Skeleton Lake (Battleground) (2012)

The Americans went to distant countries.
To fight for freedom.
The South Vietnamese people
to shape their own destiny.
We do not want the fight expands with
consequences no one can overlook.
We will not oppress them, or
incite or abuse our power.
But we will not surrender.
And we do not pull back.
Saturday, at 7.00 pm, there
will be a truce in effect.
A peace agreement and peace
in Vietnam to restore...
was signed by Dr. Henry
Kissinger in the United States...
Toe and Doc Lee of the Democratic
Republic of the Vietnamese.
The first step toward peace
is ending the war.
All parties must now work
towards a lasting peace.
Let's proud of the 2.5 million Americans
who fought in the war.
Keep applying pressure.
I was down there...
- This will not help.
Let me go.
Put your hand on it and hold tight.
Take it easy.
Come on, let's go.
- What?
Where is it?
It's 15:15, where's the car?
- You're on TV.
You are in the news. All your men.
- I know, but where's the car?
I have to cancel. There is an agent
involved. You understand anyway.
We need it now.
- You are in the news, what do you expect?
I take care of it.
- What is done is done.
There is an airstrip
I need 24 hours.
- Make it 12.
I'll see what I can do.
Write this down.
- Hold on.
Via highway 48 you go
from Roger City.
Take Highway 115 east.
To the south you see a runway.
If you see water,
you're too far.
Give me the blame.
I did my best.
Okay, how much?
- 320.
- You are now shooting at police?
Do you look like? 320.
Very well.
Stay away from hotels.
Find shelter.
What happened?
- You do not know.
What happens?
- The plans have changed.
What do you mean?
- What happens now?
We keep a low profile. We have a plane. Which
starts tomorrow at eight hours from Rogers.
Should we act as a target?
No, we go. We keep our heads down
until tomorrow. We find a safe place.
Wait for it to calm down.
Tomorrow we get the plane,
and we can go home.
With 3.2 million and change.
Come on.
What do you think?
Do it.
This is a dump.
It makes me think of your
apartment, Tommy.
Here, to ease the pain.
Tastes like home.
What is this? Vietnam?
- Another war, the Americans lost.
In the second world war they were in the hills.
- At least we know when to go.
The only time we did not follow the
plan, was when we were betrayed.
Tell me something I do not know.
Try to get a better deal than 10%.
- Come on, you know how it works.
It is what it is.
They do not change for us.
But you can try to negotiate.
- The contract was concluded.
Would you stay in this hole?
Or do you want your freedom?
If you want your freedom,
you pay the price.
And the price is 10%.
I thought you quit.
It is empty.
There was none since 1970.
It's not perfect, but
we do not get better.
I love the smell of money. If
this is the last thing I smell...
I am happy.
- 320,000 Minus to get away.
Is not it too much?
With all due respect, I think we have
given everything to accomplish this.
Look at me.
You fell two agents.
Be glad you're still breathing.
The cop took his gun.
What should I do?
You shot him down first.
Come on, Mitch.
- Shut up!
You do not understand. Because
of you we're in the shit.
Thanks to you looking at us half
Michigan, and they keep looking.
Murder, theft, everything.
You've sent us around the world.
Cut his throat, take his part and we are going.
- We're not going anywhere.
I would now have to murder.
You really wanted
to cut my throat?
Try it.
Thanks to me you are not dead now.
They were everywhere.
It was me or them.
Why did you shoot him?
Stupid bastard.
Will someone say something?
Say it then.
What about him?
- We bury him.
You stay right there staring?
- I did not shot. He did.
Let him dig.
Texas, give me your gun.
Your gun. That should disappear.
Nothing. We're alone.
Why read a newspaper
I have something better to do?
- I do not think so.
- What?
Did you know that one pound of
cheese cost $ 1.49 in 1981?
Let's see.
Parmesan cheese.
What do you say that?
Will help you count?
- Of course.
