Skinwalkers (2006)

Yee nadlooshi - The Navajo
term for 'Skinwalker'
Human beings, who, through
the blood of other humans...
have gained supernatural powers.
Some call it a gift - others a curse.
A war has begun - between those who
mean to end the curse,
and those who do not want
to lose their beastly powers.
According to the indian legend,
the end of all Skinwalkers...
will be brought about by a 13 year old boy.
There are some things in this world
so frightening...
that we pretend
they don't exist...
the stuff of nightmares...
we tell ourselves...
there no such thing...
but the truth is
they are out there...
and closer then we fear...
Silver bullets
Nice touch
now caretaker...
it looks like your out of a job...
you and your people have
been defending...
these pathetic creatures
for a long time
but it will all be over soon enough
we'll attack each of these camps
and destroy them...
and this disgrace to our true nature
will be over forever
what was on the tape?
you'll never find the boy in time...
it can't be...
it already began...
the legend is true...
where is the boy?
tell me...
not in this lifetime
gather your men
we have four days
to full moon
take this to Varek
he goes north...
tel him there's no time to lose
you find this boy or
it's the end of us
you can see for yourself...
the boy is safe...
but with the red moon
we should be ready for anything
just to make sure
you be careful
the red moon's power will be very strong
you will have to lock down
until this is over
I've gotta go, good luck and stay sharp
he's gonna make it
we all are
this isn't a dream anymore
four more days
well that's good news
the bad news is now y'all gotta
to spend the night downstairs
It's probably just a fuse
I'll be right back
oh my God
Tell me when Varek
and the're all dead
so it's true
the boy's alive
where is he?
don't hurt him
that's not what I want...
if you co-operate with us,
then you will be spared
along with your husband
if you choose otherwise then you will be
forced to watch him suffer
in agony allowing you one last look
at the life that you elected to end
do you understand?
where is the child?
we don't know
we never have
she's fucking lying
they gotta know, Varek...
you think we hadn't thought
of something like this
of someone like you
do you think you're a martyr
you might as well be holding the blade
this everything is?
that's it
you believe her
it doesn't make any sense,
it is not possible Varek
it makes perfect sense...
they can't tell us what
they don't know...
no matter what we do to them
it's foolproof
the're dying for some kid
the've never even seen?
they have faith...
it's all they need
think of something
this kid is out there
I'd rather die then go back to that
we'll find the child
there's no alternative
we'll find him Sonya
You can't even see the kid's face...
so that's how they did it
boosted the morale
without risking a thing
we're wasting our time Varek...
we only have four more nights
to find this kid
did you see that?
right there
look at the mirror
Come on baby breathe
please, just breathe
Will he can't breathe. I gave him a shot
this morning. I don't understand
The inhaler doesn't help
he just keeps getting worse and worse
Rachel, he's going to be OK
I want you to breathe deep
and don't move...
Come on sweeetie
what is it?
it smells like crap
hey baby
are you OK?
do you want to see something freaky?
isn't that awesome?
did you have another bad dream?
no, I'm fine
come here you
let's snuggle
I love you mom
I love you too baby...
is everything all right?
I was worried when you weren't
there this morning
Tim had another attack
a bad one
he's all right now he's sleeping
so's Rachel
She was up most of the night
the moon...
is getting very powerful
this may get worse
Thank God for you Will
you've always been there for us
I don't know what we'd do without you
It's all in a days work
Tim looks well
yeah,he get's sick and he get's better
it's his whole life...
He comforts me
What's wrong Rachel?
there's something I have to tell you
it's time for me and Tim to leave
we have to
I have to learn to be a mother
a good mother...
figure out what I want to do
with the rest of my life
you guys have raised him, I haven't
I'm so God damned dependent
on everyone here
I have to learn to stand
on my own two feet
he's been dead over
thirteen years now Jonas...
what progress have I made?
his ghost is all around me
every time I look at you...
Nana, Katherine...
I still see him
Come on Rachel, don't fool yourself
my brother's ghost is going to be with you
whereever you go
you need to be strong...
despite that
he's want you to
I'm sorry Jonas
I've already made my decision
Hey Doak
you know...
you gotta give them what they want
What's that
I don't know, let me
see what I've got in here
a DVD...
good morning
- good morning...
what are you doing here?
did you bring something?
