Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

Mummy got sick.
It happened just like that.
Nobody could stop it.
It isn't fair.
There's no reason.
And if we start asking why,
we'll go crazy.
Five minutes in the microwave.
Any one of them.
Do you know how to make juice?
Microwave. Five minutes.
Here. It's my shrink.
Call him.
Loss of Spouse Support Group.
Chicago Cancer Family Network.
Parents without Partners.
"Hug Yourself",
"Hug a Friend", "Hug a Shrink" ...
Work hard, that'll save you.
Only work will see you through this.
Don't mind him.
he's just a guy who's lost his wife.
What I think we really need is ...
Good idea. Take a few weeks off.
take Jonah fishing.
No, real change.
A new city.
Some place where I don't think
of Maggie at every corner.
Where are you gonna go?
I was thinking about Seattle.
In a few months, you'll be seeing
women. You'll meet someone.
Move on. fine. that's what I'll do.
I'll just grow a new heart.
- Sam, I'm sorry, I didn't mean ...
- I know. But it can't happen twice.
- The tall redhead is cousin Irene.
- You'll see her disappointed look.
- Harold ran off with the secretary.
- Until Irene had the dog put down.
Your brother Dennis
is professor at Johns Hopkins.
- He's married to ... Betsy.
- The most competitive woman ever.
- How will I remember all this?
- Walter, you will!
- Uncle Milton lost all his money.
- And some other people's.
... in a pyramid scheme. Don't
mention the IRS or the prisons.
Your mother's Barbara.
your father's Cliff ...
- He has electric trains.
- Really?
- Am I what they had in mind?
- Walter, they're gonna love you!
Everybody ...
Annie has an announcement.
Walter and I are engaged.
Bless you!
- Are you all right?
- Maybe it's the flowers.
- We'll move them.
- No! I feel terrible, sneezing now.
- This is a very important moment.
- He's just allergic to everything.
I'm allergic to bees.
He's allergic to all bees. We
have to take adrenalin with us.
- If he eats just a bit of a nut ...
- My head swells, and I drop dead.
- It's the same with him and bees.
- We had salmon at our wedding ...
- A wedding without salmon is ...
- I'm not allergic to salmon.
But you never know.
- You never know.
- He wasn't always allergic to bees.
- What did we do with our champagne?
- Uncle Milton's parole.
- When are you getting married?
- Early June, in the garden.
- What about Harold and bees?
- I'm allergic to bees.
Cold salmon. cucumber salad.
strawberries ...
I'm afraid I am allergic
to strawberries.
Is this all right with you?
I'm the luckiest man-man-man on
the face of the earth-earth-earth.
- That's Lou Gehrig's line from ...
- "Pride of the Yankees".
- "Pride of the Yankees"!
- Baseball. An historical reference.
I would like to propose a toast.
To my kid sister!
To Walter and my baby.
Please eat, before it gets cold.
Here it is. I wouldn't
give it to the Historical Society.
- Oh. Mum ...
- These things are back in fashion.
Grandmother's dress.
- He's a lovely man, Annie.
- He is. isn't he?
And he's a wonderful athlete. We're
going to DC to see his parents.
- How did it happen?
- It's silly, really.
I'd seen him at the office.
He's the associate publisher.
We had both ordered sandwiches. -
- and he got my tomato on wheat,
which he's allergic to, -
- and I got his tomato on white.
Amazing, isn't it?
You make a million decisions.
and a sandwich changes your life.
Destiny takes a hand.
We invented destiny, because we
don't want things to be accidental.
Then why did you order the same
sandwich except for the bread?
How many people like tomato
without something else, like tuna?
It wasn't a sign.
It was a coincidence.
I was in Atlantic City,
where Cliff was a waiter.
He wasn't supposed to work
that night. What if he hadn't?
He asked me to take a midnight walk.
I told you this a million times.
He held my hand. I looked down
and couldn't tell our fingers apart.
- And I knew.
- What?
- What?
