Skulls, The (2000)

What can I do for you|this A.M.?
We got oatmeal. We got|ham. We got omelets.
- We got ham omelets.|- I'll have a ham omelet.
More oatmeal, dude. And try to|keep it on the plate this time.
Yeah, dude, more oatmeal. God, and|try to keep it on the plate this time.
Sometimes you can be|such a bitch. Fascinating.
Hey, buddy. Come here.|I know it's 8:00 a. M...
...and you haven't had your|triple-soy decaf latte yet...
...but a kid with your kind of|breeding should have some manners.
I suggest you|apologize to the lady.
I'm sorry.|I'm sorry.
Oh, sophomores.|You gotta love 'em, huh?
The usual? Yes. That would be lovely.
The race is at 4:00 today.|You gonna be there?
I don't know. I've got this|really riveting econ seminar...
...on the origins of the gross|national product, so...
- I wouldn't want to miss that.|- Yeah, I would, actually.
For the lady.|Thank you, sir.
- I'll see you out there.|- Yes, indeed.
Okay. C. Wright Mills' The Power Elite.
The main thesis|is what?
That at certain|institutions, elite groups are...
...formed that'll network|the rest of their lives.
Then that brings us to|the question...
Is America really|a class society?
Or is it the meritocracy we're taught|it is since we were in kindergarten?
Mr. McNamara?
Um, well, actually, I|believe that it's both, sir.
How can it be both?|It's been my experience...
...that merit is rewarded with|wealth, and with wealth comes class.
Nice recovery,|Mr. McNamara.
Nice car, ladies. Tell|me, when did you convert?
Since we borrowed it yesterday, as if you|give a shit. Like you give a shit, man.
I don't believe you, man. I|want you to keep stealing cars.
When I'm a lawyer, I'm gonna make a|fortune defending my high school buddies.
Starting with you three.|How you doing, J.J.?
- Your hair looked better long.|- I was thinking the same about you.
I like it the way it is. Thank you.
See, Lukey? Things do change,|even for losers like us.
- I never called you a loser.|- That's okay.
You got your books, your boats|and your Ivy pride, right?
- Right on, McBride!|- We'll see you around, buddy.
McNamara, move this boat out|or you're disqualified.
Sorry, sir.
Sorry, I'm late, man.|It's all right.
As long as we're not late at|the finish line. All hands on.
Ready, shove!|Hoo-rah!
Where did Mr. McNamara|learn to row?
In local sewers, I imagine.|He's a townie.
Mother died in a car crash when|he was one. Father, unknown.
Ready, row!
He won us the Ivy championship|three years in a row. That's a fact.
He's growing on me.|Is that right?
No need to check|him out, huh?
Why, it's Caleb Mandrake.
He was a Skull|the day he was born.
Caleb,|I can't see the race.
Imagine it.
So sit back and let the starter|line up the boats here... we get ready for the|beginning of the Ivy Sprints.
Lane number one,|wearing bluejerseys...
...are last year's All Ivy|champions, the Bulldog Eight...
...led by the unbeaten team of stroke,|Luke McNamara and cox, Will Beckford.
The promising Harvard Crimson|boat is in lane two...
...stroke by Pat McCarry and cox|by Lisa Littlered Williams.
This is the start|of the Ivy League Sprint.
The start will be "attention,"|then the gun.
Finishing out the field is Cornell|in lane three in the white and red...
Princeton Tigers in lane four|in the orangejerseys...
...and Dartmouth in the green|in lane five.
Penn's on the outside wearing|blue and red in lane six.
Come on. That's three.|Push your legs. That's four.
Come on.|That's five. Push!
Six! Come on. Give it|to me. Seven. That's it.
That's eight. Come on,|Luke. Come on! Nine.
That's ten. Let's settle.|Lengthen and settle.
Give me two seats.|We'll settle at 36.
That's beautiful, Luke. Keep it right|here, Luke. That's nice. Looking great.
The Bulldogs take|a two-seat lead.
Harvard and Cornell try to keep up with|them as they cross the halfway point.
It looks like|another Bulldog victory.
Don't let them catch us.|Come on!
That's five!|That's six!
Come on with the legs!|We got 'em. We're walkin'.
Keep it right here, Luke.|That's nice.
We're four seats ahead.|This race is ours.
We're men with bad intentions.|I want five with bad intentions.
That's one! Bad intentions. That's two!
- What's going on back there?|- George's oar lock broke.
- The Bulldogs broke an oar lock.|- Okay, George. Out in three.
Toss your oar, George.
One! Two!
Three! Bail!
All right. Take it up!|Come on. Gotta take it up.
- Up!|- Take it up. Take it up. Take it up.
Seven oars against eight? They|don't have a chance in hell.
I don't believe this!|The Bulldogs are still going!
Go! Go!
Give all you got right here. We're|seniors. We cannot let this happen.
- What do you say, Luke?|- Take it up!
Luke say it's a go.|Come on! Give me two seats.
Give me two seats right now.|I need it now!
Fellas, hands to ankles.|This is it. Commit now!
- Give it all you got right here!|- Give it!
Right here! Give it all|you got! We got a seat!
Right to finish!|Let's win this!
We got five strokes!|Come on! Come on!
That's two! We got a seat! That's three!
That's four!|Let's win this!
That's it! We won it! We won|it! You guys are beautiful!
Yeah!|We did it!
Are the others|after him?
He turned them all down.
Either he doesn't want|to join a secret society...
...or he's waiting for us.
F- R-double-E|to be S-A-V-E-D
S- A-V-E-D|from the bonds of S-I-N
Glory, glory, hallelujah|hip, hooray, amen...
Go! Go! Go!|Yeah!
Hey. Hey.
What's the matter? You gonna|turn into a pumpkin at midnight?
