Bckl? From Ischl?
I do not know him!
So, mister, look at me!
Don't you remember me, mister?
- Have you a hair cut?|- Try to concentrate.
- Yes, the mustache's gone!|- More concentration!
Bckl! You turned to a colonel!
And I was transferred to Vienna!
Really? Congratulations!|And how did you get it?
Remember the ring the Empress,|that was a princess, pledged?
Yes, to send|a telegram.
I gave this ring back to the|Empress in an audience...
and she ordered me|to be transferred...
to stay at the entire|disposition of the Empress!
- My dear Elisabeth.|- Our Elisabeth!
No, my Elisabeth!
My friend, something|awful happened to me.
What was it?
Imagine it, I fell in love|with the Empress!
- What?|- When she looks at me...
my heart blows up...|I start trembling.
When she smiles,|I feel I could faint!
- Bckl!|- The smile! That lovely smile!
That's love.
I'll never learn|to speak Croatia.
- What will we do now?|- Hungarian class.
Well, I like everything|that's Hungarian!
- You too, isn't it?|- I hate everything that's Hungarian.
Ah, yes, you lost|your husband in Hungary.
I'm sorry to wake up|this so bad recollection.
What are you bringing,|baroness?
The Royal Highness Sofia asked me|to give this to Your Majesty...
the instructions for the ceremonial|procedures from the Spain Court...
the ones that Your Majesty|must study completely.
Nineteen pages?
What does it mean:|It'll have access to the palace...
only noble women|and honor ladies?
The noble women and the ladies|are the ones that receive...
authorization to come into|the Empress facilities.
And it's pre notified|that these people belong to...
twenty-three most|traditional families...
and two hundred and twenty nine|ladies of high level.
Well, I'll see if I can|understand this silly thing.
Baroness Bellegarde?
Send Doctor Falk in...
just for me|to relax my mind.
Were you in session|with the Emperor?
Yes, Your Highness!
I can see on your face that is not|nice what you have to tell me.
I am afraid that Your Highness|will be chocked as much as I am.
No more grammar for today.
If Your Majesty allow me...
I wanted to tell you about the|beauty of Hungary.
It is a pleasure! Did you|bring anymore pictures?
Sure!|Some of Putza...
Some of the Hungary plans.
with their sheet flock|and bull-calf.
This is the Real Palace...
that is not used|for 354 years.
When will we have a king again...
a king that respects the freedom|of the Hungary people?
I will do everything I can|to help your country.
It is strange...
but I feel myself more related|to the Hungary land...
than to any other country,|even I do not know it.
I can see it!
But also the Hungarians that|also know you...
only through what I write...
have for Your Majesty|a great respect...
because they know that you are|their guard angel!
Did you really take the state of siege|off and gave amnesty to the Hungarians?
Yes, mother.
The amnesty is for the commander of the|rebels, the Baron Andrassy, as well?
Of course it is.
In my country|where I am so happy...
I do not want to see|anybody sad!
But Franz, you can not conduct a|nation with your feelings.
We had set that any|rebel act...
would be punished very hard.
But the peace we conquer|through the love.
I can already imagine who put|this idea on your mind.
You are right
And I am so grateful|to her for that!
I am curious to know if|you will be grateful for this.
What is that?
Her diary.
How did you get|her diary?
It does not matter!|Listen to this!
I do not want to read it|without her permission.
So I will read this poem for you.
"The fresh spring|is coming"
"And bring to the trees|a green freshing"
"The birds learn the new songs..."
"and the flowers|see a gorgeous splendor"
It is very beautiful, mother!
"But is here the home|of spring?"
"This so weird|and rich?"
"I am in search for|my sunny land"
"I am in search for|my rest at the beach!"
Must I go on?
I would like you|to leave me alone.
I can notice that new|habits grew between us.
- Who is next?|- Our representative in Paris.
- Get him in two minutes.|- Yes, Your Majesty!
Hi, Franz!
I'm leaving, but|I was missing you.
Do you still love me?
- Neither a little bit!|- Why?
Because you don't care|about me during the day.
Come on, me? You are|the one who does that!
You are always behind|that desk.
Sometimes I don't remember|the way you are. Yes, it's true!
Yes, I am jealous...
Jealous?|Of who?
Of this desk!
My diary?
Yes, my mother brought it.
So she took it|off my drawer.
I don't know, but|I even touched it.
It would be weird if you|had touched it.
My mother just read|a very beautiful poem.
Do you miss Bavaria?
- yes, when I am alone.|- Sissy...
but now your country|is Austria.
But I cannot avoid|remind the mountains.
My parents and my|sisters. Do you understand me?
Yes and no.
I do everything to make|you happy here.
I thought that you were|happy here!
I am, but only when|you are with me!
But, you are almost never here.
The correspondent in Paris,|Baron Von Hubenr!
Let him in.
We will see each other in dinner.|What will you do till there?