- It was magic.
I knew we'd be together forever.
Just like you and Walter.
Walter ... It's quite a formal name.
I knew that your father and I would
have a wonderful time in the ...
... sack, I believe you call it.
It took years before it worked
like clockwork. It takes time.
- We already ...
- Fine, fine. How's it working?
- Like clockwork.
- Oh, honey ...
- It's a sign.
- You don't believe in signs.
They loved you.
I told you they would.
- I love you.
- I love you, Walter.
Did anyone ever call you
anything other than Walter?
- Not even when you were young?
- Not even when I was young.
- Don't you want to drive with me?
- Then I can't get back on Friday.
I forgot your stepmother's present.
When we're old and grey -
- you must remind me to put my teeth
in, so I don't go out without them.
I'll wait.
No, go ahead. We're late anyway.
I'll be ten minutes behind you.
Welcome to "You and Emotions".
I'm Dr. Marcia Fieldstone,
broadcasting live from Chicago.
Tonight we'll talk about wishes.
What's your wish this Christmas?
My wish is to change the station.
- And now: "You and your spleen".
- Not on your life.
Coming up, "'Jingle bells" backwards ,
sung by ...
- Seattle, go ahead.
- This is 'Jonah ...
No last names, 'Jonah.
How old are you?
- I'm eight.
- You're up late.
- It's not so late in Seattle.
- You're right. What's your wish?
- My dad needs a new wife.
- You don't like the one he has?
- He doesn't have one.
- Where's your mum?
- She died.
- Well. who can believe this?
- I've been sad, but Dad's worse.
- Have you talked to him about it?.
No, that makes him sadder.
'Jonah, is your dad home?
- Is he busy?
- No, he's out on the deck.
Can't you ask him to talk to me?
- Wretched woman! Hang up, Jonah!
- No, he'd kill me.
He won't be angry when he hears
how concerned you are about him.
- Want to bet?
- If he yells, you lose a fan.
Dad. there's someone
on the phone for you.
His name is Sam.
If you've just tuned in, tonight's
topic is wishes and dreams.
We have a listener from Seattle.
Sam, this is Dr. Fieldstone
on Network America.
What are you selling?
Micro-hibachis or knives?
Neither. I want to help.
Your son asked me for advice.
- He wants to find you a new wife.
- Who is this?
Dr. Fieldstone of Network America.
You are on the air.
- You called a radio station?
- Sam, are you there?
- Yes.
- You mourn your wife's death.
Your son is worried about you.
Get out here.
I won't go through this alone.
It's hard for him
to talk to you about this.
If we talk about it,
maybe 'Jonah will feel better.
- Talk to her. She's a doctor.
- Her first name could be Doctor.
- Please.
- Sam, it's his Christmas wish.
- Okay.
- Good.
I know this is difficult.
When did your wife die?
- About a year and a half ago.
- Have you had any relationships?
- No.
- Why not?.
- Marcia ... or Dr. Fieldstone?
- Dr. Marcia.
- I don't mean to be rude ...
- I don't want to pry ...
- Sure you do.
- Go on, Sam. I'm listening.
We had a pretty tough time at first.
But we're dealing with it.
Jonah and I will get along fine,
as soon as I break his radio.
I'm sure you're a wonderful father.
- You can tell a lot from a voice.
- Yes, you can.
But 'Jonah still feels
that you're under a cloud.
- Are you sleeping at night?.
- He doesn't sleep at all.
- How do you know that?
- I live here. Dad.
Look. it's Christmas.
Maggie ... my wife.
She really did it ...
She loved ...
She made everything beautiful.
It's tough this time of year.
- Every kid needs a mother.
- Maybe you need someone, too.
- Yes.
- We'll resume after these messages.
Sam and 'Jonah, don't go away.
I'm talking to Sleepless in Seattle.
We'll be back
with listener response.
- What's that?
- People call in and dump on you.
This is really fun. And helpful.
- I bet he's tall with a cute butt.
