Skyfall (2012)

Ronson's down.
He needs medical evac.
M (OVER EARPIECE): Where is it?
Is it there?
Hard drive's gone.
M: Are you sure?
It's gone. Give me a minute.
They must have it.
Get after them.
I'm stabilizing Ronson.
We don't have the time.
I have to stop the bleeding!
Leave him!
? BOND: Have you got him.
He's in the black Audi.
What about Ronson?
He's been hit.
We're sending an emergency
evacuation squad.
They'll be too bloody late!
He's seen us.
Medical evac for Ronson
five minutes away.
That's all right. You
weren't using it.
I wasn't using
that one, either.
Keep your head down.
Just get clear!
Tanner, which way?
Keep going. I can
direct you from here.
You both know what's
at stake here.
We can't afford to
lose that list.
Yes, ma'am.
EVE: Where are they now?
They appear to be on the
rooftops of the Grand Bazaar.
Take a left. There's a bridge.
You can cut him off.
Down, sir!
What happened? They're
on the train, ma'am.
What do you mean on the train?
I mean, they're on
top of a train.
Well, get after them,
for God's sake!
She's going out of range.
We've lost tracking.
We're blind here.
What's going on? I'm
still with them.
Get me CCTV,
satellite, anything!
M: What was that?
VW Beetles.
I think.
Bond! He's
uncoupling the cars.
M: 007, are you all right?
Just changing carriages.
What's going on? Report!
It's rather hard
to explain, ma'am.
Looks like there isn't
much more road.
I don't think I can
go any further.
I may have a shot.
It's not clean.
Repeat, I do not
have a clean shot.
There's a tunnel ahead.
I'm gonna lose them.
Can you get into a
better position?
Negative. There's no time.
Take the shot.
I said take the shot.
I can't! I may hit Bond.
Take the bloody shot!
Agent down.
This is the end
Hold your breath
and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
in Hear my heart burst aga
For this is the end
I've drowned and
dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Skyfall is where we sta rt
A thousand miles
and poles apart
Where worlds collide
and days are dark
You may have my number
You can take my name
But you'll never
have my heart
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all
together At Skyfall
Where you go I go
What you see I see
I know I'd never be
me without the security
Of your loving arms
keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my
hand and we'll stand
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
And face it all together
At Skyfall
Let the sky fall
We will stand tall
At Skyfall
It's like being summoned
to the headmaster's study.
It's a new Chairman.
Just standard procedure.
Bloody waste of my time
is what I call it.
I'm sorry to have
to deal with such
a delicate subject at
our first encounter.
But, um...
I have to be frank with you.
I think that would
be a good idea.
The Prime Minister's
Well, you can tell him my operatives
are pursuing every avenue.
? Have you considered
pulling out the agents
I've considered every option.
Forgive me, that sounds
like an evasion.
Forgive me, but why am I here?
Three months ago, you lost the
computer drive containing the identity
of almost every NATO
agent embedded in
terrorist organization
s across the globe.
A list which, in the eyes of
our allies, never existed.
So if you'll forgive me, I think
you know why you're here.
Are we to call this
"civilian oversight"?
" No, we're to call this
"retirement planning.
Your country has only the
highest respect for you
and your many
years of service.
When your current
posting is completed,
you'll be awarded GCMG
with full honors.
You're firing me.
No, ma'am, I'm here to oversee
the transition period
leading to your voluntary
retirement in two months' time.
Your successor has yet to be
appointed, so we'll be asking you...
I'm not an idiot, Mallory.
I know I can't do
this job forever
but I'll be damned if I'm
going to leave the department
in worse shape
than I found it.
M, you've had a great run.
You should leave with dignity.
Oh, to hell with dignity. I'll
leave when the job's done.
Ma'am, alert from Q-Branch. Someone's
trying to decrypt the stolen hard drive.
We're tracing the
encryption signal.
Localizing now.
Centering in the UK.
Get us back to base
as soon as possible.
It's coming from MI6.
The data packet is
linking to our network.
Correction. This is
behind our firewall.
We should shut down.
No, track it.
We have to know where
it's coming from.
Strip the headers.
Trace the source.
How the hell did they
get into our system?
. Getting trace back now.
It appears...
It appears to be your
computer, ma'am.
Shut it down.
What is this?
For God's sake!
