Sleepaway Camp (1983)

Hey, get away from me with that
pail of water. I'll kill you.
Hey, what was the
elbow for, asshole?
Yeah, nice pitch! Get
two, get two, get two!
Cut it out! Daddy, tell
him to leave me alone.
- Peter started it!
- I did not, you liar!
- Did too.
- Did not.
Alright, let's settle
down and stop fighting.
She started it.
That looks neat.
Can I try it, Daddy?
Maybe in a couple years,
if we ever get a motorboat.
Can we go to the camp one summer?
I bet they'd show us there.
Well, I don't know about that.
Hang in there, Dolore!
You're doing great!
Can't we stop now?
Hey, Craig. How about letting
me take her out once, huh?
Come on, Mary Ann.
You know I can't do that.
Oh, don't be such a stiff.
I know how to drive these things.
My old man's got one twice as big.
Yeah, and is your old man gonna
give me a job when I get fired?
Lighten up, will you? No one's
gonna see us way out here.
Oh, so you think it's funny,
huh? You little schemers!
Come on. Please?
But look, just for a minute.
Not too fast!
Hey John, we gotta go meet the Doc.
John! It's almost 4:30.
Doc's gonna be here soon!
Come on, fellas. Doctor
Thomas is on her way up.
- Aunt Martha's coming?
- Is Ricky coming too?
Nah, I'm afraid he's spending
the weekend with his father.
You look like a skiing hunchback!
Straighten up, will ya?
Turn! Turn the boat!
- What'd she say?
- I don't know.
There's a boat!
Stop the motor. Holy shit! Turn it!
Turn the wheel!
- I can't turn it!
- Give me the wheel!
Oh my God!
Somebody help those people!
Get in the water!
Get them onto the boat, please!
Oh my God, we just hit them both.
Oh my God.
Somebody help them. Please.
Help them! Please! They're
gonna die, I know it! Please!
Hurry! Help them! Please help them!
Oh my God, we just hit them both.
Hurry, sweeties. We don't
want to be late for the bus.
Goodness, no.
That wouldn't do at all.
Richard. Angela. Oh, here you are.
Look what I did. I packed you
and your cousin some goodies
for the ride up to camp.
Wasn't that nice of me, hmm?
Any Chips?
Why, of course. I believe
there's a whole bag.
I'm almost sure of it.
Angela, isn't there anything special
my little girl would care for, hmm?
We gotta go, mom.
It's getting late.
Well of course you do, dear. We
wouldn't want them to leave without us,
now would we?
No. No, I'm afraid
that that wouldn't do.
Come, children. Let's
be on our way.
Now what?
I believe that I've forgotten
something. Now, what can it be?
Oh, I remember what it is.
I knew I would forget.
I just kept reminding myself.
In fact, I tied a string around...
Around my finger,
so I wouldn't forget.
And I didn't. You never
can be too careful.
Well, what is it already?
Oh, just a moment!
I'll be right back!
Good old Mom's at it again.
Here they are! All filled out
and signed by yours truly.
Wasn't that nice of me, hmm?
- What are they?
- Why, they're your physicals, of course.
We can't go to camp without
our physicals, now can we?
Just be careful not to tell
anyone how you got them.
Oh, no, I'm afraid that they
wouldn't approve of that at all.
Even though they know
that I am a doctor.
No matter what they
do, I'll never tell.
Oh, you're such a dear.
Well, run along now.
- So long, Mom.
- Goodbye, my angel.
I hope you have a good time.
But of course you will.
Take good care of my
little girl, Richard!
- Goodbye, Mom.
- Goodbye, dear.
Look at all that young, fresh chicken.
Where I come from we call them baldies.
Makes your mouth water, don't it?
Artie. They're too young to even
understand what's on your mind.
Ben, good buddy, there ain't any
such thing as being too young.
You're just too old.
Ahh! Ricky, how you doin'?
- Paul, great to see you.
- You winning?
Ah, you know. Same old shit.
- Hey, this is my cousin Angela.
- How you doin'?
She's kind of shy, I guess. You know,
first time away from home and all.
Listen, I got to take her down to the
bunks. I'll catch you down the hill, ok?
You got it.
Hey, Rick.
Wait'll you get a load of Judy!
Man, oh, man.
Oh, yeah?
You'll see.
Me and Judy were steadies last summer.
Hey, you'll probably be in the same cabin.
These are all the girls' cabins.
Over there is the rec hall.
Next to that is Ronnie's shack.
