Skin Trade (2014)

Welcome to Poipet.
You are so beautiful.
Come on.
Hey. You can't sell damaged
Put her in the shipment.
Hey, Dex.
Bring out the merchandise.
Don't be offended.
We have a way of making sure
our client are
who they said they are.
Fuck her.
And we watch.
You are negotiating huh?
Victor Dragovic is in Jersey.
I don't know, that's
all that I know okay?
Look, Nick, you don't know
who you're fucking with okay?
These Serbs, they're not
like the Italians.
Fuck, they're not even like
the Russians, alright?
They have no code.
No, no! Wait! Wait!
Where is the delivery?
Pull me up and I'll talk.
- Ah! No!
- Where?
New Jersey docks.
The ship is called
The Cambodian Star.
Now pull me up!
- Will Dragovic be there?
- Hmm?
Yes, yes.
Victor Dragovic will be there.
Now pull me up.
Pull me up.
Please. Please.
You can have her.
No charge, I promise.
I'll throw her sister in too,
okay? Huh?
Oh, please.
I told you everything I know.
Come on. Just pull me up.
Negotiation is over.
They say our genes are
what make us immortal,
that our children will carry
on our names, our legacy.
That it is family that gives
us hope.
I am proud of you Andre.
As I am of your brothers,
Ivan and Goran.
Means Happy Birthday
kid brother.
My fourth son Janko
could not be here
but he sends best wishes
from Poipet.
My son, Andre,
you and I have the same blood
in our veins.
Here is to many good adventures.
May we all live long.
Detective Cassidy.
Special Agent Reed,
Human Trafficking Task Force.
What can I do for the FBI?
Well, you know I'd hoped for
a little more inter-agency
You're trying to keep
the operation contained.
- Stop so...
- Leaks, yeah I understand.
Look, you know,
it's not too late
to hand the op over
to us, you know.
Viktor Dragovic.
Ex-Serbian national,
now working in Russia.
Thank you for coming in late.
Dragovic made a fortune
in hotels and gambling
in Eastern Europe and Asia.
But he's also a major player
in what I consider
the most despicable endeavor
on Planet E, human trafficking.
Dragovic kidnaps young girls
in South East Asia,
runs them through Europe then
sells them all over the globe.
The skin trade's
worth billions of dollars.
Last year alone this country
saw over 2000 cases
and I consider every single one
of those a goddamned tragedy.
This is Dragovic's oldest
son, Goran.
Educated in England.
Son number two, Ivan.
Runs the Middle East operation.
This is son number three, Andre.
Isn't he cute?
He's a student at NYU.
And there's a fourth son Janko
who runs the trafficking
operations in South East Asia.
Okay you all know Nick Cassidy.
He's the case officer in
this particular opus.
Take it away Nick.
This morning we fished
Dex Guroff,
an informant, out of the Hudson.
Two gunshot wounds to the head.
Before he was killed Dex
confirmed to me
that Viktor Dragovic is here
in Jersey.
Now thanks to shared
bi-lateral intelligence
by the Royal Thai Police,
we know why.
Better. We know where.
Our target is the ship
The Cambodian Star.
The coast guard confirms
it arrives at Pier 21
at the Jersey Docks in
less than three hours.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're going to make sure
that coming to America was
the worst decision
Viktor Dragovic ever made.
Andre, relax.
This time, your first time,
I will be with you.
Open door.
Go; Q9, go! go'
It's not my fault.
Janko, your son.
But you?
You are the boat skipper.
Where I come from,
men are accountable
for their actions.
Today, Andre, you will prove
that you are your father's son.
The blood on my hands is
the same as the blood on yours.
Make me proud.
Please, no. Please!
This is the police.
If you have any weapons
lie them down.
Left side cover!
Stay with him!
You have to run, Andre.
He cannot chase us both.
- I want to fight with you.
- Obey me Andre!
I'll prove to you...
I am my father's son!
I've waited my whole life
for this moment.
I am not afraid to die.
Do it.
Do it!
- You okay?
- Yeah.
Holy Christ.
Mr. Dragovic was unaware of
the contents of the container.
He maintains he never fired
a shot.
And that he and his son Andre
were caught
in your mishandled operation.
My client is a respected
businessman in Russia
and in Asia.
But not in Serbia, though.
- Right, Colonel?
- Hmm?
Pretty dicey for you
to go back there.
All those bodies
in that container,
did they give you a little buzz
on your old genocide days?
