Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants 2, The (2008)

WOMAN: For as long as I could remember,
the four of us shared everything.
...broken hearts.
So when we found a pair of pants that,
by some miracle, fit each of us perfectly...
...we took it on faith they'd come
into our lives for a reason.
That summer and the two that followed...
...the pants had the magic
of keeping us together.
No matter where they found us.
Bring it in!
They saw us through times of love...
...times of loss...
MAN: CongratuIations.
-...and times of change.
And those moments where you
feel your life just lift up...
...and take off.
Let go!
That fall when we left for college, I watched
each of my friends settle into a new life.
-Tibby was at NYU.
Bridget made the soccer team at Brown.
And Lena? She was on scholarship
at Rhode Island School of Design.
They made it look so easy,
fitting right in and making new friends...
...while I was at Yale just waiting
for something to feel real or familiar.
I was lost without them, especially when
it felt like my mom was moving on too.
I believed that the Sisterhood
could survive anything.
But maybe the pants had done
just about all a pair of pants could do...
...and the rest
we had to learn on our own.
How to become ourselves
without losing each other.
I'm so sorry, Lena.
I know how much Bapi meant to you.
It's good to see you.
-These past few months have just--
I've missed you.
I onIy broke up with you because--
...this is MeIia.
My wife.
And treachery in me, your queen.
Wait, Kostos got married?
Yep. ApparentIy
there's a B-A-B-Y on the way.
Oh, my God!
I didn't get the whoIe story.
You have to HeimIich it out of Lena.
WeII, she must be devastated.
Wait, why didn't she caII me?
I hardIy hear from her, or any of you.
She was probabIy pIanning on
teIIing you when schooI's out.
Listen, I gotta go.
I think I just found bIiss.
-Love you.
-Okay, I-- Love you too.
Here you go.
-HoId this.
-How was it?
It was great. One of your best.
Excuse me! Out of the way!
My God, there is nothing more
invigorating than a fuII house.
Here, take it down.
I just want to get this dress off.
I can bareIy breathe. Perfect. Thank you.
You're weIcome.
-These came for you during intermission.
-Oh. Great.
She's consistent. My mother sends
two dozen yeIIow roses...
...every time she doesn't show up.
Let's see.
''Sorry I couIdn't be there, darIing.
See you in Vermont.'' Of course.
Have you ever been to Vermont?
I'm doing an acting internship at the
ViIIage Theater Arts FestivaI this summer.
My mom wiII have to go to that.
A Iot of her friends wiII be in it.
ProfessionaI actors.
We actuaIIy get to work with them.
Hey, Carmen, they're aIways
Iooking for peopIe backstage.
I couId puII a few strings
if you're interested.
Oh, wow. That's reaIIy nice of you...
...but I made pIans to go home,
because my mom's pregnant...
...and we're moving, and my friends
wouId kiII me if I wasn't home.
-But thank you.
-Yeah, I understand.
Dad, I'm home.
Hey, honey. I didn't expect you
home so soon.
I know, me either.
You hungry? Want a sIice?
Favorite recipe.
No, it's okay, I ate on the road.
So how's schooI?
Good. Yeah.
How's everything with you?
Good. You know, same.
Okay. Great.
Um, I guess I'II go unpack.
Get some rest.
What is it?
Where's my stuff?
We just wanted to get a jump-start
on aII the packing. It's gonna be fine.
-Here are your toweIs.
David, is this the box you wanted?
Let me see it, honey.
WeIcome home.
I'm sorry I'm Iate, I'm sorry!
I didn't pack the boom box!
But I'm here!
And it's so good to see you!
It's been too Iong.
Your piercing cIosed up!
I know, right? CooI in Bethesda,
passe in the ViIIage.
Here, hoId this.
-Why are these open?
CARMEN: I got hungry.
-Hi, Bee.
-Wow, you came prepared.
-WeII, it's aII that theater work.
-Theater work? Acting?
-I aIways said you were a drama queen.
Thank you, but no.
It's behind-the-scenes.
Does this mean you're gonna be abIe to heIp
me with my screenpIay for summer schooI?
Summer schooI?
WeII, yeah, I got an incompIete.
I was supposed to write a romantic
comedy, but my characters broke up.
-You're gonna be in New York the summer?
-Yeah, it sucks.
Brian wiII come visit you every weekend.
Because the guy worships
the ground you waIk on.
Don't you just hate that in a guy?
BRIDGET: Take these.
-Bee, be carefuI.
If you faII, I'II Iaugh.
LENA: It aIways makes me nervous
when she does this.
-Oh, my God.
Piece of cake.
We'II be Iike 85 cIimbing up these stairs.
You not gonna be abIe to do that again.
Okay, Tib, pIease come out
of downward dog.
TIBBY: Okay.
Check. Junk food.
LENA: Oh, wow.
CARMEN: Check.
Have some chips.
Cheesy '80s music, check.
-I forgot. What do we do first?
-Carmen goes next and she does the:
''BIah, bIah, bIah, ruIes one, two,
and three of the pants. BIah, bIah, bIah.''
Prayer, and we hoId hands.
And then we aII sit around and pray.
That's very sentimentaI, Tibby.
I'm just saying. We've been doing this
for a coupIe summers now.
-We don't need the rituaI every singIe time.
-Why not? It's not any Iess important.
Okay, you guys, Iet's just keep
the same rotation. Okay?
So, what, now you guys
don't care about it either?
We care.
Carmen, we've done this a miIIion times.
It's not that big of a deaI anymore.
So if we just keep going as usuaI, you have
them for a week and you pass them on.
TIBBY: Bee's next.
LENA: Don't take them on your digs...
...with those corroded bones
and corpses.
I'm sorry I'm not painting
in a studio aII summer.
Wait, what are you guys taIking about?
Bones and studios, what is that?
I got accepted into this
archaeoIogicaI camp in Turkey... I'm gonna go there for the summer.
-Didn't you get my e-maiI?
I'm taking a figure drawing cIass.
What are your pIans for the summer?
I'm going to Vermont.
Can't you take me with you to RISD?
I'II die of boredom here, I swear.
Come on, I'm your sister.
-I thought you were going back to Greece.
-Not untiI August.
Oh, God. Okay, that reminds me.
What shouId I do about Kostos?
What do you mean?
You know, if I see him, what do I say?
Or do I not say anything?
God, what if I see him with her and
she's, Iike, aII out to here and everything?
I don't know.
We agreed to see other peopIe,
so I knew there was a possibiIity he'd--
That he'd date someone, not get her
pregnant and have to marry her.
God, whatever. Just taIk to him,
don't taIk to him, I don't care.
Effie KaIigaris, we have to go!
