Skjult (Hidden) (2009)

(You are here)
Kai Koss?
We've been waiting for you.
My condolences.
Just follow me.
I only remember you
from the papers.
How long's it been...
Fifteen, twenty years?
Must be strange to be back
after all these years.
I just stayed put myself.
Married. Kids. Family.
The usual.
One's gotta do something, right?
She's spent a few days
at room temperature...
I've done my best.
- I want her cremated.
- Then I suggest a plain casket.
You'd probably like some time
alone with her, so I'll...
Whatever happened
in the past,
it's best just to say goodbye.
Do it right way.
You're gonna burn now, mom.
Kai Koss.
Damn, you've changed.
My condolences.
Thank you.
The exit, is it, uh...
We didn't find a will
or any letter, so, uh...
you inherit everything.
The house is yours.
And this what she had
on her when she...
- If you want I can come with you.
- No, that's not necessary.
I'm just gonna check
on a few things before I leave, so...
- Which way out?
- Left.
Car crash. Man and wife killed.
Son disappeared
Scream in the waterfall
Boy disappears without a trace
Is everything OK here?
- Wow. What happened here?
- I don't know. Kids, maybe?
What was that?
- Find anything?
- No, no one there.
Someone was here. A window's broken
and there's some beer bottles.
Probably just some kids
with nothing better to do.
Why not
rather sell the house instead?
No, it's not for sale.
There were so many rumours
about this house when I was a kid.
I found it insanely creepy.
I've been thinking
someone should have...
But you know how it is,
one's not supposed to interfere...
Look, that's illegal.
So I'll have to be the cop now.
I'm taking these with me.
They've thrown me a surprise party.
Nothing's changed here.
Don't you remember me?
Can I help you?
Do you have a room?
but one has to book in advance.
Plus, we're closing. End of season.
The hotel is a construction site.
Everything's chaos.
Total chaos.
Could you recommend
somewhere else?
Yes, I see.
He's standing right in front of me.
He'll move in here.
She had quite an appetite,
your mother.
Practically ate for two.
Did you know that there's a short cut
between the hotel and the house?
Can I bill it to the room?
Unfortunately, no.
Let's just say it's on the house.
I like you.
Always did.
I needed to change crowds. It's
my birthday, I can do as I please.
You seem to have done well.
And you?
Man, house, dog and all that?
No. Far from it.
I've checked your record.
And what say the papers of truth?
Four orphanages, -
three foster care families.
"Otherwise, the boy is
on his best behaviour. "
Just so you know, -
- there are some who aren't
too fond of you coming back.
What really happened that night?
You've read the reports, right?
Maybe a hundred times.
- Good night, Sara.
- Good night.
Did you know that you're staying
in the same room as Peter did?
Guest register
We have seen the waterfall.
It is bigg.
- Let's sleep here tonight.
- No way!
Let's sleep here now then!
Come on.
Hey, where are you going?
Stian, fuck this.
Enough already.
I want to go home.
Shit, look. Broken glass!
When I was a boy scout...
Sara, we've found their tent.
The camp fire is still burning.
Maybe they're just
fucking with us?
Hi, it's me, Sara.
- Did I wake you?
- Yes.
Can you come to the house
right away?
I need to talk to you
about something.
- Hello?
- Yes.
Something's happened.
People are worried.
Hi. The light was green,
and I'm in a bit of a hurry, so...
Yes. The whole world's in a hurry.
I'm in a hurry too.
Svenna over there
is definitely in a hurry.
Long time, KK.
Roy, check this out.
His front light's broken.
Did you hit somebody lately,
or what?
- What the fuck do you mean?
- Can you open the trunk?
No, I can't.
I see.
Go talk to Erik there.
- Could you move that car?
- I want to take a look in your trunk.
- Roy, right?
- Yes.
- What the fuck do you want?
- I just want to look in your trunk.
What? You want to look too?
Want to look in my trunk?
- Roy, what the hell is going on here?
- We're flattening the road, dammit!
What the fuck did this Roy
want in my trunk?
Sorry about that.
Roy just wants to help, but...
What the fuck do you mean, "help"?
People are so damn nervous,
some kids have gone missing.
A young couple left to camp and fish
in the river. Then they disappeared.
What the fuck
has that got to do with me?
People just get nervous
and imagine the worst.
The boy had on a red hoodie. They
were seen by the house yesterday.
Someone was there last night.
Maybe it was them?
Let's check the basement.
There's the broken window.
Hey! Easy!
Anders, go upstairs!