Just get out of the way!
Don't you recognize the car?
VOLUME): Oh...!
is CNN Breaking News.
Emergency crews are still
attempting to assess
the damage as investigators
hunt for leads
in what now appears
to be a major
terrorist attack in
the heart of London.
No-one has yet claimed responsibility
for what sources are calling
a possible "cyber-terrorist assault"
on the British Secret Service.
Early reports from
the scene indicate
at least six dead,
many more injured,
with victims being evacuated
to local hospitals
within minutes of
the explosion.
It's time to go, ma'am.
I'm going to find
whoever did this.
Where the hell have you been?
Enjoying death.
Why didn't you call?
You didn't get the postcard?
You should try it some time.
Get away from it all.
It really lends perspective.
Ran out of drink where
you were, did they?
What was it you said?
"Take the bloody shot."
. I made a judgment call.
You should have trusted
me to finish the job.
It was the possibility
of losing you
or the certainty of losing
all those other agents.
I made the only decision
I could and you know it.
I think you lost your nerve.
What do you expect,
a bloody apology?
You know the rules
of the game.
. You've been playing
it long enough.
We both have.
Maybe too long.
Speak for yourself.
Ronson didn't make it, did he?
So this is it.
We're both played out.
Well, if you believe that,
why did you come back?
Good question.
. Because we're under attack.
And you know we need you.
Well, I'm here.
You'll have to be debrief e d and
declared fit for active service.
You can only retur n to duty
when you'v e passed the tests,
. so take them seriously.
And a shower might
be in order.
I'll go home and change.
Oh, we've sold your flat, put
your things into storage.
Standard procedure on the death
of an unmarried employee
with no next of kin.
. You should have called
I'll find a hotel.
. Well, you're bloody
well not sleeping here.
TANNER: The assailant hacked into
the environmental control system,
locked out the
safety protocols
and turned on the gas, all of which
should have been impossible.
On top of that, they
hacked into her files.
They knew her appointments, knew
she'd be out of the building.
They weren't targeting her.
They wanted her to see it.
Where are we, Tanner?
New digs.
The old building was declared
"strategically vulnerable".
That's putting it mildly.
He was able to breach the most
secure computer system in Britain.
So we're on war footing now.
. This was part of
Churchill's bunker
s We're still discovering tunnel
dating back to the
Quite fascinating, if
it wasn't for the rats.
When do I see M?
Tomorrow you'll se e M and
Mallory, too, if you're lucky.
Who's Mallory?
. The new Chairman of the
Intelligence and Security Committee.
Charming man. I
think you and he
are really going
to hit it off.
. Welcome to the new MI6
We've attempted to trace
the computer message, but
it was sent by an asymmetrical
security algorithm,
which bounced the signal
all over the globe
through over a thousand
different servers.
And now that they've
accessed M's codes,
it's only a matter of time before
they're able to decrypt the list.
Q-Branch have been analyzing the
picture but so far nothing.
The general feeling is it's
probably someone from her past.
Perhaps when she was running
things in Hong Kong.
She's no idea what
it all means.
You believe that?
The truth is, we don't have
a clue who took the list
or what they plan
to do with it.
We can always do this later.
You know what? Let's.
I'd like to start with some
simple word associations.
Just tell me the first wor d
that pops into your head.
For example, I might say
"Day" and you might say...
All right.
Shot. Agent.
MAN: Sunlight.
Moonlight. Dance.
. Murder.
Country. England.
Well, this is going well.
Get these analyzed.
For her eyes only.
She's ready for you.
I'm sorry, have we met before?
I'm the one who
should say "sorry".
It was only four ribs.
Some of the less vital organs.
Nothing major.
? Not enough
excitement in Istanbul
I've been reassigned.
Temporary suspension
from field work.
Really? Mmm.
Something to do
with killing 007.
Well, you gave it
your best shot.
That was hardly my best shot.
I'm not sure I could
survive your best.
I doubt you'll get the chance.
Well, do me a favor, will you? If
they do ever let you back out there,
warn me first.
I'm assisting Gareth
Mallory in the transition,
and then I'll be
back in the field.
That's what you want?
Yes, of course.
It's not for everyone.
Ah, 007. It's this way.
. In your defense, a moving
target is much harder to hit.
Then you better keep moving.