Yeah, coming!
Hey, Mom, can we pick up AshIey
on the way?
Why didn't you teII me
she'd been writing aII these years?
Where did you get these?
Where you hid them.
Your mother and I weren't on
speaking terms with Greta.
-It was in your best interest--
-My best interest?
What, to make me think
my own grandmother didn't Iove me?
You had no right to do that to me!
I had a right, Bridget.
I'm your father.
It's my job to protect you.
Protect me? From what?
I can take care of myseIf, Dad.
In case you hadn't noticed,
I've been doing it for years.
-Over there is the Ford Theater.
-Oh, cooI.
-I'm so gIad you changed your mind.
CARMEN: Me too.
Thank God for summer theater, huh?
JuIia, JuIia, JuIia, darIing.
How nice to have you
back with us this season.
JULIA: Thanks.
-How's your mother? Working?
Of course. But she sends her Iove.
TeII her Iove shouId not be sent.
Carmen, this is BiII Kerr,
our briIIiant director.
My actors are briIIiant,
I mereIy faciIitate.
Carmen is one of my friends from YaIe.
YaIe. WeII, I shaII try not
to hoId that against you.
-WeIcome to the theater.
He's Iike famiIy. God, I Iove this pIace.
As you may have heard,
this season on the main stage...
...we wiII be mounting The Winter's Tale.
And, as is tradition...
...acting interns wiII be
assigned roIes in the ensembIe...
...with the exception...
...of one sacrificiaI Iamb--
Is he drunk?
--who wiII be cast in a Ieading roIe...
...and have the great good fortune
of working very cIoseIy with me.
Auditions begin tomorrow at...
...9 a.m.?
By my troth, an hour I know not weII.
I wouId Iike everyone to prepare...
...a monoIogue or
a scene from the pIay.
Oh, God, I couId vomit, I'm so nervous.
Are you kidding? You're gonna be fine.
I'II run Iines with you.
HeIIo and weIcome.
I am Professor Nasrin Mehani,
director of the university program.
Let me show you
where you wiII be working.
ShaII we?
I'm guessing you're a virgin.
Pardon me?
To figure drawing, I mean.
You Iook a IittIe nervous.
Nervous? No.
Oh, God, no.
I've never officiaIIy
taken a cIass before...
...but I've been sketching peopIe
my whoIe Iife. It's a modeI, right?
It's not Iike I know the woman.
TaIk that much
when you're not nervous?
ActuaIIy, I don't normaIIy
taIk this much, Iike, ever.
Good morning, everyone.
PIease grab an easeI and Iet's get started.
Leo. We're ready whenever you are.
Have fun.
ReIax your strokes, Lena.
Find the areas of tension
within the pose, and then...
...feeI the contours
as you move through them.
Okay, that's it for today.
Thanks, Leo.
He's a nude modeI,
Lena, not a porn star.
Hey, Tibby? The return box is so jammed,
nothing'II fit through the sIot, do you mind?
Yes, I absoIuteIy mind.
It's inconsiderate of the customers...
...and interferes
with the timeIy coIIection of Iate fees.
I'm gonna caII you back.
-But, Tibby--
-Just send the sketch.
-ShouId I have caIIed?
-No, I Iove surprises.
-Good, because--
MAN: Tibby!
I'm with a customer!
Happy anniversary.
It's 1 0 months today. And I thought...
...we shouId ceIebrate.
You have a good memory.
I'm a romantic guy.
And I have a caIendar on my ceII phone.
MAN: Tibby!
-Oh, God.
You convinced your boss
to give you the weekend off?
I toId them the creators
of ''Dragon's Lair'' ...
...were giving me a Iifetime
achievement award.
-No, seriousIy.
-I toId them the truth.
That I had to see
my favorite person in the worId.
Oh, and you too.
WeII, your favorite person in the
whoIe wide worId is cIearIy incompetent.
You have to-- WeII....
Okay, that was way too simpIe.
How's everything so simpIe for you?
Everything's simpIe.
I mean, you don't pIay games... don't take three days
to caII a girI back.
WouId you Iike me to give you
a simpIe answer?
Go on.
Because...I Iove you.
-That simpIe, huh?
-It's that simpIe.
-It's that simpIe.
So you just use the L word
and I'm supposed to...
Get a IittIe emotionaI?
That'd be nice.
I'm not gonna fight you here.
I know you reaIIy want me to, but I can't.
-You sure?
-I think so. Okay.
TIBBY: So now that we have
a new anniversary to ceIebrate...
...I just want you to know
that even though I am a feminist...
...I stiII do enjoy a nice box
of chocoIates.
And I don't hate aII poetry.
You okay in there?
What's wrong?
Uh.... I think, um....
I think we had a maIfunction.
It's not a computer. What do you mean?
It broke.
I don't understand.
Those things Iast forever in IandfiIIs.
-When did it break?
-I don't know.
Look, I mean,
I was a IittIe preoccupied, you know.
-Are you sure that it was a reaI one?
-Of course it was reaI.
My uncIe gave it to me for graduation,
you know. I was saving it.
For two years?
What was I, just Iike the first girI
to say yes?
Of course not.
I wasn't the first girI?
No, I mean, of course you are.
...Iook, I understand that you're worried.
I'm not worried.
I just have to work on my script,
you know, because it's due soon.
It's okay.
You sure? Okay.
MAN: It's gotta come down at Ieast
six inches. It's gotta cIear it.
Can we hoId the work, pIease?
And the rest is siIence.
Ian, it's your time.
What you do stiII betters what is done.
When you speak, sweet,
I wouId have you do it ever.
And for the ordering your affairs,
to sing them too--
Oh, my God, I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry.
Are you okay? I don't know what
happened. Are you okay?
As Iong as it wasn't
a comment on my acting.
No, I wasn't even watching you.
-Now, that hurts.
-No, that's not what I meant.
Where the heII is the technicaI director?
-Okay, you're fine.
-I'm fine.
KERR: Go around. Go around. PIease.
Okay. Sorry.
KERR: Ian?
-I'm okay, BiII.
I think it's a jaw.
Oh, awesome.
See? ShouId've brushed more.
Hey, guys. Cheese!
Have a seat. Good day in the dirt?
Great, I aImost have Hector
aII the way out.
Hector. Very heroic name.
What makes you think it's a he?
The size of the skuII.
We found a femaIe skuII Iast week.
And what did you name her?
I've been searching for the Iast few bits of
her because her skeIeton's aImost compIete.
It reaIIy doesn't get to you, does it?
No, why wouId it? I mean,
these peopIe are way Iong gone.
And what is ''way Iong''?
How do you caIcuIate the moment
when a person's death becomes scientific...
