Sixth Sense, The (1999)

[Door Opens, Closes]
- [Jazz]
- [Footsteps Ascending Stairs]
[Door Opens, Closes]
It's getting cold.
That is one fine frame.
One fine frame that is.
- [Shivering]
- How much...
does a fine frame like that
cost, do you think?
I never told you, but you sound a little
like Dr. Seuss when you're drunk.
I know.
I'm serious.
Serious, I am.
I'd say it cost at least
a couple hundred.
- I'm gonna read it for you.
- Do I really sound like Dr. Seuss?
"In recognition of his
outstanding achievement...
- " in the field of child psychology,
- Mm-hmm.
his dedication to his work
and his continuing efforts to
improve the quality of life-- "
- [Blowing Bubbles]
- Will you concentrate?
"...his continuing efforts to
improve the quality of life...
"for countless children
and their families,
"the city of Philadelphia
proudly bestows upon its son...
Dr. Malcolm Crowe--"
That's you--
"...the Mayor's Citation
for professional excellence."
They called you their son.
We should hang it
in the bathroom.
This is an important
night for us.
Finally, someone is recognizing
the sacrifices you've made--
that you have put everything
second, including me,
for those families that
they're talking about.
They're also saying that
my husband has a gift.
You have a gift
that teaches children...
- how to be strong in situations...
- [Kissing]
where most adults
would piss on themselves.
I believe
what they wrote is real.
Thank you.
- I would like some wine in a glass.
- Mm- hmm.
I would not like it
in a mug.
- I would not like it in a jug.
- [Laughing]
[Phone Buzzing Off The Hook]
[Zipper Unzips, Rustling]
[Person Sniffles]
Anna, don't move.
Don't make a sound.
This is 47 Locus Street.
You've broken a window
and entered a private residence.
You don't know so many things.
There are no needles or prescription
drugs of any kind in this house.
Do you know why you're afraid
when you're alone?
I do.
I do.
What do you want?
What he promised me!
I want what he promised me.
- [Anna] Oh, my God.
- Do I know you?
Don't you know me, hero?
Don't you even remember
your own patients?
Downtown clinic.
Single- parent family.
Possible mood disorder.
I was afraid!
You told me I was having trouble
coping with my parents' divorce.
You were wrong.
You were wrong.
Now look at me!
- I don't want to be afraid no more.
- Just give me a minute to think.
I waited
ten years for you!
I'm not giving you nothing!
Ben Friedkin?
Some people,
they call me "freak."
Ryan Summer?
I am. I am a freak.
Look at--
[Sobbing Continues]
Vincent Gray.
No, you don't.
I do remember you.
Quiet, very smart.
Unusually compassionate.
You forgot cursed.
You failed me.
You failed me!
Vincent, I'm sorry if I wasn't--
if I didn't help you.
But if you just let me try,
if you just
give me a chance--
- [Anna Screams]
- [Groaning]
Oh, God! Oh, God!
- Did Vincent--
- Don't talk. Shh.
[Train Crossing Bells Ringing]
[Train Crossing Bells Ringing]
[Train Horn Blowing]
[Train Horn Blowing]
[Children Shouting, Laughing]
[Children Shouting, Laughing]
[Door Opening]
[Door Opening]
[Boy Whispering In Latin]
[Malcolm] It's okay, Cole.
My name is Dr. Malcolm Crowe.
We were supposed to meet today,
but I missed our appointment.
I'm sorry.
You know, in the olden days in Europe,
people used to hide out in churches.
They would claim sanctuary.
What were they hiding from?
Bad people, mostly.
People that wanted to
put them in jail, hurt them.
I noticed your eyeglasses.
They don't have any lenses in them.
They're my dad's.
The lenses hurt my eyes.
What were you talking about with your
soldiers when I came in? Day--
Deprofundus clamo
adite domine.
It's called " Latin."
- All your soldiers speak Latin?
- No.
Just one.
Are you a good doctor?
I used to be.
I won an award once
from the mayor.
It had an expensive frame.
I'm gonna see you again,
If that's okay with you.