- I bet he hasn't bathed in weeks.
- Yes?
- Tea, with the bag out.
- Maybe I'll just go up to Seattle.
- Don't open his refrigerator.
Men don't cover food, and they
leave it in there till it walks out.
I wouldn't kick him out of bed
for eating crackers. 65 cents.
We'll take a call before we talk to
Sleepless. Go ahead, Tennessee.
I'd like to have his address.
Honey, get in line.
- If I could ask you a question ...
- Go ahead.
People who truly loved
are likely to love again.
Sam, could you love anybody
as much as you loved your wife?
Well, that's hard to imagine.
What are you going to do?
Get out of bed every morning
and breathe in and out all day.
And after a while I won't have to
remind myself to do it.
And then after a while I won't
remember how perfect things were.
Why was your wife so special?
Howling is your program?
It was a million little things.
When you added them up, it meant
we were meant for each other.
I knew it
the very first time I touched her.
It was like coming home,
only to no home I'd ever known.
I was just taking her hand -
- to help her out of a car.
And I knew it.
- It was ... Like magic.
- Magic.
It's time to wrap it up.
I'm Dr. Marcia Fieldstone.
To all my listeners,
a magical and Merry Christmas.
And Sleepless in Seattle,
call and tell us how it's going.
You can count on it.
He sells the best soup ever and
he is the meanest man in America.
- I feel strongly about this.
- Do it.
New Year's Eve. I won't write it.
Listen: "Phone service was
tied up Christmas Eve -
- when a kid called the radio
and said his dad needs a new wife."
I heard it. This kid calls up, -
- and the shrink forces
the father to talk about it.
Suddenly he starts talking -
- about how he fell in love with her
like these cows in Michigan.
The cows that got zapped by stray
voltage. Maybe it was Wisconsin.
Anyway, I was listening to him,
and suddenly I was crying.
Like when I see the ad -
- where the daughter gives her mum
the refrigerator with a red bow.
- Or the to kids at the party ...
- Making an album for Grandfather!
That kills me!
Write about it. Whatever it is.
Women are desperate for love.
- Especially over a certain age.
- It's hard to get married over 40.
- That statistic is not true.
- But it feels true.
- It's true.
- A new book proves it isn't true.
- Did you read that book?
- Did anybody read that book?
Are you done? Where were we?
If someone's a widower, why is he
widowed and not widowered?
Just wondering.
What was that about up there?
What's with you?
- Nothing.
- There's something. Tell me.
- Sleepless in Seattle?
- That's what she called him.
Now 2.000 women want his number.
He could be a crack head. -
- a transvestite, a junkie,
or really sick, like my Rick.
Actually, he sounded nice.
Now we're getting down to it.
I'm madly in love with Walter. He
did a crazy thing the other night.
It was so funny.
What was that?
I've got to go to Boston
for the convention.
And I have to visit Winston-Hughes.
Why don't we meet in New York
for Valentine's Day weekend?
- Walter. I'd love to!
- We can stay at the Plaza.
- Ice skate in Central Park.
- Register.
You know ... for dishes.
glasses, silver, everything.
How about it?
- We'll have dim sum in Chinatown.
- Is there wheat in it?
I don't think so.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, -
- five. four. three. to. one ...
Jonah, wake up.
The ball's dropping.
- Happy New Year.
- Happy New Year.
- Kiss Howard.
- Goodnight, Howard.
Can I have half your beer?
Go ahead.
What did I use to say?
"Here's looking at you"?
-"Here's mud in your eye"?
-"Here's to us."
You used to say: "Here's to us."
Oh. babe.
I miss you so much it hurts.
You want to tell him? I'll tell him.
She's back with another idea.
Sam, I'm glad you're here. I heard
you on the radio. I told everyone.
- We already knew. From Grace.
- Then all of Seattle knows.
I was brushing my teeth and there
you were. I called my mother.
I said. "Turn on the radio.
That's my architect."