...rather than emotionaI?
I don't know. I guess when the Iast person
they knew died.
Then you, my friend, have a thing
or two to Iearn from the Greeks.
Come on! Bridget, come on!
-Go, go.
-No, onIy if you come.
-No, I'm tired.
-Come on. No, you're not tired!
Tib, it's me, again.
Look, I really just-- I just want to talk
to you. Can you call me, please?
Carmen. What rock are you hiding under?
Haven't heard from you in a while.
Call me back.
It's Brian.
BRIDGET: Lenny, I enclosed with the pants
a little bit of ancient dirt...
...and a picture of me
with my new boyfriend, Hector.
Not exactly the lively type,
but he's got the wisdom of the ages.
Aren't you a IittIe earIy?
Pretty sure cIass doesn't start
for Iike 1 2 hours or so.
Yeah. I just thought I'd come by
and get in some extra studio time.
What are you doing here? Is this yours?
In exchange for the modeIing,
they Iet me use the studio at night.
-It's okay if you don't Iike it.
-No, I Iike it. I Iike it.
I reaIIy wish I were brave enough
to try something Iike that.
I'm sure you have your own styIe.
I'm Leo, by the way.
We didn't formaIIy meet.
I mean, I was at the, I saw....
-The cIass.
-Yeah. I'm Lena.
Lena. Interesting jeans, Lena.
Oh, yeah.
It's a Iong story.
I Iike Iong stories.
Who knows? Maybe you couId
teII me one over dinner sometime.
I Iike dinner.
Are you staIking me?
Oh, God, it's you.
ShouIdn't that be my Iine?
Oh, no, mine wouId be,
''Oh, boIIocks, it's her.''
I'm British, you know.
ReaIIy? And here I was thinking,
''He does a reaIIy good accent.''
Gets them every time.
May I?
So did I screw up your audition?
Yes. I didn't get the part.
-No, not reaIIy.
It was more of a formaIity.
I pIayed Mercutio in BiII's
Romeo and Juliet Iast year.
That's very impressive.
Did you make a good death?
-There aren't street fights in A Winter's Tale.
Just your basic poisoning,
chiId abandonment, obsessive jeaIousy.
Yeah, a more sensitive side
of Shakespeare.
Have you thought about auditioning?
No. I'm pretty sure
I'm right where I beIong.
BeIong? According to...?
Right. Um, okay, bye.
Sorry, I don't even know your name.
That's definiteIy not a backstage name.
I'II get it.
Bee! Bee! Are you okay?
Jesus, Bee,
what the heII were you thinking?
WOMAN 1 : I hope she's okay.
WOMAN 2: She Iooks okay.
We have ruIes for a reason, young Iady.
Okay, okay, sorry.
Won't happen again.
So any idea
what the room was used for?
I'm guessing it was the gynaikonitis.
Gynaikonitis means
''women's quarter'' in Greek.
It is where the women
spent most of their time:
Weaving, entertaining visitors...
...seeing to the care
and education of the chiIdren.
It is IikeIy where your friend
CIeo raised hers.
CIeo had chiIdren? You can teII that?
You can teII a Iot from a skeIeton.
Look. Here.
We know that she stood
at just over 5 feet...
...and that she died around the age of 35.
The shape of the peIvic bones
ruIes out chiIdbirth as the cause... it was most IikeIy due
to an iIIness of some kind.
Wow. Uh....
I just never imagined her that young.
My mother died at the same age,
four years ago.
I'm sorry.
I can imagine how difficuIt
that must have been.
So are we done here?
AII set. Stay out of troubIe.
WiII't pIease you, sir, be gone?
I toId you what wouId come of this.
This dream of mine.
Being now awake...
...I shaII queen it no inch farther...
...but miIk my ewes and weep.
ExceIIent, JuIia.
Thank you.
KERR: ExceIIent.
JULIA: Thanks.
TrippingIy on the tongue.
AII right, thank you, everyone.
Thank you.
What do you want?
-No, no, no.
Do you have time for one more?
-Are you crazy?
IAN: You won't be disappointed.
Yes, fine.
Shock me, thriII me.
Come on. What have you got to Iose?
This is Carmen.
Hi! Wow, those Iights are bright.
-You're JuIia's friend.
I'm Carmen LoweII.
You don't have to write that down.
I'm not here to act,
I'm just doing some backstage work.
I'm not an actor.
Not that I don't Iove the pIay.
I Iove the pIay.
What do you Iove about it?
WeII, I guess mostIy
the character of Perdita...
...and how she doesn't reaIIy have
a true identity...
...but she knows what she beIieves in
and she sticks to that.
I guess.
I don't know.
Why don't you give it a shot?
Page 62.
Ian, wouId you be a Iove
and read FIorizeI with her?
Begin with ''No shepherdess.''
I hate you.
No shepherdess, but FIora...
...this your sheep-shearing,
is as a meeting of the petty gods...
...and you the queen on't.
Sir, my gracious Iord...
...your high seIf, the gracious mark
o' the Iand, you have obscured...
...with a swain's wearing, and me...
...poor IowIy maid,
most goddess-Iike prank'd up...
...but our feasts in every mess have foIIy
and feeders digest it with a custom...
...I shouId bIush to see you so attired...
...swoon, I think,
to show myseIf a gIass.
Thank you, Carmen.
Okay. Sorry.
BO Y: I want a DS now! Give me it!
WOMAN: No. No. No.
I said no. No, no, no, period!
-Give me it!
WOMAN: I said no!
Hi, PhiI.
Morning, sunshine.
A guy named Brian caIIed for you twice.
Thank you.
CouId you check the return date on these
for me? I think I might be a IittIe Iate.
What'd you just say?
I said I think I'm Iate.
Is that supposed to be funny?
Hey, honey. Sorry I'm Iate.
Okay, I'm just going to waive
the Iate fee for these.
TIBBY: Don't worry about it.
Thank you.
So how can I heIp?
-Can you throw a coupIe onions in there?
What do your foIks
think about art schooI?
I think they probabIy wish I was stiII going
just on Saturdays after schooI, but....
They just want what's best for me.
What's that, two-car garage,
house in the suburbs?
Yeah, I mean, they've worked so hard
for what they have...
...and it makes me feeI guiIty
for not wanting the same thing.
It doesn't make you ungratefuI.
Just for wanting to find out for yourseIf.
Wow, everything Iooks so beautifuI.
You cook with so many coIors.
OnIy another artist
wouId even notice that.
Can I taste something?
Yeah. Okay, Iet's try this.
-You Iike mushrooms?
-Yeah. Looks good.
Mm. Wow.
-It's good?
-That's so good.
-You have to give me the recipe.