Or are you worried you're|not gonna turn into a Skull?
I'd join the Girl Scouts if they paid for|grad school, which the Skulls supposedly do.
- Supposedly supposedly.|- I got my Harvard Law application today.
- How much they raise tuition?|- It's just over three grand this year.
Damn. Three grand?|Three grand.
Which means that even with a dozen or|so part-time jobs and my scholarships...
...excuse me... I'm still gonna|owe this university let's say...
...hundred grand, 110,000 when I|get out. Don't forget interest.
So even if I can get|everything deferred...
I'm gonna owe this school 110 grand|and Harvard Law another, what, 150?
That means you're|gonna have to get one of...
...those corporate law jobs|at 80, 90 hours a week.
And then I could afford|a car! A used car.
A used car. And you know how|attractive the ladies find those.
Which means you're getting|no play... Even less than now...
which is like...|Like what?
None. Thanks. I appreciate that.
So when I finally get free to practice|the kind of law that I want to practice...
You'll be 10 years from a heart attack|and a few more from the grave. Precisely.
My future's killing me.
It's killing me.
Forget about the Skulls.|Start this year off right...
...and tell Chloe|how you feel about her.
Let's try to remain on planet|Earth here, shall we, William?
Chloe went to Miss Porter's,|and I can't even dance.
Chloe's parents...
...they own a private jet, and|I've never even been in a jet.
- You starting to get the picture?|- Thank you.
Thank you.|Thank you.
I went out with a Skull|freshman year.
How'd you know he was a Skull?|We got into this argument...
...about secret societies and how|they're different from fraternities...
...because secret societies|are for life.
So I just mentioned the Skulls,|and he got really uncomfortable...
...and left the room and never came|back. Must be one of their rules.
Rumors are|they got lots of'em.
Rule Number One: Not picked|by midnight tonight, not in.
Here we go. Bow your|heads... The Skulls.
It's tough to tell where the secret|society ends and the university begins.
We know you're up there. Yeah,|we know you're down there.
Don't expect an answer.|The C.I.A. was founded there.
But back in World War II,|when they were good guys.
Oh, yeah, the good guys.|Say what you want:
All I know|is that if it's secret...
...and it's elite,|it can't be good.
Gentlemen, let's eat.|The pizza's here.
Come on, baby.
What's up? What's up? Pizza's|up here. That's what's up.
Hi, Lis.|Hi, Lis.
The time is now|12:00 midnight.
At least now we can|eat, huh? Yes. Eating.
You're gonna have a heart|attack at 30. I can see it.
Hello?|Lucas McNamara, please.
May I ask|who's calling?
Luke, it's for you.
He won't say who.
How does anybody|know you're up here?
Our secret must be|out, darlin'. Shut up.
Hello? Are you ready to be reborn?
Who is this?|Pay phone.
Outside Ad building.|Forty seconds.
Who was that? Luke, hey... Luke!
The astro lab. Twenty|seconds. Lose the bike.
Here we go,|McNamara.
Guess this one didn't make it|through the reborn part.
Check his breathing.
I don't know. Maybe he didn't|react too well to the drugs.
- Where can I get|some more of that shit?
Get up and shut up,|Mandrake.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Monk.|- Congratulations, Skulls...
...on your rebirth...|a Skull above any other.
- Say it.|A Skull above any other.
- Louder.|- A Skull above any other.
No outsiders shall ever know|the work of the order...
...or the composition|of its membership.
Before you can enter our world|and begin your year...
...our council has a small task|for you to complete.
- You might call it a test.|- The university's secret societies...
...have been playing a little game|for over 200 years.
Mascots. We steal theirs,|they try and steal ours.
We have one left|for a complete set.
At Snake and Skeleton Society.|Their mascot, a python.
Is this so-called python|poisonous? Perhaps.
But remember this:|A snake without scales...
...shows its veins.
You have until dawn.
- We have been watching.|- We will be watching.
A moat and no drawbridge.|These are very strange people.
So, gentlemen,|what are we waiting for?
- It's locked.|- Excuse me, gentlemen.
Locks just happen|to be my specialty.
What did you say your|name was? Luke McNamara.
Caleb Mandrake. I know. I've been|serving you breakfast for three years.
I'm sorry.
You know, all you guys in the dining hall|look alike. It must be the little hats.
Yeah, must be the hats.
Where in the world|did you learn to do that?
The skills|of a misspent youth.
I used to be a genuine|menace to society.
There aren't any snakes in here. Okay.
"A snake without scales|shows its veins. "
They said...
They said that the snake|was at the building...
...but that doesn't necessarily|mean that it was in the building.
Shows its "vanes. "
Of course.|A weather vane.
Let's go.
You ready?
This must be what they mean|by "a Skull above any other. "
Ready? Yeah. Towards you.
One more time.
Hey! Don't let go, Luke! Don't let go!
Hold on, Caleb!
Don't let go!|Hold on!
Hold on.|Don't let go.
Pull me up!|Pull me up!
Luke!|Hey, where's Luke?
You are a menace|to society.
Oh, man!
"The university's tenure|system only rewards mediocrity...
"allowing our faculty... "|"to wallow in selfish pursuits...
"making secondary|their primary purpose:
...teaching undergraduates|to think. "
Bravo. That's a great|article, Will.
Bob Woodward I'm not, but|give it time, give it time.
Ah, hey. Here's what I|call the genuine article.
What's happening,|you guys?
So, what was it like|last night?
What was what like|last night?
Let me refresh|your memory.
We were about to eat|tofu pizza...
when you got a call and ran out|the door like a bat out of hell...
...and here you are now looking like|you've been dragged to hell and back.
- So?|- It was just a really long night, that's all.
Really. It must have been a|wild ride. Did she have a name?
Uh, direct question, direct|answer: Are you a Skull?