Behind that's the archery
range. There she is!
Judy! Yo, Judy! How you doin'?
Who's the wimp?
Oh, that's Ricky.
Wasn't he the kid you were
babysitting last year?
Guess I'm not good
enough for her anymore.
Well, here you go, Angela.
If you need anything,
I'll be in bunk 19, below.
Second from the bottom.
- Who were those guys?
- Just some boys I met today.
Weren't they a little old for you?
Don't you know girls
mature before boys?
That's bullshit and you know it.
Ricky, I don't have time for
your nonsense right now.
Well, excuse me. Bitch.
Alright, ladies. Let's
hurry it up and unpack
so we can get these trunks
the hell out of here.
By the way, for those of you who
don't know, the name is Meg.
This here is Susie. You got any problems,
this is the complaint department.
Got it? Ok? Capische?
What are you looking at?
What, are you taking
pictures? Quit it!
You must be Angela. Remember?
Ronnie spoke to us about her.
Looks like we got a real winner here.
You ain't kidding.
Quiet, please.
Thanks for nothing.
Quiet, please.
See what I mean, Ronnie?
She hasn't even touched it.
Angela, Meg tells me you haven't
eaten much since you've been here.
Is that true?
You won't get a peep out of this one.
She hasn't said a word in three days.
Tell you what. How about if you and
me take a walk into the kitchen?
See if we can find something
you like. That sound okay?
I'm gonna take her inside to
see Artie. She'll be alright.
Probably a little homesick, is all.
Come on, Angela.
He's starting to spoil
the little brat already.
Hey Ben, is Artie around? Artie,
can I see you for a minute, please?
Hey, Artie. Be a little more
discrete with the beer can, huh?
Sure, Ron. What's up?
I want you to meet one of our new campers.
Angela, this is Artie, our head chef.
Well, hello there, Angela.
Can you get that, Ben? Please?
As you can see, she
isn't very talkative.
In fact, she isn't much of a
fan of your cooking, either.
You think you could find something
for her? Some ice cream, or, you know...
Phone for you and Mel, Ron.
Do me a favor. Get Mel, will you?
See what you can do, okay,
Artie? I'll catch you later.
No problem. I'll find
something she likes.
I'll bet we can find something
interesting in the walk-in.
You never know what you
can find in there.
Where's my cousin?
Ronnie took her into the kitchen.
- She eat anything?
- What do you think?
What's her problem, anyway? She don't eat,
she don't talk, she don't do anything.
Why don't you leave her
alone? She's just quiet.
If she were any quieter,
she'd be dead.
So Angela, see anything you like?
Maybe I can help you decide.
You sure are a sweet-looking
little cupcake, ain't you?
Yeah. Think I got something
you're gonna like real good.
Hey, what are you doing?!
Keep your mouth shut, you hear me?
You didn't see nothin'!
Got it? Nothin'!
- Sure. Whatever you want.
- Now get the hell out of here.
Hey, What's going on?
What was that all about?
Guess I scared him.
I guess so.
Want to check on the water?
About done over here.
That damn water better be done.
It's been on a half hour. Shit!
- Gimme that goddamn chair.
- All yours, my good man.
It's still got a couple minutes to go.
Gonna grab some hay
before dinner. You coming?
- Yeah, after I throw the corn in.
- See you later.
Boiling yet?
Atta girl.
Motherfucker, you
could have killed me!
Now get the hell over
here and help me down.
Come on, kid.
Get me down and I'll make you a
nice ice cream sundae, okay?
Hey, what the... What
the hell you doin'?!
You little shit!
When I get down from here I'm
gonna rip your fucking head off!
Ben! Help! Ben!
Ben! Get the hell in here! Ben!
Help! Ben! Ben!
I'm afraid I don't carry a
sedative strong enough to mask
the kind of agony he's in right now. Every
nerve in his body must feel like it's on fire.
- What's the prognosis, Doc?
- Well, he's badly burned all over.
Especially his face.
How about his eyes?
Too early to tell.
- Jesus, the pain must be incredible.
- Poor guy must be going crazy.
Yeah, if he's lucky.
Look, can we move this along, please?
No need to upset the campers, right?
Well, I guess I'll be on my way.
Now what?
Now we get this ambulance out
of here as quickly as we can.
Why? It was only an accident.
Because I don't want the kids or their
parents to know that this ever happened.
You understand?
What about them?
Don't worry.
I'll take care of them.
Real shame what happened to Artie in here.
