Skupljaci perja (I Even Met Happy Gypsies) (1967)

Hop in, Tisa,
you'll get soaked.
Are you running away again?
-No, I was at my aunt's.
Mirta sent me.
-Like hell he did!
Mirta says you want to be
a caf singer. Is that true?
I'm not ashamed of that. I don't
want to tend geese all my life.
Has Mirta plucked
the geese yet?
Not yet, they're not ready.
Has he got a buyer?
-I don't know and I don't care.
What do you care about?
That's none of your business.
-You are my business.
Look at yourself!
You belong in a feather bed.
Shut up, you dirty Gypsy!
You're a dirty Gypsy yourself!
Don't worry, there'll be plenty
left over for your bride-groom.
My taxi is not a bordello.
-Shut up and drive!
The driver's right,
leave me alone!
I know him.
He's just teasing.
See, I got you home safely.
I didn't bother you.
Stop roaming around. It's
more dangerous than you think.
Tell Mirta to stay
out of my territory.
I'll stay out of his. There's
plenty to go around Vojvodina.
Can you give me
What's it for?
-Thanks. A new scarf.
These geese are
well-taken care of.
Their feathers are
the best quality.
A goose is a goose, mother,
and I know what I can pay.
That's too much!
At least pay as much as erd.
-How can l?
I have to make a profit.
I can't sell them for less
than what erd offered.
We have to stay
with our price.
If you need money,
we could give you a loan.
Mother, you know very well that
geese always grow new feathers.
The sooner you pluck them,
the faster they'll grow.
Do you mean it, about the loan?
Do you have it on you?
Don't you worry, mother,
just pluck those feathers.
Leave it, we'll pour our own.
-You make five times that amount.
Bora, what's the idea? -Did you
see those under-nourished geese?
Only a sucker like me would
buy them. -Give me 30.000.
They're quality church geese.
They're on special food.
Milance, tell me if it's right
that Bora gives me only 30.000.
That's none of his business.
He's police.
That's why I want his opinion.
Milance, come here a minute.
Sit down, Bora is buying.
You can only drink with a Gypsy,
or throw him in jail.
We're no more crooked
than anyone else.
We're only trading,
doing business.
Take a seat.
-She'll skin you alive!
Not me, I can handle her.
...1, 2, 3, 4...
-Shut up! The baby's sick!
You drunken bastard!
I should scratch your eyes out!
Let him be. He's so drunk,
he won't know the difference.
Not while he's here. Tomorrow,
after he's gone. -Come on!
Don't cry.
I'll help you bury her.
erd, what are we
going to do?
The child hasn't even been
baptised. How can I bury her?
Don't worry.
The Lord giveth
and taketh away.
We'll bury her this afternoon.
-I don't want that!
She's my first-born and she
has to be baptised! -All right!
I'll manage somehow,
no matter how much it costs.
Hello, Gypsy.
Have any more
antiques arrived?
How about the antique desk?
Did you keep it for us?
Hey you crook, when are you
going to join the working class?
A crooked gypsy or a crooked
worker. What's the difference?
Mother, I brought you
a child to baptise.
Please, it's urgent!
I can't baptise a dead child
or bury it.
I bought all your feathers
and lent you the money.
Do it as a favour.
We may need each other.
Hey, old man,
open up in there!
Open up!
-Why are you shouting?
Shandor, we have
money to spend.
You'll earn more,
than picking up carpets.
Get the cards out!
-Who's going to deal?
Sit down, old man, and take your
percentage. -No more than usual.
All aboard, I'm driving!
Count what's on the table.
That's my bet.
Damn it!
It looks like I'm out of gas!
Toot, toot!
I'll bet the minimum.
Give me another 2,
for the lot. -Not enough.
Is that all you've got?
How's this?
It's Swiss.
-All right.
Of all the damn luck!
-That's rough, Bora!
I had 12, and you had 10.
-Look out for the curve!
You've got no more money.
-Lend me 5.000. -No.
Take my shirt and shoes.
They're yours if I don't pay.
And the jacket.
Here's 5.000.
One card.
The end of the line!
