Sket (2011)

You fucking snake!
You call her a sket to her face!
- Say something!
- What you all fucking looking at?
What's going on?
You're not from around here.
Where you from?
- Hey! Don't fucking do that.
- Hey, fuck you, man!
You look like shit.
I found her.
How you doing, baby?
Where the fuck is my gear?
I need more time to get rid of it.
You going to do
something useful with yourself?
Dad's train gets in at 1:00.
Are you going to see him today?
I don't even know him.
Go on! For me!
Thank you.
Everyone was on it.
Pills, powders,
green being used everywhere...
So Hanz goes to me, "Take these tabs..."
Shut up. Be quiet, man,
and listen to the fucking story!
In about 10 minutes
every man in the club had got one.
As I'm handing them out
I notice that
the white colour was coming off,
like they were blue underneath.
Bitch had given every man
at the rave one of them tabs!
I don't know, what?
Fucking idiot!
All these guys
running around with hard ons.
- Desperate for a fuck.
- Viagra, man!
I'm not gonna spend
more money than I need to.
Yes, yes, ladies.
Oh, I wanna fuck you, you,
maybe you, uh,
and no, not you.
- She's fucking butters, man.
- Fucking idiot.
Fuck you, you little bitch!
- Fuck you.
- Yeah? All right.
Think your mum's
waiting for you downstairs.
- All right, come. Fuck this shit.
- Bye!
You dumb bitch, man.
- Hey, hey, where's your tits?
- Fuck off!
Bitch! I want to fuck you.
I bet you're tight!
Come and do this thing.
You got no choice anyway.
- Come on!
- Come on!
Where did you learn to hit like that?
What? Just 'cause she's got a pussy,
she can't spark someone out?
Well, thanks.
- Thanks for what?
- For helping us.
- Where you from?
- Newcastle.
I can't understand a word she's saying.
Well, I owe you one.
What did she say?
Something about your mum.
You quick?
Can we keep it moving?
We ain't got time to adopt some midget.
- Who's on nickin' it?
- Where?
- Toni's.
- That shit hole? He knows us.
Don't know her though.
I'm meeting someone.
Ooh! Anyone important?
She'll be here soon.
Deal with that
crack head bitch yet?
Leave her, man.
Probably doesn't even know
what she's doing.
Just give her some more time.
What you mean more time?
She's got one day!
How's she going to get
that kind of money?
I don't fucking know.
She's got a gash, innit!
These fucking young 'uns, man!
Trying to come up here
and take what's mine.
Will you just go in and jack the place?
This is a waste of time. Can we go?
We stopped you
from getting battered right?
Do this and then we're even.
I might even let you jam with us.
She ain't gonna.
Forty lights.
Sorry, I've only got change.
Not those ones, the other ones.
Oh, you fucking scum!
Fucking come back here.
Fuck's sake!
Did you see how quickly I did that?
"Did you see how quickly I did that?"
All right, you can dosh up now.
- Give me your phone.
- No.
- Get off! Fuck off!
- Shut up, man.
Check us later. You can grab that.
Now fuck off.
I don't even know where you live.
Got some paper?
Why would I have paper?
Come check us tomorrow
and I'll give it back.
Where have you been?
He waited for you, Kay. He was gutted.
- We came here for a fresh start.
- No!
You came here. I was dragged.
You're doing it again, Kay.
You're being so selfish,
just like you were with Mam.
First you bring us here,
away from all me friends!
And now you expect us
to meet that arsehole!
Where are you going?
Piss off!
Can I have one of them?
It's haze.
I know.
Does nobody stop you rolling in here?
No one stops me doing anything anywhere.
I'm Kayla.
Me friends call us Kay.
My runners call me Shaks.
Didn't think you'd go far.
This was the only place
that wasn't full of pissed people.
You can't be angry with him
your whole life.
It will eat you up.
- I miss her.
- I know.
Thing is, Kay, we all make mistakes.
