Skyline (2010)

The sun already?
Jarrod, wake up.
Okay, it is.
What is this?
I do not know.
Stay here.
What happens?
He's gonne!
I can not decide.
Elaine, chose the last.
We left history, had a good time,
we were bad.
Not changed at all.
Neither Terry...
I see.
It's very cool.
I can not wait.
I had to think about before
hang up the ruins.
What are you doing here so early?
- It's a wonderful day.
- You think, I do not know.
Got phone Barry
for job...
Tell him to fix it...
I do not work on my birthday.
- Hi.
- God, I should be here then?
It works.
Artistic business, baby.
You're sweaty.
- Are you okay?
- Yes.
Yes, I'm fine.
Wait to catch me for you.
- Thanks.
- Please.
He is my hero.
Yes we are.
You make a joke!
Better start to get used to it.
Okay, go.
How is the second most beautiful
guy, I know?
I do not know, how are you?
Happy Birthday!
- Wow .. say.
- You must be the Elaine? Nice.
This is amazing.
Everything here is with automation.
My personal position
in the sky.
The view is unrealistic.
Can I ask you something?
You keep my boy fit lad?
Do not answer.
It is his job with pay.
Seriously? Whatever he
gives I pay the double.
I thought this post
was caught?
This I liked.
Your room is here.
Guys, do you want to go to the pool?
For sure.
My baby!
Let's go swimming!
- Baby, get me a drink.
- OK just keep it.
The bar is here.
You did good, buddy.
Everyone knew that.
Hi, guys.
I would not have been able
without you.
Slowly I did, because I make you
designed the walls?
- You look fine.
- And you the same.
Happy Birthday, Terry.
Yes, my many years.
I'm liable for it.
Thanks, pal.
And I do not know what a gift
can you get me.
I have some ideas about it.
Come on.
From what I see enjoyed by all.
- Baby?
- Yes?
Where is my drink?
My mistake.
Denise, get me a drink.
- Does anybody else?
- No.
This is definitely better
from Brooklyn.
I do not know, I like
"four seasons", of the year.
There is one of those,
down the corner.
Tomorrow we will go ride
my boat.
National security.
They are here because they know that
the party will be like a "bomb".
Happy Birthday, Terry!
- Hey, buddy. How do you get?
- Fine.
I want to know someone. Ray!
Wait a minute.
Happy Birthday, boy.
How is doing the "robot fighter"?
The TV, sucks, but the director
loves it, so...
- Hey, this is a child wonder?
- Yes.
And the beautiful lady.
Pleased to meet you, man.
I heard that would come
our team.
Did you find that
I say, Venice,
is the right place.
- I live there, so I could guide you.
- I remember it, thanks.
- I have to go the toilet.
- Okay.
- Can you give me some explanation!
- Baby...
It's perfect, well done mate.
- We must leave.
- What are you saying?
How are you ladies?
- Sorry.
- What are they saying?
- My God!
- Okay, look.
Popped the secret...
I was thinking...
... That they should move
in Los Angeles.
And what I do here?
Supposed to come back.
Could I
faneis useful.
I do not need charity, OK?
All right.
I need you.
I do not know anything
design effects, pal.
- This is bullshit.
- No shit.
You have the eye and you know it.
The computer is a tool.
I do not know, I do not imagine
myself never to live here.
Where do you live?
You got five
project there, I do not know?
Well, not to
do with the money, right?
Always have something to do with the money.
And Elaine?
I take care of everything
you need to do something for yourself.
Terry, you phone up.
Think about it.
Come on.
Supposed to be fun,
what is the problem?
Just forget it, okay?
Terry said that we were everywhere
to stay here, okay?
I had no idea ..
I am late.
What delay?
For how long?
I do not know.
I felt sick all week,
so I took a test and ..
Why not told me?
I wanted to tell you...
Believe me, I just do not
to spoil your trip.
What can you say only?
What do you say?
- I do not think I'm ready for it.
- Do not feel ready, Jerry?
And what about me?
It has nothing to do with...
We give half a minute?
We have to go below it?
Elaine ..
We have, also has another.
My God!
Sorry, lady, but...
... We have some
complaints about noise.
From whom?
The building is empty.
I understand, but
other half, trying...
... To sleep, so
if you could...
All right.
And they leave.
No, I have the couch.
Come on, I think it is
space for both of us?
I like the roominess.
Okay then, you will lose.
Good night.
Put out the light.
What are you doing?
Stay here.
What happens?
Jarrod, no.
- No, Jarrod, no.
- What?
What happened, man?
Oh, my God, Jarrod?
Please ..
What's happening?
