Six Days Seven Nights (1998)

[Siren Wailing]
[People Chattering]
Hey! Aah.
- Morning. Oh.
- [Phone Ringing]
- Thank you.
- No, thank you.
Hello? Hi.
I'm across the street.
No. No, no, there's nothing wrong with
the ad layouts. I checked them myself.
Marjorie just must've gotten
the months wrong again.
Yeah. Okay.
Have you talked to Laslo yet?
I don't care
if he's upset.
Call Peter back and tell him the
fashion layouts have to be four pages.
Not seven, not six,
not five. Four.
That's because
we changed photographers.
[Man On Phone] You must be kidding.
L... I doubled-checked everything.
- What's wrong with the ad layouts?
- What's wrong with the ad layouts, Leo?
I'll tell you what's wrong.
Practically everything, because
they're the wrong ad layouts.
- Marjorie, I have no idea...
- Why am I standing here looking
at 30 pages of wrong layouts?
I'll tell you why.
Because someone...
Leo... didn't
do their job!
Okay, the copy on the cover
reads "Office Love Affairs:
How to Get Him
and Your Raise."
- Good.
- Yeah?
[Man] Okay, look at me.
Good. Come in a little closer.
- [Camera Lens Shuttering]
- Okay. Right here.
Great. Good.
I think we got it.
Carry on.
Papaya diet?
Big problem. They're talking
about changing the fruit.
- What type of fruit?
- I don't know.
They said kiwi or something.
- I don't like kiwi.
- These came for you. They're from Frank.
My goodness.
He is so sweet. He was in London.
- Very exotic and expensive.
- [Pleasant Sigh]
"Can't wait to see you. It's felt like
an eternity." How long's he been gone?
- Two days.
- Two days?
- Yes.
- "Meet me here at 7:30."
Ooh, good choice.
"Bring doll"?
Doll. He does this kind
of thing all the time.
Hula dolls,
Polynesian restaurant.
Now just
what are you up to?
- It's all part of the surprise.
- Thank you.
- Surprise?
- Uh-huh.
- Sur... You're not breaking
up with me, are you?
- No.
Okay. Are you sure? Because%69 of all
relationships break up in restaurants.
We're not breaking up.
In fact, I want to increase
the romance in our lives.
- You do?
- Uh-huh.
- First, close your eyes.
- Now?
- Close them.
- Okay.
Now remember all the times
you said we never go anywhere...
and we're always working
and we never have any fun?
- Well, yeah.
- Well, open your eyes
and look where I'm taking you.
- Um...
- Come on.
- Oh, you're kidding.
- You and me in two weeks.
- In two weeks? I can't.
- Oh-Oh, you can.
- I can?
- Uh-huh. I cleared it with Marjorie.
You did?
Oh, you're a sneak.
Yeah. Six days
and seven nights...
on the secluded tropical island
paradise of Makatea.
- Yeah. Yeah. We arrived 50 minutes late.
- Oh, is that a problem?
No, no, that's fine.
Uh, I'll tell you what.
Why don't I go find the bags, and you,
you get to go find the charter, okay?
- I do?
- Yeah, I'll see you in ten minutes.
- All right. Okay.
- Sweetie.
- Love you.
- Love you.
- Uh, excuse me.
- Aah! You son of a bitch!
You miserable piece
of rat shit.
Could you help me?
I'm looking for Tropical Charters.
- You going to Makatea?
- Yes.
Well, we'll be ready
in ten... 20 minutes.
But this... this isn't
the plane?
- What?
- The plane.
Where's its mommy?
Oh. Tropical's plane
is laid up in Fiji.
We're fillin' in.
You're in luck. I'm your pilot.
Uh... [Nervous Chuckle]
No. I can't...
No. I, um... I can't go in this.
It's, uh... It's broken.
No, it's not broken.
It's being maintained.
- This is my plane.
- Uh-huh.
This is the De Haviland Beaver.
This is one of the safest,
most reliable planes ever built.
Sweetie, there a problem?
Uh, yes.
He, um... He seems to think
we're gonna go in this old thing.
- What?
- Uh, I think... I think
we could find another charter.
You won't find one.
There's a boat leaves from the port.
It takes three days.
- Honey. Frank.
- All right, all right.
Sweetie, I'm sure
the plane is perfectly safe.
And I'm sure the pilot
is a trained professional.
- He is the pilot.
- He...
Well, if you're goin',
it'll be 20... 30 minutes.
- Gotta get some oil.
- Oil. He's gonna get some oil now?
- Need help with this luggage?
- No.
- No, we're good.
All right,
everybody tied down?
Listen, are these
really necessary?
Only if we crash.
- Hi.
- Everybody, this is Angelica,
our flight service director.
Thank you. Hi.
Sorry. Excuse me. Ooh.
- Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
- [Chuckles]
- Ooh.
- Come here, baby.
Hello. Are you guys
going to Makatea?
- We hope.
- Oh, you'll love it.
Are you from the States?
- Yes.
- I lived there for a while too.
It's very fun.
Hey, Quinn, look.
Look what I got.
- Check it out.
- What's that, baby?
It's a bathing suit, silly.
- [Laughing]
- I thought it was an eye patch.
Welcome to Makatea.
Here we are.
Thanks for flying Harris Freight,
where frequent flyers earn bonus points
good for valuable merchandise.
