Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993)

And now. Ladies and gentlemen...
the Luxurious Stars
Desert Inn Hotel in Las Vegas...
is proud to present
the final performance...
of an exciting engagement.
the incomparable singing sensation...
Miss Deloris Van Cartier!
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
Started my life
in a worn, torn dress
- That somebody threw out
- Somebody threw out
I knew the way it felt
to always live in doubt
To be without
the simple things
So afraid my friends
would see the guilt in me
So I got a good job
in the city
Working for the man
every night and day
But I never lost
one minute of sleepin'
Worryin'about the way
that things might have been
I was a devil with
the blue dress, blue dress
- Blue dress
- I was a devil with the blue dress on
Oh, and I was a ho
Sugar pie, honey bun
- Sugar pie, honey bun
- You know that I love you
- Love you
- I can't help myself
I love you
and nobody else
- Wait
- Oh, yeah, wait a minute, Mr Postman
- Wait
- Wait, Mr Postman
- Mr Postman, look and see
- Oh, yeah
- If there's a letter in your bag for me
- Please, please
- Mr Postman
- I've been waiting
such a long, long time
Deliver the letter
The sooner the better
She wore an itsy-bitsy
Yellow polka-dot bikini
Stop in
the name of love
But my mama told me
you better shop around
So that's what I did.
ladies and gentlemen. I shopped.
I shopped and I shopped
and I shopped.
And I found myself
something special.
I got myself
a brand-new hustle.
Do the hustle
Do the hustle
Do the hustle
- Do the hustle
- Money, money, money, money
Money, money, money, money
- I was a bad girl
- Toot-toot, beep-beep
- Talkin'about a sad girl
- Toot-toot, freak out
Mr Big Stuff
Who do you think you are
Mr Big Stuff
You're never gonna
get my love
Whoa! See how
they treat me?
He got my cousin!
He got my coat!
And when I tried to get it back.
he whipped out this great big...
Shoot him
before he runs now
Do thejerk, baby
Do thejerk now
Hey! I had...
Nowhere to run to, baby
Nowhere to hide
I had
Nowhere to run to, baby
I didn't have nowhere
to hide until
- Hallelujah
- Magic!
Hallelujah, hallelujah
All right. Y'all. You know this song.
Let's sing it. All right?
Nothing you could say could
tear me away from my God
- From my God
- Shh. She's coming.
Nothin'you could do
'cause I'm stuck like glue
- To my God
- My God, my God
- Hello!
- Hey!
These are my friends.
Ladies. Sing this for me.
- We are
- Come up and join us.
Come on. Come on.
And hurry up. Ladies!
- Come on!
- There's not a man today
who can take me away...
- Hey!
- Come down.
- I love him, I love him
- Hey!
- I love him, I love him, whoo
- Pull it up. Please. Pull it up.
- I will follow Him
- Follow Him
- Look out!
- Oh. Jeez!
- Follow Him wherever He may go
- There isn't an ocean too deep
- Too deep
- A mountain so high it can keep
- Keep
Keep me away
Away from His love
What the hell are you doing?
We are family
Go. Go. Go. Go.
go. Go. Go!
I got all my sisters
with me
We are family
Get up, everybody
and sing, swing
We are family
I got all my sisters
with me
- We are family
- Family
- Get up, everybody, get up, everybody
- Get up!
- Well, get up
- Get up, everybody, and sing
Thank you!
Thank you!
- Deloris. You were fantastic.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Deloris. Excellent.
- Oh. My!
Nice outfit. I'm glad
I didn't wear mine.
I gotta tell you. Sisters.
that that last bit was great.
Just great. I'm a very big fan
of yours. I got your album.
- If you...
- This is my manager. This is Joey.
- What do you want?
- Now. Hold it. Are you
currently represented?
- They're nuns. Joey.
God represents them. Come on.
- Now. L...
God is good. But can He get you your own
dressing room? This l... You were great.
Oh. Thanks. I love to sing.
She taught me.
I am so glad to see you guys.
I can't believe it.
- What are you doing here?
- Well. We're... came to see you.
- Are you gonna stay a long time?
- We have to be back on the road tonight.
- Now. Listen. We don't
have any time to chat.
- Well. Maybe a little chat.
We do have to get back. Though.
We're teachers now. It's a school night.
And really it's all because of you.
I mean. You inspired us to...
to go out into the community and.
and do some good in the hood.
Oh. My.
- Wow!
- Can I get you guys
something? Sit down.
- No. Mighty 91.
- No.
Can they even hear you in the back
of the room when you're teachin'?
Oh. I'm getting better at it.
Oh. We're teaching...
at St Francis Academy
in San Francisco.
I went to that school.
Oh! It was... Oh! Ooh!
They need good teachers.
trust me.
Well. We're having
a barrel of laughs.
- Although the kids sometimes
get a little unruly.
- Just a little.
Actually. They're
out of control.
It was so bad last week
Sister Mary Patrick frowned twice.
Ooh. Goodness!
- Oh. Now let's get down to business.
- Oh. Excuse me.
- Any matters of business
have to go through me. See...
- No. Excuse me. Excuse me.
- These are my friends.
I'm talking to them.
- L-l-I would like...
- I'm talking to my friends.
- Well. I just want to talk about the...
- I'm talking to my friends now.
- I am your manager.
- Forgive us. Excuse me.
- Go ahead. No.
Thank you. Now. Come on. You guys.
You come up here. You come to see me.
What's going on? Does Mother Superior
really know you're here?
She sent us on
this mi-mission to...
The Reverend Mother said we're
not to come back without you.
Well. What does
she want? What's...
Well. We're not entirely certain.
But we know that she needs you...
and she wants us to come
and bring you back.
Well. Is she okay.
I mean. Health-wise?
- Is she in danger? What?
- Oh. No. She's fine.
- No. She...
- Well. She's a little desperate.
- She's desperate?
I'll get it! I'll get it.
I'll get it. It's all right.
What. What?
What. What?
Oh. Sit. Sit. Sit.
sit. Sit. Sit.
Oh. Welcome.
It's good to see you.
Good to see you.
Oh. Sister Mary Clar...
Oh. I do apologize.
- Uh-huh.
- It's so good to see you. Too.
But I'm sorry I couldn't join
the Sisters in Las Vegas.
I've heard you are
truly a spectacle.
Well. Yeah. You know.
I work at it.
You're probably wondering why I asked
the Sisters to bring you here.
I am a little curious.
What's all the mystery?
Well. You see. Deloris...
we need your help here...
at St Francis.
We seem to have got in
slightly over our heads.
What do you want?
Help us by
becoming a teacher.
A teacher? Me?
Oh. No!
Listen. I'm not cut out
to be a teacher.
Who would I teach?
What would I teach?
Teach the children.
Teach music.
You weren't cut out to be a nun
either. But look what you
accomplished at St Katherine's.
You brought a new spirit
into the convent and into the community.
You were infectious.
You could be just
as infectious here.
You're makin' me sound
like a disease.
We are struggling here with
a community that is tired...
and worn
and despairing.
We saw this school
as some sort of renewal...
but it's. It's becoming
a hopeless situation.
We have nowhere else to turn.
We are desperate women. Deloris.
We need you.
- Oh! I don't...
- Now. Come.
Look. Think of the children.
We must invest
in their future.
It is our duty.
And who better
to help us than you?
- I'm a lounge singer.
- You are the perfect example
of how a sow's ear...
can be turned
into a silk purse.
Hmm. Well. I probably wouldn't
put it quite like that.
I mean. Iook... I mean. Really. I mean.
my career's startin' to take off.
You know. L-I kind of wanna
get into my success.
A success you might
not have had...
without the help of certain
supportive friends...
who shall remain nameless.
Oh. So you're gonna be like
that. Huh. With the guilt?
Guilt? Huh.
I would never use guilt.
I'm a nun.
All right.
I'll do it for you.
Oh. Thank you. Deloris.
I knew we could count on you.
But you're just talkin'
about like a week. Right?
I don't think we should restrict
ourselves to a time frame.
Sisters. Sisters.
Deloris has agreed
to join our teaching staff.
- So could you take her
to the changing room?
- Sure. Absolutely.
Somebody tell me why I'm
dressed like this again.
The Fathers here at St Francis
are. Uh. Very strict...
Well. I-if they were to find out
that you're neither a nun or
a teacher. Well. They might...
- What. Ask me to leave?
- In a New York minute.
- Yeah. Well. Now I'm undercover again.
- Eh. It could be fun.
Convent living's
kind of grim.
All I need's a bed
and a place to kneel.
Wait till you see what we have
in the room for you.
Oh. Come on. You didn't go out
and do something silly. Did you?
- Well. Maybe.
- What did you put in. A bidet?
- A bi-what? Wh... No.
- Never mind. Don't worry. What is it?
- A watched pot never boils. You'll wait.
- No. No. No. Don't tell her.
- Okay.
- It's a surprise.
- Ready?
- Aw. C'mon.
- One. Two. Three.
- One. Two. Three.
- Sometimes it resembles
a battleground at recess here.
- Yeah.
- For the most ca... part. The
kids are really well-behaved.
- Yeah.
- Hey. Sister Tracy.
- A new... A new nun.
Yeah. Sister Mary
- I'm. I'm terrible with names. Come in.
- Mm-hmm.
- Who was that?
- Uh. Well. The older one is our
principal. Uh. Father Maurice.
And the other one is our
school administrator. Mr Crisp.
He's only been here
just a few months.
- Looks familiar. I think
I've seen her somewhere before.
