Slaughter (Director - Stewart Hopewell) (2009)

Come on. You promised.
I'm fine.
You know what?
Just screw him already, okay?
This is the best thing you've ever done.
It's a fresh start in a sick-ass city.
It's all good.
Come on, I'm serious.
This is a gutsy
thing you're doing here.
It just... I just wish I didn't feel
like I was running.
Things are gonna be good now.
You have got to be kidding me.
What is that smell?
I think it was better with them closed.
So thanks for taking
the trip down with me.
Oh, hey, it's no problem.
I just wish I could stay longer
and help you... decorate.
No, you need to decorate.
Hey, do you know what?
Tonight, it's our night.
My treat. Stole my mom's credit card.
Oh, my God. Please
tell me you've still got your fake I.D.
- Hey, where you going?
- Hey, what the hell?
Hey, what'd I say?
Look at me.
Hey, there's nothing going on here.
Let's go back to my place.
We can have a drink,
can sit back and relax.
Hey, you.
Why didn't you call me back?
You suck. You totally suck.
She sucks. She totally sucks.
Anyway, it's cool.
When you didn't call,
we went ahead without you.
But you should have called.
I was gonna, but I got,
like, sidetracked.
No biggie. Come on, come on.
Buy me a drink. Make it up to me.
Dang, that was pretty sick.
I wish I had some talent like that.
I always knew taking drama in high school
would come in handy.
Well, thanks.
Ass crack was being a real skank.
Is he your boyfriend?
Him? No, fuck no.
I just met him yesterday.
You girls need anything?
Two tequilas.
I'm Lola.
What's the first three digits
of your social security number?
Faith, and why?
Just what are they?
Okay, 371.
You were born in Carolina...
North, not South.
- How did you...
- Long story.
I have pretty weird interests.
I'm gonna need some I.D.
And I went and spent
Well, I gotta get, but...
I definitely owe you one, so...
If you ever wanna hang out
or reminisce about your
high school drama days,
give me a shout.
If they can make alcohol strong enough
to get you that wasted,
they sure as shit should have aspirin
strong enough to get you un-wasted.
My ears are still ringing.
God, look, don't worry about him, okay?
The only one who knows
where you are is me.
It's over now. Come here.
You know, you're not running away.
You're starting over.
You're okay.
I'll call you, okay?
I know I fucked up, baby,
but I'm sorry.
Don't know where you are.
I'll find you, so help me God...
I never would have
pegged you for a farm girl.
What's that supposed to mean?
Nothing! Just...
Well, the other night. The clothes.
The way you carried yourself.
I don't know.
That place just seemed to fit you.
Well, can't a little ol' girl-child
have herself a high ol'
time in the big city?
Beats slavin' on this ball and chain.
What are you talking about?
This place is great.
Human nature, Faith.
We all want what we don't have.
So where's the family?
I got a big brother and a little one.
No Mom. Old man's probably sleeping.
He keeps weird hours.
What about you?
Your folks sad you left the nest?
My Dad ran out when I was 2,
so I never really met him.
I got a mom somewhere
in Arizona, I think.
Dang. Sorry. I didn't...
No. It's all right.
My mom, she had a real gift
for hooking up with jerks.
I was pretty much ready
to get out of there.
After high school,
I went off with the first guy
who was nice to me
and had his own place.
Oh, yeah?
So what's he like?
Turns out the gift runs in the family.
What's that?
That's where them little piggies go
wee-wee-wee all the way home.
Ew, gross. Slaughterhouse?
Come on. Last one back's a skank.
Thanks, Faith.
Either answer it
or change your damn number.
So. Last week.
What's-his-face in the club.
He ever try to call you?
He tried.
You turned him down, huh?
I mean, come on.
If I wanted to be yelled at,
I'd spend more time around here.
Ouch. How'd you get that?
Oh, one of them saddles
hit me on the way down.
I'm such a klutz.
So anyways, I got my
sights on this new one.
He's so dang hot. He drives a Ferrari.
A real Ferrari.