The whole office
goes up in smoke
and that bloody
thing survives.
Your interior decorating tips have
always been appreciated, 007.
I hope I haven't
missed anything.
The PM does prattle
on in a crisis.
I've just been reviewing
Bond's tests.
It seems you've passed...
by the skin of your teeth.
You're back on active service.
Thank you.
I'll, um...
I'll be outside.
I only have one question.
Why not stay dead?
You have the perfect way out.
Go and live quietly somewhere.
Not many field agents get
to leav e this cleanly.
Do you get out in
the field much?
. You don't need to be an
operative to see the obvious.
It's a young man's game.
Look, you've been
seriously injured.
There's no shame in saying
you've lost a step.
The only shame would be not
admitting it until it's too late.
Hire me or fire me. It's
entirely up to you.
If he says he's
ready, he's ready.
Perhaps you can't see
it, or maybe you won't.
What exactly are you implying?
You're sentimental about him.
As long as I'm head of this department,
I'll choose my own operatives.
Fair enough.
Good luck, 007.
Don't cock it up.
. We've analyzed the
shrapnel fragments
t You're lucky it
wasn't a direct hi
or it would have
cut you in half.
It's a depleted uranium shell.
Military grade.
Hard to get,
extremely expensive,
and only used by a select few.
Recognize anyone?
TANNER: Okay. Name's Patrice.
He's a ghost. No known residence
or country of origin.
So how do we find him?
Well, luckily, we still have one
or two friends left in the CIA.
They're after him for the
Yemeni ambassador' s murder,
and they're getting close.
Intel is he's going
to be in Shanghai
in two days time,
probably on a job.
You're to go there and await
further instructions.
If he turns up, he's yours.
Find out who he works for
and who has the list.
Then terminate
him, for Ronson.
With pleasure.
Is there anything else
you want to tell me?
Report to the new Quartermaster
for your documentation.
He hasn't set up shop
yet, but Tanner will
put you two together.
Good luck.
Thank you.
You are ready for this?
Yes, ma'am.
I didn't know Bond
passed the tests.
He didn't.
Always makes me feel
a little melancholy.
A grand old warship being
ignominiously hauled away for scrap.
The inevitability of
time, don't you think?
What do you see?
A bloody big ship.
Excuse me.
I'm your new Quartermaster.
. You must be joking.
Why, because I'm not
wearing a lab coat?
Because you still have spots.
My complexion is
hardly relevant.
Well, your competence is.
Age is no guarantee
of efficiency.
And youth is no guarantee
of innovation.
I'll hazard I can
do more damage
on my laptop sitting
in my pajamas
before my first
cup of Earl Grey
than you can do in a
year in the field.
Oh, so why do you need me?
Every now and then a
trigger has to be pulled.
Or not pulled.
It's hard to know which
in your pajamas.
. Ticket to Shanghai.
Documentation and passport.
Thank you.
And this.
Walther PPK/S 9mm short.
There's a micro-dermal
sensor in the grip.
It's been coded to your palm
print so only you can fire it.
Less of a random killing machine,
more of a personal statement.
And this?
Standard issue
radio transmitter.
Activate it and it
broadcasts your location.
Distress signal.
And that's it.
A gun...
and a radio.
Not exactly Christmas, is it?
Were you expecting
an exploding pen?
We don't really go
in for that anymore.
. Good luck out
there in the field.
And please return the
equipment in one piece.
Brave new world.
Who's got the list?
Tell me! Who are
you working for?
Tanner... He's posted
the first five names.
Their cover's blown. They're in danger.
Get them out now.
WOMAN: Room service.
I didn't order anything.
Not even you.
I've got some new information.
Aren't you a little overqualified
to be delivering messages?
It's all part of the
learning curve.
And Q's afraid of flying.
Of course he is.
So whoever stole the list
has already decrypted it.
They posted the first
five names on the web.
Well, it was only
a matter of time.
Well, that's just the start.
They're posting five more next
week, and the week after.
It's some kind of
sadistic game.
Cut-throat razor.
How very traditional.
Well, I like to do some
things the old-fashioned way.
Sometimes the old
ways are the best.
Are you putting your
life in my hands again?
already briefed
me on the list.
Raising the
tantalizing question
of what you're
really doing here.
My official directive
was to help...
"in any way I can."
Like spying for Mallory.
