Sleepers West (1941)

Here you go.
Out-of-town papers...
books, magazines, periodicals,
cigars, cigarettes.
- Something to read, mister?
- Yeah. What do you got?
I got Click, Pic, Look,
Peep, Spot, Snap, Sock...
Wait a minute. What's a good
detective magazine?
- True Detective, Lone Detective, Smart Detective...
- Sold!
- Smart Detective.
- There's no such thing as a smart detective.
- Well, hello, Kay!
- Hiya, Mike.
Gosh, you're lookin' wonderful.
Two years hasn't slowed you up a bit.
- You've held up pretty well yourself.
- Oh, well...
Same smile, same gusto,
same hat.
- Oh, no, no. It isn't the same hat.
- It's the way you wear it.
I understand you're doin' swell
on the Denver paper.
- Success hasn't gone to your head, has it?
- Mmm, no.
Well, anyway,
on you it looks good.
Hey, you're off your beat, aren't you?
San Francisco's a long way from here.
No, I haven't got any beat. The chief thought
that I was smarter than he was.
Madam, my card.
"Michael Shayne.
Private Investigator. "
- Mm-hmm.
- Sleeping on your own time now, huh?
Yep. Oh, and meeting
a much finer class of thugs.
- Are you out here on a case?
- Yeah.
- Anything I could use?
- No, not unless you're the sporting editor.
A guy took a cross-country run
on his wife.
Are you checking in or out?
Going back on number 10.
Oh, that's fine.
You wouldn't even have called me.
Well, I-I was just going to.
- When?
- Well, the train doesn't leave for four minutes.
- You haven't worked much on your lying, have you?
- Now, listen to me, Kay...
Never mind. You'll have plenty
of time to think something up.
I'm going out
on number 10 myself.
Oh, you are?
Say, that's great!
It'll be just like old times.
You and I traveling around together.
Oh, no. I never got anywhere
traveling with you.
- I always wound up alone.
- Are we back there again?
You remember that little date
with the preacher?
All right, I kept you waiting for one hour.
If a girl really loved a guy...
I've waited through
a christening, a confirmation...
a wedding and a funeral
at that church.
- What do you think of that?
- It wasn't the same person.
Life passed me by,
and you passed me up.
Hey, wait a minute. What about that time
we were gonna get hitched in Sacramento?
- What happened then?
- When I got there, you were falling on your face.
After waiting for three buses
in the wind and the cold and the rain...
I take just a little teeny nip so that you won't
be a widow before you're a bride.
- And where were you?
- Could I help it if that Bennett scandal broke?
- What could I do, desert my city editor?
- Yeah.
After 200 newsboys
and a rewrite man...
and that bighearted
boss of yours, I come first.
- Oh, all right. I'm to blame. I'm always to blame.
- I didn't say that.
Aw. Come on.
Let's let bygones be that way, huh?
Oh, sure, Mike.
We're still pals.
Say, uh, it's gettin' a little bit late.
Let's get goin'.
- No, you go ahead, and I'll see you on the train.
- Oh, all right.
- Hope you have a comfortable trip.
- Thank you.
- Would you like another blanket, madam?
- No, thank you.
- Can I bring you a glass of water?
- No, thank you.
- Is there enough air in here for you?
- Yes. Everything's fine.
Now, if there's anything else you want,
don't hesitate to give me a buzz.
All right.
Say, you might push that button
out there before barging in.
You almost scared me
out of my shoes.
Now, look, Helen.
You're not on any excursion.
- Put that robe and wig back on.
- Can't I have a little comfort in my own room?
Nobody's gonna see me.
Well, okay. But if that buzzer rings,
you're too sick to see anybody.
Now, you understand?
Say, um, how about
bringing me a drink?
Not a chance.
I can't be seen with you,
so I'm not coming back.
But I want you sober
when we reach San Francisco.
Well, who said anything
about gettin' drunk?
Well, just forget it. Keep out of sight.
I don't want any more trouble with you.
Listen, Mr. Shayne, where do you get off
keeping me cooped up like this?
Can't have a drink,
nobody to talk to.
I told you I'd testify for Callahan.
What more do you want?
I wanna be sure
that you'll be able to.
- You get it?
- What's gonna stop me?
Now, listen, sister, there are lots of people
who would love to see Callahan burn.
You're the one person who can disappoint
them if you get there.
Wouldn't it be safer if you put me
in the baggage car in a mail sack?
All right, you just
take it easy and relax.
I could relax a lot easier
with a drink.
That's what I'm afraid of.
How do they expect a man
to bring a train in on schedule...
with a worn-out
old hog like that?
What's the diff?
It's your last run anyway.
If I was being pensioned off,
I wouldn't worry about gettin' her in on time.
Oh, you wouldn't, eh?
With the boys waitin' at Division Point
with a brass band...
and Harrigan gonna
give me a watch?
How am I gonna look
comin' in late on my last run?
- They'll wait for you.
- Not if I can help it, they won't.
I'll bring 'er in on time if I have to bust
the livin' heart out of her.
- I'm sorry I'm late, Kay.
- Oh, that's all right. I haven't been waiting long.
- Got your ticket?
- Yes.
Come on.
Hey, McGowan.
- You gotta hold up for a while.
- Why?
Just got orders from the division manager
to wait for Trautwein.
- He's on his way.
- I tell you, somebody is trying to frame me!
- Oh.
- They're doin' everything to keep me from coming in on time!
- Oh, keep your pants on. He'll be here in a minute.
- That big ape!
Why, he lives way over
in West Colfax!
He'll be lucky
to find the station!
What are you laughing at?
Got a match, Traut?
Hey, your laundry's showin'!
There he comes.
I'm home playing gin rummy with the old lady
when the chief phones and says...
"Grab number 10 west and ride her.
I'll wire the dope soon as I get it straight. "
Just like that. There's something up,
but I'm hanged if I know what it is.
That's nothing unusual
for a railroad dick.
If I see anything that looks suspicious
like a murder or something...
I'll report to you.
- Spread it light, boy.
- That's what I'm doin'.
That's the way I want it...
light and often.
I'll sit over here.
Mind if I sit here?
Not if you can behave yourself.
Well, you never liked me
when I did.
That's what you think.
I wonder if they got
any griddle cakes?
Hey, remember that time atJack's when
I ate 22, and you got sick watching me?
