Skills (2010)

- What the hell...
- It's a tie...
You can do better... Ow!
I run, see you later.
Who is it?
Do not know.
A pair of losers. I should have known.
Should it be envisaged muscles?
Who was it?
What's that stain on your shirt?
Can you use it in public?
Come down.
Not now.
Yes, right now.
- But...
- Nothing, "but". No.
- Hey Tommy.
- Hello...
Do Kelvin stay here a little longer?
Another time... Get in the car.
You still do not know what
is best for you.
I'm eighteen now.
As a parent it is my responsibility to remove
you from a place where you break the law.
What do you mean by breaking the law?
Should you use the car?
I had also been angry if my
Dad had brought me in a police car.
- You are so... Mother would never...
- Do not mix her.
You can throw me off at the station.
Your new boss, what
he demands in return?
Come on. I am going to participate in
competitions and shows, so it is.
And he will also be here, right?
But I would still have done it.
Now I just paid for it.
He waits just a stupid bitch who
fall for his bullshit so he can fix her.
Clear enough...
She is the one of the best skaters
in the country. You must believe.
What are we doing here?
Everything I do and say,
ends in the same manner...
- "Mother would never have done
this and that!"
It would be interesting to see
what she would have done...
I thought you could
ask her for advice.
I do not do this to annoy
you. I worry about you.
You are so skidded.
Stop being so embarrassing.
Kelvin! Wait!
They seem to have become friends again.
It becomes almost a little...
It's nice and soft. Try to notice.
What do you say that you and I...?
Hell, Bea! Forget it!
Can you help me?
Uh... Can you help me?
I'm not your personal assistant.
Need help?
I could use a lighter weight.
What is happening?
If you can not handle
machines, you should not be here.
Where we help each other.
I fucking care
stupid bitches and others...
- You must learn to manage yourself.
- When you're here, you
here on my terms.
- There is no one to tell me
what to do!
Beautiful show.
Hi, my name is Monika Skoog.
We are creating a feature
about young people with problems.
Are we on?
Beside me stands Monk. Try to
tell us about your business concept.
Business Concept... So,
I have chosen to focus on...
- Young people who have not
many opportunities in life.
Young people who are a little
down the social ladder.
We call them some...
That sounds good.
I'm not...
And here is a young man who comes here.
- What do you think about being here?
- It's okay...
- Do you come here often?
- A couple times a week.
He helps.
With so many troublemakers in the same
place, there is never saw a fight?
Hey, coach you usually here?
Give me that!
Your little... Give me the folder!
Kelvin! What the hell?
Come on!
Do you have the folder?
Kelvin, wait!
Slip, it's a private conversation.
What a conversation?
A conversation that
does not project yourself.
Perhaps makes it.
I would like to see some ID.
Relax. Let's talk about it.
I would like to see some ID. Nu.
Are you threatening me?
We can do it here, or we can
make it down to the station.
Your father was onto something.
Young people who are struggling against
each other in fierce competitions.
There laundered large
sums of money in bets.
The shooting may have
something to do with it.
We have enough material here to
at least ten new competitions.
Did you have to shoot him power driver?
Let me ask you on another
way: If you were a millionaire...
- Would you let a thief go into
your bank box and empty it?
Or would you stop the thief
with what was necessary?
I would stop the thief!
Fair. So we speak the same language.
Why do you look so serious look?
I had some problems with
a parkour-boy past.
A parkour kid who fight?
Tempo. Attack.
Let me find him. I will provide
that he can not jump again.
Ro on, Tony. I think I have something here.
Find him. But do not smash
him. I want him in one piece.
Hey, fat you are here. Although the
your father... Where is he?
I have to take. See you later.
It looked nice enough.
I would dance to this one. Come on!
What are they shouting? Shrek?
No, Stretch! He has won some
dance competitions. Been on TV.
- Hello Bea.
- How's it going?
- Good.
- Shall we dance?
Amuses you? Are you okay?
If you want a grandmother
you dance like a grandfather.
If you want something on the silly,
you need to Danish and Stretch! Do like me.
Use the shoulder, like this...
Come here. Do like me. Up with the arm.
- You damn good at. What is your name?
- Kelvin.
Kelvin? Stretch.
Have some things to be done. When looking.
You were not a particularly good student.
I just need to talk to...
You must not talk to anyone!
You have shown further now.
I told you to move on.
You come with us!
Kelvin! Do something!
Now you're not so tough anymore,
youre a fagot.
Do you know why you'd see
good with a mustache?
Because you would like your mother more!
Pigs! What the hell?
If you want to bitch granny
you must fight like grandpa.
Shut up! I had them where I wanted.
Why would they destroy you?
Are they progressing?
They're just gone by.
- Relax!
- I will not help you another time.
