Sleep, My Love (1948)

Guard! Where am I?
Do stop this train.
I've got to get off.
- I won't have any trouble.
You have to wait until we get to Boston.
- No.
No. I didn't get on I tell you.
I couldn't have.
You poor dear, you.
I knew you weren't feeling right
the minute I saw you in the station.
And then I said to myself ..
- What station?
Grand Central, of course.
Right. They got on together. I saw them.
That's not true. I was home last night.
There is a doctor up two cars. Get him.
Alright, folks. Alright. Alright.
I went to sleep last night
in my own house.
How many sleeping pills did you take?
- Sleeping ..?
I never take sleeping pills.
No. I usually have some
hot chocolate at bedtime.
Is she going to be alright, doctor?
I do hate to see anybody ailing.
Give her two of these.
They'll quiet her nerves.
Some bromide. I'll get some water.
You'll feel more relaxed
after you take those.
Have the conductor call
me if you need me again.
Thank you.
- Goodnight.
Thank you, doctor. Goodnight.
Try to get some rest.
- I'll see that she gets some.
What was it, just a nightmare?
Maybe. It's out of my line.
I'm a skin man myself.
And you know I always say ..
The nicest thing about going
places is meeting people.
My only trouble is I
just never go anyplace.
I stay at home.
Tell Dick,
- What's that?
When he wakes up
and he finds I'm gone ..
What will he think.
- What will who think?
My husband.
You want your bag, dearie?
It's a pretty bag, isn't it.
"A. C."
Alison Courtland.
- It's a pretty name.
Listen. My husband
doesn't know I'm gone.
He doesn't?
- I said goodnight to him last night.
I was in my own room when I fell asleep.
I am sure of that. I am absolutely sure.
Look. Why, dearie.
You are carrying a gun, aren't you.
Why, that's real smart.
I always say a woman has
to protect herself these days.
You live in New York don't you?
That's where I live. New York.
New York City.
Sutton Place.
A termite inspection.
- Oh.
- Yeah?
Sergeant, you'd never ask that
question if you knew Mrs Courtland.
She'd never leave without ..
I ask a lot of questions in my
line of work, Mr Courtland.
I get a lot of answers.
You can go now, Mac.
I'll be along in a few minutes.
Give Missing Persons the routine
dope and tell them I'll call them later.
Shall we go upstairs, Sergeant?
May I help?
Thanks. It's sort of inconvenient, this.
Yeah. It just happened?
Nothing much. Just a superficial wound.
- Wound?
I was cleaning one of my guns.
Hmm .. quite a house.
Many servants?
Maid. Cook.
And Haskins.
Oh .. the butler?
- Hmm.
Been with you long?
He was with Mrs Courtland's
family for years.
We inherited him with the house.
Will you come this way, Sergeant.
This is Mrs Courtland's bedroom.
Is this the way you found it?
Yes. I haven't touched
a thing, Sergeant.
And I told the servant not to.
She was here when you saw her last, eh?
About 10:30.
I kissed her goodnight.
Then I went into my room.
Sergeant, I'm worried this time.
This time?
It's happened once or twice before.
I hardly think it is necessary.
Look, Mr Courtland.
I know it is embarrassing.
But your wife has disappeared.
You've got to lay it on the line.
All of it.
About six months ago ..
Mr Courtland.
Mr Courtland.
I beg your pardon, Mr Courtland.
Telephone for you. It's Mrs Courtland.
Mrs Courtland?
Alison darling, where are you?
Hello? Hello, Dick.
I'm in Boston.
What happened? Are you alright?
Yes, I am alright now.
Oh Dick, it's been ..
Listen, darling. Never mind.
As long you are safe.
Yes. Alison, where are you now?
Look, just a minute.
Sergeant, you can help. She's at South
Station. Could the Boston police get ..
Sure. I'll get one of the
boys there immediately.
Thank you. Alison.
Stay right where you are. Understand?
Yeah. Someone will pick you
up and take you to the plane.
I'll wait at the information desk.
And Alison, will you hold on
for just a minute, dear?
Thank you. Excuse me, Sergeant.
I want to ..
You will understand.
I will take it in my room.
My gun is missing.
Darling, did you hear me?
My gun.
It is missing.
Yes Dick, I know.
I have it.
I have it with me.
I'm terribly sorry Sergeant,
getting you up at this unearthly hour.
That's alright, Mr Courtland.
It happens all the time
in the best of cities.
Well, I'll be running along.
And take care of that arm of yours.
What? Oh yes. Thank you very much.
You have been very kind.
I'm really quite alright now, thank you.
Why, you mustn't let me keep you.
Are you sure, honey? Because
I wouldn't mind in the least.
I really wouldn't.
- Oh yes, I am quite sure.
Thank you again. Goodbye.
- Ah.
Oh, Charles. You frightened me, dear.
What name did you give her?
- The name you told me to, Charles.
Tomlinson. Mrs Clarabelle Tomlinson.
That was right, wasn't it?
Quite right. Yes.
- Just like you said.
I did everything just
like you said, Charles.
Are you proud of me, huh?
- Yes. I am very proud, Grace.
Excepting I don't understand why.
Did you know she had a gun, Charles?
We've just got time to get to the train.
- You mean back to New York?
Yes of course. New York. Where else?
"Flight 38."
"Leaving for New York and Washington."
"Now loading at Gate 5."
"Flight 38."
"Leaving for New York and Washington."
"Now loading at Gate 5."
Here is your ticket, Mrs Courtland.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.
There is really no
reason for you to wait.
Are you afraid I will become
a missing-person again?
Well, you know orders. Gate 5.
Tell me, Lieutenant. Do you
often get cases like mine?
We get all types. Some get lost.
Some are daffy.
Some hit the road to get out of a jam
no-one else knows anything about.
Which type would you say I was?
Now come on, you must have
some sort of theory about me.
I don't know.
Some of the nicest people
you ever took a gander at ..
Suddenly go daffy and make chop suey
out of a best friend. With a meat ax.
"Flight 38. New York and Washington."
"Gate 5."
Do you think I am daffy?
- You?
I'd say no.
Off the record, mind you.
I'd say you were an all-there lady.
Oh Ali, what are you doing in Boston?
Oh, I can't believe it.
It's been ages and you
look wonderful, darling.
Ali, I want you to meet Bruce Elcott.
Now Bruce, stop that.
This is Alison Courtland.
Pleased to meet you.
- Of course you are.
And mister ..?
- Mitchell.
How do you do.
- Mr Mitchell is seeing me off.
Alison, why didn't you tell me
you were here? We could have ..