Remember the time we went to the picnic,
and you got your hand caught in the olive bottle?
Those were the days, weren't they?
We certainly had a lot of fun.
- Am I intruding?
- Look, bud, there's lots of empty tables.
- Why pick on us?
- Don't mind him, Tom. Sit down.
- Oh.
- This is Mr. Linscott. Mr. Shayne.
- Mr. "Who-scott"?
- Linscott. How do you do, Mr. Shayne?
- Not as well as I thought.
- I beg your pardon?
- Don't pay any attention to him. He gets dizzy riding backwards.
- Oh.
- Mr. Linscott is my fianc.
- That's nice...
Oh, you... you mean...
Yes, we're gonna get married.
Get it?
Oh. Congratulations.
- Wish you all the luck in the world.
- Don't take it so hard.
Hmm? Oh, I don't know. Maybe I'm the one
that oughta be congratulated.
- What do you mean?
- Be careful what you say, Mike.
Tom's a lawyer.
He can make a case out of anything.
Oh, Linscott.
You're not the legal brains...
of the Wentworth Enterprises
in San Francisco?
- Well, I work for them.
- That's the Wentworth that's running for governor?
- The very same, yes.
- Well, you'll be in a pretty spot if he's elected.
Oh, I don't know.
You'll have to invite me to the inaugural ball
when you're Mrs. Lieutenant Governor.
Well, of course, Mike.
It wouldn't be complete without you...
to watch the silver.
"Stop Avondale.
Pick up passenger. "
Well, of all the rotten Jonahs!
It ain't bad enough to leave 20 minutes late
with this broken-down old teakettle!
Now I got orders
to "Stop Avondale. "
What are they
waitin' for, Christmas?
There's the highball.
Almost missed the train.
- Where's the conductor?
- Two cars forward.
Okay, thanks.
- Anything else I can do for you, sir?
- No.
- Thanks.
- Thank you, sir.
- Does you want your berth made up now, sir?
- Oh, well, I...
I'll be going to dinner in a few minutes.
You can do it then.
Don't forget to change your time before
we get to Ogden, or you'll get all mixed up.
- Oh, yes. What time do we get there?
- At 6:30 tomorrow morning.
That's mountain time.
You change your watch back one hour.
We're about 40 minutes late now.
That'll make it about
40 minutes less the hour...
if we don't make up
the 20 minutes.
In that case,
we'll get there...
Let's see.
We're due there at 6:30.
We'll more than likely make up
all that time and get there at, uh, 6:30.
- Thank you very much.
- Yes, sir.
Excuse me. I just got on.
Caught the train at Avondale.
Is there a berth available?
Yes, I have a lower in the car behind.
Number five.
Just a minute.
Is there a man
named Michael Shayne aboard?
I think there is.
Yes, he's in compartment "B,"
car 38.
He's an old friend of mine.
Is he traveling with anyone?
- No, sir.
- Do you have a Helen Carlson?
She's sort of a platinum blonde.
Pretty good-looking.
No. No Helen Carlson.
There's a tall blonde
at upper two, car 40.
The brakeman's wife.
But she's far from a good-looker.
It's not important.
She must've missed the train.
Here's the San Francisco paper
you asked for, sir. It just came on board.
- Thank you.
- Say, I wonder what that means?
You don't think that has anything to do
with Wentworth and the election, do you?
I don't see how it could.
He's only running for governor.
- Must be the present administration.
- Oh.
You mind telling me
what's in my paper?
- Oh. Sorry.
- Seems that my boss had a good tip.
Looks like the surprise witness in the
Callahan case is gonna blast things wide open.
Is that so?
Say, I wonder where they hid
that witness during the trial?
It's not unusual for a defense counsel to pull
something spectacular at the last minute.
- That's true.
- Hey, get this.
Here's a guy who's got 26 kids.
He must've been driven stork-mad.
That's very funny.
Say, Mike, when you were a cop
in San Francisco...
didn't you pinch Callahan once?
Yeah, for robbery.
He stuck up a gas station.
He got four years.
- He's got a wife and a couple of kids, hasn't he?
- I don't know.
I haven't seen him since he got out.
Why are you so interested?
My editor wants a feature story.
- The woman's angle.
- Oh. Tear gas, huh?
I've gotta whip up some stuff
on his background.
You know, poor environment,
never had a chance.
That's the trouble with these sob sisters.
They take some hoodlum that'd blow your
brains out and make a hero out of'em.
I'm not interested in this mug Callahan.
I'm interested in Kay Bentley.
Don't you ever get tired of her?
I didn't do so bad two years ago
when I started the ball rolling...
that got Taggert acquitted
of the Globe Diamond robbery, did I?
Yeah, I'll say you did. And when he came
to your office to thank you...
he walked out
with your purse.
- There wasn't much in it.
- So what kind of a chance do you think Callahan has?
Oh, about as much chance
as a snowball in a red-hot stove.
They got him cold this time.
Mike, when I interview him, will it be
all right to mention your name?
Yeah, sure, if you wanna
learn some new words.
- Shall we go?
- Why not?
If you don't mind, I think I'll stay
and have a little more coffee.
- Of course.
- It's been nice meeting any friend of Kay's.
- Yeah, it's been nice.
- These are yours, dear.
Oh, thanks.
"Dear. " Looks more
like an elk to me.
- Hey, Meyers, anything there for me?
- Not a thing, Traut.
Screwiest thing I've ever seen.
There's something phony on this train.
The chief's keeping it a secret.
- Anything could happen right under my nose.
- Well, there's room enough.
Hey, Mag, you're takin'
these curves pretty fast!
Well, we're still on the rails, ain't we?
- I won't be more than a minute, sir.
- Well, I'll wait in the smoker.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
- What do you want?
It was an accident.
I hope you'll excuse me.
Uh, I'm sorry.
I've had a couple of drinks.
Oh, wait a minute, mister.
Have you got a match?
- Yes.
- I hate waiting for these porters.
Mind closing the door?
- You sick?
- No. Why?
You look kind of pale.
Maybe it's the binge.
I'm not really drunk.
I've only had two sidecars.
Some guys get all the luck.
Well, I'll, uh...
Guess I'll get along.
Stick around a minute.
There's no charge.
- Oh, but I...
- Wife along?
No, thanks. L...
Well, I mean the way I broke in here...