- the mail...
you forgot your name tag
oh shoot
thanks Nana
Pretty cool fool
This piece of track
it keeps catching
when did we start wielding blades?
A few days ago
mom gave it to me...
she was saving it for my birthday
I caught her trying to hide it
in her jewellery box...
so I got it early...
let me see that...
oh sure
it looks so used...
it's my dads
look what the cat dragged in
Hey Adam
How you feeling big guy?
I'm hungry
Right, he said it
let's go get some breakfast
why does he have to do that?
I heard you had a bit of a scare last night...
how do you feel?
Huge! Check that out
Check this out
thanks Uncle Jonas
an early birthday present
wow dad
Is that a Smile?
Is Adam taking care of you?
come on
How about that wind last night
It was pretty wild huh?
I'm late
Someone will drop Timmy at the store
we'll be there.
there's Courtney
Hey Adam, Rachel
How's Tim? All better?
He's fine, thanks.
Good News
Tim had an attack last night...
last night...
Can't even sneeze in this town without
anyone knowing our business
Ain't that weird?
I mean it's not not normal, it's not
we're not here right now
leave a message and we'll
get right back to you, thanks
Hey guys it's me
where are you?
I thought you'd be here by now
It's geting late
Where are you?
Do you think the moon will
be red again tonight?
Really? What makes it red?
It's getting late, let's just get
you to the store
Come on
All we want is the boy
stay there...
I'll explain later. Right now
learn how to load a gun
Adam, what are you doing?
We need to move now
Get Down
Head straight for the Saddle Shop
Stay there until I come for you
I'm not leaving you Nana
Do as I say
Get the boy.
Are you OK?
don't move until I tell you...
We need
To get to my garage
Trust me
They're on us
Where's Jonas?
Let's go let's move.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand Rachel.
Come on.
Over there in the truck
Give me your hand
Go! Get out of here.
I can't believe
Get the bandages.
Let me see
Put some pressure here
How did they find us Jonas? How?
What the hell is happening?
They want Timothy...
What are you talking about?
They want to kill him, Rachel...
And they're not going to stop
until he's dead.
Why would anyone want to kill Tim?
He's just a boy.
In 3 days on a full moon,
something going to happen to Timothy.
Something they can't allow.
We'll find Him.
You know that.
You're not making any sense.
We're cursed
We kept you in the dark all these years
Because it was the best way to
prevent them from finding Timothy
and we kept him safe Rachel.
For thirteen years we kept him safe.
We call ourselves skinwalkers
I don't understand...
mumbles some crap
Who are they?
But not like us.
It's really quite simple.
We want the curse to end
They don't
Why do they want me?
Because you are the only
one that has the power...
To end the curse forever.
You're special Timothy...
You have your mother's blood,
and ours.
Nana was one of us.
So was your father.
No, it's impossible, not my husband...
Pull this thing over
We're getting out.
Rachel, please...
Don't you get it,
I don't believe you
It's going to be OK, I promise.
don't worry, she's safe
the're locked down
she needs to see it to believe it
You don't like me
I'm just a friend
I knew your father when he was your age
and Jonas and I go way back
My people have been taking care of
these people for a long time
there's a legend, a belief
that if a child....
a halfbreed....
something like that...
and if he lives to be 13 years old
there's gunna be a red moon...
which is a signal to all skinwalkers...
that the prophecy will be fulfilled at
midnight on the day of your 13th birthday
When they turn the craving for
human blood is so intense
that if they break free and feed
they will become the beasts for ever
and the ones trying to kill me
they don't want the curse to end?
To them it's not a curse
the lust and desire to consume
human blood
is so overwhelming to them
it's like drugs to an addict
The first Skinwalkers were
Native American
they believed that the power of the wolf
was a gift
but it mutated and ....
many couldn't control the lust for power
couldn't fight the beast inside them
what makes you think I can?
if I live through this...
what is it that I'm supposed
to be able to do, exactly
I don't know
don't do this...
Here you go little girl
thanks Alan...
keep dreaming
Are we going to play some pool?
let's play Baby...
Oh yeah, we're gunna play allright
Get your hands off me
we're two against one...
Get off of me!
Get off of me!
Hey sweetheart...
do you want some this?
Please forgive us.
we're refueled...