"Final call for Flight 38."
Oh, they are always so
prompt aren't they.
"All passengers, please board plane."
Well, the plane is still there.
Bruce will take good care of you
on the trip, won't you, Bruce.
Yes, I was planning to.
- Now, you be a good boy.
He is desperately adventurous, Ali.
I say. He's been in India for years.
And now he's going back to ..
It is India, isn't it Bruce?
Oh. Well they're both over there.
Ali, I may go down for the Van Sydem's.
Everybody is going. You'll be there?
I think so.
Are you coming down for it, Mr Mitchell?
No. I don't believe so.
I know just how you feel.
I loathe New York too.
But the Van Sydems are such special
people and a party is a party, isn't it.
Why not stay with me if you come down?
- I'd love to.
Thanks, darling.
Goodbye, Mr Mitchell. And thank you.
- Not at all. Good luck.
I'm going with you.
- Yes.
- Goodbye.
Phone when you come, Barby.
I'll meet you with 2 taxis.
Yes, I will.
And don't forget what I told you.
So, when Bobby and I were ..
- Gum?
- Perhaps coffee?
No coffee, thanks.
And so, as I was saying, when ..
When Barby was 6 and me 9, I had a tree
house in my backyard on Beacon Street.
I didn't let Barby play in my tree house
and she has misjudged me ever since.
She thinks I am some sort
of a permanent bachelor.
Have you known her long?
Oh .. yes.
We went to school together.
- Oh.
Stonehaven? Oh yes,
I know that school very well.
You do?
- Sure.
Remember the boys who had blue flannels,
white shirts and button-down collars?
And the polka-dot ties?
- Yes.
Yes, we used to sit in that parlor and
try to hold to hands with you girls.
Without letting those hatchet-faced
chaperones see us doing it.
It was a wonderful place.
I was very happy there.
- So was I.
Well, let's not brood over the past.
Shall we have ..
Dinner before the theater or just a
snack first and a hot supper afterwards?
- Tonight.
I'm in New York 5 days.
Today's Wednesday. So we have tonight,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Or you can have Friday to yourself.
I'll go to a ball game. I like baseball.
That's good. No baseball.
Now, about tonight.
21? The Stork? El Morocco? No?
Good. We'll get off the beaten
track. Some new place.
Half past seven, long dress.
Short dress?
Oh, you really ought to wear something.
I tell you I'll wear a new dress if you
will come and have dinner with us.
Call us any time. We are in the book.
Oh fine.
- Richard Courtland.
Who is that?
Father? Uncle?
No, don't tell me.
Your husband?
Didn't Barby when she introduced you ..?
- No, just Alison Courtland. That's all.
Well I might have known. You Stonehaven
girls. There is always somebody.
He's meeting you at
La Guardia of course?
I can see my future closing in on me.
A bachelor in the bleachers.
Mrs Courtland, you are home.
It's nice to see you, madam.
Thank you, Helen.
Mr Courtland.
Dr Rhinehart returned your call.
- Fine.
Dr Rhinehart?
Yes, darling.
I saw him this morning.
He is supposed to be a
very fine psychiatrist.
The best.
Oh, Dick.
Look, Alison.
We can't pretend anymore.
We have to do something.
But a psychiatrist?
- I had to see him.
I want you to let him help
you and I think he can.
He even said he'd come to the house.
You don't understand. It's not as if ..
- Alison.
You know very well that
psychiatry can help.
Oh yes, I know. I know.
I know many of our friends ..
But I am not neurotic
or maladjusted or ..
Please, Alison.
- Or unbalanced.
Dick, if you force me to accept
the idea that I need a doctor then ..
That I can't work this
out by myself, then ..
It is not going to get better.
Don't you see?
What's the matter?
You've been hurt.
I said it was nothing.
Why can't you tell me?
Was it last night?
The gun.
I'll put it away.
- I want to know, Dick.
Well .. it all happened so quickly.
I was awakened.
I thought I heard someone in the hall.
As I came out of my room, I saw you.
Walking down the stairs.
I called you but you didn't answer.
So I ran after you.
You saw me coming.
I took the gun out of your purse.
Then there was a shot.
I don't remember much after that.
I must have passed out.
Oh no.
Oh, Alison. Darling.
It's nothing serious.
It's only a surface wound.
I might have killed you.
We'll work it out some way.
But, Dick.
That Dr Rhinehart.
I want to see him.
Charles, Charles!
Wait a minute. My purse.
My purse.
It had four dollars in it.
What do you think that is
there under your arm?
Come on, come on.
[ Telephone ]
Hello. Hello?
Too late.
Probably something important, too.
Why doesn't she answer
the phone? Shut that door.
Daphne. Daphne!
Where is she?
Maybe she is in her room, Charles.
In her room as usual.
She should be down here.
She shouldn't leave the
place unattended. Sickening.
I must do it all myself. How can I get
anyone with people like this around me.
Daphne. Daphne!
Ah, there you are.
Calm down, four-eyes.
During business hours.
Why aren't you here in the studio?
You can't hear the phone upstairs.
- Look.
I'm not your switchboard operator.
Is that clear?
With no-one here, what kind of a
place will customers think this is?
What kind of a place is it, four-eyes?
It's one of the oldest ..
Daphne dear, we had a most interesting
trip. The scenery was just lovely.
Just lovely.
- Really?
Then there was this sick
lady, on the way up.
And Charles told me to
help here and I did.
Charles said I handled it very well.
Isn't that nice, Daphne?
Yes Grace. That's nice.
Where are the cigarettes?
- In the ..
Oh no. There they are. There.
In the box.
Daphne, you shouldn't smoke so much.
Run along now Grace, like a good girl.
And get us packed will you.
Yes, Charles.
Well, you see. On the train everything
went exactly according to my plan.
Your plan.
It's more like a 5-year plan to me.
You know we've got be very
careful about every detail.
Did she see you?
- Certainly not.
Good. Because tomorrow she is going to.
- 12 o'clock. It's all set.
[ Door knocks ]
Mrs Courtland?
- Yes.
I'm Dr Rhinehart.
Doctor? Oh, I'm sorry, doctor. Come in.
I wasn't expecting you
until one o'clock.
Oh no, Mrs Courtland. Your husband
made the appointment for this time.
Oh it's quite alright, doctor.
And then, I started walking in
my sleep about two months ago.
But I've always been perfectly
healthy and happy.
In fact, almost monotonously so.
Dr Rhinehart, I am sorry but ..
Would you mind, not doing that.
It is silly of me.
I am usually not so ..