Hey, you're not trying to steal
my vest, are you? [Chuckles]
...Miss Monroe?
- [Both] Yes.
- Welcome to Hanaiti.
- [Both] Thank you.
- I'm Phillipe St. Claire,
the general manager.
- [Both] Hi.
Can we have the reservation
for Mr Martin?
Oh! Oh,
this is beautiful!
- Okay. All right, we're never leaving.
- [Sighs]
- Yes.
- [Laughs]
I want this to be the most
unforgettable vacation of our lives.
Dd [Slow]
- Havin' a good time?
- Oh, honey, I'm havin' a great time.
- Hey, you know what today is?
- What?
- It's our anniversary.
- We have an anniversary?
Yeah, unofficially.
- Three years ago today, we first met.
- Today?
Today. You don't remember?
We fought over a cab.
- Oh, I called you a jerk. Yes. Yes.
- Oh, great, that you remember.
- Sorry.
- That's okay.
It was all part of love's odyssey.
- Odyssey?
- Mm-hmm.
If I asked, "Would you wear
something special for me tonight..."
What'd you have in mind?
- This.
- [Gasps]
Will you marry me?
Dd [Calypso]
D The Calypsonians d
d Were all gathered together d
d Singin' such a mournful tune d
d I don't know if it was
in the summertime d
d It could be the month
of May or June d
[Laughs] I'll be back
in a second, okay?
All right.
D Over lovin'
Over, over, over d
d Over lovin' you dd
- I always thought
this was a beautiful island,
- [Gasps]
But with you here,
it is even more beautiful.
- [Scoffs]
- How long have you been on Makatea?
- You're kidding, right?
- No.
You brought me here...
Five hours ago?
- Oh. So much has happened since then...
- [Chair Breaks]
Oh! Oops. Oopsy.
Wow. There you go.
- I slipped.
- Yeah.
So where is your,
uh, copilot?
Oh, she's busy
with the tourists.
Well, that sounds
like you don't like us.
Oh, no. Never bite the hand
that feeds... uh, your mouth.
- [Laughs]
- Whatever.
Besides, you know, they're...
they're good for a laugh. [Chuckles]
- You're a big laugher, are you?
- Oh, yeah.
- Oh.
- Mm-hmm.
They come here looking
for "the magic,"
expecting to find romance...
when they can't find it
any other place.
- Maybe they will.
- [Scoffs]
It's an island, babe.
If you don't bring it here,
you won't find it here.
Oh, heavy.
Pilot and philosopher.
- Let me buy you a drink.
- Hey, I'm here with somebody.
You remember him?
He came in with me.
I meant both of you.
No, you didn't.
- You're from New York, aren't you?
- Hey, is everything okay?
- Well, hi. Nice to see you again.
- Yeah, you too.
- Let me buy you a drink.
- Oh, that's very...
- Let's go.
- Oh, but we're leaving. And so...
- Well, maybe some other time...
- Ta-ta.
I'll buy you a drink.
Okay. Bye.
- Was he bothering you?
- Oh, no.
Was he hitting on you? From over there,
it looked like he was hitting on you.
- Maybe a little...
- He was? Do you want me
to do something about it?
- Like what?
- Hey, I don't go to the gym every day
just to watch old guys shower.
- You know, I will...
- Really? Really?
Well done, ocean. Well done, sky.
[Miss Monroe]
Well done, mai tais.
Well done, silicone. Oh, my.
- Hey.
- Ow. [Chuckles]
Hey, I'm... I'm getting
a little toasty here.
You want me to put some
cream on you, honey?
You'd do that for me?
You'd cream me up?
Only for you. Where is it?
Excuse me. Miss Monroe?
You have a phone call.
- I do?
- You could take it at the bar.
- What... Who would be calling you here?
- I have no idea. I'll be back.
- Could I get two mai tais, please?
- Yes, ma'am.
Thank you. Hello?
Look, I know you're on vacation,
but this is a dire emergency.
- Oh, no.
- The photo shoot's on, but it's
an availability nightmare.
Vendela and Evander Holyfield
only have a mutual 17-hour window.
If we don't get them now,
nobody's available for four months...
and we lose them
for the May cover.
There's gotta be somebody closer
whose life you can screw up.
That's the ironic thing, dear.
There's not.
Vendela's in Sydney.
Evander's in Osaka.
I threw Taylor on a plane
this morning to Papeete.
- Tahiti?
- Yes. They're all coming to you.
All you have to do
is fly back to Tahiti, babysit
the shoot, fly back out.
- Fifteen hours at the most.
- Look, this is complicated.
Uh... Frank proposed
to me last night.
Oh, my God! This is so exciting!
Sweetie, I'm so happy for you!
Well, I'm glad,
but the point is...
what kind of message am I sending to
Frank if the day after our betrothal...
I'm leaving him to go
on some photo shoot?
An excellent message.
This is the perfect opportunity
to establish parameters.
Oh, God.
I read somewhere
that 38.6%% % of all women...
are pressured into quitting their jobs
in the first year of marriage.
Marjorie, you read that
in our magazine, and we made it up.
Oh, please, Robin, please.
Please, please, Robin. Please.
Oh, good!
Do you have a way back to Tahiti?
Oh, yeah. I can...
- [Moaning]
- [Patting]
Feels good? Yeah?
- [Moaning Continues]
- [Massaging Continues]
- [Moans Loudly]
- Don't move a muscle.
