Sl8n8 (Slaughter Night) (2006)

Province of Limburg
In the winter, seven peasant children
disappear without trace.
A large police force is formed
to investigate the disappearances.
The Present
Faculty of Communication & Journalism
Ed? Where are you?
I'm coming... I said I'm coming.
I'll come over to you, okay?
Kris. Kris!
I know: 60%.
Guess who has to carry him home again.
Rudy's a little cranky tonight.
Shall I dump him?
- I'll get Estrild from the bathroom.
Paul. Hey Paul!
Stop it, she doesn't want you.
- But I love her. I love her!
Yeah, but she doesn't love you.
Watch out. I'm applying mascara here.
- It wasn't my fault...
Epilate your moustache, bitch.
- Calm down.
Paul was watching you all night.
With a bulge in his pants this big.
Estrild, Paul and I are just friends.
I'm not in love with him.
- What's wrong with Paul?
Your ex was unfaithful,
but they're not all that way.
Paul tried once and anyway
I'm fed up with guys right now.
I read that if you don't do it for a year,
it all seals up.
You're incredible: The only woman I know
who thinks and talks like a man.
That's emancipation for you.
Come on, what?
The hermit...
Still counsel... wisdom from above...
An encounter with someone to help
the seeker on his spiritual quest.
Want to join in, Kris?
- No thanks.
We're going home. Coming?
- Stay a while.
Come on, stay!
Some of us have to get up early.
- I'll give you a ride.
I have my own car and I'm sober. Bye.
That wreck of your's
won't get you 30 yards.
Ataxi maybe?
I don't have a penny.
What about you?
We certainly keep you working,
Mr Lodema.
You call, we come.
You like having her living at home again?
- Sure.
Next time she should think twice
before shacking up.
I'm right here.
We discussed this before, Dad.
- Pick a card, Mr Lodema?
I'll skip this round.
- You don't believe in it?
Not if it's used as a parlour game.
How's your study, Lisa?
Actually I want to travel
and see something of the world.
You're dropping out?
- Just for a while.
I can pick it up again.
- Where are you going?
We're going to the Far East,
then Australia.
We? Who's "we"?
- Shit, sorry!
It just slipped out.
I never quarrelled with him before.
When were you planning to tell me?
At the airport?
I knew you'd be angry.
- I'm not!
I support you in everything. Even
when you rushed into living together.
Does your mother know?
- Yes!
That's great!
Dammit, you have top marks at school.
And now you want to freewheel!
- Please, Dad!
You think you can decide everything
for me as usual, but I'm going.
Whether you like it or not.
- I don't want you to chuck it all away.
That has nothing to do
with you living at home again.
Call an ambulance!
Hello! Hello!
Darling, what's going on?
I couldn't sleep.
Nor could I.
We quarrelled about that stupid trip.
I was going on so much...
It's like it's all my fault.
- Darling!
That really is rubbish.
Promise me you'll never think that again?
How can it be your fault?
Things like this just happen.
Dad left lots of things in Belgium.
Someone has to fetch them.
What things?
Mainly the manuscript of his last book.
I gave permission for it to be published.
The publisher is waiting.
If we go this week...
- Can I go?
It's Disneyland! Pickled!
Okay, I'll go and get the stuff.
You want us to come?
- No.
I have to do it alone.
- We'll get some coffee.
What are you up to?
- I'm going to change.
We're hitting town later.
S. I. S. Shop In Style!
What do think?
- I have the feeling she's...
...100 pounds of sex
firing on two neurons.
Your father's study's in there.
He was locked up like a hermit for weeks.
We haven't cleared up,
we knew you were coming.
Go ahead.
Houcks, yes...
Despite Andries Martiens
being of affluent birth...
...his childhood was hell.
Martiens' parents were cold and cruel
and to escape their yoke...
...he joined the navy when he was young
Having roamed the world for years,
when he returned to Holland...
...his parents had died.
To Martiens' disappointment,
they only left him personal trinkets.
The enormous fortune Martiens expected
had mysteriously disappeared.
From then on, Martiens was
obsessed by the supernatural.
When in the West,
he had encountered voodoo rituals...