- Go on.
Well, on the train I
found that I had taken ..
I had a gun.
A gun?
My husband keeps one.
I must have taken it.
You shot someone?
Yes, I shot him.
Who knows what you may do the next time.
Doctor, there won't be a next time.
Mrs Courtland, how can you be sure?
But, doctor ..
- How can you be sure of anything?
Does the light bother your eyes?
The light? No.
It does.
Why did you do that?
Doctor, I told you the
light didn't bother me.
Mrs Courtland.
You are frightened.
Do you know why you are frightened?
Doctor, I ..
- We're very nervous, aren't we.
Dr Rhinehart.
- Mrs Courtland.
Please try to control yourself.
Aren't you going to tell me?
I assure you I am quite
capable of accepting ..
May I use your phone?
Oh, yes.
Yes, it is right over there.
Is this Mr Courtland's office?
I wish to speak to him, please.
This is Dr Rhinehart.
Ah .. Mr Courtland?
I must see you right away.
No. It won't wait.
Yes. It is serious.
Yes, it is very serious.
That's fine.
Dr Rhinehart.
Mr Courtland's office.
Miss Miller, I want to speak
to Mr Courtland right away.
But he must be there.
Miss Miller, someone just
talked to him. I heard him.
Your husband left some
time ago, Mrs Courtland.
How long ago?
Oh, I should say at least half an hour.
But that is impossible.
No. Thank you.
Anybody home?
Hello around here.
Anybody home?
The door is open.
That is very observing.
Well, let's see.
One, two, three, four.
And five more in the car.
- Six.
It's funny.
Nobody here but the family portraits.
This place is certainly crawling
with Courtlands, isn't it.
Penningtons. This is Alison's house.
She was a Pennington.
They are al Penningtons.
You can always spot
a Pennington by that ..
That open, frank look.
They are all so
completely unsophisticated.
But really sophisticated people are.
What is it?
- Look.
Mrs Courtland.
- It's Alison.
Poor darling.
- Which is her bedroom?
That one over there.
Call her husband.
- Yes.
I don't know his office number.
I think Manhattan has a phone book.
That's right.
Like Boston.
Well, hello.
You had a forced landing.
Damage was negligible.
Do you feel alright?
How did you get here?
I was delivering Barby and her
equipment for the weekend.
We found the front door open.
Did you see anybody?
- No. Why?
A man in a dark suit with
thick horn-rimmed glasses?
No, I didn't see anyone.
Well, if Mr Courtland isn't there
give me the name of a doctor.
I don't care what kind of a doctor.
A doctor with a little black satchel.
New York must have lots of doctors.
You live here, I don't.
Was it 5-0-0-3-6? Thank you.
Hello, Barby.
Oh Dick, you are here.
That's wonderful. Alison is ..
Hello. May I speak to doctor ..?
What is his name?
What's happened?
- Alison has fainted.
Bruce and I found her on the
landing. She's upstairs, dear.
Dr Rhinehart. Come with
me quickly, please.
Hello. What is your name?
Ferguson? Oh, Henderson.
Well never mind, Dr Henderson.
It's alright.
Why don't you just go back
to what you were doing?
Oh Bruce. Bruce, how is she?
Wait downstairs.
Downstairs? But don't you think I ought
to go in? Perhaps I can do some good.
Mrs Courtland, that man you have
mentioned, whoever his is, is gone.
He can't harm you.
There are just the three of us here.
Your husband and I want to help you.
But doctor.
He talked to my husband
on the phone. I heard him.
It was just 12:30.
I remember the clock striking.
Alison, darling.
I haven't talked to anybody all morning.
And at 12:30 I was on my way over
to pick up Dr Rhinehart at his office.
But Dick, he was here, I tell you.
He was downstairs.
He was terrifying.
What is it?
Don't you believe me?
Of course we believe you, darling.
Mrs Courtland.
There is no question here of
believing or not believing.
I think you'd better
tell me all about this.
And about what went on before this.
I'll bet you he psychoanalysing her.
He's been up there almost half an hour.
He must be very thorough.
I've heard of Rhinehart.
He has a good reputation.
Tell me, Barby, has ..
Has Alison ever needed or ever
been to a psychiatrist before?
Gracious, no.
All the Penningtons are desperately
healthy. Real rocks of Gibraltar.
I'll be right back, darling.
What do you think, doctor?
I must know exactly ..
Mr Courtland, after
such a brief interview ..
I can't tell precisely what
your wife is suffering from.
Physically, she ..
She seems to be in perfect health.
- Yes, but mentally?
Mrs Courtland has a profound shock.
And there is a certain
amount of tension.
Also, a fairly well-defined anxiety.
Did you hear that?
Of course we must accept that her recent
experiences, whether imagined or real.
Have been of a peculiarly varied nature.
I must go and see him too.
Oh .. when you go back to see her.
Just let her talk. Reassure her.
I think that's what she
needs most right now.
- Goodbye, doctor.
Elcott, you've been very helpful.
Sorry we met under such circumstances.
I'm indebted to you both.
We did what we could. We happened
along and the door was open.
What I cannot understand
is Haskins absence.
Especially as it's the maid's day off.
Yes it is Thursday, isn't it.
I came because Ali asked me. Of course
I won't now, under the circumstances.
I'm sure the Van Sydems
can find a room for you.
If I'm not mistaken they
have 16 guest rooms?
- 17.
Yes, that would be convenient
wouldn't it. I would be right there.
For the party.
- Yes.
Oh I do hope Ali will be
well enough to come.
Well, I think I'd better ..
- Sure. We'll find our way out.
Thank you both again.
Give Ali a great big kiss for me.
- Yes.
Poor man.
I adore him too.
Helen. Hasn't Mr Courtland come in yet?
No, madam. Not yet.
Excuse, Mrs Courtland. But I just
wanted to say that you look lovely.
Thank you, Helen. That is very sweet.
It is Mr Courtland.
Good evening, sir.
Hello, darling.
- Dick, you had better hurry.
You know the Van Sydems.
One cocktail and go. Right into dinner.
Why ..
Alison, I had no idea you'd
feel up to going out tonight.
After all you've been through.
- But I had a good rest.
You know, Dr Rhinehart said
diversions would be good for me.
Don't I look alright?
- You look fine, dear.
You see, I was so sure you wouldn't ..
I'm about to wind up that deal
with Natwick. You know.
Yes, I know. The one you've
been working on so long.
Your dinner clothes are
all laid out for you.
I've simply got to see him tonight.
It's on the verge of signing ..
- Tonight?