Now, why do I sense you're a bad girl?
What? I'm just trying to
enjoy my misguided youth.
Besides, what's wrong
with playing the field?
Guys do it all the time.
At least I'm being honest with them.
I'm not looking to hook up.
I just want to have some fun.
- No harm, no foul, huh?
- Yesiree, ma'am.
I mean, come on, Faith. We're young.
This is the "time of our lives" time.
This place is sweet.
Yeah. My father did it all himself,
years ago.
I like it out here.
It's private. You know?
Better than that old
big farmhouse ever was.
Oh, uh, on the couch.
Oh, great. Thanks.
I just put an ad in the paper, too.
Gonna rent half this place
out for the summer.
You know, super-cheap rent
for some help with work
around the farm.
Clever girl.
Yeah. Nothing major.
Just muck some stalls
and that sort of stuff.
I mean, why should
I waste my whole dang summer
stuck in this stupid-ass farm,
when I could be out having some fun?
And enjoying that misguided youth?
For what?
For this. For today.
It's exactly what I needed.
Hey, baby. Please don't hang up.
How'd you get this number?
Look, I'm coming to ya.
All we need is a second chance.
If you'd just see me!
If we could sit down and just talk...
Yay, voice mail!
He found me.
Jimmy. He found me.
He's got my home phone number.
Um, I don't know how
he could have got that, Cath.
Um, um, just call me back, okay? Bye.
Yes, hi. I'm calling about
the ad in the newspaper
for a roommate?
Faith? Is that you?
So is it still available?
Well, yeah. Sure. I guess.
Now, about helping
out around the farm,
what exactly does that mean?
This is gonna be tight.
It's gonna be like
having a big sister around.
You're sure this is okay with your dad
and everything, right?
I told my brothers. They'll tell him.
Okay, look.
Just in case you haven't
already picked up on it,
my father and me,
we don't exactly get along.
As long as I do my share of the work,
he leaves me be, and he
lets me do my thing.
So it's cool.
Hey. You, me, tonight?
I finally said yes to Ferrari.
You can be my wing girl.
Oh, come on. He wants
to show me some culture.
The guy's, like, loaded,
and he ain't shy about spending it.
No harm, no foul. Right?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Heck, yeah.
Beautiful, isn't it?
Anyone ever tell you guys
you look like sisters?
We are.
I knew it. The same hair.
The same body.
I percepted as such.
So what else do you have in common?
I'll never tell.
More champagne.
So what do you think?
I mean, how old is he?
He said 30, but I think
he skimmed about five years off that.
Here's how it works.
He gets to show off his
teenage arm candy to his boys.
And we get to have
a good time on his dime.
It's symbiosis at its finest.
At the end of the night,
we say goodbye to him.
Nobody gets hurt, so who cares?
He, we, all have a blast.
And a little dang culture.
What do you say we get out of here?
Goddamn culture's overrated.
So David wants to take me
for a ride in his Ferrari later.
- Show me how fast that thing is.
- You sure?
Yeah. I never been in a Ferrari before.
Yeah. You like that?
Who's there?
Come on now, Arvin.
We got a lot of work to do.
Damn, Daddy. This shit smells so awful.
tell you what.
Lola don't know
nothin' about work.
God damn it.
You gonna sleep all day?
It's almost noon.
Noon? Shit.
I'm gonna go into the city.
Gotta do some stuff.
Think you'll feel better
if you stay for breakfast?
I just didn't think
you'd hook up with him.
It's not like I planned it.
One thing just led to another.
Sometimes, it just happens.
You think I'm a slut now? Is that it?
I mean...
Don't you think you're getting in a bit
over your head here?
I know what I'm doing, Faith.
Look what he gave me.
He gave it to you?
I bat my eyes. Admire it.
Wish I could have one just like it,
and it's mine.
They always give me something nice.
And I never call 'em back.
So don't worry about me.
I can handle myself.
I'm not a whore, Faith.
I know.
You sure didn't stay long.
I know. And thank you
for being so understanding
about the deposit.
No problem.