What do you do?
- I listen.
- The local police have limited channels.
Within a radius of 100 km that we receive.
- They seek not so far north.
Course. It is not long before
they find the ambulance.
If they have not already found.
We're not safe.
They shoot it quickly.
- They are the only one.
When will you use your new gun?
Look at me when I talk to you.
And why have you still bulletproof vest?
And you have sunglasses on? You sit inside.
I know what you think.
He thinks he'd have to dig
two holes instead of one.
Crowley, you got me a heart
attack almost worried.
What are you doing here?
I could not sleep, and I thought
I heard something.
A storm.
What do you say now?
I say it simply.
Did you find anything?
- No.
Whoever took it, knew what he was doing.
He has a lot of effort.
I heard nothing last night.
- And you, Kowalski?
Why ask me?
What were you doing tonight?
- What do you mean?
The car is gone, and you were the only one there.
- Would I be here?
Shut up.
He may be right, but it does not explain
what this was doing last night.
The car was here for two hours.
I thought I heard something...
and went outside. I saw nothing.
Who had the keys?
So they pushed him?
- The car is gone.
It does not help to whine about it.
We have ten hours to reach the city.
If we go, we get it yet.
- Are you crazy? You walk over three days.
We walk the highway, and steal a car.
Through the forest, it takes two hours.
Where you going?
- That makes no sense.
The body is just towed.
Nothing else.
Why would someone put him in the car?
- That's weird.
The tracks go into the forest and away.
- He is just running away?
No one could survive.
- He's dead.
Apparently not.
- Maybe he was wearing a bulletproof vest.
Whether the gunman had
a bigger gun to buy.
This way.
He will have gone west.
Here we go.
The highway in the north.
We go to the north.
I know where north is.
There is the north.
- Can you make a decision?
Are you a scout?
I need help with the bag?
What you want, asshole.
I was only trying to help.
Give me the gun.
Feels so therefore 3.2 million.
I thought it would be heavier.
Say about 20 minutes yet again.
Do you think we will
find the highway?
You will not die if
you say something.
Stay with the money.
It's good. Take it easy.
I hate nature.
Have you ever considered to
make off with the money?
- I do.
Adios, asshole.
What happens?
Go see what's going on.
He has the money.
- Who has the money?
Kowalski, he goes to the west.
Do not lose her sight.
What is it?
There's blood here.
He's gone, but there is blood, and
he dropped his gun and radio back.
That apparently delayed him, so he threw
it away. He is now heading for the highway.
He would not leave his weapon.
- Maybe he got help.
What about her?
I think.
Think faster.
- Keep your mouth shut or I'll punch him.
She has seen our faces.
That's not good.
None of this is good.
How did you get here?
You're wasting your time.
She has not said a word.
He killed him.
Now he looks for me. We have
to go before he finds us.
I have seen him only once,
when he was gone.
How did you get here?
With my friend.
- Where is he?
He's dead.
What's your name?
Okay, Heather.
How long have you been here?
What's the last thing
you remember?
We can not stay here. We must
go, otherwise he finds us.
We're not going anywhere
until we have our money.
He is doing nine or ten minutes
about one kilometer.
The bag will make him slow down.
So it's 10 to 15 minutes per kilometer.
- He is mine.
there's $ 3 million in that bag.
It's all yours.
- Your words are worthless.
I have not seen your face.
Take it, please.
- I have all those killed in communist Vietnam.
The earth was red with blood.
The air was burning.
Grown men crying like
little children.
Do not.
I beg you.
We gotta go.
- Silence.
We waste time, Mitch.
There's something wrong.
- Definitely.
She loves us. She has seen our face.
- Put the gun down, paranoid bag.
Someone is obviously a wimp.
- Nobody asked you anything.
She's been a few days in the woods.
The police will be looking at her.
About 12 hours we are in another country.
Put the gun away.
We must find out what they know.
If we find Kowalski...
I'm talking to you.
