Skyjacked (1972)

- Hey, Hank, ready to go.
- Wrong.
You've got a broken cowling latch here.
What the hell? I'll get right on it.
Take all the time you want, John.
You got 10 minutes.
Can I help you pick a color?
- Hank!
- Hello, Hank. How are you?
Fine. You look wonderful.
Yeah, Angie's flying with us today
'cause Mary...
I know. Mary's sick.
Well, join us, Hank.
The coffee's no worse than usual.
No, John's got a broken cowling latch.
I'll see you on board.
- Okay, pal?
- Yeah, fine.
I've known Angela Thacher forever.
- Is she tough?
- Rawhide.
If you've seen one head stewardess,
you've seen them all.
- Good morning, girls.
- Good morning.
Fire controls.
Checked and set.
- Flaps.
- Up.
- Spoilers.
- Down.
- Throttle.
- Closed.
Checklist complete.
- Ready for yours, John?
- Yeah.
- Fuel supply.
- Sixty-two thousand pounds.
Will Captain O'Hara
please report to the departure lounge?
It's freezing in here.
Lovejoy, tell the engineer
to turn up the heat.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, Lovejoy,
tell him one of the oxygen bottles is low.
That'll be $1.75, please.
Global Airways announces its Flight 502
nonstop service to Minneapolis-Saint Paul.
Global Airways announces its Flight 502
nonstop service to Minneapolis-Saint Paul.
Will all passengers who have not done so
please check in
at the Global departure lounge,
Gate 3 in the south concourse.
- Mr. Brown.
- Yes.
Right up in the front.
Be with you in a minute.
- And you have a cello boarded, right?
- Right.
Final call for all passengers
on Global Airways Flight 502
to Minneapolis-Saint Paul
now boarding at Gate 3.
Sergeant, I can really appreciate
your problem
- but I simply don't have the authority...
- What's the trouble?
Captain O'Hara, this passenger insisted
that I take his ticket and...
- How can I help you?
- It's not me, Captain, it's him.
Look, I've got just enough time
before I have to rejoin my unit
to get to my sister's wedding.
I'm in economy.
Well, he's on standby, Captain,
but I can't possibly...
Like I've been telling my man, Captain,
I always buy a first-class ticket
for my cello.
If I can find a safe place for it,
he can have that seat.
- It's highly irregular, Captain.
- First class is half empty.
Write the Sergeant's name on the
cello ticket and put him in first class.
Come on, we'll find a safe place
for your cello.
Now you're saying something.
Oh, Captain, thanks, I appreciate it.
Kiss the bride for me, Sergeant.
That man doesn't fool around.
He's the captain.
Right this way, Mr. Brown.
We'll store that right here.
- Maybe I should hold it...
- Oh, it'll be fine.
Let me show you to your seat.
I'll take your coat as well.
- Oh, economy's straight back there.
- I'm traveling first class.
Oh, Miss Brewster.
You'll find your seat right...
There, you bet I will.
Right this way, Senator Lindner.
There you are. Right over there.
Right here? Thank you.
- Let me have your coat.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry, Senator,
that'll have to go under the seat.
All right. Come on, lad.
Never mind that, plenty of time.
- Thanks very much for all you did for me.
- Oh, no problem whatsoever.
- No problem.
- Really generous, man. I appreciate it.
- Where's your cello?
- Up there, in the coat rack.
- I hope it'll be okay.
- Captain says it's the best place.
Where are you coming from?
Right this way. Here's your ticket.
Oh, I think you're going to need an
extension for your safety belt.
- Global 502, clear to takeoff.
- Here we go.
Eighty knots.
Is the climb power okay?
Hell of a day for playing golf.
Mrs. Stevens.
Mrs. Stevens,
you haven't touched your breakfast.
- Maybe I'll just have a drink.
- Milk?
I'll have a Bloody Mary on the rocks.
I was going to go to
the Monterey Jazz Festival once
but, you know.
How many jazz cellists have you heard?
How many?
- Not many.
- Zero, I'll bet, just like everyone else.
But that sound, man,
once you really get into it, it's something.
Anyway, I'd look stupid playing a flute.
- Global 502.
- We have the dispatcher on the line.
Go ahead, Charlie.
We have a message
for one of your passengers.
- Take it, John.
- Western Union.
It's to Senator Lindner
from the White House, as follows.
"Proceed Washington D.C.
immediately upon arrival Minneapolis.
"Air Force Two at your disposal." Got it?