Jarrod, for God.
What happened to him?
Where's Ray?
- Who is Ray?
- No, no...
Where is?
- Lost!
- What do you mean gone?
I mean, gone!
- He fell down? - No. ..
- Does he jumped - No!
Help him, Terry!
Went out
when he saw the light.
Then simply disappeared.
Terry, please!
Jarrod, look at me.
What happened?
What did you see?
Be careful.
Jarrod, what happened?
I do not know.
It was like pulling a...
... Light.
- Open the blinds.
- No...
- Open the blinds.
- No!
Get something down there.
Jarrod, look.
I do not see anything.
There are people on rooftops.
And what they do there?
I do not know.
We go to check it.
You never know what can be
out there.
- Media.
- Okay.
I'll call the police.
- Will draw some pictures.
- Unable to go out there.
I will not go myself.
I do not lift.
See more news and
Find out what the hell is going on.
We will return soon.
- Jarrod.
- Look at me.
Come on.
Turn quickly.
The stairs are out of here.
Damn ..
What happens?
Let's see.
What do you want the gun?
Turn back
your room quickly.
And then silence.
Are you sure about that?
There is nothing new
from 4 in the morning.
Denis, try a little TV.
Emergency broadcast system.
Calm things down.
Hell, Jarrod.
It told me to
keep it open.
There was no one behind you.
Get down.
What now?
Let us no better off.
Hi, here Jackie. Please
leave your message.
Mom, I am.
Something happened and ..
Pick up.
Please, just...
... Take me back soon
listen to this.
My God, this is the case
I think?
My God!
- Get back.
- What is it?
Come on, pull!
Get back!
Come on!
Elaine, no!
- Make room, make room!
- Okay.
Honey, are you okay?
I feel as if I fire.
Give it to me.
I'll pass soon,
I promise.
Are you okay?
Have you and you...
Translation hearsay
My God!
All of these people.
What do they want?
Not interested to know.
God, I do not think so ..
So, how is it possible?
From the moment you
look to the light ..
... To grab.
- It's like...
- To take control of you.
Who would not want to see
something so beautiful?
It is really intelligent.
Enough of this shit.
I have an idea.
Where are you going?
- The Walt. - What's up with that?
- Terry?
- I worry about him. - Terry?
- Everything is under control.
Are you okay?
Yes, nothing.
Let me see it.
I said nothing.
- Are you okay.
- Fine.
Are you there?
What the hell are you?
I saw all these
People in the sky.
They pulled over.
Come on, get your car
and leave from Los Angeles.
Get down!
Close your blinds!
Did you hear that?
What happened?
Talk to me!
I take my vessel
and the crushing of here.
What happened?
They took Walt.
What do you mean?
What are you talking about?
This was different. He joined
the building and searched.
Then you better leave.
Wait a minute.
I'm the only one
saw these pictures?
What happens out there,
are everywhere.
It is everywhere.
It is in the water.
However, it took them a long
time to get to the roof.
Can we
there in 2 minutes.
You have no idea what
are able to do.
I know you scared, alright,
We all fear...
But it is not
to hide my head
the sand, hoping
simply disappear.
- I'm not saying that.
- Relax, pal.
How do I do this?
Is the whole building!
It is the timer.
My God.
Come quickly!
You're disgusting!
What the hell happened to you?
- We will discuss later.
- Yes, indeed.
I do not like none of them
but if we are not seen or heard.
... We could
sit here quietly...
For how long?
They gather people
out there, it's simple.
The sooner we leave
the city, the better.
He is right.
If we can get to
vessel may have a chance!
- Yes, but will not go!
- It!
We must try.
Get your stuff.
Get food and water.
Come on.
Come on.
Okay, come on.
Look, the sooner we get there,
the faster you go.
Be careful.
Come on, come on.
What are you doing?
I try to run, I know the way!
- Get together and you bitch.
- Candice?
Get in the car!
Terry, sorry.
- Hurry up.
- What do you think I do?
Cut speed.
Need help?
- No, go ahead, we're fine.
- But, baby...
I said, we're okay.
Come here, quick!
I got you!
Come here quickly!
Jerry, fast!
What are you doing!
Damn, come on!
- Open ..
- Come on.
Open, ruins!
Get back!
My God!
Someone help!
The keys...
Where are the keys?
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
My God!
My God!
Miss no
need to do.
What are you doing?
It's alive!
Help me!
Come on, come on!
We go from
the back door.
Come on, go!
Come on!
Do not stop!
Open the door!
Open it!
Come in.
At the top is the safest
place, I think.
And how do you know how
is not there!
If you want to sit here
You can do it.