...and other ways to communicate
with the dead.
I was sceptical, but experimented with a
Ouija board. The result was surprising.
I was able to find out
that the voodoo rituals...
...enabled the performer
to enter Hell and leave again.
Eight human sacrifices
were needed for this.
Four heads for the wind directions
and four for the elements.
This is what made
Martiens commit his terrible deeds.
Sorry for the interruption.
Never mind. Can I take this?
I had everything put on CD.
The computer is ours.
But the manuscripts...
...and antiques belong to your father.
This is heavy.
- It's very old.
It belonged to Martiens.
You know about Martiens?
- Fascinating case.
You can join the tour of the mine.
It looks at the Martiens case.
Thanks, but I'm with friends.
- Bring them along.
It's fascinating.
Your father wouldn't leave the mine either.
Thanks for the help...
I'll tell the guide you're all coming.
We were going shopping and clubbing.
I can't stroll round a mine looking like this!
Shall we go?
- No.
I'll stay here.
Okay. Look: Three o'clock.
He's not my type.
- You don't have a type!
Okay, I'll have him.
With relish.
My name is Louis Oup and
I'm your guide this afternoon.
Please put on your helmets and follow me.
I was a miner here for 25 years
until this mine closed in 1984.
Then they asked me to lead excursions,
which I've done for 12 years.
So, if everyone will get in the lift...
Put your helmet on, madam.
In we go.
Off we go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
we're 200 feet underground.
You can leave your coats there.
Don't forget to switch on your lamps.
More than 100 men worked
in this shaft alone.
This place is a maze.
If you get lost, you die.
That's dust lung. We all suffered from it.
And we knew it in advance.
The black gold was mined here.
But it wasn't gold for us.
It was blood, sweat and tears.
Walk on, please.
Hey, where were you?
Kris! Kris!
Anything wrong?
Since the accident...
...I see things.
What things?
Never mind...
Please don't take any pictures
in the mines.
I'm not, it's a video camera.
- Nice try, but please put it away.
- Danger of explosions!
Methane is lethal
because you can't smell it.
That's why we had canaries.
We used to use them to test for methane.
When they dropped dead,
we knew what was up.
Canaries! Follow me please.
Yes... that's why we're here. So...
- Yes.
I have two kids with me
who went through the same.
Are you on holiday here?
Something like that.
Paul is our counsellor.
I'm teaching them to cope with...
...their free time. We call it "normalising".
If I'm boring you...
- Not at all.
Please concentrate, everyone.
I experienced a methane explosion
once in my life.
Ten men killed!
This used to be the only protection we had.
The explosion brought these plates down...
...and a cloud of dust and sand
put the fire out.
Please move on.
Yes, stand over there. Fine.
Right, and then...
...we got a lamp for that: A Davy.
And this Davy lamp...
...was a very clever thing.
The height of the flame showed...
...whetherthere was methane or not.
But we had no ventilation... we had to explode the methane
before we could work.
A long time ago...
...they had something very different.
Yes, firemen!
We had firemen until
the death penalty was abolished.
They were condemned prisoners sent
into the mines to explode the methane.
If they survived, they were spared.
And otherwise...
The last fireman here
was Andries Martiens...
...a murderer...
...who killed eight children.
He beheaded seven of them.
You think that's "cool"?
That's nothing: Gusts of air from the filters
and a door can slam.
The last fireman here was in 1857.
Andries Martiens was a sailor...
...involved in black magic.
And they said...
...he could go in and out of hell
by sacrificing people.
A stupid question maybe, but
why would he want to go to hell?
That's not a stupid question.
His parents were in hell. They were evil.
He wanted to ask them
where his inheritance was.
- Gold, lots of gold.
But fortunately Martiens was arrested...
...and sentenced to death.
He could choose...
...between the noose and methane.
He chose the methane.
And so Martiens was brought
into this mine shaft behind me...
...under heavy guard.
He was wrapped in wet rags
to protect him from the flames.
Martiens entered the shaft...
...with a burning torch.
...swearing and cursing.
He held the flame by the roof...
The torch started spluttering.
The flame grew.
And then...
Martiens was killed in the flames.