- Are you a Skull?|- I don't know.
You don't... You don't|know. I don't know.
I don't know,|but in any case...
...and I know this is gonna|sound like a load of crap...
...but I don't really want|to talk about it right now.
- I don't mean to be an asshole.|- You said it, I didn't.
- Will...|- No. For three years...
we made fun of these|private school dicks...
...that never gave us|the time of day.
And now you're saying you're|gonna hang out with them?
- Will, this doesn't affect our relationship at all.|- That's bullshit, man.
How can you say that? You'll be doing|stuff you can never tell me about, right?
I swear, this doesn't|change anything.
Doesn't change anything? Oh, great.|Cool. Doesn't change anything.
That's great.|Tell me everything then.
Yeah. Tell me where you went|last night, what you did.
Why you're wet.|Come on. Tell me.
That's right. Oh, oh, good. Walk away.
We're talking ourselves|in circles, Will.
Are you gonna say something?|Are you gonna back me up?
Come on, Chloe. Take a stance for once.|Tell him I'm right. Tell him I'm right!
- Don't yell at her 'cause you're mad at me.|- Don't tell me how to talk.
Guys, chill out before you|say something you don't mean.
All right. Let me say|something I really mean.
Will...|No, Chloe.
Hey, you and I were|at Maury's, right?
Having a good time, drinking,|talking to some girls.
And Caleb Mandrake and your|seven new friends come in.
You gonna sit|with them or with me?
Introduce me, or is that against the|rules? How do you know about Caleb?
You see, he's already on a|first-name basis... No bullshit.
How do you know about Caleb|Mandrake? Call it a guess.
But Caleb's not the issue,|all right? The issue's us.
Will!|Hey, Will!
Will, we gotta work this thing out,|okay? There's gotta be middle ground.
No, see, that's where|you're wrong.
When it comes|to friendship...
...there is|no middle ground.
Hello? This is Caleb Mandrake.|May I speak with Lucas McNamara?
Yes.|Right away... Sir.
Caleb Mandrake.
Caleb, can you|hold on one second?
No problem.|Thanks.
Listen, Chloe,|I'm really sorry, but...
I'm sorry.
Caleb,|what's happening, man?
Well, we didn't have|to wait very long.
Why? What's happening?|You know something I don't?
Do me a favor and check|under your pillow.
You might find a little|something from the tooth fairy.
Congratulations,|Mr. Lucas McNamara.
You too, Mr. Mandrake.
You too.
Who's first?
I guess|they're expecting us.
Kent Hodgins,|over here, please.
Jonathan Edward Payne,|over here.
Hugh Dalton Mauberson,|over here, please.
Lawrence Thorne, here.
Caleb Mandrake,|over here, please.
Lucas McNamara,|this way, please.
I'm Judge Litten Mandrake, and|on behalf of the council, welcome.
In any fellowship,|you need someone you can trust...
...someone to be there|always and for anything.
A soul mate.
And my soul mate is Senator|Ames Levritt, class of'72.
Gentlemen, you've been|arranged in pairs. Soul mates.
Each soul mate was chosen|to complement the other...
...and to accept responsibility|for the other.
Mr. Wheeler.|Mr. Pitcairn.
- Thank you.|- Open them.
Our membership, like life,|has its pleasures...
...its hardships...
...and sometimes its pain.
But unlike life, the connection|between you is eternal.
Let this seal the bond|between you.
Be silent as you endure.
Well done. Gentlemen,|put on your watches.
With the council as your witnesses,|you have now become soul mates.
And now, gentlemen,|the rules.
We live by the rules,|we die by the rules.
Read your rule book.
There's a rule for every|possible situation.
Guard the key to our entry|and your rule book... you would guard|your own lives.
Most important, remember:|Our rules...
...supersede those|of the outside world.
"A Skull above|any other. "
"A Skull above any other. "
Well done, gentlemen.|Congratulations.
As chairman|of the Order of Skulls...
...and on behalf|of the council...
...and the 322 alumni throughout|the world, gentlemen... are welcome.
Welcome home.
The proudest day|of my life, Caleb.
Thanks, Dad.|I want to make you proud.
They're beautiful.
Just like they were this morning in|the ground outside the dean's office.
I thought|women loved fresh flowers.
I messed up|with you yesterday.
I'm sorry.
Really?|Feels like a bribe.
Oh.|What's all this?
Luke McNamara, Action Jackson.|Named after Jackson Pollock.
It's my senior thesis. I am|teaching my computer how to paint.
Really.|No, wait.
Actually, pure randomness|is really what forms...
...the computer's creation.
So am I the artist,|or is the machine?
Are we both?|Maybe it's nobody.
Or maybe it's chaos|in its purest form.
Listen, do you have to stay|here while this thing paints?
Do you think I can take you out|to dinner now? Yeah. Know why?
Because Action Jackson chooses|when to begin and when to end.
I am so getting|an "A."
I can say I spent the night...
On the telephone inside...
Since I'm buying tonight, How|hungry would you say you are?
How hungry would|you say you are?
I'm famished.|Famished?
Mmm-mm. Well, famished|is like, what, 20 bucks?
Which means that|I'd better get some cash.
I should probably|check the balance.
It's been a big week|for me. I bought a book.
Twenty thousand dollars?
That's got to be|a mistake.
You are a Skull.
Son of a bitch.
I'm rich!
Luke... Luke... Hi.
Yeah?|You're a Skull.
Chloe, I'm not gonna|disappear like that guy.
Just please,|be happy for me.
Fine. I'm happy if you are. Good.
When you're happy for me...
Gentlemen, if you'll|please follow me.
Mr. Mandrake,|you will be in here.
Mr. Mauberson,|you shall be in here.
And Mr. McNamara,|you will be in here.