- Lay down. Stay.
- [Moans]
- Hi.
- Oh, hi.
- I'm looking for...
- Quinny, it's for you.
- Hi there.
- Ohh.
I'm really sorry to interrupt you.
I sort of have an emergency.
What's goin' on?
Well, my boss called me, and she
wants me to go to Tahiti tonight.
Well, uh, I'm sort of
on my layover here.
Right. Would $500
cut your layover short?
Baby, wanna go
to Papeete?
I can't. I have a show tonight.
Tuesday is Tamure night.
Uh, it's Tamure night.
My hands are tied.
Oh. That's for later.
You know, I'm stuck. I, l...
This is really important.
You'd be doing me a tremendous favour.
How would 700 be?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Great.
- I'll meet you at the plane,
and give me an hour.
Great! Thank you.
Honey, it's a known fact that
are pressured into quitting their jobs
the first year of marriage.
That was in your magazine.
You probably made it up.
If you had to work,
I would understand.
That's because you're not
as romantic as I am.
So come with me.
- No.
- How come?
Because if I go with you,
I'll resent the fact that I'm there.
If I stay here, I'll miss you,
but you'll feel guilty.
- I like that better.
- Come on. It's only for one night.
- Hubby.
- Say that again.
What, hubby?
- I like that. Say it.
- Hubby.
- Ready to go.
- Is it safe to fly?
- It is with me.
- Oh, you're that good, huh?
I'm the best
you've ever been with.
I'm not sure
I trust your equipment.
- We may be old, but we're sturdy.
- Mm-hmm.
- What's all this?
- Hotel overstocks, local trinkets.
I was gonna fly 'em to Tahiti tomorrow,
but with your job, I got a twofer.
How handy for you.
Excuse me. I just wanna
keep this from flying at you.
There we go.
- Do you have my, uh, money?
- Oh, yes.
- Thank you.
- It's all there.
I trust you.
So what kind of work do you do
back there in New York?
I'm an assistant editor
for a magazine called Dazzle.
- Dazzle?
- Yeah.
- Never heard of that one.
- You're not exactly
the demographic we shoot for.
Uh, this is it.
"Your Derriere: Five Exercises
to Tame the Beast."
"Ten Ways to Light
His Fire."
- For pete sake.
- [Thunderclap]
Ten ways to light
his fire.
- You know how
a woman gets a man excited?
- How?
She shows up, and that's it.
We're guys. We're easy.
Of course, for that you can't charge
six bucks an issue, can you?
- [Thunderclap]
- Does that advice come with the 700...
- [Rain Falling]
- Or do I need to pay extra for that?
It's on the house.
Dd [Native Drums]
Um, island flight
watch, Beaver 0318.
We are 3,500
on a heading of 110.
Looking for a weather update,
please, along our route of flight.
- [Radio Static]
- [Man's Voice Breaking Up]
Be advised...
Say again.
[Static Continues]
[Turns Radio Off]
I'm sorry. This weather came up
quicker than anybody anticipated.
We're gonna have
to turn back to Makatea.
- It's just not worth the risk.
- Uh, all right.
A line of squalls
has got us boxed in.
Tighten up your seat belt.
It's gonna get bumpy.
- Wha...
- [Loud Bang]
Uh, you don't... you don't mind if
I just... come sit up here with you?
- Aah!
- Get your seat belt on.
- What are those?
- Uh, Xanax.
My doctor prescribed them for situations
of tension. I think this qualifies.
- Give me a couple.
- You just drive.
- What are you taking now?
- Xanax.
[Slurred] My doctor prescribed them
for situations of "sension."
Give me those.
Whoo! Hey!
That was close,
huh? Whoo.
[Static Humming]
That was more than close.
That hit us.
- No?
- Shit! Fried the radios.
Oh, no.
That's bad, huh?
Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.
Beaver 0318.
We're unable
to maintain altitude.
Can anybody hear this?
- Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.
- Attention Kmart shoppers!
Snow shovels are on sale
for 12.99.
Put that down!
I'm unable to maintain altitude.
- Dd [Humming]
- Forty miles,
south-southeast of Makatea.
D Mayday, Mayday, Mayday dd
How many of those things
did you take?
Um... You know,
I just don't know.
- Look.
- What?
We're in trouble here.
I want you to sit back, be quiet,
- [Tightens Seat Belt]
- Keep your seat belt tight
and let me fly this thing.
Yes, sir.
There's an island down there.
I can see a beach.
I'm gonna set us down.
[Engine Sputtering]
- Rock on the beach!
There's a rock on the beach!
- Son of a bitch!
- [Groans]
- Good morning.
Could you get me
a cup of coffee?
Oh, sure. I'll get
right on it, ma'am.
Oh, God. What...
- Where are we?
- Here.
Where? Where?
Somewhere between
Makatea and Tahiti.
That's... That's the best
I can do for you.
Whoa! What happened?
It crumpled the landing gear
when we hit.
Well, aren't you
gonna fix it?
I mean, can't we...
can't we reattach it somehow?
Oh, sure. We'll, like,
glue it back on. How's that?
- Aren't you one of those guys?
- What guys?
Those guy guys. You know,
those guys with skills.
- Skills?
- Yeah.
You send them out into the wilderness
with a pocket knife and a Q-Tip...
and they build you
a shopping mall.
- You can't do that?
