Six Weeks (1982)

No, no. If anything,
it worked for me.
You know, politicians
in any country
have a tendency
to sound alike.
The issues
don't change, really.
You're either for something
or against it
or both, depending on
who you're talking to.
( chuckles )
But the point is when we hear
a politician speak,
we get the feeling
we've heard it all before.
The fact that I sound
a little different,
I think, helps to get people
to listen to me.
Man #2:
And what is it
that you want people to hear?
How many hours
in this program?
( man #2 chuckles )
Not enough, I'm afraid.
But are there any issues
you'd like to amplify on today?
Such as gun control,
for instance,
which you've been
very occupied with
on the floor
of the State Assembly.
Why are issues such as this
so difficult?
Well, they're difficult
because we make them difficult.
I think we have a tendency
to complicate things.
I mean, it seems to me
that the laws of the land
should be a matter
of common sense.
It doesn't seem to be
very intelligent
that there is no law
against selling a gun
or carrying a gun.
Uh, I mean
it doesn't matter
what this group says
or what that group says
or what the statistics are,
the fact is that guns
cause deaths.
My God, we have a law
against selling firecrackers
and yet anyone
can buy a shotgun.
We talk about
nuclear disarmament--
let's start
with firecrackers.
- ( overlapping chatter )
- ( classical music playing )
( chattering, laughing )
Well, I told you
I'd roll out the red carpet.
We're really grateful.
Yes, now all that's lacking
is the guest of honor.
I'm really sorry
about that.
He should be here
any second.
I hope so.
He's drawn
quite a crowd.
If this turnout
is any indication,
you've hitched yourself up
to the right coattails.
I think many people
consider you a bit
of a buffoon.
- Are you--
are you aware of that?
- Yes, I am aware of that.
( chuckles )
I've done
a lot of weeping.
No, I think, uh...
that people who criticize
my sense of humor
feel they're
being attacked by it.
Of course,
their perception is right--
I am attacking them.
They probably deserve it.
But I think the ability
to use humor
as a disarming mechanism
is something
that has been, uh,
used by some of
the greatest statesmen
in history.
Perhaps-- such as?
Churchill was hilarious.
Joan of Arc...
very funny girl.
- ( chattering )
- ( classical music playing )
tell me something--
did he really send
a singing telegram
to the governor
protesting oil drilling
in the channel?
- Sang it himself.
- ( laughing )
( coughs )
Well, maybe that's
what we need in politics,
someone who knows
it's all a joke.
Don't let him fool you.
That little singing telegram
captured more
media attention
than five years
of public outcry.
Well, let's hope
he has an easier time
getting to Washington
than he's having
getting to my house.
( laughing, coughs )
Hey, is this
Meadowland Court?
Do you know where it is?
Who are you looking for?
- Stillman.
- Arnold?
Uh, can you tell me
where he lives?
Can you tell me
how to get there?
- Are you a guest?
- Yeah.
- You're late.
- Yeah, I know that.
I am very late.
I'm the guest of honor.
How do you find your way
around this place
- without any street signs?
- Follow me.
Excuse me.
Is it far?
Can you perhaps
give me directions?
It's just up here.
- Can I give you a lift?
- No, thanks.
Some men are attracted
to girls my age.
- I beg your pardon?
- That's why I can't get in.
Oh. Oh, I see.
I see.
- Are you?
- What?
Attracted to me?
Uh, uh, no.
- Think I have potential?
- ( brakes squeak )
- As a what?
- Attractive woman.
You by any chance
an undercover policeman?
Just curious.
Do you know Arnold Stillman?
Very well.
What sort of guy is he?
- You don't know him?
- No.
- Jerk.
- ( laughing )
I think I do
find you attractive.
What's in the bag?
A dead bird.
- See?
- Oh, God.
What do you--
what do you do with it?
- Collect it.
- You collect dead birds?
Bird parts. I just use
the feet and beak.
What for?
I'm making a fetish.
Oh... right.
If you don't know him,
how come you're the guest
of honor?
Oh, Arnold?
Well, I'm running
for Congress,
and Arnold is giving me
a little fundraiser.
- You have an accent.
- So do you.
- Is that allowed?
- Mm-hmm.
Why don't you like him?
- Are you a citizen?
- I am.
He always has
famous people over there
and he won't let me in.
One time he had
Rudolf Nureyev.
I tried to sneak
through the bushes
and he had
a security guard
kick me out.
It was humiliating.
- What's your name?
- Niki.
You wanna come?
I mean I'm not
Rudolf Nureyev,
but I can get you in.
Uh, here.
Don't-- don't
come through the bushes.
Use the front door.
Say you're a guest of mine
and bring whoever you like.
- You mean it?
- Yeah.
I'm Patrick Dalton.
If you have any trouble,
just shout my name.
That's if I ever
get there, of course.
Oh, it's at
the end of the road.
Even you couldn't miss it.
( laughs )
Thank you.
( people laugh )
Yeah, he was a great tailor,
my father.
he dreamed of coming
to this country,
in particular,
and he dreamed of houses
like this, of course.
He didn't want to own one,
he just wanted to alter
the clothes
of the people
who lived in them.
For the record,
I came here when I was 20,
a very young person,
and I was naturalized,
which is very painful,
- when I was...
- ( people laughing )
And I've been
in the State Assembly
for six years,
which is
even more painful.
And, frankly,
I'm awfully tired
of commuting.
I fly from Sacramento
to Los Angeles twice a week
and I've learned
how to curl up and go to sleep
in the overhead
luggage compartment.
Not many politicians
can do that.
so send me
to Washington, please.
Seriously, though,
the reason I'm here
is that I'm on the ballot
for the January
special election
and I need
all the help I can get
in making myself known
before that time.
I won't spell out
what kind of help I need,
but I will be circulating
with my tin cup
right after dessert.
we'll get a chance to talk.
Thank you very much.
( applause )
( classical music resumes )
- Slither through
the bushes again, Nicole?