Mr. Dragovic was exonerated
by the International Crimes
Tribunal in the Hague.
He is a Russian citizen now.
The Russian government have been
contacted and you...
- Excuse me, Captain.
- Yeah?
Be right back.
- Who's this, Reed?
- Russian counsel.
Mr. Romanov, this is
Captain Costello.
I spoke to the Russian embassy
in Washington.
I'm here to monitor my client's
human rights.
Really? His human rights?
Are you fucking kidding me?
You're lucky I don't poke
your fucking eyes out.
Let me know when
he's gone, Reed.
I'm going to wrap
every dead body
from that container
around your neck.
30 counts of murder.
You should have killed me
in that dockyard, Detective.
How the hell can you sleep
at night?
How can you do this?
Buy and sell human lives.
Ask my customers.
When they stop buying,
I stop selling.
Goran. Ivan.
The skipper you recommended?
He fucked up.
The police know about
the delivery.
Our baby brother is dead.
Father in prison!
All our contacts in the
government over there
will have to come over soon.
Russia won't take us anymore.
And don't you fuck this one up.
- I...
- You're family, okay?
You're blood.
Even if it is diluted
whore's blood.
And Andre's killer?
Don't you fucking worry
about that.
Come on in.
Janko here, he has picked you
to be in one of his movies.
Now can you say, 'fuck my ass'
in that lovely accent of yours?
Get up!
Tony, the Americans,
they have Viktor.
We know.
The sons, they try
to get him out.
They have contact in government.
They want revenge too
against the cop that killed
the youngest, Andre.
You should stop this work.
It's dangerous.
When I call the police
and give information
they said they would protect me.
We have.
Every time.
So as long as you are on
the case, I do what I do.
Maybe it stop what
happened to me
happening to other girls.
Let's see what you got.
If by your art,
my dearest father,
you have put the wild waters
in this roar, allay them.
The sky, it seems, would pour
down stinking pitch,
But that the sea, mounting
to th' welkin's cheek,
dashes the fire out.
Oh, I have suffered with those
that I saw suffer.
You do exactly that on Friday.
You'll be there?
Haven't I been there at all the
important moments of your life?
You haven't.
Are you two ganging up on me?
Alright, you get some sleep.
I'm going to have to deal with
this, this uh... this criminal.
What's wrong?
The girls in that crate
were Sofia's age.
At least she has you
looking out for her.
Today I stared into a man's eyes
and knew nothing
was looking back.
How does that happen?
What date is it today?
Shit. I forgot.
Thirteen years.
Look I'll get you the most
beautiful roses in New York
tomorrow morning.
I promise.
You may forget, but I don't.
Happy anniversary.
What now?
Are you even...
It's Costello. I got to take it.
Hey Nick, it's Costello.
Listen, this is important.
I just got off the phone
with the Thai police in Bangkok.
Listen, Viktor Dragovic is...
This is for our brother.
Sofia, get back.
- Ah!
Please don't.
. ' Dad!
Jesus, Nick.
Nick, can you hear me?
It's Costello and Reed.
I know this is hard
and we're probably
the last two guys in the world
you want to talk to right now.
It's the wrong time and place.
Let's get out of here.
I'm sorry.
Rosa and Sofia are dead.
Their bodies were consumed
by the blaze.
The firefighters found
you downstairs.
He's gone.
Diplomatic pressure convinced
the judge to grant him bail.
As soon as he was on the street
he was in the air.
There was nothing we could do.
Russians wouldn't take him.
We think he's somewhere
in Thailand, maybe Cambodia.
Nick, you don't need to think
about this right now, man.
All the guys sent you this card
and I'm going to
put it right here.
There was a funeral.
How much did Dragovic
pay you counsel?
I'm a diplomat.
I have immunity!
I have a wife! Children!
So did I.
Where's Viktor?
' - Where?!
Poipet, Cambodia. Baby Doll.
Vi ktor.
You have to move on.
There's nothing more I can do.
What do you mean?
Nothing more you can do.
The Americans are insisting,
and the Thai too.
They are applying heavy
political pressure.
I can't keep denying
that you are here forever.
There's only so much I can do
without them asking questions.
There can be political
The woman in the photo,
she is not your wife.
And the girl in the next one?
She is about the same age
as your daughter.
I'll try for two more weeks.
But then you must leave
for Laos.
That works.
Hey hey!
No running I said!
I want to put in place a plan
for you, my sons.
To take over the companies.
You, Goran, will oversee
all the operations
in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.
