Six Wives Of Henry Lefay, The (2009)

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Wonderful hotel right?
-Yes honeymoon burdayd?m
I moved here 2 bala
-What beautiful liked
How many times did you marry?
In fact, but how depends on the number 6
Sorucam anything, to divorce, advice do you have?
-Is difficult, the first that is, at the front of the judge or something
Is needed before a new judge and former wedding
wife knows it, and forcing the
What then?
Then do not even want to marry my life -
My wife made me sell Think video.
My doctor my brother
What do you do?
-Video chain stores sell ..
Definitely do not want to stay here than bi night.
I lived, and thus easier to marriage -2
My ex-wife is killing me daughter.
Even refuses to talk
Keep trying.
Will change anything one has
We came here
Are you ready? Horror but lovely
Yes, parachute flight Mexicoda died ..
While the engine was last year ..
How that this will continue?
Sensiz go there I can not remove.
Bi can not get permission for you?
Gelicem for you, worry about
Ex-wife will be there also.
-I love you
What if he made parachute dive?
Said to him last thing ..
.. "bi stupid to see your face again
I do not want "du.
This completely o.. Accident but I think they say
For entertainment there was
Of course, dear.
-I do not want to see my wife
Marry me-gas filling me
Do you offer, should I say, okay?
On the beach, in church, even in the elevator
We tried to have sex senle
You did that?
-Very funny
Everyone said to me yes you no derken
-Then why are you still questions?
Do not you ever say no
My skin no-Hep
When there is going look at the latest
You do not know
not met even
Woman's name Autumn (autumn)
-What will you be back?
Nonsense bi funeral
I do not want to be here then ..
Stop Close your eyes .. ..
Bi deep breaths.
As if were in the elevator.
Believe me, everything will be fine.
-You promise? -Lyrics
I love you
-I love you too
I hope really ready.
You have to be Barbie Autumn .. I
-Nice to meet you
My age in my resmen.Ya??n it?
Wonderful. I love to-Shawl
Can I borrow?
Yes, of course-OK Henry
.. you go above
Barby Rose Lefay
-Are you okay?? I knew you bastard
Henry Lefay and everything here.
Do not get $ 20 DVD player.
I am writing them still
-Pirates are you? -Yes
Many times I have to watch them?
So do you like your mother
-You're in a car accident I was told
Motor accident and help 're My
it was written in Gerekiyormu? mail
It was an accident when ta.?unu watch
.. look at the stadium
Acaip beautiful. A lot like
goes your
Why not call me ever?
Come on let's change our top
What has he said what?
How did you meet?
Henry knew my family .. my mother lying
Yo yo, that is when high school
Something strange is it?
I know Henry, but 2kat?m
I got him out to offer
I always like mature men.
And I'm not complaining-no
This marriage different .. I'm peaceful.
Like the previous 25 years
-Of course there was that time my mother
Dad, why did you call me?
For business. Ronny started to drool.
Now wants 50% partnership
What if all lies ..
I did not have anything but changing ..
And you want me
You know me-you
I said you get help.
You know your mother better and new.
Nobody knows us
Honey-Learning will
Everyone laughs you
-Everyone laughs with me not me
My advice is, I think you in the hands
get all the shares sold to him
Takes sells. Of
this style
Burdayken do it.
-I share my devredicem
Last meeting was promoted
-Last meeting was not
So like all diyelim.Eskisi
There is no-Eski
I and my former wife, 1% of the shares of the company
Barbie e Lehay give-me?
Everything will be very nice ..
Yapyorsunuz why this?
-I did not say?
Your father has deceived me before the wedding
Did you know?
Never cheated before you got married on.
Please do understand the language, said
-Please do stop?
Henry wants me to transfer my shares
I just want to give my daughter a gift-1kez.
I made people happy, why should not he not?
It would be good because my experience says.
- 49% sure.
Do not look at me, don 't care
All in all, I vericem decision and you
Just accept the will -
This agreement
-Okay then Forget city
In addition to the media devices do not need this job
-What I said?
But if a situation opposite to my father through my stock
I was rich, so get used to it
Not like me and your shares are
leave the comfortable
I am grateful
Let's sit down .. a little slow.