I'm going to wait for you!|Maybe I will ride...
But before dinner,|I need to show you a thing.
So, colonel, this way...
do you want to speak|with the Empress?
- I think it is not right, what about you?|- Please, I'm here to work.
Do you think I am here|for pleasure?
Colonel, so far, you have been|a rude military...
but here, in the Court, where|the good manners prevail...
and you should learn them. You will ask|for one audience with the Empress...
to speak with Her Majesty!
And if she wants to. Or else|you should wait till Her Majesty...
Get up.|Get up.
Turn yourself...
Your face is not|strange for me!
We already saw each other before,|Highness! In Ischl...
I had the pleasure...|the honor...
Yes, I remember!
You were the idiot that told|the greatest imbecilities!
Mr. Master of ceremonies,|tell the Colonel...
that he should not do|questions here in the Court.
Of course, Your Highness!
- And you are stepping in my dress.|- Sorry, Your Highness!
So the Royal Highness|doesn't keep any bitterness!
Neither me for her!
Here in the Court you should not|criticize noble people.
It was not a criticize,|it was an affirmation.
In the Court you should not|even to affirm...
or neither do anything.
For what I see,|the things will be difficult.
Where were we?
- There.|- No...
- What were we talking about?|- About good manners!
Well, first you should ask for an|audience with the Empress...
Second, you should wait for the|authorization of the Empress...
for the audience.
And third, you should wait to know|when the audience with the...
- Calm down, it won't happen again.|- No, no, it is the Empress.
I'm glad to know that the Emperor|made my wish to have you here.
I would like to say that...
So?|What would you like to say?
I forgot.
I know, I want that|Your Majesty knows...
that I will be your most|faithful servant...
That impresses me!
- For God sake!|- What happened, Colonel?
Hurry up, a glass of water!
- Are you all right?|- That smile! The smile.
What smile?
- The smile!|- My smile?
Yes... No!
The Empress' smile!
My kitty, did you|wake up in a bad mood?
First of all, I am not|your kitty...
and second, I feel excellent!
- What did you say?|- I feel excellent!
Good!|Good morning, Countess.
I want to know if the Empress|have already studied the ceremonial.
Not yet, Your Highness!|She went to ride.
I already knew it! The horses are|more important than everything!
If you want to know, for me|they are too!
Now I am going|for a walk.
- Good-bye, Sofia.|- See you!
- What is going on?|- Oh, Jesus!
- Good morning, my dear father in law!|- Good morning, Your Majesty!
I knew you were here|and I came to see you.
I am glad!|What is up?
Fine! But you don't need|to speak so loud...
- I can hear very well!|- Since when?
Well, I always heard well. But I only|hear what I want to hear.
If it is something that I don't|want, I turn to a deaf.
And then people have to|ask several times...
and then they give up and|I save an answer!
Ouch, you are original!
But Majesty, keep this|between us.
- I promise you!|- Great.
- See you!|- See you, Your Majesty!
What are you telling me?
Did the Empress go shopping?
Yes, the Empress|have been to street market!
- Who told you that?|- The coachman.
He said that she badly|could leave the coach...
and the crowd almost tore|her dress.
Are you already ready?
I am curious to know|what you have to show me.
Well... Do you know that we have|a new parrot?
- The red one?|- Yes.
- Who gave it?|- Aunt Maria!
I want to know also...
- if you know what day is it today.|- Today? Thursday.
Well, you must have forgot, after all|you have a lot of work to do.
- It's a month that we got married!|- Really?
- One month?|- Yes.
A wedding present,|I hope you like it.
What nice of you!|I am glad you remembered it.
I found it in a|stand in the street market.
Have you been in the street market?
And I almost don't get back home.
The people are so nice. They were so happy|seeing me that they almost tore my dress.
See! It is a Wigand paintings!
The castle door,|the village entrance.
- Fabulous!|- Everything is so well done.
Like the trees, he painted|them so beautifully.
And what is that?
It is the Weil village,|in Baden.
And the one what is that?
My wedding present!
So, you didn't forget it?
I could never forget...
the way you make me happy|each minute!
I am very happy too!
now we should go,|we have visitors...
I will come to take this later.
But, what is that?
A beer of Munich...
and a pig foot!
This is my|surprise, mother.
You are so special, Franz!
I miss that.
Do you want a little beer?
No, I prefer liqueur!
- What about you, my dear father in law?|- What?
- Do you want some beer?|- Of course!
- Franz?|- I'm going to give it a try.
- Your Eminence too?|- My pleasure, Majesty.
Here it is, the majority|wants beer!
I am curious|to know its taste!
Excellent!|The pig foot is great...
- Cheers!|- Cheers!
It is good!
Not bad!
Franz Karl!
I hope, Franz, this is|the unique surprise...
and that you don't turn|our Viennese Court...
into a brewery!
Of course not, mom!
A letter from Sissy.