- No. No, I can't do that.
- But I can do this.
- [Mouth Pops]
Does that help?
I can get us out of here.
- Oh, good.
- Yeah.
Hey. Right? Huh?
Phone, huh?
- I'm gonna get us out of here...
- [Dialling]
Come on, phone.
So, what are we,
like, shipwrecked?
- How do you want it?
- Excuse me?
Do you want it sugarcoated
or right between the eyes?
You pick.
We've only got one wheel,
so we can't take off.
Lightning fried the radio
and the emergency location transmitter.
Air-Sea will probably try a rescue,
but without a beacon to hone in,
it's like trying to find
a flea on an elephant's ass.
The only thing
we've got is...
this flare gun
and a single flare.
Is it too late
to get it sugarcoated?
That was sugarcoated.
Well, then,
what's the bad news?
The bad news is we may be here
for a... long time.
You and me,
for a long, long...
long, long, long,
long time.
Well, I want
my $700 back.
- What?
- You heard me. My $700, I want it back.
You said you were gonna
take me to Tahiti. You didn't.
Give it back.
Come on.
One, two,
- [Gasps]
- I figure I got you halfway.
Halfway? Halfway?
- Halfway!
- Halfway? Whoo!
Halfway! Oh, boy,
you're good!
Whoo! You got me halfway!
That's fantastic!
Wha... What are you doin'?
Hey, hey! Get away from my plane!
- Goddam it, get out of there!
- I'm gonna do something.
- Hey, leave that stuff alone!
- You shut up.
Come on now. Get out of there.
What do you think you're doin'?
Leave my stuff al...
Hey, hey. Come on!
- What's this? It's a boat.
- It's a life raft.
- We can use that to get off the island.
- Where are you gonna go?
You don't even know where you are.
Last thing you wanna do is...
go bouncin' around the ocean
in an eight-foot blow-up boat.
- Don't tell me what I want!
- Give that to me. Give it!
- Hey, don't pull on that!
Leave it alone!
- [Air Hissing]
Wait! Wait!
Get me out... No!
[Muffled Groan]
Get me out of here.
Get me... Get me
out of here!
You gonna stop acting
like a lunatic?
- [Garbled] Fuck you!
- Pardon me? What'd you say?
[Life Raft Squeaking]
That's what I thought
you said.
Dd [Island]
- Mr Martin?
- Hmm?
- There's a telephone call
for Miss Monroe.
- Oh. I'll take it.
Hello? Hello?
Uh, this is Frank Martin.
Who is...
Oh, hi, Marjorie.
It's Frank.
No, she...
she left yesterday.
Marie, it's Phillippe
at Makatea.
Quinn flew a lady
back to you last night.
Can you look if the De Haviland
is at the gate? No, I'll wait.
I ran into Tony. He said that
Quinny didn't make Tahiti.
Hold on, Angelica. We don't know
anything yet. Yes, Marie, right here.
Bon. Get Air-Sea Rescue,
Marie, and call me back.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, no.
Come on. You wanna drink water,
you gotta haul water.
Let's go.
- What are you lookin' at?
- Nothin'.
- Somethin'.
- Nothin'.
- Oh, don't give me that.
You were ogling.
- "Ogling"?
- Yeah.
- Ogling? Let me ask you something.
- What?
- When you go into a store
to buy something like that,
what do you say to the clerk, "Give me
that outfit so nobody will look at me?"
No, I like people looking,
just not you.
- If it makes you feel any better,
you're not my type.
- Oh, good.
- Why?
- "Why"?
Yeah. I'm making
conversation. Why?
You talk too much.
You're opinionated.
You're stubborn,
sarcastic and stuck-up.
Your ass is too narrow,
and your tits are too small.
- Hey, you wanna know
why you're not my type?
- Nope.
- [Speaking French]
- Bonjour. Bonjour. Parlez vous...
- I'm American.
- Oh, thank God.
- Tom Morrow. I'll take you up.
- Frank. Listen. So how do we find 'em?
We're gonna fly over the water
and look out the window.
Wha... Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's it?
What about the modern technology?
Don't you have satellites, lasers,
- Mr Martin, just take your seat.
- Heat-seeking kind of...
- I'm Ricky.
- Yeah, great. I'm Frank.
- Listen, money is no object, all right?
- Yeah. Just get in.
Try breathing very deeply.
I find that helpful.
Exhaling Deeply]
If they went into the water,
it's only been 12 hours.
It's a good chance we'll find 'em.
Hey, Bwana, why don't you
let me lead for a while?
[Quinn] Okay.
This'll be interesting.
Now there. You see?
I found it.
Come on, Quinny.
Oh, my God.
Oh, it's beautiful.
- [Snorting]
- Quinn, this is... [Gasps]
Ooh! Oooh!
- Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Hold on.
- Whoa!
- What are you doin'?
- What the hell's that?
- It's a pig. What are you worried about?
- [Snorting]
He's more afraid of us
than we... Watch.
Ha! Go on. Go on.
Go on! Get out of here.
Ho-ha! Ha.
- [Snorting]
- Come on. Come on.
- Whoa.
- Come on. [Growls]
- Hey, Quinn.
- Huh? What?
I'm sorry to
interrupt you, but...
I'm having a bit
of a problem.
What's the problem?
Some sort of creature
has just swum up my pants.
I'm guessin'...
I'm guessin' a snake.