I know it can also upset the
You and I want to peace
Bi get very good day. G?zel bi-day?
A day in the non-big city
Tomorrow morning 9 also you and Autumn ..
Me and Autumn .. great either.
-So for me, he respects you
Tell him I want to divorce
-Divorce me?
It can not say anything.
-I can not say you will ..
Girl re sen this task
To say that they want to divorce-marriage?
It should only do what diyorum.Kim
otherwise would want both? Just say you
Think otherwise it does not already
going to marry you?
Very young, but sweet for bi girls gibi.Senin
is crazy, bi consultant or going Arasan
Or try Bi
-Yes, that should do my best for
I believe at the end be happy.
Is a problem-Tek
I was engaged to someone else you know. -What?
-I know, but that something very bad
Place where your father will hit something.
-I 'm your father's daughter
Father engagement .. Autumn'la married.
-This is why I need your help
I'll wait you here.
I found you lying bastard!
Why do I bear at
-Give it to me at everything you do
What do I do? -You slept with your ex-wife while married.
-Does my wife? -Autumn
We met after divorce said.
-When the first second in the?
All because of your foolishness
I do not want any of them.
Also that it
I bought this to you?
-Yes .. go to the volcano, we had night
I have not ever going to the volcano.
Disperse demonstrations over .. come on guys.
I got the idea of bi .. food?
Did you know that here?
We are aging Barbie Lefay .. right?
Sarah Jane .. and you
I remember you.
Barbie-Hi how are you?
We do business in this small town girl's husband?
Few things came about bi-Family
Did you bat for what?
I was thinking along-Lise
-Yes, it .. ?al???yorum.Ya you?
Still Freddy's statement
Things de?i?mez.Baz?lar?
will change
I have a dream .. one day .. Saturday Bi in fact
You will receive 10% discount
My dream is that on the day of Martin Luther King
you must be happy
My dream, played on DVD players the best price
and give you all of you to be happy
And just this week, delivered to homes free of charge.
Young handsome fun
Autumn said the same of -
God, why did you marry on that?
While a small bedroom on the huge bi
There were toy Do you remember?
Had huge bi?eydi.O nerden bliyor that?
Engagement, Henry had taken me to the carnival
And put a gun to the clown, and were doing shots
make the best shot if you were awarded the prize
Henry took many hours did he and his toys.
Became part of our family bi o.Her gitti?miz
took him down
Even my mother's house on the day .. thanks.
We've connected gravat neck dress
God incredible bi?eydi
We also buy tickets and toys.
Along the way everyone looked at us
I do not know what happened to that ugly toy
I know, but you have my dear father
I want you to go home
Find a way to fix things bi involvement.
Nevertheless ya?!
You were dead!
You 're
Where are kesicem this time!
Barbie you when you came?
-Bi few days ago
Neighbors complained .. what?
Ophelia is my father-chase
He thought divorce ends
Future di-even beautiful?
Look at this time nudist
Henry and I were playing with each other that opened the phone.
My fiance said to me after looking
-It was. -Fiance of problems?!
Also been a fiancee, Autumn Where?
Went to Bi-weekly
What a nice-Di?
Dad Can I bi-minutes alone?
I'm going already .. help me Etsende
still could not find my bra
Married to someone else while doing Ophelia'yla what? Bi
are engaged in subject
Came here and asked what would?
-No-don 't understand
Ophelia when I g??s?z?m.Cidden o
even kill me in my sleep
And he comes along, I would change.
-So why Are you engaged with someone else? Ophelia'yla 3
times married
Butcher knife was chasing me with the naked
How about when you were married bliyor that? -What?
Tuesday. This blonde maniac make me mad.
Regardless of what this woman of my life
one true love
And you're my darling love of my life.
Great right? Your father told me what happened?
-Autumn yes but my -
Barbie girl's heart a little to go .. How do you break?
I really like the house will be like father
example mutfak?? some de?i?tiricem
Autumn, be careful about how to understand my father.
Know about women is
Topics years dimi? You can 't overcome.