The rest of you gentlemen,|please follow me.
Oh, hell, yes.
That's, uh,|Mr. McNamara.
Are we having|a bit of tie trouble?
Yeah.|Yeah, we are.
No worries.|I am the king.
It's a bit tricky.
Especially when you're doing it|on someone other than yourself.
'Cause everything...|is in reverse.
There we go. Nice. Looks|like you've done this before.
You know,|once or twice.
The skills|of a misspent youth.
Thanks, man.
Lucas, Caleb.|come here a minute.
Come here.
I have this fantastic idea. Where|did you spend last Thanksgiving?
Last Thanksgiving|I was in a Pizza Hut.
Pizza Hut? You're gonna|spend Thanksgiving with us.
We have a Mandrake|tradition. We hunt...
...but we only eat|what we shoot.
So if we get skunked, then we spend|Thanksgiving drinking brandy and starving... front of|a crackling fire.
But not to worry.|Caleb is a superb shot.
Listen, I would love|to come. And actually...
where I come from we|have the same tradition.
It's just what we shoot,|we call pigeons. Hmm.
Ames. Ames, I'd like to introduce|you to Mr. Lucas McNamara.
Senator. It's a pleasure to|meet you. Pleasure's mine, Lucas.
We've been waiting for that|law school application of yours.
I'm on the|admissions committee.
Ames, you know that's inappropriate|to discuss in front of a candidate.
You're right, Litten.
So, Caleb,|what are your plans?
I'm just treading water,|waiting to see what happens.
Then your arms must|be getting tired.
They are, Dad.
'Cause you keep throwing me|into the deep end of the pool.
Excuse me.|I need a drink.
So, what do you think|of all this?
Well, to be honest, it's all|a little bit overwhelming.
It was for me too. We share|similar backgrounds, you and I...
...and I hope, similar values, which could|put the society's influence to better use.
Do you have any questions?|Millions.
Like for instance,|who pays for all this?
Rule 46 in your book:
"Each member is required to leave a|percentage of his estate to the Skulls. "
And-And the word "war"|in the ritual room...
what exactly is|the significance?
Those who wish to become our|leaders choose the ordeal of war... prove themselves|worthy of the privilege.
What if we're at peace? There are|always wars to be fought, Luke.
You ever need anything, even if it's|just to shoot the proverbial shit... call me.
There seems to be a little tension|between your father and the senator, huh?
Yeah.|They were schoolmates.
Soul mates. And it's gotten|substantially worse...
...since my father beat|Levritt out for chairman.
That must be tough, man, trying|to follow in those footsteps.
Oh, he's|an ambitious man.
The idea of getting to the Supreme|Court's the only thing he loves.
Speaking of love...
When dreaming...
I'm guided|through another world...
Time and time again...
At sunrise|I fight to stay asleep...
'Cause I don't want|to leave the comfort...
Of this place...
Lucas McNamara, right?|Yeah, how did you know that?
I know everything|about you.
Care to dance?
So let's go there...
Let's make our escape...
Come on, let's go there...
Let's ask, can we stay...
Can you take me higher...
To a place|where blind men see...
Can you take me higher...
To a place|with golden streets...
So let's go there...
And let's go there...
Come on, let's go there...
Let's ask, can we stay...
Hey. What's up, man?|You missed practice.
Yeah, you know, I've|been busy. Doing what?
It's a secret.
Lookin' good with that left|jab. Big, tall guy like you.
All the time. Atta|boy. Atta boy. Atta boy.
No. No!|No!
Lucas. Lucas.
I've been looking all over for you.|I need to talk to you right now.
Uh, Chloe, this is Caleb|Mandrake. We've met, at Exeter.
Did we date?
Once or twice.|You obviously found it... unforgettable|as I did.
Um, catch up with you later.
Right. Sure.
Look, uh, Luke,|I feel really ridiculous...
...but I left my key|inside of you-know-where.
I don't want to look|like a screw-up so early... the game, so could|I please borrow yours?
Of course. But last|I checked, Caleb...
...they didn't kick people out|for being forgetful, huh?
Thanks, Lucas.
Dominating the entire room|in six-foot letters... carved the word "war. "
The main room is about 80 feet|across, and it's magnificent...
with nearly ten pillars...
...made entirely|of travertine marble.
150 years of wealth.|I've never seen... You.
- Caleb Mandrake.|- You broke into my car... stole my key,|you stole my book.
Now I want the camera, I want the|tape, and I want my stuff back now.
Okay. No problem, man. Just calm down.
Here's your key. You can have|that, but, um, I got your book.
I don't have it with me, though, and we can|get that anytime. Okay? But just calm down.
I'll be with you till dawn.|It's 2:45...
Will, man.
Hey, Will.
Will! Will!|Help me!
Somebody help me!|Help me!
Help me!
I don't understand.
Will would... I mean,|he was the last person...
Sometimes we don't know people|as well as we think we do.
Look, I have a few|questions. Then...
I think you should|get some sleep.
Did you touch anything|besides the doorknob?
I- I don't know. I'm in|here a lot. All the time.
Why were you here at 3:00 in the|morning? Do you work for the newspaper?
No, I just wanted|to talk to him.
What would you have to talk to|him about at 3:00 in the morning?
We had had an argument.|It was no big deal.
So you had a fight.|What was this fight about?
Don't put words in my mouth.|I told you we had an argument.
We were roommates. That's|all there was to it. Whoa.
Calm down. It seems like you're|getting a little excited here.
What are you|trying to say?
- What are you trying to say?|- Easy, son.
I'm just saying plain and simple,|what was the argument about?
That's all.
Detective Sparrow, Martin Lombard.|I'm the university provost.
Do we have to|do this now?
Can we give him|a break?
I have a few more questions, but|maybe this isn't the right time.