- I was invited.
Now, I made out
the guest list myself,
young lady.
I have friends
in high places,
I'm gonna have to
speak to your mother
about this, you know?
- She's right over there.
- She's here, your mother?
In the flesh.
- Oh, there you are.
- Hi.
Hi. Like my speech?
- I loved it.
- Good.
- You know this child?
- Know her? You kidding?
Without this child,
I might not even
be here today.
Oh, my, I had no idea.
- Charlotte!
- Hi.
- Charlotte, I didn't know
you were here.
- Hello, Arnold.
- I hope you don't mind
our barging in.
- Barging in?
Why, I've been trying to
get this woman over here
for three years.
Well, we're in town
most of the time these days.
this is my mom.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- You know Patrick Dalton?
- I've certainly heard of him.
- Yes?
- Today I have.
Niki can't stop
talking about you.
Well, the child
has great taste.
Threatened to drag me
through the bushes
if I didn't come meet you.
Well, I appreciate
you coming.
Yes, I'm sure you do.
Didn't you
like his speech?
Oh, yes.
Didn't care for it?
( clears throat )
Well, let's just say
I found it, uh,
- Oh, well--
- You don't speak the way
most politicians do.
They usually discuss
important issues.
Or at least
they think they do.
Don't care too much
for politicians?
Uh, Charlotte,
have you seen the buffet?
( chuckling )
Charlotte's interested
in the arts, Patrick.
She's quite a fine artist
herself, they say.
- Oh, she is.
She's fantastic.
- Patrick: Yeah?
She's painting
orchids now,
but real erotic.
- She says petals
look just like--
- Charlotte: Thank you, Niki.
I'd like to hear more
about it sometime.
have some caviar.
Henry, bring
some more caviar.
Now, you didn't
answer my question
about politicians.
You have something
against them?
We all have
to make a living.
So true, yeah.
Um, listen,
I can take it.
Let's be honest.
Niki, where's
your shawl?
- Oh.
- Did you...?
I'm here,
Mr. Dalton,
because Niki believes
you like her.
- Well, I do.
- She thinks that's why
she was invited.
- I didn't want her to know
she was being used.
- What?
You see, that's what
I have against politicians.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
My daughter
may be gullible,
but I'm not.
I'm the target of
every contribution seeker
this side
of San Francisco.
So if you expect me
to believe
that you go around
handing out invitations
to every little girl
you meet,
well, then, uh,
I'm sure you'll agree
that the Easter Bunny
is alive and well
and hopping around
this party.
You really don't know
who I am?
Well, I've eliminated
Howard Hughes.
( chuckles )
Good, huh?
Well, if you'll excuse me,
we're due somewhere else.
Yeah, I should be.
( coughing )
Don't know who that is,
my friend?
I swear to God,
I don't.
Dreyfus Cosmetics--
chief officer
and chairman
of the board.
( coughs )
Charlotte Dreyfus--
you've never heard
of her?
Well, uh, let's
just put it this way--
if you were playing
the slot machines
looking for a prestigious
party guest,
that one's the jackpot.
- Patrick?
- Oh, hi.
I'm sorry,
we've gotta go.
Oh, well, I'm--
I'm glad you could come.
- Thank you.
- What do you believe in,
Can you give it
to me quick?
It's real important
that I know.
Oh, God, Niki, um...
I don't know
where to begin, really.
Well, what about the poor?
Well, I'd-- I'd like
to help them.
And what about wars
and everything?
Well, I'd like to stop them.
Me, too.
Suppose I'll ever
see you again?
I don't see why not.
( coughing )
Mother not so great.
Hi, Dad.
What happened?
You're late.
They've been here
for 40 minutes.
What happened?
Hit the board
doing a half gainer.
Ow! Ow! God.
When? I mean,
is it broken?
Just a hairline.
The metatarsal.
What does that mean?
It means I'm off
the swim team.
Oh, God.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's the breaks.
Yeah, the metatarsal.
( chuckles )
Does it hurt?
- Mom's more upset
about it than I am.
- Yeah?
Yeah, she kinda freaked out
in the emergency room.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
I guess she thought
I was gonna die
or something.
What about the election?
Are you looking forward
to national politics?
Well, if we move
to Washington,
that means Pat
can stop commuting
between Sacramento
and his district
in Los Angeles.
It means we could
be a family again.
You don't campaign
with him now?
Well, when I can.
We think it's important
that someone be at home
with our son.
But doesn't all the separation
cause some problems?
Don't do it, Peg.
Don't tell.
She was gonna talk
about the exotic dancer
I was caught in
a pay phone booth with.
It's not true at all.
However, this
handsome gentleman and I
have an announcement
to make.
( all laughing )
I was trying to be serious.
Come on, Peg, I'm sorry.
What do you want to say?
When I was about 16.
- Cavett: You, too?
- Carson: Yeah.
just that it's not easy
having you gone.
And I think people
think of us as weak,
politicians' wives,
because we're
always willing
to be left behind.
In fact, I think it takes
a very strong person
to withstand it.
You were upset about Jeff.
I got a call
from the school
that he had
hit the board and been
taken to the hospital.
I was really afraid
it was serious.
I tried calling you,
but you were nowhere
to be found.
( sighs )
I just kinda fell apart.
Oh, Peg.
First I was upset
about Jeff,
then I kept calling you
until late at night.
Then I got worried
about you.
Come over here.
There's nothing
to worry about.
Jeff's fine,
I'm home, you know?
- Where were you?
- When?
Last night.
The fundraiser.
- So late?
- ( chuckles )
- Why, Peg Dalton.
- Please don't be funny.
Am I being silly?
Hey, I'm an
attractive guy,
you know?
( laughs )
No wonder
you're insecure.
- Gonna be home Friday?
- Why?
There's a party
after the swim meet.
Parents are invited.
They're giving Jeff a medal.
Kind of
a Purple Heart thing.
I think I've got
a dinner in L.A.,
a roast or something.