-No, nothing, I say to you
Forgive me, but better than you yerdeyim.Senin
years old and you still only get married
Why are you so wonderful, but do you think Henry
many get married?
I think he believes in happy endings.
I oalbilir help?
What do you think that guy thinks?
- "No one will have sex with me than bi" I think
You did make it work
-And you did follow me with her involvement
So were you thinking?
Did you get married?
I have a boyfriend.
Le between Sarah Jane at around
How long are you with?
-No, I was infected, we're not together
Anyway, after breaking my heart to ask you anyway.
-I have broken? You leaving me
After you hear good and Johnny.
Barely remember -
I went on with it?
-I said so
Know why
You were at age 20 marriage proposals
I consider
I was not stupid Barbie, here, every man living
wanted to merge his life with you bi way
Early marriage is not one, but I will
You always serious
-I think yes
You lucky girl who recently suspended?
Nobody .. nobody did not
I'll go to see you ..
So why did
Come on, this bi-step
Autumn'u thinking-What?
I met with several times before on-marriage
I seem to feel cheated
I do not even know the name of
Maybe I'll tell you-Name? Think
After last night it's not talking
Here is my new step-mother came to meet you can ..
Hi Barbie
Did nanny, Sarah Jane? I know Nas?
Do you have any relevance to me was -13 years old?
I like her darling little 3 years
I said, or you
You said in our first appointment.
Vex your father and I di not.
-Frequently me? Nothing
So even if you have to get used
-Don 't worry, I used my mother
Do you know yet married?
-Can not my problem
As a child, your father left you know
We all have bad things
.. is that in every relationship.
Don 't think it would forgive you.
-Sarah Jane kind of know
Small but all school age o.3 's a bitch
that was one of the administration o.Ne have you done?
Give him time to fix.
Do you want to get a clear mess-No olmaz.Biri
And I'm doing it all.
-Okay, come on inside you alica cake
Really very nice to go to
Mother say to him very ugly ..
-Finished my job
Come to See Barbie dolls
I'm going tomorrow and bi-stupid face again
I do not want to see!
Gere?kten this time would be very bad
-Don 't worry everything will be fine
Lloyd .. nice to meet you
I look good, we de.Kusura
How long do not speak on the?
-One year
Blood can, last spring, was calling me
I think it's difficult for the two of you ...
I cried a long time ago for Henry Lefay.
Together with other women are selfish olam?ycam ..
And I'm sure all of them will be here at this funeral
My mother and other women, all here ..
but will be without jealousy
Really scared. Introduced from
too bad to put our heads in trouble before
Now what?
-Autumn, from Henry talks about
Henry died in what he said?
Marriage is a good bi -
This girl insane.
Are you hungry Are you thirsty? Food and drink something?
-Screaming to me, bring water
Where's Henry?
Gone .. o-grandmother died
I'll get you water
What I do I do? My father never seem to die
much work has lived so precise
Henry ready for everything .. everything was set.
Your father had changed a lot after you
Spiritual world has changed a lot .. such a
He knew the day would come
Funeral has written about everything
In his letter to me, music, guests, flowers
Even a beautiful oak at the bottom of the grave we chose
Only problem we Gere?kten mexico government
but now he will handle the body does not
Still there?
-I was surprised to be here to
I did not go so alone .. Henry was gone.
As a spiritual journey
Something that does not want to know anything definite ..
Maybe some kind of happened to him and felt something
so I did not take me next
I'm sure someone else was there for yav?amak.
-You're suspected something wrong?
-Not the same person?
God, look like the same to him
What about us .. I always liked it.
Who marry get married if I've always loved
This handsome prince?
Boyfriend Lloyd, Ophelia'ya say hello.
I is not up -
Bi drink glass of wine?
If you were coming to me from last week
In the show, would monitor
In high school I was out at bi
-I am sure is very beautiful
I you do a specific show.
Barbie funeral business need to talk
-Body when it comes, Autumn will handle everything
My father has done everything from dead
Henry wanted to be burned in my mind ..
told me everything
Autumn'a would not trust yani.Okyanusa
both wanted to Bahamalardan taken
Do you had written?