I'll be in touch.|You can go, Mr. McNamara.
Get some sleep.
Excuse me.|Excuse me.
Oh, my God.
I just heard. I'm sorry.|I'm so sorry.
What am I gonna|tell his mother?
This should go too.
Hey, uh, you want|I should pack these too?
I have something to tell you.
Will was doing|an expose on the Skulls.
He had a lot of interest|from a lot of papers.
Even job offers.|I know.
I found his notes.
Why couldn't you have|told me about this sooner?
Will made me|promise not to.
If this article had something|to do with his suicide...
I think the police should know...|they've been around asking questions.
You can't talk to them. Did this story|have something to do with Will's death?
Did it?|I don't know, Chloe.
I don't know.
I guess if we were the|friends we thought we were...
...maybe things might have|turned out differently.
I lied.
Will lied.
And now you're lying.
You're lying to me.
Move. Move!
Detective Sparrow.
Did you learn any truth|in class today, Lucas?
Your girlfriend told us what|your fight with Will was about.
She's not my girlfriend.
Okay, then, your friend|who's a girl.
We also found something quite|interesting. What's that?
Will Beckford had a contusion|on the back of his head.
Normally when people hang themselves,|they don't have a contusion... they hit themselves in the back|of the head with a sledge hammer.
Clearly, something violent happened|to Will Beckford before his suicide...
...or what was made|to look like a suicide.
Don't let it keep you up nights,|McNamara, because we're doing our work...
...and I know how deeply|concerned you are.
I'll get back to you.
Unless you want to get|back to me first.
He has got a left hook that|took a man out in 30 seconds.
He has what they call|a puncher's chance.
That is, if he gets inside...|He's not a boxer.
Tonight begins|the revealing process...
...the final stage of your|admission into the order.
Come with us|into liars' hell.
Gentlemen,|do come in.
I'm Dr. Rupert Whitney, class|of'73. I'm head of protocol.
I'll be your guide|for the next few weeks.
The revealing process|is our most sacred ritual.
It's been a Skull tradition|since the late 1700s...
...and it is the foundation|of your class's commitment... each other.
Each soul mate pair will|be placed within the device.
And then you may ask them|any question you want...
...about anything that you want.
The object is to learn all|that you can about each other.
After they've revealed|all to your satisfaction...
...release them.
Which pair wants|to go first?
Caleb and I will.
Hey, Luke,|what's your worst fear?
My worst fear?
My worst fear is that|I'll always be alone.
My mother was killed|in a car crash...
when I was so young that I|can't even remember her face.
My whole life, I never had any|family, up until a couple years ago...
when I met a friend who|became like a brother to me.
And then last week, he|was taken from me too.
Why do you think this|keeps happening, Caleb?
Huh? Any ideas? I don't know,|Luke. Who can answer that?
You can. You can tell me the|worst thing you've ever done.
I had an affair|with my mother's best friend.
Why are you so afraid|of your father?
My father always|covers for me...
...always gets me|out of trouble.
I never take responsibility|for anything.
Fine. Then take|responsibility for this.
What's the worst thing|you've ever done?
- God, where do I start...|- Don't play games with me, Caleb!
What's the worst thing|you've ever done? The worst?
- What are you talking about?|- I know what you did.
What are you|talking about?
Know where|I found this? Hmm?
Thank you.
I lost this...
...and I wondered|where it went.
McNamara, Mandrake, the|chairman would like to see you.
I'll be waiting|upstairs.
He's a Skull.
- Would you excuse us, Marty?|- Certainly.
Well done, Luke.|Well done.
Don't give me your "well dones. "|I wanna know the truth...
...about what happened|to Will Beckford that night.
The truth.
Well, I think your soul mate|has a right to hear the truth.
Don't you, Caleb?
Your roommate stole|both my book and my key.
That's why I asked|to borrow yours.
Then I went to the ritual room,|and he was photographing everything.
You broke into my car! You stole my|key, my book! I tried to stop him.
- I want your camera, the|tape, and my stuff back now.
Okay, here's your key.
You can have that. I got your|book. I don't have it with me.
- We can get that any time.|- No, I'll tell you what. You give me the key.
I'll give you the key.
- We'll get the book together.|You won't say anything.
- All right. Calm down.|- I won't say anything.
- Nothing'll happen to you,|and everything'll be fine.
How about...
...if I tell you|I can't do that, all right?
Get off me!
He fell...
...and he broke his neck.
Man, there was nothing|I could do.
Nothing you could do?|You could've called the police.
Caleb... Nothing...|Will is dead!
We didn't go to the authorities because|we knew where that would've gotten us.
Caleb's future,|my judicial hopes...
...our obligation to the|Skulls to keep our oaths...
would've been ruined|because of an accident.
So, we took this accident|and made it look like a suicide.
Let's not forget... Will Beckford|illegally broke into a car.
He's a thief, and he trespassed|where he didn't belong.
This isn't right.
Well, it may not be right,|but it worked.
This is your preacceptance to|the law school of your choice.
I haven't even applied to|law school yet. Imagine that.
It's all paid for.
I would do anything|to protect you.
Won't you do the same|for me?
Miss, would you bring me another cup|of coffee and some fresh milk, please?
Sorry about that.|Excuse me.
You took quite a risk|by calling me.
You said to call any time I wanted|to shoot the shit. Remember, Senator?
Do you know?|I'm on the council, son.
Even Litten Mandrake couldn't pull|off a cover-up like this by himself.
Here you go.|Thank you.
How are you managing with|your decision to remain silent?
How are you managing|with yours?
Our society's|a compulsive lot, Lucas.
The Skulls are a group that|cannot help but dot every "I,"
...cross every "T,"
...keep a record of every deed,|every whispered confession.
The surveillance cameras.|So there's gotta be tapes.