[Door Opens, Closes]
[Siren Wailing In Distance]
It's me.
[Church Bell Tolling]
[Helicopter Blades Whirring]
[Man On Radio] The turnpike westbound
slows at Valley Forge 24.
On the Blue Ridge,
both directions generally slow
between number three and two--
- [Volume Decreases]
- [Dog Barking]
[Man Continues, Indistinct]
Hey, good morning.
Hey, your Cocoa Puffs
are gettin' soggy.
Let me see you.
Oh, honey, you got a spot.
Head up.
- [Machine Whirring]
- Okay, here we go.
Something you were
looking for, baby?
Pop Tarts?
They're right here.
Well, what are you
thinking, Mama?
Lots of things.
Anything bad about me?
Hey, look at my face.
I was not thinking
something bad about you.
Got it?
Got it.
- Here, head up.
- [Doorbell Rings]
- That's Tommy.
- That's okay. You tuck it in.
Cole, you want this?
Hey, freak, how'd you like that
"arm around the shoulder" bit?
I just made that up.
I went with it.
It's what great actors do.
It's called "improv."
- [School Bell Ringing]
- [Chattering]
Hey, baby.
How was your day?
You know, you can tell me things
If you need to.
Well, you know
what I did today?
I, uh, I won the Pennsylvania Lottery
in the morning,
I quit my jobs,
and I ate a big picnic in the park
with lots of chocolate mousse pie.
And then I swam
in the fountain all afternoon.
What'd you do?
I was picked first for
kick ball teams at recess.
I hit a grand slam
to win the game.
Everybody lifted me up
on their shoulders
and carried me around, cheering.
Well, in that case, I am gonna
make you some triangle pancakes.
You got an hour.
[Malcolm] Hi.
Wanna sit?
Don't feel like
talking today?
Wanna play a game?
It's a mind- reading game.
Here's how it works.
I read your mind.
If what I say is right, you take
one step towards the chair.
If what I say is wrong,
you take one step back...
towards the doorway.
If you reach the chair,
you sit down.
If you reach the door,
you can go.
Wanna play?
When your mother and father
were first divorced,
your mom went to see a doctor
like me, and he didn't help her.
So you think I'm not going
to be able to help you.
You're worried that she said
she told him things--
things she couldn't tell
anyone else.
You have a secret,
but you don't want to tell me.
Your dad gave you that watch
as a present just before he went away.
He forgot it in a drawer.
Doesn't work.
You keep pretty quiet
in school, but...
you're a good student, you've never
really been in any serious trouble.
We were supposed
to draw a picture.
Anything we wanted.
I drew a man.
He got hurt in the neck by
another man with a screwdriver.
You saw that on TV, Cole?
Everyone got upset.
They had a meeting.
Mom started crying.
I don't draw
like that anymore.
How do you draw now?
I draw... people smiling,
dogs running,
They don't have meetings
about rainbows.
No. I guess they don't.
What am I thinking now?
I don't know
what you're thinking now.
I was thinking...
you're nice,
but you can't help me.
I thought you meant the other Italian
restaurant I asked you to marry me in.
I'm so sorry, Anna.
I just can't seem
to keep track of time.
And I didn't have
a very good session today.
They're both so similar.
The same mannerisms, same expressions,
same things hanging over their head.
I think it might be
some kind of abuse.
Cole has...
scratches on his arm.
I think they might be
fingernail cuts.
Defensive cuts, maybe.
I don't know.
Maybe a teacher or a neighbor.
I don't think it's the mother.
I've seen her with him,
and it doesn't seem to fit.
Or I could just be wrong.
Maybe he's just a kid
who likes to climb trees a lot.
I know that I've been
a little distant, all right?
I know that it makes you mad.
I just...
feel like I'm being given
a second chance, and
I don't want it to slip away.
- [Sighs]
- Anna.
Happy anniversary.
[Cole] Stop looking at me.
I don't like when people
look at me like that.
- [Malcolm] Okay.
- [Children Chattering]
I walk this way to school
with Tommy Tammisimo.
Is he your best buddy?
He hates me.