You don't have to be
afraid of me, mister.
All I want's a drink
if you could spare one.
Well, I...
I hate to ask for it,
but I'm in the dumps.
I'll send one in.
I, uh, don't like to drink alone.
I'll bring something right away.
Is there anything else you want, miss?
- No, thank you.
- Yes, ma'am.
- There we are.
- Thanks.
- I'm going to my compartment to get a cigar.
- All right.
- Mr. Linscott?
- Yes?
I'm Carl Izzard. I'm working on
a little job for Caleb Wentworth.
I see.
Special detective, huh?
What do you want with me?
I'm in kind of a jam,
and I need your help.
What for?
There's a woman on this train who
could blow the Callahan case wide open.
- Say, what are you driving at?
- Just this:
It's very important that she doesn't
get to San Francisco to testify.
I don't get it. What does the Callahan
case got to do with Wentworth?
- Are you kiddin'?
- Why, no.
You can get that dope
from Wentworth.
But right now,
what I want you to do is this.
You're engaged to Kay Bentley. Now, she and
Mike Shayne used to be pretty good friends.
- Now, never mind that.
- I'm afraid you'll have to mind it.
Because I want her to talk to Shayne
and find out where this woman is. Understand?
Listen, I don't know what this is all about,
and, frankly, I'd just as soon forget it.
- If you'll excuse me.
- Now, listen, wise guy.
I didn't wanna tell you this,
but you might as well know.
Callahan is innocent,
and this woman can prove it.
- What?
- That's right.
You mean that they're railroading
an innocent man?
- You catch on quick.
- But why?
Listen, you know as well as I do that
Wentworth's company is under investigation.
So if Wentworth isn't elected governor,
he'll have a new office...
in San Quentin,
and you may be with him.
Think it over.
Mike Shayne is in car 38,
compartment "B."
Shut my big mouth.
Mmm, mmm, mmm!
Boy, what a crap game
I could have with this.
Get behind me, Satan,
and tie my hands.
Lordy, Lordy! Why wasn't I born
with a little larceny in my soul?
Folks ain't got no business being
so careless with the blessings of life.
Must be $5,000 or $10,000.
Maybe $15,000.
- Say, it didn't take you long.
- No, the club car's right in back.
- What's Santa Claus got there?
- This is the only way it comes.
- Midgets!
- Yes. They don't sell it in big bottles.
Well, as long as
there's enough of'em.
Do you think
I should get some more?
- Oh, no, I was just kidding.
- Oh.
Well, glasses and everything. In case
I forget to tell you, you're a lifesaver.
- Oh, is it that bad?
- Almost.
I don't know what
I'd have done without you.
- Say when.
- You don't have to with those.
Oh, of course. I've never seen
these little bottles before.
Uh, I don't like
to spoil good liquor.
- Well...
- Uh-uh. No toast.
- I don't know any.
- You're evidently not a drinking man.
Oh, I take one now and then.
- Sit down.
- Thanks.
- Cigarette?
- Why, I'll smoke one of these if you don't mind cigars.
Only at a smoker.
Some ladies don't like them.
Isn't the liquor all right?
Oh, it couldn't be better.
And when that suitcase busted open,
it just spattered money.
Must've been $20,000 or $25,000.
Maybe $30,000.
He must be one of them
Wall Street typhoons.
From the way that money flew,
he's the whole hurricane.
The end of a perfect day.
Oh, I, uh...
I'll go when I finish this.
Oh, I didn't mean for you to scram.
What's the rush?
Well, I... I really haven't
any place to go.
Then sit still, silly.
You're a funny duck.
What's your name?
Jason. EverettJason.
Sounds like a schoolteacher
or a doctor.
- I'm in the dry goods business.
- Dry goods?
- And me with a permanent thirst.
- Oh.
I'm sorry.
What do they call you for short?
I've never been called
anything for short.
Ev... Ja...
How's Jase?
I'm fine.
Well, Jase, down the hatch.
Same to you.
- Uh, mind if I sit down?
- Oh, no. Of course not.
- Smoke?
- No, thanks. Wrong vice.
Kay's doing a little work back here.
She's so interested in her job...
I didn't want to disturb her.
Yeah. Yeah, she used
to make me believe that.
You know, Mr. Shayne, I get worried
about that girl sometimes.
- How so?
- Oh, the chances she takes.
She's just naturally impulsive.
Don't take her too seriously.
You know, she told me she heard
the secret witness for the Callahan case is aboard.
- She's determined to find out.
- Is that so?
Yeah. If I thought
the witness was on this train...
I wouldn't let Kay
out of my sight.
Oh, let her look.
Give her some exercise.
I think I'll grab a breath
of fresh air before I turn in.
What would you do
if you had your choice...
of anything in the world?
Money no objection.
I think I'd go away where
there's a lot of sun and water...
and no cops.
You mean, uh, like a tropical island?
It's a good idea.
Why not?
Oh. The tropics is
no place for white women.
A lot of malaria.
Well, where would you go?
I'm going to South America.
- South America?
- Yep.
They've got everything there.
Climate perfect all year-round.
And scenery... Magnificent.
- Who is it?
- Tom.
Oh, come in.
- Kay, I, uh...
- I'll be with you in a minute.
- Hmm?
- I ran into a story for you, a front-page story.
Well, let's have it.
You've been curious to know why Mike Shayne
is going to San Francisco, haven't you?
- Yes.
- According to a friend I just met...
Shayne is hiding a woman
somewhere on this train.
- A woman?
- Mm-hmm.
Now, wait a minute.
That doesn't make sense.
Would it if the woman was
the surprise witness for Callahan?
Holy cats!
Who is she?
I think her name is, uh,
Helen Carlson.
Surprise witness, eh?
And he hasn't seen Callahan in years.
Why, that lying flatfoot.
Say, are you sure about this?
It was told to me in strict confidence.
I wouldn't want my name mentioned.
- Well, okay. I'll check it myself.
- But how?
I have my own little ways
and means committee.
- What's the matter?
- Oh, nothing.
- Trautwein.
- I guess that's the one he was looking for.
- If you see him, tell him I've got it.
- All right.
That's right.
And Leander said...
it was $50,000 or maybe $60,000!
Wow! He must've win
the pot of gold.
Must've win gold
or silver or somethin'. L...