Sometimes people are forced
into making a decision,
and if they make the wrong ones then...
Nice speech.
Tell you what.
We'll meet here tomorrow night
and go for dinner.
Have something to eat.
Make a night of it.
Later, Kay.
Who was that?
I just need...
Got the cash?
Listen, I can do you right here.
This girl has turned soft, bruv.
Nah, bruv.
If it wasn't for her, man would be
doing life right about now, see.
So that's why I have
to go fuck up this crack head, yeah?
That's what you want.
I'm off, Kay!
I'll see you tonight!
Who left my fucking door open?
I told you she'd come.
- Where's me phone?
- We dashed it, it was shit.
It's on the TV.
You did well yesterday.
Well, hurry up then,
it's burning up, bruv.
- You know what a runner is?
- She's too small.
Can I trust you?
Because if you can't
and if you fuck us over,
then we will shank you!
- I'm joking!
- Oi! Stick her...
Oh! Ugh. Awful.
Kay, it's me.
I don't know where you are,
but I'm not waiting around any more.
See you at home.
Why didn't you fucking deal with her?
Calm down.
What you mean "calm down"?
I shouldn't have to be doing
your fucking work!
Just leave it!
What you talking about,
"leave it"?
Leave her alone.
Who the fuck are you?
Trey, come on, let's just go back...
What are you doing?
Who the fuck are you?
Come on, let's just go.
What are you doing?
- Don't walk away from me.
- Leave her.
Fuck off.
- You're losing it.
- You telling me what to do?
Listen. I'll fuck you I swear.
- You telling me what to do, yeah?
- I'm sorry!
See what I'm saying.
- Fuck off!
- What? What?
See what happens when you fuck up?
Keep fucking up!
Come in here!
Come in here!
Fuckin' keep your hands down.
Your fault.
You have... Fucking had enough.
- You're slipping.
- Nah, you fucked up.
Let's just leave it all.
Let's just take the gear
and the cash and...
What hospital?
We need you to answer
some questions, Kayla.
Do you have someone you can stay with?
Ok, I'll go and check.
Who you here for?
My sister.
She all right?
Can she speak?
I don't know.
She might have said something but...
What did she say?
Who are you?
I'm going to kill
whoever did this to her.
Revenge is messy.
The police are here.
Just came to re-up.
You collected your shit last week.
She's a runner, not a fucktoy.
She dead?
She has a sister.
She might know your name.
Stupid bitch.
Don't worry.
I'll sort it.
No, you won't sort it.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna send the boys to go sort it.
You had your chance, man.
You wanna trust your boys more than me?
Ask Reet what young 'un
he's planning on selling to next.
I need you to come with me, please.
There's no output.
Can you get the crash...
Get off, fuck off!
Ow! Fuck!
You's fucking dead, you sket!
Stop! Fuck!
You're fucking dead!
You bitches are always trouble, man!
Get off the fucking bonnet.
Man, it's a new ride.
What! What!
Are you smoking in my car?
Smoking in my new ride?
Put ash on the floor, man.
She comes up to me and was like...
- Get what I'm saying?
- Stop lying, man!
I have never seen you with a chick
since school days.
Man, I have enough girls, man,
left right and centre.
You've never been
touched by a girl.
All right, calm down.
- Put your number in my phone.
- Give me a reason to.
What I'm going to do to you later on.
That's the reason.
Ah, come on, don't get all shy with me.
You know you want to.
Come on, give this to me, man.
You got the money, let's see the grub.
- Hey!
- ls she serious?
What you back for?
Me sister. I need somewhere to hide.
Come on!
- Daze!
- Where the fuck are they all going, man?
I ain't getting involved in her beef.
You gotta help us!
There's this woman and she's... Daze!
I need to find her.
Why are you here?
- Help us find Shaks.
- Who do you live with?
- No one!
- Mum?
- She's fucking dead.
- Dad?
Go home.
We've got enough shit to deal with.