- Oh?
- Just long enough to hate us.
- Yeah. Well. Some of the kids
call him the devil incarnate.
I just think he's got
a bad case of the grumps.
I don't care who he is.
I just wanna put the top up on my car.
If there's a car left.
What does she mean by that?
Is that a joke? Hey!
I'd like you all to join me
in welcoming the new addition...
to the teaching staff here
at St Francis. Sister Mary...
- Clarence.
- Clarence.
- Who will be teaching our. Uh...
- Music.
- Music. Is there still a music class?
- In a manner of speaking.
Why is he asking.
"Is there a music class?"
- How come he doesn't know
there's a music class?
- Shh. Don't.
Sister Mary Clarence will be
teaching our music class. Yeah.
Now. I. Uh. Think each of you should.
uh. Introduce yourselves.
Uh. I'll start.
I'm Father Ignatius.
I teach math.
I'm Thomas.
Ave, magistra nova.
- Latin teacher.
- Oh. Good.
- Excuse me.
- Ah. And. Uh. This is Mr Crisp.
Uh. This is. Uh.
Sister Mary Clarence.
Oh. Yes. The new nun.
Sister Mary Clemens.
- Clarence.
- Clarence. I'm sorry.
- Like in Thomas. You know.
- Oh.
- Yeah. I'm the music teacher.
- The music teacher?
- Yeah.
- I see. Oh.
- You're grippin' me here. Just... Yeah.
- Oh. Yes. I'm sorry.
Thank you. Thank you.
Yes. I. I just
stopped by to. Uh...
uh. Remind you of our
meeting this afternoon.
Yes. Yes. Oh. Yeah.
Well. Pardon the intrusion.
And bon apptit.
- Gruss Gott.
- Ah. And this is Father Wolfgang...
who. Uh. Cooks so.
uh. Uh. Diligently...
to administer to
our dietary needs.
For luncheon.
bratwurst a la Provence.
He only knows how to cook
one thing: German sausage.
Day after day. Liverwurst.
bratwurst. Bierwurst.
It's the worst.
Oh. No. No. Jenny Craig.
I just couldn't. Thank you so much.
This. Uh. Needs a prayer.
Oh. Sister!
Oh. Sister Clarence...
I wonder if I could have
a word with you in private.
- Oh. No. I. I need to...
- No. Please.
Thank you.
Oh. Uh. Won't you.
uh. Won't you sit down?
Yes. The Sisters tell me
that. Uh. Your last posting...
was at a women's prison facility
in the Louisiana bayou.
- What?
- It wasn't?
No. No. It was. It was.
It was. It was... Yes. Of course.
I mean. S... Yeah. No.
the prison was really rough on me...
and so. I. I b... . I b... . I b...
I been trying to. To...
wipe this experience from my mind
because it was so traumatic for me.
- Really?
- Yes!
They'd led me to believe
that you enjoyed it.
Well. In a m... Yes. I did!
It was... It was...
a traumatic enjoyment of an experience
that I should not have had...
and appreciated the way
that I did because I'm a nun.
And nuns are not meant to have
enjoyable experiences...
because they lead to
all kinds of situations...
which is where I found myself.
which is why I'm here now...
and I know that
you understand that.
Oh. Well. Yes. Indeed.
I do see what you mean.
- I knew. I knew you would.
- Well. Well. Now. As I do with
uh. All my new teachers...
I'd. Uh. Like to share with you
my theories about education...
gleaned from my years
of experience here...
as the principal
of St Francis.
I am an open book.
Anything else to go with that?
That's it? Discipline?
Unfortunately. I think that's
pretty much all we can expect here.
Do you have any questions?
No. I. I feel as though I have
absorbed all I can from you.
Well. Then.
I wish you good day...
- And good luck.
- Thank you. Your Eminenceship.
Thank you so much.
Okay. Your Royal Pappyness.
- Piece of work. Isn't he?
- A prison? Oh. You lied to me.
and you're gonna go to hell.
You call. Vocant, they call.
are calling. Do call.
Voco, I call.
am calling. Do call.
Vocas, you call.
are calling. Do call.
Voco, I call.
am calling. Do call.
Class. Eyes up.
pencils down. Mouths closed.
Today. We're going to learn
a valuable lesson and maybe
have a little fun doing it.
- Yeah. Right.
- The topic for today: promiscuity.
Promiscuity. Who can
tell me what that means?
- Sandra.
- Sandra.
In your dreams.
Sandra. I know you have
a question burning inside there.
You can't answer
any questions about sex.
Oh. Don't be so sure. You don't have
to bite the donut to know it's sweet.
Come on. Plus. We have
the Bible right here.
- Sister Mary Clarence?
- Ah.
- Oh. You look a little lost.
- Yes.
- Who isn't? What. Can't
find the music room?
- No.
Oh. It's downstairs. You take a left.
a right. A right. Another left.
All right. I'm sorry.
It's tricky.
I'll help you find it. Just follow me.
and I'll show you exactly where it is.
Come down here. I know exactly what
you mean. When I first got here...
one hall looks like another hall. One
stairwell looks like another stairwell.
Sometimes I'll find myself just stopping
dead in my tracks and going...
"Oh. Lord. Come to my rescue.
come to my aid."
- Watch your step.
- Yeah.
Well. Here we are.
It's the. Um...
music class.
Well. Thank you.
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Oh. Remember. Nothing ever
is bad as it seems at first.
Fight the good fight.
- Okay.
- Cercum corda.
Oh. Wait a minute.
What? What was that?
It's Latin. It means.
"Lift up your heart."
I thought you said.
"Insert some quarters." I'm sor...
- I don't know if I'm cut out for this.
- You're jokin' me.
- The children are waiting.
- Thanks. Yeah. Ain't they?
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens
Hey, cold beans...
Oh. No. See. That's why your mama
deejays for the ice-cream truck.
- Oh. It's you!
- And collard greens, hey
- Cold beans, hey
- Thank heaven you're here.
- And collard greens, hey
- Class. This is your new teacher...
- Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
- Sister Mary Clarence. Class!
Your mama is so fat. She sat
on a rainbow and Skittles popped out.
- Class!
- Cold beans, hey
Well. Congratulations. You're the new
mayor of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
- Cold beans
- That's why your mother's so fat.
She's on both sides
of the rainbow.
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Keep the faith. Sister.
Just keep the faith.
Remember. Our Lord said.
"O be ye strong of will."
And ye better be
tough as nails too.
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Good morning.
I'd like to introduce myself.
Would you all put your seats
back in order. Please?
Watch my shoes.
Watch my new shoes!
I have this funny problem with my ears.
I don't like a lot of noise.
So maybe you could do it quietly?
Thank you so much.
I'd like to introduce myself. My name
is Sister Mary Clarence. And I am...
- Yo mama?
- No. Sir. Let's talk about your mama...
who's so dumb she got hit
by a parked car.
Thank you.
Let's try attendance.
I'd like to introduce myself.
I'm Tyler Chase...
and on behalf of the whole
music class as we are...
Tyler. Tyler. You got
a little something on your nose.
Yeah. Tyler. A big. Big
brown thing right around here.
"Hello. I'm Tyler Chase."
Thank you. Mr Chase.
Richard Pincham.
Wake up. Fool!
Paper or plastic?
I beg your pardon.
Are you Richard?
- Did you do these?
- Yeah. S-S-Sorry. Sorry.
- Let me see.
- That's why they call me Sketch.
- I do sketches. Sorry.
- These are real good.
- Thanks.
- Try to stay awake in my class. Though.
- All right.
- All right.
Wesley James.
Wesley Glen James.
Respectfully. My sister...
James is the slave name
forced upon my ancestors.
While Wesley. That's some name
my assimilationist parents came up with.
But today. In honour of all my brothers
and sisters who died in the struggle...
I wish to be called
by my true name:
Ahmal M'jomo Jamaael...
which means.
"He who is spirited."
- And long-winded.
- Yeah. A simple "present"
would've done it. Bro.
- And who are you?
- Fran-kay.
- Hey, ho, hey, ho
- Check it out. Check it out.
Hello there, miss,
and let me kick an introduction
- Flute, violin, bass guitar
and then percussion
- Man. That's white. Man.
- It seems you are a sister...
- Man. Just stop. Can't you
come up with your own thing?
Or must you continually come behind
my people and steal our expressions?
First jazz. Then rock and roll. Now rap.
What you gonna try to take next. Man?
I'm gonna take your girl
if you ain't careful.
- Keep talkin' there. Boy.
- Excuse me.
Let's leave this display of manhood
outside. Shall we? Thank you so much.
Yo. Could we hurry this up.
Some of us got things to do.
- Word up.
- You know what I'm sayin'?
- Are you Rita Watson?
- Yeah. That's me.
And I'm sorry I don't have any
cute stories or antidotes to tell you.
- Anecdote.
- Ahmal. Shut up. Mind your business.
Well. How 'bout we just call
you Rita Diva-with-a-'tude?
Hey. Sister. Maybe I can help you out?
Are we all here?
- Yeah!
- We're here.
Thank you. All right.
what have you been doin'?
- Is she jokin'?
- Chillin'.
All right. Let me give
you an easier question.
Where are the music books?
- Up there.
- Oh.
Maybe I should explain something
to you. Sister. See. Um. This is
what we call a bird course.
Now. The reason we call it
a bird course is because we. Uh...
fly right through it.
See. All you gotta do to pass
in this class is show up.
Hmm. So you come to class...
you do nothing
and you pass?