I'll try
and get away early.
I'll make it
if I can, okay?
He'd love it
if you could.
Then I shall.
I do trust you,
you know?
I said I trust you.
- Thank you, Helen.
- Helen?
Who is this tonight?
- Peg!
- ( laughing )
Oh, my God,
how embarrassing.
I-- my darling,
I didn't mean to
humiliate you like that.
- Stop!
- Oh!
( phone ringing )
Bob, can you take this?
Bob Crowther.
Have you seen the results
of the polling?
Yeah, 70% of the voters
never even heard of
Patrick Dalton.
- Well?
- Well, they don't know
what they're missing.
See, we need
television time.
Bob: No, I'm afraid
he's a little pressed
for time.
We're trying to get him
home tonight.
Uh, no, 4:00 is no good.
He has a public appearance.
3:00. That would be just fine.
We'll have him there.
- Okay.
- What was that?
My friend, you are
beginning to look like
a congressman.
I don't know
what she wants.
All I can tell you
is that needy politicians
don't get phone calls
like this every day.
What's the problem?
She hated my guts.
She told me to my face.
What the hell you care?
I don't want to take
favors from somebody
who doesn't like me.
Hey, this is not king
of the high school prom
you're running for here.
She hates politicians.
It doesn't make sense.
Just go be polite.
Just see
what she has to say.
( quiet music playing )
Can I help you?
No, I've, uh-- I've come
to the wrong place.
- Vocational workshop.
- No, Dreyfus Cosmetics.
- This obviously
isn't the place.
- This is Dreyfus House.
Dreyfus House?
Ah. Well, how do I find
Charlotte Dreyfus?
Oh, you came in
the wrong door.
- Ah.
- You can get there
from here.
Just take
the freight elevator
to the third floor
and cross over upstairs.
- Freight elevator.
- Third floor.
Thank you.
To your left.
- To the--
- Left.
Thank you.
- ( piano playing )
- And turn.
Side. Back.
And hold.
- ( song ends )
- Good.
Now we're gonna
do the adagio.
Niki, would you
demonstrate for us,
- Music.
- ( piano music resumes )
Hold that.
That's it.
Very good.
preparation and...
( machines clanking )
Woman on P.A.:
Mrs. Talamoni, pick up
line three, please.
Mrs. Talamoni,
pick up line three.
Excuse me, I'm looking
for Charlotte Dreyfus.
Yeah, she's
right down there.
Thank you.
Woman #2 on P.A.:
Maintenance to lab three.
to lab three, please.
- ( typewriters clacking )
- ( phone ringing )
- Right here.
- Thank you.
I'm grateful that you came.
I was afraid you might not.
Well, curiosity
got the better
of me.
- I want to apologize.
- Oh, please.
( phone beeps )
Excuse me.
Sit down.
Yes, Cecile?
Yes, that'll
be fine.
Right, and would you
hold the calls?
Thank you.
Please, sit down.
Thank you.
you've stolen
my daughter's heart.
Oh, and she mine.
I just saw her.
- Oh?
- In her ballet class?
I mean, she's--
she's a wonderful dancer.
It's always been
her ambition to be
a dancer.
- Really?
- It's where she spends
most of her time.
Is that a school?
Art classes
and ballet and stuff?
A program.
We give classes
to the children
in the neighborhood
and the children
of the people who work here,
people who might otherwise
not be able to afford it.
"We" being?
My company.
Oh, that's great.
I see something
that needs to be done
that's worthwhile,
I don't mind
putting money into it.
I would like to put
some money, uh--
um, contribute--
uh, donation to you.
I, uh-- I don't know
how it's done.
I don't even know
how much you need,
so I'd-- I'd leave that
to you to tell me.
Uh, if this is indelicate,
you know, we could have
our representatives meet
and they could
discuss things
and then the money
could change hands
as soon as you want.
No. Uh...
May I ask what qualities
you've discovered in me
since our last meeting
that you consider
so worthwhile?
I won't pretend.
It's Niki.
She very much
believes in you.
God, isn't this
an extraordinary
gesture to make
on behalf of a child?
She's an extraordinary child.
She sent away
for some material on you
and, uh, feels you stand
for all the right things.
She wants to help
get you elected.
It's very important to her.
You know,
she's welcome to come
to the campaign headquarters
anytime she likes.
Oh, well,
you see the thing is
she has set up
her own campaign headquarters
right here in this building.
She's got telephones,
a Xerox machine, posters.
I think you'll be impressed
when it's done.
She's even trying
to find a Teletype machine
for background noise
so it'll all sound
very professional.
She said she wanted it
to be the kind of place
that Walter Cronkite
could just sit down in
and start broadcasting.
Actually, I think you'll be
very comfortable there
spending some time with her
so that she'd know that
what she's doing is real.
She wants to work
Naturally, I'd like
to keep her at home
as much as possible.
We live right here
on the top floor.
But she's willing
to work day and night.
What about school?
I mean, forgive me.
This is quite bizarre.
Are you hiring me
to play with your child?
No, I didn't mean it
to sound like that.
That's really how it is.
I had hoped you would
see it differently.
As a bargain.
A bargain?
To the extent that you're
willing to support her efforts,
I'll support yours.
( sighs )
What if I support her
I'll do the same.
I don't care
what it costs,
but I want her to have
a legitimate function
in your campaign.
- You're perfectly serious?
- Mm.
I'll write you
the check right now.
You just tell me
what to do.
at 5:00 today I'll have
my representatives
bring over three suitcases.
Stuff them with
thousand-dollar bills.
No, make it hundreds.
I'll have them bring
30 suitcases.
Actually, no.
Might be better in tens.
But 300 suitcases?
God, no.
Ah, sure, what the hell?
As long as we're dealing
in fantasies here.
Please don't go.
Mrs. Dreyfus, you know
I-- I welcome donations
from people who know me
and support what I do,
but I won't be bought
to babysit a precocious child.