In the future, I hope the rest
of you will be more careful.
I guess that makes you the
head man here now, doesn't it?
I wasn't thinking much
about myself, Mr. Costa.
I just don't see how something
like that could happen.
Come on now, Ben. We still got a
camp to feed here now, don't we?
Yes, sir.
Besides, fifty bucks more a week
can't be all that bad, now, can it?
No, sir. I always thought he
had a little devil in him.
And fifteen dollars a week
more for the rest of you, eh?
- That's real generous of you, sir.
- Well, now...
Ben, there is one thing, though...
There's really no reason for the
campers to find out what happened.
You know what I mean?
Too, um, gruesome, I think.
So why don't we just say that Artie found himself
another job, should anybody happen to ask.
Sure, sure. Whatever you say, sir.
Good, and do me a favor. Tell your
friends here to say the same thing.
You don't have to worry
none about them.
Good. Thanks, Ben. I knew
I could count on you.
- What do you say we get dinner going here, huh?
- Right away, sir.
Mind over matter is the key.
Mind over matter says that even the
incredibly simple task of a single sit-up
should be impossible,
should the mind will it.
Come on. There's no way.
Shut up, Mozart, and concentrate.
Concentrate on summoning all your
strength for this single sit-up.
And you will be amazed when the
time comes that although the body
is willing, the mind refuses.
I will count to three. On three, you will
concentrate all your strength, only to
see the folly of it all. Concentrate,
dear boy. I cannot stress this enough.
Mind over matter. Mind over matter.
I shall now begin the count.
You guys are gross!
Don't tell me Mozart fell for
the old mind over matter trick.
Oh, not Mozart.
He's too swift for that.
Hey, listen. Everybody grab
your glove. The games are on.
- They're gonna play us?
- Right now.
I got five bucks riding on
you guys, so don't lose.
No sweat, Gene. We're
gonna kick their asses.
Alright, you better. Let's go.
Come on, Ricky, babe.
Save me my ups.
Hey! Big man!
You and your boys want to place a little
wager while the game is still close?
What do you have in mind, asswipe?
- Buck a man, asshole!
- That's a little steep.
- Make it five.
- You got it.
Come on, Chuck, he's a looker.
Nice shot, Rick, way to go!
Go Paul! Come on, Paul.
Make yourself useful and
bring me home, huh?
This little shit, will be
lucky to make contact.
Should've brought my rabbit's foot.
You got it, you got it, you got it!
You got it! Come on!
Get it! Get it!
- Nice shot, man.
- Must have been lucky.
Come on, Billy, be a hitter Bill.
Come on, Bill!
No problem Geno, this guy blows
dead dogs. Just lay it in there.
- Eat shit and die, Ricky!
- Eat shit and live, Bill.
Yea Bill, he's a little wimp, Bill.
Come on, keep your eye on it.
Drive it in. Let's go.
Right there, Bill!
Go ahead. Go! Go! Go!
Wake up Mo!
Come on, Mo!
You got it, babe!
Nice catch, Motz.
Get off, man.
Can you believe that? Hey, how
many we up by now, anyway?
I think it's 8-6.
Come on. Take the bat
off your shoulder.
Fuck you!
You tell him too, Rick.
You tell him, too.
What are you gonna do
with your big paycheck?
I don't know! Maybe I'll get
a Corvette or something.
How about you?
I think I'll take a cruise.
Hey, Mr. G! How about some
real competition next time?
Yeah! Maybe the girls want a game!
It's okay, we'll get 'em back.
Come on, we'll get 'em back.
Don't worry. We'll get 'em back.
We still need more babes.
I mean, who wants to go skinny dipping
with fifteen guys and only five girls?
Hey, let's ask Angela.
Man, I've been watching her a
whole week, and she is fucked up.
Now wait a second. You guys aren't
afraid to ask Angela, are you?
I think it might be kind of interesting
if Angela were around tonight.
Good. Then you ask her.
Oh, I would, but it wasn't my idea.
Hey, and who am I to steal
a buddy's great idea, huh?
Unless, of course,
you guys are... chicken!
Alright! Alright, we'll do it!
Who knows? We may get
married one day.
Nice shot.
Say, Angela. We're all going
down to the lake tonight.
You know, for a little swim. And, um,
we were kind of wondering if, well,
maybe if you wanted to
join us or something.
Let the pro take over.
Listen Angela, what say me and you go for a
little walk somewhere, talk about tonight, huh?