Oh. No. We don't
exactly do nothing.
We have a good time. Too.
Yo. Frankie.
- Yeah.
- Cold beans, hey
And collard greens
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens
Cold beans, hey
and collard greens, hey
Money? You're asking for money?
Yes! You know. It's that.
that little green stuff...
that has pictures
of dead presidents on it...
and you use it to buy things
like instruments or songbooks.
Sister Mary Clemens.
Mr Crisp. My name
is Mary Clarence.
Clarence. I think you're
confusing St Francis...
with Loyola Marymount
or the University of Notre Dame.
- There is no money here.
- Yet they manage to pay you. Crispy.
Mr Crisp is right. Frankly. We're lucky
to be open for business at all.
Well. Then I wish one of
you would tell me wha...
what it is I'm supposed
to do with these children.
Teach them to play soccer.
We don't have the balls for that.
Than JackieJackson
talkin'to Oprah Winfrey
When I kick these rhymes up
in a bundle, you turn purple
You're pulling your pants up like Urkel,
Yeah, so jump if you're with me
Yeah, so jump
if you're with me
- Yeah, who gots the flo'
Who gots the flo'
- I got the flo'! I got the flo'!
Grab the microphone and
let your funky lyrics go, yo
Here I go on the microphone
About to wreck it
You thought a female M.C.
couldn't do it but now check it
If the blues is what you choose
I'll kick it Count Basie style
But if bebop is what you rock
I'll kick the Monk or some Miles
Won't grab no phillies
My style is willing if you let me
Or if I choose to 'cause women's lib
said I don't have to
So think again before you test a sister
'Cause with my girls behind me
- We got lots of power, mister
- Hey, hey
Who gots the flo'grab the microphone
and let your funky lyrics go
I got the flo'
You all gotta go
So go get your bags
so we can go, ho-ho
Aaah, aah, oh, oh, now
Thank you! Thank you!
- She's back.
- She's back
The question at hand is.
how do we get this nun...
to extricate herself from us
quickly and expeditiously?
In other words.
let's get this nun to run.
Yeah. But I'm not sure
I'm down for this. Man.
- That's like messin' with higher power.
- Yeah. Word up.
Plus. This Sister is like
a sister Sister. Know what I'm sayin'?
- She ain't no sister of yours.
- Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey!
Chill. Okay?
- I heard that.
- Listen. You all. We all
gotta agree on this.
- Are we in or are we out?
- Young man! Picasso!
Keep this job. Get your
butt back in here. Boy.
I guess you know
what that means.
l-I'll stick with the majority
on this one. But I gotta go.
so I'll check y'all later.
- All right. Home.
- All right.
- Peace.
- Adieu.
- Peace.
- See you. Man.
- There's no dialogue. Man.
Come on. What's wrong?
- Rita Louise Watson!
You better get your behind in
this house now. You got homework to do!
Ma! Ma. We're just chillin'!
Rita. Don't make me come
down there after you.
- Listen. Y'all call me tonight
so we can figure out a plan.
- All right.
- Rita!
- See ya.
On second thought. Call me
in the mornin'. Peace. Y'all.
- All right.
- We'll. See ya later. Rita.
Hey. Here she comes.
Well. You look
like my class.
Is. Uh. Something goin' on?
No. Sister Mary Clarence.
I saw a scene like this
once in a horror movie.
They subdued an entire
community by putting some kind
of weird drug in the water.
Is that what's
going on here?
All right. Uh. Today...
I'd like to talk about music.
'cause that's what I am.
I am the music teacher.
and it's what I love.
Now. When you think about
various people and what they like...
you think. Well. This one likes this.
this one likes that.
Me. I'm what you
call eclectic.
- Eclectic?
- What's that?
You plug your box into the wall
and it gives you power. Stupid.
Not electric.
Eclectic. Stupid.
Let me simplify it for you.
When I say eclectic...
what I mean is. I like lots
of different types of music.
Opera. Rock and roll. Rap.
I like it all.
But my favourite.
my absolute all-time favourite...
are the girl groups
from the '50s and '60s.
- Like who?
- Tyler! Shut up. Man!
- What an idiot. Man.
- Ladies and gentleman...
- Tyler. Shut up!
- Let us not badger this man
who wants this information.
- Hi. Are we dumb?
I like Patti LaBelle and the Bluebells.
and I like the Supremes.
- Who are the Supremes?
- Oh. Tyler. Shut up!
You don't need to get
physical with him.
- Oh. You're gonna get
jumped after school. Tyler.
- Yes. It is a shocking question:
"Who are the Supremes?"
- You never heard of Diana Ross?
- Oh. Diana Ross.
- Well. Let me tell you.
They were the premier group.
- Yes!
- Yes!
- As you hear.
your comrades-in-arms say. "Yes!"
Because they
were incredible.
- And what I love
when I think about music...
- About time.
is how you can take
this type of music...
and that type of music
and fuse it together.
- Mmm!
- Fusion.
Yeah. Fusion. I'm really
glad you're into this.
The best example
I can give you. Now...
You got busted!
Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!
Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!
Fusion! Fusion! Fusion!
Goddam it.
Oh. Man!
Now. We want you to know
that we understand...
and that you're quite free
to leave whenever you please.
I'm sure you'll be much
better off in show business.
Goodness knows.
the money is better.
I'm sure bright lights and
sequins are far prettier to look
at than anything we have here.
Do you know what I hate
most about this place?
There's nothing to
pick up and throw.
- We understand.
- Yeah.
- Bye-bye.
- Would you like a cup of tea?
Oh. This mustn't happen.
It can't happen.
It would be criminal.
absolutely criminal. If this happened.
St Francis' school and church
have been a beacon of hope...
to the people of this community
for many. Many years.
lf. If they close down
the school. I bet... l...
It would be an absolute
and total disaster.
You're absolutely sure that
there's nothing can be done?
- I'm afraid not. Father.
- I was hoping that maybe...
we could keep it open until
the end of the school year.
- We know it's unfortunate.
- We don't like it either.
The Archdiocese has decided
that St Francis should close...
at the end
of the current semester.
- Why does it have to happen so quickly?
- You're totally in the red...
with very little hope
of recovery.
You must realize.
Father Maurice...
the community contributions
have been nil.
The school has no outstanding
academic or achievement records.
I've been exploring the possibility
of other uses for the property.
- What?
- Yes. And the bottom line
is it's more valuable...
as a parking lot than it is
as a school. I'm sorry.
The recommendation
is to close.
Well. I suppose there's
nothing more to be said.
Well. Thank you.
Mr Crisp. You should be
commended for your work...
and your excellent analysis
of the situation.
Oh. Well. Thank you very much.
But I do wish you'd consider
my application for early retirement.
After all. I have been working
for the Archdiocese doing this work...
for almost 30 years now.
and I would just like my due.
- Why. Absolutely.
- Thank you. Thank you.
- Now let's go out and have
some lunch now. Shall we?
- Excellent idea.
- What?
- What?
- When?
- The end of the semester.
- Where did you hear that?
I happened to be eavesdropping
in s... Father Maurice's office.
and I heard him talking...
- To a bunch of people.
- Oh. We were afraid this might happen.
I've been expecting it
for some time.
- Well. What do we do now?
- Well. We'll probably be reassigned...
and the children will be bused
to a public school in another district.
What a stupid thing to do! This is
the only school left in this community.
Well. We've gotta do
something. Otherwise we're
gonna lose our students...
and we're not gonna
get them back.
Well. Then I guess we are
going to do something.
- Now. You do mean "we." don't you? We!
- Yes. Yes. We!
You mean. You're not leaving?
Listen. I said I was gonna
come and help. Here I am.
- Thank you. Deloris.
- Oh. Just call me M-Mary Clarence.
- Oh. Reverend Mother.
- Oh. Father Maurice.
I'd like to speak to you for
a moment. My mind is consumed
with trying to deal with...
- Oh. Sister Mary Clarence.
- Well. Yes. As a matter of fact.
Mmm. I am familiar
with the dilemma.
I'm told that she presided
at the ecclesiastical equivalent...
of a pep rally
last night.
- Mm. Yes. I am aware of this.
- You are? Well. How did you know?
Oh. You'll find that when one
deals with Sister Mary Clarence...
one is smothered with more information
than one wishes to possess.
Uh. I'm afraid she's
becoming quite disruptive.
Well. Disruption is the way
Mary Clarence communicates.
I worry about raising
false hopes among the children.
Advise me. Reverend Mother.
Eh. Tell me about your experiences
with Mary Clarence.
No. I wouldn't want
to frighten you.
Well. In my experience.
I found it easier...
and ultimately
quite effective...
to give Mary Clarence
a free hand.
Aren't her ideas
extremely radical?
If I remember correctly...
the term "radical"
was applied to us in our day.
Or have you forgotten the trouble
we caused Bishop O'Malley?
Oh. Yes. Bishop O'Malley.
Give Mary Clarence a chance.
If the school is on
the road to closure...
at least she'll make it
an interesting ride.
Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen.
Please take your seats.
Do it quickly and quietly.
Welcome to the first day
of your new scholastic lives.
This is no longer a bird course.
The bird has flown.
If you want to pass this course...
you gonna have to earn it.
'cause I have no problems...
not one. Failing
each and every one of you.
- Yo. I never thought
this was no bird course.
- I'm glad for you.
Very. Very glad.
'cause this is a new day.
- Things are going to be
a little different around here.
- Oh. Yeah?
- Uh-huh.
- Like how?