Do you hate him?
Did your mom
set that up?
Did you ever talk to your mom
about how things are with Tommy?
- I don't tell her things.
- Why not?
'Cause she doesn't look at me like
everybody else, and I don't want her to.
- I don't want her to know.
- Know what?
That I'm a freak.
You are not a freak.
Don't you believe anybody that tries to
convince you of that. That's bullshit.
You don't have to go through
your life believing that.
Come on.
- You said the "S" word.
- Yeah, I know.
[Rock On Headphones]
[Malcolm] So your dad lives
in Pittsburgh with a lady...
that works in a tollbooth?
[Cole] I wonder if she has to pee
when she's working.
Think she just holds it?
I don't know. I was just
thinking about that myself.
You asked a lot of questions
about Dad today.
How come?
Well, sometimes we do things
to draw attention,
to express our feelings
about certain issues--
divorce, whatever.
For example, a person might
leave something on the desk
for someone else to find.
Do you know what free
association writing is, Cole?
[Cole] No.
[Malcolm] Free association writing
is when you take a pencil in your hand,
and you put the pencil to apiece
of paper and you start writing.
And you don't look
at what you're writing or
think about what you're writing.
You just keep
Your hand moving.
And after a while, if you keep
Your hand moving long enough,
words and thoughts start coming out that
you didn't even know you had in you.
It could be something
you heard somewhere else,
or feelings you had
deep inside of you.
Have you ever done any
free association writing, Cole?
[Cole] Yes.
[Malcolm] What did you write?
Upset words.
Did you ever write any upset words
before your father left?
I don't remember.
Can you do something for me?
I want you to think about what you
wanna get out of our time together--
what our goal should be.
Something I want?
If you could change something
in your life, anything at all,
what would it be?
Instead of something I want,
can it be something I don't want?
I don't want to be
scared anymore.
[Knocking On Door]
[Malcolm] You gonna get that?
[Knocking Continues]
Are you gonna get that?
- [Footsteps]
- [Door Opens]
- [Anna] Hi.
- [Man] Hi.
- Don't you see enough of me
at the store?
- Yeah, I'm on my way out...
to the flea market
in the Amish country.
I thought maybe you'd
wanna come along...
and show me how to buy
at one of these things.
I don't know if I can deal
with the Amish today.
You can't curse or spit
or anything around them.
I just figured maybe you'd just want to
get out and get some air,
because you've seemed
kind of down lately.
Um, I'm okay.
Do you think that maybe I should stop by
on the way back, show you what I got?
Because that
wouldn't be a problem.
No, I- You know,
I can see on Monday.
Sure, yeah, that's fine.
I'm just--
Okay, so I guess I'm gonna get going
then. I'll speak to you later.
- Don't step in the horse manure.
- Thank you very much.
[Door Closes]
Keep moving, cheese dick.
Can anybody guess what city was capital
of the United States of America...
from 1 790 to 1 800?
I'll give you a hint:
It's the city you live in.
- [All Together] Philadelphia!
- Right, right.
Philadelphia's one of the oldest cities
in this country.
A lot of generations
have lived here and died here.
Almost any place you go in this city
has a history and a story behind it.
Even this school
and the grounds it sits on.
Can anyone guess what this building
was used for a hundred years ago...
before you went to school here,
before I went to this school even?
Yes, Cole.
They used to hang people here.
No, uh, that--Mm- mm. That's
not correct. Where'd you hear that?
They pulled the people in, crying
and kissing their families bye.
People watching...
spit at them.
Uh, Cole, this building
was a legal courthouse.
Laws were passed here--some of
the very first laws of this country.
This whole building
was full of, uh, lawyers,
- lawmakers.
- They were the ones
that hanged everybody.
[Children Whispering, Giggling]
I don't know which one
of these guys told you that,
but, uh, they were
Just trying to scare you.
I don't like people
looking at me like that.
Like what?
Stop it!
I, uh, I- I- I don't know
how else to look.
You're Stuttering Stanley!
- Excuse me?
- You talked funny when
you went to school here.
You talked funny
all the way to high school.