Oh, just a minute, please.
Get in there! All right, now be quiet.
- Why, Kay!
- Oh. Is-Is this your cell?
What... No. You see, I was just waiting
here until they made up my berth.
Well, I met a girlfriend. She said she was
in this car. I was looking for her.
You've got a nice, clear night for it.
I'm-I'm sure she said
drawing room "A."
Oh, I did see
a tall, dark girl with, uh...
rather Fuller Brush eyelashes
right down by the watercooler.
Oh, no.
This one's sort of blonde.
She's an old schoolmate of mine.
Grammar school.
I haven't seen any old girls.
Oh, she's not old.
About my age.
And still going to grammar school? My, she
must be rather mentally round-shouldered.
Well, come on in...
if you've never seen
a drawing room before.
This, uh... This room's
a little larger than mine.
- Yeah, is it?
- Mmm.
Yes, they say that some are larger
and some are smaller.
I guess it's because of the size, huh?
You, uh... You might
invite me to sit down.
Oh, sure, go ahead. Sit down.
Take a load off your arches.
- You can leave the door open.
- Oh, no, no.
That isn't necessary.
I trust you.
Say, you know, that guy
you're engaged to is pretty smooth.
Yes, isn't he?
I never thought you'd go
for a guy like that.
You always picked 'em
kind of, you know, rowdy.
The kind that you meet
in your racket, you know?
- What's the matter?
- I need some water.
- Oh, no! No!
- It's all right. I can get it.
- No, I'll get the water.
- Oh, no, really. Thank you.
Well, all right, if you insist.
L... I feel better.
Oh, that's good. That's...
Say, look, uh, let's go up
to the club car, hmm?
- Oh, no, this is fun here.
- Oh, well, they've got a nice radio up there.
Radios never work on trains.
Come on. Stay here.
Want your berth
made up now, sir?
But I... I told you
to make it up before.
Uh, no, sir. You didn't tell me.
I ain't seen you since you got on.
- All right then. It must've been your brother.
- I ain't got no brother.
All right then! Forget about it.
Make it up later.
Yes, sir.
You're slipping, Mike. You used to be able
to cover up much better than that.
- Cover up? L...
- Skip it. Say, what's the number of this car?
- Thirty-eight.
- Thirty-eight? Oh.
I thought it was 28.
Now, isn't that stupid?
I'll go find 28. Excuse me.
- I'll be anxious to know if you find your friend.
- Oh, I'll find her.
You know, there isn't
any car 28 on this train.
Or maybe you were thinking
of two other trains, huh?
Porter, have you something
for a headache?
- No, ma'am, but I'll try to get you something.
- Thank you.
Porter! Porter!
- Oh, porter, will you...
- Well, I'm a...
Well, how'd you
ever get up there?
Well, don't stand there like a dope.
Get me down!
You know, I'll bet
that's hard to do, isn't it?
Put a torch in your hand, and you could
pass for the Statue of Liberty.
Go on. Enjoy yourself. I'll bet you pulled
wings off of flies when you were a kid.
All right, you don't like me, huh?
I'll get your fianc.
Oh, no, Mike, please.
Please help me down.
- Look, there's the key.
- I don't see any key.
- It's right there on the floor next to your foot.
- Oh, you mean this thing, huh?
- Yes.
- What were you doin' up there, lookin' for mice?
Why, yes, I... No, I...
- I just wanted to find out how the berth went up and down.
- Oh.
Studying to become
a porter, huh?
- No, that won't fit.
- Oh, you've got the wrong end, stupid.
Oh, there are two ends, huh?
Isn't that clever?
Oh, I'm sorry.
Aw, you poor kiddie.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
- Are you sure you're all right?
- Sure I'm sure!
Oh, Kay, you oughta get angry more often.
It makes you sparkle.
- Oh, let go of me.
- Was I holding you? I didn't realize it, honestly.
Mike, why don't you come out
in the open in whatever you're doing?
What are you talkin' about?
I happen to know that you're hiding
someone on this train.
- Who told you that?
- Never mind. I happen to know.
You know, Kay, I think
you're a pretty swell dish.
I'd hate to see you get into something
that you couldn't get out of.
- I can take care of myself.
- Well, all right.
I didn't think you'd be dumb enough
to put yourself in a spot for the wrong people.
And who are you to judge?
- Oh, so you are covering someone, huh?
- I didn't say that.
You didn't have to.
No, wait a minute.
I think you dropped this
in front of my room.
See, you still don't cross your T's.
That's a very bad habit.
You ought to...
Hey, Mag, if you keep this up,
you'll be gettin' more than a watch.
They'll be fittin' you
for a wooden suit.
And an extra pair of pants
for you, squirt!
You keep that shovel movin',
or I'll wrap it around your neck!
South America must be
a swell place.
Won't you get
kind of lonesome down there?
Oh, no. I won't have a chance to.
I've made some contacts, and I'm going
to open a dry goods store.
Anyway, I'll be too busy getting settled
and learning the language.
- Aren't you coming back?
- Don't intend to.
Must be wonderful
to start over with a clean slate.
Always wished I could.
Who is it?
Mike Shayne.
Just a minute.
- What took you so long?
- Who was long?
Where'd you get the liquor?
They still have porters
on these trains.
Now look, Helen.
I told you that
there might be someone...
who would stop at nothing to keep you
from getting to San Francisco.
- Yeah, you told me.
- Well, I just found out...
that there is
and right on this train.
- Now it's up to me to see that you get there safely.
- I'll get there.
I sneaked you in here
on a stretcher.
I'd hate to see you have to leave
the same way on the level.
You're not scaring me.
I'm not trying to.
But you're gonna
go through with this.
I don't wanna get tough, but if I have to,
I will. All right, what's it gonna be?
You gonna play ball or not?
Why should I?
I've got nothing to gain.
Honey, a man's life is at stake.
If you can't figure it out
any other way, all right. Chalk it off...
to what you owe to society.
Yeah, for what society
did for me, I suppose.
Yeah. Yeah.
All right, now you lay low
and keep this door locked.
Be a good girl now, hmm?
You heard, didn't you?
Yes, Helen.
Well, it's been swell meeting you.
You don't have to stall
about going.
- It's okay.
- I'm not going.
Unless you want me to.
Why don't you tell me
what it's all about?
Maybe I can help you.
You couldn't help.