It's very important to me, Alison.
You know that.
Would you mind terribly ..
Would it be alright if ..
If you dropped me off at the
Van Sydems and then went along?
Oh no, Dick.
No. Not again. Honestly.
But you know everybody there.
- Oh, Dick.
I'll try to come by after dinner.
You call up that old
bore and put him off.
It will be a nice party.
We both need a little fun.
I'll call him.
But if he's in a bad mood, I'm afraid ..
- Now you talk to him.
And you will practically have
to change like a fireman.
[ Telephone ]
Well, hello there.
Dick can't go the Van Sydems.
He had to rush off to a conference.
You know, that housing plan.
So we were wondering if maybe you could
stop by here and take me along with you.
I'd like to, but you see I'm
not going to the Van Sydems.
That's alright, I could come
for you and drop you there.
No. No, I just thought
of something better.
I've got a proposal to make.
Very honorable.
I've a feeling you don't like those big
dull dead parties any more than I do.
Why don't you come with me?
I'm going to a wedding. I think it will
be fun. It's a bit off the beaten track.
You see, it is my brother.
I didn't know you had a brother.
Oh yes, I've had him for years.
How about it?
Alright, just think about it. I'll hold
the line this end as long as you like.
Mr Elcott, madam.
- Oh.
- Hello.
A long dress, I see.
- Ha?
What's all this about your brother?
Well, we ran an airline
together in China.
We're going back there again on Monday.
- No, I mean the wedding.
Oh. Well that's the usual
conventional wedding.
You know, people meet,
fall in love, call the clergy.
Shall we go?
Helen, I think I left my
bag in the jungle there.
The jungle?
I can't call a conservatory
a conservatory.
No, no. Of course you can't.
If Mr Courtland should call
Helen, we'll be back around ..
Around midnight, easily.
- Goodnight.
Goodnight, Mrs Courtland.
Goodnight, sir.
In evidence of your sincerity.
Do you accept this ring?
I do.
Then you James, repeat after me.
This ring I give thee.
This ring I give thee.
In token and pledge.
In token and pledge.
Of our constant faith and abiding love.
Of our constant faith and abiding love.
For as much as Jean and James
have solemnly pledged themselves ..
To live together in the
Holy bond of matrimony.
And have so declared themselves.
I now pronounce them ..
Husband and wife.
- Thanks, Bruce.
Now give me room everybody.
The best man going to kiss the bride.
No, no. Wait a minute.
One more for my new sister-in-law.
Oh, Mr and Mrs Lin - Mrs Courtland.
I wish you all the happiness
in the world. - Thank you.
I'm so honored to be here.
We're glad Bruce brought
you, Mrs Courtland.
- How do you like my brother?
Mrs Courtland, my parents in China.
You see, we were in
the army there together.
They took such a fancy to Bruce
they made him my honorary brother.
Ladies and gentlemen.
This place belongs to
you all for this night.
The refreshments are waiting
for us in the next room.
And, the musicians are
ready to play for our dance.
There is plenty of Engappe.
Enough Engappe to last until Tuesday.
What is Engappe?
- That's what you're drinking.
Oh that. Isn't it delicious.
It has no effect at all.
Just a nice warming inside.
That's what most people think when they
see twice as many guests as there are.
Oh Bruce, that is absurd.
- It is, huh?
- I'd love to.
Isn't it a lovely tree.
- Hmm. No good.
No good?
No good for a tree-house.
You still building tree-houses?
They are more practical
that air castles.
Do you have any imported champagne?
- Yeah.
Will you chill a bottle for me?
- Sure.
He must have a girl
out there in the car.
Must have what?
A girl.
Really, it's not bad at all.
And hardly anybody there.
Our kind of place, huh?
- What do you mean?
Easy to get a table.
They all look alike and they
are all called The Maples.
Shall we sit over there?
Will you serve that to us now?
- Sure.
Now, is that something
or is that something?
That's something alright.
Shall we dance?
You are wonderful, Daphne.
We've got an audience.
Who is he?
- I don't know.
Just some peeping-Tom.
His dancing days are
over so he just watches.
I don't like it.
If you don't like it,
why did we come here?
You picked this joint. I didn't.
Daphne. Daphne.
Goodbye, Junior.
I am sorry, Daphne. I am ..
I'm a little jumpy.
What is making you jumpy?
- Dick.
Have you got something to tell me?
Something to give you.
So that's it.
Why, they are emeralds, Daphne.
I thought they would make you happy.
You thought they'd make me patient too.
Didn't you?
The last time it was the fox scarf.
That was a month ago.
What does this mean?
Another month?
What we are trying to do is ..
Not an easy thing.
It takes time, Daphne.
Don't you understand?
I understand everything is all set.
The police, this Dr Rhinehart
and so forth.
All set. Isn't that right?
That's right.
Then there is one thing
I don't understand.
Why wait?
Everything must be ..
Very carefully worked out.
And then eventually ..
- Eventually.
When is "eventually"?
You are not waiting.
You are stalling.
Vernay thinks so and now I think so too.
When we are together this
way we have everything.
We've got a lot.
But we haven't everything.
I want what she's got. I want all of it.
I want her house, her name.
Her man.
And I want them now.
Engappe, please.
[ Chinese language ]
What's that?
I said: my friend likes it.
Well, what do you know.
Now I wish to propose another toast.
This toast.
We will drink to the different
kinds of melon skins.
From which Engappe is made.
- Yes?
Could I propose a toast?
- Certainly. Go ahead. Speak up.
I would like to propose a toast to ..
Here is to Jeanie and Jimmy.
And to Jeanie's mother and father.
To this lovely wedding party.
To the happiness it
has brought all of us.
And to all of you.
And to all the melon skins.
That was nice of you, Alison.
Very well said.
You want to know something?
The human race.
I think the human race is very fine.
Very fine.
Well, the human race
is glad to know that.
It needs encouragement.
I don't follow you.
You know something?
The human race is funny to.
It's fine.
Bur it is funny.
- I don't follow you.
Well, everybody is different.
Everybody is fine but ..
Now, you take you and Dick.
The same sort of families, the same
sort schools, same sort of friends.
Entirely different.
Follow me?
Yes. I am right with you.
You see .. some people.
Say what they mean and ..
They have a happy time.
Then other people.
Get all tightened up inside.
They can't talk.
Can't even feel.
And they don't have a happy time.
Other people are very funny.
Do you want to know something?
I know something.
That was my question.
No, no. Don't change the subject.
What was it?
Oh right.
What is your opinion?
- Of Engappe?
There's one good thing about it.