I-- I think what you propose
is a lousy example
of how life works
to hold up to your daughter.
I mean,
if she wants to help,
for God's sake,
send her around
to my campaign headquarters,
let her distribute
some leaflets.
Let her know, by the way,
I won't be accepting money
for that.
Thank you for your offer.
Mr. Dalton?
Mr. Dalton, please.
I'm not used to
begging for things.
And I know I said it
all wrong in there,
- but I beg you to reconsider.
- There's nothing to reconsider.
She's got her heart
set on it.
She'll just have to learn
that she can't have everything
she wants.
- But you don't understand.
- I do understand.
I can't let her down.
I told you
anytime she wants to come
to the campaign head--
- No, it's not enough.
She needs more.
- She's just a child.
But she wants
to accomplish something.
- Look, when she's older--
- She won't be getting
any older.
- Oh, my God, I promised her
I wouldn't tell--
- What do you mean?
- Please don't tell her
that you know--
- Wait a minute.
- No, I don't know you.
- Wait a second.
What do you mean?
- Where are you going?
- I can't talk like this.
Very smoothly, thanks.
Are you aware that
the city polls put you
behind this morning?
Yes, I read the papers.
Thank you.
Well, do you think
you can make up the difference
between now and January?
I think so, yeah.
We're heading that way,
I think, yeah.
Is there anything special
you'd like to say, Mr. Dalton,
to our viewers and voters?
Viewers and voters,
I'm late and excuse me.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh, I am, too.
I'm sorry.
Well, thank you.
Best of luck to you
on your campaign.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
Thanks very much.
We're talking
to Mr. Patrick Dalton today...
- Patrick.
- Hi.
- How did it go?
- Fine. Where were you?
I got tied up
at the mayor's office.
Listen, you got some time?
I wanna talk.
- No, I'm heading
for the airport.
- Come on, 10 minutes.
No, I've got
to make a stop.
Listen, how did it go
with Charlotte Dreyfus?
That's the stop
I've got to make.
I'll talk to you
about it later.
( humming )
( continues humming )
Hi. What are you
doing here?
Well, I was on my way
to the airport.
I'm looking
for your mother.
How did you
get in?
Oh, I just sort of
sneaked in.
I have my ways.
Is she here?
She's asleep.
She isn't feeling well.
Oh... okay.
You're quite a dancer.
Thank you.
Mrs. Roich says
I'm the best student
she's ever had.
- Yeah?
- She thinks I'm ready
to do Clara
in "The Nutcracker."
We're going to go
to New York to see it
over Christmas.
- Ever seen it?
- No. No, I haven't.
But I know the music.
My piano teacher
used to drill me on it
like your ballet teacher
drills you.
She said I was gonna be
a great pianist.
God, I used to believe it
till one day
I was having a lesson
in her parlor,
and there was
this tremendous explosion
outside on the street.
You know,
she didn't even flinch.
She didn't hear it.
( chuckles )
( siren wailing )
You're really rather serious
about your dancing, aren't you?
Well, it takes
a lot of years.
Well, anything's possible.
You know, I...
I was gonna talk
to your mother,
but maybe--
maybe it's best
if I talk to you.
I heard
you turned us down.
Well, that's putting it
a little harshly.
It doesn't matter.
I'm going to work
for you anyway.
Maybe I wouldn't have
turned you down
if I had known
more about it.
About what?
Well, um...
why this campaign
is so important to you.
What'd she say?
It's-- well,
she didn't say, you know?
What she wouldn't say,
I-- it left me with
the feeling that
maybe there was
a lot more to know.
- Niki--
- How long have you
been married?
Um, 19 years.
Do you cheat on your wife?
- Cheat?
- You know,
with other women.
- Have affairs.
- Why do you ask that?
Would you tell me
if you did?
No, certainly not.
Why not?
Well, it's, um...
very personal.
( sighs )
It's nothing to do
with our relationship,
and it's none
of your business.
Niki, are you sick?
- She told you.
- No, she didn't.
She had no right.
She wants to help you.
I'm not a charity case!
What is wrong
with you, Niki?
You know what it's about,
"The Nutcracker"?
A girl who has a dream
on Christmas
that she gets everything
she ever wanted.
My whole life
has been like that.
I don't have
any complaints.
All right.
I did... cheat
on my wife once.
I thought I was in love
with another woman.
I was.
I don't know
how it happened.
I just sort of, uh...
caught it, you know,
like you catch a cold
or something like that.
And, uh...
it lasted a month.
And it was probably
the lowest period of my life.
Now, I've never told that
to anyone before.
And I trust you won't ever
tell another living soul.
I have leukemia.
It started when I was five.
It came back twice.
It's back again.
I'm on my third relapse now.
And that's all there is.
I'm not taking
the treatment this time
because there's no point
in dragging it out
with what the treatment
does to you.
I've had
some terrible fights
with my mom
about not taking
the treatment,
but even my doctor told her
not to fight it.
I'd just like to feel good
until I can't anymore.
I made a fetish
out of bird bones
and seashells.
- Remember?
- Yeah.
I think I told you about it
when I first met you.
It's like they make in Haiti
to cure people.
I sleep with it.
Can't hurt.
But I'm mostly worried
about my mom.
I know she seems
like a tough guy,
but she's not.
She's much more scared
than I am.
Are you saying, Niki,
that, uh...
you're going to die?
How long are we
talking about?
Sometimes it hits
little babies,
and they're gone before
they ever get a chance.
I read that a mayfly
only lives 24 hours.
Did you know that?
A butterfly's lucky
if it lives six weeks.
How long?
Well... I'd like
to see you get elected.
- ( phones ringing )
- ( indistinct chatter )
( chattering )
Pick that one up.
"Dalton for Congress."
Dalton for Congress.
Are you a registered voter?
Well, on January 26,
Dalton-- um, Patrick Dalton
is running for Congress,
and, well, we'd like you
to vote for him.
Yes, uh-huh.
( indistinct )
( indistinct )
Thank you for having me
here today.