- What did she write?|- I don't know.
I still didn't read it,|wait...
"Dear mom and dad...
after a long time, I drank beer and|I ate pig foot! It was wonderful!"
- That I believe!|- "I immediately thought about dad...
my missing raises|each day!
Here I have everything, but|at the same time, anything".
As she had said, she is arrested|in a gold cage!
Was it a luck?
The important thing is that|she loves Franz!
And he loves her!|She says...
"Franz turns any wish I have,|he carries me in his arms".
Don't drink so much!
You never carry me and|you are always complaining.
I think everything is about the destiny.|Mine is to drink beer.
Our Sissy destiny is|to become the Empress.
But anything happens|for nothing...
probably she has a|mission to accomplish!
What is the|next audience?
Count Andrassy!
Get him in.
- Count Julius Andrassy!|- Count Andrassy!
I am glad to receive you.
Get close.
my goal after|been amnestied...
was to come before Your Majesty...
to thank what Your Majesty|have done for Hungary.
Get up, Count Andrassy.
Who gave you the amnesty was the|Emperor. You must thank him.
It is not about the amnesty|that I am talking.
It is not it that brings the happiness|and the life to the ruined families.
I'm talking about a heart that|beats for a nation.
And I want to thank|this love.
I will do everything I can|to make Hungary and Austria very close.
And give the country back|to those that have the right.
But these can be|only empty words.
To prove my|good will...
I want to invite you with the|Hungarian cortege to the ball.
We will celebrate|with our hearts...
the union between|our countries.
- I am outraged!|- What did you say?
- I am outraged!|- Why?
That Elisabeth has|invited our enemy...
that traitor, Andrassy!
Come on...
It is not easy to forget that|it was a Hungarian...
who lifted a dagger|against my Franz.
And now we can find him|unpunished among us!
Highness, count Andrassy requests|the honor of being presented to you.
I won't give my hand to a rebel,|even if he has been amnestied.
Royal highness...
how can I tell him that?
In German or in Hungarian,|whatever!
It's a pity the waltz is gonna be over.|I'll have to change you for another one.
The Highness, Franz's mother,|offended us in public...
She doesn't recognize our amnesty|and she considers us her enemies!
I think we must|leave the ball!
I agree.
You are the imperial couple guests|and not the Emperor's mother guests!
It is all the same!|We don't accept this insult!
- Let us put our ladies together!|- Sure.
I'm sorry.
Majesty, are you going to|shake hands with the guests?
Majesty, excuse me, but do you|allow me to speak to you?
- What happened?|- The Hungarian guests...
got offended with the Royal|Highness Sofia...
and they want to leave|the ball!
The Royal Highness Sofia|offended us and...
Andrassy wants us|to leave the ball!
Majesty, the abandon of|the ball will mean...
- a break in the peaceful relationships!|- But how can we avoid it?
- Leave me alone.|- Majesty.
What is going on, Sissy?|You look so pale.
Franz, forgive me, but I will break|the ceremonial procedures...
but I will do that for you|and for your country.
What are you going to do?
This is impossible,|Countess!
But it is the expressed wish|of the Empress!
Gentlemen, the royal orders:|"the ladies choose".
"The ladies choose"?
- Was it you that ordered, Franz?|- No, I was me!
Colonel? Tell to Count Andrassy|to dance with me.
I am astonished!
Is everybody here?
Yes, but must we have|to say good-bye?
No.|We must not.
Count Andrassy, the Empress asks|your honor in the next dance.
I think this Empress' choice...
it more important than her|mother-in-law's offense.
We should stay.
Ask the Emperor|to dance with you.
It's my pleasure.
May I take you to the Empress?
Will you be there|without saying nothing?
Mother, I don't know reasons|that made Sissy...
to take this attitude, but I agree|with everything that she did!
Majesty, may I have|the honor of this dance?
It' my pleasure...
- The ball is over for me!|- But why?
My God!
What was it?|An attack?
The Empress fainted!
- What does the doctor say?|- We don't know yet.
- He is with her.|- Which would the reason?
For sure one|she fell of the horse.
I have been with her all the time.
When she went to|Prater, you weren't!
It can be appendicitis.|She already complained of pains.
The reason of the indisposition...
was the irritation with|her mother-in-law Sofia.
Will We say to the Emperor that the|doctor is still with her?
The Emperor should not|be disturbed.
He meets with|the correspondent of Russia...
and he is taking some serious decisions|that should lead us to a war.
- Is the counselor still there?|- Yes, Your Highness.
Am I very sick,|counselor?
I don't think so, Majesty.
But Your Majesty should quit|riding for a while.
It is too bad...
but it has to be this way.
- Am I so bad?|- Bad, no, no...
- But what is it?|- Good news!
- No, it cannot be!|- Yes, Majesty!
Mr. Doctor!|Doctor!
It's very good, Doctor!
What does it mean?
Franz, I need|to talk to you now.