- Is that it, Charlie?
- Not quite.
It's signed by the President.
We finally hit the big time.
Sam, the Senator's all yours.
Thank you.
What do you call a senator?
Your Grace? Your Honor?
- Think you can handle it without me?
- Yeah, I'll try, Sam.
You haven't read this?
Tell me,
will we make Minneapolis on time?
- Right on the money, Senator.
- Good.
I'll have to tell my son
we're not going fishing again.
He'll probably be delighted.
- Well, what's the story, Dad?
- Well, you're off the hook.
- What do you mean?
- Fishing trip's off.
- Just had word from Washington.
- Oh, that's too bad.
I thought you'd be disappointed.
You'll like Minneapolis, Harold.
Don't worry about it.
We've been transferred before.
We'll adjust.
- Remember what Jane and Hal said?
- Oh, honey, it's not the city.
It's not even being moved again.
Is it me?
Oh, no, honey, not you.
It's losing, Clara.
I'm just so damn sick of losing.
I'm sorry! See you at my place?
Maybe I'll drop in.
Oh, God!
- What's wrong, Angie?
- Miss.
In there, lipstick.
There's lipstick in the john.
- Lipstick?
- Yes, on the mirror.
- Go and see for yourself.
- Wait right here.
- Did you see it? Did you see it?
- Would you keep your voice down?
I'm trying to, damn you.
- Go tell the Captain I want to see him.
- Okay.
Miss Brewster. Hey, take it easy, okay?
I never thought about dying before.
Nobody goes in there.
Tell John to lock it off.
Right away.
- Miss Brewster?
- Yes.
I'm Captain O'Hara.
Sit down a minute, won't you?
You know, this whole thing could be
a bad joke or some kind of a hoax.
If it is, it hasn't gone very far.
We could forget the whole thing.
You mean, if I confess, I can go free?
That's right, Elly.
Screw off, Captain.
Look, Miss Brewster,
I need your cooperation.
I am trying.
I don't want you to mention
this to anyone, all right?
Why don't you go back
to your own seat and relax?
No. No, I think I'll stay here.
All right.
If you want anything,
just tell one of the stewardesses.
They'll call me.
Try not to worry.
I swear to you I didn't do it.
Okay, Miss Brewster.
You got it?
What the hell?
We can't keep this quiet very long.
Don't worry about that, John.
Just keep that door locked.
If somebody wanted to go to Anchorage,
why didn't he take 719 this morning?
Maybe because 719 was canceled.
- Sam.
- They're socked in pretty good up there.
But Anchorage?
- What is it?
- Some kind of a detonator.
- It's disarmed.
- What good is it?
He left it in the head
to prove he wasn't bluffing.
How do we know it's a he?
I mean, the guys I know
don't usually wear lipstick.
- Maybe it's some menopausal broad.
- Knock it off.
Break out the computer, John.
- Anchorage?
- Anchorage.
Salt Lake Center, this is Global 502.
Salt Lake Center, this is Global 502.
Hi, Walter. What've you got?
TWA 460, flight level 330, eastbound.
That's it.
Wait a minute.
Get on the horn to the FBI.
- What's wrong?
- Looks like 502's got a hijacker on board.
I repeat, identity unknown.
We've been ordered to land at Anchorage.
I need immediate clearance,
routing and weather information.
Captain, this is Stanley Morris, FBI.
Special Agent in charge here.
I'm being patched through
Salt Lake Center.
Do you have any way of knowing
if the threat is real?
Negative. We're proceeding
on the assumption that it is.
Captain, we're getting you
direct routing to Anchorage.
I'll have some data
on our fuel for you shortly.
Captain, this is Morris again.
Has the hijacker
made any further demands?
- No.
- Okay, Captain.
The authorities in Anchorage
are being advised.
Mr. Morris, don't forget
I've got passengers aboard this aircraft.
Oh, don't worry, Captain.
There won't be any shootouts.
Ladies and gentlemen,
in case you're wondering about
that little gathering outside the restroom,
I'm afraid things
have backed up on us a bit
and we're going to have to seal off
that particular room.
There are three others on board, though,
and I hope you won't be inconvenienced.
The weather ahead is reported fine,
and we hope you're enjoying your flight.
In case there's anything
you should require,
please don't hesitate to call on us.
Thank you.
Miss Brewster,
would you like some more coffee?
- No, thank you.
- All right.
- There's something funny going on, man.
- What do you mean "funny"?
- Why all the fuss over a stopped-up john?