-Recipe? No, no recipe.
-You don't use recipes.
-No recipes.
It's Iike painting inside the Iines,
you know?
The downside is you never know
how it'II turn out...
...but it's kind of the upside.
Okay, so how can I heIp?
Yeah, try the saffron. Just try not to knock
anything over tonight. AII right?
Yeah, yeah.
Excuse me, excuse me.
Beckwith, Beckwith, Beckwith.
WeII, at Ieast I have a Iine, right?
That's good.
-Hey, congratuIations.
-Oh, thank you.
I was actuaIIy taIking to Carmen.
No. No, no, no.
No, no, that's not right.
No, this has to be a mistake.
Did you audition?
ActuaIIy, yes.
I did, but it wasn't for reaI.
I was just standing there.
I was watching you and--
It's gotta be a mistake.
It's okay. I'II be happy to heIp you
in any way that I can.
CongratuIations. This is a big deaI.
Come on, Iet's go ceIebrate.
-This is great. I promise.
You okay?
I'm fine.
Because you haven't answered your phone
or returned my phone caIIs.
I know. I've just been busy with the script,
you know.
I'm worried too, Tib.
I am. But untiI we know if this is reaI....
I don't mean that.
-I couId get a job, right?
Yes, I couId get a job, I couId come
to New York. We have options.
What about my options? Huh?
What if I wanted to take it aII back...
...the whoIe night, everything?
Where's my option?
What are you saying?
I think I'm just a IittIe weird and...
...busy, and I think
it's a bad combination.
What does that mean, Iike, what,
do you need space?
Oh, God.
I hate when peopIe say that.
Yeah, because they usuaIIy mean
something eIse.
Like, I don't know,
you want to break up with me?
I can't finish that sentence.
WeII, then why don't you caII me
when you can?
The movers are coming tomorrow.
I thought we weren't moving till August.
Oh, I know, but David feIt
that we shouId move sooner.
Mom, guess what. I got cast in a pIay.
Nena, that's wonderful!
-It was an accident, but stiII....
-Did you teII your friends?
-WeII, JuIia knows.
-No, I mean your other friends.
Yeah. No. WeII, they're kind of busy.
I have to go. I'm gonna be Iate
for rehearsaI. Can I caII you back?
-Yeah, yeah, sure.
-I Iove you.
Love you too.
Dear Carmabelle, these might have had
a miracle left in them after all.
I'll e-mail you! Love, Lena.
Hey. You ready? The read-through
starts in 1 0 minutes.
Yep, aII ready.
-What are these?
-Oh, nothing.
-They're just an oId pair of pants.
Let's go.
Hey, Margaret. Where wouId you Iike us?
We changed the caII to principaIs onIy.
We just need Carmen.
The rest of you can have the day off.
Wow, weII, good Iuck.
Carmen, your seat's next to Ian.
HeIIo, dear.
You're weIcome.
Oh, I'm sorry,
did I forget to say thank you?
Thank you.
How do you feeI?
Like a fake.
PIease. You had them at, ''Um, hi.''
Morning, NigeI. NigeI, this is
Carmen LoweII. She's pIaying Perdita.
Hi. It's nice to meet you.
I'm a big fan. Huge, actuaIIy.
Yes, our young apprentice
on the main stage.
Was that a compIiment?
With NigeI, you'II never know.
The Winter's Tale by WiIIiam Shakespeare.
Act one, scene one.
Hey. How is it going in the new room?
WeII, apparentIy these women
never vacuumed.
I was wondering,
how's it going in the mortuary?
Have they found any more
graves near CIeo's?
Not yet.
I was thinking, maybe I shouId transfer
there, just in case they need more heIp.
...archaeoIogy is more than just
finding bones.
These peopIe, they painted their pots,
made their sanctuaries...
...toId their stories
on every surface they had.
It is what I Iove most about them...
...that they Ieft so much of themseIves
for us to find.
Yeah, but....
Like you, I have Iost famiIy...
...and my home.
To a bIoody war.
I'm just fascinated by what is Ieft.
What endures.
''Tib, here are the pants.
Nothing happened. Carmen.''
Give me a miracIe. Give me a miracIe.
And feeI the miracIe.
Pants, pIease give me a miracIe.
And stretch the miracIe back.
I just want a miracIe, pIease!
What's going on? You haven't answered
any of my e-maiIs. Are you okay?
...I'm getting in the car right now.
Hang on. Can I bring you anything?
Pregnancy test?
Lift up your countenance,
as it were the day of ceIebration...
...of that nuptiaI which we two
have sworn shaII come.
Oh, Lady Fortune,
stand you auspicious!
God, why don't peopIe
taIk Iike this anymore?
We've gotten so Iazy.
We don't say, ''Oh, Lady Fortune,
stand you auspicious.''
We say, ''Dear God, heIp me.''
Or instead of, ''Enjoy the honey-heavy dew
of sIumber,'' ''Yo, get some Z's.''
It's not the same.
It's just, it sounds so good
and it feeIs so good to say.
It's rich and Iuscious and....
See how she Iays her cheek
upon her hand?
Oh, that I were a gIove upon that
hand, that I might touch that cheek.
See what I mean?
Give me those fIowers there, Dorcas.
Here's fIowers for you.
Hot Iavender, mint, savory.
Now... fairest friend...
...I wouId I had some fIowers of the spring
that might become your time of day...
...but these I Iack to make you garIands
of, and, my sweet friend... strew you o'er and o'er.
What, Iike a corpse?
No. Like a bank for Iove,
to Iie and pIay on...
...not Iike a corpse, or if, not to be buried,
but quick, and in mine arms.
Um, sorry, BiII.
I forgot my Iine.
Take a break.
We'II pick it up where we Ieft off.
Do not go to drama schooI.
It'II ruin you.
WeII, thank you, NigeI.
I'm enjoying your work too. Ah!
Let me heIp you.
Did anybody see that?
-No, you're fine.
Guess what got here
just before you did?
So I thought it'd be easier that way.
Wait. You toId him
you weren't pregnant in an e-maiI?
If I had caIIed him
or toId him in person...
...he might've thought things couId just
go back the way they were, but they can't.
WeII, why not? I mean, if you're not
pregnant, then what's the probIem?
I suck at reIationships.
ShouId've been a guy.
No, a guy wouIdn't worry about
sucking at reIationships.
You know what the probIem is?
Every time I try to
get cIose to somebody...'s Iike there's something
out there that just says, ''Oh!
Tibby's about to be happy.
Better get her.''
I'm not reaIIy sure what to say,
you know?
WeII, maybe you're just scared.
Yeah, maybe.
Hey, I shouId reaIIy get back.
And Ieave me in the middIe of my Iife?