Like when I talk.
Fran-kay. You don't.
Is this somethin' you wanna share
with the rest of the class?
- No. I'm just kickin' it with my girl.
- Well. I'll tell you what.
You gonna kick it with me. Or I'm gonna
kick you out. What you think of that?
- Goddam.
- Cold.
- Put 'em away.
And you. This is not
Elizabeth Arden. Miss Thing.
You want to beat that mug
of yours. You do it at home
before you come to my class.
You understand me?
Put it away.
And you. Sketch. I like you
a lot. But I don't want you...
- Catchin' Z's in my class no more.
- I be tired. I got a job l...
Baby. Save it for Oprah.
This is a brand-new day.
ladies and gentlemen. A brand-new day.
We're gonna start with respect.
You're gonna respect me.
and I'm gonna respect you.
And the first thing you're gonna do.
gentlemen. Is take off those hats.
This is a brand-new day.
I guess that means you're
gonna be combin' your hair
before you come to my class.
And I know you laughin'
over there. So you think
this is very funny. Miss Thing?
There is no sun in this room.
You will not get a tan.
Take off those sunglasses.
That goes for you too. If they're
not prescription. I don't wanna see 'em.
I want to see you.
I want to look into your eyes.
I want you to be able
to look into mine.
Yes. Miss Watson?
We don't want no new way.
The old way was fine for us. Right?
- Right.
- That's right.
Okay. So if you're gonna fail us.
then you might as well go ahead...
'cause. Um.
I ain't doin' nothin'.
Fine. That's how you feel.
there's the door.
Don't let it hit you
in the butts on your way out.
Yo. Yo. Sis. I can't
afford to fail this class.
Hey. You better tell your friends
you can't afford to fail this class.
My parents
wouldn't be pleased.
Come on. Y'all. We. We ain't gotta
take this from her. Come on.
Shi... Sketch.
come on, man.
- Fran-kay?
- Yo. Rita. You know I'm usually
down for stuff like this...
but. Yo. I'm gonna take care
of business this time.
A little lonely out on that limb
by yourself. Miss Watson?
So much for friendship.
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna
go somewhere
You better wake up
and pay attention
All right. Let's get down to business.
ladies and gentlemen.
You wanna go somewhere
and you wanna be somebody...
you better wake up
and pay attention. Honey.
'cause the real world is out there.
And they don't care
how hip you think you are...
or who you kick it with.
It don't matter.
If you don't have an education.
you don't have anything.
And that's the truth. Honey.
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna
go somewhere
You better wake up
and pay attention
- Pay attention, wake up, baby
- You gotta wake up,
But we cannot do it by ourselves.
We need the help.
I mean. We're here for the children.
right? If not for them. For who?
Look. Let's start
with the curriculum. Okay?
Let's talk about boring.
I can barely stay awake
to teach it.
I have some good ideas
for goosing up sex ed.
And what are we gonna do
about the graffiti? It's awful.
I mean. Not that a bucket
of paint couldn't fix it.
- I'd love to see us teach new math.
- Yes!
No. No. You've got to face facts.
We're closing down.
Yes. We may be closing.
but we're not closed yet.
So why don't we go out
with a little class?
Come on. People.
let's hear it again.
If you wanna be somebody.
if you wanna go somewhere...
you better wake up
and pay attention.
- Come on. Make me believe
what you're sayin'.
- Can we waken this up a little?
- Well. Yeah. If you think you can.
- Okay. Dionna.
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna
go somewhere
You better wake up
and pay attention
If you wanna be somebody
If you wanna
go somewhere
You better wake up
and pay attention
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Talk about a wake-up call.
Where did this come from?
Well. This is
a music class. Isn't it?
Yes. This is a music class.
Are you tellin' me you guys can sing?
No. Really. That was great! My...
I just figured out how I'm gonna get you
through this music class.
Oh. No. Really?
Yes. Yes. I'm gonna
turn you guys into a choir.
Come on. I mean. Most choirs
are just a bunch of people...
singing wack songs
that nobody care about.
Maybe not.
Maybe not.
Quickly. Sit down.
Let's go. Let's go.
Quit chewin' that gum.
You look like Mr Ed. Sit down.
Where'd these kids come from?
Ladies. Come right in. Come right in.
Watch your footing.
You know what to do.
Good to see you.
- You know all about these people.
- Oh. Yes.
You know where to go.
You ready. Alma? Hello!
You ready. Alma?
Alma! Turn the pack on.
- You ready?
- Yes.
- Ready. Ladies?
- Yes!
Five. Six...
Five. Six. Seven. Eight!
- People movin'out
People movin'in
- Why
Because of the colour
of the skin
Run, run, run
But you sure can't hide
An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
Vote for me
and I'll set you free
- Rap on, Sisters
- Rap on
- Well, the only person talkin'
'bout love thy brother
- Is a preacher
- And it seems nobody's
interested in learnin'
- But the teacher
- Segregation
- Determination
- Demonstration
- Integration
- Aggravation
- Humiliation
- Obligation to our nation
- Ball of confusion
Oh, yeah, yeah
That's what the world
is today, ooh, hey, hey
Let me hear it
Let me hear it
Let me hear ya say it
- The sale of pills are
at an all-time high
- Say it
Young folks walkin'around
with their heads in the sky
- Oh, say it
- Cities aflame in the summertime
- And, oh
- The beat goes on
- Evolution
- Revolution
- Gun control
- The sound of soul
- Shootin'rockets to the moon
- Kids growin'up too soon
- Gloria
Around and around
and around we go
Where the world's headed
nobody knows
Play it. Alma!
Go ahead. Girl!
Great googa mooga
Can't ya hear me talkin'to ya
- Just a ball of confusion
- Oh, yeah
- That's what the world is today
- Oy, vey
- Ooh.
- That was boo!
- So. What did you guys think?
- Well. It was okay.
What do you mean. "it was okay"?
What about you?
- It was cool for what it was.
but it wasn't all that.
- I mean. Iook who was singin'.
Yo. Word up. And to who. Man? A bunch
of nuns singin' to old biddies. Yo.
There was two guys in the fourth row
that didn't even applaud. G.
- Hey. Save that seat for me
back there. Okay?
- They was dead. Stupid.
Look. Sis. I think we should
just 86 this choir thing.
I mean. Some of us actually
got reps to think about.
Hey. Yo. Word up. If we start wearin'
robes and singin' hymns and all that...
- My homeboys are gonna think
we're a bunch of punks. Right?
- Slim. That's not true. Man.
- And I ain't with that.
- That's not really true.
'Cause in Nigeria. Singin' and wearin'
ceremonial robes is a mark of honour.
- Oh. Man!
- In fact. It was...
- Spare us Roots, man!
All I'm sayin' is. Can't we sing
somethin' that ain't gonna get
the crap kicked out of us. Yo?
Now. I understand you gotta
think about your image...
'cause image is very important
to everybody.
Because. Of course. Your friends
are gonna dictate your actions...
through your life. So. Hey.
I wouldn't want you to step away
from them and be an individual.
That would almost
be too much.
But I will say this to you.
When these ladies get on the bus...
do not disrespect them.
do not embarrass me.
'Cause it ain't easy to get up and sing
in front of people like yourselves.
- Hey.
- Nice job. Ladies!
- Good job.
Very good.
He's funny. Uh-oh!
- I smell trouble.
- Think so?
Check it out.
- Hey. Father Thomas. What's happenin'?
- Well. What's happening is...
I've been sent to give you a message
like I'm working for Western Union...
instead of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Well. Don't tell me
you have to sing it.
Oh. That's very funny. I'm sure
you still won't be as humorous...
after you talk to Father Maurice
who wants to see you right now!
Sister. During school hours.
we are responsible for the children.
They can't go on a field trip
without parental consent.
Okay. I'll buy that.
I made a mistake. I'm sorry.
It will never happen again.
Indeed. It won't.
because from right now...
authorized or unauthorized
field trips are cancelled.
Bu... But why?
Sister. In a very. Very short time.
St Francis will close for good.
I'd like that time to be safe
and pleasant for everyone concerned.
Do I make myself clear?
- Yes. Abundantly.
- Thank you.
- You heard him say that?
- Just now?
- Yo. Just a second ago. You know.
- St Francis can't be closin'.
My family dropped out of high
school like suckers. Man. And
I refuse to go out like that.
You know what. We could
take 'em higher with the choir.
so to speak. It could be dope.
We. We need to exhibit
some pride in ourselves...
- Like Paul Lawrence Dunbar wrote. Right?
- Oh. Yeah.
- Yeah. It ain't all that.
- Oh. Oh. Okay.
Okay. Okay. See? See. That's
what I'm talkin' about.
That's what's wrong
with y'all young kids today.
Y'all don't wanna listen.
Okay. Okay. See?
See? Y'all go ahead and walk
away. Y'all supposed to be
my brothers and sisters. Man.
Don't y'all realize how much
they took from us?
Yo. Sketch. You know what
I'm talkin' about. Right. Man?
Come on. Man. They stole our land. Man.
and our name and our mother. Man.
- Yo. Mr Johnson. You know
what I'm sayin'. Right?
- Get your butt a job. Boy.
I don't believe this. Man.
Brother try to wear the clothes...
- Try to walk the walk...
- Get your little butt outta here.
and can't even understand
the talk. Man. I know y'all
understand me. Man. Come on.
This used to be
the old music room.
The acoustics in this room
are incredible.
You can't buy them.
- Oh. Iook.
- It's like a monster's crypt.