- Maybe your fiddle got flushed down.
Better not, man.
Hey, 70-year-old brandy,
goes down like honey.
Pass me your glass.
- Seventy years old?
- Right.
I appreciate it.
You're not supposed to be drinking
when you're taking pills, right?
- What kind of pills?
- Stay-awake pills.
I was up all night.
I couldn't afford to miss this flight.
Oh, my granny says
a benny takes a year off your life
for every hour of sleep you lose.
- That doesn't worry me any.
- Worries me and my grandma plenty.
Here's to your sister.
- Your sister in Minneapolis.
- Oh, her.
Tell you the truth, she's a bitch.
Tell me, do you know
which passengers used that john
before you found the message?
Could've been anyone in first class.
- What about a passenger from economy?
- Not on my flight.
- One couldn't slip through?
- No.
No, our hijacker's strictly first class.
What about her? Elly Brewster?
What's she doing up front?
Kids like her are usually riding
on the back of a bike.
You know something else, Captain,
Mr. Brown has been drinking steadily.
Hank, you want me to
try to get a look at that cello case?
No, we're not a bomb disposal squad.
If there is some explosive in there,
we sure as hell don't wanna set it off.
Jerry Weber. Isn't that that soldier?
I don't know. He's been drinking a bit, too.
The Senator,
where's that fishing rod of his?
Right under his seat.
- Anybody else?
- Mrs. Shaw.
The red-haired lady
who's traveling with her husband.
She's wearing the same color lipstick
as the one on the mirror.
Lipstick, cello cases, fishing rods.
This is nowhere.
All right, Angela, Lovejoy, thanks.
Keep it normal. Keep it light.
Keep your heads.
I'll take it, Sam.
I want you to go get the Senator.
- In here?
- That's right.
John, I got a job for you.
- Could I have a glass of water?
- Yeah, sure.
- This way, Senator.
- Right.
- You wanted to see me, Captain?
- Excuse me, Senator.
- I'm sorry.
- Senator, this is Captain O'Hara.
- How do you do, Senator?
- How do you do, Captain?
Would you care to sit down?
Well, I have been sitting
but I might as well be comfortable.
- Something wrong?
- Yes, sir, there is.
Well, what are you looking for?
Can I help you?
Just routine.
I'm sorry, sir.
So am I.
Tell the Captain. What did you find?
- Go ahead, John.
- It's a fishing rod, sir.
For trout, hopefully.
- Senator.
- Yes.
We don't get messages
from the President as a routine thing
or get hijacked, either.
- The coincidence bothers me.
- It does me, too, Captain.
No state secrets, sir, just yes or no.
I'm not important enough to be kidnapped.
Would your mission to Washington
be worth aborting?
That, I'm afraid I can't discuss. I'm sorry.
I've got more than 100 people
on this airplane.
- Including my son.
- Then help me.
Believe me, I wish I could, but I can't.
- Good luck, Captain.
- Thank you, Senator.
Oh, well, thank you.
I'll just have one drink at a time.
All right, Senator.
Anybody could've put it there,
even the Senator.
When do we intercept
the Anchorage route?
Two minutes.
How could he have known?
Sam, you go brief the other stewardesses.
Angie, get back to your people.
- What?
- Don't worry. It's only a bomb.
I know it's just...
I wish it was just the damn bomb.
Yeah, well, look, don't worry.
It makes lines in your face.
Anyway, we never made out in Anchorage.
Did we?
You know how much I love you?
No, I don't.
- Tell me.
- Lots.
We've descended to 12,000,
turning to Anchorage on J133.
Our fuel on destination now looks like
around 7,000 pounds.
The visibility at Anchorage
is way below your minimum.
What is it?
One hundred feet with heavy rain
bringing it down to zero at intervals.
Tell Anchorage to prepare
for a zero-zero landing.
They want to avoid it.
No way. Have them get their best
GCA man on the stick.
- Yes, sir.
- Hey, scratch that.
The military up there
uses GCA all the time.
- Get one of their boys to talk us down.
- You're in luck.
They've got Sergeant Ben Puzo
from Elmendorf on the stick.
He practically invented the system,
It's been Captain now for
a long, long time, Walter, but thanks.
- Are you all right, Miss Brewster?
- Yeah.
- Fasten your seat belt, please.
- Okay.
- Fantastic sound...
- The seat belt sign is on.
Will you fasten your seat belts,
Oh, yeah.
Is your seat belt fastened, sir?
- Is that an order?