You know. it's so nice
when a man can express his feelings.
- I wish I could.
- Claire, is there a problem?
I couldn't sleep last night.
You know what that's like.
My platters
won't fit in the refrigerator.
At parties I use platters, so I want
a Sub Zero refrigerator instead.
- We have to redo the cabinets.
- We'll be into this wall.
- A bearing wall.
- That's a delay of five, six ...
- 12 weeks.
- It's important to get it right.
Well. la decorateur calls.
It's fate. She's divorced. we don't
want to do this and you need a wife.
- Everything intersects.
- Like the Bermuda Triangle.
Here's one more. Do you have room?
- Dad, they're all for you.
- Here you go.
"Sleepless in Seattle".
If you can't sleep, try drinking a
glass of water from the other side.
That's for hiccups. Or you can hold
a spoonful of sugar in your mouth.
Thank you.
- But why give them our address?
- They called and asked for it.
"Dear Sleepless in Seattle. You are
the most attractive man I've heard."
They called?
You gave them our number, too?
You have to, to get on the air.
"Dear Sleepless in Seattle.
I live in Tulsa." Where's that?
- In Oklahoma. Where is that?
- Somewhere in the middle.
I won't think about
what they don't teach you at school.
I think we should rule out
anyone who doesn't live near here.
She's willing to fly anywhere.
Looks like my third-grade teacher.
She is my third-grade teacher!
- Don't you want to read these?
- No. it's not how it's done.
I'd rather see somebody I like.
- Then I'd ask her out for a drink.
- Or a slice of pizza.
No dinner on the first date. because
halfway through you could regret it.
But if you like them after a drink,
you can always ask them to dinner.
If not, you can say,
"That was great," and go home.
You see? I wonder
if it still works this way.
- It doesn't. They ask you.
- I'm starting to notice that.
If you get a new wife,
you'll have sex with her, huh?
- I certainly hope so.
- Will she scratch up your back?
In movies women always scratch the
man's back and scream during sex.
- How do you know this?
- Jed's got cable.
Hand me that towel, please.
Thank you. Let me get you.
"Jed's got cable!"
Now to Dr. Fieldstone, psychologist
and the friend you never have.
- Remember Marooned in Miami?
- He doesn't love me anymore.
- Then why stay with him?
- Disappointed in Denver.
When I come close to orgasm,
he goes to make a sandwich.
- Make a sandwich beforehand.
- Sleepless in Seattle.
I'll get up every morning
and breathe all day long.
After a while I won't have to
remind myself-
- to get up and breathe in and out.
Then after a while I won't
have to think about-
- howl had it great and perfect
for a while.
Why was your wife so special?
How long is your program?
It was a million little things.
When you added them up, it meant
we were meant for each other.
I knew it,
the first time I touched her.
It was like coming home,
only to no home I'd ever known.
I was just taking her hand
to help her out of a car.
And I knew it.
It was like ...
... magic.
I think I'm going crazy, Dennis.
Are you happily married?
Why did you get married?
Was it trumpets and fireworks?
Betsy said we had to break up
or get married. That's why.
When you met, did you think
she was the only one for you?
That in some way it was fated?
Annie. attraction is -
- when your subconscious is
attracted to their subconscious.
Fate is to neuroses
knowing they're a perfect match.
I'm having all these fantasies
about a man I never even met!
- And he lives in Seattle!
- It rains nine months a year there.
I know. I won't move to Seattle.
But I don't want to end up wondering
what might have happened.
What do you think?
It's cold feet. isn't it?
- Everybody panics. Didn't you?
- Yes. I did.
Thanks. Dennis. I feel better now.
Sandy's friend is a weightlifter,
but her neck isn't that big.
No, don't set me up. I want to know
what it's like out there.
Women are looking
for pecs and a cute butt.
"He has the cutest butt."
Where did I hear that recently?
Everywhere. Even on the news
women talk about cute butts.
It's really caught on.
So how's my butt?
- Not bad.