Just a moment,|Excellency.
What is going on, Sissy?
- Franz...|- Yes?
We are going to have a baby!
Sissy! Is it true?|Is it really true?
- Yes, get me down.|- Sissy.
Don't press me! Don't press me.|We should be careful!
- News!|- What is that?
- Something very good!|- What happened?
From Vienna,|from Sissy...
- Is she gonna have a baby?!|- Exactly! Congratulations, grandpa.
Mom! Mom!
Is it true what|Thomas told us?
That Sissy will have a|baby in Spring?
He doesn't know|to keep a secret!
It is true, soon you|will be uncles and aunties.
Bravo! I will be an uncle!
- And me an aunt!|- Me too?
Everybody will be!
Highness, I want to express|my happiness.
I thank you very much, but now|bring a champagne, hurry up.
It's enough for today.|Go to bed! Thomas!
Please, Thomas, take the|the aunts and uncles with you.
Come, children!
Good night.
It will be very good|it is a small heir boy!
I would rather a girl|like Sissy.
But I think|Franz would not!
- I am so happy.|- So do I.
The happiest days of the|life are like this...
we are happy to see that|we are getting old.
I still remember, as if it was yesterday,|that wonderful night...
when which I got the biggest|present that the life gave me:
She was so pretty!
- I was proud of her.|- Me too.
And soon she will be|a proud mother!
Is it a boy?
It is a princess!
I am very happy.
You would be happier if it|had been a little prince.
- I can't wait to see the baby!|- And I...
Did I hear anything?
My dear, here it is,|the little princess.
She is like Sissy.|The eyes, the hair...
Max, show her to me too.|Max, let me see her.
Wait! The ears are also|like Sissy's ears! The two of them!
Come on, don't drive me crazy!|Show me! Let me take her!
Just a minute! I need|everything again very close!
She is so cute! Isn't she pretty?|Like Sissy!
- The forehead!|- Forehead?
- What will be name?|- Sissy, of course!
No! Franz and I already agreed,|if it were a boy it would be...
Rudolph and if it were a girl, what I was|afraid of, the name would be Sofia!
I hope everybody agree because|we didn't choose Ludovika.
Of course not,|Ludovika is a bad name!
- Sofia is bad too!|- He is right about that!
- Since when you listen so well?|- Well, it was the labial reading.
"You niece was baptized with|the name of Sofia, Anastacia...
Amalia, Elizabeth, Francisca,|Stephanie, Carolina, Maria..."
- All of that?|- Yes!
- Do I need to remind all of them?|- No, just Sofia.
The stork held little|Sofia so hard?
- Yes, but she didn't feel anything!|- When the stork brought me...
- I didn't feel either.|- I felt.
"In a few days, dad and me|will be back.
And I am happy since now|because we will be all together".
Great! Till there we are going|to play Indian!
- Isn't she sweet?|- Charming!
Majesty, the visit to the|The children's Home!
I am coming!
The Empress!
- Nurse. Nurse. Nurse.|- Majesty.
- What noisy reception.|- Yes, it's really noisy.
- How old are they?|- It varies a lot, from 2 to 7 months.
A girl?
- How much does she weigh?|- Two pounds and a half.
She weights more than mine.|But mine is younger.
Is he hungry?|I think he wants milk.
He already had milk, Majesty.
- Yes?|- Already!
- Please, Majesty!|- He is screaming for screaming!
Are you a baby girl?|Yes, no? But what a blondie.
What about you?|What a nice sleepy.
Is that a nice thumb?
One more baby girl?
- What about you? What is her name?|- Eva.
She is tired.
It's to bad the Emperor didn't come.|He loves kids like me!
Where are you? At your desk for sure.
- How are you here now?|- I went to the Children's Home.
- Did you like it?|- It was great!
So many kids, one more|beautiful than the other one!
- Well, well, well!|- That's right!
But anyone was so|beautiful like ours!
Of course!|How was the place?
Clean and beautiful. It could be a|a little more pleasant!
A little dark,|the place needs sun.
- I will do what is necessary for it!|- What about seeing our treasure?
Lets go.
Without noise, maybe she|is sleeping!
What happened?|Where is the cradle?
What is going on?
I didn't know that mom was|going to make the change today...
I was going to tell you tonight.|Mom decided to take care of the...
education and formation of our|daughter. And to have her in a...
bedroom next to her.
And how can she decide|a thing like that?
I can take care of my daughter!|I learned with my mom!
- She raised eight children!|- She didn't want to offend you...
and I was wrong not telling you|before, but with all those...
receptions and trips, you won't have time|to take care of her.
I will always have time for her!|I don't want anybody to take her from me.
- Nobody will do that!|- No? She already did it!
- Where are you going?|- To take my daughter!
- Where is my daughter?|- In her bedroom. The next door.
You cannot come in,|she is already sleeping.