- What?
- You shouldn't look at people.
It makes them feel bad.
- How did you--
- Stop looking at me!
Who have you--[Stammering]
been speaking to?
Stuttering Stanley!
Stuttering Stanley!
- Stop it. St- St- St--
- Stuttering Stanley!
- Stop that!
- Stuttering Stanley!
Stuttering Stanley!
Stuttering Stanley!
Stuttering Stanley!
Shut up, you f- f- freak!
[Children Laughing, Playing]
[Footsteps Approaching]
Hey, big guy.
How's it goin'?
I don't wanna talk about
anything right now.
You like magic?
The magic penny.
Looks like
an ordinary penny.
But I do my little
magic shake, and...
now it's in my right hand.
But that's not the end
of the magic trick.
I do another
little shake, and...
right there
in the vest pocket.
But that's not the end
of the magic trick.
I do another little shake...
right back in the left hand
where it started.
That isn't magic.
What are you talking about?
Of course it's magic.
You just kept the penny
in that hand the whole time.
Think so?
I didn't know you were funny.
[Woman] Malcolm, sit your cute
butt down and listen up.
No doubt about it.
Anna is like my sister.
And you better make her happy.
I'm not talkin' about no...
"Mmm, this taste like
real butter" kind of happy.
I'm talkin' about--
What's up, girl?
"Julie Andrews
twirling around like...
a mental patient on a mountaintop"
kind of happy.
That's the kind of happy
I'm talkin' about.
Shh. Come here.
Don't tell her I told you,
but she said
she knew she love you...
from the first time
she met you on the street.
She'd do anything for you.
I love you guys.
My nose is running.
Turn it--
[Shower Water Running]
And then you do
the magic shake.
The penny has moved
from my pocket...
all the way back
to the hand it started in.
That's stupid.
It's supposed
to be funny.
It's stupid.
I want my penny back.
[Miss Sear] He doesn't get
invited places, so it's our pleasure.
Last time was a Chuck E. Cheese
party a year ago.
He hid in one of those purple plastic
tunnels and didn't come out.
- Chucky who?
- Cheese. It's a kids place.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry.
[Man Speaking, Indistinct]
Is someone out there?
Open this door, please.
Come on.
I can't breathe.
If you can hear me, open this door.
I swear on my life I didn't
take the master's horse.
Open this door, or I'll
break through it and grab you!
- The star of the commercial
always gets his own trailer.
- For what?
He needs a place to think
about his character, alone.
- You only had one line.
- [Sighs]
[Tommy] Derrick, check it out.
Oh, yeah.
My dad
made me invite him.
[Breathing Heavily]
Happy birthday, Derrick.
Is there somethin'
you want to see in there?
We're gonna put on
a pretend play.
- Wanna be in it?
- Okay.
It's called
" Locked in the Dungeon."
Yes, Cole, and, uh, you get to be
the one locked in the dungeon.
Don't! Don't!
Don't! Don't!
[Pounding On Door]
Let me out! No! No!
No! No!
- [Pounding Stops]
- [Footsteps Shuffling]
[Cole Screams]
- [Continues Loudly]
- [Screaming Continues, Muffled]
[Pounding, Screaming Continue]
- [Screaming Intensifies]
- Cole?
- [Screaming, Sobbing Hysterically]
- Cole!
Is there a key
for this door?
Cole? Honey?
Honey, can you hear me?
[Screaming, Sobbing Continue]
[Anna] Oh, my God! Cole!
Help me! Help!
Help! Help!
- [Door Unlocks]
- [Screaming, Pounding Stop]
[Man] The tests would indicate
he did not have a seizure.
He's doing fine.
After some rest,
he can go home tonight.
There's some cuts and
bruises on your son...
- that are concerning me.
- Oh, man.
Yeah, those are from sports.
You think I hurt my child?
You think I'm a bad mother?
Mrs. Sloan over there,
she's a social worker
with the hospital.
She's gonna ask you a couple
procedural questions.
What happened
to my child today?
Something was happening to him,
physically happening.
Something was very wrong!