- How can you know unless...
- Oh, it's no use, Jase.
It may seem useless to you, but somehow
I have a feeling I can help you...
if you'll only trust me.
It isn't that
I don't trust you, but...
Then tell me.
Okay. But remember,
you asked for it.
It all started when I was in the chorus
at a second-rate musical show in Frisco.
I met a lot of party boys.
You know how it is
when you're in a show.
One night a miracle happened...
I met the right guy.
He loaded me down
with furs, clothes and jewels.
Gee, he was thoughtful.
When the police broke in,
I found out the stuff was hot.
True-blue Harold took it on the lam,
and I took it on the chin.
One to five.
Did a year and got out on parole.
It was pretty tough going.
Yes. I guess it would be.
One night a friend introduced me
to a real nice kid.
He took me to what turned out
to be a gambling joint run byJeff Alton.
The kid got drunk and bragged
he was gonna break the house.
In an hour
they had his bankroll.
He barges into Alton's office
and accuses him of needling the wheel.
There's an argument.
The kid grabs Alton's gun
and lets him have it.
We duck, and the kid gives me some dough
and tells me to get out of the state.
I told him
it violated my parole.
He asked me how I'd like
to serve the rest of my term.
His dad was a big shot.
Caleb Wentworth, running for governor.
I was scared and confused,
so I beat it to Denver.
Then the bulls picked up
a guy by the name of Callahan...
and pinned the murder on him.
Then this flatfoot Shayne
shows up in Denver...
and says either I testify
or he'll tell off the parole board.
So, here I am.
That's funny.
Yeah. Very funny.
- Well, it's been nice knowing you.
- I didn't mean it that way.
- You don't have to believe it.
- But I do.
Every word of it.
And I understand, Helen...
because I'm in a mess
the same as you are.
What do you mean?
The cops after you?
No, not that.
What then?
Well, it may sound crazy to you...
but I'm running away from the very thing
you're searching for.
- What's that?
- Security and peace.
- That doesn't make sense.
- I know it doesn't.
I've lived my whole life back there in Avondale.
My mother and father were born there.
I always had everything done for me. I was never
allowed to make a decision in my whole life.
When I graduated from college,
my family had a wife picked out for me.
She took up where they left off.
I don't mean
she was bossy or nagging.
But I just couldn't
go on that way any longer.
I had to get away to find out
if I could really think for myself.
- Well?
- Miss Bentley talked with Shayne.
He either knows what
she's trying to find out...
or Helen Carlson isn't on the train.
So we're back where
we started, eh?
There are other means
of Shayne getting her to San Francisco.
We got 'em all covered.
Now, look.
This is my biggest chance for
important dough, and I'm not blowin' it.
That dame mustn't get
to San Francisco.
- Well, I wish you luck.
- You're not out of it yet, Mr. Linscott.
- I may need your help.
- Well, how could I help?
I might have
to arrange an accident.
- Now wait a minute. You can't do that.
- Why not?
- I don't want any part of it.
- Hmph. You got nothin' to say about it.
Just listen to me and
get what I tell you straight.
My wife's a good woman, Helen.
Too good.
But I've been just a shadow to her.
That's why I'm going to South America.
- Do you think you'll find what you're looking for there?
- I know I will.
Helen, we've only just met...
but there's something about you that makes
me feel I've known you for a long time.
That's the only reason I can
come out and ask you this.
Why don't you come along with me?
- You don't mean that. It's the liquor talking.
- No, it isn't.
You don't wanna go back and testify.
You'll be risking your life.
Look, I've got $10,000
in my compartment.
It's all mine.
I've saved it.
And I've left my wife
well provided for.
We can get off at the next stop
and catch another train.
- It's crazy.
- No, it isn't.
Don't you see? We've got a chance
to get something out of life.
It doesn't seem real, Jase.
Things like this, just...
They just can't happen.
They can if we'll only let them.
We'll be far away
from people we know.
Why, it'll be like...
like starting all over again.
I don't know, Jase.
I don't know.
- I'm tellin' you. I got it straight from Leander.
- He told you that?
Well, he didn't exactly tell me.
But George told me that Henry told him
that Leander seen it with his own eyes.
- Is that so?
- His suitcase was just a-bustin' with money.
No clothes.
Just greenbacks.
There's at least a couple
a hundred thousand dollars.
Why don't you boys
stop lying to each other?
I ain't lyin'.
It's a fact.
We got the richest man
in the world on board.
- Who's that?
- I don't know.
But he's totin' around
a half a million dollars in a suitcase.
In a suitcase? Where?
Up in Leon Jones's car.
So that's it.
I got a chance
to make up some time.
So get off the lead, boy, before I plant
my foot in the seat of your pants.
What's the matter with you?
She's redder than a fireman's shirt.
I don't want red, or even pink!
White! Do ya hear me?
- This is it.
- See if he's in.
Take a look.
He ain't in.
- This it?
- Yes, sir.
It's the McCoy, all right.
This guy's makin' quite a haul.
I just hopes you ain't
treein' the wrong possum.
Now get this, Leander.
This man's an embezzler sure as shootin'.
I want you to keep your eyes open for him.
If he tries to get off the train, stop him.
- I'll be waitin' here.
- Yes, sir.
But just 'cause a man carries a lot of cash,
it don't make it necessarily so.
- You're under orders!
- Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.
The old fool's drivin'
that hog like a madman.
Made up 30 minutes
since we left Laramie.
- Well, I was up there.
- Yeah? What'd he say?
He said if you don't like the speed
he's running this train at, get off and walk.
Oh, he did, huh? When we get to
Division Point, I'll make a speech or two.
That is if we get there.
Come in.
Good evening, Mr. Shayne.
My name is...
- Carl Izzard.
- How'd you know?
I don't know. You just look like
a guy who'd have a name like Izzard.
All right, what's on your mind?
Mr. Shayne, you and I
have plenty in common.
- Is that so?
- Yeah.
- Mind if I sit down?
- No, no, go ahead. Sit down. I don't care.
Maybe I don't have
to tell you this...
but I'm on the biggest job
that ever hit my office.
- If I crack it, I can write my own check.
- I'm very impressed.
I believe in being frank. This job's
too tough for me to handle alone.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm on a vacation.
Wouldn't wanna combine
a little business with it?
- What kind of business?
- Profitable.