They say his ghost still roams here
looking for the gold.
If you're very quiet...
...and listen closely... can still hear him call.
They're just stories!
Come this way...
This is the end of the tour.
If you enjoyed it, please leave a tip.
It's entirely up to you.
Here we go.
Doesn't it work?
Ladies and gentlemen...
One moment please...
we're not going home yet
not for a long time
Anyone up there?
Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a minor problem...
They've left up top. We're the last group
so they don't know we're here.
Shut up, we're trapped!
I have a mobile phone.
- It doesn't work down here.
Don't panic. I'll use the emergency
shaft and call the electrician.
So just wait calmly.
Can't we all go up that shaft?
It's too dangerous and
not allowed by the insurance.
Don't worry. You'll be out
in half an hour.
What are we going to do?
- I don't know.
Can I have a light?
Let's stay together.
- I want to look round.
- I found torches!
May I?
- You have it?
Over there...
Look at Paul.
If you gotta go, you gotta go.
- Get lost with that camera!
Come on...
You two look nice together.
It could go far.
Fuck off. No way!
You don't think I'm sexy?
I think I'm really sexy.
Paul plays with himself, for want of a girl.
Estrild has lots of boyfriends.
No way! You don't have anyone.
Paul doesn't have anyone!
She screwed her Dutch teacher.
- I did not!
This is so boring.
Why's that guy hanging round Kris?
- He's Belgian!
Why doesn't he eat his own fries?
Come on!
- Coffee, tea, soft drinks?
Stick your tongue out. Come on.
Wait a sec. Drink up.
Nothing like popping a pill down a mine.
I swear she's going to flip out.
Where's that guide?
This doesn't look good for you.
- Death stands for the end.
But also for a fresh start.
All the old dies away.
That's vague. It means nothing.
Tarot isn't the best way
to get a clear answer.
We have something better.
Don't we?
Summon ghosts.
- Ouija won't help. They're already here.
- Ouija's a way to communicate with them.
Give me the planchette. It's in the bag.
How does this work?
You put this on the board and concentrate.
Then pose your question.
Who to?
To whoever you like.
It usually goes through an intermediary.
Each Ouija board has a dominant spirit.
A spirit that belongs to the board.
It's usually the spirit of the previous owner.
We can try and contact him.
Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?
Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?
Come on, don't be childish!
Is there anyone who wants to talk to us?
You want to talk to us?
Where are you?
H... I... R...
What's that mean?
Here. Spirits are lousy at spelling.
They lie...
They speak in riddles.
Are you here?
Ask for a name. What's his name?
How do you know it's a man?
What's your name?
You're pushing it.
- I'm not doing anything.
Andries Martiens?
Ding! You all got through
to the next round!
You're such a prick!
Were you pushing?
- Yes. So what?
This is the lowest of
all the dirty tricks you ever pulled.
Fucking loser!
Witch bitch!
What was that?
She's tripping!
Hold her arms, her arms!
Hold her on the ground!
Help us!
Hold her legs down!
- That's what I'm trying to do!
What did you give her?
- An XTC just like you.
Let go!
Are you okay? Come on.
Show me.
Has anyone got a handkerchief?
- No, no! Take this.
Come on.
We have to get her to a doctor.
- What about Susan?
We'll go after her.
I'm not going.
She flipped. Did you see that?
Does she do it all the time, Belgian?
- Paul!
You should shut your face!
- Why?
Is it my fault?
- He got the message!
You gave her the pill, we're in shit.
- I can't help it if she can't take it!
What's the point of this?
Lisa is wounded.
Will someone go after the guide
or we'll be here tomorrow?!
You do that.
We'll look for Susan.
Let go!
What are you doing?
We have to find the way back.
I think this must be it.
- His head! Where's his head?
We can't get out.
What can we do?
I think we should go back to the lift.
You think Susan will be all right?
- Of course, your sister's tough.
Don't worry, Stefan. She'll be all right.
What's she up to?
Susan, . Where are you?
Watch out.
Shit, I've had enough.
- What are you griping about?
My shoes'll be ruined.
Isn't this the junction we just past?
- Shit! Shit!