- Is it cute though?
Are we grading on a curve?
When was your last date?
Jimmy Carter ... 1978.
Things are different now.
First you have to be friends.
Then you neck.
This could go on for years.
Then you have tests and do it with a
condom. But you do split the check.
- I can't let a woman pay.
- They'll throw a parade for you.
You'll be Man of the Year.
Tira misu.
You'll find out what that is.
Some woman will want me to do it
to her. and I won't know what it is.
- You'll love it.
- This is going to be tough.
What about that decorator?
She's perky.
No. I'm far away from that.
I'm just making notes.
- How would I do it?
- Ask her over to look at swatches.
- To look at swatches?
- Yeah. colour schemes.
Don't do it like I did. Be suave.
Think Cary Grant.
Would he say,
"Come look at my swatches"?
- Not it in movies ...
- Not in "Gunga Din"?
"Gunga Din" isn't that kind of film.
Who knows what he did in real life.
- He did that with Dyan Cannon?
- "Dyan, look at these swatches."
Jonah. I'm home!
Hi. Dad. This is Jessica.
Nice to meet you.
This is amazing. If you play this
backwards, it says "Paul is dead."
- Yeah. I know.
- How do you know?
- Dad, could you shut the door?
- Sure.
H and G.
Hi and goodbye.
Hello. Victoria?
This is Sam Baldwin.
I don't know if you remember me ...
Oh, great.
I was wondering if you would like
to have a drink with me?
Dinner would be even better.
Friday would be great.
I hear that's a good place.
Seven-thirty is fine. And I'll ...
Okay, I'll meet you there.
So it's Friday
at seven-thirty for dinner. Great.
Me, too. Bye.
- Are you in love with him?
- Not now.
- Those people knew how to love.
- You're a basket case.
They knew it. Nothing could
separate them because they knew.
- It was real.
- It's a movie.
You don't want to be in love.
you want to be in a movie. Read it.
"Dear Sleepless and Son. I've never
written a letter like this before."
- That's what everyone writes.
- You think I don't know that?
What about Walter?
I'd give anything to marry Walter.
He's so unexpected. You think
you know him, but you don't.
I should write about magic.
What if this man is my destiny,
and I never meet him?
- Your destiny can be your doom.
- "I want to meet you ..."
- At the Empire State Building.
- At the Empire State Building.
Sunset, Valentine's Day.
I'll be in New York with Walter.
I can squeeze it in.
I'll be in New York with Walter!
Because of fate I married Martin and
bought the house with the dead tree.
On account of which I got divorced
and hit a car -
- and met Rick.
while buying a neck brace.
You got divorced because of a tree?
- The tree man.
- You fell in love with him?
I did not say love.
This is my favourite part.
- It's now or never.
- Never is a frightening word.
We'd be fools to let
happiness pass us by.
Winter must be cold
for those with no warm memories.
We've already missed the spring.
- Men never get this movie.
- I know.
Mummy! Mummy!
- Mummy!
- It's okay. I'm here. I'm coming.
It's okay. What was that about?
Our house was sinking. There was
water coming in all the windows.
Well, it's okay now.
What shall we do? Your mother sang
to when you had bad dreams.
"Bye Bye Blackbird".
I miss her. What happens
to someone after they die?
- I don't know.
- Do you believe in heaven?
I never believed in an afterlife.
But now. I don't know.
Because I've had these dreams
about your mum.
We have long talks ... about you.
How you're doing. She sort of
knows, but I tell her anyway.
So what is that?
It's sort of an afterlife. isn't it?
I'm starting to forget her.
She could peel an apple -
- in one long, curly strip.
The whole apple.
- I love you, Jonah.
- I love you, Dad.
See you tomorrow.
Laurie? It's Annie.
I'm fine.
I'm writing about radio shows.
Do you know Dr. Fieldstone?
I work for the Baltimore Sun. and
I'm doing a piece on bereavement.
I understand
you had a caller from Seattle ...