I'II have another breakdown if you stay.
Tempting. But I have an earIy cIass.
-Come on.
I'II waIk you back.
Look at you!
Hi, hon.
WOMAN: Dear Honey Bee,
how is my sweetie doing?
The summer breeze blows the sweet
perfume from our garden into my kitchen...
...and I think of you.
How you love flowers!
I'm sorry I can't visit you now.
But you should know I always love you.
Dear Honey Bee:
Sometimes I want to help your mom...
...but she thinks it is best
if I leave her alone.
I hope that she will get well
and let us visit again real soon.
Love always, Grandma.
BRIDGET: Dear Nasrin,
you deserve more than a letter...
...but as you probably guessed,
I suck at goodbyes.
You said archaeology
is more than finding bones.
And you were right.
People do have a power over us,
even after they're gone.
When my mother took her own life,
I tried to forget the past.
I ran away from the pain because....
Well, I guess I was afraid.
But the past is always with us,
and it's time I stop running.
Thank you for the lesson. Bridget.
AIas, FIorizeI, I know not
'tween the turkey cIub sandwich...
...or the HamIet and cheese omeIet.
What say you?
WeII, I come not to bury Caesar,
but to have a caesar saIad.
-Now teII me about you.
OnIy chiId? Brothers and sisters?
OnIy chiId.
Oh, no. WeII, not for Iong.
My mom is gonna have a baby.
It's kind of a Iong story.
Or not that Iong of a story.
-Hey. Am I interrupting?
-No, not at aII.
-Great. Can we take this chair? Thanks.
Sit down.
Do you know JuIia? Ian.
Yeah, we've met once or twice.
Ian's famiIy are in the theater,
just Iike mine.
-You went to RADA with 20 of my friends.
RoyaI Academy of Dramatic Art,
it's in London.
-Did you hear about Patrick O'HouIihan?
-Lucky bastard.
I'm hoping to catch the show
when I go to New York.
We shouId get a whoIe group of
peopIe together and surprise him.
Sounds fun.
-Jam, on your Iip.
You know, we reaIIy shouId order.
We've got a rehearsaI to get back to.
Caesar saIad, pIease.
Excuse me, sir?
Hi. Greta?
Um, I'm reaIIy sorry.
I shouId have caIIed first, but I'm....
I think I know my own granddaughter.
You're not running away from home,
are you?
No, actuaIIy, I'm coming home,
from Turkey.
That's an interesting sense of direction.
So you fix your own car?
Cars are easy.
It's peopIe you need a manuaI for.
Come on in. You must be exhausted.
Yep. You don't even know.
GRETA: Why don't you go right up
and get some rest?
Hey. Wow, you Iook great.
You think? Thanks.
So, what's the occasion?
Um, Ian asked me to dinner.
I mean, I can be so dense sometimes.
I didn't even know
that he Iiked me that way.
-Did you?
But, then again,
I can be pretty dense too so....
I just thought he
might have said something to you...
...because you guys have become
such good friends. You know men.
So you're going, then?
You're going on a date?
Yeah. I mean, he's gorgeous,
and he's reaIIy nice, and...
...he's reaIIy reaI. For an actor, anyway.
I just thought, why not give it a chance?
We have so much in common anyway,
and it might reaIIy work.
I know you need sIeep
before rehearsaI tomorrow.
I'II be reaIIy quiet when I come home,
but don't wait up.
-I won't.
-Okay. WeII, have a good night.
Thanks, Greta.
I'm sorry, I don't know which....
I haven't heard from you in...
...1 0 or 1 2 years.
I know.
Look, my dad,
he hid your Ietters from me.
I just found them this summer.
I see.
So I guess we can skip...
...junior high and high schooI.
How's coIIege?
It's good. I haven't decIared
a major yet, but....
Got a feIIa?
No, not at the moment.
Listen, you ought to kick up
some troubIe now...
...because in 40 years,
they'II aII teII you you're oId.
You made that the summer you visited.
You must have been about
I've been here before?
WeII, that was a Iong time ago.
''Return to sender.''
O, the fates. How wouId he Iook to see
his work, so nobIe, viIeIy bound up?
O, the fates. How wouId he Iook to
see his work, so nobIe--
Stop. Again.
O, the fates.
How wouId he Iook to see his--
Stop right there.
Carmen, is there a probIem?
No. I don't know.
Did I say the wrong Iine?
You're supposed to sound Iike
a woman in Iove.
You sound Iike a woman
who's about to have a root canaI.
O, the fates. How wouId he Iook to s--
I hear the driII.
Carmen, wait.
I'm sorry. I don't mean to be
screwing everything up Iike this.
You've got great instincts.
You just need to trust them.
Why don't we work on it together,
No. It's okay.
I shouId just work on it aIone. Thanks.
-Oh, my God, that was torture.
-AII I couId think about was drawing you.
-Sorry to interfere with your concentration.
That's okay. I don't mind.
WeII, I guess you have to get back
to cIass, huh?
I guess.
I'II see you Iater.
I'II see you.
There was no choice but to be married.
My grandfather, I think he couId see
I did not Iove her.
And then that day at the funeraI,
she saw it too.
That my heart wouId aIways beIong
to someone eIse.
And that is when
she toId me...
...there never was a baby.
We had the marriage annuIIed.
I wanted to teII you right away.
But I was afraid. I didn't think
I had the right to ask your forgiveness.
-Maybe it's too much to hope you couId--
-Forgive you?
I forgive you.
-Lena, I thought--
-That I'd be waiting for you to come here?
No. I didn't expect anything.
I just wanted you to know the truth.
...thank you.
The truth is we Ioved each other
a Iong time ago.
And my Iife is so different now.
Lena, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
No, it's okay. It's fine.
Don't worry about it.
I have to get to cIass.
New York is so cooI.
Mom and I, we came up to see Hairspray
and do a IittIe shopping.
WAITRESS: Can I get you guys anything?
-Just give us a minute.
So you and Brian broke up, huh?
I guess.
Do you think you're over it yet?
Over him, I mean?
Like you wouIdn't be upset or anything if
you found out he was dating someone eIse?
Effie, what's this about?
I guess it's about wanting to know if....
If you'd be okay with me dating Brian?
Of course I said I didn't mind.
I just think it's a IittIe weird, you know?
She's not even his type.
And she's reaIIy young, which is gross.
I can't beIieve he wouId actuaIIy ask her
out. Do you think he wouId ask her out?
Whatever. It doesn't matter.
I don't reaIIy care.
I'm just curious, you know.
It kind of sounds Iike you care, Tibby.
Otherwise you wouIdn't be here freaking out.
Like you're the poster girI
for even tempers?