How profitable?
- 2,500.
- That's a lot of money.
Now all you gotta do is introduce me
to a certain young lady.
Ah, just my luck.
I don't know any young ladies.
- You don't?
- No.
- Not for three grand?
- No.
- On the line.
- Mm-mmm.
- Well, would you know any young ladies for 3,500?
- I'm sorry.
How much you gettin'
for the Carlson job?
Ask the Quiz Kids.
After Wentworth's elected governor...
maybe you could be head
of the state police department.
Oh, no, thanks. No. You see, there's
so much responsibility, you know. No.
Yeah. You're a hard man
to do business with.
- Not always.
- Come on, Shayne. Let's stop clowning.
- Every man has his price. What's yours?
- What do you think?
I think five grand,
and that's tops.
Well, you're all wrong.
Now go on.
Get outta here.
- You're a chump, Shayne.
- Yeah.
This opportunity won't knock again.
That's too bad for me, isn't it?
- Where's the girl?
- Now...
Come on. Quit the stallin'.
Now, listen.
If you fire that gun...
the whole train's
gonna come piling in here.
Yeah? It'll be pretty hard
to hear a shot...
when you go by a crossing
or another train comes by.
So you better change your mind, 'cause
one's liable to come along any minute.
Aren't you afraid you're gonna have a little
trouble finding that girl without my help?
I'll take that chance.
Jump, Mag! Jump!
- What happened? Did you hear that?
- What's the matter?
Look out! Look out!
Kay! Kay, are you all right?
Yeah, I think so.
Is anybody a doctor?
There's a girl here. She's unconscious.
- Try one of the other cars.
- Say, maybe I can help.
Oh, thanks.
I'll be right back.
This girl's out like a light.
Get a wet towel, quick.
- Is anybody here a doctor?
- No!
Use the cab of that truck we hit to get
him into Kingsley. It's three miles west.
And phone Division Point and have them send
an engine and a wrecking crew to haul it.
Nice mess that old fool
got us into.
Oh, yeah? Any guy who could stick to his engine
like he did is okay in my book!
- Mike!
- Oh, I must be in the wrong car.
- What's the matter with her?
- I don't know yet.
Take it easy, honey. You'll be all right.
I think you two better get out of here.
I can take care of her better alone.
- But look, maybe I can...
- Come on, Mike. Please.
Say, uh, that girl may need a doctor.
I'll try and find one.
That's a good idea.
Somebody come in here!
Anybody out there?
Help! Help!
Good gracious, oh, me!
What's the matter, sir?
Come on.
Hurry up and untie me.
Mm-hmm. You sure is
snared up pretty.
Yeah. I was hanging up my overcoat when
the crash came and got twisted in the belt.
If I hadn't have seen it with my own eyes,
I never would have believed it.
Come on. Hurry up.
- What happened?
- A little accident.
You've got a bad bump.
I must have taken
a swell header, all right.
Ooh, I passed out cold.
- Where's Jase?
- Who?
The man who was in here with me.
Is he all right?
Oh. Oh, yes. Yes,
he went out to find a doctor.
Don't get a doctor.
Don't get anybody.
Are you Helen Carlson?
No. No, I'm not.
Mike Shayne's taking you to San Francisco
on the Callahan case, isn't he?
- Who are you?
- Oh, it's all right. You can trust me.
Yeah. That's the same kind
of a line Shayne handed me.
Sure, I know all about Shayne.
He'd do anything to get in the limelight.
Here. You better take it easy.
How did you know who I was?
Well, I heard someone
talking on the train.
Then Shayne was right.
There are people.
I really wanna help you.
Please believe me.
I guess it wouldn't do me any good not to.
That is if you really wanna help.
Well, what can I do?
Tell me.
KeepJase out of sight. He'll be back here,
and if Shayne finds him...
- He won't.
- How do you know?
He was in here right afterJase left,
and I got rid of him.
Oh, thanks.
Thanks terribly.
- That look like the girl?
- Yes, that's her, all right.
I figured she was Helen Carlson
when Shayne came into the room.
- I'll take care of her right away.
- No, wait a minute.
I think this Carlson girl
would jump at some real money.
Let me try it first, huh?
All right, but work fast.
- And look out for Shayne. He's no fool.
- Right.
It's funny.
I never met anybody likeJase before.
At first, I was kinda
amused at him.
After a while, I...
I got to understand him.
I really like him.
He seems to think
I'm okay too.
He wants me to go
to South America with him.
Well, why don't you?
- Well, do you think it'd be all right?
- Well, why not?
I couldn't find a doc...
Oh, it's all right, Jase.
This is Kay Bentley. She knows
all about everything. I told her.
- Who is it?
- Tom.
Get over there. Lie down.
- Kay, I've got to talk to that girl.
- You can't, Tom. Not now.
You've gotta let me speak to her.
It's important. Everything depends on it.
- Everything?
- Oh, yes, everything. Believe me.
- My career, our future.
- You can leave me out of it.
Tom, why did you fake that story of
a friend telling you about Helen Carlson?
- I had to find out where the girl was.
- Why didn't you come to me?
- Wait a minute, Kay.
- You were willing to use my friendship with Shayne.
- Be reasonable, will you?
- Here.
This should be good for a down payment
on your next romance.
But, Kay...
- Who was that?
- Huh?
Oh, just a guy who was
and isn't anymore.
- Say, you catching a boat out of San Francisco?
- Yes.
Something tells me it isn't healthy
for you to hang around here.
I'm going out and find a way
to get you there.
- I don't want you to get mixed up in this.
- I'll get my things.
- Be right back.
- But, Jase...
Better lock the door.
- Mr. Trautwein! Mr. Trautwein!
- What's the matter?
That man you lookin' for, that embezzler,
I saw him go into this compartment.
- Are you sure?
- What do you think I is, illiterate?
Now, now, we gotta be careful.
You watch that end of the car. I'll stay here.
If he tries to get off your end,
stop him. Understand?
- Yes, sir.
- All right, get up there.
I tell you, this is a matter
of life and death to me.
I've got to be in Ogden before tomorrow
morning. I'll make it worth your while.
- Ogden? Why, that's over 200 miles.
- Can't your car make it?
- Make it? Why, she's as good as the day I bought her.
- All right.
- I've nursed her along like a baby for 10 years.
- Yeah...