Our organization|is putting all its resources...
...into Judge Mandrake's confirmation|to the federal bench... a precursor|to the Supreme Court.
One would hate for|an awful secret to arise...
which would derail|such an important agenda.
That... Awful secret...
would be a valuable|piece of information indeed.
Perhaps a bargaining chip|with the council...
...used possibly|to reacquire one's freedom?
To get one's|life back again?
Would you like|your life back, Luke?
His birthday was last week. I know.
It's a peace offering.
Turn yours down, man!
- Hey, guys, turn off|those damn televisions!
Hey, turn off|those televisions!
We have a guest.|Hey, boys.
I need to talk to you. Sully,|I'm sorry I missed your birthday.
If you want to confess, St.|Something-Or-Other is down the street.
- So why don't you roll yourself into there.|- I'm not kidding.
I'm in real trouble here, okay?|If you don't help me...
Sully's birthday is not gonna be the last|one I miss, including my own, understand?
- Why should we help you? Huh, Lukie?|- I don't know.
Maybe you feel like turning the other|cheek. Or perhaps you wanna be forgiving.
Or just maybe you wanna try and be a|better friend to me than I've been to you.
Come over here|for a second.
More than likely, you wanna|take a look out of this window...
'cause you'll probably see|a '63 T-Bird convertible.
Dual exhausts, four-barrel carb and fully|restored original red leather interior.
And it belongs to me.
You help me out,|it belongs to you.
You wanna know what's|up? Big Boy changes the...
...tapes twice a day...|10:00 A.M., 10:00 P.M.
You can set your watch by it.|So now we know his schedule.
He's not going out the front.|He's going back the way he came.
J.J., he's going back|the way he came. Over.
Okay, got him. He's|heading east. I'm on it.
- Are you having a problem?|- Um, yes, sir.
Actually, it's a family|emergency. Excuse me.
Don't lose him. We gotta find|out where he takes those tapes.
Hey. Wait.|Don't... Hey. Hey.
What do you think|you're doing?
Nobody's allowed into the Sturtevant|Collection without a pass. Let's go.
Come on.
You know what this is?|It's a bug.
It's a bug! Understand?|I want you to listen to me.
I want you to stop following|Lombard's people.
You've been digging, and if you keep|digging, you're gonna dig your own grave.
You didn't think they wouldn't|figure out what you've been doing?
Hell, they know everything we|do! They know every place we go!
Your place is bugged!|My place is as well!
Oh, and your friend upstairs? Her place|is bugged too, so she's not safe either.
None of us are safe!
I didn't... Mean|to hurt your friend, Luke.
I swear to God, I never|meant to hurt your friend.
Please. Please don't|give 'em a reason.
That's all they need.
Chloe, I need to talk to|you. I'm late for class.
Please!|So talk.
Chloe, please!
I have a friend,|and he's made some decisions...
...but it turns out|that they were all wrong.
Why? Why were|they wrong?
Because he was selfish,|and because he was greedy...
...and he thought they would give|him everything that he ever wanted.
But all they ended up|giving him was disaster.
So, now, this friend of mine, he can go out|on a limb, and that limb could get cut off.
But everything about|being on that limb is right.
So what do I do?
We should sit down, and you should treat|me like a friend and tell me the truth.
I think it's time that we remove|Mr. McNamara. He's no longer loyal.
You are asking this council to choose|your son's fate over Mr. McNamara's?
Our membership will never allow such|a corrupt and unfair motion to pass.
- The membership will have|to understand that we...
They must never know.
According to Rule 88, if this|council wishes to make a decision...
which will be kept secret|from our membership... will require|a unanimous vote.
Then I move, under Rule 88...
...that Mr. Lucas McNamara undergo|psychiatric evaluation at our hospital...
...and I hereby call for a vote.
The motion is defeated.
Ames, could I see you|upstairs for a moment?
We used to believe|in the same things.
- What happened?|- I've learned there are limits.
She likes to eat popsicles|after you make love.
I've had|my own peccadillos...
...but, uh, my God, Ames,|she's only 19.
And I'm not sure your wife|or the voters of Virginia...
would be as forgiving|as I am.
Oh, well.
Shall we vote again?
This is how you break up with|me? With this pathetic letter?
What... Oh, let me see.|"Can we still be friends?"
I wrote the letter. I don't need it read|back to me. I know you wrote the letter!
No, we can't be friends. You|just remember three things, pal:
You don't talk to me, you|don't call me, and don't ever...
...send me one of these|chickenshit letters ever again!
Piece of shit!
Go, girl.
Smart play, Lucas.
Smart play.
If I could have...
Just a moment of you...
Okay, they can't hear|us now. Did they buy it?
I'm pretty sure.|You were very convincing.
Did you get everything I|need? Yeah, it's in there.
I don't understand something.|If they're so smart...
...they'd destroy those|surveillance tapes.
You don't know these people.|This is how they work.
They use each other's nasty|little secrets against themselves.
Wait. If you changed|your mind, if you decided... run, I could help|you. M-My family...
M- My family|could help you.
I can't live like that.
I need you to promise|me something. What?
No matter what happens, you don't|get involved. No, I can't do that.
- Please.|- No, you got me involved. I'm involved.
- I can't move forward if|I think you're in danger.
I'm gonna be there for you.
- Do you understand what|these people are capable of?
I do understand.
- These people will kill you.|- I'm in love with you.
If I could have|I am.
Just a feel of you|I love you.
Would you leave your door...
If I could have...
Just a part of you...
Let me drink of your tides...
Oh, baby, the rain runs over|and you're scared...
With no consequence...
To be the liquid in a glass that|falls around your lips and mouth...
Okay. You got me. Whoa,|whoa. Hey. Shut up!
Hey, there's no need|for the gun. Come on.