You've lost everything,
you good-for-nothing!
You've ruined me and my children
and sold everything. What for?
You good-for-nothing drunkard!
You lousy Gypsy bastard!
You kept on losing, until you
lost the shirt of your back!
How are we going to eat?!
I spit on you, you pig!
That's enough, Bora! She should
have scratched your eyes out!
You're a no good gambler.
You should have sold your head.
Go and buy more feathers.
They have feathers in Padina.
With what?
-You'll find a way.
You'll find the money,
You pig! You've taken everything
from the house! -Enough!
Give me back my T.V. set,
you lousy bastard! -Shut up!
Shut up, or I'll kill you!
I've had enough!
You've ruined me!
You lousy drunkard, scum!
Brothers and sisters, today's
sermon will be from St Matthew.
I will speak Serbian, so that our
Serbian brothers can understand.
The man came, paid me well,
then took them away.
Was he a Gypsy?
-I don't know.
He was dark, like you.
Where was he from?
-Stop asking me questions!
Try to remember!
I've always paid you well.
Tell me who he is.
-Who, Mirta? -The sorter?
Why didn't you say
he was here!
You only asked me where
he came from, not his name.
You're in my territory, Mirta!
They're not your feathers!
Who says? -We decided to
split the villages between us!
Look at the list! -I can't read.
I could wipe myself with it.
You can't read,
but you can listen!
Bacinci, Debeljaca, Gospodinci...
Count them together with me!
Ten for you and ten for me!
Bacinci, Debeljaca, Gospodinci...
Now, your ten.
Dobanovci, Bogojevci, Sonta...
See, an equal split!
You should have known
that Padina is mine!
You're right. I was wrong.
I can't return the feathers,
I sold them.
I'll stay in Apatin.
I'll advance you the money.
Buy the feathers, instead of me.
We'll split the profit.
-Are you trying to con me?
Your father conned your mother!
You take my territory,
and split the work.
You get the feathers,
I'll sort and sell them.
Bring two pitchers of wine,
for Bora and me!
Enough, already!
He pinched me again!
Hey, Tisa, why are
you looking so sad?
What are you doing up so late?
-Sing us a song! -I can't.
I thought you wanted to be
a singer. Well, sing then!
"As I travelled on
my long journey,
I met a happy Gypsy, too"
That's enough! Go home!
You've plenty to do
do for your wedding!
Can't you give me
a moment of peace?
I'm waiting for you to get rich.
-It won't be long now.
Forget about her, Bora.
Here's 5.000. Now sing for us!
I'll never play again!
I'm sticking to music!
..."As I travelled on my
long journey"...
..."I met a happy Gypsy, too"...
..."Hey, Gypsies!"...
..."Hey, people!"...
Get up, you drunken bastard!
Can you hear me?
You Gypsy bastard!
How much did you drink?
Bora, help me!
My sister would kill me, if l
left him here. He's so drunk!
Let's get him into the cart.
Into the garbage cart,
you Gypsy bastard!
You can't wipe your own nose
and you want to get married!
Ruza! Take this!
I'm going away on business.
Who owns this flock of geese?
-The one up front.
Behind the coffin?
-Further to the front.
There's no one in front of the
coffin. -What about in it?
God rest our departed master's
soul. -Bloody master!
Where are the heirs?
In front, leading the mourners.
To each his due.
Here's to the souls of the dead.
And for the living, how about
selling me your feathers.
You don't have money for
my flock. -I do. How much?
What should the price be?
-100.000 and no less.
What'll we do,
if we don't sell?
Sell them another day.
be plucked by tomorrow.
Too much! -You won't
find such down!
Every Gypsy, when trading
his horse, sings his praise.
Anything less, no deal.
-Forget it then.
I don't carry that much
money on me.
Wait a minute!
Wait, my friend!
Dear Lord, stop running
like an express train!
You'll never be able to do
business with those peasants.
Come, I'll show you something.
Feathers, lots of feathers!
You must be married,
a young fellow like you.
I bet you were married
Gypsy style and not in a church.
People aren't virtuous, nowadays.
So, a priest has nothing to do.