What's the matter, can't you talk?
I told you she was playing with
half a deck. Angela's a nut cake.
Ain't that right, Angela?
Ain't you Looney Tunes?
Hey Angela, how's this? Remind
you of anyone you know?
Yo, Angela. How come
you're so fucked up?
I mean, like, what's your problem?
Hey, dickface, leave her alone.
Oh yeah? What are you gonna
do about it, asshole?
You fucks! I'm gonna beat
your fucking asses in!
You and what army?
Oh, shut up and let's go.
Come on.
Shut your mouth,
will you, Mel's here?
I don't give a shit.
I think I'd better take you over to the
infirmary before your mouth gets you
into any more trouble.
- You alright?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Don't worry about it, Rick.
We'll get 'em back.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Hi. I'm Paul. Remember?
I met you last week when
we all first got here.
Listen, I heard... Well, I mean,
Ricky told me all about it.
Well anyway, I'm really sorry about
what happened to your family.
Me and Ricky, we go
back a long time.
We've been best friends
for three years already.
We always seem to get
into trouble together.
Last year we hung the girls'
panties on the flagpole.
We got caught anyway.
Could be a lot of rocks.
Then there was this
time last year...
We locked Alan Weinstein out of
the cabin with no clothes on.
Boy, did we get it for that one.
Hey, bunk 19, time to go. Say
your goodnights and move out.
Guess I gotta go. Well,
goodnight, Angela.
Good night!
Come on, girls!
Water's really warm at night.
What do you say, huh?
- I don't know, Billy.
- It's all very simple, right?
Why don't you start without us?
The hell with you, then!
You don't know how to
have any fun anyways.
Come on, boys.
- Come on, be serious.
- I am serious.
Any of you ladies interested
in a moonlight canoe ride?
Hey, come on. I won't try
anything, I promise.
How about it, Betsy?
No, I don't think so, Kenny.
Leslie's coming down soon.
Why don't you ask her?
Leslie's coming down?
Definitely, definitely.
Take it easy.
Have a good trip.
I don't like the way he said that.
Are you two planning something?
Relax, Leslie. You can trust me. Mike's
always screwing around like that.
The water really does
feel warmer at night.
Better not leave your
hand in there too long.
All the water snakes and snapping
turtles come out at night.
Yeah, sure.
Really! If you fall in,
you're gonna get eaten alive.
Hey, quit rockin' it, will you?
Why? You're not scared of a few
snakes and turtles, are you?
Kenny, stop it! I want to go back.
You know, if we fall in, we
may never be seen again!
You bastard! I hate you.
Hey, that's not a water snake
I see over there, is it?
Hey, you!
You guys are real schmucks.
Hey, Leslie! See any
water snakes out there?
Hey, Bob-a-Ray-Bob.
Hey, hey, Bob-a-Ray-Bob.
What the hell are you doing here?
I bet the rest of the boys'll
be interested in seeing you.
Hey, Kenny! You scared
all the chicks away!
That's Kenny.
Love him and leave him.
Hey, we better beat it before all those
girls get caught and tell Ronnie we're
all down here.
Is this what's called getting
caught with your pants down?
Aw, you stupid shit.
Kenny, let's go!
Come on, we're out of here!
Fuck him, Mike! He's
being a wise-ass again!
We'll catch him back at the bunk.
Why do I have to clean up after
these little peckerheads?
It's not my camp.
You'd think I didn't have
anything better to do!
These peckerheads suck!
How the hell did that get there?
Pick up this. Pick up that.
Clean this. Clean that.
Sign here, Mel.
I'd like to see Mel get his fat ass
down here and pick up something.
That cheap son of a...
As far as I can tell,
the boy drowned.
Of course, we'll have to wait for the
medical examiner to check him over
before we can be certain.
Of course he drowned. He was horsing
around, the canoe tipped over.
He must have hit his head.
I don't think so. Weren't any
bumps or bruises when I checked.
Though again, I'm no
expert on this matter.
It was obviously an accident. I mean, the
boy might have gotten scared and panicked.
That could be a logical explanation.
So it was one of those fluke accidents
we could not have foreseen,
and that is all there is to it!
- I don't know Mel, I...
- It was an accident!
I mean, that's what the
officer said, right?
I said the autopsy will
be more conclusive.
- You'll call me as soon as you know?
- You can count on it.
If you'll excuse me I have the unpleasant
task of informing the boy's parents.
Thank you for your help, officer.