Did your father used to
tell you bedtime stories?
Once upon a time
there was this young prince,
and he decided that
he wanted to go for a drive.
He go this driver,
and they started driving.
Driving, driving.
Driving a lot.
And, uh,
they drove so much
that he fell asleep.
Then he woke up, and he realized
they were still driving.
- This was a very long trip.
- Dr. Crowe?
You haven't told
bedtime stories before.
Uh, not too many, no.
You have to add
some twists and stuff.
Okay. Some twists.
Like what kind of twists?
Give me an example.
- Maybe they run out of gas.
- They run out of gas?
That's good, 'cause they're driving,
right? Okay, so--
Tell me the story
about why you're sad.
You think I'm sad?
What makes you think that?
Your eyes told me.
Not supposed to talk
about stuff like that.
Once upon a time, there was
this person named Malcolm.
He worked with children.
He loved it.
He loved it
more than anything else.
And then one night,
he found out that...
he made a mistake
with one of them.
He couldn't help that one.
And he can't stop
thinking about it.
He can't forget.
Ever since then,
things have been different.
He's not the same person
that he used to be.
And his wife...
doesn't like the person
that he's become.
They barely speak anymore.
They're like strangers.
And then one day, Malcolm meets
this wonderful little boy.
A really cool little boy.
Reminds him a lot
of the other one.
And Malcolm decides
to try and help this new boy...
'cause he feels that
if he can help this new boy,
it will be like...
helping that other one too.
How does the story end?
I don't know.
[Whispering] I wanna tell you
my secret now.
I see dead people.
I n your dreams?
While you're awake?
Dead people, like,
in graves, in coffins?
Walking around
like regular people.
They don't see each other.
They only see
what they wanna see.
They don't know they're dead.
How often do you see them?
All the time.
They're everywhere.
You won't tell anyone
my secret, right?
No. I promise.
Will you stay here
until I fall asleep?
Of course.
[Tape Recorder Clicks]
[Malcolm] Cole has pathologies
more severe than initially assessed.
He's suffering from
visual hallucinations,
- paranoia,
- [Tires Screeching]
some kind of...
school- age schizophrenia.
Medication, hospitalization
may be required.
And I'm not helping him.
Hi, this is Lynn Sear,
Cole's mom.
Yeah, uh, I--
I'd like to talk to you...
about your boy and his friends keeping
their goddamn hands off my son.
[Floorboards Creaking]
No, dinner
is not ready!
What are you
gonna do?
You can't hurt me
Neddy! You're a terrible
husband, Neddy!
Look what you made me do!
[Continues Sobbing]
[Tommy] Once there was a boy,
very different
from all the other boys.
He lived in the jungle,
and he could speak
to the animals.
- [Children Making Animal Noises]
- [Applause]
[Cole] Did you think the play
sucked big time?
Tommy Tammisimo acted
in a cough syrup commercial.
He said everyone was self- conscious
and unrealistic.
He said the play
sucked big time.
This Tommy kid sounds
like a real punk.
I thought the play was excellent.
Better than "Cats. "
- "Cats"?
- Never mind.
Cole, I was really interested
in what you told me at the hospital.
I'd like to hear
more about it.
Is something
up there?
I don't
see anything.
Be real still.
Sometimes you
feel it inside,
like you're falling down
real fast,
but you're really
Just standing still.
You ever feel the prickly things
on the back of your neck?
And the tiny hairs on your arm,
you know, when they stand up?
That's them.
When they get mad,
it gets cold.
I don't see anything.
Are you sure they're there?
Please make them leave.
I'm workin' on it.
Come on.
Mommy, Daddy?
My throat hurts.
Run! Run!
[Male Announcer] Pedia Ease
cough suppressant.
- Gentle, fast, effect--
- Cole.
I don't care what they say,
this thing is broken.
Take 'em off.
I don't want them
on my table.
I saw what was in your bureau drawer
when I was cleaning.
Got something
you want to confess?
The bumblebee pendant?
Why do you
keep taking it?
It was Grandma's.
You know, what if it broke?
You know how sad I'd be.