- There's lots of good things about it.
Engappe .. it is ..
It is fifteen different kinds
of mild melon skins.
And it wears off as quickly
as the swearing-in.
Who is swearing?
You want to know something?
- Something more?
I think.
I think you are my very good friend.
Bruce, you are my good, good friend.
We'll shake hands.
I hate to interrupt.
- Yes, Jim. What is it?
Jeanie is changing now. We are going to
make our break in a minute, best man.
Fine. I'm driving Jim and Jean up to my
cabin in Snedens Landing on the Hudson.
I'll drop you on the way.
Snedens Landing?
That's a sweet little town.
We'll meet you in the car.
- Yeah, fine.
Oh, goodnight.
Oh, don't stop, kids.
Don't ever stop.
No, no You mustn't get out.
You are much too polite.
Jeanie, you are going to be very happy.
Oh yes.
And as for you, you're a very lucky man.
Where is my bag?
Oh, hello.
- Yes. Remember me?
No more interruptions.
Now, I won't keep Bruce a minute.
I am so glad I didn't go
to the Van Sydems.
Did you like the wedding?
- Oh yes.
Jimmy and Jeanie ..
Aren't they sweet?
I like the way you are.
- With people, I mean.
I love people.
I'm devoted to dogs too.
I just adore dogs.
Cimarrons especially.
Oh! There is my key.
Oh, efficient too.
And butterfingered. Well ..
It's round about here. I heard it.
I have very sharp ears.
I am also devoted to cats.
Persians especially.
I had a six-toed Persian once.
You had a key once, too.
In Nantucket.
- I'd better get a flashlight.
Don't you two ever come up for air?
It's just disappeared.
- Hmm.
Well, we'll find it. Here.
Thank you.
Could you .. move your foot?
No. The other foot.
No. Alison.
Would you mind lifting your dress?
In a very ladylike way I mean.
Oh sure.
A genius.
I had better get it.
I even like the way
you are with the keys.
That's the girl.
It's been wonderful.
Really wonderful.
That's true, Alison. Wonderful.
Do you think we are a little trite?
I don't mind.
Oh, the kids. Goodnight.
The day after tomorrow?
Day after tomorrow?
- My cocktail party.
Oh. Yes.
You won't forget.
- I won't forget.
- Goodnight.
Bruce, he's there! He's in there!
That man. The one with
the horn-rimmed glasses.
In the living room.
He was standing there. Behind the chair.
You see, I must have dropped
my bag when I saw him.
Dick, that man. The one who said he was
Dr Rhinehart. He was here a moment ago.
Maybe he is in the jungle.
Alison, darling.
- I just came home.
I'd been to a wedding. I came in, went
to the stairs when the light went on.
Is something wrong, sir?
Oh, Haskins.
Check all the windows here and
everywhere else on this floor.
Yes, sir.
- And close that door.
Dick, he can't have gone out
the front door. I'd have seen him.
Any sign of him back there?
No. Nothing here.
Did you go outside?
- Darling.
I wish you hadn't stayed out so late.
You're exhausted.
It's my fault.
I persuaded her against her will to
help me launch a Chinese wedding.
That's quite alright.
Only, it may have been too
much of a strain for her.
Don't be absurd, Dick.
I'm excited only because I saw
that man here when I came home.
Just where he was yesterday
morning. Behind that chair.
Alison, darling.
We've been all over that.
Are the windows all locked?
- Yes, sir.
But that's impossible.
How could he have got out of
the house if everything is locked?
Listen to me very carefully, Alison.
Nobody was here.
Not yesterday. Not tonight.
Nobody can have gone out that front door
as you yourself would have seen him.
Nobody could have gone upstairs.
I would have seen him.
[ Door knocks ]
Sorry, Bruce.
Just wanted to remind you we are ..
- I'll be right with you, Jim.
Okay. We will wait outside.
Shall I bring Mrs Courtland's
chocolate now, sir?
Yes, please.
Are you quite sure you saw nobody
leave the house just now?
I was right outside.
I couldn't help seeing anybody.
Is there anything I can do, sir?
Thanks, nothing.
Sorry you were disturbed.
Elcott, I must confess I
don't know what to do.
At times she seems completely ..
Well, rational.
And then, these sudden
frightening scenes.
It is puzzling, alright.
She seemed so happy tonight.
The whole evening.
Here, I'll take that.
Thanks, Helen.
I hope Mrs Courtland will
have a good night, sir.
Well, I will show you out.
- No, you go on.
- Goodnight.
You think of everything.
Don't wear those glasses anymore.
Is Alison in bed?
And I'm all ready.
Alison, darling.
Hey, Bruce. Honeymoon. Remember?
Love nest at Snedens Landing.
- Yeah, I know kids. It's awful.
But I'll buy you the best bridal suite
in New York. I must get back there.
Back where?
Sutton Place.
Sutton Place.
[ Alarm clock ]
[ Whispering ]
He's back.
He is back again.
He is sitting there, staring at you.
He is staring at you through his
thick horn-rimmed glasses.
He is after you with that poker.
He is coming closer.
You have got to get away.
You've got to get away.
Run away.
Get away.
The balcony.
The balcony.
The balcony.
To escape.
He wants to kill you.
You will get away.
Climb, didn't you.
He's after you.
He is going to kill you.
If you don't jump.
That's it.
Oh, Mr Courtland.
- Alison?
[ Door knocks ]
Mrs Courtland. On the balcony.
We found her, sir.
Just now.
Is Mr Courtland ..?
- Her husband is with her.
Elcott. What are you ..?
- Alison. I saw her on the balcony.
You saw her? How?
She was on the rail about to
jump. I flashed a light at her.
Then you ..
Then you saved her from ..
Elcott, I am ..
I don't know how to thank you.
- What's she ..?
She is .. she is sleeping now.
We had better go downstairs.
She ..
She must have fallen back from ..
You say she was on the railing?
And was about to jump.
Haskins, if Mrs Courtland doesn't recall
what happened, don't speak about it.
I understand, sir.
And make up the couch
in Mrs Courtland's room.
I'll stay there for the night.
- Yes, sir. I will do that.
Look Courtland, I am sure
I'm butting in here and yet ..
Butting in?
Why, good heavens. Don't you realize if
you hadn't come along, Alison might ..
Well it is fortunate that you did.
Incidentally, what did bring you back?
I ..
I came back here tonight because ..
- Look, why not sit down?
Oh yes. Can I have
one of your cigarettes?
I'm terribly sorry.
Here. I have a light.
Thank you.
I came back here tonight.