- Thank you very much.
- ( crowd cheering )
- Charlotte: Hi.
- Hi, how are you?
How's it going?
- Great.
- Great.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- You finished?
- Yeah, in more ways than one.
Can we take you
to dinner?
Oh, I'd love to.
I've got to go
to the airport.
- I'm catching a plane.
- Aw, that's too bad.
I wanted to do
something nice for you.
- Well...
- I'm a Dalton fan,
too, you know.
Stick around.
Can we drop you
at the airport?
Oh, yeah.
Well, thank you.
That'd be nice.
- All right.
- You go ahead.
- I'll take care
of everything.
- Okay.
- Right over here.
- Thank you.
- Hi.
- Dad.
How are you?
( no audible dialogue )
Hi, Duke.
( cheering )
Wait, wait, wait.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.
What did I do
to deserve this?
One sweet-talkin' man.
Now, you've got that right.
What's going on?
Oh, come on.
You don't know?
What, did I win?
Did they hold
the election without me?
Here you are, my friend.
Have you seen this?
- Champagne?
- It's from the mother
of your little friend.
Or should I say
the chairman of the board
of Dreyfus Industries?
They've organized
a little cocktail party
and art sale,
the proceeds
of which are going
to a very dark horse
in this congressional race.
I especially
like the part here
where they say
the last time
they did this
for the symphony,
they raised $106,000.
- Wow!
- All: Wow!
Now, I don't know
anything about art,
but I know what I like.
( laughs )
Yes, I know
what I like, too.
That's great!
My God.
Woman on P.A.:
Mrs. Dreyfus, would you
pick up line two, please?
Mrs. Dreyfus,
pick up line two.
I don't know what to say.
I don't know why you did that.
I'm a fan.
I told you I wanted
to do something for you.
I mean, I appreciate it,
but I don't feel right
about accepting it.
Yeah, well,
you better accept,
otherwise I'll invite
your opponent.
I feel right
about accepting this.
Very, very right.
( chuckles )
When will you be back?
I owe you both
a hamburger.
Perhaps you could ask Niki
to save Tuesday afternoon?
She can do it,
so can I,
if you make it
a cheeseburger.
Agreed? Good-bye.
( no audible dialogue )
Oh! You rat!
( laughing )
Oh, my God!
- Patrick: Fine, yes.
Well, okay.
- ( cheering )
- All right!
- Patrick: Come on, now.
I'm sorry.
You were in my...
- Okay, wait.
- Charlotte: Come on.
- I've got to do it. Wait.
- Concentrate.
- ( cheering )
- All right!
( door closes )
Would you stay?
On the couch,
if you like.
It would be nice
to have you here.
You never talk about them,
your wife and son.
I wonder what
they're like.
This seems
very separate
from them.
You tell them
about us?
Do they love you
very much?
- And you them?
- Yes.
Yes, very much.
let-- let's not let this
hurt anyone
it doesn't have to.
The devastation
is gonna be bad enough.
( crying )
- Morning.
- Morning.
Bob Crowther
just called.
He said if I see you,
to tell you your wife
is looking for you.
What am I
supposed to say?
I've always
considered myself
a good person,
but this is
a hell of a test.
Peg, I...
I know it sounds
but they really have
no one else.
And who do we have
when you're gone?
Does it take
someone dying here
to get your attention?
Oh, God, listen
to what I sound like.
Why is she dying?
What's wrong with her?
What do you
have to do with it?
Why haven't I known?
Why haven't you told me?
I don't know.
So maybe I'm not
paranoid after all.
if you met them,
you'd understand.
Are you in love with her?
I just want
to help them, Peggy.
Do you love her?
I'm not involved
with her, Peg.
Are you in love with her?
( sighs )
Why don't I believe you?
( sighs )
Is Jeff here?
San Diego.
( sniffles )
she doesn't have
much time, you know?
I talked to her doctor--
Am I supposed
to just sit around
waiting for her
to die in a hurry,
is that it?
Just cross off the days?
If I'm losing you,
I can adjust to that...
but not to the feeling
that you'd rather be
somewhere else.
I told you I'm not
involved with her,
I will not permit you
to have two families
no matter what
their problems are!
I know who
Charlotte Dreyfus is.
I know what she looks like.
I know what kind of
a powerful woman she is.
So... just go.
Until you're finished,
don't bother coming home.
( sobbing quietly )
- ( Teletype clicking )
- ( chatter )
( chattering )
Mrs. Navarro?
Hi, I'm a representative
of Patrick Dalton's campaign.
( indistinct chatter )
( piano music playing )
Oh, come on.
That's obsessive.
Stop it!
- Blah!
- ( giggling )
( sighs )
Do you think you two
will ever make love?
It's plain
you love each other.
I don't see why not.
Mom hasn't had sex
in ages.
Oh, please!
You're an outrageous child,
And if there were
any chance at all
of its happening,
I'd say you
just squelched it.
I was just thinking
that things seem perfect
right now.
I'm going to bed.
( all laugh )
- Good night.
- Good night, brat.
- Good night.
- Night.
By the way...
tonight I'll be sleeping
with my earphones on.
I wouldn't hear
an earthquake.
- Oh, God.
- Good night.
Good night.
She certainly
knows how to get things
on the table, doesn't she?
Oh, yes.
( chuckles )
I spoke to my son today.
He asked me
how I felt about you.
He said it was important
that he know.
I didn't know
what to say.
- Listen, just because--
- I probably am in love
with you.
I say that because
it prevents me
from following
what Niki feels would be
a natural course.
I-- I have to sort out...
other things.
Do I have any say
in this?
Oh, I'm--
I didn't mean--
Because it's occurred
to me, too...
that I love you.
I've never felt so warm.
And you're right
about making love.
If I got that close
to you tonight,
I don't think
I'd let you go.
And I think it would be
a good idea...
if you left pretty soon.
( laughing, chattering )
( jazz music playing )
Why, Arnold Stillman,
how nice to see you.