- Yes, please.
- Why?
- It's precautionary, sir.
Precaution against what?
Hey, man, you're laughing,
but there's something funny going on.
Hey, who in the hell's
flying this thing anyway?
- We're changing course.
- Are we?
Oh, yeah.
Looks like we're heading
into some bad weather.
Look at those clouds out there.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Captain.
I'd like to repeat one thing.
This threat is probably a hoax.
There's no real cause for alarm.
Anchorage is a routine destination
for Global.
I've told you substantially
everything there is to know,
but I promise you I'll pass on any further
information as soon as I get it.
Well, one good thing,
all drinks are on the airline for everyone.
You can unfasten your seat belts
but keep an eye on the sign.
There's some turbulent weather.
I'll be right with you.
Dad, I think I'll just stretch my legs a little.
Yeah, good idea.
She's up front in the lounge.
She's probably nervous, too.
- Good idea.
- It is, isn't it?
- Honey, where'd I put my glasses?
- Probably where you usually do.
- What's that?
- The flight insurance.
- Oh, no!
- I forgot to mail it to the kids.
It'll be cool in Anchorage.
No, really. I'll build you an igloo.
- With a waterbed.
- It'll freeze.
I doubt it.
Look at them, all uptight and frightened.
- They're wondering who's got the bomb.
- Not me. I don't care.
- Why not?
- I just wanna get down, that's all.
You will.
- You got any more of that?
- Yeah.
You're my buddy.
Say, who do you think's got that bomb?
Oh, I thought you didn't care.
I don't care.
I was just asking your opinion, that's all.
I think maybe
you've got it in your cello case.
Oh, man, you're so right on.
I've bombed out all over the country
with that thing.
- Mrs. Stevens, are you all right?
- Fine, just practicing.
He's not due for over a month.
Well, if he's in any hurry,
there's a good hospital in Anchorage.
Thanks. I'm not worried.
I've been taking
the natural childbirth classes.
The only thing is,
I'd really miss my husband.
We were taking the classes together.
- Does it work?
- I sure hope so. It's my first baby.
When you're through with that,
check economy.
Miss, I gotta see the Captain.
Get him out here.
- Get him out here.
- All right, Mr. Brown. I will.
- And tell the man it's urgent.
- You stay right where you are.
All right, Mr. Brown.
I'm sure we can work something out.
We damn well better.
Anchorage is socked in tight.
You'll have to let me
set down someplace else.
I ain't no hijacker, Captain.
- I got a gig in Minneapolis tonight.
- Well, then, what did you...
It's the soldier, Jerry Weber.
What makes you think so?
He's been drinking, taking pills
and talking funny.
There ain't no sister
and no wedding in Minneapolis.
And I'm gonna tell you something else.
He's bugging out, Captain.
Is he?
He slipped and told me
he has to get to Anchorage.
Coffee, Captain?
Has he got a bomb?
Well, he's damn careful with that suitcase.
What do you want me to do, Captain?
Not a thing.
Not a damn thing.
What? You expect me to go back there
and pretend I don't know?
And just hope he gets off this airplane
in Anchorage and that's the end of it.
Oh, I dig it. You don't trust me, right?
Well, I guess you can't afford
to take any chances.
Thanks for your cooperation, Mr. Brown.
You're the captain.
Lot of activity in that stuff.
I don't like it.
You got any suggestions?
We're past the halfway mark, Hank.
We've gotta make Anchorage now.
- What's our fuel on arrival?
- A lousy 2,000 pounds.
These headwinds down here are killing us.
Why don't we climb back to 31,000?
We could avoid some of this crap
and save some fuel.
You know damn well if a bomb goes off
at that height, we'll burst like a balloon.
Down here we've got a chance.
Yeah, if a mountain doesn't smack us first.
- They're all around us.
- Hey, look, it's gotta be Brown or Weber.
Now, why don't we just drop them
and get it over with?
He presses the button in his pocket
and the bomb goes off.
I doubt it. That kind of radio control
is damn sophisticated.
Yeah, sure it is.
My 12-year-old son uses it
to fly his model airplanes.
Yeah, that's what I said.
We better not try it.
Look, Sam.
I'm gonna get through this goddamn
weather and set down in Anchorage
if I have to fly this thing
through an iceberg.
Clean, clean, stay clean.
No traffic, baby. No traffic.
Just me and you and 502.
- No.
- I thought we'd sack out for a while.
I like lights. I don't like to be in the dark.