Go upstairs!
What the hell is going on?
This is where I grew up, Sara.
Nobody can hear you down here.
Not even when mum pours boiling
water on you when you've wet the bed
I'm sorry.
Every night I tried
to get away from this room.
- Sara, we have to get going!
- Anders, go wait in the car!
How are you?
I'm afraid I have a few questions.
Where were you last night?
I received a phone call.
I thought someone called from here.
I couldn't sleep.
So I went to see who'd called.
Who was it?
I don't know.
- Was anyone here?
- I don't know. Probably those kids.
- When I got here, they split.
- Where to?
Into the woods.
With Peter.
KK, Peter fell
into the waterfall years ago.
You know, at the hotel...
There's a photo of Peter.
And in that photo, -
he's holding a ball.
A little, red ball.
And I saw that ball, Sara.
Here, in the house.
There's thousands
of balls like that.
But what if he didn't fall in.
What if he was here.
Down there.
While I was gone.
Do you have that ball?
It wasn't your fault.
- Where to?
- Just drive.
You have to be careful when you look.
You never know what you'll find.
One hundred percent of focused,
fucking pain is what I found, -
it just laid in the dark waiting.
You want to ask it to just go away.
Go away!
But it doesn't.
When I was a scout, we didn't leave
broken bottles in the bushes!
We took them with us!
In recyclable bags!
'Cause we were scouts, right?
Be prepared!
We're there.
She's gone!
This is my daughter, Anne.
Have you seen her?
Anne's gone missing.
She's gone!
That dog alerts to you. Have you
got something in your pockets?
- What?
- Could I see what's in your pockets?
- You want to check my pockets?
- Yes.
That's Anne's!
I found it in the house.
What do you mean found it?
You can't just throw us that!
I have nothing to do with all this,
I just inherited that damn house.
You have to tell us what you know!
I don't know what happened to her!
All I know,
is they've been in the house.
That's not fucking good enough!
You'll tell us what you know, OK?
Answer Anne's dad! OK?
Stop it, Roy!
Keep off!
Keep off, I said!
- You OK there, Roy? Breathe OK?
- Kai, let go of Roy!
Keep them away!
Keep them away, I said!
This is Anne's!
He says he found it in the house.
We know they've been in the house,
but there's no one there. We checked.
Sara's closing up the house now.
Let's move the search up to the river
Let go of Roy, I said!
Stay here.
They're looking for you!
If you fall in,
you'll be gone forever!
- Like Peter?
- Yes.
They found his shoe
right over there.
It was really foggy that night.
He muste have panicked
and ran straight in.
Into the waterfall.
They never found
his body, did they?
Come with me.
Peter is dead.
He doesn't exist.
Nothing you could have done.
The boy was out peeing
when they crashed.
What he saw...
Poor kid.
He was all alone.
They followed his tracks with dogs,
and found this.
Right where we were earlier.
The year after
a fisherman found this.
In the river below.
May I have a look?
Of course.
Did anyone untie this knot?
They found it like that.
Do you know anything
about shoelaces, Sara?
Of course you're right, Sara.
He fell in.
Thank you.
So you tied the laces.
You threw the shoe into the river.
Then you took Peter.
Do you hear the scream
in the waterfall?
Do you hear anything?
I hear nothing.
Just the waterfall.
The scream is in the woods.
What is he doing here?
- Shouldn't we get hold of Sara?
- No, we'll let worrywart rest now.
You and I can handle this.
Come on.
Look at this.
Come on. Let's split.
The flashlight.
Calling Sara.
- I copy, Anders, where are you?
- His car's parked outside the house.
But he's not here. Over.
Get a move on, Svenna!
I just spoke to worrywart.
She told us to meet her...
They never should
have entered the house.
- I think it's time to go.
- Because he's free now.
He's out there.
- Who?
- You know who! Peter.
Come here.
What? You think... You think
I had something to do with this?
Now you have to tell me everything.
The whole truth.
I have told you the truth,
you just don't want to listen!
Sara, don't!
We don't need them.
I'll find him.
Only I can stop him.
- OK?
- OK.
That's it.
The scream is in the woods.
Who was right, Sara?
I am so sorry, Frode.
Let me go!
- Sara calling Roy. Roy, come in!
- Shut it!
Come on, already!
Is that you?
Jesus Christ.
It's OK. Hey!
I won't let them get you.
Look at me.
I know where you've been.
It's going to be alright.
Hey, hey. Peter!
It's OK.
There you go.
Line Benedikte Iversen