I want that my daughter's bedroom|to be changed again...
where it was before.
I already told you, you cannot come in.|She is sleeping.
I won't wake up her.|Get out.
She is under my custody.
- But I am the mother!|- You are still a child...
and you should relegate|her education to me.
I will never let another person|to raise my daughter!
I will educate my daughter|my way.
For the last time,|let me go.
Be reasonable.|Mom just wants the best.
So are you on your mother's side?|Against me?
I am seeing the things|from a neutral side.
Are you against me|to educate the child?
I already explained to you|the reasons.
So I already know|what I should do.
Sissy, wait!
- Colonel.|- Yes, Majesty.
I'm going to travel. Only you and the|Countess Bellegard will go with me.
To your orders,|Majesty!
- What is going on?|- Your Highness, I am shocked.
The Empress left.
- To where?|- We don't know.
- Did she say goodbye to the Emperor?|- No, Royal Highness.
Should I inform the Emperor|about what happened?
No, I will inform him myself.
I think we didn't|acted right.
We should have leave the|little baby with Sissy.
With a human being that|abandons us?
She seems a disqualified|bourgeois wife.
I let you know the risks|of this marriage.
I ask you to stop with|these observations.
Now are you against me too?
It seems that you|have forgot that...
since I married to Sissy,|I am happy.
- Hurry up, a telegram.|- Did you come to Ischl?
Yes, but only very fast.|Is there anybody here?
- There is nobody.|- Who is inside three?
Every time you come here,|you make a mess!
Mess? I am here|on a state business.
How can we telegraph|to an Emperor?
To who?
Don't make so many|questions. Telegraph...
"To Your Majesty,|Emperor of Austria. Sir..."
No, no...|stop it! Stop it!
"To the office of the Emperor of|Austria". This way is good.
- You can telegraph.|- You drive me crazy!
"This has the intention|to inform Your Majesty"...
No, no! It's terrible.|Stop, cut it.
Come on, telegraph once since for all.
What do you want|me to telegraph?
The Empress is|on the way to..."
Not so loud!
My Sissy!
I am so happy!
It is a pleasure|to have you here.
Come, hurry up,|the Empress.
But tell me, why|didn't you bring the baby?
Well, it is a very long trip.
I see. And Franz,|why didn't he come?
He had a lot of work.|I almost don't see him.
But I am happy to be here.|I feel full of life.
- Where is Papa?|- He went to the forest with the children.
I can't believe|you are here.
Let's go in and|make yourself comfortable.
Seppl, look who is here.
It's good to be here.|And Nene, where is she?
With aunt Maria, in Potsdam.
I can sleep in her bedroom?
- Sleep in yours.|- Do I still have my bedroom?
Well, anything has changed|in here. Come on.
It was like this that I imagined|the Empress's castle would be.
You are right, everything|is the same.
- We even have flowers.|- I always leave them there.
There it is, the last|book I read.
I still remember it very well...
- And here are your clothes.|- My dress!
Even the same mess|is still here.
You know, my treasure, I left the|things the way they were...
because when I come into you bedroom,|what I do everyday...
I have the feeling that|you are still with us.
You have no idea how it's good|to feel that somebody loves me.
But, Sissy, everybody loves you, and|the most important is Franz!
Doesn't he carry you|on his arms?
Yes, he satisfies all|my wishes.
Are you living well with the Aunt Sofia?|I asked her to be nice with you.
- We are understanding each other.|- Thank God!
It makes me happy.
It would be terrible for me|if it was different.
Now put on your dress...
I want to see you like you were before|being an Empress.
The suitcases are already|in your bedroom.
Blow it, so they will|that we are hungry!
It's Max and the children.
Her father!
I think I heard your father's voice.|But where is he? There he is!
- Dad!|- Sissy!
- Slow down.|- Where is the Emperor?
- And what about our niece?|- Did you bring her with you?
- What a nice surprise.|- I'm glad because you are here.
She is with us again!
Did you see how the dress|fit her yet?
She doesn't look|the Empress of Austria...
she looks my little Sissy!
Come with, I will show|you something.
Why didn't Sissy|bring our niece?
I want to meet her.
She is very small,|she can't even can walk.
I would carry her.
Yes, but before you needs|to have a good soup. Come on!
All my little birds.
But I free them|before I go to Vienna.
They came back.|Here they feel good.
- Who feeds them?|- Me, of course.
Do you think I would let|anybody else to do that?
Do you know who came back too?|Your deer.
But you weren't here|and he ran away again.
What is wrong, Sissy?
You are so different.
It is just your imagination.
I know what you missed...
the mountains,|the forest, isn't it?
So it was good to come.
Do you want to come with me|go the hunt field?
We have eight partridges. But|don't sneeze when I shoot.
Like you did with Franz.
Did he tell you that?
Yes, then he didn't see|the prey anymore.
- I swear I won't do anything.|- That's Ok.
I knew it,|she went to Possenhofen!