Deliberately in fact because ..
These Chinese kids who
were sitting in my car ..
Saw somebody on the street out there.
- What did he look like?
They didn't see him clearly. Naturally,
I thought it may be the man Alison ..
That's impossible.
I suppose so.
And yet I can't believe it is all
hallucination on Alison's part.
And this man that the kids saw ..
Must have been someone
from the Parkhursts.
The Parkhursts?
Yes, the people across the street.
They are always giving parties.
It must have been one of
the guests on his way home.
Walking. Probably a
guest who lives nearby.
That's right. Some neighbour.
No, Elcott. I've been all through
this with the police and her doctor.
Last afternoon an imaginary psychiatrist
giving her a fantastic examination.
The night after you brought her home he
was in the living-room frightening her.
Just now we found her on
the balcony unconscious.
You saw her yourself.
- She walks in her sleep.
That's how she got to Boston.
In a complete trance.
I don't know what to do, Elcott.
Alison is a very sick woman.
And I wanted to help.
I better mind my own business, I guess.
- You have done more than help.
I'll never forget that.
Anyway, Alison won't
be left alone again.
I'll see to that.
Goodnight, Courtland.
- Goodnight, Elcott.
[ Door knocks ]
Hello, dear.
Good morning, darling. You're up early.
Did you sleep well?
- No. Not too well.
I had an awful dream.
I dreamed I was ..
Dick, why was the couch
made up in my room?
I was concerned about
you last night, darling.
I slept there.
Oh darling, you must have
been so uncomfortable.
No. It wasn't bad at all.
And it kept me from worrying about you.
Was the dream very bad, Alison?
I was running away.
Climbing over something high.
I can't remember much of it.
Maybe that's just as well.
Dick, it was that man.
The one with the glasses.
He was after me.
[ Door knocks ]
Good morning.
- Good morning, Helen.
I'll take that.
I have such a splitting headache.
Did you put anything in
my chocolate last night?
Yes, I did.
But why?
Why didn't you tell me?
Dr Rhinehart said to give you a sedative
whenever you had one of those attacks.
- I hated to do it, Alison.
What are you talking about?
I didn't have an attack.
I do not have attacks.
I saw that man standing
in the living-room.
I've had enough of all this.
I'm going to the police about it.
The police?
To have them find him and arrest him.
Find out why he is persecuting
me and make him stop.
Won't doing a think like that
make us look a little ridiculous?
Which seems to you the least desirable?
Looking ridiculous to the police,
or my being driven out of my mind?
There is no need for you ..
- There is need!
I was going to say there's no
need for you to snap at me.
I'm sorry.
Dick, sometimes I feel that nothing
I do really affects you deeply.
Why, Alison.
I insist the police find
this man and arrest him.
Since you feel the way you do,
think we should go to the police.
Can't I just swear out a
warrant or something?
Mrs Courtland, we want to
help you as much as possible.
But surely you realize we can't go out
and pick up every man in Sutton Place ..
Who happens to be wearing
horn-rimmed glasses.
The mayor wouldn't like it.
He wouldn't like it at all.
I'm not asking you to pick up
a lot of men. Just this one.
I want him arrested.
It seems simple enough to me.
Isn't here some kind of warrant?
Well, you could swear out
John Doe warrant, I guess.
If I were you I'd think this over ..
- She doesn't need to.
I believe her if you don't.
This man ought to be arrested.
I'll swear out the warrant myself.
Thank you, Dick.
Look, darling. Why don't
you run along home?
I'll arrange it and
get a cab to the office.
Alright. I'll see you later.
Thank you, Sergeant.
- Not at all, Mrs Courtland.
I'm sorry, Strake.
I couldn't let her down.
She will feel better now.
You want to sign a warrant?
What's the use?
- No use.
How is your arm?
- Huh?
Oh .. it's fine.
Fine. Well thanks again, Strake.
All in a day's work.
Is this the house?
- Yeah, the one with the canopy.
Looks like the Parkhursts are sleeping
off a hangover from a party last night.
I'll wake him up.
- I'm fine. How are you?
- I'm so glad.
Is Mrs Parkhurst at home?
- No?
She dead.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry too.
But Miss Parkhurst, she been dead for 5
years so it ain't as bad as it might be.
Is Mister Parkhurst around?
He around, but he ain't around here.
Well I am from The Times.
I was wondering if ..
No funny pages in The Times is there?
I was wondering if ..
- Too bad. No funny pages.
Yes. We're concerned about it too.
But what I wanted to ask has to do
with the society section of The Times.
Did Mr Parkhurst have some
guests in late last night?
We wanted to write ..
- I don't know.
You don't know?
- I ain't heard.
Mr Parkhurst, he in Florida.
And he only writes once a month and
he only sends 95 dollars and not 100.
Has he been in Florida long?
- About six or seven months.
I guess The Times is all mixed up.
Thanks a lot.
You ought to get a funny
page inside that Times.
Yes, I will speak to the
managing editor about it.
Thanks and thanks again. Bye.
- You are welcome. Bye.
Find out anything?
Yeah. He made up all that about
the Parkhursts and their parties.
Look, I must go and see Mrs Courtland.
- I won't be long.
Just so you let me go back to the hotel.
- I promise.
Why not run around there now and
comfort Jeanie for a few minutes?
Jeanie doesn't comfort that fast.
I see what you mean. I'll be back.
How do you do, sir.
I'd like to see Mrs Courtland
for a moment, Haskins.
How is she this morning?
- Quite well.
She is in the conservatory.
Thanks. I'll just go on in.
Hiya, Bruce.
- Well.
Slaving away over a hot jungle I see.
I'm sorry about last night.
A dismal ending to such
a wonderful evening.
I hope you got some rest.
- Oh, I did.
- Only what?
Ah, nothing.
That's a fascinating story.
You should write down
reminiscences like that for posterity.
You and your wit and humor.
Come on, what were you going to tell me?
I was going to say ..
Just that I had an awful dream.
I can't imagine anything less
interesting than that. Can you?
It depends on the
kind of a dream it was.
I .. take it you ..
Dreamt about the horn-rimmed character.
It's going to be alright now.
We told the police about him.
There is a very efficient Sergeant
Strake at the 17th Precinct.
He is going to try to
find him and arrest him.
How are the honeymooners?
- Honeymooning.
Would you mind me being impertinent
and nosy for a minute longer?
Yes. But that won't stop you.
Alison, do something for me.
For a friend.
Don't take anything to drink
in the evenings for a while.
Was I that bad at the wedding?
You know what I mean.
I mean ..