You know, Mallory's not
as bad as you think.
He's a bureaucrat.
You should do your homework.
Gareth Mallory was a
Lieutenant Colonel...
Lieutenant Colonel in Northern
Ireland, Hereford Regiment.
Spent three months at
the hands of the IRA.
. So there's more to
him than meets the eye
We'll see.
Keep still.
This is the tricky part.
Now that's better.
You look the part now.
Mm-hmm. Mmm.
And what part's that?
Old dog,
new tricks.
Good evening.
EVE: Evening.
Don't touch your ear.
I've got three exits,
lots of blind spots.
. EVE: I've got them covered.
You look beautiful
in that dress.
. You don't scrub
up so bad yourself.
It's amazing what one can do
with an extra pair of hands.
You're telling me.
Do you gamble?
I like a little
flutter now and then.
Who doesn't like
to take chances?
? Good evening, sir.
How may I help you
I'd like to cash
this in, please.
One moment, sir.
Good fortune tonight, sir.
Let's hope so.
With compliments of the house.
Thank you.
Now you can afford
to buy me a drink.
Maybe I'll even
stretch to two.
I'm guessing I've got four
million euros in here.
Not bad. I like this game.
Why don't we play another?
. I don't gamble
I'm not very lucky.
. A little like our
friend in Shanghai
I've been waiting to see
who would redeem the chip.
You made such a bold entrance
into our little drama.
Did I over-complicate
the plot?
Who doesn't appreciate the
occasional twist, Mr...?
James Bond.
So, Mr. Bond, shall we discuss your
next performance over that drink?
I'd like that.
Will your friends
be joining us?
That, I'm afraid,
is inevitable.
EVE: She's pretty.
Now, now.
If you like that
sort of thing.
keep you posted.
Would you mind if I asked
you a business question?
Depends on the question.
It has to do with death.
A subject in which
you're well-versed.
And how would you know that?
Only a certain kind of woman
wears a backless dress
with a Beretta 70
strapped to her thigh.
One can never be
too careful when
. handsome men in
tuxedos carry Walthers
I am correct in assuming
you killed Patrice?
Might I ask why?
I want to meet your employer.
Be careful what you wish for.
You're scared.
Thank you for the drink,
Mr. Bond.
You put on a good show.
But ever since we sat
down, you haven't stopped
looking at your bodyguards.
Now, three of them
is a bit excessive.
They're controlling you.
They're not protecting you.
The tattoo on your wrist
is Macau sex trade.
You belonged to one of the houses.
What were you? 12? 13?
I'm guessing he
was your way out.
Perhaps you thought
you were in love.
But that was a long time ago.
You know nothing about it.
I know when a woman is afraid
and pretending not to be.
How much do you
know about fear?
All there is.
Not like this.
Not like him.
I can help you.
I don't think so.
Let me try.
Bring me to him.
Can you kill him?
Will you?
Someone usually dies.
Perhaps you can.
When I leave, they're
going to kill you.
If you survive, I'm on the Chimera.
North harbor.
Berth seven.
. We cast off in an hour.
Very nice to have
met you, Mr. Bond.
Good luck.
Good luck with that.
Thank you.
Put it all on red.
It's the circle of life.
It's time to cast off.
All right.
I like you better
without your Beretta.
I feel naked without it.
TV): Good evening.
The controversy surrounding the
Ministry of Defence has escalated today
as images of the Husein assassination
continue to circulate.
We should warn
you, some viewers
might find these
images disturbing.
Captain Husein, an MI6 operative
embedded in the Middle East,
was one of the five
agents exposed
in what is now
being considered
the greatest internal security
breach in modern British history.
The Prime Minister continues to
express public support for MI6
while the opposition has
taken the position...
Has taken the position we're a
bunch of antiquated bloody idiots
fighting a war we don't understand
and can't possibly win.
Look, three of my agents
are dead already.
Don't embroil me
in politics now.
The Prime Minister's ordered an inquiry.
You'll have to appear.
Oh, standing in the stocks at midday?
Who's antiquated now?
For Christ's sake, listen to yourself.
We're a democracy,
accountable to the people
we're trying to defend.
We can't keep working in the shadows.
There are no more shadows.
? You don't get this, do you.
Whoever's behind this, whoever's
doing it, he knows us.