Congratulations, soldier,
on a job well done.
- What's the matter, pal?
- My gear.
- You don't need it now, man.
- I do what I want.
- Sure you do.
- I don't answer to anybody.
You're right. You are right.
It's the booze and the Benzedrine.
Hell, I'm not used to them.
- Hey, I'm sorry, man. It's all my fault.
- Not yours.
Anchorage Approach Control,
this is Global 502.
Global 502, Anchorage Approach Control.
You are five by five.
I'm going to turn you over
to our GCA expert
- who will talk you down.
- Understood.
Okay, Air Force, you on the line?
Yes, sir. Sergeant Ben Puzo.
Trust your soul to God, Captain,
because your ass belongs to me.
Sergeant, regulations don't permit
that kind of language.
Screw the regulations.
Sergeant, I accept your offer.
All right, sir.
I have you at 4,000 feet,
rate of descent 500 feet a minute.
Is your glide slope and localizer
reading consistent with mine?
I have you slightly left of course
and 600 feet high.
That's just about right, Sergeant.
We've been holding the extra altitude
just in case.
There may be rocks in these clouds.
No sweat, sir. You're in fat city.
- What's your heading?
- 0-5-5.
Turn right, heading 0-7-5.
- How's that?
- Right on.
How's your fuel situation?
You wanna make a practice run?
- Or you wanna come straight in?
- We're practically sucking air.
Let's do it right the first time, Sergeant.
Why not? Less work for Mother.
All right, Captain, continue your
rate of descent at 500 feet a minute.
Keep your present heading.
Watch that rate of descent.
Unless I tell you otherwise,
do not acknowledge
any more of my transmission,
except if you have a question.
Very nice, Captain.
If you ever want to earn an honest living,
I think I can find you a home
in the Air Force, flying cargo.
Watch that heading.
You're on course and on glide path.
Doing fine.
That's nice, Captain.
That's good.
Keep coming, baby.
Come to Mother.
Beech F1370 calling Anchorage Control.
Beech F1370 calling Anchorage.
Do you read me? Do you read me? Over.
- George?
- Our radio's out, sir.
- Well, you'll keep trying?
- We've lost our reception.
- What do we do?
- Well, I've got about an hour's fuel left.
If we can make Anchorage,
I can land on instruments.
And if we don't?
What the hell is that?
Grandig, find out what that traffic is.
Unidentified aircraft
on a heading 0-6-0, come in.
This is Anchorage Approach Control. Over.
Just tell him to get the hell out of there.
Unidentified aircraft,
break off your approach.
- You are on a collision course.
- Wasting your breath.
Small plane, judging by the return.
Either no radio or some kind of trouble.
Captain O'Hara, it's too bad.
You have to go around again.
We've got unidentified traffic
moving into your glide slope.
- They do not respond to our calls. Over.
- You hear that?
- We're empty, Hank.
- Negative, Sergeant.
We're flying on fumes now.
Horizontal and vertical separations
almost gone, Captain.
- Above me or below me?
- I don't know. He's too close.
For Christ's sake, Hank, roll the dice.
Whatever it was, we're over it.
Flaps 30.
Flaps 30.
Where's the other plane?
I don't know yet,
but you're too high and right of course.
Make an immediate left turn,
heading 0-5-5.
- I want you back on course.
- Roger, 0-5-5.
O'Hara, they're back on scope
half mile behind you. I think they're okay.
- Thank God.
- You're doing pretty good, too, Captain.
We're doing just fine, Sergeant.
Mrs. Stevens?
Mrs. Stevens.
Oh, thanks.
Don't leave me, okay?
Stay with her. You all right?
Would you do me a favor?
Would you put this up there
so I can focus on something next time?
That's really pretty!
Twenty-five seconds to touchdown.
Get that nose up a little, O'Hara,
you're 60 feet too low.
Twenty seconds to touchdown. Doing fine.
Kick in a hair right rudder.
God damn it, don't drift.
Ten seconds. Over the inner marker.
Doing fine.
Hold that son of a bitch off a little.
Now, ease her down. Easy. Easy.
Eighty knots.
Take it please, Sam.
I don't know exactly
where the hell you are, O'Hara,
but you're on the ground,
somewhere in the state of Alaska.
- Feeling all right now, pal?
- I thought we were all dead.
Still black as a... Oh, no offense.
Don't bug me none.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'll have to ask you
to remain in your seats
until further instructions.
Mr. Thompson, I expect you guys to wait
till the passengers are off this aircraft
and inside the terminal.