- Ham the old...
- Is not Tommy's father?
- I think he works for Skillz.
- What is the Skillz?
I've had enough of this
this shit party anyway.
Thank you for helping me with the gorillas.
See you later, Grandpa. I think you are
ready to get something on the stupid...
- Maybe we should proceed.
- Yeah, maybe.
Come on.
Let's get away.
How can you be so stupid to emerge
up here and try to score my girl?
It was those boys who...
I am so tired that you think you are better
than me. Now I have it settled.
- Do I do it now?
- Associate.
- Honestly... - Close your ass.
To consolidate still nothing.
Okay, let's get it done.
The big trip. There and back.
Linda is counting down.
Linda! Count down!
You are so cool, guys!
Frank... Good gone. You can damn
it to run and jump.
You live with Tommy, right?
I was not aware that he
had such talented friends.
The boys told me about your show.
Do you know Skillz? It would be
cool if you would join.
- You could be a star.
- I do not know.
- There is plenty of money in it.
- I do not think so... When is it?
- No one knows where and when it is before
time is right. Top secret, you know.
But I can tell you that the next
competition takes place within 48 hours.
No thanks.
Okay. But if you change
opinion, please talk to Tommy.
Is it okay if I get
the rest of the boxes later?
It's okay.
But you can not just
throw him out like this!
Monk? It is Kelvin.
Where are you going?
Can I stay with you? Tommy threw me out.
Okay. Thank you.
- May I come with you?
- If you do not move in with him?
So it was not. He can be as child-like.
I do not wanna hang out with a barner.
- Not that you are much better.
- You are a barner.
- No, you're a barner.
- No, it's you.
- You are... Come on, your young.
- Where is the man lying here?
- He is being x-rayed.
Nice ring.
I've never seen my dad without it.
In each case, not since my mother died.
- Beautiful.
- I got it from my sister.
- She seems to be sweet.
- It was she.
- What do you mean by "was"?
- She was always the quiet one of us.
If I rode around among the cars
the street, sat Lena most at home.
Undersigned, read, harmless activities.
But then came the bus.
Pis. Sorry...
- Where is the toilet?
- The table to the left.
- The guys who were here before.
- Those who stole my folder?
- I bumped into them yesterday.
- Okay?
They went up to Frank, Tommy's father. Then
they came over here and talked to me.
They asked if I would be
in a competition, Skillz.
My dad had this
here when he was shot.
This one I got from Stretch. This
here by Frank. Do you know what I think?
They were looking for your folder, so they
could find new talent for the competition.
So if we find the boys,
we find my folder?
The question is how we
entering the Frank office.
- Maybe this can help?
- What is it?
I clean the Franks office.
There is Franks office. There are alarm
but should this be clear.
Linda, you keep watch. As a Bark
dog, if there are any.
Good enough.
Boxing Champion, hold up.
Come on! The directory!
Do you find anything?
Perfect. Let us proceed.
What the hell!
Police! Stir you not!
Well, Kelvin. Why were you and Linda
in the Frank Security's office?
Keep her out of this! It was me.
She was there. It is rather difficult
to keep her outside.
- It was my idea.
- Why?
Was it your father who said,
you should do it?
- How well do you know Kelvin?
- Good.
And what is your relationship to each other?
We buns do not know
if that's what you think.
Okay. Let me ask it another way.
What did I at Frank Security's office?
I have a keycard. I clean there.
Whose idea was it to tug with Kelvin?
There is only thing is that... I
do not know if Kevin knows this, but...
I do not know what you think.
We believe that your father is
involved in Skillz.
He has worked on the case in
over a year without progress.
He has not been able to
apprehend the mastermind behind it all.
We think he has fed Skillz
with potential names.
Have you been close enough to him at the
last to know what he's doing?
Is your father really involved
this is competition?
Tommy's father said that there will be a new
competition within the next 48 hours.
We'll have to drive there.
Where did you get these from?
I have never seen them
before! It's a conspiracy!
Now do not be stupid.
- Handles it?
- Pain! Pain in my heart in my heart...
Are you sick?
Yes, sick! Sick at heart, because my baby
left me for a social worker.
She was understood when I met
my social worker.
- But it ended up that he
became her sex counselor.
- Are you kidding me?
- Yes, I said to her.
What does it mean? Is he getting better?
I'm not...
Kelvin! We've been looking for you.
- Do you think my father is a part of it?
- What do you think? Seriously?
No, I think not.
Me neither. Robert is one of the most
honest cops I've ever met.
However, there are cops which
have problems with honesty...
- And that is why these
damn rumors being spread.
Prove to me that he is innocent.
I can believe what I want, but that is what
Police say that matters.
I am bound hand and foot.
I can not do anything.
It is only those who live outside
for my law in your world...