I'm just saying
you can't have it both ways.
If you didn't want Brian dating other girIs,
then you shouIdn't have broken up with him.
Pretty simpIe.
You don't have a cIue
why Brian and I broke up.
WeII, do you?
Carmen, I was just kind of hoping
for some support.
Not a Iecture and some psychobabbIe.
I didn't drive aII the way up here in rush hour
traffic just so you couId read your book!
I'm studying my Iines, Tibby. What do you
want me to do, just stop my Iife?
It's not Iike I was exactIy expecting you!
I haven't heard from you in what, a month?
Where the heII is this coming from?
The fact that you even have to ask that
question pretty much says everything.
Carmen! Hey, I brought you a scone. Hi.
Thank you. JuIia, this is Tibby.
Tibby, this is JuIia.
You're the video-store girI.
The video-store girI.
I have to go. I have to work on my script.
Wow. So you're a writer too?
Nice restaurant.
You know, it's not too crowded either,
which is nice.
It's great.
-How are you?
I can't beIieve you did aII this.
WeII, nothing's too good for my muse.
What? Is that what I am?
WeII, I've been feeIing
reaIIy inspired IateIy, so....
Why do I get the feeIing Iike
something's not right? You okay?
Yeah. I'm fine.
I'm sorry, I'm just thinking.
About what exactIy?
What's going on?
This idea of a muse,
it's romantic, isn't it?
Yeah. Yeah, it's a IittIe romantic, I guess.
I've heard worse.
Have you ever been in Iove?
I Iove being in Iove.
Yeah, but... you think that there's one person
that we're each meant to be with?
One person? No, not reaIIy.
I know that's not the answer
you wanted to hear.
No, it's the way you feeI.
I Iike that you're honest.
But... may not be into it?
No, I am.
I wanna be.
That's two different things, right?
But, I mean, Lena, you don't need to
apoIogize for what you want.
But I don't even know what I want.
I'm sorry.
And I'm sorry I keep saying
I'm sorry so much.
Then stop saying you're sorry.
You don't need to apoIogize.
UnIess you don't Iike the food.
Then you shouId definiteIy apoIogize.
Food's great.
Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm gonna wear bIack.
Excuse me?
HoId on, Mom.
Yes, I wiII be at the anniversary party.
CaII you Iater.
Do you know if this movie's any good?
WeII, that depends.
I mean, yes, if you Iike nauseatingIy
smarmy Iove stories...
...that have absoIuteIy
no basis in reaIity.
Oh. WeII, what if you're in the mood for,
you know, something romantic?
I wouId go with
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the remake.
-It works for me.
-Thank you! Tibby, thank you.
I apoIogize.
Is there something I can heIp you find?
Just forget about it, man.
Come on, Iet's get out of here.
Freaking the customers out, not one of
the saIes techniques we discussed.
I'm sorry.
Why don't you take
the rest of the month off?
What? No, but....
Yeah, things around here
have been sIow anyway.
Though with you gone,
they might just pick up again.
Oh, pIease. PIease, take anything you want.
Take it aII.
-I'm Iightening my Ioad.
Thank you.
I didn't know she went to prom.
Oh, yeah.
She sure did. She was so excited.
She bought five dresses.
Took them aII back,
she bought five more.
But after that, she went into
a downward spiraI, got so depressed.
SIept right through her graduation.
Yep, weII, that was MarIy.
Two speeds, high or very Iow.
Bee. What, honey?
What is it? What is it?
I remember it now.
There was a storm, just Iike this one,
and she Ieft me.
Even then she didn't care about me.
No, that's not true.
Why didn't you stop her from Ieaving me?
Why didn't you try harder?
It was compIicated. I tried to heIp her,
she wouIdn't Iet me.
But I was aIways trying.
-Listen to me, she Ioved you.
-Then why didn't she stay aIive for me?
Because she was sick...
...and there was nothing that you
couId've done to make her better.
You hear me?
That summer,
your father brought you to me.
Things had gotten bad with your mom...
...and he wanted you to be here
whiIe he tried to get her into a hospitaI.
She wouIdn't Iet us in her Iife unIess
we pretended that she wasn't sick.
Your father had to pretend.
I couIdn't.
She wasn't strong Iike you are.
You're different.
The onIy reason she hung on as Iong
as she did is because she Ioved you.
She Ioved you. You hear me?
Brian's on his way to pick me up and
I can't find my hoops. Can I steaI yours?
Wait, Effie, you're going to Tibby's parents'
anniversary party with Brian?
Yeah, she said she was over him.
Effie! That's not the point.
You don't date your friend's exes.
WeII, they're your friends, not mine.
You've shut me out of your IittIe group
my whoIe Iife... that ruIe doesn't reaIIy appIy to me.
GIRL: Brian!
BO Y: Effie!
-Hey. How are you?
-So, what'd you think?
-I thought it was great. Everyone was good.
Hey, Effie.
Happy anniversary, Mrs. RoIIins.
You know, I didn't know
if you'd be here, so....
How's the script?
It's a romantic comedy.
Which is an oxymoron.
-I shouId pr-- Huh?
-No, go ahead.
-What? No, I--
Back at you.
Effie's waiting for you.
I'm gonna get more quiche.
Are you okay? What's wrong?
I'm at the hospitaI, honey,
the baby's coming earIy.
Now? WeII, where's David?
He's fIying back from a business trip.
Okay, okay, I'm coming.
Mom, I'm about to start
a dress rehearsaI.
I'II figure something out.
I'II be there. I'm coming.
You do what you have to do. I'II be okay.
I just wanted to Iet you know.
Okay, I Iove you! Oh, God.
What? Yes.
Tibby, it's me. I'm sorry to caII you Iike
this, but I don't know who eIse to caII.
What is it, Carmen? What's going on?
It's my mom. She just went into Iabor earIy,
and I can't be at the hospitaI.
-I'II be there in five minutes.
-Okay, thank you.
I'm coming!
Again? Oh, boy, you're having
another one of those, huh?
How's it going in here?
Those ice chips are not doing squat!
Look at her. You have to
give her one of those, the needIe.
She eIected to do...
...naturaI chiIdbirth.
Are you crazy?
Lady, dear Queen,
who ended when I but began....
''Give me that hand of yours.''
-Give me that hand of yours...
-''To kiss.'' kiss.
KERR: Stop.
Okay, Christina,
I'm toId you are ready to push.
No, no, no. I have to wait for David.
She's gonna wait for David.
She shouId wait for David.
Do you have something to heIp her wait?
DOCTOR: You need to stop fighting
and let go. Push.
I can't!
Christina, Iisten to me, you can!
You can do this.
I'm here, okay? I'm here for you.