Understood, Captain.
Now, for your information,
we're unable to find a service record
for a Jerome K. Weber.
- That's a big help.
- However, there is a Jerome K. Weller
awaiting discharge at Fort McArthur,
Mental, Section 210.
That's terrific.
Son of a bitch!
- What is it, O'Hara?
- You stupid bastards!
You've got your guys
parading around out there
with their guns under their raincoats!
Hey, where are you going?
- Stop him!
- Stop him!
Let go! Let go!
Stop it! Let go! Stop it!
All right, you heroes. Come and get it!
Listen to him.
If he lets go, we're all dead.
That's right.
Now, get back.
- Move!
- Go on. Get back, boys.
- Move!
- Go on, Peter. Get back.
You, get up.
- Get up!
- Come on, Mr. Shaw, do as he says.
Get up.
Wise guy.
- Oh, no!
- Oh, God!
Somebody, quick.
Angie! Come on, get up.
- Take me to the flight deck.
- Jesus Christ, she can't.
My aircraft, my crew, mine.
Now, come on, get up.
What can I do for you, Sergeant?
Did I thank you
for getting me on this plane?
Get those men away from here.
Get them away!
Get going.
Sergeant Weber insists
that you move the ground crew
back away from this aircraft immediately.
That's right.
We've instructed
the men to move back, O'Hara.
Keep them back.
All right now, Sergeant?
No, damn it. Look! Two more of them.
Hey, you!
Get back out of the way
or I'll borrow a gun and shoot you myself!
- People listen to you.
- To you, too, Sergeant.
- How goes it?
- Much better.
Mr. Allen, why don't you have the steps
moved up and deplane the passengers?
Mr. Allen, don't budge your ass.
Let them get off.
You follow my book and take my orders.
Look, there's a limit to how far I can go.
Not me.
Order a fuel truck and have us filled.
You wanted Anchorage.
We're in Anchorage!
We're moving on.
Stop and think.
Give us a chance.
- Doesn't matter what the Army did...
- Shut your face.
Order the fuel.
Don't you understand?
I just have to touch this damn thing
and that goes off.
Tower, this is 502.
Dispatch a fuel truck to the ramp, full load.
No security.
Understood, 502. What's your destination?
I have to know where we're going.
Following orders really stinks, doesn't it?
Christ, it's dark.
I'll have to watch you every minute.
Who can you trust?
- How long?
- It'll take some time.
Not too long. My hand's getting tired.
Why don't you put the pin
back in that thing?
Where is it?
It must be somewhere in the cabin.
- We could go look for it.
- No, not we.
Angie, check in the lounge,
down around the chutes.
Anything could slide down there.
You heard the Sergeant's order.
Yes, sir, I heard.
My foot's falling asleep.
I had a buddy who had his foot
and his leg and his nuts blown off
when he...
So don't fall asleep, Captain.
How is she?
Contractions are a minute and a half apart.
Angela, she won't be able
to go down that chute.
It's almost over, Mrs. Stevens.
Please be calm
and please remove your shoes.
Angela, you need a doctor.
You better get off while you can.
Not right now. Thanks anyway.
What's our destination?
You heard me, I'm not moving this ship
till I know where we're going.
You're flying me direct
nonstop to Moscow.
What's the matter?
Isn't that what you wanted to hear?
- We can't make it to Moscow.
- Bullshit.
- We don't have the capacity.
- Don't lie to me!
Anchorage to Moscow
is within the range of this airplane.
That's why I brought you here.
Now, call the tower
and get your clearances.
Plot your course.
You turn around. I don't like your face.
- Got it.
- Thank God.
Angie, we're ready for you.
Let's go, Peter. Peter, come on, let's go.
This way, please.
Stay right there!
Giving orders again?
What do you want those passengers for?
They're no use to you.
They're mine! I love them!
They're with me!
Angie, we can't get along without you.
Nigger buddy, you stay!
And you, Senator.
You're the prize of the package.
Hero, you stay.
The little broad with the friendly mouth.
- I want my son off.
- You want?
But these two want to be together.
- You get off.
- No, I'm not leaving you.
Please listen to me.
You've got to let Mrs. Stevens off.
- Let me send for the ramp.
- No, she goes down the chute.
She isn't going down any chute!
- What the hell's that?
- Nothing, just photographers.
You bastard!
Get this damn airplane in the air!
You said that pregnant woman
could get off.
- Down the chute.
- She can't!