See also spoken with the other spouse's
they like me to say
You are the only one to experience
manage bi person?
Come in
-You 're down and things look okay
Okay, but I would like to watch, this session
-Come on, I'll come soon
Hi Veronica
I really can is lit.
I have also got to spend um yes.
Business partners for 10 years you just
In fact we were business partners beyond
I sorucam anything, my father perish
Did you? -No
Why did you think so?
-Ophelia said so
Henry sink istiyordu.?ay?ra
Meadow to-do?
Autumn, the trees were bi said they chose.
We chose the meadow where the bi-together
His wife, Autumn
-Please have really talking
So the woman with him at the hotel
trying to locate
Be with the woman he still meksikodaysa,
going to send the body
But something like this happens, will ride tonight
come tomorrow
Okay .. I think this good news
Submit good .. but there
one is bi horror news
Funeral 2 days ago
First glance
We were not close enough to close it .. en
better because everyone says something
Not look at anyone, though we buried the bodies.
-Yes, but the accident was bi
I come from the funeral home can do
let me know if there is anything
So your father did not know, but here
According to human being, love it were going
You can not even imagine
-He will be interred in the cemetery do?
Was said to me six meadows and trees.
Henry wants to be buried ?a?yra think
-It is already
Even last year where we have separated
-He certainly did not want something like
Okay, but I was a wife Veronica were a partner.
-Would you please mute your voice?
Do you have spoken with the consul Meksikodaki?
-No, why?
Barbie-is-now what?
My father was not alone Meksikoda.
-I knew it, with shamans m?ym??
Bi women.
We do not know who you are.
You just stay alone .. mother Grandma.
Let's go
All it says here benim.Vasiyetinde
Regardless benim.Ne penny will be buried Friday
If you want your bitch trying to overcome me.
Late afedersiniz.Burda
officials who?
So sorry sir
-I also quite
I want everyone to be kept separate from biyerde.
-Sir? -Thanks a lot dear
Inside when I'm hungry.
Where the bodies?
-Great hall
Also forget 2 things, slow
Were you all waiting for me?
Would be so fast I did not know.
I see everyone I wanted to be-closed sake
So you noticed?
We are all together .. never a
mergers such
Come on, let's hold hands for Henry ..
Here one is not in the world
We are meeting a partner, especially
We all know the best and worst
Four of us married Henry
Of course, for married 2 times to me -
-Of or
I just earth dear Henry
I want to tell good-bye
Write me a letter I had store.
Photocopy you are late.
Had written this letter to me of the same.
My wife, my son .. I'll give you a decision.
Verse-child iolur more iy
I wanted the idea of asking.
-Can I say anything?
I think that people should be Visible light
-Anne is no need to stop it ..
I think the Open See ya.
-His wife, my decisions, I'll give you ..
Henry wanted to be burned
-It 's nothing
Wanted was
-No it will not burn!
Yo yo yo!
Of his father's father's father .. now what would you do
To bury their own children to something?
Was that a great kid
I have brought up dirt bi-Selfish
Was always polite to me.
Henry Lefay box do?
I stayed here a bit .. Is it possible?
Yo yo girl needed .. I'm Barbarella Lefay.
I able to finally meet Effa .. Devareaux
Ben Henry's wife was a top priority
Henry leaving college in Chicago
wants to become a blues musician who have
What was that guy either.
Installed in Chicago will be realized after
I heard what I have seen how Bi even Henry.
No napkins in Women's toilet
Nine, it does not work here.
-What do you work here?
Believe me, that you must be Veronica ..
room, not the only one who shares my interest in
Henry did not give me anything and no I did not expect the
You have to be Kate.
This is his wife must be a shock snein i?in.?lk
but in fact you did not think so
I really do not want to hurt
-May I ask anything?
Have a short time in Chicago opinions
nerden seeing us know?
Years before the Internet ever can?m.5
I had no idea the ad was Henry Lefay
.. and then mail me a g?ndermi?.Bana
To find out what happened
Mail every day we have been.
-Everyday Is it?
Every day here in few days .. Bi did not.