That's bad.
So, uh, what do I do?
I mean, I could reach down
and... and grab it.
No. That... That could be risky.
Might be poisonous.
Well, right. But on the other hand,
if it's poisonous and will bite me,
do I want to allow it to continue
to swim around in my shorts?
- All good questions.
- Would you just give me some advice?
Just advice, input,
anything. Give it to me.
I'm very open at this
particular juncture, all right?
- Just stand still.
- Still.
- Stand still.
- What are you doing?
- Relax.
- Right.
Oh, God.
- Oh, no.
- What?
- Not good.
- What? Wha... [Stammering]
Shh. I'm trying
to concentrate here.
Okay. Okay.
Now, let's see.
Better not
catch you smiling.
Well, I'm not
without skills.
Whoa. You goin'
on a date?
- Do you like it?
- Why the fashion statement?
- Goin' huntin'.
- Ooh, for what?
You wouldn't.
They are
magnificent creatures.
And I hear they taste
just like chicken.
Dd [Humming]
D Paradise d
dd [Humming Continues]
[Smacking Lips]
Maybe I should
have a taste.
You know, just in case somebody asks me
someday, "Have you ever had peacock?"
- I can say, "Yes, I have."
- You won't regret it.
Okay, perfect.
Whoo! Ah.
Oh, my God.
Mmm. Wow.
Chicken. Okay, chicken.
Have you always been
a pilot?
All my grownup life.
- Like doing what?
- All kinds of flying.
- Mm-hmm.
- I had my own very successful business.
What happened?
I found a better way
of life, that's all.
Like what?
Came out here, got a nice
little house on a beautiful beach.
- Mm-hmm.
- Got my plane.
Doing what I want to do.
Got peace and quiet.
Livin' the life
every man dreams of.
Well, yeah,
until they're 12.
I'm sorry.
That was out of line.
- No.
- I'm just...
I'm just cranky, you know,
from being shipwrecked.
Look at that sky. You don't see
a sky like that in New York City.
No, that's a good sky.
- Whoa.
- All right. Sorry.
I'm just a little tipsy.
Good night.
Good night.
Really suave.
[Plane Engine Droning
Oh, my God.
It's a plane. Oh.
A plane. What do...
Uh, a flare. We need the flare.
Uh, Quinn?
Uh, get up!
There's a plane!
Flare! Jesus.
- [Groans]
- [Screams]
- Hey, baby.
- Oh, no.
Oh, boy. Oh.
- [Groans]
- Oh, no.
- Oh. Uh-oh. Oh, no.
- [Fire Crackling]
Oh, nuts.
[Gasps, Stammers]
What the hell did you do?
What the...
You... You wasted our only goddam
flare... to shoot a goddam palm tree?
I wouldn't have shot the goddam tree
if you hadn't rolled into me.
I was trying to signal
the goddam plane.
What... What goddam plane?
That goddam plane.
- That goddam plane?
- Yeah.
That's a commercial airliner. It's
five miles high goin' 600 miles an hour.
They wouldn't see a nuclear
explosion if they were lookin'
for it, much less a flare!
How was I supposed
to know that?
If you hadn't drunken yourself into a
coma, maybe you could have told me that.
- You know what you've done?
You know what you've done?
- What?
You've taken our one good chance
of being found and pissed it away!
Don't you dare blame this on me.
If you were half a pilot,
we wouldn't be on this island!
I am the best goddam pilot
you're ever gonna meet!
Ha! I've flown with you twice.
You've crashed half the time!
And there is nothing wrong
with my tits!
There's so much water.
Don't worry.
Wherever they are, Quinny is going to
take good care of your girlfriend.
What do you mean by that?
- [Panting]
- Come on. Let's pick up
the pace a little.
- I wanna get to the top before dark.
- [Gasps]
[Loud Rumbling]
I've had just about
as much vacation as I can stand.
- Stop. Stop.
- Stop?
- Stop! Stop.
- What?
We better find
the beacon.
This way.
That beacon better be up there.
Look. The storm blew us
southwest 40 minutes.
A good chance this is
Ah, Tamitange. Well,
that explains everything.
There's a radio navigation
beacon on top of Tamitange.
We find it. We shut it down. They come
out and fix it. We're rescued.
It took them two years to fix
the streetlight outside my apartment.
Wow, this is
beautiful, huh?
So where's the beacon?
- Huh?
- Uh...
Oh, let me see.
It's this one? Tamitange, the one with
the funny-shaped peninsula to the north.
Well, that...
that's north, right?
- Right?
- Yeah.
There's no peninsula.
Who stole the peninsula?
This isn't Tamitange?
- Uh...
- So there is no beacon...
that we're gonna turn off and
they're gonna come fix it and find us?
Um, well,
we could be, um...
We could be further to the south.
This could be Mata Nui.
Mata Nui?
And what's on Mata Nui?
What? Wait, wait.
What are you doin'?
Son of a bitch!
Goddam it!
[Angry Muttering]
[Muttering Stops]
Uh, please don't
do that again.
- I just want one
goddam thing to go right.
- Oh, God.
I know. Come on.
Ever since we've been here,
you've been so confident.
You have all the answers.
Well, I'm the captain.
That's my job.
It's no good for me to go
waving my arms in the air and screaming,
"Oh, shit!
We're gonna die!"
[Sighs] Doesn't evoke
much confidence, does it?