Where you going?
What is that?
Kowalski was near.
- I've never trusted that bastard.
Where's the girl?
I let her go.
- What do you mean?
What is this?
It's a dead card. The soldiers
labeled it with the dead in Vietnam.
How do you know?
- I read.
What happens?
- Someone has the money, but not Kowalski.
We are being hunted.
He's after us...
leads us to an open area...
and then he kills us.
Even if it takes all night.
Why do you think?
- I would do.
At least you have your gun back.
I'm out of here.
Calm down, Logan.
Calm down?
Say what you think.
We two have been through a lot together.
And we have always known the risks.
But here we play the game of another.
And we will all die.
Nobody dies.
We just have the situation
under control to have.
To master it? Kowalski's death.
The money is gone.
And that's a sign that lies ahead.
Let him keep the money.
We do two just another job.
Let him go. Go along.
You always told me, never
turn the money back.
Now I say to you.
- I can not do.
I'm sorry.
I can not do.
So you just go alone?
- Yes, that's right.
We were not prepared.
Keep the money. When you're
dead, you can not spend.
Leave it!
What is that?
There is no trace of him.
- We have found this. 30 meters away.
There is no blood, no trace.
He is like a ghost.
I do not believe in ghosts.
The girl said she saw someone,
and was gone.
Someone must have known we were coming.
- We did not agree.
What about Logan?
- He stays here. Whether you want to wear it?
We do not underestimate
the situation.
He is alone and we are all three.
- 24 hours ago we were six of us.
If we do not go, still
no one of us.
If we keep walking
around, we die.
The plane leaves in five hours.
- Fuck off with that plane.
We take the money and see
how then do we get out.
We have the bastard on
the murder somehow.
He is 50 yards away.
Wait until he moves.
Shoot only if you can hit him.
Keep the radio on but no
sound until we have it.
Keep your eyes open.
What happens?
He's all the time at hand.
- Say something.
I got you, asshole.
Crowley, answer.
Crowley, sign.
Crowley, answer. Crowley, sign.
Crowley, answer. Crowley, sign.
Help me. We must leave now.
Hi, does anyone?
I need help, please.
Mitch, there's blood here.
He is touched.
He's hurt. He flees.
Why is it always one step ahead?
I know you can hear me.
Where's my money?
There once was an owl
lived in an oak.
The more he saw the
less he said.
The less said, the
more he heard.
Why can not we be like
the wise old bird.
Give us the money, we will let you alone.
- And if not?
I think you and I'll kill you.
That does not save you.
No one saves it.
Give us our money back.
Your friend swore with his last breath,
that you would run to the east.
He certainly was a scared,
little man.
But seek a larger forest to hide.
If I find you...
I will with my bare
hands to tear.
I see you.
Tex, wait!
Where you going?
Glad you're here.
I had almost lost you.
You were dead seven minutes. But
I finally stopped the bleeding.
I had to close the wounds on.
I have not done well?
I changed the mechanism
in three seconds.
If you're trying to shoot...
you lose your head.
I need the rules do not explain?
If you win, you go.
I begin.
Your turn.
Pick it up.
Press it now.
Pull the trigger, or
I pull the pin out.
Now it's exciting.
Press it.
Would you excuse me?
There was nothing.
I'll give you a house to return.
Get out. Turn around and
run as fast as you can.
What about you?
I need some business deal.
Personal matters.
I just listened to it.
I told you I would find.
How does it feel?
What are you? A lost
soul from the Vietnam War?
You've killed my boys.
You took my car.
You blew my money on?
I've never killed anyone. Never.
You're just a crazy old man.
One last word?
- Have you heard of the great Gordini?
There are so many magicians today.
Twelve in a dozen.
He is not.
His best song was
a bullet catch.
His assistant shot with a pistol, and
he caught the ball with his teeth.
For a room with people.
Do you know how he did it?
Time's up.
Shall we play?
Come on!