Oh. God. This is gross.
Oh. No. This is wack.
This is wack.
Come on. You guys.
I'd hate to see those spiders...
get into those weaves I know
some of you are wearing. I can tell.
Let's go.
Go. Go. Go.
C'mere. C'mere. Bugs.
Now. Does anybody
play an instrument?
I can play piano.
- C'mere.
- Yeah. Right.
- He can play that?
- Oh. He can. Wait.
l-It. It. It still has
some sound in it.
Gimme an "A" on this.
see if it works.
See? Very nice.
Very nice.
Okay. Let's see.
"Mary Had a Little Lamb."
- Go ahead. Sing it.
- Yo. I don't sing. I rap.
Yeah. That's right.
I rap. Too.
But you wouldn't know anything
about that. Now would you?
Oh. Well. Excuse me.
Fran-kay. Hey-ho.
I happen to be a big fan
of Run D.N.A.
Run D.M. C... my sister.
Run D.M.C.
He got it. It was a joke.
Will you lighten up? Look.
I like Big Daddy Kane. Okay?
Will you just rap
for me. Please?
Oh. You wanna hear
"Mary Had a Little Lamb." right?
- Yeah.
- Check it.
- Mary had a little lamb.
- Feet was white as snow.
- Her. Her. Her fleece. Yo.
- Oh. Okay.
- Okay. Mary had a little lamb.
- Her fleece was white as snow.
- And yo. And everywhere that Mary went.
- The lamb was sure to go.
- Boo. Yeah! Boo. Yeah.
- Boo. Yeah!
Not bad.
So. We'll go on.
Ahmal. Sing for me.
- Come on. Ahmal.
- Come on. Ahmal.
Mary had a little lamb
A little tentative. But hey.
we can work on that. That was very nice.
Well. You know. Shaka Zula said
word sounds have power.
Yeah. Well Chaka Khan said.
"It's my thing." So what?
Tanya. Let's hear it.
"Mary had a little lamb."
Mary had a little lamb
That was beautiful!
Go ahead. Girl.
You just saved that lamb's life.
No lamb chops tonight. Huh?
Very nice.
What do you say we try it.
just for fun. As a group?
Huh? You up for that?
On three...
Give me an "A."
He's so multitalented.
isn't he?
- That was very nice
the way you did that.
- Well. Thank you.
Yes. All right. On three.
One. Two. Three.
Mary had a little lamb
Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay!
Maybe I went a little
too fast for you.
Okay? We'll. We'll go back
and take it nice and slow.
Uh. Maria. Let me hear
"Mary Had a Little Lamb."
Come on. Maria.
- What's the matter?
- C'mon. Maria. What's up?
- Come on. Maria.
- She's shy. She's just shy.
l-I don't know
"Mary Had a Little Lamb."
- Oh.
- Oh. No!
Hey. Hey. Hey.
hey. Hey. Hey.
- Hey. Excuse me!
- It's not funny.
- It is not Maria's fault...
- No?
if she does not know
that Mary had a lamb.
It is not.
and I say this to you...
it is not Maria's fault...
because maybe. Maybe where
Maria came from. Mary had a dog.
- Yes!
- Or a little kitty cat.
Or a little baldheaded brother
named Bart.
It is not her fault
that she doesn't know it...
and we're not gonna hold that
against her. Are we?
- Nah!
- No. We are not.
You sing whatever it is
that is in you to sing.
- Right.
- All right.
Thank you. Okay.
- The love boat
- Ah. Don't sing that.
Soon will be making another run
All aboard!
Okay. Okay. Stop.
"The Love Boat."
All right. All right.
That's nice. That's...
Mary Lazarus.
this is your soul mate.
Do you know the theme song
from Gilligan's Island, too?
- I do.
- It's one of my favourites.
Listen. You guys.
This is not about whether
you can sing or not.
We know you can sing.
We've heard you do it.
This is about singing together
as a group.
Hit it!
All right.
On three.
One. Two...
When Jesus is
My portion
A constant friend
Is He
His eye
Is on the sparrow
I mess up on that part
every time!
The sparrow
What's the matter. Rita?
That was beautiful.
Don't even try. Girl.
'cause you can blow. Too.
Yeah. But you got that type of voice.
you could really make it.
This is for church.
What's wrong with you. Girl?
I don't know. I just been
thinkin' about things.
My mother thinks singin'
is a dead end. No security.
And that's cool. Rita.
But what do you think?
I don't know.
Look. Let's do the song
I was doin'...
but this time
let's do it together.
I can't sing with you. Girl.
C'mon. I know
you're with it.
You take the top.
and I'll take the bottom.
- Just try it.
- All right.
I sing
- Because I'm happy
- Because I'm happy
And I sing
- Because I'm free
- Because
His eye
Is on the sparrow
Please don't stop.
I'll see you later. Rita.
You have a beautiful voice.
So what?
So why aren't you
in the choir?
l-I know you want to be.
Yeah. Well. There are a lot of
things I wanna do. But I ain't
gonna get to do 'em. So...
Yeah. I know.
I. I used to feel that way. Too.
You know. You should talk
to Sister Mary Clarence.
She helped me so much.
Um. Rita?
You're just barely 17.
Now. How do you know what you're
going to get to do and not do?
Have you walked around
this neighbourhood lately?
I'm not exactly livin'
in the land of opportunity.
I might want to sing.
but it ain't gonna happen.
So. What's the point?
Welcome to the real world. Sister.
Rita? Rita. You...
What's the matter?
This chick's got
a lot of attitude.
No. No. No. I think
it's deeper than that.
Si... Delor...
Uh. Sister Mary Clarence...
I think that
she needs help.
Well. Why you lookin' at me?
Well. Okay. I thought that
maybe you could help her.
You know. Kind of the way
you helped me?
No. No. No. No.
You were different.
Look. She really.
really wants to sing.
She any good?
Oh. Yes.
Yeah. I think so.
God bless you.
Sister Mary Clarence.
All right. All right.
Chapel time.
- God bless you.
- Now. Get in there.
Ah. Rita!
- Hey!
- What?
Listen. You have just a little bit
more attitude than I like...
but I've decided I'm gonna dog you
no matter what. Okay?
- I'm listenin' to you. Go ahead.
- Okay.
I know you want to sing.
See. I love to sing.
Nothing makes me happier.
I either wanted to be a singer
or the head of the Ice Capades.
Hey. Do you know who
the Ice Capades are?
Don't roll your eyes.
They were very cool.
I went to my mother.
who gave me this book...
called Letters To A Young Poet.
Rainer Maria Rilke.
He's a fabulous writer. A fellow
used to write to him and say:
"I want to be a writer.
Please read my stuff."
And Rilke says
to this guy:
"Don't ask me
about being a writer.
lf. When you wake up in the morning.
you can think of nothing but writing...
then you're a writer."
I'm gonna say
the same thing to you.
If you wake up in the mornin'
and you can't think of anything
but singin' first...
then you're supposed to be
a singer. Girl.
What's the point of your story. Sister?
l... What's the point?
Read the book.
And don't roll your eyes about the
Ice Capades. It was a very good living.
I just want
to point that out.
That's good.
Let's try some energy. Hey!
And as a group.
From the diaphragm.
Welcome back. Hey!
Let's do Fran-kay. Hey!
Hey! Ho! Hey!
See. Go right down the scale.
- La
- Ouch.
Yes. Go on. Go on.
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go.
- Okay. You got it?
- This is so corny.
What were you doin'
spinnin' this around?
Now. Listen. You're always
talkin' about Shaka Zulu.
Do you think Shaka Zulu
could repel a bunch of troops...
with a little teeny-tiny voice
like you're usin'?
Here. Gimme
"Oh. Happy Day" in "C."
You listen to what
I'm gonna do. Okay?
This is you.
Oh, happy day
That ain't gonna scare nobody.
Oh, happy day
That's what I want
you to do. Okay?
Take it up
a half a step for me.
All right. Repel me.
Oh, happy day
That ain't gonna scare nobody!
Oh, happy day
See. Now you've got it.
Okay. You guys. Relax.
Okay? Take a deep breath.
Be fine!
Don't worry.
You ready?
Oh, happy day
Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day
- C'mere.
- C'mere and stand over here.
- Oh, happy day
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- Washed my sins away
- Y'all gonna have to do
better than this.
- Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day
- All right. You guys.
Take your cue from me.
- Sing.
- Oh, happy day.
Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When my Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
He washed my sins away
- Let's party.
- He taught me how
Oh, he taught me how
- To wash
- To wash, to wash
- Fight and pray
- To fight and pray
Fight and pray
- And he taught me how to live rejoicing
- And live
- Rejoicing
- Yes, He did, oh yeah
- Every
- Every
- Every day
- Every day
- Oh, yeah
- Every day
Oh, oh, happy day
Oh, happy day
- Oh, happy day, yeah
- Oh, happy day
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When my Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- When Jesus washed
- My sins away
- Oh, happy day
Come on, I'm talkin'
'bout happy days
- Oh, happy day
- Oh, yeah
- Sing it, sing it, sing it, yeah, yeah
- Oh, happy day
- I'm talkin' 'bout
- Oh, oh, happy day
Take your bow.
Go on.
Take a bow.
All right!
Ladies and gentlemen...
I believe we are now a choir.
Ashes to ashes
and dust to dust.
Show me the man
that a woman can trust.
So. Where does it say.
"On the eighth day he dusted"?
- Look at all these trophies.
- Yeah.
"All State Music Competition. 19 71."
- 1969.