You'd cry 'cause you
miss Grandma so much.
That's right.
Sometimes people think
they lose things,
and they really didn't lose them--
it just gets moved.
So, did you move
the bumblebee pendant?
Don't get mad.
So, who moved it
this time?
Maybe someone came in our house,
took the bumblebee pendant
out of my closet...
and placed it nicely
in your drawer.
- Maybe.
- [Sighs] God, I am so tired, Cole.
I'm tired in my body,
I'm tired in my mind,
I'm... tired
in my heart.
I need some help.
You know, I don't know if you
noticed, but our little family
isn't doing so good.
I mean,
I've been praying,
but I must not
be praying right.
Looks like we're just gonna have to
answer each other's prayers.
If we can't talk to each other,
we're not gonna make it.
Now, tell me, baby.
I- I- I won't get mad, honey.
Did you take
the bumblebee pendant?
- No.
- [Silverware Clattering]
You've had enough roast beef.
You need to leave the table.
[Dog Whimpering]
Hey, come on. I'll show you where
my dad keeps his gun. Come on.
Sebastian, come on!
- Mama?
- [Dog Whimpering]
If you're not
very mad,
can I sleep
in your bed tonight?
Look at my face.
I'm not very mad.
- [Sobbing]
- Baby, why are you shaking?
Cole, what's wrong?
Oh, God,
please tell me!
Oh, please.
It's Edwardian,
beautifully worked...
with mine- cut diamonds
and an actual color Burmese sapphire.
It's timeless.
- Oh.
- [Door Closes, Bells Jingling]
You, uh...
[Clears Throat]
got anything
a little plainer?
Plainer? You want a plain ring
to go with your plain fiance?
Is that how it is?
No! Baby,
don't get in a tissy.
You're so beautiful.
You're like a Burmese sapphire
all by yourself.
- You don't need all that.
- Uh- huh.
Why don't you
try it on...
and see how you both
feel about it.
There. How does
that feel?
I think this piece,
um, communicates a longing.
I imagine that the woman
who owned it...
loved a man that she
couldn't be with.
Did he have wavy hair
and chestnut eyes?
- Huh?
- Um, I don't know, but...
a lot of the pieces
in this store communicate,
and I think you should choose
a piece that speaks to you.
I think maybe when people own things
and then they pass away,
a part of themselves gets
printed on those things,
like fingerprints.
I'll just
wrap it up.
You don't need a guy
with a Master's.
You need a wrestler with a neck
larger than his head.
No, I need a wrestler with a Master's.
- What's this?
- Happy birthday.
- For me?
- Mm- hmm.
It's a...
first edition.
- Wow.
- [Chuckles]
- You know, this is too much.
- No.
Took it out of
your Christmas bonus.
It's perfect, Anna.
- Thanks.
- [Chuckles]
[Cole] What do you want
more than anything?
[Malcolm] I don't know.
- [Cole] I've told you what I want.
- [Glass Breaking]
[Malcolm] I know what I want.
I want to be able to
talk to my wife again.
The way we used to
talk to each other.
Like there was no one else
in the world except us.
[Cole] How are you gonna do that?
Can't be your doctor
I haven't paid enough
attention to my family.
Bad things happen
when you do that.
Do you understand?
- I'm going to transfer you.
I know two psychologists.
- Don't fail me.
Don't give up. You're the only one
who can help me, I know it.
- I can't help you.
- [Sobbing]
Someone else
can help you.
You believe me, right?
Dr. Crowe, you believe
my secret, right?
I don't know how
to answer that, Cole.
How can you help me...
if you don't believe me?
Some magic's real.
[Vincent] Do you know why you're
afraid when you're alone?
I do.
I do.
[Door Opening, Closing]
[Malcolm's Voice]
I'm sorry, Vincent. I hope I
didn't leave you alone too long.
It's cold in here.
[Vincent Sobbing Quietly]
why are you crying?
[Vincent Sniffles] You won't believe.
[Malcolm] Sorry, Vincent. I hope
I didn't leave you alone too long.
It's coldin here.