I'm gunna head for the Stronghold
hey hey hey hey...
you know you might even like it
if you try it
not in this lifetime...
Where the hell are we gunna go?
we follow the leader...
let's go.
let's get it done
I'm the same man Rachel...
you're not, not to me
you've been living like this
your whole life?
every month?
what about them?
the ones coming after us
when they change do they...
they hunt and they kill
they're addicted to blood...
once you feed you can't go back...
those beasts killed my husband
and now they're after my son...
how is a 13 year old boy
going to end all of this?
he's special...
the nightmares, the asthma
Timothy's body is at war with itself...
and he needs you...
we need you...
so what now?
How do we keep my son safe...
Now we keep together...
and we stay out of sight...
there's just two days...
we are so close, Rachel...
what is it baby?
I don't feel so good...
ok baby
I'm here...
it's gunna be OK Timmy
What happened?
you passed out...
you'll be back in the game
in no time
somebody get the nurse...
Why don't you do a walk around?
I don't know this place...
I don't want any surprises...
what is going on upstairs?
damn it
do you think he's gunna make it?
he always does
He's stronger then all of us
put together
yeah, I know that
and I believe that
I'm sick of looking
over my shoulder...
and not knowing who to trust...
how do you feel young man?
now that you're here
it's fine...
cute huh?
you had all the lab technicians
scratching their heads
let me guess...
I'm a werewolf...
not quite...
but he does have a vary rare blood type...
not only that but his white blood count
was off the chart
he gets that from me...
I'm AB negative
that's not it
What about his father?
That's a tough one
We're not sure...
You have some pretty strong blood
running through you
we are so close...
before we know it
our live are going to be our own
we can be whatever we want to be
we're so close
wanna be a better half
it's long hours...
yeah, it's a pay...
it's more about the benefits...
how long before we can be on our way?
let me go talk to the doctor...
don't be a stranger...
thank you
I'm almost 13 you know
he's doing OK
we'll be out of here in no time
get to the roof...
you might see something we can't
Kath, you take the back entrance
I want to stay here...
I want to get out of here...
we need to leave
I know...
Doak's gone to find someone...
he'll be a minute...
Car accident, head trauma
take a look.
Bring the RV around now...
excuse me...
can we get a doctor please?
we'd like to leave...
Hey, what are you doing?
it's time to die...
Tim get up...
go Timmy go...
are you OK?
- C'mon get up
Come on...
let's go come on.
that it is mine...
get ready doak...
it's OK...
Come on, in the truck
take him
Come on
Come on
let's stop all of this.
cover me well
let her go Caleb...
don't make me make something
I don't want to do...
join me...
we're one and the same
I'm nothing like you
I am what I was meant to be
you live a lie
you were wrong
I know what your feeling trust me
Trust you?
you're killing...
fellow human beings
I am not human...
and I will not risk spending
the rest of my days as one...
diseased and flawed...
you are better than this...
let her go Caleb...
let her go...
we'll make you a deal
Katherine for the boy...
my daughter for your son...
What the hell is he talking about Varek?
you told me that he was dead
Uncle Jonas...
you all told me that
you all lied to me
I believed that he was dead...
they got her
Oh my god Jonas they got Kath
they wanted him killed
I thought he was dead...
well you were wrong
and now he's trying to kill my son...
his son...
we have to keep moving
That bitch was your wife...
it was another life...
and that was your son?
I didn't know...
it changes nothing
it changes everything...
that kid has to die
Sonya's right Varek this is fucked up
that boy has to die
I know
I don't care who's kid it is
you can't hesitate
you shut your mouth
are you questioning my resolve.
the boy has no father...
and I have no son
this is our best chance Adam...
we know this place is safe...
we'll be able to wait it out here
we'll protect him here
tell me she isn't worth it...
tell me she isn't worth
going back for
why are you doing this?
that son of a bitch is
he knows he's got my only weakness...
that's why she's still alive Adam...
that's why we can't go back,
because that's what he's counting on
they're going to torture her mercilessly
and you know she won't break
can you live with that?
neither can I
it's just one more day Adam
and all this will be over
everything that we believe in...
lives in Timothy...
everything I believe in is out there
She's gone Adam
and if you go back it will be the end of us
it's as safe as we're gonna ger
It's time for lockdown
all right
Adam, you first
let's go...
the red moon is gonna be even stronger tonight
Adam, I want you to find some higher
ground and keep your eyes peeled
get Timothy, we're leaving now...
we're no longer safe here
how did he become one of them?
the night of the attack
we thought he was dead...
but we were wrong
now he must have survived
and he must have hunted
Jonas it's Caleb.
my husband...
your brother...
the Caleb you loved
died that night...
he is not dead...
how could you lie to me all these years?