She will come back soon.
No, I know her.|I will have to take her back.
You should not leave in a|such critical moment...
with so many important|decisions to make!
Nothing is more important|than Sissy!
I'm going to take her and|to give her a scolding.
- Do you know how to catch a partridge?|- Of course.
When it coos,|you must approach yourself...
get stopped like a statue...
And close your eyes|for not scaring it.
I did nothing,|I just did like this.
I'll never hunt with you anymore.
Don't get mad,|it was so beautiful.
- Let it coo.|- Perfect. Let it go.
Ah, dad, it's very nice|to walk with you.
I always remember what|you said once...
"When you have problems,|go to walk through the forest".
What?|What is wrong?
What is that, Sissy? come on,|my daughter. Tell me!
I didn't come here to visit you,|actually, I ran away from Vienna.
My God, Sissy!|But why?
I couldn't make it anymore.
Aunt Sofia didn't stop|to bother me...
she even took|my daughter away me.
Sissy, you know that I am|always on your side...
but you could not do|such a thing...
after all, you are the|Empress of Austria.
You should not leave|your country.
What did you say to mom|about that?
She still doesn't know.|She was so happy...
that I didn't want|to hurt her.
Don't tell her anything,|maybe things get better.
Well, if you want this way...
Which is the favorite dish|of the princess...
Princess?! I say, of the Empress?
- Ham-meatballs.|- Meatballs. I will make them.
Nobody makes meatballs|better than Your Highness.
Ask to Walpurga|to prepare everything.
- Hello, Max!|- Hello.
What's wrong with you?
With me?|Nothing...
There is something.|What bug did bite you?
Any bug bit me.
Forget it, be not with|that face. Sissy told me.
- What did she tell you?|- What happened to the partridge!
Well, Max, forget it...
Is it another thing?
I know you and|I know that there is something else.
There is nothing, only|the meatballs that I will eat.
Come on,|the meatballs?
Highness, His Majesty,|the Emperor of Austria.
The Emperor?
Please, receive him,|I need to change myself.
- You were never like that.|- I'll tell you later.
You are very strange today.
Greetings, dear aunt.
I'm so happy! First Sissy|and now you!
I could not come before, but for sure|you were waiting for my visit.
No, Sissy said that|you were too busy.
Yes, but to solve this situation|is much more important.
- What situation?|- Sissy has run away from me.
- She what?|- Didn't she tell you?
Not a word.
Why did she run away?
The old same story, she doesn't feel|comfortable with my mother.
And my mother doesn't treat her|the way she should.
But this wasn't the|reason for the runaway.
You are right...
I see. But tell me, what was the reason|that made Sissy to runaway from you?
I agreed that mom|should raise the child.
- What?|- It seemed to be the best solution.
- Did you take Sissy's daughter off?|- Yes, we changed the bedroom...
And you think it is weird|that she has run away?
She should have cared for|the image of the Empire.
It is the last important, when|it means to assure that...
a mother keeps her daughter.|Any woman would act like this.
Franz, you will never|understand that...
but believe me, every mother would|agree with Sissy.
How did he know?|Was it you.
No, it was colonel Bckl.|He telegraphed to Vienna.
- So it was that.|- Very well.
If he didn't know where you are,|he could not follow you.
He recognized the|mistake he made.
- You should be kind with him.|- Me? Never!
I will put everything that I held|so far out.
You will reconquer Sissy if|you do not reprehend her.
I'm sorry, but I will tell|her everything that...
There she comes.
I am so happy to|have you again.
- What about our little one?|- She is doing fine.
- Did she gain weight?|- A half pound.
- Is she liking milk?|- She is loving it.
I know that I hurt your feeling,|I'm very sorry.
Me to.|I was such a fool.
But now everything|is gonna be Ok.
- Everything will be the way you want.|- No, the way you want.
Was it you who telegraphed to Vienna?
Because you did it very well.
Because it was almost a heroic action.
A... a... heroic action?
- We will not go back right now.|- What do you mean?
You need to know|your country...
Karnten, Steiermark!
And for not missing|your mountains...
I'm going to show you ours!|- Great.
Do you know where|we're going to start from?
- From Tirol!|- That's fantastic.
This is too beautiful! I have never|seen something like that before.
So? Is it not too beautiful?
There below, it is the|city of Innsbruck!
That big mountain|is Habicht!
Will I have to climb the|mountain riding this animal?
- It's very tiresome for you.|- For me? When I was...
a child I always climbed mountains.|My father used to say:
Any mountain is too high and|any way is too narrow!
Do you see that cross?
Pay attention.
I'm going to show you something!
- Sissy, no! You are not wearing boots.|- I don't need boots!
Look out, Majesty!
Look out, Majesty.
She is killing me... pardon me!|That Empress is of killing!
- Franz! See, deer!|- I'm coming.
Hell! He going|to go up too!