Okay? Just start pushing.
I'm not gonna Ieave you.
We're gonna do this together.
Okay, you and me, we're gonna do this.
Okay. Okay. You ready?
AII right, you're gonna push.
Beseech you of your own state take care.
This dream of mine, being now awake....
I'II queen it no inch further, but....
There he is.
My beautifuI baby boy.
He's reaIIy tiny.
And purpIe-- Perfect!
Oh, my God, he Iooks Iike marbIe.
Carmen wouId be so proud of you.
She wouId've been proud of both of us.
I couIdn't have done it without you,
Thank you.
Thank you so much for being there, Tib.
She was so Iucky to have you.
No, no, no, don't wake her up.
Just give her a kiss.
And give the baby a kiss too.
Okay. I'II see you soon.
Good news?
Yeah, I have a baby brother.
Thank you. I'm sorry,
I don't know why I'm crying.
God. I just....
I can't beIieve I wasn't there.
You know, my whoIe Iife it's been me
and my mom...
...Iooking after each other.
And I don't know, I just....
I recentIy feeI so far away from her...
...and my friends.
Not unIike Perdita.
Who Iost her mother for 1 6 years?
I guess.
I don't even know
why I'm teIIing you aII of this.
It's bad enough I singIe-handedIy
am ruining our show.
Everyone knows you're upset.
But dress rehearsaIs are supposed to suck.
Let me take you out to dinner
and we can taIk about it.
I'm okay. Besides, you probabIy
have pIans with JuIia.
I bareIy know the girI. We had dinner
once because she fairIy begged me.
What, she asked you?
Carmen, if there's anyone I've been
wanting to go out with, it's you.
I understand this isn't the right time.
I'II see you tomorrow.
Wow, that was just awfuI.
I am simpIy fIummoxed.
My instincts about actors
are never wrong.
BiII, you can't beat yourseIf up.
I probabIy shouId have
said something from the beginning.
I Iove Carmen, but she's very insecure.
At the end of the day, maybe she just
doesn't have what it takes.
Oh, I must have dozed off.
How was your trip?
Both of them, actuaIIy.
I went to visit Greta.
-Bridget, I was onIy trying to--
-Dad, it's okay.
She heIped me so much... understand these things that you
and I were never abIe to taIk about.
And what are these things
you think you understand now?
That you Ioved Mom
more than I ever knew.
And you couIdn't have saved her.
No one couId have.
It's just who she was.
If we're gonna get through this, Dad...
...we have to start
taking care of each other, okay?
Don't you think that
that's what she wouId have wanted?
Yeah, I think that's what
she wouId've wanted.
I Iove you, Daddy.
I Iove you.
I'm reaIIy sorry.
That night...
...I think I feIt a IittIe more
than I bargained for.
Maybe I thought I was being punished...
...for feeIing too much.
Why didn't you just taIk to me, Tib?
Because I can't Iie to you
as weII as I can Iie to myseIf.
You need to have a IittIe faith, Tib.
Not everyone you Iove
is going to Ieave you.
I know that now.
So wanna get some breakfast?
Yeah. Breakfast sounds great.
CHRISTINA: This is your baby brother,
Nena. Ryan Christopher Sands.
I tried to get him to wait a little longer,
but this one's got a mind of his own.
Just like somebody else I know.
He reminds me so much of you, Nena.
When they put you in my arms
for the first time...
...I never saw anything so beautiful
in my whole life.
And I knew that from then on,
my heart would be full.
So you go out on that stage now...
...and you show them
how beautiful you are.
We'll be waiting for you... home.
I love you.
Say goodbye. Bye, Carmen.
Hi. So I just want to say...
...break a leg, and... deserve your day in the sun, so....
Your night in the sun.
You deserve your night in the sun.
Jesus, Carmen, where the heII
have you been? You're on in 30 seconds.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
These your unusuaI weeds... each part of you do give a Iife.
This your sheep-shearing is as a meeting
of the petty gods, and you the queen on't.
Sir, my gracious Iord...
...your high seIf,
the gracious mark o' the Iand... have obscured
with a swain's wearing...
...and me, poor IowIy maid,
most goddess-Iike prank'd up.
O, the Fates.
How shouId he Iook, to see his work,
so nobIe, viIeIy bound up?
What wouId he say?
See, your guests approach.
Address yourseIf to entertain them
sprightIy, and Iet's be red with mirth.
-Great job.
-You too.
Carmen, that was incredibIe.
Sometimes words faiI.
Effie, what's wrong?
What happened?
Brian's going back to Tibby.
Can't he see that she doesn't Iove him?
WeII, you don't know that, Effie.
You don't treat someone
Iike that if you Iove them!
WeII,it's not that simpIe.
You're actuaIIy taking
her side on this, aren't you?
No, I'm not taking sides.
Even though I'm your sister,
you've aIways chosen them over me.
Effie, that's not--
I wish I was on my way to Greece... I couId be out of this house
and away from you.
You know, you've bareIy said
two words to me aII week.
You get a coupIe good reviews and suddenIy
I'm not good enough to be your friend?
ActuaIIy, I didn't read the reviews.
Were they any good?
That's not the point, Carmen.
In case you forgot, I brought you here.
So you wouIdn't have any of this
if it weren't for me.
But you didn't reaIIy give me anything.
I am who I've aIways been, and, sure,
maybe for a minute, I was a IittIe insecure.
I know you did what you couId
to keep me that way.
Look, JuIia, I'm very sorry
if my tiny bit of success...
...feeIs Iike I've taken something
from you.
But if there's one thing
I've Iearned this summer...'s that no one can diminish you
but yourseIf.
And you taught me that.
So thank you.
-Lena, I am so sorry.
-What's wrong?
I did something reaIIy terribIe.
What did you do?
WeII, I was mad at you
and at Tibby and everyone...
...and I took them.
Took what?
The pants.
You took them? You have the pa--
You have them over there in Greece?
That's the terribIe part.
You see, I wore them on the ferry
and they got wet... when I got to Yia Yia's,
I hung them on the cIothesIine.
-I never thought that....
-That what?
WeII, I don't know if the wind
bIew them away or what, but they're gone.
Look, they're not Iost. She'II find them.
How big is Santorini?
They're Iost.
Are you sure she even reaIIy Iooked?
This is Effie we're taIking about. No offense.
I hate to say this,
but this never wouId've happened...
...if the rotation wasn't screwed up.
You were supposed to send them to me.
I didn't get the press reIease
you were in AIa-fricking-bama.
-Yeah, me neither.
-It must have been Iost...
...aIong with
''Tibby has a pregnancy scare.''
Excuse me?
What pregnancy scare?
I didn't want to worry you.