- I just put in new rings last year and ground the valves...
- How much?
- Forty horsepower, and she runs...
- I don't mean that.
How much for a fast run
to Ogden?
Now, let's see. There's the gas.
That'd be about, um...
And tires!
Them tires is the best six-ply.
- Sixty dollars.
- Make it 80.
- I'll split the difference with you.
- All right, mister.
Okay, here's $20. I'll give you
the other 50 when we get to Ogden.
- All right, but first I gotta drive to my place and get gas.
- Can't you get it around here?
Mister, it's after midnight!
Well, all right,
but hurry it up, will ya?
Look. I'll meet you next to that clump
of trees over there. Go on. Beat it.
- Stop him! Stop him!
- Hey, what is this?
So, thought you could get away with it?
Taking advantage of a wreck!
- What's the matter, lady?
- This man's a thief!
- Now wait a minute, buddy.
- All right now...
- This crook stole my diamond pin.
- Are you sure?
Sure I'm sure. I just caught him trying
to make a getaway. Go on. Search him.
All right, sure. Go ahead.
Search me. I got nothing to hide.
I don't know what your game is,
but I'll find out, that's sure.
- Is this it?
- Yes, that's it, all right.
Well, that's a fine thing!
And you've got such an honest face too.
Now, look. This dame is wacky.
She planted that pin in my pocket herself.
That's a fine story.
My name is Michael Shayne. Here.
Here's my credentials. I'm a private detective.
- Sure, sure. I'm the Lone Ranger.
- Oh, very funny.
You better come along
till we can check up on you.
I tell you, I'm Michael Shayne.
I'm a detective.
Oh, yeah? Let's go search his luggage.
He's probably got a hatful of stuff.
You and I are gonna get along. I can see that.
- Is that you, Jase?
- Yes.
Who are you?
- What do you want?
- Now, let's not get excited.
I got $5,000 that belongs to you.
- What do you mean?
- All you have to do is get off this train... with me.
- Get out of here!
- Oh, no.
I had too much trouble
gettin' in here.
- I'd listen if I were you.
- I'm not listening to anybody. Get out!
Now, get this straight.
It's up to you.
Either you take the dough
and come with me or...
- What happened? Who is he?
- I don't know. He came in here and threatened me.
We better get out of here.
This way.
- Hey, wait a minute.
- Did you get a car?
Yes. We'd better go around the train.
There are too many people on this side.
Mr. Trautwein!
That embezzler just got off of that side
of the train and headed this way.
- Why didn't you stop him?
- Not me.
Hey, you! Stop!
Stop! Stop or I'll shoot!
- What was that?
- Sounded like a shot.
- Oh, no, you don't, buddy.
- Oh, yes, I do, buddy.
- What happened?
- This man's an embezzler.
I hollered for him to stop.
He wouldn't.
- I'm your new customer, mister.
- But I don't get it...
The man can't make it. We're gonna go
to Ogden instead. Come on. Hop in.
But he was gonna pay me
70 bucks. He still owes me 50.
I'll make it 60.
Come on. Hurry!
- Will you hurry up?
- Hey, wait a minute!
Kay! Kay! Kay, I...
But he must be an embezzler.
What else would they have sent me for?
- Oh, I forgot. Here's a telegram for you.
- Well, it's about time.
If I hadn't taken things
into my own hands...
this guy would have been
out of the country by now.
Um, seems as if
there's been a mistake...
Rippin' right along
like a breeze, ain't she?
- Uh-huh. - Say, what are you
gonna do when we get to Ogden?
- Why?
- I thought maybe you and me could look around...
see the sights and go
to some nice place to eat.
- That'd be just dandy.
- I know a place where you can get a table d'hte dinner...
with a choice of three vegetables
and your fortune told for 35 cents.
I'll bet the floor show's terrible.
- Say, how you holdin' up back there?
- Fine.
- What's that?
- Don't know.
Just gettin'
her second wind, I guess.
I can't imagine
what the trouble is.
She never acted this way before.
At least not lately.
Ain't that a beautiful set of pipes?
Yes, yes, beautiful.
But go on and fix it.
Well, now, let's see.
Could be the carburetor.
Then again, it might be
the ignition or the water pump.
Well... Well, pick out a good one,
but let's get going!
- Look, I'm gonna go up to that farmhouse.
- What for?
I better phone my mother. She may have
heard about the wreck and be worried.
- I'll be right back.
- I'll go with you.
No, no, you stay there
with Helen.
- Can I help you with that?
- I don't think so.
Looks like the gas line's clogged.
Ain't no gas comin' through.
Is that you, Lulu? What is it this time?
Chicken pox or measles?
It's not Lulu. It's me.
- Who?
- I'm sorry to break in so late at night.
Our car broke down.
We're on our way to Ogden.
I was wondering if I could use your phone.
Sure. Wait a minute.
I come right down.
- Honey, you're shivering. Here, take my coat.
- Oh, no, please, Jase.
Maybe we can wait
in that farmhouse.
Good idea. Blow your horn
when it's fixed, will you?
Okay, mister.
- Come right in.
- Thank you. Sorry to disturb you so late at night.
Oh, you don't disturb me.
I thought you were my half sister.
She lives down a piece.
And one of the kids always manages
this time of the night...
to develop something.
Oh, didn't I tell you?
I know.
- Oh!
- What's the matter?
The car will take
an hour to fix.
We thought maybe we could
warm up inside.
Oh, sure!
Come right in.
I am tickled to death
to have callers.
I rarely see anybody
except the neighbors...
and they are mostly my relatives,
some kind or other.
But you must be frozen.
Going out this time tonight
with no coat or anything.
Well, you see...
uh, they're eloping.
Oh, how romantic!
It takes me back to the time
when I wanted Hiram to elope with me.
But he wouldn't. He was afraid of my father.
You better come in the dining room.
It's very much warmer.
- Excuse me. Where's the telephone?
- Over there.
I left a little fire last night. So we put a little
wood on it. Now you see how warm it gets.
And I'm going to fix that fire.
Hello, operator?
Give me long distance, please.
- I'm going to make you some nice fresh tea.
- Please don't bother.
It's no trouble at all.
It will take me only a minute.
Make yourself at home.
You'll see.
I will be right back.
It don't take so long...
to make some tea.
Hello, long distance? I want to put
in a call to the Denver Tribune.