Then she stays!
All right. Angela, go!
I wanna see these other bitches slide. You.
Thank you, Hazel.
Come on! Come on!
Good luck with our baby, Angie.
Screw you!
Let's go.
For Christ's sake, leave it alone!
Need Moscow weather information. Over.
Understood, 502.
Cleared to 3-9-0,
heading 3-3-0 for a vector to the gateway.
We're trying to clear your entry
with the Soviet authorities. Over.
Let me talk to them.
Did I kill that goddamn photographer?
I've no report of any killing.
Tell the goddamn truth for once.
Honestly, Sergeant.
I shot at the flashbulbs.
I couldn't miss.
You're wrong.
The truck was moving away.
Don't worry about it.
Killing doesn't hurt.
- Anybody want a drink?
- No, thanks.
We've got our checklists.
Take your time.
I should get a medal for what I did.
Sam, put it on autopilot.
Anchorage Control, this is Global 502.
We're trying to bring your agent up
out of the cargo hold now. Over.
Ladies and gentlemen,
this is Captain O'Hara.
I think you should know
we are now following a regular airway.
Our new destination is Moscow.
We should make it
in about six-and-a-half hours.
We're under the Beaufort Sea,
through the North Pole
2,000 miles across the Arctic Circle,
down the Barents Sea, past Murmansk,
Leningrad and on into Moscow.
I'll be seeing you a little later.
Try not to worry.
Come on!
What's the matter with that thing?
All right, close it up.
There's a man down in that hold.
We're almost at 39,000 feet.
He'll freeze to death.
You put a federal bastard on my aircraft?
It's okay.
Okay, Captain. You want him?
- Yeah.
- Then get him.
That's what you get for doing your duty.
It's standard.
You're not gonna touch me again.
I'll kill you!
Not me, not anybody on this airplane.
You need me.
There is no Moscow
unless that man comes up out of there.
Nobody dies on my airplane.
Not me, not him, not them.
Not even you, you son of a bitch!
Go get him.
Get him out of here now.
You need cold towels for frostbite, man.
No booze, John. He's already in shock.
- Where's the ice?
- Right here.
Here you go, ma'am.
Let's get these legs up.
Another one's starting.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
It's finished with Angela. You know that.
I love you and the kids.
They're happy that you're home.
Come in, 502.
Do you read me, 502?
Anchorage Center, this is 502. I read you.
We still haven't gotten
Soviet air clearance.
Stay with me as long as you can.
Well, get on the stick, will you?
We're practically knocking
on the Kremlin door now.
Get me an HF frequency.
I don't wanna lose you.
Security guy's gonna make it.
We're all going to make it.
That's what our captain says.
He's our own private life force.
That's a magnificent instrument,
Mr. Brown.
Thank you, Senator.
- It's just wood and gut.
- Yes.
But with a man like you on the strings,
that wood and gut gives forth
some pretty nice sound, doesn't it?
Do you like modern music, Senator?
- Rock or jazz?
- Well, I'm afraid I'm not too up on it.
What do people like you
do for kicks, Senator?
I'll tell you the truth, Mr. Brown.
Very often, at a moment's notice,
I have to go boating with
the President of the United States.
O'Hara, the Russians won't grant
permission to cross their border.
They threatened to shoot you down.
Can you divert to a free world destination?
- Negative.
- Keep this damn line open.
Listen to me,
we're intruding into Soviet air space.
They're liable to shoot us down
and get the answers later.
I'm diverting to a free world strip.
- Damn it, don't you want to live?
- They won't shoot me down.
- Don't be too sure.
- You'll see, O'Hara.
The Russians, they've got respect.
It's crowning!
The way it's going, that's good.
Okay, now push!
Push! Now!
- Hard, push now.
- Now push.
Hard. Push hard.
It's a boy?
It's a perfect boy.
- We did it, huh?
- Yes.
We did it.
Hank, we're there.
I'll take it, Sam.
Anchorage, we are now entering
restricted Russian air space.
- We barely read you.
- Where's that damn clearance?
Here they come.
Looks like three of them, maybe four.
- Sergeant, we've gotta turn back.
- Straight ahead, Captain.
Anchorage, Russian fighters dead ahead.
Down the gear.
- What the hell are you doing, Hank?
- I said down the gear!
Soviet Air Commander.
Soviet Air Commander.
This is Global Flight 502.
I am an unarmed American civilian airliner
being forced off course by a hijacker.
I have lowered my gear.
I have reduced my air speed.