The man doesn't take no
for an answer, does he?
I guess he's just uptight
about bad publicity.
Yeah, I guess so.
Hey, weren't you about to say something
just before he bit your head off?
I dunno. I was just thinking, I remember
that boy being a pretty damn good swimmer.
I sure hope you're wrong.
Alright, let's go. Everyone
back to their bunks.
Be ready for the morning
activity. Come on, let's go.
Nine, six.
Get it. Yeah!
Ten, six.
Hi-ya, Angela.
- How's it going?
- Okay. How's it going with you?
Could be better. Your cousin
just whipped me in tennis.
I was wondering...
Want to go to the movie
in the rec hall tonight?
I thought we had to go anyway.
Yeah, we do. But I meant
seeing it together.
So how about it? You want to go?
- Alright.
- Great!
Hey. How come Angela gets to
talk to the boys all day?
And we have to play volleyball.
What's she? Special?
It doesn't seem fair, does it?
- Aren't you supposed to be somewhere?
- I'm going.
- See you later, Angela.
- Bye.
Listen, Angela.
If you're not gonna participate
in our activities,
then you just sit
there and do nothing.
That does not include
talking with the boys.
You're not a goddamn
prima donna, you know?
Big deal, she was talking to a boy.
Let's just finish the game
so we can get ready for lunch.
Yeah, let's.
- Are you sure you don't want to play?
- I'm sure.
Is there anything you would like
to do? Go sailing or something?
That's okay. I don't mind watching.
Twelve, seven.
Mind if I walk you
back to your bunk?
I guess not.
Gimme a break, will you?
Stop acting so stuck-up.
Remember all those good
times we had last summer?
What do you say, huh?
Let me walk you back?
Not tonight, Ricky.
- Where are we going?
- I want to show you something.
I hope you're not mad I did that.
I'm not mad. I better go in.
Can I have another one?
You know, another good night kiss?
I have to go now.
Good night, Angela.
Good night.
Hello, Paul.
How you doing, Judy?
You and Angela sure are
becoming quite an item.
So what?
I just didn't think
she was your type.
You know what I mean?
I gotta go.
Boy, did I have a great time tonight.
Shh! Shut up, or
you'll wake up Mozart.
What are you guys doing?
You'll see.
Go ahead, Baron.
But don't wake him up.
What the...?
What's the matter, Motz?
Five-o-clock shadow?
You bastard!
Look out, man, he's got a knife!
I'm gonna kill you!
What, are you guys kidding me?
Are you nuts or something?
Gimme that. You'll see this at the
end of the summer, if you're lucky.
Come on, Gino, he was just kidding.
Give him a break.
Yeah. Gimme a break.
Maybe I should ask Ronnie
what he thinks I should do.
You'll see it at the end of the summer.
Right, now everybody into bed.
That includes you too, lover boy.
Guess who?
- Um, Ricky.
- Nope!
- Um... Burt Reynolds!
- You're getting warmer.
- I give up!
- Surprise!
Who are you?
Well, well, if it isn't
the two lovebirds.
Why don't you get out of here?
Oh, sorry.
She's such a jerk
sometimes, isn't she?
Uh-oh. Here comes the
wicked witch of the West.
I think I'm gonna go
back into the water.
Talk to you later, Angela.
Well, not going in the
water again, huh, Angela?
What's the matter?
Don't you like to swim?
Can you swim?
Angela, I'm talking to you. Are you
going in the water or aren't you?
Angela! I am waiting for an answer!
Yes or no?
Goddammit, answer me, Angela!
Answer me! Goddammit, answer me!
- What the hell is going on here?
- The little bitch won't answer me!
She never answers me!
You alright, Angela?
Meg, I want to see you in my
shack right after swim period.
Now get back to your post.
Hey, girls.
Let's not forget to thank Angela
for getting Meg in trouble.
I didn't do anything.
You never do shit.
Give me that.
Hey, Angela.
How come you never take showers
when the rest of us do, huh?
You queer or something?
Oh, I know what it is. You
haven't reached puberty yet.
Is that it?
I bet you don't even
have your period.
That's enough, Judy!
Angela's allowed to shower in the
morning or any other time she wants to.
Yeah, she takes showers when no one
can see she has no hair down below.
- Judy!
- She's a real carpenter's dream!
Flat as a board and needs a screw!
- That's enough!
- Fuck off!
I'm going down to see my cousin.
I'll be back before dinner.
You fucking bastards are
gonna pay for this!