No, no, that does not.
I need you to be
my confident captain.
I can't tell you how difficult
this is gonna be for me...
if you lose it.
- I'm all right now.
- Good, good. Good.
Qui-Quinn. Quinn.
What? What?
What do you need? Hey. Come on.
Get out of that. What do you want?
[Whispering] L... Look, look, look!
Come here. Oh, yes.
It's a boat.
Looks like they're puttin'
into that cove.
Yeah, well,
how do we signal 'em?
- A flare'd be nice.
- Don't start. Come on. What do we do?
How do we get
down there?
- We go, uh, down the mountain...
- Yeah.
Up the mountain,
down the mountain.
- We get to our life raft and... hope
they'll still be there in the morning.
- Uh-huh.
Come on.
[Grunting, Groaning]
Oh, God.
[Grunting, Breathing Heavily]
- Come on. I'll take over.
- Oh, God. Thanks.
So what's the deal
with you and, um...
- Angelica.
- Yeah.
There's no deal.
We're friends.
She works at the hotel
a couple of months a year.
We have some laughs,
keep it simple.
Well, has it always been simple, or has
there ever been anyone complicated?
That's a yes. Yes?
How complicated?
Scale from one to ten.
- Twelve.
- Twelve? God, what happened?
Well, tragically,
she, uh... she...
Oh, my God, I'm so...
- No, she didn't die.
- I'm so... Oh.
- Why... You gonna let me
tell the story or what?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Sure. Tell it.
She, uh...
fell in love
with somebody else.
Not just somebody else.
My best friend.
My partner. The guy
I was in business with.
God. What did you do?
Well, I, uh, bowed out,
gave 'em my blessing.
Are they still
No. [Laughs]
They broke up.
- Uh.
- Not before I sold 'em
my half of the business.
I came out here, got my plane,
never looked back.
Best thing
that ever happened to me.
- There are two boats.
- What? Two boats?
Two boats. Ah!
[Chuckles] Look.
God, this is great, huh?
- Whoo!
- Sit down! We gotta get outta here!
- Why? Why?
- We gotta get outta here.
- What? "Get out of here"?
What are you talking about?
- Shit. Shit, shit, shit.
Oh, my God.
- Uh, who-who are they?
- Pirates.
Pi... Pirates,
as in "argh"?
- [Mumbling]
- Smugglers. Thieves.
They rob boats.
"Rob... Rob boats"?
They just killed a guy.
They could kill us,
too, just for bein' here.
- Just for seein' 'em.
- What?
[Speaking Foreign Language]
[Men Shouting]
- Shit. He just saw me.
- We got company.
- Oh.
- [Man] Out, out, out.
Ohh. Oh, no.
They just lowered a boat.
- What kind of a boat?
- A motorboat.
- Shit, shit.
- Oh.
- [Man Shouting]
- Whoo-hoo!
Let's go.
Move 'em out.
Oh, God!
Row faster!
- Go, go, go!
- [Shrieking]
[Both Panting]
I can't!
Yes, you can.
[Foreign Language]
What? What?
- Go.
- Where? Why?
Uh! God! Oh!
- [Screaming]
- Don't!
Let's not make this
That was
a very stupid thing to do.
- Now I'm gonna have
to kill you. Say goodbye.
- [Cocks Gun]
We've got gold.
- Gold?
- Gold.
Yeah. We've got gold.
I'm a jewellery designer.
I design jewellery with gold
and precious stones.
- Precious stones l-like, um...
- I have... I have sold
to all the finest stores,
and, um, we've got display cases
on the boat...
because, uh, we're expanding
the business in the Far East...
But that's my husband's end
of the business.
- Cause I-I-I'm in m-marketing. I'm...
- Whiz. You're a whiz.
- [Exhales]
- [Foreign Language]
Take us to the boat.
[Foreign Language]
Hey! Hey!
Come on.
[Robin Screams]
Oh, my God. Now what?
- We go on three.
- Oh.
- One, two...
- I can't! You go. Save yourself.
- I'm sorry.
- For kissing me?
No. For this.
[Foreign Language]
Damn! Damn.
You know how some people say
you... you don't know what
you had until you lose it?
- Mm.
- It's a load of crap.
I knew what I had. L...
God, I loved her...
love her. Love her.
Not to insult you, but I don't think
men know what love is. I mean...
- I do.
- Yeah?
- L... I do.
- Well, guys... They tell me
they love me all the time.
Well, I'm sure at least
some of them mean it.
No, they don't.
- Do you think they gave up?
- I don't know.
We shouldn't go back to the camp.
The plane's too easy to spot.
I am so scared.
If it makes you feel any better,
I'm a little scared myself.
Uh, no. No, that does
not make me feel better.
- I thought that's what women wanted.
- What?
Men who weren't afraid to cry, who were
in touch with their feminine side.
No, not when they're being chased by
pirates. They like 'em mean and armed.
This is not a good island
for aeroplanes.
It's a Japanese World War II
float plane.
It's been up there
for 50 years.
You don't think there's
any way that you could...
Nah. Nah.
This looks like a safe place
to spend the night.
I'm gonna see if there's
anything I can use up there.
Dd [Soft Reggae]
This is me here.
Whoo! We gotta meet them
at 6:00 A.M.
They're gonna widen
the search.
I may be too drunk
to wake up at 6:00 A.M.