You're just a fucking pussy,
and we're not running around after you.
I reckon she's got drama.
What the fuck are you looking at?
Get your fucking hands off her!
What was that? You fucking idiot.
Sit down. Sit. Down.
Well, that was stupid.
Do you know what happens
when a girl is weak?
Every man jumps on her.
Fresh, easy prey.
They'll spot your weaknesses
and they'll pick at them
like a fucking scab.
That's why we pick our fucking battles.
- Just help us.
- No.
No! We don't even
fucking know this girl.
You should go.
- I don't have anywhere to go!
- I don't care.
Piss off.
You wanna know what you're getting into?
Look at her.
Seven shank marks.
And then we stopped him
from stabbing her with his dick.
You know, Kiz,
next time they'll be from Ruds.
You know, I don't know why we haven't
beaten the shit out of you yet.
So before we do, fuck off!
It doesn't have to be this way.
Just leave it all.
Take the gear, the cash and go up north.
- Hello.
- She got away.
She must've known I was coming.
Gimme her address.
Where the fuck is she, man?
I'll find her.
No sleep?
All these fuckers would kill me
if they had the chance.
You know that, innit?
And if they find out that I can't find
one Geordie fucking sket...
My own fucking endz! My own manor!
Then I might as well let them, innit.
I'm pregnant.
We've found where that
Geordie sket's been staying.
Still in our endz. Back on the estate.
Get rid of it.
Hurry UP...
How long did you want to wait here for?
I'm keeping it.
Is that her?
Can you help me'? I'm a bit lost.
I'm not from here.
That's a cute accent.
Where you from?
Where you from?
Wanna go and get a drink?
Some liquor?
What's your name?
- Don't.
- I'm going to kill you.
You've got to prove yourself.
I'm sending you an address.
Be there.
Uh-oh. You look like shit.
What're we doing?
Ruds fucked up.
It weren't her fault. Ruds just...
He took it too far!
You wanted him to though.
You let Ruds violate you.
He didn't give me any choice.
Dirty sket.
What the fuck? I'm going to kill all...
Fucking with one of my girls, are ya?
Get the fuck off me.
Fuck off, you fucking bitches.
- Fucking bitch, do you hear me?
- School him.
I'm going to fuck all of you up.
Do you always wanna be treated
like a whore?
She wanted it! She loved it!
Led by his cock,
running around trying to own endz
and using girls as cuntmeat!
Show him that he can't use you.
Show him that he can't beat and fuck
whoever he fucking likes.
Leave me alone.
Do it!
You loved it! Go on, tell her!
- Bitch!
- Do it!
...Didn't do anything.
I'll fucking kill ya!
I'm gonna fucking kill ya!
Stop it! I'm gonna fucking...
I'm gonna fucking kill ya!
Suppose you're one of us now.
I'm going to kill someone.
I only know his girl.
I just know that her name is Shaks.
He's the one that killed me sister.
What did she say to you?
- What's his name?
- What did she say?
Daze, we're not getting involved...
Shut up!
He's a shotter. Name's Trey.
And we're not going anywhere near him.
You ain't gonna get near him anyway.
With you I will.
He's killed loads of people.
What makes your sister so special?
Somebody would've shanked him by now
if they could've.
I've lost me mam
and I've lost me sister...
Oh, a load of fucking sob stories.
What happened to protecting each other?
We protect ourselves.
You've got nothing to do with us!
At least tell us where I can find him.
Fine. You want to know where he is?
- Hanz, calm it.
- No.
You want to go and get yourself
stabbed or raped, go for it.
It's a warehouse in Newham.
Ask any crack head on the street
- and they'll show you the way.
- Hannah!
What? She wants to know.
Let her kill herself.
Is anybody gonna come with us?
Or do I have to get shanked
to get your help?
Fuck off.
Can I speak to you alone?
You use them.
And what would I use them for?
So you don't have to be alone.
So you can bully someone.