I hardly recognized you
with all that hair.
( chuckling )
Hello, Niki.
And this must be
your daughter.
( chuckling )
Enjoy the party.
Mr. Stillman.
Thank you, sir.
Why, Mr. Dalton,
how nice to see you.
Hey, Niki.
How are you?
Okay. I know
you're not familiar
with the house,
so I'll point out that
there's a freight elevator
right down the hall
which will take you
directly up to the penthouse.
Oh, how very kind
of you.
A frightful creature
I've just met here.
( all laughing )
- See you later.
- Bye.
50 years ago.
- How wonderful.
- Isn't it?
- Can't wait to see the rest it.
- How wonderful. It's great.
- Excuse me.
- Sure.
- Hi.
- Hello.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
- Great.
- Hello, Bob.
Look at this place.
I can't believe it.
I think I maybe overinvited.
Everyone showed up.
Well, good, good.
Well, that's the point,
that's the point.
You look,
um, fantastic.
Thank you.
I feel fantastic.
- Well, that figures.
- Woman: Charlotte!
( jazz music continues )
( chatter )
Hi. Are you looking
for the Dalton party?
I'm Nicole Dreyfus.
I'm Peg Dalton,
Patrick's wife.
This is our son, Jeff.
- Hi.
- We're Mr. Dalton's family.
There's a freight elevator.
It'll take you upstairs.
( jazz music continues )
Excuse me, have you
seen my mother?
No, I haven't.
I'm sorry, have you
seen my mother?
Thank you.
I must hear you
play it.
- Hi, Niki.
- Peg is here
and Jeff.
Uh, come and meet
Charlotte... Dreyfus.
Charlotte, this is
my wife, Peg.
- Hello.
- And my son, Jeff.
- Jeff.
- This is Charlotte Dreyfus.
And this is Niki.
We met Niki outside.
You have
a lovely place here.
Thank you.
My father built it
50 years ago.
The whole building.
He loved it very much.
So do Niki and I.
She's very lovely.
This is a nice surprise.
Peg, come get some wine.
How's she doing?
Pretty good.
She doesn't look sick,
does she?
Well, no.
No, she doesn't.
Jeff: I hope this
doesn't mess things up,
our coming here.
She didn't have
a hotel room
or anything.
I didn't want her
to come alone.
She says she wants
someone to know
we existed.
( scoffs )
I told her I thought
everybody knew.
( chattering )
Don't think that
I don't understand.
- ( chattering )
- Charlotte: Good to see you.
- Call me next week, will you?
- I'll give you a call...
Okay, bye.
( jazz music continues )
- Hi.
- Evening.
Hello. I was
looking for you.
I was talking to Niki.
Is she all right?
She'll be fine.
They, um...
they just got on a plane
and came down here--
no hotel reservations
or anything.
I'll be taking them
back to Sacramento.
I can't just let them,
you know, walk off
into the night.
Oh, no, I wouldn't
want you to.
- No, I understand.
- I'll be back in
a couple of days.
I think it would be
a good idea
if you stayed away
for a while.
What are you saying?
I guess that
I'm feeling, um...
And I don't like it.
And so is my daughter,
and I don't like it.
And my instincts tell me
it's only gonna get
worse from here.
Well, I understand
how you feel, but...
You know, it's funny,
I could avoid dealing with them
until I saw their faces.
The same is true
for Niki.
Said she feels
she's doing something wrong.
Oh, God, Niki doing
something wrong?
It's not your fault, you know.
I pulled you into this.
Oh, wait a moment.
Let's get something straight.
It's been my decision
to be here, not yours,
not Niki's.
You haven't
manipulated me into this.
I just...
can't let myself
rely on you.
How does it happen
that the people I love
keep telling me
to go away?
( jazz music playing )
Announcer on TV:
Patrick Dalton stands
on a record
that speaks for itself.
From the pollution
of the Owens River Valley
to the problems
of the aged,
to the puzzle
of better education,
he speaks
to concerned citizens
from all parts of our state
and all walks of life.
After 10 years
as a California resident
and six years
in the State Assembly,
Patrick Dalton
is ready to bring his unique
and outspoken voice
to the legislators
in Washington.
Help him to help you,
because Californians
need Patrick Dalton
for Congress.
( phone ringing )
- Charlotte: Hello?
- Patrick: How are you?
- Charlotte:
Fine. How about you?
- Patrick: Uh, fine.
I saw you on television.
Well, you put me there.
I've got a great eye
for talent.
Yeah. How's Niki?
Uh, I mean, is she
feeling all right?
- No change?
- Mm.
No, except she's looking
better than ever.
I think she's gonna fool us
and outlive us all.
I'll drink to that.
Are we--
are we gonna see you?
Well, I'm--
I'm waiting to--
I'm waiting for you
to tell me when.
After Christmas.
Did you know
we're going to New York?
What, already?
Well, we-- we moved it up
a few days.
When are you going?
Friday, the night flight.
But I'm-- is Niki okay?
She's fine, really.
She's great.
We both are.
Never better.
Well, uh, when--
when will you be back?
I'm not sure.
I, uh-- I wouldn't mind
going to Europe.
They have some
wonderful doctors there.
And it's, uh...
getting kind of gloomy
in L.A.
- Charlotte--
- How is it with
Jeff and Peggy?
Ah, it's fine.
It's fine.
I know we did
the right thing.
Don't you?
We'll call you from New York.
I know Niki would want
to talk to you.
She's asleep right now.
Yeah, I'd-- I'd
love to talk to her.
Tell her I-I miss her,
will you?
I'll be thinking
about her.
Tell her I'll dream of her
at Christmas.
I will.
( sighs )
I-- I miss you both
like hell.
We think of you, too.
I don't wanna hang up
this damn phone.
( Charlotte sniffling )
( sighs )
Give her my love.
We'll talk to you.
( clicks, dial tone )
( chatter )
Hi. We're on flight 24
to New York.
- Okay.