You climb as well as I do!
- Where are the deer?|- There! Can you see them?
Look, so many!
Do you see that?
But now it is winding a lot.
That means that...
- there is an Alps flower.|- Where?
- On the scarps! I'm going to take it.|- It's dangerous! Franz! Look out.
- What is he doing?|- He's going to pick the Alps flower.
- Is he still there?|- Yes, for a while.
I caught it.
I'm going!
I was afraid for you!|Thank you.
- I think it's coming a storm.|- But the sky is so blue!
The weather here changes fast.|See how the clouds are moving.
Guide, is there an inn|close to here?
Yes, the only problem is that the|innkeeper will be sad. If he knew...
that Your Majesty would come,|he would make a better dinner.
- We won't say who we are.|- We will eat what it has.
That's it, Majesty!
We used to stay in places like that|when we did long trips.
I used to played the zither.|But not like that.
Thank you.
Watch out, he can|make a mistake again!
- Did you hear that?|- No.
Hey hunter, look at that.
- It smells good! Is there any ham?|- It is inside.
- What about the dishes?|- Eat it in the bowl. What do you drink?
- A glass of milk.|- We don't have it. The goat didn't come.
The idiot is hiding!
The goat didn't come. It went up the|hill! That idiot! And it disappeared.
- What else do you have to drink?|- "Red" and "Burned"!
I would like to drink "red",|but I don't know what it is!
Don't you understand the language of|your people? What a ashamed.
"Red" is red wine,|"burned" is dry wine.
- Please, a "red" one.|- And a "burned" one.
- Do you have a gentian?|- I can handle it!
Bring it, please.|You will already be assisted.
- So? Are you satisfied?|- Not totally.
- Could we stay here a few days?|- To stay here?
- It would be good.|- There is a hut over there.
- You only need to clean it up.|- It's Ok. We will clean it up.
When I was going to with my father|we used to stay in huts like that.
- I used to make the breakfast myself.|- I heard that you are a great housekeeper.
That too!
Majesty?|The storm is over.
- Is it over?|- Yes.
- That was so fast.|- Look, the rainbow!
- Where?|- There!
Ah, I saw it!
Sorry, Majesty, but the guide|says we have to go back right now...
- before it gets dark.|- You will go back with him. We'll stay...
- here for a few days.|- What? In the middle of nowhere?
Get us everything what is necessary.
And guarantee that nobody|disturb us.
- But here there is no water!|- But here there is the "red" one.
Drink a lot to tolerate|the way back.
Cheers, Majesty.
What? Are you crazy?|We are incognito!
- No formalities.|- Right.
- So, are you going?|- Yes.
Then good-bye!
Did you hear? Good-bye.
- Good-bye.|- Good-bye!
I am so happy to stay here,|to live like ordinary people!
I'm so happy!
And tomorrow we'll wake up very early.|It's when the weather gets more beatiful.
I know. Are you happy?
- Come here outside, it snowed!|- It snowed?
- Ouch, in the middle of the summer!|- I never saw anything like that!
- I believe you.|- Let's make a snow battle.
- The agitate of the clouds.|- It's amazing!
I always wanted it was like that,|far away from the occupations of the...
Empire, of the politics! And we do not|be the emperor and the empress.
Just a simple housekeeper?
My God, I still have|so much work!
- For what is this spit?|- You do like this. It was Thomas...
who taught me, the more|you spit, the more the boots shine.
- I think we must not tell it to my mom.|- Sure! It will be our secret.
What happened in|our absence?
The news about your departure left|agitated all the population of Vienna.
- I already expected that.|- They are talking about a total...
misunderstanding between you|and the Royal Highness Sofia.
What did you do stop|these rumors?
Such rumors will only stop if|you present yourself in public...
with the two|supreme ladies.
You are right.
I think that the things|are not doing fine.
We will know it tomorrow in the reception|of the Hungarian cortege.
I swore that the Empress|would come by herself.
Shut up!
Everything was not but mean rumors|and groundless.
- Did you talk to your mother?|- Yes, but without success.
I knew that nothing|was gonna change.
She threatened to leave the castle...
if she had to abdicate|the child's education.
- And what did you say?|- I didn1 t know what to say.
So I will tell you:
she is, but I go,|and forever.
Did you forget how we were|happy these days?
No, I didn't forget, but I think|that our destiny...
it is be unhappy...|forever.
Is the suitcase already ready?
- Not yet.|- So, hurry up.
- These too?|- Yes, and the pink too.
Did you came to Vienna...
to give me a lesson?
No, Sofia.
I came to talk to you.
I came to talk from|mother to mother!
Look, Sofia,|I didn't forget about our childhood.
And nobody knows|as well as I do...
that you are human being and|it was the life and the politics...
that turned you in a cold person.
You spent your life fighting for a|goal, for a son.
You did everything did for your son to be|happy, you even refused the throne.