When was the last time
you thought of your soul?
Bring your wife and
I'll marry you properly.
Praise be God!
You want some?
You Gypsies drink like fish.
To you, Bora. You must
have your marriage blessed.
Listen to Pavle, a poor priest.
-Are you a priest, or not?
Of course! -I don't give a damn
about priests! -Don't swear!
We came here on business.
All right, you dirty Gypsy.
The feather bed
of Brother Hrizosoma.
This one belongs to
Brother Pajsije.
Now you'll see what a
surprise I have for you.
This is all that's left
of Brother Jovana.
Here are the beds
of my brothers,
but you haven't
asked about them.
Some have passed away, others
have abandoned their faith.
There's no life in the church.
We're as poor as the Gypsies.
Even you Gypsies are forced to
work, because of the antichrists!
Their souls will burn in hell,
like shish-kebab. Believe me!
We can't make a living anymore,
Bora, everyone's corrupted.
There's no place for angels
on this Earth. Look at me.
As soon as I sell everything
to the Gypsies, I'll be leaving.
Where will you go?
What's going on?
Tisa's husband isn't a man,
he's a child. -So?
Tisa wants to ditch him.
His mother wants to wait and
prove he's a man to everyone.
You can do it!
-Go help him.
He doesn't need help, he's a man.
-Some man, just like his father!
Shut up, you bitch!
Get out of here! You belong
under your mother's skirt!
Show her that you can do it!
Take him back!
I don't want him!
He's a man, you're just a slut!
-I'm not! Your son's not a man!
You cast a spell on him!
-Go back to your mother!
You've never known
what a real man is like!
She's a witch!
Don't let them kill each other!
She's killing my daughter!
-Give me a knife!
I'll kill her!
Look at the dog!
Where will you go now?
Do you want to come
to my place?
I don't know.
I don't want what's not mine.
We're partners, as agreed.
I advance you the money,
you bring me the feathers.
I don't disagree. We've always
been good friends, Mirta.
How much do I owe?
First we finish this wine,
then we talk.
That makes...
-Never mind.
You have someone in your house
that I want. Tisa is free again.
I'll give you Padina
and 2 of my villages.
Why do you need Tisa?
She only tends the geese.
Find someone else.
I have nothing more to say
about our business.
And Tisa, keep your hands off!
-Mirta, I'm serious.
I want to marry her,
I even have a priest.
I got rid of my old bag.
I'm no worse than that kid.
-Bora, you're not very smart.
She's my stepdaughter.
I want her married to a young
kid, not a drunkard like you.
That way, she stays
at home, for me.
Take back your territories.
Don't come to my house again.
Each man for himself.
She's got a knife, Mirta!
Get out!
What do you want? Do you
want to come in? Come on.
Did you run away? -I'll promise
anything, if you let me stay.
I don't know where to go,
or what to do.
What am I going to do with you?
I can't take care of myself.
Here's 500 dinars.
Go to Belgrade.
My son, urika, is there.
He's living with my sister
at Zarkovo.
It's not hard to find.
Tell them his mother sent you.
They might let you stay a week.
Then, you're on your own,
out on the streets. You'll see.
Mirta asked to take
good care of her.
How should I know where they
took her? I'm out 500 dinars.
If she took my advice,
she's in Belgrade, in a big city.
Not rotting away, Gypsy style.
What's she going to do
in Belgrade?
Walk the streets?
She can either clean
the streets or walk them.
The bastard, Shandor,
won't tell me anything.
Money will help.
Be quiet!
You'll wake him up, Bora.
You must be joking!
I thought it was buried.
Shut up, good for nothing!
You haven't given birth
to another?
Say, between the three of us,
we produce them fast.
Don't talk so loud!
He's my sisters, not mine.
She brought him to us when
her husband abandoned her.
What else could she do?
-All right, I get it.
But she better get another man.
There's plenty of man.
Say, where's erd?
I want to see him.
You know where he is.
I suppose he's getting drunk.
I need money, erd.
Hundred thousand.
Are you out of your mind?
Hundred thousand?
You could turn me
right here before
you'll find that much.
The money is gone.