He's one of us. He comes
from the same place as Bond.
The place you say
doesn't exist.
The shadows.
It's not too late. We
could turn back now.
I wouldn't be so sure.
They abandoned it
almost overnight.
He made them think there was a
leak at the chemical plant.
It's amazing the panic you can
cause with a single computer.
He wanted the island,
so he took it.
Does he always get
what he wants?
More than you know.
I'm sorry.
Hello, James. Welcome.
? Do you like the island
My grandmother had an island.
Nothing to boast of. You could
walk around it in an hour.
But still, it was, it
was a paradise for us.
T One summer, we went for a visi
and discovered the place had
been infeste d with rats!
They'd come on a fishing boat and
gorged themselves on coconut.
So how do you get rats
off an island? Hmm?
My grandmother showed me.
We buried an oil drum
and hinged the lid,
. then wired coconut
to the lid as bait.
. And the rats would come
for the coconut and..
they would fall into the drum.
And after a month, you
have trapped all the rats.
But what do you do then?
Throw the drum into the ocean?
Burn it? No.
You just leave it.
And they begin to get hungry.
And one by one...
they start eating each other
until there are only two left.
The two survivors.
And then what? Do you kill them?
You take them and release
them into the trees.
But now they don't
eat coconut anymore.
Now they only eat rat.
You have changed their nature.
The two survivors,
this is what she made us.
I made my own choices.
(CHUCKLES) You think you did.
That's her genius.
Station H. Am I right?
Hong Kong.
'86 to '97.
Back then, I was her favorite.
And you're not nearly the agent
I was, I can tell you that.
Just look at you, barely held together
by your pills and your drink.
Don't forget my pathetic
love of country.
You're still clinging to your
faith in that old woman.
When all she does is lie to you.
She never lied to me.
No? No.
What did you score in your
marksmanship evaluation?
Did she tell you the psychologist
cleared you for duty?
Yes. No. No.
Medical evaluation: Fail.
Physical evaluation: Failed.
evaluation: "Alcohol"
"and substance
addiction indicated."
"Pathological rejection
of authority"
"based on unresolved
childhood trauma."
"Subject is not approved
for field duty"
"and immediate suspension
from service advised."
What is this if not betrayal?
She sent you after me knowing you're
not ready, knowing you'll likely die.
Mommy was very bad!
? See what she's done to you.
Well, she never
tied me to a chair.
Her loss.
Are you sure this is about M?
. It's about her.
And you, and me.
You see, we are the
last two rats.
We can either eat
each other...
Or eat everyone else.
How you're trying to
remember your training now.
What's the regulation
to cover this?
Well, first time for everything.
What makes you think
this is my first time?
Oh, Mr. Bond!
All that physical stuff...
So dull, so dull.
Chasing spies...
(LAUGHS) so old-fashioned!
Your knees must
be killing you.
The Empire! MI6!
You're living in
a ruin as well,
. you just don't know it yet.
At least here there are no old ladies
giving orders and no little...
Gadgets from those
fools in Q-Branch.
If you wanted, you could pick your
own secret missions. As I do.
Name it.
Name it.
Destabilize a multinational
by manipulating stocks...
Bip. Easy.
. Interrupt transmission s from
a spy satellite over Kabul..
(POPS) Done.
Hmm. Rig an election in Uganda.
All to the highest bidder.
Or a gas explosion in London.
Just point and click.
Well, everybody needs a hobby.
So what's yours?
Let me show you something.
Tells a story, doesn't it?
They left the
island so quickly,
they couldn't decide
what to take,
what to leave, what
was important.
And seeing this every day reminds
me to focus on the essentials.
There's nothing... nothing
superfluous in my life.
When a thing is redundant,
it is eliminated.
A particular favorite
of yours, I understand.
So, what's the toast?
"To the women we love"?
Darling, your lovers are here.
No, no, no, no.
Stand up straight. Keep still.
And whatever you do,
don't lose your head.
Don't lose...
your head.
Don't lose your head.
Time to redeem your
marksmanship scores.
Let's see.
Who can be the first to knock
the glass from her head?
And just to be sporting,
I'll let you go first.
Let's see who ends up on top.
. (SIGHS) Oh, I can't believe it
I can't believe it! Did
you really die that day?
Is there any, any of
the old 007 left?
My turn.
I win. What do
you say to that?