That's why you should not|refuse to give him the biggest thing...
a true love of a wife!
Sissy loves your Franz!
And you should be grateful for that.|Am I not right?
Don't think that I don't like Sissy,|that I don't know her tastes.
And I didn't assume the child's education|to harm Sissy.
I assumed it for thinking|Sissy is still a child...
and the women of our age|can educate better.
But a son|belongs to the mother!
And an empress|belongs to the emperor!
Franz will travel for the whole Empire|and Sissy needs to follow him...
she can't stay here|taking care of a child.
But it is possible|to conciliate both of them.
Sofia, I ask you...
Be conscious and|do not make mistakes!
Sissy, you cannot do|it to me.
Now I need to put all my forces|together and concentrate myself.
Nicolau wants to force me to make|a war and I don't want it.
France wants to involve me in a|war. I need you, Sissy.
I need your help!
Your advices!
See the Hungarians case! Your|understanding, your affection...
were more powerful than|all my generals!
Without you, there is no a reconciliation.|I won't be crowned the king of Hungary.
You only talk about coronations and wars,|but never about our daughter!
You only see me as an empress|and never as a mother!
No, Sissy!
You need to know what is|more important to your country.
- What is it?|- The General-attached asked to...
remind you about the reception of the|Hungarian cortege within half hour.
Say that I am already going.
Sissy, get ready soon.
I am not in conditions|to receive nobody.
There is no chance! You know what this|reception means?
For me it means nothing.
You are the empress from Austria!|Don't forget it!
Sorry, but it is time.
See you later.
the suitcases are ready.|When do you intend to leave?
In a little while.
Now leave me alone.
I just get knowing|that the Empress...
won't participate of the|reception and she will leave.
It's impossible!|It must be a rumor!
Her ordinance informed me.|It seems that there was another...
argument between her and the Royal|Highness for the child's protection.
I should speak with|the empress!
- And how will you do that?|- I'll go to her facilities.
Take me to her facilities.
- But just like that? Without an audience?|- I should take a risk, there are a lot...
of things involved.|Show me the way.
Sorry to bother you,|the count Andrassy is here.
- Is the count here?|- Yes. He asked you for an audience.
Have you informed him that I do not|want to receive anybody?
- Yes, but he insists.|- Let him in.
The Empress will receive you.
Sorry to disturb you|so abruptly.
But I just was informed that|you won't go to the reception.
- I have my reasons.|- I am sure that your...
reasons are plausible. But|I ask you to leave them aside.
It's impossible.
Since the generation of Maria Teresa,|the Hungarian people are waiting...
for a member of the Imperial House,|who is trustful...
someone the people|could live and could die for!
And we are here to speak with|that member, our future queen!
Although it is a very hard bale,|we ask you to go to the reception.
Count Andrassy, do not insist.|I can not go.
- Mother!|- My Sissy.
What should I do?|What should I do?
You should not let your|husband down, especially...
knowing that he loves you.|You have a duty...
be strong and surpass|to yourself.
- Is she coming?|- No.
- Baron, is everybody ready?|- Only the Empress is not.
It seems that she won't take|part of the reception.
- Any other orders, Majesty?|- No.
I'm happy you are here.
And I am happy to give you some|news that will make you happy.
Mom accepted the idea that|the child belongs to the mother.
- Franz! Is that true?|- Yes, it is!
She even already provided the|changing of the child's room.
- Who ordered it?|- The Royal Highness!
Sofia, I don't believe|that you did it.
His Majesty, the Emperor!|Her Majesty, the Empress!
I salute the Hungarian people|representatives...
and I welcome you|to Vienna!
The Hungarian people...
that I have the honor|to speak in their name...
express the wish...
that Your Majesty|attend the coronation.
And at the same date Her Majesty|will be crowned the queen of Hungary.
I will correspond to this wish...
because it happens to be|my wish too.
And I thank God...
that gave me a woman...
with the sacred gift to...
conquer everybody's heart.
Now I ask the Empress,|that before the Hungarian people...
to answer to your question.
It is with lots of happiness that I|accept your wishes and that you take to...
the Hungarian people my sincere thanks|and my greetings.
I wait anxious for a|trip to Hungary!
Friends, from Hungarian|regions came...
representatives bringing|a little bit of ground...
to create a hill as|a symbol of confidence...
in the new queen and|that God protects her...
and protects our land,|the beloved Hungary.
How big is this country! Big|enough to get to the sky.
Till our beloved God.
And you have conquered|this huge country!
Only with the heart.
What huge flocks of oxen.|It's like the Dr. Falk's portraits.
Franz, look at that!
So many geese!
Here comes the Empress!|Come on! Hurry up!
I swear before God|Almighty...
to protect Hungary|from its enemies...
if they come from north, south,|east or west.
I promise as queen|of Hungary...
to respect the laws|and the duties...
that unite me to|this people...
in name of this union...
I will do my best to|make the people happy.