Come on.
Come quickly ..
Could not
the book.
Come help me with this.
It's better than nothing, right?
Well what you say.
What are you doing?
I like it or not,
this happens.
Need to appear strong.
Is all well?
I'm okay.
- What now?
- We live here...
We watch and pray
let us find someone.
He is right.
Someone will come.
I can keep it forever.
Honey, you better
stick together.
I can not.
Given the circumstances,
I find it reasonable to smoke.
I'm pregnant, right?
And I thought...
... That with all this stress...
Everything will be okay.
I did not say
even my mother.
Come on, boss. Let's leave
to sleep. We do shift work.
Both of us?
If you try something, we
meet one another.
I hate Los Angeles.
I saw all night soul.
Perhaps the worst
be passed.
Maybe not.
What do you think was
these things?
I do not know.
Does not matter?
It looks real.
But it is.
And you arranged to meet.
What means this?
The city was deserted.
We must survive.
There will remain, and many of us.
What do you see?
One of the fights.
What are you doing?
I want to see what's out there.
Turn it!
It's very dark!
I can not take chances.
My God!
Slept at all?
Do you think worse?
The scars on your skin.
When I looked in that light, not
I could not stand for 10 minutes.
Who knows what we did...
... In our bodies.
Remember the first time
that looked?
Where in you completely...
For some reason,
I felt beautiful...
... Possible.
And still
I feel that way.
Why not sit and relax?
Okay, give up.
So what is the
design your boss?
Because I know
Dying to tell me so.
You got something to say?
We are near the port.
I noticed that.
On the other side of the road
There are hundreds of ships.
We have retry it!
Remind us how you reached
the last time?
This time we'll go quietly.
Each will look for all ships
until you find a key?
This should be done.
Unfortunate design, Jarrod.
I can not
believe suggest...
... So,
After all what happened.
What do you say now?
That was my fault.
In begged...
... But did not hear.
And do you think
Terry would listen?
Let's say we go
the building.
Pass the port
go to the marina.
We find a boat
and then what?
- Then simply thrashing out of here.
- For who?
In Carolina, the coast?
- Anywhere is better than here!
- How do you know that?
We are here.
We are alive.
What was that?
What do you see?
Come... come...
Everybody down!
It worked.
I think not!
It worked.
All yours, boss.
Do you think that will come
and other planes?
Yes, I now know
what to do.
You should send aid now.
What happens?
Not dead.
It's just too...
Very pissed off.
Something happens.
We must close the windows.
Help me with this.
Come here quickly!
I will find something.
Jarrod, what do you do?
What do you do?
What about you?
These things will come
let us look.
You think that I did not understand
What character are you?
We'll stay here and wait
hidden until the end!
I agree.
Then that was it.
We have no water.
Neither electricity.
Yes, but you saw what
is out there.
Only I prefer
To die trying...
... Rather than stay in a
"Target", 20 storeys.
Among these
creatures, and...
... Radiation, we
dead up here.
What do you want from me!
- What the hell do you think?
- You must tell them that we are here.
- You'll ruin everything!
- Let me cry for help.
The rescue us here!
- I like to rescue!
- What are you talking about?
I do not understand?
We are at war!
Where to go?
The helicopter will return to pick them up,
Come on.
Just turn will take us.
What if it does not come back?
Look what happened to those planes.
- How to afford a helicopter?
- We must take the risk!
Take the risk?
Devastation throughout the city.
Do you think you will live
enough to leave?
Leave us!
We have to do...
There you stand?
What will happen when
fall all the planes?
At least we have a chance!
- Come on.
- How can you be so sure?
Just go!
Not being able to
decide anything.
Who knows whose
Being part.
I warn you.
Both of you!
Look at his face.
It's sick.
- Do not make me hurt you.
- Do not worry about it.
I'm not leaving without my family.
And you can not
to do anything...
... To stop us.
I want to trust me.
I am.
I'm still... I.
I know.
We should go.
I will do, to be killed.
Come on.
Come on.
Okay, go.
You see?
There is.
- Help us!
- Do not move!
- No, wait
- Do not shoot.
- Stay where you are!
- We need help, please.
Go over there now!
We carry two people.
Roger, I see two people in
shelter, go get them...
Danger! Danger!
Get back now!
Come on.
Take it from me!
In the elevator.
It is the only way to
go down. Go, go.
Come, come!
Ellie, run!
Greetings, motherfucker!
Help me!
Help me!
Look at me.
Look at me, Jarrod.
Come on, come on.
Come on, we got almost.
Elaine, please.
We must go.
I'm not going anywhere without you.
My baby!
Jarrod ..