(SIGHS) It's a waste
of good Scotch.
What are you going to do now? Take
me back to her? All on your own?
? Who says I'm on my own
It's the latest thing
from Q-Branch.
It's called a radio.
All right, time to say hello.
You're smaller
than I remember!
Whereas I barely
remember you at all.
Strange. For me, it feels
just like yesterday.
Are you surprised?
Not particularly. But then you
always were a slippery one.
Maybe that's why you
liked me so much.
You flatter yourself.
No remorse.
Just as I had imagined.
Regret is unprofessional.
"Regret is unprofessional."
They kept me for five months in a
room with no air. They tortured me.
And I protected your secrets.
I protected you.
But they made me suffer.
And suffer.
And suffer.
Until I realized...
it was you who betrayed me.
You betrayed me.
So, I had only one thing left.
My cyanide capsule in
my back left molar.
You remember, right?
So I broke the tooth and...
bit into the capsule.
And it...
It burned all my insides.
But I didn't die.
Life clung to me
like a disease.
And then...
I understood why
I had survived.
I needed to look in your
eyes one last time.
Well, I hope it was worth it.
Mr. Silva, you're going to be
transferred to Belmarsh Prison
where you'll be
remanded in custody
until the Crown
Prosecution Service
deem you fit to
stand trial for...
Say my name. Say it.
My real name.
. I know you remember it.
Your name is on
the memorial wall
of the very building
you attacked.
I will have it struck off.
Soon your past will be as
nonexistent as your future.
I'll never see you again.
Do you know what
it does to you?
Hydrogen cyanide?
Look upon your work,
Let me know what you
recover from his computer.
Has he transmitted the lists? If so, to whom?
I want this resolved.
Yes, ma'am.
His name is Tiago Rodriguez.
He was a brilliant agent.
But he started operating beyond
his brief, hacking the Chinese.
The handover was coming up and they
were onto him, so I gave him up.
I got six agents in return
and a peaceful transition.
We should go, ma'am. Board of
Inquiry begins in 30 minutes.
I want to know what's
on that computer.
Now, looking at
Silva's computer,
it seems to me he's done a number
of slightly unusual things.
He's established failsafe
protocols to wipe the memory
if there's any attempt
to access certain files.
Only six people in the world could
program safeguards like that.
Of course there are.
Can you get past them?
I invented them.
Right, then.
Let's see what you've
got for us, Mr. Silva.
We're in.
Sir, what do you make of this?
It's his Omega site.
Most encrypted level he has.
Looks like obfuscated code
to conceal its true purpose.
Security through obscurity.
Ladies and gentlemen,
if I might have order?
I'd like to begin
the proceedings.
We're gathered today to
address important issues
concerning the future of
our national security.
Going somewhere?
So you believe your stewardship
of MI6 during the recent crisis
has been up to scratch?
Well, I believe we have
apprehended the responsible party
and are taking all
necessary steps
to ensure that the sensitive
information is contained.
so it's a job well done.
. I'm not saying it's
gone perfectly, but..
You'll forgive me for not
putting up the bunting.
I find it rather difficult
to overlook monumental
security breaches
and dead operatives
for which you are almost
single-handedly responsible.
He's using a polymorphic
engine to mutate the code.
Whenever I try to gain
access, it changes.
It's like solving a Rubik's
cube that's fighting back.
Go in on that.
Granborough Road. It's an old Tube
station on the Metropolitan Line.
Been closed for years.
Use that as a key.
Oh, look, it's a map!
It's London.
Subterranean London.
What's going on? Why
are the doors open?
Oh, no.
Can someone tell me how the
hell he got into our system?
Oh, shit.
Oh, shit, shit, shit.
He hacked us.
Oh, no.
He's gone.
I'm in a stairwell
below isolation.
Do you read me, Q?
I can hear you. I'm
looking for you.
Got you. Tracking
your location.
Just keep moving forward.
Enter the next service
door on your right.
If you're through that door,
you should be in the Tube.
I'm in the Tube.
Bond, this isn't an escape.
This was years in the planning.
He wanted us to capture him, he
wanted us to access his computer.
It was all planned.
Blowing up HQ. Knowing
the emergency protocols.
Knowing we'd
retreat down here.
I've got all that. It's what he's
got planned next that worries me.