- Which can solve your father's problems.
- Are you taking me now? - No.
You have other things to think about Kelvin.
- It was close.
- A bit too close, maybe.
Should we try to call Monk? I
do not think they're trying to look there.
- Well, Charlie, where's your buddy?
- No idea.
We'll just talk to him.
Now do not lie!
Linda! Over here!
What do we do now?
- I think we should go down there again.
- Why?
He is a little... cranky.
He is our only hope. We have
nowhere else to go.
I think we should go down there anyway.
I think we should give him a chance.
Hi Milo. Say hello!
Shut up, I watch TV.
This is Milo. My excuse for a brother.
Sorry, I can not shake hands.
Stretch, you can...
- What happened?
- He fell. Head. His neck...
- He is paralyzed from the neck down.
- Was it a car accident?
No, for hell. He was a karate champion.
We got a call about a year ago. They
had found him unconscious in a side street.
At first we thought that he
had been beaten or something.
But as it turned out that he had been
in a fight... or competition.
They had just left him there.
Was it...
Are you not afraid to be a part of
it? After what happened with your brother?
It can not get worse.
How I look at it. Revenge.
Get avenged my brother.
- The competition must be stopped.
- And how are we doing it?
We are participating. Compete. And when we
is in progress, we call the cops.
What are you doing here?
I want to talk to your dad. Competition.
I've decided to join!
He will have only the best.
If only I had the chance...
- I tell him that you are on.
- Okay, fine.
- But there are some conditions.
- Would you...
I'd like a few others too.
Okay, I say to them. If the
you say yes to a desire that I have...
Try to tell me more about Skillz.
They collect a lot of young people who
are good at different things...
- Inline, skating, BMX,
karate, whatever.
They meet all
each other in different heats.
The goal is to reach as many poor
within a given area.
However, it is by that also
can take the rings apart.
No rules. One can skin them by the
each other, smashing each other...
Or push each other
from tall buildings.
- Yes...
- Then you land on your neck.
Oh, god...
- If you really want something...
... You must be ready to pay the price.
It was mother who said anything.
When I did not know what to do...
- She always had an answer.
So, what say you, my esteemed student? Are
you ready to learn the dirty tricks art?
- What are you doing, sensei?
- What are you doing, SENSEI?
The cases being so,
honorable student: You are a coward.
Here you go. Take it.
If they pull a revolver,
drag a machine gun.
If they hit you with a plank
turn them with a tree. That's it.
To survive in the jungle
you must learn law of the jungle.
Mobile Phone.
What the hell is this, Auschwitz 1943?
Remember, if they ask you
whether you want a bath...
- Then run for your lives!
Give me the phone.
Give me your cell phone.
What do we do now? It's pointless.
You are here for your dad!
I will prove he is innocent.
Ever since the Roman Empire
has fought man against man.
Different disciplines. Different styles.
Different expressions.
All against each other.
In order to compare the intelligence
skills and endurance.
It is with pride,
I can present these
Ancient heroes descendants!
It is my honor to introduce to you
the Skillz!
- It is too sick!
- I just sits and waits for Russell Crowe.
- There is no reception.
- Nix, no reception.
When you hear the signal, you take the towel
from the eyes and let the battle begin!
When the signal sounds, begins second heat
Way to go!
When the signal sounds, begins third heat
- Time for action.
- No, I would like it here.
- It is totally wrong. You do not.
- Dad, I'm eighteen. Sorry.
Sorry, but I can
just not disappoint my father.
He took all your rings?
He just followed the rules - which
is not present.
Stop it.
If only we could have proved it
Frank is running things here.
We must use our mobile phones.
If we are to have a case to be
we have concrete evidence.
How about I run up there and throw
the smiling pig off the roof?
Would it be concrete enough for you?
We'll get him. He is involved in
shooting of your father. He betrayed him.
How the hell should we grab him?
When the competition is over, leaving
he just site and is gone.
You could backhoe up there.
No problem. It's not going to take
more than five seconds to reach them.
We could also do it together.
Then the big moment arrived.
When the signal sounds,
goes the finals started!
- He is just as big a loser as his brother.
- What was it you said?
- I said you are just
big a loser as your brother!
- Your brother was a big loser!
- Your fucking pig!
Stretch! Not now!
- Stretch, get your act together.
- Shit on the rules.
Stretch! Ignore him.
Now you get the same trip as my brother.
You and what army?
Come on! There's more where that came from!
Piss off, damn.
- It was you, you bastard!
- What the hell are you talking about?
It was you who shot my father,
and now he is in hospital.
And my brother! Thanks to your
ski competition he is lame!
You're not a little cheeky to accuse a
businessman for something.
Piss off, I'm progressing.
You go nowhere!
You're a dead man.
Police! Put the gun away from you!