Where the hell are they?
Soviet Air Commander, do you read me?
This is Global Flight 502.
There they are. 11 o'clock.
We are unarmed, civilians on board.
My gear is lowered.
We will follow you.
Come in. Come in. Do you read me?
Anchorage, four fighters on us.
Buzzed us once, they mean business.
Here they come again.
For Christ's sake, take us down!
Mayday, Hank, mayday!
We are an American airliner.
We are being hijacked.
We have injured civilians on board.
Come in.
They're off the scope, Hank.
I don't see them anywhere.
Do you read me?
Come in, please.
Soviet Air...
There they are.
They're holding right on top of us.
American airliner,
please maintain your present altitude
and follow us. Over.
- What is your destination?
- Moscow airport.
- Moscow?
- Yes, Moscow airport.
Thank you.
Mr. Reading.
- How you feel?
- I'm alive, friend.
- That's something.
- You bet.
- You got any identification?
- Certainly.
You better get rid of it.
I'm sure the Russians would be delighted
to have one of you fellows in custody.
Thanks, but I don't know
what you're talking about.
I'm from Duluth. I sell plastics.
Oh, yeah, that ought to fool them.
Would you please fasten your seat belts?
We'll be landing any minute.
- Did you hear? It's a boy.
- Yeah, that's what I heard, honey.
Hey, look, will you tell Mrs. Stevens
that we contacted her husband?
Would you tell her yourself?
She won't bite you.
Are you sure?
Hey, slow down a minute.
How are you?
I'm fine, thanks to your first aid.
I love you very much.
I know. I know you do.
Do you know?
American airliner,
we are returning to base.
We have the airport in sight
showing at 12 o'clock about 10 miles out.
Good luck, Captain.
Flaps 40. No, make that 50.
Flaps 50.
Final checklist complete.
Eighty knots.
You will follow the guide truck.
- Stop the airplane.
- We're instructed to follow that truck.
Stop, Captain.
Moscow tower, this is Global 502.
Our passenger's instructed us to stop.
He's heavily armed. Over.
You will continue
to follow the guide truck.
This is Sergeant Jerome K. Weber.
I'm in command of Flight 502.
- Is your commanding officer standing by?
- We read you.
My serial number is 567345787.
Length of service eight years,
seven months, 22 days.
Qualified expert M16 rifle,
.30 caliber carbine,
M60 machine gun and.38 caliber pistol.
Formerly served 1st regiment,
47th battalion of
the First Infantry Division.
I am placing myself
at the disposal of your government
along with this Boeing 707 jet airliner.
Among my passengers is a United States
senator and a federal security agent.
I will receive your commanding officer
aboard my aircraft
at his earliest convenience.
I will require a short rest
before commencing debriefing
and active service. Thank you.
Thank you, Sergeant Weber.
I told you.
Congratulations, Sergeant.
- Thrust.
- Go.
Mr. Allen, see that the ramp's moved up.
Get everybody off the airplane.
What the hell?
I naturally assumed
you'd want to confer privately
with the Soviet commander.
- I don't know.
- Cancel the order, Mr. Allen.
No, quite right. You listen. Get them off.
You wait.
I want to show you something.
No bomb, O'Hara.
I never needed one.
Just a few lousy grenades.
- Hello.
- Captain, O'Hara, we're ready to deplane.
Fine, Angie. Get them all off.
- And thanks for all you...
- No, don't.
It's been a lot of miles.
I've wasted too much time already.
Goodbye, Hank.
God bless, Angie.
You ready, Angie?
I'm ready.
Now, hold it.
Wait here.
- How do I look?
- You look fine, Sergeant.
I wanted you to see.
That's a lot of medals for a young guy.
How old are you?
Get off my airplane.
Jerry, come with me.
No chance.
Get lost.
Captain O'Hara, you can leave now.
I can handle him.
He's my problem. Get off the airplane.
I can't do that.
- Have you got a weapon?
- No.
Then out.
I can't.
- Have you got your strength back?
- Sure.
You're wrong, O'Hara.
My privilege, Mr. Reading.
You're a fool, O'Hara.
You could've stayed alive.
I'll tell you one thing,
they're going to remember
Jerome K. Weber.
No! Hold your fire! It's the Captain!
Give up, Jerry.
There's no way to win.
The bastards are gonna remember me.
Don't! Don't!
Hank. Jesus!
Hurry up, damn it!
Get that shoulder. Easy now.
Wait a minute.
Okay, now.