- Wow!
Looks like this school's been
winning competitions for a long time.
Yeah. Do you think
they still have these contests?
What if I told you that
we have just entered you all...
in the All State
Music Competition?
- Six weeks from Saturday in Hollywood!
- Hollywood?
- What?
- Let's go!
- We be doin' some crazy stuff. Man!
- Oh. My God. That is so cool!
Well. Sister. You put this choir
together. We took our cue from you.
And we found out that in the past. This
school has won a lot of competitions.
What's the matter with you kids?
Don't you have any faith in yourselves?
- We have faith in you.
- Hollywood.
- W-W-Wait.
Are you sure we're good enough
to compete against other choirs?
I mean. Right now
I don't think so.
Y-You could be if you rehearse every day
before class and after school.
- So. How 'bout it?
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Sisters. Sisters!
We need to discuss this.
I mean. What's up. Y'all?
Y'all ready for
an all-state thing?
No. No!
Absolutely not!
- You guys. No. We shouldn't go.
- Oh. Yo! C'mon. Y'all.
Don't be a bunch of punks. Man.
Listen. Nobody has ever cared
what we was good at...
except for Sister Mary Clarence
and her homegirls up there.
you know what I'm sayin'?
- Oh. Fran-kay!
- Her and her sisters
were hookin' us up. Yo.
Plus. We can go to Hollywood.
You know what I'm sayin'? Hollywood!
Wait a minute!
What're we gonna wear?
- Airhead!
- Clothes. Margaret.
You guys. You guys. Come on.
You guys. We owe this to ourselves.
- I think we should do it.
- What about our boyfriends?
- Yeah. Oh. Please. Jessica.
- Well. Y'all.
there may be some all-boy choirs
at this competition.
- We're in.
- We're in.
And I say that if we win this
thing. Then the Archdiocese
is gonna be pleased as punch.
- And maybe we'll have a prayer
to keep this school open. Eh?
- Right.
So. Does this mean we're going
to the all-state competition?
- Yes!
- Yes!
Let's turn this mother out
and rock the house! Dope!
They wouldn't bring drugs
in here. Would they?
- No.
- No.
No. No.
Absolutely not!
How can you keep saying no?
Now. You've heard them.
They're good.
They are so ready for this.
Sister. Once again you've made a promise
to the students that you can't keep.
Now. I told you before. Field trips
are absolutely out of the question!
This is not a field trip. This is
something that can save the school.
- You have my answer.
- And it's the wrong one!
Sister Mary Clarence!
You're being insubordinate.
I know. And. Uh. Surely
you can understand why.
I mean. These kids
have worked so hard for this...
and they're good.
they're really good.
They could win! Y...
This school used to win that competition
every year. Every year they won.
Now. Come on. If they're gonna close
this school. Let's go out with a bang.
Yes. Let her.
Very awesome.
Very well. Then.
You seem to have
the support of everyone.
So I'll...
I'll give my permission.
You've got to raise
the money yourself.
And you've got to get
parental consent for each child.
I can do that. That is not
a problem. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you. My brothers.
Come on.
Joyful, joyful
J... Joy...
Fill us with
the light of day
Fill us with
the light of...
Fill us with
the light
- Rita?
- Come and join the chor...
Mighty chorus
Which the mornin'...
Father of love
is rising o'er...
- Ooh ooh ooh
- Rita?
Mama. What are you
doing home so early?
Mrs Gibbs needs me
to do her hair.
- What are you doin'?
- I was just foolin' around
with some stuff.
- Give me that. Please.
- Huh?
Give me that.
And the tape recorder. Too.
What is this?
It's just some music. Ma.
Sister Mary Clarence
wants us to learn it...
for the choir.
Now. Just when were you gonna
tell me that you're in a choir?
Rita. How many times
do we have to go through this?
Singing does not
put food on the table.
Singing does not
pay the bills.
Singing is no guarantee to a future.
even if you have got talent.
- Mama. Did you know I can sing?
- So could your daddy.
And he died
still tryin' to make it.
But what does that
have to do with me?
Mom. We're.
we're a good choir.
They want to take us to this all-state
music competition. We could win.
- We're good.
- Baby. If you want to win in life.
then keep your nose...
- In them books and out of the clouds.
- Mommy.
If you could just listen to me.
Let me explain.
Baby. I know how you feel.
Really. I do.
But there are a lot of talented people
right down there on the streets...
singin' their
- Now. Is that how you want to end up?
- No. That's not what I wa...
Good! Then you don't have time
for any choir 'cause you got to study.
Mommy. We have a chance
of winning.
The choir and
the competition are out.
- Mommy.
- If you "But. Mama" me one more time...
Now. I said the choir and
the competition is out. You understand?
Yes. Ma'am.
As far as I can tell. With
food and lodging and costumes
and transportation and gas...
- This is gonna cost us about $2.000...
- Oh. My!
which is a lot of money. Ah.
Don't look at me.
I took a vow of poverty.
The only person I can think of
that ever made money as a nun:
Sally Field.
God love her.
$2.000? Might as well
be a million!
I mean. It's absolutely doable.
I just think we have to get
the community involved.
It's about time this community
took care of the school.
- I mean. All the kids go here.
- Yeah. That's true.
- We could have a car wash...
- I think that's the only way.
- Or a bake sale.
- Sister Mary Clarence.
- Hey!
- Oh. Rita. I'm glad you're here.
Um. Would you take one of these
consent forms and make sure
that your mom signs it?
- If we can raise the buckaroos.
- Ha.
Look. I need to talk to you.
I have to quit the choir.
I got a lot of reasons
I can't explain. And I'm sorry;
but I gotta leave the choir.
Give us back our consent form.
- Stop that!
- Well.
Just a minute. Please.
Hi. I'm. Uh.
Sister Mary Clarence. L...
I know who you are.
What can I do for you. Sister?
Well. Uh.
Rita left the choir...
and I was kinda hopin' I could get you
to talk her into comin' back.
Oh. I don't think
I can do that.
You know something. Sister. I really
don't want to discuss this with you.
As you can see.
I've got some work to do.
And. Uh. If you'll excuse me.
good day to you.
Hey. We're here to collect
some money from you.
That means we need your help.
We're not playing.
Put that basket out there!
Get that money.
Give that money. Baby.
Give that money.
C'mon. Girls. You do what I do.
- Hey!
- Ahh!
Get up off of that thing
and dance till you feel better
Get up off of that thing
Just try to release that pressure
Get up off of that thing
- Go 'head. Girl.
- Dance till you feel better
- Hey!
- Get up off of that thing
Try to release
that pressure
around the world
Are you ready for
a brand-new beat
Sing it if you know it.
Summer's here
and the time is right
For dancin'
in the street
- Get down!
- They're dancin'in Chicago
Get up!
- And down in New Orleans
- Dancin'in the street
- Yeah!
- In New York City
Dancin'in the street
- Oh, it doesn't matter
what you wear
- Oh. Yeah!
Just a long as
you are there
So, come on
Every guy grab a girl
around the world
- They'll be dancin'
- Dancin'in the street
- They're dancin'in the street
- Dancin'in the street
This is an invitation
across the nation
A chance for folks to meet
- Get up off of that thing
- Dancin'in the street
I said get up off of that thing
All right! All right!
- Get up off of that thing
- Come on up.
- No. You're right.
- You okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Get up off of that thing
You're all right.
- Okay.
- Get up off of that thing
Ow! Ow! Ow!
- I said get up off of that thing
- Dancin'in the street
I'm done now. I'm goin'.
Get up off of that thing
In the street
Oh! Oh! Oh!
- Get up off of that thing
- Dancin'in the street
Ow! Ow! Ow!
Get up off of that thing
Hey! Hey! I said
just get up off of that thing
I'm goin'. Thanks.
- Get up off of that thing
- Dancin'in the street
- I said get up off of that thing
- Dancin'in the street
And the grand total is.
minus expenses...
Drumroll. Please.
$ 1.920.17.
Wow! That oughta get us
down there and back. Ooh!
You're... You're not
driving again. Are you?
Listen. I can drive
anything on wheels.
- You have a problem with that?
- Uh-uh.
C'mon. It's been a long day.
We all better get to bed. C'mon.
Yeah. Yeah. We got a lot
to do in a few days.
Oh. And don't forget to get
the consent forms from the kids.
Ha. All right.
- What?
- Nothing.
- No. Something.
- What?
I just... I just can't believe
you came here and did it again.
I mean. You m-m-made
all this happen.
Everything's gonna be fine now.
You think so?
I really think so.
Do you want some help?
- Please.
- All right.
Look. We have
another helper.
Oh. Go get it.
Hurry up.
I don't know about you sometimes.
You. You just scare me.
Yo. Iook who it is. Man.
- Hey. Yo. Rita!
- Yo. Rita! C'mere!
- Yo. What's up. Rita?
- Hey. What's up with her?
So. Uh. Sister Mary Clarence
said you quit the choir.
Yeah. I did. So?
So. Inquiring minds
want to know.
- Yeah.
- If I want to quit the choir.
that's my business.
Sometimes I feel that this whole
choir gig's a big joke to everybody. Yo!
I'm sure we'll have a. Uh.
plethora of other opportunities.
- Yeah. The kid's right.
- Right!
Rita. Iook.
We got a real shot.
You know. If we're ever gonna do
anything worth somethin'...
we've got to stick together.
I mean. Don't you understand?
This is all we got.
This is all right here.
You have to be down.
I want you to. Rita.
Bye. Rita!