I did it to protect you
and he's taken Katherine...
you don't think that I feel
any of that...
do you?
I'm not like you Jonas
any of you remember
I don't have the beast inside of me
you better find it for your son...
or he will die?
he found her
I told you not to go
you led them to us
I didn't see anyone
everybody in the truck...
we gotta go now
are you OK baby?
I can't believe that it was him Daddy
he looked so different...
he wanted to know to where we were headed
the others
wanted me dead
he wouldn't allow it
I guess he saved my life
He's going to be on our tail now
we'll make up some time tonight
I'm sorry Jonas
I couldn't leave her
Yeh I know
I love you
I was zoning in and out
they wanted to know to where we were headed...
that's OK sweetheart
we'll talk about it in the morning
I'll finish with Kath...
you two get yourselves locked up
she's going to need some time
I'm sorry
I just don't remember
it's all right
I wish I had more for you
It's OK
we gotta get lockdown
you're gonna be OK Katherine
try and relax
we're gonna take this one step at a time
I got it
Daddy, sometings wrong with me
Kath what is it?
get the fuck back cocksucker
lock her down
do it now
just leave me alone
I don't know what's happening
I can't control it...
it's impossible, they left her for dead
they made her feed do it now
lock her down
they gave me life...
what happened?
Adam, she'll kill us and she'll kill Timothy...
it's what Varek wanted
you have no idea what you're missing
god it's so amazing
we can feel it together...
she's gone Adam, she's turned
that's not Katherine anymore
you can't do it you fucking coward
Katherine don't make me do this.
go on Adam, you gotta do it
you gotta do something
you shot me you little prick
I'm sorry, you're gonna be OK
she's gone, Adam, you gotta do something
she's gone
Adam, she's gone
don't Katherine
I love you
you love me too
that's enough baby that's enough
give me that...
you were Daddy
Timothy, open the door kiddo
Timothy no.
Timothy stay down
keep the door closed
come on kiddo
sit down.
keep the door closed
shut the fuck up
it doesn't have to be this way
don't you want to feel
what I'm feeling
think about what you're doing
you help raise that boy...
this is not you...
you have to fight it
Kath you have to fight it
give me your hand
give me your hand
Timothy open the door.
no, keep the door closed
Uncle Jonas is trying to hurt me...
keep driving
Timothy don't.
Timothy closes the door now...
please stop it
I'll miss you Daddy...
oh my God...
oh my God...
there it is...
we only have to make it to midnight...
three bodies but there's no kid
there's nothing back there
they're all gone
they're close...
just one more...
we're safe in here
that's a steel door, locks from the inside...
what are you thinking?
while I'm not there.
you in there with Tim
you want to go out there alone?
I've got a few tricks up my sleeve
let me help you Jonas..
now you listen to me...
after I turn I'm gonna be fighting
the need to feed
we're here, we can help you...
on anything or anyone.
now I don't know what's gonna happen...
but if I feed I might lose control
and you're not going to have a choice...
kill me.
you've gotta kill me...
swear it to me...
swear it to me Rachel
you have no choice...
it's not for another hour..
but happy birthday Timothy
we just have to last until midnight...
you're gonna be OK Timmy...
don't open the door...
sit down.
we gotta go fast...
don't hurt him...
mom, wake up please, mom get up..
mom wake up
mom, Uncle Jonas is in trouble...
Uncle Jonas..
UNcle Jonas
let's get the hell out of here.
are you OK?
can I help you?
we'd like a room
I need your names...
and a credit card...
it'll be cash...
cash works..
sorry, my wife's a little jumpy...
yeah, it's all right
it's just one of those nights...
so many people sacrificed their lives for me...
and now I make sure
they did't die in vain...
Uncle Johannes was right after all
I do have the power to end the curse
it's not going to be as easy as they all hoped..
the power was in my blood
I am wounded
I'm here to be cured...
for some
I am salvation...
for the others
their destruction