When bad lie just inside his bi
I wanted to look
And now look at this
Henry had quite a secret.
I also believe that this
Let us know maybe ol.Nerden slowly eats.
Perhaps nothing will be after us like something
I understand you when Kate is pregnant, her
terketti?i after Veronicaya you terketti?i
Ophelia married and 2.kez re di?
You have come a long way .. turn Effa're bi.
Wanted ice cream cake can?m.Nerde are there?
There is a great place down the road in the bi -
Get me.
If you have something you want for yourself .. al
Funeral from 1g?n ago
Early morning, you
We wanted to see if everything is ok bi
Others came?
-No, first you've come
This way
I bi few minutes alone with my father
I want to stay
No no no
How did together?
-15 Years
Crazy bi was 15 years.
Where is that guy? Ophelia t
Did you see?
What do you do Autumn'?
Do not insert comments into the room
Why? Why not enter?
Wait a second stop -
Who did this?
Come Autumn
Who said you can burn it?
-Former wife of
-Yes o
Ophelia as a legal right to speak of
but his wife, Autumn
Autumndan signed paper brought
Stay away from there!
No, it is a classic bi!
My car should not have given him no
Be precise
I want to know in a single criminal complaint
Do you have a desire to have?
Barbie very good, how are you doing
Show me?
After the funeral on my mind .. but look at
Him or her from attempted murder
man permission to burn
... and it has the testicular
can blame inability to quit
Do you have them in the law?
-Do you want to learn?
So no-justice system bun+yla
they can do as we did when dealing
Great to see you again.
I am so sorry for your father
-Now go inside!
Listen to me now .. my father here
I want you to show your respect
So right here, and my best yap?cam.
That's why no other ceremonial burning a corpse
Not trying to crush each other.
Nothing does not exist!
Respectful, calm and quiet
morning outside!
Net could be?
OK then
Henry's ashes will be laid Boraboraya
-Don 't think
Was the happiest place
The table above dusty .. well bi
cloth should
If these women talk to one of the best olcak
He wants to Pacific was thrown.
Embed must-be-Blessed
Ashes should be buried?
Get a second permit, comments
room soon olucaz
I'm glad to find you here.
The Mexikoda Henry'yle me.
Who are you?
-Henry 's first wife was a
I was the last match will be
Tell them Barbie
So sorry.
Too much for the day-Bi
I lost my husband, and then ya ..
I saw it was burned
.. and then me terkedece?ini
Knew you
-Yes I knew him
But my father sad?kt?m.Ve Sarah Jane
I did not know on the Meksikoda
Do I mean there were others?
Bora bora was happy
Am sure it
Ash and there at?caz
Long live there forever
had taken
He and my mother were together.
He sat down .. and looked at the mountains ..
you can watch forever, he said
And another happy moment with me on our
I do not remember
Horror guy was or
Why not .. we all split ash
'll be happy to areas at its
But because such a farewell to my father
hakederdi di?
'm Sorry
Nerden tan?yodunuz my mother?
My father's ashes a new
got the idea
Where is Ophelia?
Feedback wanted to be near-room ..
OK let's go
Remove shoes
Regardless of what Henry's ashes
Kanku a discarded should
To hurt me!
What are you doing?
Henry wanted to laid-pasifike
Vermiycem hi?birinize.Oran?n
did not even know the language!
Some men will love this event, or
Not me .. some men needed
Now what are we going?
Let's take another bi vase
Will remain empty?
Anything else-into which we will
What? Sugar? What do you
Nothing back from him did not ya!
Middle of the road so I'm sorry to Henry
I would not want to hair
Could be still here
As dead-still
Off the face of his face, eyes
scattered centipede!
What would you do that?!
See you in my life the most stupid
Excuse me, Father has sent me Catholic
seramoniler will help your thought
.. but the Poles Henry'yle
different bi decided
There is no limit to the mercy of God ..