Come along. Children.
Quickly now.
- Quickly.
- Okay. Margaret.
- There!
- Ooh! Oh. This is a mess.
- Is that everybody now?
- We've got 23.
Wait for me!
Wait for me.
Thank you. Sister.
Nice to see you.
Oh! Excuse me.
Consent form.
A must.
- Thank you.
- Now. C'mon. C'mon. C'mon.
Look what I found
in the library.
- "Deloris Van Cartier."
- Mm-hmm.
- A lounge singer?
- I knew I'd seen her somewhere before.
"Girlfriend of a vicious mobster."
Oh. Dear! A gun moll.
Sister Mary Christine...
Uh. Clift...
Uh. Sister...
Sister Mary Fake!
I'll have to call the officials
and remove St Francis
from competition at once!
Well. No. No. L-I don't think
that's such a good idea.
Well. What would you suggest?
Well. She's our responsibility.
I think we should
handle it personally.
Thomas. You don't usually drive.
Perhaps one of us who has
a driver's licence should take...
Thomas. Uh. Thomas. I know...
I know you're busy.
but see that little stick
on the left there?
- That... That's your turning signal.
- Yeah!
Perhaps... Perhaps the other drivers
wouldn't be so hostile...
if you'd consider using it.
I've had enough of this.
Where in the Sam Hill
did you people learn how to drive?
No! Turn!
- Jackass!
- Thomas! Jesus Christ!
Rita! I'm home.
"Dear Mama. I went to the
All State Music Competition.
I never meant to hurt you.
but I had to follow my heart.
Please forgive me.
I love you. Rita."
Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
ladies and gentlemen...
to the 30th Annual
All State Music Competition...
a gathering of the most talented
young musicians...
in the state of California.
Let's go. Margaret.
That is Margaret. Isn't it?
I can't tell who it is
under all that paint. Hello?
Sister. I hate this thing. I mean. It
does absolutely nothing for my figure.
- Could I wear something tighter
you know. More form-fitting?
- No. Dear. Listen to me.
You're here to impress those judges
with your beautiful voice...
not your heinie.
Come on. Let's go.
- He sent His man
- He sent His man
- Unto her day
- Unto her day
- To tell where she
- To tell where she
- Was waiting
- Was where
- And all she said
- And oh when will she be
- Oh. Rita. Iook what you did!
- Oh. Maria. I'm sorry.
I know. Put one on the other side.
Start a fashion trend.
You know. The women
of the Mangbetu tribes...
put lines on their cheeks
as signs of fertility. Maria.
- Well. On second thought. Off.
Take it off.
- Take it off now. Please.
- I got it.
- Thanks.
- Dang. Man! Dang!
- What. What. What. What. What?
Look. This thing ripped. Now what
the heck am I supposed to do now. Huh?
Listen to me.
Don't fret.
My mother used to say.
"Nothing is impossible if
you always carry with you...
a little bit of faith and
a big roll of electrical tape."
- Hello!
- Oh. Man!
Look at my hair! Yo. Frankie.
you like my hair. Man?
No. I think it looks like a bowl
of lard and you look wack.
Man. I'm just gonna wash it out.
I'm so nervous. L-I think I'm gonna
throw up. L-I don't think I can go on.
Just think of it this way:
Never mind how you feel.
Think how great you're gonna
make them feel. That audience.
when y'all sing so beautifully.
Now. Take a deep breath.
and yawn.
See how that relaxes you?
Ooh. My!
Now. From San Diego...
the Oceanview High School
Gospel Choir.
Send a revival
And let it begin in me
Lord, send a revival
Lord, send a revival
Lord, send a revival
And let it begin in me
Well, now we need a revival
To rock this world today
Satan is loose
and on the rampage
That is why we pray
- Lord, send a revival
- They're good. They're really good.
- Send it, Lord
- Lord, send a revival
- Lord, woo-oo-oo-ooh
- Lord, send a revival
And let it begin in me
If we're gonna find them.
we have to go backstage.
Yeah. But there's so many here.
How we going to find them?
Oh. Well.
that shouldn't be too hard.
We just look for the choir
that looks like it just robbed...
a convenience store.
- Great Caesar's ghost!
- Passes.
Three-time state champions.
the Chapman Choir...
from Orange County's
Grant High School.
Joyful, joyful
We adore Thee
God of glory
Lord of love
Hearts unfold
like flowers before Thee
Opening to the sun above
- Man. They're singin' our song. Man.
- They're like an army.
Drive the dark of doubt away
Giver of immortal...
- Notice.
- Is this the green room?
- I guess it is. Yeah.
- Wow!
Yoo-hoo. Hello!
- Father Thomas! It's us.
- Hi!
Oh. My goodness!
You're here!
Well. Colour me surprised!
We weren't expecting you.
The kids are gonna burst
when they find out you've come
to support them. Come on.
I'm here with the other Fathers. But we
didn't come to support the children.
Father Maurice and Mr Crisp...
are going to pull them
out of the competition.
- Well. Why?
- Why... Why would they want to do that?
Because it turns out Sister Mary
Clarence isn't a sister at all.
She's a Las Vegas showgirl.
- A showgirl! Well!
- Can you believe it?
Who'd have thunk? Ha... She has
so many nunlike qualities.
Not to mention
the whole outfit. Ha.
- Yeah!
- Yeah. She d...
Father Maurice and Mr Crisp
are looking for them right now.
Oh. My! Really.
Well. That's. Uh. That's interesting.
I think that's a very good idea.
and I think that we should
go look for her. Too.
- Good idea. I do. Too. Oh. I agree.
- You two coming? Yeah.
- Okay. Bye-bye.
- See ya.
Ever singing
march we onward
- Yo. They got it goin' on.
- And look at those robes. Man.
We gonna look like suckers. Man.
You know what? All of a sudden
I don't feel so good.
In the triumph
Song of life
Yes. Very good. Yes.
Please welcome
the Captain High School...
Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
Why aren't you guys ready?
- Well. You saw that other choir.
- We can't win against them.
Mary Clarence.
Yo. He's right. If we go out there.
we'll be laughed off the stage.
And I didn't come this far
to be embarrassed.
And they sang our number.
and they sang it much better.
We're not goin' on.
We're goin' home.
So because you think
they sang it better...
y'all are ready to leave
'cause you got scared.
Oh. Yeah. No. That's your M.O.
See. That's how y'all operate.
"Ooh. Somethin' new.
Better run away."
Forget about all the people
who busted their butt...
to get you here
'cause they believed in you.
Let me remind you
of somethin'. Okay?
If you wanna go somewhere
and you wanna be somebody...
you better wake up
and pay attention.
Because if every time something scary
comes up you decide to run...
y'all are gonna be runnin'
for the rest of your lives.
You guys. She is right.
Yeah. And if we gonna do this. We gotta
be slammin'. You know what I'm saying?
In the still of the night
Shoo-wop shoo-wah
Shoo-wop shoo-wah
Shoo-wop shoo-wah
- Bum-bum-bum bum-bum-bum
- St Francis Academy? Get ready.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
In the still of the night
Forgive me. I'm...
I'm terribly sorry.
What a sea of humanity!
Yo. Father Maurice.
We thought you wasn't coming.
What's happenin'. Man?
What's up?
- How are you?
- Well!
- How are you?
- Yes.
- Well. We glad you here.
- Thank you.
Father. We need all the help
we can get.
- We're sure to win with you here.
- Oh. Well. I'm...
I'm very glad to be here to.
uh. Support the choir and. Uh...
But I'm afraid something
has just been brought to my attention.
Something that I'm afraid... Well.
I don't know how to say this exactly.
But I just have to say that...
Well. You...
You children are amazing!
I. L... I almost
didn't recognize you.
Why... Why. There's such a glow
in all of you!
Remarkable! You...
You just all look like angels!
Wait till you hear 'em sing.
All right. You guys.
Places. Let's go.
Ah. Yeah. Good luck.
Good luck.
Father Maurice.
what are you doing?
Well I. I decided
to let them sing.
Oh. G...! Do you know
what you've done?
- Well. What'd I do?
- Well. I mean. D-didn't you tell...
the Archdiocese people when you
called them about Sister Mary Fake?
Uh. Well. I thought
I'd tell them when I saw them.
- Well. A-are they here?
- Uh. Well. L-I think they're here.
- Yes. I think they're here.
- But you haven't told them?
- Uh. Well. Uh. Not yet.
- Ah. Well. I'm going to tell them.
I'm gonna make sure they know about her.
Where the hell are they?
- Uh. Uh. Uh. Mr Crisp.
- What?
Uh. We'll help you find them.
won't we. Guys?
As a matter of fact.
just a few minutes ago I saw them.
- They were headed in that direction.
down the hallway.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. Well.
- I saw. Too.
- I saw w... him.
- Well. Let's go!
- This way! Yes!
- Down here?
- We just came from down here.
- I saw 'em right down the hall there.
- Right?
- No. No. Really. Mr Crisp. I saw them...
and they were. They were
saying something about. Uh.
the ventilation system.
Ventilation system! What have
you been drinking? Some of that
sacramental wine again. Father?
Uh. Uh. Mr Crisp.
Uh. They're right in here.
- I can hear voices.
- Oh. I'm sure you can hear voices.
- Oh. There they are! After you.
- What the hell are you talking about?
- Forgive me!
- Wait a minute! Hey!
Hurry! Get something
to hold this door with!
- Hurry. I mean.
'cause he's a big guy. C'mon.
- Hey. Let me outta here.