Can I borrow your hair dryer?
Neat. It's broken.
So where are we going
on this big date tonight?
Hey, baby.
What are you doing here, Jimmy?
How'd you find me?
- You followed me?
- Going on a date?
I told you. We just need to talk!
No, no, no, no!
I told you... wait.
You just wait. Please!
I said come on.
Just listen, baby. Listen.
Just stay here and
listen right here to me.
I know I fucked up big time.
I said I'm fucking sorry!
That's all there is to say.
Give me a chance!
We're engaged now!
You all right? You okay?
It's all right. It's okay.
Is Jimmy that ex of yours
you been telling me about?
You were mumbling
his name in your sleep.
That and a creepy
shitload of missed calls
from a guy named Jimmy
you've been getting.
So I'm nosy. Sue me.
Damn thing's been vibrating
ever since you got here.
I say hell, fuck him.
Men are pigs.
If it makes you feel any better,
I keep a shotgun
in my bedroom closet.
Is it loaded?
Come on! Now!
Get a move!
How you doing?
Nice to meet you, too!
Hi. I'm Faith.
Lola's new roommate?
Sorry we haven't had
a chance to actually...
meet yet.
Lola! My God! What happened?
Nothing. I'm fine.
Fucking Ferrari.
I told him to park it behind
the stables last night.
He said he would, but he didn't.
My old man must have seen
him leaving or something.
Your dad did this?
Come on.
I hate this place.
The exact day I turn legal,
I'll be gone from here so fast,
they'll never know what hit 'em.
I got it all figured out, too.
I've been saving up for it.
Where are you gonna go?
You ever wish you were
someone else, Faith?
All the time.
It'd be so dang easy.
Just run off someplace new
where no one knows you.
Completely reinvent yourself.
Erase all your past sins.
Just be who you want.
You know what I mean?
For being such a jerk to you
when you woke up today.
I saw you looking at it.
Dang, Faith.
I wish I had talent, something like you.
You know what?
I think I'm gonna go for a ride.
I just need to get
away sometimes, you know?
- You want to come?
- Nah. I think I'll pass.
I won't tell.
My dad said if he ever caught
someone going in there,
they'd be dead meat.
So I won't tell on you.
Where is he, your dad?
Hey, you like fireflies?
Uh, yeah, sure.
- You wanna see where I get 'em from?
- Okay.
But we gotta wait till later, though,
when the sun's going down.
Hey, do you like root beer?
I saw you the other day
near the hog pens.
I woulda said hi and all, but...
Oh, it's okay.
Arvin's weird sometimes.
Mom said he has issues.
Where is your mom?
Mom and Dad has this big fight and all.
And Mom found some
stuff he was hiding.
Then Mom got real mad
and started crying a lot.
That's when they found her
up in her bedroom.
She had a long rope around her neck.
- I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
They always say it's a better place
up there than down here.
Dad made Lola move
out here in the barn.
He barely talks to her now.
I got chores to do.
Don't tell anyone what
we talked about, okay?
Well this is kinda
out of my price range.
A girl's gotta treat herself sometimes.
Did you call David?
Ferrari. Last night.
Oh, him.
Once you hook up,
the whole thing changes.
Not even to say thanks?
I mean, the guy gives you,
like, what, a $2,000 watch,
and he doesn't even get a thank you?
Oh, he got his thank you.
Why do you think I slept till noon?
Come on, come on. Call him.
Why you so interested in calling him?
Like what you saw?
Now that...
I gotta have.
Listen, um,
I had a conversation with Cort today.
He told me about your mom.
What do you think?
Too easy access?
Why didn't you tell me about her?
'Cause I don't really
like to talk about it.
Why? It might help if you talk...
Just the same way
you don't like to talk about Jimmy.
- Yeah, but he talked about...
- Lookit, Faith,
everyone deals with pain
or the past differently.
Some choose to run from it
by having as much fun
as humanly possible.
Others choose to run from it and hide.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that, like...
No, it's okay.
You're right.
Hey, let's you and me go out tonight.