- And we got two bags.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
( tires screech )
( groans )
Did you remember
to bring the heavy coat?
I put it
in that suitcase,
didn't I?
Yeah, I did.
That's right.
Woman on PA:
...Mr. Hinesburg,
Mr. A.T. Hinesburg.
- White courtesy
telephone, please.
- ( beeps )
( beeps )
Woman on P.A.:
Anthony Williams, white
courtesy telephone, please.
Anthony Williams.
Stop those women.
Stop those women.
Stop those women.
- Oh, my God!
- Patrick!
Did you come here?
- You're coming with us?
- Let's go!
Oh! Oh!
( laughing )
I'm coming with you.
To New York?
How can you?
What about
the campaign?
Just for
the weekend.
The campaign
can live without me.
- Two days?
- Two glorious days.
- ( Charlotte laughs )
- Niki: I'll take over.
I think we're flying
over the Brooklyn Bridge.
Oh, we are.
I've seen it in pictures.
Look at all those cars.
Isn't it something?
A million stories down there
in the big city.
- Look, Mom.
- I'm looking.
You know who that is?
My physical education teacher.
- Niki: Do you see
the people?
- Yeah.
I've never seen
an opening night.
- Patrick: When is it?
- Charlotte: Day after tomorrow.
I've always wanted to come
to New York and see this.
You've always wanted
to come to New York
and be in it.
It's a children's ballet.
They come from
all over the country
to try out for it.
- Why don't you?
- It's too late.
No, she thought
about it for a while,
but she decided
she'd rather work
on your campaign.
- Really?
- Mm-hmm.
Are you sorry?
- Only if you lose.
- Oh...
You just put me
on the spot.
( all laughing )
What are you doing?
I'm sorry.
Come on.
Come on.
- No.
- Yes, yes, yes.
Niki. No!
You can!
Come on!
- Come on, Mom.
- ( splats )
( all giggling )
Is it too late
to go to Macy's?
Niki, we've been going
at it all day long.
- We do have to talk
about dinner, don't we?
- Patrick: Yes, we do.
We have to stay awake
long enough to do dinner.
- Patrick: Right.
- ( both laugh )
Can we go somewhere
that has snails?
- Both: Snails?
- Patrick: What is that?
- Stuff I've never done.
- Let me see.
Some of it's
- Like what?
- Stuff.
- What stuff?
- Stuff I'd like to do.
Well, if I don't
know what it is,
I can't help you.
- Most of it
you can't help me do.
- Give me a try.
I've never climbed
a mountain
or seen
an X-rated movie.
Oh. I've never
touched a snake
or been stranded
on an island
or ridden on a camel
or had a bird
sit on my finger.
A cast on my arm
or leg.
Mm. A dog, a brother,
a father, or a tattoo.
Let's see.
I've never had a boy
say he loves me.
And I've never had sex.
I think I can
manage the snails.
Oh, and I've never--
I've never driven one of those.
Oh, well,
I think I can
arrange that.
- Yeah?
- Yes.
Your wish is granted.
( Niki laughs )
she's dressed
in white.
Yeah. She already
has her pajamas on.
- Go on in.
- No. You-- you go.
What do you mean?
It's not my idea,
it's your idea.
- So?
- It's your mother.
Yeah, well,
you go do it.
- You arranged it.
- Go on.
( clears throat )
( coughs )
Mm. Hi.
- What time is it?
- What time is it, Niki?
- Come on, we want
to show you something.
- No, I'm too tired.
- It'll just
take a minute.
- What is it?
It's a wedding.
Tell her it's a wedding.
Go on.
Oh, well...
It's a wedding.
What are you talking about?
Your child wants a father.
You and I are getting married.
Oh, puh-lease.
Well, not very
sentimental, is she?
- Come on.
- No, go away.
- I told you she wouldn't.
- She's just playing
hard to get.
- Come on.
- Stop it.
See what we do here--
- Don't you dare!
- Well, cooperate, then.
Come on.
It'll only take
a second.
Wait, wait,
wait, wait.
- Patrick: It won't hurt.
- Charlotte: What the...?
Don't say a word.
- You all set?
- What are you...?
- Just go.
- I don't believe this.
( Niki laughs )
( Patrick humming
"Wedding March" )
- Oh!
- Oh!
- Oh, my...
- ( humming continues )
Where did you get
all this?
Please be seated.
Please be seated.
( humming )
Thank you.
Oh, you brought Harold.
What's he doing here?
- He's a priest.
- A priest?
He's the right man
for the job.
Well, what'd you want,
a rabbi?
Room service,
two rabbis.
( laughing )
This isn't a joke, Mom.
Oh, all right.
I'm sorry.
- She's right, it's not.
- Okay.
So, uh, what do we do?
Well, what
do we do now?
- ( all laugh )
- I don't know.
I'll do it.
Do you want me to?
- Okay.
- Fine. Is that all right?
Whatever you guys say
is fine with me.
Yeah, I know.
It's always a "yes, ma'am."
- Champagne, too?
- Ah!
Listen to
that glorious sound.
( giggles )
You do this awfully well.
Have you practiced?
- No.
- It's almost like
the sea, isn't it?
Okay, that's--
- Oh, come on.
- ...that's enough.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Raise your glasses.
- Good idea.
Sounds right.
And repeat
after me--
"We pledge
eternal love."
( together )
We pledge eternal love.
Look at each other.
Say it again.
"We pledge eternal love."
( together )
We pledge eternal love.
"And agree
to be married..."
( together )
And agree to be married.
"...for now..."
( together )
For now.
"Because there is
no always."
( together )
Because there is no always.
"And we will remember
this pledge."
( together )
And we will remember
this pledge.
"Until we
no longer remember."
( together )
Until we no longer remember.
I now pronounce us
man, child, and wife.
You may now
kiss the child.
( laughs )
( horn honks )
Wake up!
Everybody out of bed!
Rise and shine!
No dawdling!
Come on, we're late.