Not this!
This is dessert.
- We need something to bar the door with.
- Give me that thing!
- A genuine Hamus Alabamus.
- Open the door!
- Hey. It's dark in here.
- In nomine Patris. Father. Forgive us.
We know exactly
what we do!
That last choir was rather good.
don't you think?
You know. What she's done with those
children is nothing short of amazing.
Well. Sister Mary Clarence
is no ordinary nun.
Oh. You don't have
to tell me that.
You're not angry with me
for misleading you?
Not at all.
As a matter of fact...
you're free to fool me
anytime you want.
And now.
ladies and gentlemen...
from San Francisco. The choir
of St Francis High School...
under the direction
of Sister Mary Clarence...
also singing
"Joyful. Joyful."
Joyful, joyful
We adore Thee
God of glory
Lord of love
Hearts unfold
like flowers
Before Thee
Your teacher says
take off your robes.
- Huh? What?
- Take off your robes.
Do it quickly. C'mon.
- What?
- I don't know.
Just take off your robes.
Put on anything you want.
If we're gonna go out there...
we're gonna go out there comfortable.
some of us.
And fear and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt
Giver of immortal
Fill us with the light
Fill us with the light
Oh, fill us
With the light
Of day
Joyful, joyful
Lord, we adore Thee
God of Glory
Lord of Love
Hearts unfold
like flowers before Thee
Hail Thee
as the sun above
Melt the clouds of sin
Sin and sadness
Drive the dark of doubt away
Drive it all away
Giver of immortal gladness
Fill us
Fill us with the light of day
- Light of day
- Check the rhyme
Hey, Chaka, joyful, joyful
Lord, we adore Thee
- And in my life I put none before Thee
- Yeah
But since I was a youngster I came
to know that You was the only way to go
So I had to grow up and
to come to an understanding
And I'm down with the King
so now I'm demanding
That you tell me
who you're down with, see
'Cause all I know is
that I'm down with G-O-D
- You down with G-O-D
- Yeah, you know me
- You down with G-O-D
- Yeah, you know me
- You down with G-O-D
- Yeah, you know me
- Who's down with G-O-D
- Everybody
Come and join the chorus
The mighty, mighty chorus
Which the morning stars began
The Father of love
is rising o'er us
By the way
What have you done
for Him lately
Ooh ooh ooh, yeah
- Oh, yes
- What have you done
for Him lately
He watches over everything
So we sing
- Joyful, joyful
Lord, we adore Thee
- Oh, joyful
- Oh, God, oh, God
- God of Glory, Lord of love
- Hearts unfold
- Like flowers before Thee
- Hail Thee
- Hail Thee as the sun above
- Oh, melt the clouds
- Melt the clouds of sin and sadness
Drive the dark
of doubt away
- Drive it all away
Giver of immortal gladness
- Oh, immortal
- Fill us
- Fill with the light of day
- Lord, fill us
- Fill us
Oh, we need ya
Yes, we do
- Fill us
- Fill us
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, oh-oh
- Fill us
- Oh, yeah
With the light of day, Lord
- Fill us
- Hear us as we pray, Lord
- Fill us, fill us
- With the light of day, Lord
We need you, don't walk away
We need you, need you today
We need you, I'm here
Fill us, fill us
Fill us, fill us
- Eh eh eh
- Fill us
Fill us with the light of day
- Oh, yeah
- Light of day
And now the moment
we've all been waiting for.
But first. Let's give
all the contestants a nice. Big hand.
Thank you.
The third runner-up:
Pinewood High School.
San Bernardino. Quartet.
The second runner-up:
Oceanview High School...
San Diego. Gospel Choir.
First runner-up:
Grant High School...
Orange County.
Chapman Choir!
The Grand Prize winner:
St Francis High School.
San Francisco!
- Simply outstanding.
- Oh. Thank you. Thank you.
- What a performance!
My heart is still racing.
- Congratulations.
Good evening.
What a surprise to see you here.
You're aware. Of course.
that the school that has just won...
is the school
you are about to close.
You must be kidding!
With a choir like that?
We've gotta get ready
for next year's competition.
I'm so pleased
you feel that way!
- Ha!
- Oh. Mr Crisp.
- Mr Crisp. Just in time.
- You're the people I wanna see.
- You have been deceived.
- What? What's he talking about?
Yes. This Sister.
Sister Mary Clarence.
He's quite right.
You have been deceived. You see.
actually. It was Mr Crisp...
- It was Mr Crisp's idea?
- Yes. Yes. Indeed.
Yeah. I suppose he did it
to keep St Francis from closing.
- And it worked.
- St Francis isn't closing?
No. St Francis isn't closing.
We knew you wanted to be
considered for early retirement.
We didn't know you were
just being modest.
- Oh. I di...
- Oh. They can't let a prize bull
like you be put out to pasture.
No. There must be a real trouble spot
somewhere in the Archdiocese...
that could use Mr Crisp's
extraordinary talents.
That woman!
That. That woman!
Go with God. Crispy.
I don't how the heck
Sister Mary Clarence does this.
Performs night after night in Vegas.
Huh! How does she do it?
She's used to all this.
We're the nervous wrecks.
- Yeah. All these people.
- Yeah.
- Vegas?
- Vegas?
Mama. It was just
this one time.
I'm sorry. I'll never disobey you again.
This meant a lot to me.
- Please don't be mad at me.
'cause I'm sorry if y...
- Just stop!
You're incredible.
And I'm proud of you.
I'm very proud of you.
- Congratulations!
Congratulations to all of you.
- Well. Congratulations!
Sister Mary Clarence.
you've done it again.
And because of your resounding
and well-deserved success...
the Archdiocese have decided
to keep St Francis open!
You owe me.
- Oh. My gosh. I feel so happy.
I think I'm gonna cry.
- Oh. Don't say that.
I know how you feel.
I'm a sucker for happy endings myself.
Oh. You two!
Oh. What the hell!
- You ain't really a nun. Are you?
- Yeah.
'Cause you don't talk like a nun.
and you definitely don't act like one.
And rumour has it that
you're a Las Vegas showgirl?
Let me point out one thing.
my dear Ahmal.
I am not now nor have I ever been
a Las Vegas showgirl.
I am a headliner.
Now. Wait a minute!
And one. Two.
One. Two.
Now, if you need me call me
no matter where you are
No matter how far
Don't worry, baby
Just call out my name
I'll be there in a hurry
You don't have
to worry for, baby, there
- Ain't no mountain high enough
- Ain't no mountain
- Ain't no valley low enough
- Valley too low
- Ain't no river wide enough
- Yeah
To keep me from gettin'
to you, babe
Remember the day
I set you free
I told you you can
always count on me, darlin'
And from that day on
I made a vow
I'll be there when you want me
Some way, somehow
- Baby, there ain't
no mountain high enough
- No mountain high enough
- Ain't no valley low enough
- No valley low enough
- Ain't no river wide enough
- No river wide enough
To keep me from gettin'
to you, babe
- And no wind
- No wind
- And no rain
- No rain
- Or winter's cold
- Can't stop me, baby
- Oh, baby
- Oh, baby
- 'Cause you are my goal
- If you're ever in trouble
I'll be there on the double
- Just send for me, baby
- Oh, baby
Ooh ooh
My love is alive
deep down in my heart
- Although we are miles apart
- Ooo-ooo
If you ever need
a helpin'hand
- I'll be there on the double
- Just as fast as I can
- Don't you know that there
ain't no mountain high enough
- No mountain high enough
- Ain't no valley low enough
- No valley low enough
- Ain't no river wide enough
- No river wide enough
To keep me from gettin'
to you, babe
- Ain't no mountain high enough
- Oh
- Ain't no valley low enough
- Sing it again
- Ain't no river wide enough
- Whoo
- To keep me from you
- No, no
- Ain't no mountain high enough
- No way
- Ain't no valley low enough
- No, ooh
Ain't no river wide enough
to keep me from you
- Ah, ah, ah, ah
- No mountain high enough
- Ain't no river wide enough
- To keep me from you
- Ain't no mountain high enough
- Ain't no mountain
'Cause nothing can keep me
Keep me from you
- Ah, ah, ah, ah
- No mountain high enough
Nothing can keep me
Keep me from you
- Ain't no mountain high enough
- Yeah, babe
Nothing can keep me
Keep me from you
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Nothing can keep me
Keep me from you
Ain't no mountain
high enough
Nothing can keep me
Keep me from you
Ain't no mountain
high enough
People, let me tell ya
I work hard every day
I get up out of bed
I put on my clothes
'Cause I got bills to pay
Now, it ain't easy
But I don't need no help
I got a strong will
to survive
I've got a deeper love
A deeper love
A deeper love inside
And I call it
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Now I got love
in my heart
It heals me to thrill
To make it
through the day
Have love
Have respect for yourself
And that's why
I'm not lookin'for
Handouts, charity
welfare I don't need
Stealin', dealin'
Not my feelin'
Nowhere standin'
Really braggin'
Not cheatin'
'Cause I've got a deeper love
- Deeper
- A deeper love
- Deeper
- Deeper love inside
And I call it
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
- Whoa, whoa
- Whoa, whoa, whoa
It's the power, baby
The strength to survive
High on a deeper love
Whoa, whoa, whoa
And I will thank you
for helping me see
There's a power
that lives
Deep inside of me
Givin'me strength
- To carry on
- Giving strength to carry on
Always be strong
Whoa, whoa, whoa
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
High on a deeper love
Whoa, whoa, whoa