I know how-how...
Are you sure you're okay?
You're... You're fine?
Yeah, I'm...
[Chuckles] I'm just going to...
take a shower and get into bed.
- Are you okay?
- I'm good. Yeah.
I mean, do you want
to stay here tonight?
Yeah. With me?
I mean, you probably think
I'm being slutty or something,
but I'm feeling bad
and you're feeling bad...
and I'd really like
for you to stay.
I-I just don't...
Yeah. Sure. Why not?
- Yeah?
- No, no, I can't.
I mean, I'm-I'm still
clinging to-to hope.
And if l...
I mean, if we... You know...
- No.
- No?
- N-No. L...
- Mm. Are you sure?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. No, I seem
to be leaving the room.
[Fire Crackling]
- It's not bread.
- It's not fruit.
I wanna kiss you.
I really liked kissing you.
I liked kissing you.
But if I start,
I'm not gonna be able to stop.
- Sounds good.
- Doesn't it?
I-I, oh... can't.
We should get some sleep.
Come here.
This feels good...
and safe.
It feels good
and safe.
[Gasping, Panting]
[Birds Squawking]
- Good morning.
- Wh... What-What are you doing?
- I got a plan.
- Good.
Anything I can do
to help?
- Yeah.
- [Knocking]
Yeah. Just a second.
[Dog Barking]
What is it?
What's wrong?
Angelica, the helicopter
is going up in 20 minutes.
- If you're going, vite, huh?
- Twenty min...
Oh, jeez, I didn't realize it was...
Okay. Thank you, Phillippe.
Tell them I'm on my way,
okay? Oh.
The helicopter's
going up in 20 minutes.
Oh, God, what did...
what did I do?
And how many times
did I do it?
- Are you okay?
- Huh? No, no, this was wrong.
This was all wrong.
Excuse me.
How could you say that?
N-No. I mean,
everything you did was very right.
But what I did was wrong.
This is wrong.
No, no.
It's just we are going
through a terrible ordeal.
It's like...
when after a funeral...
- Yeah?
- Everybody has sex.
- Not everybody.
- No?
- No.
- Oh.
You know that woman
I was telling you about?
The heartbreaker?
She was my wife.
- Oh.
- Twelve years.
Do you have any kids?
No, we didn't have
any kids, thank God.
But I always wanted kids.
Bunches of them.
There's still time.
Look. Come on.
How old are you?
Well, what do...
How old
do you think I am?
Hmm. Let me think.
Fifty. You 50?
- You still look good.
- I still am good.
Let's get these apart.
We gotta take 'em down one by one.
You first.
[Grunting, Gasping]
- You all right?
- I'm fine.
- Okay, your turn.
- Eeew.
Mmm, mmm.
How can I eat?
I'm scum. I'm garbage.
This experience has tested me and has
revealed no character whatsoever.
Stop beating yourself up.
You're a guy. You can't help it.
Mr Martin, forgive me.
I just heard they decided
to call off the search.
I'm sorry.
But that's it? Wh...
It's working!
Keep comin'.
- Ready?
- All right.
Put her down.
- Oh, shit. Look!
- Oh.
- [Screaming]
- Get out of here.
Too far back to the right.
[Yelling, Coughing]
- Oh, God. Are you okay?
- Aah!
- Oh!
- [Groaning]
Oh, you're hit!
It's not bad.
- It's not bad. [Grunts]
- Oh!
Come on! Come on!
[Groaning] I'm in! I'm in!
Get in the plane! Hurry!
Hurry, hurry up!
Okay. Come on.
Come on.
Get out of my way!
- [Both Shouting]
- Take off!
Take off!
We're gonna hit 'em.
We're gonna hit 'em!
Give me a hand.
- Pull, pull.
- Pull!
Let's do it!
- [Man] Hit the...
- [All Shouting]
Come on. Come on.
Stay with me here.
Stay with me.
You're doin' great.
Come on.
Look, I should tell you
a few things about aeroplanes.
Why is that?
'Cause I may not be conscious
when it comes time to land this thing.
Oh, shit.
Take the controls.
I want you to get a feel for the yoke.
You're serious,
aren't you?
I got it. Okay.
- Okay.
- Okay, sw... Hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Small corrections.
- Sorry.
- Small corrections.
- [Whispering] S-Small.
- Just look at the horizon.
When we get there,
you're gonna line up...
about a hundred feet
out from the beach.
A hundred feet out from the beach.
Dd [Dirge]
Dd [Stops]
[Priest Shouting
Foreign Language]
We are here
to honour two fine people: Miss Robin
Monroe and an old friend, Mr...
[Crying] Father, please forgive me,
for I have sinned.
I've been bad,
very bad.
Oh, God. Quinn?
Quinn, don't make me
do this alone.
Please, Quinn,
don't make me do this alone. Shit.
I would say a few words
about our friend, Quinn Harris.
- [Aeroplane Approaching]
- He was the kind of man who...
It's Quinny!
It's Quinny!
All right.
Lined up with the beach.
Uh, throttle to 65 knots.
What the hell's a knot?
It's Quinny!
- [Woman] Oh!
- Thank... Thank you, God!
Uh, flaps.
Flaps, flaps.
Okay. All right.
Nose slightly elevated
for landing. Here we go.
And, help me, God.
Oh, my God!
I'm coming, sweetie!
- [All Talking]
- [Man] Hurry! Hurry!