It's Saturday.
We can get loose and get wasted.
Sure. Why not?
Hey, Cort, where we going?
Just a little further. Come on.
They really like the water.
It's beautiful.
You gotta pay attention.
They only last for a while.
Come on. It's fun.
Get him.
Got ya.
You get any?
What's that?
Come on.
What's wrong?
Listen, I've been thinking about it,
and I think it would be best
if I moved out.
And I was wondering
if maybe you wanted
to come with me.
Come with?
Well, yeah.
I've got this cousin out in L.A.
He could put us up
for a little while, I think.
Nothing great, but it would be, you know.
So what do you think?
I think...
I think I forgot what caring feels like.
Sorry, I'm sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Sometimes my emotions,
they just get away from me.
I'm sorry.
Hey, check it.
When did you get that?
Today, after you left.
Hurt like hell, but it's
pretty sick-looking, huh?
Hey, so it's last call.
I was thinking maybe
you'd like to buy me a drink.
Thanks, but I'll pass.
Okay, how about I buy you one?
Can't afford me.
How do you know?
Prove me wrong, hon.
Coming right up.
So what do you say?
Are you interested
in going with me?
Oh, fuck, yeah. Count me in.
So when you thinking?
Oh, the sooner the better.
All we gotta do is gas up my truck.
All right, well...
here's to erasing all our pasts sins
- and making some new ones.
- Yeah.
On the house.
Don't wait up.
I won't tell anyone.
I won't tell anyone about anything.
We gotta get outta here.
What's going on?
What are you doing?
Erase all my past sins.
Oh, no.
Come on.
Why are you doing this?
I don't understand.
You ever wish you
were someone else, Faith?
Fortunately, it's not as easy
as just randomly reinventing yourself.
Not when the sins
you're trying to escape from
are hidden at the bottom of the lake.
This will help the pain.
Close your eyes.
- Please don't do it...
- Close your damn eyes.
Lola, look at me.
Stay still.
Be still and shut the hell up.
Fuckin' pigs' teeth
were easier than this shit.
Why is she doing this?
She helped you kill them?
All of them?
I'm no killer.
I just created one.
And why do you suppose that is?
Go on.
Why do you suppose a father
would clean up after
his daughter like that?
Why would he get rid of the bodies
and the cars,
and never once,
not once ever question why she...
Except maybe to slap her around a bit
and call her a slut.
Go on, old man.
You tell her.
Tell her how you blame yourself
for the way I turned out.
Funny, you seemed to be moved
by his remorse.
Moved for his covering up
for me like he does.
And hey, not many fathers would do that.
Somehow, though,
I'm just not moved.
It's all lost on me for some reason.
Please, I'm begging you.
Don't worry.
This is gonna hurt me
a lot more than it's gonna hurt you.
How old were you when you got
your cherry popped, Faith?
The fear of reckoning.
Him and I and the slaughter days.
I try to stay somewhere else,
and he won't let me.
The weak... become strong.
And sins wipe away. We had to do it.
All right, that summer
when I was ten...
Did you know
today was my birthday?
Happy fuckin' birthday...
to me.
Nasty, huh?
That's what a 12 gauge can do.
Loaded with a doubled-up buckshot
and fired at point-blank range.
And just the right angle.
Can't even tell
what the person ever looked like.
Only way to know who he ever was
is by the teeth.
That is, if they can find any.
See, all the front ones
were disintegrated
by the initial blast.
There were nothing
but the remnants of a few molars.
And if you ain't got them,
well then, you're shit outta luck.
'Cause then, they can't
tell who you ever was.
Yeah, just one clean tooth.
That's all they need
to make a positive I.D.
Decatur Rape Crisis Center.
He's done it again.
Okay, just calm down. Who has?
My father.
He said he'd kill me,
kill our whole family
- if I ever told.
- Calm down.
Just calm down, okay?
You're gonna be all right.
What's your name?
Lola. Lola Amery.
Are you in a safe place
right now? Where are you?
You know what the cops will think?
They're gonna think
a sick perv committed suicide.