Cocksuckers! Pricks!
I'm gonna fight you, chickenshits!
- Angela!
- You chickenshits, you fucking pussies!
I'll kick your friggin asses all
over this goddamn camp, you fucks!
Those pricks, I'll kill 'em!
Take it easy already!
You boys come down from
there immediately.
Those cocksuckers keep
picking on my cousin.
- That's bullshit.
- Enough.
I saw the whole business.
You realize how dangerous
those things are?
You could have taken her eye out.
Ronnie's gonna hear about this,
and there gonna be no
canteen for a whole week.
And that goes for you too on
account of your filthy mouth.
If I ever hear anything
like this again,
I'm gonna throw the whole
bunch of you out of here,
and don't think I don't mean it.
Get ready for dinner.
How do you feel, Angela? Alright?
She's okay.
Better go change before you catch
pneumonia. It's almost time to eat.
Hey! What are you guys up to, huh?
We got a game against the
counselors. You gonna play?
I gotta take a wicked dump first, so
I'll see you guys down there, alright?
Got it. See you later.
Who is that?
Oh, playing games? Is that
you, Benji? Jesus Christ.
I can't even take a shit
in peace around here.
What the hell are you doing?
Hey, get that thing out of here!
Come on, get it out!
Come on! Get it out!
Get it out! No! No! No!
Oh, God! Get away from me!
Get away! Get away from me!
Get away, get away! Somebody
help! Somebody help me!
Help me!
Help me, somebody!
I'm finished!
That's all there is to it.
Finished. Wiped out.
How many are left?
I'd say about twenty-five.
We might as well pack
everything and shut down.
Nobody's ever gonna send
their kids here again.
Why don't we finish the summer, Mel?
Tomorrow I'll consolidate the bunks.
There's no sense in keeping
everyone spread out.
Why make things easier
for the killer?
Hey, don't talk like that. We
don't know anything for sure yet.
I know! I've known all along.
I've seen the hate in his eyes.
But I never did anything. Now,
I'll stop him for what he's done to me.
I'll stop him!
Snap out of it, will you, Mel?
You're talking crazy.
Yeah, maybe I am. Maybe
I'm just... imagining it.
Boo! Scared you, huh?
I thought you were the killer.
Oh, come on. Don't tell me you
believe all that bologna.
Yeah, well what happened to Billy?
Somebody was playing a joke
and it got out of hand.
Now come on. Let's get out of
here before we get caught.
- Or murdered.
- Where are we going?
To the lake.
Wait'll I get my hands on you!
No, don't.
Come on, Angela.
I'm not doing anything.
Okay, let me have your
attention for one minute.
The last few days we've been using
the regular activity schedule.
And that bites the big one,
so today we're going to try
something a little different, okay?
Like in Color War, you're
gonna be separated into
two groups and we're gonna
play capture the flag.
For you guys who have never played before,
Gene is going to explain the rules.
Alright, gangsters, listen up, because
this is going to be a lot of fun.
Now, depending on what team you're on,
you're going to be wearing white strips
or blue strips. The guys with the blue
strips have to capture the white flag,
and the guys with the white strips
have to capture the blue flag.
Sounds easy enough, right?
Now, to capture the flag you've got to
sneak into the other guy's territory.
Capture his flag without getting
one of your strips taken off.
First guy to capture the flag
wins, and that's about it.
I still don't understand why you
got so upset about last night.
I wasn't doing anything
that bad, was I?
I'm sorry, Paul. I just
wasn't ready. I just...
- Hey, I understand.
- Please don't.
What's the matter with you?
I have to go.
- Angela!
- Let her go.
I really don't know why you
keep bothering with her.
She's so small.
- What do you know?
- I know a lot of things.
Angela, you gotta help me. I got
a great plan to get the flag.
We cut through the woods
and sneak up behind them.
You go in one way and
I go in the other.
It can't miss!
- I don't feel like playing, Ricky.
- Oh, come on.
Help me out, will you?
I can't do it by myself.
After we get the flag the game will be
over and you won't have to play anymore.
- Alright, where do we have to go?
- Follow me.
The flag should be around
there, past those trees.
You go in from this side,
and I'll walk around
and attack from the other side.
They'll never be able
to catch both of us.
How do I know when to come out?
Good question.
Tell you what.
Give me about five minutes, and
when I see them run after you,
I'll sneak out and grab the flag.
- I hope it works.
- No sweat, it's foolproof.
Come on. No one will see us.