Oh. Quinn.
Quinn. Quinn, Quinn!
Oh. Hey.
We did it.
I'm coming, Robin!
Sweetie, hold...
- Robin. Oh, my God, you're alive.
- Hey, Frank.
- Wh... You're hurt. You're hurt.
- No, no. I'm fine, I'm fine.
- He needs a doctor.
Get him... Get him a doctor.
- A doctor! We need a doctor!
Come on.
Come on, sweetie.
- Quinny, are you okay, baby?
- [Man] Can you move your leg?
Be careful.
Are you okay, baby?
- Be careful.
- [Man] Steady, steady, steady.
They brought the tea.
- Oh, great.
- Do you want some honey, sweetie?
The guy said the, uh, hotel's offered us
a month's free stay anytime we want.
Oh. They're probably afraid
I'm gonna sue them.
- How are you feeling? Are you all right?
- Oh, yeah.
I'm just,
you know, tired.
Ooh. Ah.
There we go.
I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I didn't get
much sleep.
[Sighs] Frank.
Come here. Come here.
Sit down.
It was terrible.
I mean...
I think deep down, I, uh...
I never expected to see you again.
You know? I was...
I was lost.
I was...
We're just people, you know?
You know, Robin?
We're not perfect. I mean,
under that kind of pressure...
I mean, people do things, you know?
I mean, you don't know right and wrong.
You're cra... You're nuts.
You know, you...
Oh, hi.
Keeping busy?
- How are you?
- Good. Good, thanks.
This is... not so bad.
How 'bout you... your...
- It's fine.
- Good.
What's the deal here?
With us?
- What do you mean?
- You know what I mean.
Was what happened
on that island anything?
Or was it just something
that happens to two people...
when they're alone
on an island together?
It was something.
- "Something"?
- Yeah.
now what?
Look, I'm-I'm pretty set
in my ways, and...
you got all kinds
of possibilities.
You-You deserve someone...
Don't you think
that's up to me to decide?
Let's be smart
about this.
You're not gonna move out here
and become my copilot,
and I'm not gonna go to New York
and be your receptionist, so...
Where does that
leave us?
I don't know.
I guess it leaves us nowhere.
So let's not
complicate things.
Oh, I forgot
you like things simple.
- Right.
- Right.
Well, good luck.
Good luck to you too.
I hope everything
works out... for you.
So how's
that shoulder today?
Need something
for the pain?
Well, 14 more hours,
then back to reality.
- Frank?
- Hmm?
I don't think
we should get married.
How come?
Because I think it's wrong
for two people...
to get married when something
is hanging over their heads.
Oh, God, I'm sorry.
Robin, I'm sorry. I was... I was...
I was distraught, and then she took off
her blouse. I was, "Oh, my God."
But I-I walked away. I did.
I went back to our room.
I tried to go to sleep,
but I thought of you. I thought...
Oh, I didn't know
if you were dead or what.
So I went back to her bungalow,
you know, just to... and she...
Robin, she answered
the door with... [Stutters]
[Exhales Sharply]
- Who?
- Angelica.
You slept with Angelica?
Who slept?
Are you ki...
Didn't you know?
How would I know?
Wait a minute. You just said
there was something hanging over our...
What do you... Wh...
What do you mean?
Quinn and me.
Oh, Frank,
something happened.
Something happened that shouldn't
have happened if you and I were really...
- In love.
- [Sighs]
[Female Announcer
Speaking In French]
Flight number 38 to Honolulu,
all ticketed passengers
should board immediately.
Bon voyage, madame.
Bon voyage.
Bon voyage.
- Eh-uh!
- [Woman] Aah! Hey!
Where's the p...
plane to New York?
Right there.
[Breathing Heavily]
I-I'm sorry. I just had to
get off the plane.
- [Man Commenting]
- L... Well, I'm sorry
I delayed the flight.
Listen. I just wanted...
[Continue Talking]
I don't speak any French.
I just needed to get off the plane.
Where are all my bags?
[Continue Talking]
You don't speak any? Neither one
of you speak any English at all?
- What's in my bags is illegal?
- [French]
W-Wait a minute.
Oh, please don't search my bags.
- It's just important that I stay h...
- [Continues]
- You're here.
- [Man] Bonjour, Quinn. [French]
[Speaks French
Mon ami. Merci.
Why... Why did you get
off the plane? [Panting]
Wha... Why didn't you...
Why did you come here?
I've decided my life is...
too simple.
- It is?
- Yeah.
I wanna... wanna complicate
the hell out of it.
So, uh, where are we goin'?
[Quinn] Um, your place is
in New York, right?
- Uh-huh.
- [Chuckles] I don't think
I can wait that long.
- How about my place?
- Oh, yeah.
Your little house on the beach.
Uh, m-more like a shack,
- A shack?
- It's, uh... It's not much.
Uh-huh. You do have
a bed, don't you?
[Quinn] Are you gonna be
this fussy about everything?
D I wanna love you d
d And treat you right d
d I wanna love you d
d Every day and every night d
d We'll be together d
d With a roof
right over our heads d
d We'll share the shelter d
d Of my single bed d
d We'll share the same room
Yeah d
d But Jah provide the bread d
d Is this love, is this love
is this love, is this love
that I'm feelin' d
d Is this love, is this love
is this love, is this love
that I'm feelin' dd