District Line is the closest. There's
a service door on your left.
Got it.
It won't open.
It will. Put your
back into it.
Why don't you come down here
and put your back into it?
No, it's stuck.
Oh, good. There's
a train coming.
Hmm. That's vexing.
I'm through.
Told you.
We alerted security.
Police are on their way.
Where are you now?
Temple Tube station.
Along with half of London.
Oh, I see you. There you are.
I know where I am, Q.
Where's he?
Give us a second. I'm
looking for him.
ANNOUNCER: Mind the gap.
BOND: There's too many people.
I can't see him.
Welcome to rush
hour on the Tube.
Not something you'd
know much about.
Mind the gap.
The train's leaving.
Do I get on the train?
Don't get on. I'm not sure he's on it.
Give us a minute.
Do I get on the train?
What? Get on the train.
He's keen to get home.
Will you open the
door, please?
Open the door.
Health and Safety. Carry on.
Q: Where are you?
Take a wild guess, Q.
He's in disguise,
dressed as a policeman.
Of course he is.
Where's he going?
Where's he going?
He's going for M. Tell Tanner.
Get her out of there.
You've overlooked, or chosen
to ignore, hard evidence
and consistently,
almost obstinately...
Silva's escaped.
Bond's in pursuit.
We need to get you to a
secure location immediately.
I'll be damned if I'm
gonna show her my back.
Are we straining
your attention?
No. Please, Minister, proceed.
Excuse me.
Move! Move!
It's as if you
insist on pretending
we still live in a
golden age of espionage
where human intelligence was
the only resource available.
Well, I find this rather
old-fashioned belief
demonstrates a reckless
disregard for...
Excuse me, Minister, I
don't mean to interrupt,
but just for the
sake of variety,
might we actually hear
from the witness?
Of course.
Thank you.
I won't miss next
time, Mr. Silva.
Not bad. Not bad, James,
for a physical wreck.
Oi. Thank you.
You caught me.
Now, here's your prize.
The latest thing from
my local toy store.
It's called radio.
I do hope that wasn't for me.
But that is.
M: Chairman, Ministers.
Today I've
repeatedly heard how
irrelevant my
department has become.
Why do we need agents?
The Double-O section?
Isn't it all rather quaint?
Well, I suppose I see a
different world than you do.
And the truth is that
what I see frightens me.
I'm frightened because our enemies
are no longer known to us.
They do not exist on a map.
They're not nations.
They are individuals.
Look around you.
Who do you fear?
Can you see a face? A uniform?
A flag? No.
Our world is not more
transparent now.
It's more opaque.
It's in the shadows.
That's where we
must do battle.
So, before you declare us
irrelevant, ask yourselves,
how safe do you feel?
I've just one more
thing to say.
My late husband was a
great lover of poetry.
And, um...
I suppose some of it sunk in,
despite my best intentions.
And here today I remember
this, I think from Tennyson:
"We are not now that strength,
"which in old days Moved
earth and heaven;
; "That which we are, we are.
"One equal temper
of heroic hearts,
"Made weak by time"
"and fate,"
"but strong in will."
"To strive, to seek,"
"to find"
"and not to yield."
Go, go, go, go!
Move! Go! Move!
Are you kidnapping me?
That would be one way
of looking at it.
Too many people are
dying because of me.
If he wants you, he'll
have to come and get you.
We've been one step behind
Silva from the start.
It's time to get out in
front, change the game.
And I'm to be the bait?
All right. But just us.
No one else.
Q? I need help.
I'm tracking the car.
Where are you going?
I've got M. We're
about to disappear.
I need you to lay a trail of
breadcrumbs impossible to follow
for anyone except Silva.
Think you can do it?
I'm guessing this isn't
strictly official.
Not even remotely.
So much for my promising
career in espionage.
I'm not hiding in there, if
that's your brilliant plan.
We're changing vehicles.
Trouble with company cars
is they have trackers.
Oh, and I suppose that's
completely inconspicuous.
Get in.
It's not very
comfortable, is it?
? Are you gonna
complain the whole way.
Oh, go on then, eject me.
See if I care.
Where are we going?
Back in time.
Somewhere we'll
have the advantage.
It's a fine line.
Make the breadcrumb too
small and he might miss it.
Too big and Silva
will smell a rat.
But do you think even Silv a
will be able to spot that?