Hot chocolate.
What do you know about that?
Only that I saw your husband
taking some up to you.
You are my friend but I think
you are way out of line.
Hmm. A good place for a tree house.
Look, Alison.
During the night you walked out on to
the balcony and very nearly jumped off.
Now, that is what you did.
Not what you dreamt.
This is a shock and I
intend it to be a shock.
How could you possibly ..?
- I know because I saw you.
I was standing right out here.
And that completes my
statement for today.
Come in.
Your chocolate, Mrs Courtland.
- Just leave it there, Helen. Thank you.
- Goodnight.
I guess I'm about ready for bed.
Quite a day tomorrow, I guess.
With our cocktail party.
You know, I feel so much better since
we saw Sergeant Strake today.
Well, the warrant is all signed up
and the New York police department ..
Is officially on the
lookout for this fellow.
It is so strange.
I wonder who, why ..?
Yes. It is very strange.
But .. I was thinking this afternoon.
Your father had a lot of enemies.
Any man does who's both powerful
and wealthy, as he was.
It might be .. some crank.
Who imagined himself
wronged by your father.
Like that crackpot who
tried to kill Harry Gibbs.
A nut. A crank.
But he didn't get very far.
They got him first.
Your chocolate is getting cold, darling.
I don't think I want any tonight, Dick.
- Yes?
There is nothing in it tonight.
Down the hatch, like a good girl.
I really don't want it, Dick.
You are not afraid to
drink this are you, Alison?
[ Telephone ]
Oh, hello Bruce.
Yes, I am fine.
No, of course I didn't.
Yes, Bruce?
Yes, it is rather late.
Well maybe that will help me sleep.
I could use some come to think of it.
Darling, I am so ..
I know.
Don't ever suspect me again.
- No.
Goodnight, My dear.
Yes. I am going to fill
your cigarette box.
Never mind, never mind.
- It will take only a moment.
I have some cigarettes in my desk.
Just do it in the morning. Goodnight.
What time would you like me
to call you in the morning, sir?
The usual time.
And breakfast?
- Goodnight, Haskins.
Goodnight, sir.
Hey you. Come over here.
Mister, what is?
The carbon tetrachloride is all molded
below the minimum absorption index.
But what is that ..?
- Well, put it back.
North Atlantic Fire Insurance
semi-annual inspection.
Mister, may I take ..
- Volatility minus 43.
Minus 43.
Look mister, I've no responsibilities ..
- Well somebody must have.
We'll see about that later.
Right now I got to check thermostat
control sprinklers on 28.
28. Up. You got the passkeys.
28? Oh, sure.
Sir, I only got this job the
day before yesterday.
You have a great future, son. Great.
This way.
Be with you in a minute.
Give me that. Take her on down.
Where is he?
- He is down here.
He said that all the minimum
had been .. something ..
And the tetra something was moldy.
- All moldy.
It's a semi-annual inspection.
Listen, I want ..
- Shush.
He's probably in there now
checking on the sprinklers.
And I sure hope that they are
alright because down there the ..
Something was 43.
- What?
Minus 43.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Mr Inspector.
This is Mr Hannigan,
our night superintendent.
Three out of four thermostats
hopelessly clogged.
And the mess in this office.
Papers piled on the desk.
Look at that waste basket.
A fire hazard.
Are all the offices in
this building like this?
Look mister, I got no reason ..
- So you're the night superintendent?
Don't come to me. He'll get
the official report on Monday.
Now look.
- Better clean up this mess now.
Wait a minute.
- Don't try to bribe me.
A good boy you got here. Goodnight.
- Hardly anything.
Courtland has an office.
I doubt he does much there.
No sign of a legitimate business at all.
No evidence of anything else, either.
I took this.
Unpaid bill from Tiffany's
addressed to Courtland.
Emerald bracelet. $12,500.
Hello, Bruce.
- Hi. You look happy.
I am happy.
What would you like?
- Some more of the hostess.
Excuse me, John.
You wore pearls the other night.
You like pearls don't you.
- Well, don't you?
As a matter of fact I hate to think of
the itchy oysters going to that trouble.
Stop it. I'll never be able to able
to look them in the eye again.
Now you take emeralds.
- Yes.
What, you think I need a little color?
- No.
Mr Courtland?
- No thank you.
Dick, as I said a moment ago ..
I have the average intelligent
well-educated man's point of view.
Excuse me, I must see about something.
An emerald bracelet on that wrist.
- What's all this?
Our big discussion. Bruce
has a weakness for emeralds.
Ali, you've got to come with me and look
at the mining engineer I've just found.
He's lovely and he's from Peru. You know
how crazy I always have been about Peru.
Yes, darling.
- He seems a bit grouchy.
So I want you to come and speak to him.
She hasn't the slightest
idea where Peru is.
Try your luck?
Or ..
Is it skill?
Funny what you said about
Alison and emeralds.
Oh yes. Well, emeralds would suit her.
Yes. But she has always
thought they wouldn't.
Really? Your turn.
I'm glad you think so though, because ..
I just bought her some.
- Oh?
I'm going to surprise her
with them on Wednesday.
Nice shot.
Our anniversary.
An emerald bracelet.
I give up too easily.
Oh, you are not leaving?
- Alison.
All afternoon I've been
trying to tell you something.
The same as I told you yesterday.
- You must understand.
Elcott, leaving so soon?
- Yes, I've got a lot of packing to do.
Yes. You leave tomorrow?
- Yes.
When will you be back?
- Not for a year at least.
We'll miss you.
- Thanks.
It's been a wonderful party
and swell knowing you both.
Mr Courtland. Telephone.
A message from your office.
- Excuse me, please.
Bruce, you must let us hear from you.
You will, won't you?
Take care of yourself, Alison.
- Goodbye.
And now we can start packing.
That's what he thinks.
- Huh?
What do you mean by that?
Patience, my brother. Patience.
What happened?
Where is Vernay?
How was the cocktail party?
It went alright.
I left as soon as I got your message.
I gave you the hurry call because ..
I wanted to see you in a hurry.
Well, I'm here.
Come on down.
It's good up here.
I almost feel out of this filthy hole.
My coming here to see
you isn't very smart.
I've been smart.
But I'm sick of sitting in this two-bit
rat-trap as she throws cocktail parties.
This doesn't sound like my girl.
Your girl is a lot of girls.
This is one of them.
Come on down.
You wouldn't take your glasses.
Oh, company. Charles.
We have company. How do you do?
Grace, why don't you go to the kitchen.
- Yes, I'll make some tea.
Yes, tea.
- Charles.