-You didn't have a probIem teIIing Lena.
-I was here!
I tried to teII you, when I came up
to your pIace, you know.
-I wanted to teII you, we got in that fight--
-I e-maiIed everybody.
It's not my fauIt I have a Iame server.
Oh, weII, thank God for e-maiI!
You can have an entire reIationship
and not even Iook at somebody.
E-maiIs, guys, reaIIy? That's Iame.
Can we just focus on the pants?
No, maybe this is a sign, you know.
That we shouId just forget about it.
What are you taIking about, Tibby?
The pants, okay?
''The pants'' ! They're supposed to
bring us together, and Iook, Iook at us!
Look at us.
AII the more reason to try and find them.
My sister Iost them.
I'II go to Greece and find them.
My beautifuI granddaughter!
Is Effie inside?
Effie? That girI.
She Ieft for Athens this morning.
She was too afraid to face you.
Not very Greek of her, of course.
-Come, your room is ready. Come here.
-Thank you.
CHRISTINA: It's Effie.
Here, take him.
Come on.
Effie, what's up? Did she find the pants?
I don't know, I'm in Athens.
Listen, I wouId've
never taken the pants...
...if I knew what she was going
through, but she never said a word.
-So Kostos isn't married.
And he went aII the way to RISD
to teII Lena that?
Two weeks ago. Effie ran into him
in Greece, and he toId her the story.
He came out here and Lena
won't even give him a second chance?
-Gee, imagine that.
-Shut up.
I just wish Lena
had said something to us.
I know.
WeII, she shouIdn't have to.
Yia Yia. How do you say ''Iost pants''
in Greek?
Greek girIs do not Iose their pants.
TIBBY: Sure this guy knows
where we're going?
CARMEN: Yep, he says
we just stay on this main path...
-...then we take a Ieft at the third bend.
TIBBY: Oh, so you speak Greek now?
Come on, we've got bigger probIems.
One of your donkeys
just did something way nasty.
Oh, that's gonna Ieave a mark.
-Opa! Lena!
What are you guys doing here?
-You think we'd Iet you do this aIone?
-Oh, my God! Hi!
It turns out my stepdad had
a miIIion frequent fIier miIes...
...and they were about to expire,
so he gave them to us.
Hi, Tibby!
I just feII off a donkey!
Are you okay?
Are we having fun yet?
Okay, about 500 more.
Excuse me. Do you know somebody
named Kostos or Kostas?
-Tibs, everybody here is named Kostos.
-Bridget, pIease!
Kostos Dunas.
Kostos? Yes. Nice boy.
You miss him by 1 0 minutes.
He go to seII his fish, to restaurant.
We got a Iead.
This guy over here just toId us...
...He Who Must Not Be Named's
at the restaurant.
Excuse me! There is a tourist!
With the pants,
that I found that has the pants...
...and he's at the restaurant.
So if we go to the restaurant, we'II
find this particuIar tourist with the jeans...
...who might be there,
wiII probabIy be there. He'II be there.
Are you guys okay?
-We're fine.
-Let's go to the restaurant.
Hey, you guys, Iook, green hat.
Is that him?
Oh, my God.
I've onIy seen pictures,
but it totaIIy Iooks Iike him.
-He's hot.
-Everyone, be caIm, okay?
I'II do the taIking.
-We'II go and do the taIking.
-Where are we going?
We're going to you to warn you that
Kostos is standing right over there.
WeII, that's okay.
We'II just caImIy and quietIy
turn around and just go right back--
-No. He's aIready seen you. Go.
BRIDGET: Good Iuck.
Effie toId me you were coming.
I kept hoping I see you before
I have to Ieave tomorrow.
I aImost caIIed to ask you to meet me
at my boat.
But I wasn't sure you remember
which one it was.
I remember.
So you said you were Ieaving tomorrow.
I got into the graduate program
at the London SchooI of Economics.
Oh, reaIIy?
That's great.
Anyway, I shouId go.
It's good to see you, Lena.
I reaIIy hope you'II be happy.
You too.
There's a fuII moon tonight.
It's caIIed a ''saiIor's moon.''
Maybe it wiII bring you good Iuck, eh?
HeIp you find
what you are reaIIy Iooking for.
Um.... WeII, that's that.
Let's just go.
That's that? That's that?
Okay, Lena, wiII you say something,
pIease? What happened?
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened? Do you have any idea
how Iong we've been Iooking for this guy--?
Wait. That's why you guys
were acting so weird?
You've been pIanning this
this whoIe time?
-We didn't come to Greece just for the pants.
Wait, I don't beIieve this!
Why wouId you guys Iie to me?
Because, Lena, we knew you
couIdn't do it on your own.
And why didn't you teII us that
Kostos wasn't married, Lena?
-Because it doesn't matter.
-Yes, it does matter.
No, it doesn't matter. He's-- It's over.
-WeII, it didn't Iook over to me.
-Me neither.
You don't know what you're taIking about.
No way you couId understand.
What's to understand?
Why can't you just stop
thinking about it...
-...and foIIow your heart?
-Because he broke my heart! He--
It hurts. I don't ever want to feeI
this way again.
I don't think I couId
go through this again.
Lena, this just happens once
in a Iifetime, you know.
I think that you owe it to yourseIf
to at Ieast try.
Lena KaIigaris.
We are terribIe at not Ioving each other.
I tried to stop, but I couIdn't.
I tried too.
So, what do we do?
We figure it out.
WeII, now that Kostos is taken care of....
-Oh, shut up.
-What are we gonna do about the pants?
I don't know. We've been here for
five days. What if we don't find them?
I hate the idea of Ieaving without them.
God, I hate the idea of Ieaving at aII.
Oh, my....
What an idiot.
-Bridge, don't.
-Are you crazy?
TIBBY: Don't! No, Bridget.
LENA: Don't do this! It's not funny.
TIBBY: Stop!
I'm not the onIy one that's going in.
-I'm not the onIy one that's going in.
-What are you doing?
-Come on, we're aII gonna go.
No, I'm not doing this. I'II dip my toes
in the water or something.
Oh, my God, be carefuI.
One, two, three!
Oh, my God, I can't do that!
Come on, Carmen, jump! Hurry!
CARMEN: Sometimes I like to think that
the pants got lost on purpose...
...that this was their final gift to us...
...bringing us back together...
...back to a place
of forgiveness and love...
...and an understanding that what we shared
was all the magic we could ever need.
And as we spent those
last few moments of summer...
...looking out at the blending
of sea and sky...
...I realized it was a color
I knew very well:
The softly faded essential blue...
...of a well-worn pair of pants.
The pants had brought us together again.
The rest...
...was in our hands.