- Vincent--
- [Tape Machine Rewinding]
It's cold in here.
- [Tape Machine Clicks]
- Nah, you know what?
I never liked him either.
When I was a kid,
I had this blood test done,
- and I threw up chili cheese
fries allover this male nurse.
- [Vincent Laughing]
[Woman] Excuse me.
Dr. Reed is on line two.
[Malcolm] Vincent, will you
excuse me? I have to take this.
- Just give me a minute, okay?
- [Vincent] Okay.
[Door Opens, Closes]
[Volume Increases]
[Faint Voice, Indistinct]
[Tape Noise]
[Faint Voice Continues]
[Man Speaking In Spanish]
[Man Sobbing] No entiendes.
Yo no quiero morir.
[Continues Speaking In Spanish]
Yo no quiero morir.
- Oh, my God.
- Yo no quiero morir!
You been
running around?
Make you
feel better?
I like to run around.
It's good exercise.
Do you want to ask me
questions now?
Want to be a lance corporal in Company
"M" Third Battalion, Seventh Marines?
We're being dispatched
into the Quang Nam province.
Maybe later.
Something happened,
didn't it?
You wiggling out?
I think I am.
Do you know what
"Yo no quiero morir" means?
It's Spanish.
It means "I don't want to die. "
What do you think these ghosts want
when they talk to you?
I want you to
think about it, Cole.
I want you to think about it
really carefully.
What do you think
they want?
- Just help.
- That's right. That's what I think too.
They just want help,
even the scary ones.
I think I might know a way
to make them go away.
Listen to them.
What if they
don't want help?
What if they're just angry and they
Just want to hurt somebody?
I don't think
that's the way it works.
How do you know
for sure?
I don't.
[Door Opens, Closes]
- [Engine Starts]
- Hey!
- [Tires Squealing]
- Hey! Hey!
[Lynn Sobbing] What's happening?
What's happening?
[Quietly Sobbing]
[Breathing Heavily]
What's happening
to you?
Is someone hurting you?
I'll kick their ass.
Cole, if they're
hurting you--[Sobbing]
Mama, you sleep now.
[Exhales Deeply]
[Gagging, Panting]
I'm feeling
much better now.
[Quivering] Do you want to
tell me something?
[Hydraulic Brakes Hissing]
She came a long way
to visit me, didn't she?
I guess she did.
Can you get
some water?
That's her sister.
You know, when I went through this
with my father's cancer--
I just can't imagine a child
being in bed for two years.
[Woman] How many--
How many doctors?
- I think it was six.
- Six different doctors?
I think so, yes.
I just heard the, uh,
little one is falling ill now.
God help them.
Don't go home,
I definitely won't.
Excuse me, mister.
Are you
Kyra's daddy?
It's for you.
Sh- She wanted
to tell you something.
[Kyra's Voice] Oh, no, here he comes.
He's coming my way. Psst!
Would you like to dance?
Well, actually,
I just came with my friends.
Oh, well,
how about this?
We can dance for a little bit,
and if you don't like the way I dance,
you can kick me.
Oh, okay then.
[Liquid Pouring]
[Woman] It's time for lunch, Kyra.
- [Kyra] I'm feeling much better now.
- That's so great, honey.
It's time for your food.
Can I go outside
if I eat this?
I don't know. You know how
you get sick in the afternoons.
We'll see.
Don't say that it tastes funny.
You know I don't like to hear that.
Tami's mom called.
You were
keeping her sick.
You liked it,
she said.
She looked out
for you.
Is Kyra coming back?
[Cole] Not anymore.
[Woman] I think that's enough.
That's enough makeup.
[Cole] Okay.
- They're calling for the stable boy.
- We have to hurry!
Who, uh--
Who were you talking to?
Just practicing
my lines.
Thanks for giving me this part,
Mr. Cunningham.
You know, when I went to school
here, there was a terrible fire
in this section of the theater.
They rebuilt
the whole thing.
Yeah, I know.
[Audience Sighing]
Only he who is pure of heart
can take the sword from the stone.
Let the boy try.