I bought merchandise.
Beautiful old furniture, few
armchairs, a set of doors.
I spent the money. I must go
straight to Belgrade to find a buyer.
And where is that leave me?
Hold on to my ears and go
dancing for small change?
That's not my business!
There was once a man who
made enough money to buy
a rope and hanged himself!
You can stay at my place
if you have no place to go,
but leave my wife alone!
We'll go tomorrow
to see the mother superior.
She owes us money.
She might pay us back.
We can ask her anyhow.
How much do we owe?
erd sent me. I need
money. A hundred thousand.
We lend it to you.
I need it back.
You should know better than
to ask me for money.
It's not June yet. Anyway,
I can't pay you. It's not the time.
Pretty geese! Pretty geese!
Seed! Seed!
We're very poor, my son.
Poor sisters who pray for others
and ask nothing more than
to be good neighbours.
Pretty geese!
Seed, seed, seed!
And besides, my son,
erd said:
you can pay back when
we come for feathers.
It won't be long. We'll pay you
as soon as feather is ready.
That's a great help!
Give back my TV set!
Give me back! The TV is mine!
You dirty bustard! You drinker!
Taking everything we have!
Give it back to me!
-Why don't you get lost!
You heard what I said!
-I dare you! You've ruined me!
If you don't shut up,
I'll kill you!
I want my TV set back!
It's mine! You rotten gambler!
I'll kill you for this!
Give back my TV set!
Come on out, old man!
Where is Tisa?
I don't know.
I swear I don't!
I've got money. Tell me.
You're scared of Mirta.
I've got nothing to be afraid of,
I just don't know.
You obviously don't
need the money.
Bora, listen! Wait!
How much money?
-First, tell me where Tisa is.
You Gypsy bastard!
Give me 3.000 and I'll tell you
where she is.
It's a deal. Let's go, then.
Where are you taking her?
Leave her alone!
May your eyes drop out
of your head!
Lord, I bring Thee Your humble
servants, Bora and...
What's your name? -Tisa.
-That's the name of a river.
You're lucky they didn't call
you Danube. -Get on with it!
In the name of the Father....
Any fish in the river?
-Shut up!
Bless this union of man
and woman...
Where did you find this
sweet thing? -Just keep singing!
...etcetera, etcetera.
Grant them peace and grace...
In the name of the Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Bora, you're finally married.
You lucky girl!
You should've done this earlier.
Now, give me those crowns.
I may use them again.
One never knows.
That's that. Now we can
have a drink to celebrate.
Have you decided where
you'll sleep? -In the village.
But it's the middle of the night!
-We'll manage.
We're used to it.
-I won't permit that. Come.
You will spend your first
night in the house of God.
This is your first night and
God has blessed your marriage.
You should sleep in
Brother Hrizosova's bed.
It's big and far away,
so that I won't have
sinful thoughts.
I'll bring you an eiderdown,
with angel feathers. My own.
I didn't sell everything
to you Gypsies.
Light as the soul.
Wait for me here.
I won't be long.
Remember me,
I tried to buy your feathers.
Be seated,
the soup's getting cold.
I came to make a deal.
It's better that I take them,
and not the plague.
Here, read.
It says: "The geese will die of
the plague. It is spreading."
We told you the price.
If you have the money,
take the geese.
You won't find such
beautiful geese.
How much?
Like I said, 100.000. -They all
have feathers like an angel.
Until they get the plague.
get something. -What now?
Nothing under 90.
-lf he won't? -He'll accept.
That's the price.
-All I have is 90.
All right, it's a deal.
Get the flock together
and we'll pluck them.
There you are, my son.
-From now on,
Tisa will be staying with us.
Ruza will also be staying.
She doesn't bother me.
I just made a deal with your son.
Sell the feathers to me, not Bora.
I can pay you in advance.
I've brought you money.
I can't sing.
What have I done this time?
What the hell!
Bora, what have you done?
-I've no idea. Article 132 and 76.
That's disturbing the peace.
-And a traffic offence.
That costs 5.000. Disturbing the
peace and a traffic violation.
They'll put poor Sava
in jail for 20 days.