- Give me the tape.|- I got your tape. It's right here.
It's right here. Just come and|get it, man. Come and get it.
- Bring it to me.|- Come on. It's right here.
Come on! Come on!|Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Come on! Let's go!
Let's go! Go!|Go, go, go!
Nice plan, Lukie.
Okay, here we go.
There he is.|You stole my key!
You stole my book!|I want your camera...
...the tape|and my stuff back now!
Here's the key.|We'll get the book later.
No, you give me the key,|we'll go get the book.
You won't say anything|to anybody.
I won't say anything to|anybody, and nothing'll happen.
Get off me!
- No!|- Oh, my God.
Oh, God! No!
No! Oh, God!
Oh, God!
Dad! You have to|listen to me!
No, you have to listen to|me now! Something happened!
Dad, I just killed a guy|in the ritual room!
Dad, I should call the police!
No, I have to call 9-1-1!
I can't just leave him here!
Yes, I understand!
I understand! All right!|All right, I'm leaving!
Luke. Oh, my God.|Wait. He's moving.
- He's mov... Look, he's moving.|- Jesus, he's still alive.
Yeah. Totally.
Did you see his arm? Yeah.|Fast-forward the tape.
Wait. Hold on, hold on.
Can you go close up|on the lower right hand?
Help me.
Luke, who are they?|Who are they?
That's Martin Lombard...
...the university provost.
He's pretty far gone, sir.
- Who is he talking to?|- It could only be Mandrake.
Will do. Done.|Can you get any closer on this?
- Yeah.|Lombard works for Mandrake.
Oh, my God.
They killed him.
They killed him.
What are you gonna do?
Luke, we were just|talking about you.
What are you doing here?
- I'm sorry, Luke, but I|couldn't live with myself.
- I had to tell them what you did.|- What I did?
Everything you told me... How you|and Will had a fight, the accident...
...and how you covered it up|to make it look like a suicide.
He's lying to you, Detective.
- I'm not lying. I have|nothing to lie about.
I have evidence, okay? Everything you wanted|to know... The truth... it's on the tape.
Mr. Mandrake, we have your|statement. We'll talk to you later.
Keep Mr. McNamara company.
Get something to play this tape|on, and call the D.A.'s office.
I want somebody|down here now.
I haven't seen so much snow|since my last ski trip.
I'm telling you, this is|the tape. It's on here.
It's a split-screen thing. There's|four different cameras running.
It's gotta be forward.
I don't... It was...|Wh...
Oh, great.
You... You switched|the goddamn tape!
Come on. Tell us what you|imagined was on that tape.
Why'd you do it? What do they have|on you? Why are you working for them?
- "Them"? Who?|- The Skulls! The Skulls!
The Skulls, man! Who do you think|is pulling the strings around here?
They're watching you. They're|watching me. They control everything!
They control everything we do,|including him! Even him!
I've heard about enough.
All right. Whoa. Hey. You|guys stay back. Keep them back.
Hey! Hey! Hey! You've|gotta listen. Listen!
Martin Lombard|killed my roommate.
- Martin Lombard, the university's provost?|- That's what was on the tape!
Yes, he snapped Will Beckford's|neck, for Christ's sakes!
He snapped Will|Beckford's neck! Oh, I see.
- The suicide thing was just|a cover-up. - Martin Lombard?
- Yes, and he's in on it!|- Why did Martin Lombard kill your roommate?
Because Litten Mandrake|told him to.
Oh. Judge Litten Mandrake?|Yes.
Judge Litten Mandrake. He runs|the whole show. That's ridiculous.
- It's the truth! You're working for him!|- It's ridiculous!
Listen, please.|You gotta believe me.
Listen,|he's in on it, okay?
I'm innocent here. I'm|telling you the truth! Hey!
I'm telling you the truth.
I'm telling you the tr...
You son of a bitch! How|could you do this to me?
Get off me!
What do they got on you?|Huh? Huh? Aah!
Get him out of here!
What do they got on you?|How'd they get to you?
Listen to me! I'm|innocent! I'm innocent!
What are you doing here?
I saw the tape, Caleb.
What tape? What are you|talking about? Caleb, come on.
Luke is in a mental hospital.|They may never let him out.
Please, help me.
Just tell the police|the truth. Please.
I think you better go.
Hey, Caleb, before I go,|one last thing.
The most interesting thing on that|tape was when you left the building.
Will Beckford,|he wasn't dead.
Ow! Ow! Oww!
Hey! What happened?
Miss Whitfield?
- Miss Whitfield,|we need to speak to you.
Miss Whit...
Where is she?
Get in, Chloe. I'll take you to|Luke. I will. I'll take you to Luke.
Come on. Let's go.
There he is, Senator,|in the solarium.
Luke. Luke.
Luke, it's me.|It's me.
Help me now!|Just...
It's gonna be okay.|I'm gonna get you out of here.
I'm gonna get you...|It's gonna be okay.
I'm gonna take care|of you, okay?
It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
I've arranged|this car for you.
Wait. Wait. Where do|we go? What do we do?
Now, you must remind him that there|is only one solution to all this.
"We live by the rules.|We die by the rules. "
I- I... Please, I don't know|what you mean. He'll know.
Now go.
I'm leaving the hospital.|They're all yours.
You're gonna be okay, okay?
Let's fix you.
You're gonna be okay, 'cause you're|out of there. You're not going back.
Everything's gonna be okay,|you hear me?
Oh! Luke. Luke.
Oh! Oh, my God!
Oh, Luke.
Son of a bitch!
Shit! Shit! Shit!
Hang on. Luke, hang on.
Oh, no!
Oh, God!|Shit, no! Shit!
Come on.
Get off of him!
No. No.
I've been following you|since the hospital.
- That's what the senator wanted.|- I don't understand.