[Scattered Applause]
He is a stable boy.
He cleans up after the horses.
- Silence, village idiot.
- [Scattered Giggling]
Let the boy
step forward.
[Children Gasping]
[Children Together]
Hail, King Arthur!
[Children] Yea!
- [Cheering]
- [Applause Continues]
[Audience Laughing]
[All Laughing]
[Malcolm] I thought you were
really great in the play, Cole.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- You know what else?
- What?
I thought Tommy Tammisimo
sucked big time. [Chuckles]
I got an idea how you can talk
to your wife.
Wait till
she's asleep.
Then she'll listen to you
and she won't even know it.
I'm not gonna see you
anymore, am I?
I think we said everything
we needed to say.
Maybe it's time to say things
to someone closer to you.
Maybe we can pretend like we're
gonna see each other tomorrow.
Just for pretend.
I'm gonna go now.
I'll see you
tomorrow, Cole.
- [Siren Blaring]
- [Chattering, Indistinct]
I'm okay, Officer.
I- I'm okay.
I don't know
what happened.
[Lynn] Hmm.
Geez, I hope
nobody got hurt.
You're very quiet.
You're mad I missed
the play, aren't you?
I have two jobs, baby.
You know how important
they are for us.
I'd give anything
to have been there.
I'm ready to communicate
with you now.
Tell you my secrets.
What is it?
You know the accident
up there?
Someone got hurt.
They did?
A lady.
She died.
Oh, my God.
What, you can see her?
- Yes.
- Where is she?
Standing next to
my window.
Cole, you're
scaring me.
They scare me too
You see ghosts, Cole?
They want me to
do things for them.
They talk to you?
They tell you
to do things?
They're the ones
that used to hurt me.
What are you
thinking, Mama?
- You think I'm a freak?
- Look at my face.
I would never think that
about you. Ever.
- Got it?
- Got it.
Just let me think
for a minute.
Grandma says hi.
She says she's sorry for
taking the bumblebee pendant.
She just
likes it a lot.
- What?
- Grandma comes to visit me sometimes.
Cole, that's
very wrong.
- Grandma's gone, you know that.
- I know.
- She wanted me to tell you--
- Cole, please stop.
She wanted me to tell you
she saw you dance.
She said
when you were little,
you and her
had a fight...
right before
your dance recital.
- [Sniffles]
- You thought she didn't come
to see you dance.
She did.
She hid in the back
so you wouldn't see.
Sh- She said you were
like an angel.
- [Sobbing]
- She said...
you came to the place
where they buried her,
asked her a question.
She said
the answer is...
every day.
What did you ask?
[Voice Breaking]
Do I make her proud?
[Laughing, Chattering]
[Man] Hi, everybody.
As most of you know,
I'm not
used to doing this,
and I promised Anna
that I'd try not to embarrass her.
I'll leave that to her mother.
But we do want to thank
all of you for coming...
and for sharing
this wonderful day with us.
It's bitter sweet almost,
for me,
'cause I hate
giving her up.
[Malcolm] Anna?
[Applause On Television]
I miss you.
I miss you too.
Why, Malcolm?
- What is it?
- Why did you leave me?
I didn't leave you.
[Object Clatters]
[Cole] I see people.
They don't know
they're dead.
- [Malcolm] How often
do you see them?
- [Cole] All the time.
[Cole] They're everywhere.
They only see
what they want to see.
[Malcolm On TV] Okay, Mikey.
Come on.
Give me a minute.
[Doorknob Turning]
[Exhales Deeply]
[Anna Screams]
- Oh, God.
- [Groaning]
- [Mumbling] It doesn't even hurt.
- Let me see.
- Let me see. Put your hand--
- [Groaning]
Oh, God.
- [Breathing Heavily]
- Okay.
I think I'm okay.
Really, I think it just went--
went in and out.
It doesn't even
hurt anymore.
I think
I can go now.
I just needed
to do a couple things.
I needed
to help someone.
I think I did.
And I needed
to tell you something.
You were never second.
I love you.
You sleep now.
Everything will be
different in the morning.
Good night,
Good night,