Ivan, you will take over
Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary,
Czech Republic.
Both of you will oversee
expanding trafficking,
South East Asia.
Oh, oh, oh!
Not bad huh?
I'm getting good!
I like a girl who can fight.
21 cuts, 7 cigarette burns.
How old were you when they took
you from Vietnam to Germany?
You know, I remember my mother
was really upset
because she only got $700
and not $1000.
Agent Reed is from the FBl's
human trafficking task force.
This is special branch major
Tony Vitayakul,
his partner, Captain Nung.
This is cell phone footage
shot by a guest
at a New York restaurant owned
by Viktor Dragovic's attorney.
Cambodia, Baby Doll.
Watch the background.
He took a plane to Dallas.
From there we tracked him
to Mexico City
where he could buy a fake
American passport
for under $1000.
But he bought it from a snitch
and you know how these
things pan out.
We think Nick is suffering
from a severe
psychological breakdown.
Nick's plane landed exactly
18 minutes ago.
I got lucky.
Cassidy's gone crazy.
He's gone insane.
He's on the south ramp.
He went that way.
You stay with Nung.
Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!
Tony. He in Baby
Doll now.
We'll be there.
Okay, quick. I wait for you.
Be careful.
Where's Janko?
No Janko. No Janko.
No Janko.
No speak English.
Where is he?
Where is he?
He's at the warehouse.
The warehouse, by the river.
Where he keeps his stock.
Young girls.
Get out.
Fuck this, stupid motherfucker.
The man you are looking for,
he is in Janko's office.
But Janko not here.
Get down!
Get down!
Put your gun down!
You killed Nung!
I didn't kill that cop.
I just want Viktor Dragovic
and his sons.
After that I don't care.
That cop was my friend.
Last chance.
Get back!
You get him?
You okay?
You hit?
Come on.
We're going to get this guy.
Just go.
You stay here.
I'll go check the tapes.
Have you found out who's
leaking the information
to the police?
We'll send someone for her now.
Never underestimate a pervert.
Where's Janko?
Where is he?
at the warehouse.
By the river.
Where he keeps his stock.
H 9Y-
Let's go.
Go, go, go!
Stay here.
Where's Janko?
You're not my brother.
You're the son of a whore
who fucked everything up.
Father would never!
Father says goodnight.
Where's Viktor?
Hey Janko!
Get it over with.
The man you killed
had a wife and kid!
Another one coming in a month!
I told you I didn't kill him.
Reed shot him
with his own weapon
and gave it to me.
Tell me where your
father's going!
Janko! Can you hear me?
Where's your father gone?
Cheng... Cheng Chao.
Cheng Chao.
When did Dragovic get you?
Guess we all have our price,
Look at the price you paid.
You should have got
with the program.
You think you two are
going to stop the skin trade
just because you run around
like fucking boy scouts?
Fuck you care about these girls?
They'll just rot wherever
they are anyway.
And you will rot in hell.
He mentioned an air strip.
Cheng Chao. You know it?
Cheng Chao.
The Cambodia border.
Hold still.
Why are you doing this?
You're hurt.
No, this.
Going to the border.
Probably getting
ourselves killed.
- It's my job.
- Bullshit.
You're talking to a cop here.
There's Min, my informant.
She's my girlfriend.
You know...
some of these
girls are just not kidnapped.
They are sold.
Sold by who?
Their parents.
Min was sold by her mother.
Now I think they got her
and they could do anything.
I love people with scars.
We are the same, you and I.
You have a very strong
There is a musicality
to the rhythm.
Dum, dum. Dum, dum.
Dum, dum. Dum, dum.
We are not the same.
No one with a heart
can do what you do.
Blood money is still money.
But nobody wants damaged goods.
Vi ktor.
' Ah!
Tony! The kids!
Listen, okay.
You see those trees?
I want you to run and hide
behind them.
I want you to look back.
Remember the faces of these men.
If something happens
your father or me,
it is your duty to do something
about it when you get older.
Remember. Now run!
It is a helicopter.
You can watch me kill her.
- Go.
- No, no, no.
Mister we aren't finished.
Too bad you'll never see
your daughter again.
Sofia, right?
She was a very fine piece
of merchandise.
Where is she?
Where is she?
Where is she?
So she could still
be alive?
I hope so.
We'll be coming back
to collect her.
Don't ever lose hope
I don't know where she is.
But whatever it takes,
wherever I have to go,
I'm going to find my daughter.