Before he did,
he ran into the house,
and you shot gunned your two boys
as they slept in their beds.
you raped
and shot your own daughter
in her sweet little face.
Then... Well, then...
you tried to set fire to the place
before hanging yourself.
'Cause you could hardly
leave that locker
laying around for
the world to know about.
Although something tells me
they're gonna find a
few of those pictures
laying right next
to the charred remains
of poor little Lola.
This is what it must have felt...
This is exactly what Mom must have felt.
You want to see?
Hey, Faith.
You wanna know something?
That part, in the club last night,
when you offered to take me with you...
the kiss...
I meant that, all of it.
That was for real.
The rest, though...
Well, turns out I do got talent
in something after all.
Hold still. Hold still.
- What the fuck is this place?
- Let's get outta here!
Move it! We gotta call the cops!
Quick, run! Run!
Keep running!
Come on, come on!
Start the car.
It's locked. Open it. Open the door.
Where is it?
My car's around here somewhere.
I'll go get my keys from inside.
- Come on! Start it!
- Where is my car...
All I wanted to do was talk, Faith.
Now look at what you're
making me fucking do here.
Faith, I am so sorry. He forced me.
He made me tell.
- You have to help me.
- Yeah, I'll help ya.
Just as soon as you fuckin'...
What the fuck happened to you?
We have to go.
We have to go right now!
Okay, okay.
And 2...
Jimmy, just call the cops.
Please, just call the police.
Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.
I need to figure out
what the fuck is happening here.
I mean, Christ...
Get a call from this bitch here,
from Faith's cell,
telling me her new number,
where she lives in Atlanta.
So I call.
I go, and she ain't there.
I gotta go and smack Cathy around
to find out where the fuck
she actually went to.
And I finally get here...
Christ, a dead old hanging dude.
Hatchet Sally.
My girl here's got no teeth.
The fuck kind of
fucked-up party was this?
Who did that to her?
Did you fuckin' do that to her?
For God's sakes, Jimmy,
just call the police already!
Where the fuck are you going?
Get your ass back in that seat.
- Fuck you, Jimmy.
- God damn it, Faith.
All I wanna do is know
what the fuck happened to you.
Start talking, cunt.
What the fuck happened to my girl?
What? You like it rough like that?
Well, come on now.
You know I'm getting real tired
of cleaning up after your ass.
Just wait till Daddy hears about this.
What the hell?
No, please, please.
No, no.
I heard a gun.
Come on.
We have to hide.
No, wait. Come here.
Come on.
In here.
That my sister, ain't it?
This is because of those photos
that Dad took.
What are you doing up?
One of them got loose.
I found him, now. He's okay.
Why do you got that gun, Lola?
Go to bed.
I'll be to check on you in a sec.
Lola, what are you
gonna do with that gun?
Go to sleep.
Oh. Oh, God, are you okay?
I want you to go out the back way.
Just up the road is my truck.
It's off to the side.
I want you to get in it,
wait there for me.
Can you do that?
Please, don't hurt her.
You know,
I knew it from the first
moment I saw you.
You were the one.
Hell, Faith,
not only were you the right look,
you were vulnerable.
Everything about you just screamed
"Take advantage of me."
You've done nothing
but run and hide, Faith.
So, in a way,
you actually kinda
brought this on yourself.
How many of them did you fuck
before you strangled them?
You know, I knew
from the first moment I saw you, too.
You're nothing more than a cheap whore!
Later, Faith.
You're no better than me, Faith.
We've both been fucked over.
The only difference is I fought back.
Those men, they deserve
what they got.
They knew how old I was.
So fuck them.
Admit it, Faith.
How many times
did you wish Jimmy would die?
How many times
did you lay awake at night
secretly hoping that
he would just drop dead?
Well, you tell me,
how does that make us different?
You're out of bullets.
I just wanted to be somebody.
We have to go now, Lola.
The police are on their way.
You know what, Faith?
I knew you didn't have it in you.
Shut up.
Not poor Faith.
where are we going?