The senator has great faith that if you|think it through, you'll figure it out.
The sen... You work|for Senator Levritt?
Just get in the jeep|and get out of here.
Did you see|what was on that tape?
Don't ask me questions.|I've given you answers.
Now go.
We've got to figure out what to do|next, because they're gonna find us.
Sparrow was working for Levritt, Yeah.
...but he was the one|that switched the tape...
...and he didn't help me|when I needed it.
He waited until|I got out of Sanctuary.
All of which means what?
What is Levritt|trying to tell us?
"We live by the rules.|We die by the rules"?
He told me to remind you that we live|by the rules, we die by the rules.
Rule 119, right in|the middle of the page.
"A challenge may be presented|and gentlemanly means pursued"?
"Gentlemanly means. "|I don't get it. I do.
Levritt wanted to make sure that I|had only one option available to me.
Gentlemanly means.
What day is it today?|Uh, it's Friday.
The Skulls are gonna be|out on the island tomorrow.
Baby, come on.|Lie down.
Come on.
Come on.
So tomorrow I bring war|to the Skulls.
We are gathered, as we have|done for over 200 years... celebrate the end|of the Revealing Process.
And now that you have shared|all with each other...
we would like to show you exactly|how much you are appreciated.
A toast, to the successful|progression of Skulls.
- Above any other.|- Above any other.
Hear! Hear!
No. No. Please,|Mr. McNamara, please.
You know you're not supposed to be|here, especially the way you're dressed.
Oh, Mr. McNamara.|Come to collect your check.
Under the auspices of Rule 119,|I hereby petition for justice...
...for the satisfaction of differences|between myself and Mr. Caleb Mandrake... the matter of the death|of Will Beckford.
What's Rule 119?
"Of disputes arising between|members of such serious nature...
...that avail themselves|of no other solution... "
"A challenge may be presented|and gentlemanly means pursued. "
- And what does that mean?|- He's challenging you to a duel, Caleb.
A duel?|He must be kidding.
No, sir. I'm not.|Dr. Whitney?
It is...|part of our tradition.
The man's a fugitive. He should|be arrested. Call the authorities.
Our rules supersede theirs.|You of all people know that.
Then I demand the right to take|the place of my son in this duel.
You can't, Chairman.
"To avoid conflicts of interest,|all council members are excluded...
...from precedings pertaining|to their kin's fate. "
It's Rule 119-B,|line 15.
There are two ways|out of this, Lucas.
One is you can withdraw|your challenge.
And the other?
Your dead. Caleb's a crack|shot. You've got no chance.
I guess I won't be coming over|for Thanksgiving, then.
Dad, I have to ask you|this one thing.
Was Will Beckford still alive|when I left the ritual room?
Son, I love you...
...and I've never lied to you.
The answer is no.
Gentlemen,|it's time to begin.
Mr. Mandrake,|you have been challenged...
...therefore the choice|of weapons is yours.
Gentlemen,|take your positions.
Back to back.
Tell them the truth|about what happened to Will.
I'm sorry, Luke.
Don't apologize to me.|Just tell them the truth.
No, I'm sorry for what|I have to do to you.
Cock your pistols.|Prepare to fire.
Ten paces.|On my signal.
One, two...
- What you did to Will Beckford was an accident.|- Three...
- Four,|- This will be murder!
- Five, six,|- Are you ready to murder your friend?
Your soul mate?|seven...
Just tell them the truth and|this ends right now. Eight...
...nine, ten.
Tell them the truth!
- Just tell them the truth, please.|- Fire, Caleb!
Fire, damn it!
Just tell them the truth, and we'll|get through this together. I swear.
Get my bag! Get my bag!
Caleb!|Is there a doctor here?
Stay back! Stay back!|Caleb!
- Just relax, Mr. Mandrake.|- Gauze! We need gauze!
Let 'em in!
You weren't worth the effort.
Where is my bag?
Move back!
It's over, Caleb.
It's over.
You told me that there|are always wars to be fought.
This was your war.|Yes.
And the good guys won.|Nobody won.
Not true.|Mandrake's finished.
He'll never be confirmed|to the federal court.
I'll become Skull chairman.|You'll be exonerated...
...and help me lead the new generation|of Skulls into the future.
Someone I loved once told me that if|it's secret and elite, it can't be good.
He was right.
You used me.|No, Luke.
I helped you. Taught you how to|make the world work for you, for us.
Do you truly believe you can walk|away from this? All we've given you?
And someday, when I|call on you for a favor...
will you be able|to deny me?
And if you deny me,|will it jeopardize the... you've built for|your wife and your family?
I don't know if you can|live with those doubts, Lucas.
Watch me.
Well done, son.
Well done.
If I could have|just a moment of you...
Would I be wanting...
If I could have|just a taste of you...
Would I be...
If I could have|just a touch of you...
But I turn myself...
Oh, baby the rain runs over|and you're scared...
With no consequence...
To be the liquid in a glass that|falls around your lips and mouth...
If I could have|just a breath of you...
Would you, could you...
Infect me...
If I could have|just a view of you...
Would you leave your door...
If I could have|just a part of you...
Oh, let me drink|of your...
Oh, baby, the rain runs over|and you're scared...
With no consequence...
To be the liquid in a glass that|falls around your lips and mouth...
And after the silence|think I'm stupid...
But I don't open the door|for someone stupid...
If I could have|just a moment of you...
Would I be wanting...
If I could have|just a taste of you...
Would I be...
If I could have|just a touch of you...
Would I tear myself...
Oh, baby, the rain runs over|and you're scared...
With no consequence...
To be the liquid in a glass that|falls around your lips and mouth...
And after the silence|think I'm stupid...
But I don't open the door|for somethin'stupid...
If I could have|just a taste of you...
Would I be...