Yes, in Denver.
That's right.
Thanks a lot, chief.
- Hey, where'd they go?
- Oh, it's you. You see, it was this way, mister.
- I was waiting there for you. Then that girl came...
- Never mind. Where did they go?
Oh. In that farmhouse.
Hey, wait a minute!
I owe you $20!
A lunatic.
No. I tell you, I have Helen Carlson
with me right now.
Yes. Yes, that's right.
I'm taking her to San Francisco...
as a surprise witness
on the Callahan case.
I practically lifted her from under
the snoot of a dumb dick. Yeah.
The story's the Trib's body and soul.
Hey, wait a minute.
Tell that hatchet puss,
Mitchell, I want a bonus.
- Hello, toots.
- Uh, what are you doing here?
I'm the pest control man.
Where's that girl?
- It's crazy.
- What girl?
Don't you see?
We've got a chance to get something out oflife.
Hey. What's he got
to do with all this?
He's got nothing to do with it.
L... I just met him on the train.
All right then, you better tell him good-bye.
Come on. We're going.
She's not going with you.
- Did you tell him why I'm taking you to San Francisco?
- Yes.
- Why don't you give her a break?
- Now you stay out of this.
Ya big lug.
Tossin' that poor kid around.
She's down, and you're gonna
give her the last kick.
Smearing her name
across the headlines...
and all for a big fee
from a small-town hoodlum.
- And just what were your plans?
- I'm going to help them.
- Oh. Bighearted Hannah.
- That's the truth.
Baby, I've seen you
pull some fast ones in your day...
but this is the best yet.
Do you know who this
Camp Fire Girl really is?
All I know is she's been
on the level with us.
She helped us off the train
and got a car.
Maybe you should have done a little research
work before you became so friendly.
- She's a reporter on the Denver Tribune.
- He's crazy!
All you are is hot copy to her...
sure, dollars, headlines, circulation.
I don't believe it.
Call up the long-distance operator
if you wanna find out for yourself.
I called my mother!
Since when is your mother
the night editor on the Denver Tribune?
Well, you ready to go now?
I said she's not going with you.
Why should she risk everything for some
ex-convict who's getting what's coming to him?
- I don't think Helen told you everything.
- What do you mean?
That someone else deserves
a break just as much as she does.
Callahan. I know. He was in the pen
once for robbery.
Because I put him there.
But he served his time.
Since he got out,
things have been pretty tough.
But he's been going straight.
That I know.
There won't be any smart lawyers
to defend him, because he hasn't a dime.
I got into this thing
on account of his wife and kids.
I wanna see them get a break.
Nothing you say is going to stop us.
Come on, Helen.
- Wait a minute, bud.
- Get outta my way.
Now, I'm sorry,
but she's not gonna leave...
I said get outta my way.
Put that thing down.
You don't realize what you're getting in to.
- I mean it, Shayne.
- Come on. Give me that gun.
Jase, he's right! I've gotta go back
and clear Callahan.
I've tried to run away from trouble
lots of times, but I never could make it.
No matter where I'd go,
it'd always be after me.
And I'd be dragging you along.
You'd be worried and not happy.
Not really happy.
- Oh, yes, I would.
- Listen, honey. I want you to go back to Avondale.
- Helen...
- I mean it, Jase.
Oh, it'll always be part of you.
Go back to your comfort
and security.
But our plans... We can't
throw them away like that.
Sure we can,
because I know it's right.
Oh, it won't work.
Go on back.
It'll be much better
than you think.
Even your wife will be glad when
she finds out you've come home to her.
Go on, honey.
Give her a break.
Thanks, Helen.
Well, here I am.
You see, it didn't take me very long...
- Oh, here is another one.
- Yep.
- He was waiting in the car.
- Oh, but you shouldn't have left him.
Well, that's what I've always told her.
We better have tea
before it gets cold.
I'm awfully sorry,
but the car's ready and we should go.
- Yeah.
- Oh, that's a shame.
- But I understand. You better run along.
- Thanks.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Well, I'm sure you two
will be very, very happy.
Thank you.
I'm sure we will.
Is there a bus through here
to Avondale?
Yes. It will be along,
the Denver bus, pretty soon.
But you told me
you are going to Ogden.
- Well, three of us are.
- Oh, I see.
- You've been so kind. Good-bye.
- Oh, not at all.
Good-bye, dear.
And come and see me.
- Let me know how you are getting along.
- We will.
Good-bye. God bless you all.
It was lovely.
- Good-bye, Helen. Good luck.
- Good-bye, Jase.
I know everything's
gonna be all right for both of us.
- I hope so.
- No regrets.
And you won't miss the bus?
Hey, never mind the prices.
Everything's good here.
Just like old times,
eating in a joint like this again.
Now I can eat what I like
and how I like.
- Mm-hmm. What do you like?
- I think I'll have the number five...
the double hamburger with the relish
and the hot ketchup...
the ground glass and the melted cheese
with plenty of onions.
- Uh, you have to have those onions?
- Certainly.
Hey, service.
I'm gonna have the New England dinner,
and the young lady will have the number five...
special with all the trimmings.
- And plenty of onions.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, Miss Bentley.
- Helen!
- Hello.
- Well, what... what are you... Mike, you didn't...
Oh, I forgot to tell you
that she was working here.
- Say, doesn't she look great?
- You look swell.
- How do you like it?
- Fine.
I've got a place to hang my wardrobe
and all I want to eat.
- You're doing okay, huh?
- Yeah. Getting so good, I can balance 20 plates on one arm.
- Mike, you deserve a gold star
after your name for that one.
Oh, forget about it. Look, how about
you staying on here a couple of days?
We can lose ourselves in the Frisco fog
and just kick the town around generally.
Oh, Mike, I'd love to,
but I've gotta get back to Denver.
Just give me two days. And then
if I don't put a ring on your finger...
I'll guarantee to put
a couple under your eyes.
- How 'bout it?
- Okay, I'll sign the lease.
That's the girl! We...
Oh, look.
Uh, do you have to have
those onions, huh?
- Ah, Mike, is that all you're worried about?
- I can't help it.
- I'll fix that.
- That's a pal.
- Helen?
- Helen.
- Helen, would you please cancel those onions?
- Cancel 'em.
- I'd much rather have garlic.
- Yeah, give her...