Our prayers with Henry Lefay
Now 297 If you turn the page, and I
I can tell you with
You bastard
That morning Sarah Jane went to the south
Then I thought better when bi
Kankun'da olucam
Went on with or without the parachute
We opened up with the boat
The honeymoon did not speak English ..
bi couple was
Kankun'daki prostitutes because
divorce had come to the level of
My belt when my favorites
I wanted to open a little
I had a good time, but
he wanted to leave my place
And let her and the man from 150 meters
water stuck
Have I died or crazy ..
I could have it
I left my ID or something ran
Take them into tequila there and
I was leaking after
I tried to call you but the hotel
said gitti?ni
I thought you and me exited
I came back I had to work
Wait Wait, my father how did he die?
-I was going to die so that was not
Why did you go there?
Limit of the men in my ad
allowed me to recognize when crossing the border
Why did not someone call us
I thought I did not kill anyone Sanar -
So this morning but I did not call
As for the party .. I got this out
What's happening?
Everyone at the funeral said
Go and put my team .. I had to see.
M here and there
And we know he died without family man ..
We've burned, their ashes to the gas station also have hair
Got the idea you came to me in Bi
They sent the suitcase.
-I want my grandmother to stay
So okay
I love you
-I love you too
I have to say it
This week before your incredible
I thought it one
But after seeing all that they do
I have an incredible respect for you now
Between good and evil that they say ..
What could be worse than that?
And you were great .. damn
women married to me ..
Are you out of your mind?
Look at us now look at my family
Regardless of what not to get married?
False marriage-yapm?ycam
I did not mean
-Don 't even think about
I've left the last time
I do not want to remember
To think that our chances of dying and .. this 2.bir
for those things when you're young .. ..
.. living when her father normal bi
I knew you will not be
Maybe we can friends
-Great .. new beginning to our
Funeral was beautiful ha
Autumn has arrived and held a Polish man
vase would take him from the rest of Boraboraya
Indeed the man's face blue and
was red or
I just want to do what I did
want to 're thrown
My latest decision is not the ama.Sarah
Jane did not disappear
.. believe me, they -
-Yes, I stopped doing this to me I
OK I get it right or
How Autumn was furious?
Split-hair was
To deal with while on nervous
would be difficult or
Maybe have a word with you on that .. Lipshit
also give families something
Call them what happened and we'll tell
But I do not know how they girls
T even talk about being burned
Jews because they
Is not even clear ash
Bye, going back to California.
You ever gonna change and if you do not change
I head yiycem
I love you .. you can understand
I really like
But my views
Song of the discourse
I need to talk to you
After the funeral I've waited a very important
Done .. I came here to go to say
What does that mean?
-My father always claimed B?kt?m to his mother ..
.. here is to repair broken
The only person in the family is that you?
Get very selfish-How so?
-All the funeral did you manage to
Me? -Yes, I don 't know
respect your father how to get ya!?
Is all my fault? So poor
Then removed from the coffin man Lipshit
crazy woman .. burning?
They are trying to do the best
sorry a handful were women
Onca happened .. even Ophelia'y?
could forgive
Show your anger at what times Bi
is, Tell me that bit
My daughter can not talk to me like that
Since you did not like it here why
immediately return to San Francisco or not?
How do I eligible?
I think when it comes having certain bi
God makes you forget everything
Because so many things .. remember Arasan
is much to bear ..
Why beautiful bi me from time
do not talk
What about Hawaii?
-You were on holiday?
No, I lived there
During the war after Pearl Harbor.
We used a lot of fun there
Would run club, sailors would come.
Would pay them entertained
Do you pay for what they dance?
-No, of course
Do people with time of war dance
is involved?
So what you did .. whore?
I was no party girl
-What is the difference?
Pronunciation of the more beautiful
The hospital with my mother when I
How nice to stay
Hospital or what?
-Anne went to the biopsy or this morning
Doctors later said good
Very sorry
Spent all these years for me alone
Do not worry everything
Sometimes you go to the well when there is no bi
You will get a bad order
He was me there.
We will not make more mistakes bi
You do not make the same mistakes
What is it error?
Excuse me, visiting hours are over.
Good night my Mom diycem
So I closed
Can I enter?
Not believe the Californiada
I had one
I know you well
My father died very weak ..
did not die after
Mother ill
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Did not work
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-No thanks
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Are you ready?
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