You're just acting
like you protect them,
when, really, all you're doing
is making sure that they'll end up
in a poxy prison or fucking dead.
Pen or die?
- Not such a bad thing.
- Not for you.
Fuck, it was probably written
on your birth certificate.
- But for them...
- What about them?
Well, they actually think that
you give a fuck about them.
They think that they need you.
It's pathetic.
When it comes down to it,
you don't save people,
you collect them.
And the fact that you haven't
battered me right now,
is because they're not round here
to see you being taken apart.
How old was you when your mum died?
Last year.
I was 14.
I saw my dad beat the fuck
out of that woman,
day in and day out.
I'm sorry.
She was pathetic.
Not once did she swing back, not once.
The only way you'll survive
is to become like them.
Otherwise you'll end up
like our mothers.
Shit. Sorry.
I didn't know anyone was up here.
It's cool.
You can stay if you want.
You know what,
I'm just gonna cotch downstairs.
He... He said he wants to kill it.
My baby.
What you doing here?
Don't be so fucking stupid.
Were you there when she died?
Did you fucking help him?
Keep your fucking voice down.
The place where we first met, an hour.
Let's go out.
- Do you still have her digits?
- Hmm.
Find out where she is.
Why do you have such a problem with her?
Why don't you have a problem with her?
She reminds me of you.
Who was that man in me house?
One of his boys.
Trey keeps them in sniff and pussy
and they clear up for him.
Why haven't you been to the police?
Can they do anything?
What the fuck is she doing here?
- Long time.
- Hmm.
You lost weight.
- Still murking people?
- Still fucking 'em?
- This place is shit.
- Well, fuck off then.
Wait outside.
Did you know she was with us?
I wanna kill him.
You know,
she won't help you kill him.
she's his sket.
Things change, Daze.
He killed me sister.
She won't help you.
Nah! I won't help you.
Well, this has been really nice.
Yeah, well, listen,
I know a place
where you can get him alone.
They're pushing the last of the sniff,
having a massive rave tomorrow night.
It's your only chance of getting in.
And her best chance
of getting gangfucked.
Or that.
But they won't hesitate
because they know what you look like.
Do you see your little body?
It won't take long to fucking hide it.
You put them in his drink.
It'll knock him out.
Finish it.
What will you do after?
Hide here.
Small, you know.
You can walk around it.
Everywhere is just shoved together.
You know what happens
when you put two tigers in a cage?
They kill each other.
Open your mouth.
Oi, get dressed.
We'll go and get you some garms.
You're not going to roll in there
tonight if you look like you usually do.
Don't look so scared.
We're going.
Split it into hundreds.
Finish this, and go make sure
no one is causing trouble.
Help me!
Get the fuck off her!
You get out of here right now, yeah?
Or I'll get bare men up here
to violate you.
Been there.
We're going.
Ah, hold on.
These all your girls, yeah?
You miss me, babe?
Daze! What's going on?
Such a shame you didn't commit,
you know.
Being raped by You
is not commitment.
You know you loved it.
What's he talking about?
No one ain't gonna want you now.
You fucking...
You want to fuck me!
You want to fucking try again, do ya?
You lot, you know how many
girls she ghosted? Huh?
Go on, tell them.
- Tell them how many girls you shanked.
- You fucking made me!
You fucking made me!
You fucking made me!
Why didn't you tell me?
What difference
would it have made?
A lot of difference, Danielle!
Fourteen years old.
His neck.
He killed your sister.
Call the fucking ambulance!
- Hey.
- Hey.
What've you got on you?
- Sniff?
- Cash.
About two ton.
- What you need it for?
- Nothing.
Just some stuff I gotta sort out.
Eh, do you want me to come?
Why do you still cotch here?
Because he's my boy.
And it's safe.
This is all your fault.
She never would have went there.
She was always going to end up there.
It is my fault.
It should have been me who killed him.
Ever since me mam died I...
I've got no one.
That's why I need Danielle.
What else could you do?