You think I should fix
some cinnamon toast?
Cinnamon toast too, yes.
- That nice Daphne has a young man.
Daphne, I enjoyed the movie so much.
But Charles he couldn't
see a thing. Not a thing.
I told him he ought to wear his
glasses but he wouldn't do it.
He wouldn't.
Are you out of your minds?
What are you doing here?
Calm down, four-eyes.
I expected nothing from you ..
- Really?
Mr Courtland, I thought I could depend
on you to be careful. But you ..
Go to roadhouses where you may be seen.
You come here where you must
know that it's dangerous. - Look.
You want out of this?
What do you mean?
Out of what?
We could settle with you
right now for a small flat sum.
Couldn't we, Dick.
You mean you want to be rid of me, eh?
Listen, I am in this to the end.
Charles dear, the oven again.
It does pop and roar so.
Charles always lights it for me.
And cinnamon toast is so much better
made in the oven don't you think?
The tea is almost ready.
Daphne dear, is your
young man in business?
Yes, yes.
He is in a very delicate business.
But unfortunately, like many young
men he wants to run it all by himself.
And through his own foolishness he ..
May lose the chance to make a fortune.
My, my. Such uncertain times.
Come Charles. We'll have
our tea in the kitchen.
Come on and then when it is ready ..
I will bring some in here
to the young people.
I can see it all.
All of it.
Mr four-eyes is going to have
the guest room in our house.
Cosy. Family style. Forever.
Listen, Daphne.
And little Mrs four-eyes.
She can have the attic.
And just come down for my
dinner parties on Sutton Place.
It isn't going to be that way.
Mr Vernay is not going
to live in our house.
Family style.
Not in our house, darling.
Ask him to ..
Come to Sutton Place.
In an hour.
- In an hour?
Tell him.
Just tell him I'll need his help.
Yes, Dick.
What now, Bruce?
A man wearing horn-rimmed glasses.
Wait in the car.
I'm sorry. The sign said 24-hour
service so I came on in.
What are you selling?
Selling? No. I need a
passport photo in a hurry.
Going away?
- Yes.
Pretty late.
For photography.
- You are right.
I need it as soon as I can get it.
I'll call the photographer
for you. He's in the back.
I'm sorry.
I'm afraid he hasn't much time tonight.
That's alright. You can take
it yourself if you want to.
It's okay with me.
I'm no photographer.
You certainly don't look like one.
It's the other way round. You should ..
Should what?
- Pose.
Like that.
With your .. bracelet.
Oh, you like it? It's new.
I haven't even been out with it yet.
I wish I weren't rushing off tomorrow.
Maybe you'd let me ..
Take it out .. with you?
I'll call the photographer.
- I hope I've not said anything too ..?
You haven't.
Mr Vernay.
- Yes?
You've got a customer.
One passport photo.
He's in a hurry.
- Passport photo?
Yes. I am in a hurry.
"24 hours service" we say,
and what we say we do.
You can have a print tonight, sir.
In 15 minutes.
Well thanks.
- Sit over there.
Of course, there is a slight
extra charge at this hour.
Okay. Say ..
Who is the girl?
- She models for me.
You wish a passport photo, eh?
- Yes.
Look into the camera, please.
One moment.
Thank you very much. I think
that is going to be alright.
This will take a few minutes.
Make yourself comfortable.
- Thanks.
Was he there?
- Yep. - Did he see you?
I don't know how. Look through these.
- The glasses.
Look. Go to Strake.
Tell him all we know. Courtland has
got a girl. She has the bracelet.
This one, from Tiffany's.
Here's the clincher. I know
why Alison walks in her sleep.
There's a book there titled:
"Uses of drugs in hypnosis".
I found it in the drawer
with the glasses.
What is it?
I know I left my glasses in this drawer.
That fellow must have taken them.
Don't be stupid.
You're always losing them.
Why should he take my glasses?
Why didn't he wait for his pictures?
Wait a minute.
He must be connected with ..
Get it all?
- Yep.
Get Strake to pick up both of them here.
- And you?
Sutton Place. I'll be there. Now hurry.
He hasn't got them. I put them down
somewhere. I was sure he'd taken them.
You're losing your nerve. Imagining.
What do you mean: "imagining"?
- Shut up. Go there. Dick's waiting.
What will you do?
- Someone's coming.
Haskins, what is it?
I just wanted to say goodnight, sir.
- Goodnight.
We're both grateful for Mrs Courtland's
permission to take off until tomorrow.
And also to you, sir.
- Have a good time.
Thank you, sir.
A most satisfactory
employer, Mr Courtland.
And Mrs Courtland.
She seems quite well again.
- Goodnight.
Hello, darling.
I hoped you would still be away.
I sort-of wanted to celebrate.
Celebrate? What?
That Natwick deal. It is all closed.
Plans approved and everything.
Oh Dick, that is wonderful.
That makes up for my having
had dinner alone tonight.
That won't happen again.
I've forgiven you.
Well, here is to a very
understanding wife.
It was a good party, wasn't it.
Barby is so funny.
Did you see her mining engineer?
The one from Peru?
Wait until I tell you about him.
Do exactly the same.
You must get up now.
You must.
That man.
He's come to kill you.
Get up.
Get up.
He is waiting downstairs.
He has come again to kill you.
The door.
Walk to the door.
You will never be free while he lives.
He'll always come back.
He tried to make you kill me.
The gun.
It's on the table.
Take the gun.
He is downstairs.
Waiting to kill you.
Don't be afraid.
You've got a gun.
He is going to kill you.
Unless you kill him first.
There he is.
Shoot before he kills you.
Pull the trigger.
Mr Courtland?
The trigger.
0perator, give me the police.
Yes. I want to report a ..
A murder.
Hang up that phone.
I thought ..
- Think fast, Mr Courtland.
I've finished thinking.
Your wife kills me, you think.
The police think so too, right?
She goes away for life.
A criminally insane woman who's
already tried to shoot her husband.
Finally shoots and kills me. Isn't that
what you were thinking, Mr Courtland?
No, Vernay.
- You listen.
And don't move, Mrs Courtland,
I'm afraid you'll have to listen too.
Mr Courtland had Daphne.
She was to be your successor.
But to get all your money
I was to .. get none.
Vernay, I am ..
I didn't want her to kill you.
I planned to.
You planned? My plan would have worked.
Your plan is a mess.
It's a mess I'll get out of.
You have just killed your
husband, Mrs Courtland.
And now you are going to kill yourself.
The lights, Alison. The lights.
In a little while we'll be
out of this house forever.