We've got to be there
in one hour.
On your toes, please.
Hint, hint.
What's going on?
Hey, you better start
getting warmed up.
Start doing some exercises.
Get the picture?
What-- what are you
talking about?
Where have you been?
Damn near
got myself arrested.
For what?
Demanding to see
the head of the ballet.
- Things becoming
clearer here?
- No.
Let's give this a try.
I said, "I am a candidate
for Congress,
and I am not leaving
until I see the man
who hires young dancers."
What are you
talking about?
I'm talking
about your daughter.
I talked him
into seeing
her dance.
She's auditioning
for the ballet.
- In an hour?
- In an hour, yes.
We have to get dressed.
I have to get dressed.
( doors close )
( door opens )
Honest to God?
I have no more clues.
( piano music playing )
I frankly expected this
to end with,
"Don't call us,
we'll call you,"
but, uh, she's
quite something.
Now, I just don't know
what to do with her.
Well, couldn't you just
stick her in the background
for a couple of nights?
- Ready, and--
- Ann? ( snaps fingers )
- She's wonderful.
- Mm-hmm.
I think we should
use her.
Any ideas?
( sighs )
You know, if she
could just be in
for opening night somehow.
She's a quick study.
No, no, opening night's
out of the question.
Uh, I could
teach her "Snow."
I have time today.
And this wouldn't be
a problem
because the girls
are the same size.
Leave her with us
and come back for
the run-through.
Ann's got an idea,
but it's going to take
the cooperation
of a rather
We're gonna work
the hell out of her.
Is that all right?
Oh, yeah.
She'll probably
work the hell
out of you.
Oh, really?
Oh, thank you!
( piano music playing )
( music continues )
Nice and relaxed.
( orchestra
tuning instruments )
- Oh, and look straight ahead.
- Man on P.A.: Dress rehearsal
in 10 minutes, please.
- It starts to tear up.
- It does?
And stretch right here
'cause it makes
the skin harder.
Stay there.
Oh, that's
much better.
( tuning instruments )
( chattering )
Five minutes,
Now we're gonna go
right through,
so if anybody needs to go
to the bathroom, go now.
- Are you all fine?
- All: Yeah.
Good luck.
( tuning instruments )
( tuning stops )
( music begins )
Okay, girls, line up,
single file.
- ( quiet chatter )
- Shh, quiet down.
Okay, get ready.
( quiet chatter )
( music continues )
( chattering )
Okay, we're ready now.
Here, line up.
( choir singing )
Go on!
Come on, take a bow.
( cheering, applause )
( chatter )
- You can't believe
what it felt like.
- I bet.
Imagine what it'll
be like tomorrow night
- with the place filled.
- Mm.
I can't believe it.
I can't believe it.
It was so much fun.
I mean, it was just-- oh.
- Can we go celebrate?
- What've you got in mind?
I think
we should go home
and go to bed.
- Oh, can we take the subway?
- Charlotte: The subway?
It's on my list.
All right, okay,
but only if you agree
that we're going home
and to bed.
- Okay.
- Patrick: Only if you pay.
( all laugh )
And, um...
here's the art
collection up here.
This is Leonardo da Vinci,
one of his greatest works.
( laughing )
This is what is known
as a good time.
( laughing )
- Ooh, you're so vicious.
- Charlotte: Hey, watch it.
This is-- this is
just a little antisocial.
This is-- this is
what you have to do in here
to keep this thing going.
I'm gonna get you.
Watch it.
You'll fall.
Don't wanna play,
What is it?
What is it?
- Patrick: What's wrong?
- Niki, what is it?
Niki, are you all right?
What's wrong?
Oh, my God.
We gotta get
off this train.
Sit down.
Sit down, Niki.
Is there a way
to stop the train?
No, it's an express.
Sit down.
Oh, sweetheart.
We've gotta get
off the train.
They must--
they have a cord
that you can call--
- We've got to stop
the train.
- I know.
There's a way to stop it.
You pull something--
- There's no point.
- God, it hurts!
It stops in the middle
of the track!
But we don't know how long
it is to the next station.
But that's
the shortest time.
There's no point in
stopping the train
in the middle.
But we have
to stop the train.
We don't know how long
it's gonna take to get
to the next station.
- Oh, darling.
- Mom! Mom.
- Oh, baby.
- ( groaning )
What is it, Niki?
What is it?
It hurts.
( whimpers )
Oh, God!
Oh, baby.
( no audible dialogue )
Open it!
( siren wailing )
"I hope I have
died suddenly
because it was my wish.
And I hope no one
is going to carry on
in a way
that will make me
feel helpless,
wherever I am,
to make me feel better.
I had a good life,
most especially
the end part.
Better than practically
anyone, I'm sure.
Whatever those things were
that I did not have
were not worth having,
'cause what I had
was wonderful.
I want my body burned...
and thrown away where no one
is even tempted to go
and sit near
that pile of nothing
and feel sad.
If someone is sad
remembering me,
then they didn't know me
or they've forgotten.
All my belongings
and my inheritance
I want given
to the poor...
except for my ballet shoes,
which I wish will be worn once
by a famous ballerina.
I have big feet...
so this might be possible.
That's it for now.
That's it for now
except for unending love.
In case you wonder
if I have a last wish...
( chuckles )
I bet you both can guess
what it is."
I'm going away after, um...
we do whatever it is...
that we have to.
There's a place in France.
I used to go there
with my father.
( sniffles )
Before Niki...
was born.
( sighs )
I think it's a good idea...
if we let some time pass.
Until things seem
more clear.
I wouldn't mind it
if you said something now.
( quietly )
I love you.
( whispering )
I love you, too.
Woman on P.A.:
Transworld Airlines
flight number 34 for Paris
is now boarding
at gate 15.
- Thank you.
- This is your
final call.
- That's $4.51.
- All passengers
should be aboard.
- ( continues in French )
- Thanks very much.
Listen, I, um...
Patrick's voice:
( music playing )