They'll only fine him 15.000.
-20 days, for sure.
Minimum penalty for
assault and battery.
Put up or shut up!
He won't get a jail sentence.
-5.000. -I accept.
I'll bet you 5.000 he gets
the jail sentence. -All right.
Bora, you're not interested?
I've got a job you might like.
You can make a bundle selling
horses, for a cut, at the fair.
When are you going?
-ln a day or two.
Bora Pavlovic!
Are you interested?
December 7, you threw feathers
from a truck. Intentionally?
Not really, I was drunk.
Why do I have to keep
fighting with you Gypsies?
Which will it be?
I'll pay. -All right,
you can pay the fine.
Bora, we know each other.
-We do, Judge.
How could you,
a feather buyer, throw them?
What can I say?
I was drunk.
I'm a Gypsy.
I threw them and they floated,
as if they had wings.
Tisa, when I picked
you up by the road,
were you coming
from Belgrade? -No.
Have you ever seen the city?
-No, I haven't.
I've been there.
Belgrade is a great city!
Shut up, you old bat!
-You good-for-nothing drunkard!
Don't start again!
Get out and don't come back!
Find yourself another man!
You hag, parasite!
Have you really been to Belgrade?
-I was born and raised there.
It's great! Go, while Bora's
away. I'll give you the money.
Go to my family.
They're street cleaners.
I have where to go.
Lence's son, he'll let me stay.
Want to be a singer? I'll give
you all I have, for the train.
What are you staring at?
Come here!
Lence loves me very much
and sends me everything I want.
But I like Sombor more
and I'd go back right now.
How long have you been
in Belgrade? -Two years.
When I learn to use my
wooden legs, I'll go home.
Lence said that I could stay here
for a while. -What does she know.
Singing in the streets,
you can just get by.
You should have stayed with her,
if you want to be a singer.
Or you could be a street cleaner.
It's bad, but it could be worse.
Hey, look!
Just what we need, to keep
us awake. -Pick her up.
Here I am, peek-a-boo!
He said that you're
a pretty girl.
Give him a kiss, and he'll sing
you a song. He's so bashful.
No kiss?
Where are you from?
I'm a Gypsy from Sombor.
Gypsies are all right!
Leave me alone!
Bitch! You lousy Gypsy!
Have you gone crazy?
Leave the girl alone!
What girl, she's an animal!
I know these Gypsies!
He's crazy!
What's wrong with him?
Nothing but mud!
What monotonous, flat country!
-Yeh, what a place.
What are you doing here,
little girl?
Tell me where she is.
Tell me, or else!
Give me back my T.V. set,
and I'll tell you.
Where did she go?
-First, return my T.V.
Hello, are you urika?
-That's me.
Tisa sends this,
so you can go to the movies.
Did she go back to you?
-Where else would she be?
She said she was
going to Lenca's.
She probably did. Good bye.
Where is she?
-What do you mean?
Better talk, if you want to live!
-Go to hell! You won't find her!
Talk now, or you never will!
She's with them other bastards.
You won't get her. -Where is she?
Go to Mirta!
I hope he kills you!
You admit that there were four
stolen horses among them?
Where did you sell them?
-At the fair, in Dobanovci.
That's where Mirta
attacked you with a knife,
then you killed him in the shed.
-I swear, I'm innocent!
Who else would have done it?
-I swear to God, I'm innocent!
We have witnesses. Better confess,
then you'll get a lighter sentence.
I'm innocent, I swear on my
children! I'll do anything!
Take him to solitary,
to refresh his memory.
Bora, the feather dealer, killed
Mirta. The whole town knows that.
Where's Bora, the feather dealer?
-I don't know.
Come here. Have you seen
Bora Petrovic? -No.
I haven't seen him.
I don't know.
He's disappeared.
Bora hasn't been around.
Damn police, leave us alone!
I haven't seen him.
He's been gone
for a long time.
Step outside.
Have you seen Bora Petrovic?
-Never heard of him.
Haven't seen him
for a long time.
He used to buy feathers.
How should I know.
I don't want to see him.
Bora has just disappeared.