We're lost. Let's go back.
- This is the right way.
Someone has to take over from me.
Hey guys...
This is strange.
The trail goes two ways.
Now what?
We have to split up. You go that way.
If you can't find her in 15', come back here.
Are you sure?
- We have no choice.
Be careful.
Yes, sure!
Another junction, I knew it!
I knew we were lost.
Now we have to go back miles!
Let's keep going.
- We're going back!
Would you stop whining?
It's driving me crazy!
What the hell are you doing? Stop it.
Drop dead too! If I'd been alone,
I'd be home by now!
So fuck off!
- Okay by me.
Don't be dumb! We have to stick together.
- I don't need you pricks!
Stop guys. She can't go on.
It's all your fault.
If you'd listened to me...
- Then what, Estrild?
Then we'd be down the bar!
You and your stupid pranks!
I am just so fucking sick of you!
Fine. Let's bitch about it
when we're out of here? Okay?
I think we're nearly there. I'll look.
Martin: My Dad...
- Yes, or that Martiens.
No, it's my father.
Can you help us?
What are you doing?
We're talking to Kristel's father.
- Jesus...
What does that mean?
- How do I know?
Maybe it's cryptic?
Cryptic, my ass!
Are you okay?
- I feel like shit.
I shouldn't have popped Paul's crap.
I see shit.
I don't think it's the pills.
Give me that bag: The camera.
I think something happened
when we first used the board.
"I'm not doing anything.'
Oh shit!
You're pushing it.
- I'm not doing anything.
Fucking hell!
Where have you been?
Please, never do this again!
Susan, are you hurt?
Come with me.
What happened, Susan?
You? Here? Where are the others?
- Lost.
We're trapped and the guide is dead.
Come again?
We're trapped here, can't find the lift
and the guide's dead.
Where's your other appendage?
I don't know what's going on here.
There was one here
and it's been wiped clean!
The bird...
Then we have to go that way. Come on!
Susan, to the lift! Let's go!
You saw that?
You saw it?
- Come on!
What were those letters again?
- What?
Those letters my Dad gave us.
N8 E4 S something...
That's it!
N3 is North 3 and E2 is East 2.
That's it!
Dad's giving us directions.
What is this?
It's Martiens work!
He's trying the ritual to get out of hell.
Kris, what's up?
The guide was wrong. That story...
Martiens should have been spared,
but they murdered him.
Lisa has gone.
What's the plan?
- Climb up the lift shaft.
- We're 100 feet underground!
Hey, I can't get you out like this.
Mark... Mark I'll get help.
We nearly made it.
You hear that? The lift's working.
What was that?
We have to get out of here.
Can you manage?
I think so.
- We have to go!
We don't have time!
- Shut up and help me!
Maybe Dad can help us.
Are you there?
What can we do?
Martiens wasn't
killed in a methane explosion.
To calm his spirit,
we have to burn him.
Great! How do we do that?
Open up!
Open this door!
I forgot the Ouija board!
- Too bad.
Where's your phone?!
It's not loaded!
- What?
Can you manage? We're nearly there.
- Let's go!
Where are the others?
Can you move it?
Can you?
- No.
Come on.
You're arm's dislocated. I'll set it.
- Can you?
Clench your teeth.
The lift isn't far.
That was a nice idea!
Come on!
There's no emergency brake!
Come on! This way!
Come on then!
Wait, wait!
- What?
Maybe there's a map or something?
There's nothing here.
The lamps...
What about them?
- We can save on batteries.
Good thinking.
Close the door, quick!
What's this?
- I don't know.
I heard it so often...
It's Wagner...
Das Reingold...
I had a classical upbringing.
The music box...
It's the same as the music box.
It got damaged when I was attacked.
Gold... He's looking for this gold!
The music box!
Come on!
Shit! Methane!
Come this way.
- Wait!
Take it!
How did it end?
- What?
How did it end?
- How? That's how!
That's how Andres Martiens
found rest, as intended.
Destroyed by fire.
As was meant.
But some people swear...
...his spirit still roams here.
Still looking for new victims...
...because if you listen closely...
Listen very closely...
You can still hear him scream.
They're only stories