Jesus, will you loosen up already?
That wasn't so bad, was it?
I guess not.
Hey. Where are you going?
You're a real scumbag,
Judy, you know that?
Fuck you, Ricky.
You're just jealous.
Same to you.
Mind if I sit here?
Angela, I'm really sorry
about what happened before.
I really am.
I don't know what happened.
She just wouldn't leave me alone.
Come on, Angela. Please?
Give me another chance, will you?
Back together so soon?
Boy, Angela, you
sure are forgiving.
Especially after he told
me what a prude you are.
That is the word you
used, isn't it, Paul?
I gotta go.
Bye, Paul.
It's really no big deal, you know.
I mean, he's okay for you.
How about a little
swim, huh, Angela?
What do you say we get that beautiful
bod of yours into the water, hmm?
- Hello, Ricky.
- Hi, Mel.
Seems we haven't had much
of a chance to talk.
How's your summer been so far?
- Alright, I guess.
- Just alright?
Well, it would have been better
if there were more guys around.
It's kind of hard to get a
ball game up now, you know?
It is a shame so many had to leave.
So how about it, Angela?
Let's go for a swim.
Oh, what's the matter? You afraid?
Well say something,
you spoiled little bitch!
What's the problem?
My good friend Angela here
doesn't feel like going
in the water today.
Oh, she doesn't, does she?
Well, I think I can fix that.
No! Stop it! Let me down!
Stop it! Please! Don't
throw me in the water!
Please, let me go!
With all this bad publicity, I don't
see how I can hold onto the camp.
One sec...
- I asked you a question!
- Hey, what are you doing?
Just like all those other times. She gets
into trouble and you run to her rescue.
You try to take care of everybody.
How you gonna do it this time? Another
drowning, or something worse?
What are you talking about?
Let me go!
I saw you those times!
In the rec room, at the water
fight, you killed them!
Stop it! Don't throw
me in the water!
Stop, please! I don't
know how to swim!
You killed them to destroy me,
didn't you? Didn't you?!
Jesus Christ, Mel! What
the hell are you doing?
Oh, poor baby.
You're a real peckerhead,
you know that, Meg?
Little fuckers!
Hey! Animals! Knock it off!
Calm down, Angela. It's okay now.
Everything's gonna be alright.
We won't let them get away
with this, that's for sure.
I promise we won't.
Okay, the only activity scheduled for
tonight is a social in the rec room.
Those on duty can start bringing
your kids up around nine,
except for Eddie, who I've got some
bigger and better things planned.
- A night off!
- Even better than that.
Tonight you get to take those
little darlings of yours
on a camping trip on the lake.
The campfire, sleeping under the
stars, bacon and eggs for breakfast.
- I can't wait.
- Okay.
As for the rest of you, you're all on
tonight, except for... Let me see...
- Jerry and Meg. Any questions?
- Yea.
What's that?
Anybody want to switch?
Sorry, Eddie. Have a
good evening, everybody.
- Boy, are you lucky.
- You ain't kidding.
- I could sure use the night off.
- You and the rest of us.
I'll see you later, okay?
Hey, guess who has the
night off tonight?
Well, congratulations.
Listen, I was thinking... Remember
that dinner you promised me?
UP at your place?
Yeah. Nine, nine-thirty?
You got it. See you then.
What are you so happy about?
- Got me a date tonight.
- Oh yeah? With who?
It's a secret.
I don't suppose you guys would
let me go next, would you?
Didn't think so.
Hey, Jude! Jude! Jude!
Is the water still on next door?
- I guess so.
- Great.
See you later.
Hey, no fighting back there.
Okay, guys, let's go.
You guys got all that stuff out
of the car, right? Hey, quit it!
Give me that.
- This isn't a toy!
- I wasn't doing anything!
Look, guys, you set up and I'll go
get some wood for the fire, ok?
Can I come, Eddie?
What are you, my shadow?
Alright. Alright.
Come on, let's go.
Do you know where Ricky is?
He's back at the bunk lying down.
Said he didn't feel good after
dinner, but he might come by later.
Look, Angela.
I'm really sorry about what
I did. I know I was wrong.
Can't you forgive
me just this once?
I didn't mean what
I said about you.
I was just pissed off.
I swear it.
Excuse us, kids.
Don't they make a lovely couple.
I really hate that girl.
Please, Angela. I'm really sorry.
You know I am.
Please forgive me.
Meet me at the waterfront
after the social.
I'll be there.
Eddie, I'm cold.