He's the only one who could.
What are you doing?
We're just... monitoring.
Creating a false tracking
signal for Silva to follow.
Well, sir, um... Well, no.
Excellent thinking.
Get him isolated.
Send him on the A9.
It's the direct route.
You can monitor his
progress more accurately
and confirm it with
the traffic cameras.
But what if the PM finds out?
Then we're all buggered.
Carry on.
Is this where you grew up?
How old were you
when they died?
You know the answer to that.
You know the whole story.
Orphans always make
the best recruits.
Storm's coming.
No wonder you never came back.
James Bond.
BOND: Good God.
Are you still alive?
It's nice to see you, too.
M, this is Kincade.
Gamekeeper here
since I was a boy.
Pleased to meet you, Emma.
Mr. Kincade.
, You're a tad late.
They've sold the place
when they thought
you were dead.
It seems they were wrong.
What are you doing here?
Some men are
coming to kill us.
But we're gonna
kill them first.
. Then we'd better get ready.
Do we still have a gun room?
They sold the lot to a collector
from Idaho or some such place.
They were shipped
out weeks ago.
There's just...
your father's old
hunting rifle.
We couldn't let that go.
And this is what we've got.
There might be a couple of sticks
of dynamite from the quarry.
But if all else fails,
sometimes the old
ways are the best.
So who is it we're
supposed to be fighting?
No "we" in it, Kincade.
This is not your fight.
Try and stop me, you
jumped-up little shit.
Now, remember what I taught you.
Don't let it pull to the left.
I'll do my best.
What did you say you
did for a living?
I brought you some things.
The nights get cold here.
. Thank you, Mr. Kincade.
It's a beautiful old house.
She is.
And like all great ladies, she
still has her secret ways.
Let me show you this.
Priest's hole?
Yeah, from Reformation times.
The tunnel leads
under the moor.
If you get in danger, this
is the place to come.
The night I told him his parents had
died, he hid in here for two days.
When he did come out...
he wasn't a boy anymore.
Eh. Must get on.
I fucked this up, didn't I?
You did your job.
I read your obituary of me.
Yeah, I knew you'd hate it.
I did call you "an exemplar
of British fortitude".
. That bit was all right
You ready?
I was ready before
you were born, son.
Welcome to Scotland.
You dropped something.
You hurt?
Only my pride. I never
was a good shot.
He's not here.
He's not here.
Always got to
make an entrance.
You two, go to the kitchen.
Get behind the arch!
Go to the chapel.
Use the tunnel.
Everyone, listen to me! Don't
you dare touch her. She's mine.
Can your friend come
out and say hello?
Come on. This way.
I always hated this place.
Are you getting warm?
Just make sure Bond's dead!
Now it's me and her.
You see what comes of all this
running around, Mr. Bond?
All this jumping and fighting.
It's exhausting!
You need to relax.
Ah, well... Mother's calling.
I'll give her a
goodbye kiss for you.
Oh, my God.
Of course.
It had to be here.
It had to be this way.
Thank you.
I can't find it no... Don't.
Please. Don't.
You're hurt. You're hurt.
What have they done to you?
What have they done to you?
Free both of us.
Free both of us...
with the same bullet.
Do it.
Do it.
Only you can do it.
Do it.
Last rat standing.
? 007. What took you so long.
Well, I got into
some deep water.
I suppose it's...
too late to make a run for it?
Well, I'm game if you are.
I did get one thing right.
I didn't even know you
could come up here.
Hate to waste a view.
I can see why.
I thought you were going
back ou t on active service.
I declined.
You said it yourself,
fieldwork's not for everyone.
. If it helps, I
feel a lot safer.
Her will was read today.
She left you this.
Maybe it was her way of telling
you to take a desk job.
Just the opposite.
Thank you.
You know, we've never
formally been introduced.
Well, my name's Eve.
Eve Moneypenny.
Well, I look forward to our
time together, Miss Moneypenny.
Me, too. I'm sure we'll have
one or two close shaves.
Morning, 007.
Good morning, Tanner.
He'll see you now.
? How's the arm, sir.
What? Oh, it's fine.
It'll get better.
All pretty shocking for
someone unused to fieldwork.
So, 007... Lots to be done.
Are you ready to
get back to work?
With pleasure, M.
With pleasure.