- Eddie!
- What do you want?
I want to go back. I'm cold!
- Forget it.
- Eddie!
- Please, Eddie, I want to go back.
- I want to come too!
You guys are really pains
in my ass, you know that?
Alright. Up to the car.
Have you seen Meg anywhere?
- She's off tonight, Mel.
- Yeah, I know.
She was supposed to meet
me about an hour ago.
Did you check the bunk?
Not yet.
If you see her, tell her I'm looking
for her. Will you, please?
- Do you have to kiss so wet?
- Sorry.
Quick. Under the bed.
- Hi, Mel.
- Hey,
You're not going to the
social tonight, eh?
I'm a little tired, so I thought
I might get to bed early.
Oh, yeah? I'm looking for
Meg, have you seen her?
The last time I saw Meg, she was
going next door to take a shower.
- When was that?
- I don't know.
After dinner sometime.
Alright, thanks.
You know, you could ruin your eyes
reading in the dark like that.
Look. I think I'd better beat it.
You just got here!
I don't know, I just don't
want to get caught.
Cut the crap, Mike. He won't
be back and you know it.
You never know. Look,
I'll see you tomorrow.
Don't bet on it.
Are you in there?
Oh my God.
Not you, Meg.
He did this to get back at me!
I had him. I had him
and let him go.
Forgive me, Meg, please forgive me.
I'll stop him.
I've got to stop him!
He won't get away, Meg.
He'll never get away from me again.
Is that you?
Who is that?
Well, whoever it is,
don't turn the light on,
or we'll have to go
to the stupid social.
Oh, it's you. What do you want?
Help! Help!
Somebody help!
Wait a minute. Where do
you think you're going?
- Inside, to get something to eat.
- Oh, no. The social's over.
Get back to your bunk.
Give me a break, huh?
I've been lying down all night
because dinner made me sick.
Just let me grab
something real quick.
Well, dinner was shitty.
- Just make it snappy.
- Thanks, Jeff.
Oh, God, no.
Three of them?
Listen, I'll get them now.
Right now, I will.
I just don't believe it, though.
I gotcha now, you little
monster. Now it's my turn!
Get the fuck off of me!
Leave me alone!
You killed that Benny and
Billy just like you left Meg!
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about!
I didn't do nothing!
Stop it! I didn't do
anything, you crazy fuck!
Stop it! I didn't do nothing!
Liar! Liar! Liar!
Marie, find all the counselors and have
them meet me in my shack right away.
I'll go get the ones below.
- What happened?
- Just get them!
I got him. Just like
I promised Meg.
I got him.
I gotta get away.
It can't be you.
It can't be!
It can't be!
- I filled them all in.
- Alright, great.
Now I suggest you send
them all back to their kids
to make sure everyone stays inside.
- Angela and Judy are missing.
- Oh, no.
- What's all the fuss?
- There's a killer loose.
Make sure no one leaves
your bunk for any reason.
Paul and Ricky haven't
come back yet.
We'd better go look
for them right now.
Everybody out in pairs.
Look everywhere you can think
of, even the empty cabins.
Let me get my flashlight.
I didn't think you were gonna show.
- Let's go swimming.
- Now?
- What about our clothes?
- Take them off.
Found one.
Hey, he's alive!
It's Meg.
It's so horrible!
Ricky, Paul! You guys out here?
Hey. You hear something?
- What?
- Listen.
Sounds like singing.
Damn it. It's coming
from over here.
It's Angela!
Angela! Are you alright?
Angela! Are you okay?
Angela, can you hear me?
Oh, you're going to enjoy
living with us so much!
Yes, I know you are.
As a welcome-home present I bought
you such wonderful new clothes.
I just hope that Richard doesn't get
jealous that I didn't get him anything.
Oh, but then he is such a dear.
I'm sure that he won't mind.
You see, I've always
wanted a little girl.
But of course, when
my husband left...
Oh, well!
That's all water under the
bridge, as I always say.
Water under the bridge.
But it certainly will be a nice little
surprise when Richard comes home
to find a little girl in the house.
Yes, I've always dreamed of a
little girl just like you.
I mean, we already have a boy.
So another one simply would not do.
Oh, no, absolutely not.
A little girl would be so much nicer.
Don't you think so, Angela?
Such a lovely name.
Why, I believe it means "angel."
Why, yes. I'm sure it does.
I know you're going
to like that name.
Won't you, Peter?
How can it be?
My God, she's a boy.