This is 'Jonah Baldwin.
We're not in right now...
I'll be back either by midnight
or 8:30. if disaster strikes.
- Here's one for both of us.
- "Sleepless and Son, Baltimore."
Here's the doctor's number.
Here's a bottle of ipecac
if anybody drinks poison.
How do I look?
Do I look all right?
I look stupid. I'm trying too hard.
I was going to get a haircut.
- This is a good letter, Dad.
- These heels are grotesque.
Her name is Annie Reed.
Dad. read this.
"Dear Sleepless and Son ..."
"I'm an excellent third baseman.
and let me tell you, -
- Robinson was the best. We must
agree on this. I'm from Baltimore."
She likes Brooks Robinson.
So do you. It's a sign.
Come here. I'll show you a sign.
Where's Seattle?
And Baltimore? Right there!
There's like 26 states between
here and there. That's a sign.
I'm out of here. Goodbye.
I love you.
Clarise, did you move your car?
- Thanks. Derrick. I'll have ...
- White wine spritzer?
- And you, sir?
- I'm fine.
- You look good.
- So do you.
I thought you'd never call me.
I really wanted you to.
Mr. Baldwin, phone call for you.
Dad, can we go to New York
for Valentine's Day?
Annie Reed wants to meet us at the
top of the Empire State Building.
Jonah, have you fallen down?
Has Clarise been strangled?
- No.
- Is that the reason you're calling?
We can get cheap tickets
from Jessica's parents.
We'll talk about it later.
This conversation has lasted
too long. Go to bed.
- Everything all right?
- Yes. Do you have kids?
You want mine?
I'll have an Absolut straight up.
Put that down. Stop it!
- There she is.
- Why is she bringing groceries?
- She's going to cook for us.
- Hi. Sam.
Let me guess. You must be Jonah.
This is it? The car is this way.
She's on her sixth painter. And now
she wants the fireplace rebricked.
- I know her. I could call her.
- I'll just hit her with a brick.
That's so funny. You're so funny.
When she wants something done
she says: "You know best."
"But couldn't we flip the house
so the back is in front?"
"Put the front on a hinge so I can
get in with a garage door opener."
- "Yes, we can. We'll just ..."
- "Move the cabinets."
Jonah, bring some of that stuff.
Do you like baseball?
Yes. In fact my firm has box seats
to the Mariners. Let's go some day.
What about camping?
Do you like that?
I went camping once.
- We should go camping more often.
- You're right. Time for bed.
- It's only 10:00.
- That's right. Time for bed.
Thank Victoria for the nice dinner.
Thanks for dinner. I never saw
anybody cook potatoes that way.
I'm glad you liked it.
Goodnight, Jonah.
We don't see a lot of potatoes here.
We're rice men.
I'm sorry, Walter. I'm sorry.
Turn on your radio.
The kid is on. You've got me
listening to this garbage!
Becky's having trouble with Rick.
Becky, I'll call you back.
I'm sorry, Walter.
Are you bleeding?
He's kissing her right now!
Are you spying on your father?.
- Who is he kissing?
- I have to make them stop.
- How will I explain this to Walter?
- She made dinner.
She brought food for a whole year!
It's good that your father's dating.
It's just hard on you.
You think you want it,
but when it happens, it scares you.
Shouldn't your father decide
whether someone is right for him?
He's not sane enough.
He's kissing her on the lips.
My dad's been captured by a 'ho!
Calm down. Tomorrow,
when you're having breakfast, -
- tell him how you feel.
Don't keep it inside.
Miss Scarlett. In the broom closet.
With the radio.
Walter, you scared me.
Don't ever do that again.
- I saw a black widow.
- You scared me and Victoria.
- It was right there.
- Next time I want you to say:
"Dad, I see a poisonous insect."
And I'll deal with it. Don't scream.
Becky thought Rick was on the radio.
It turned out the guy lived
in Duluth. Where's Duluth?
- That doesn't make any sense.
- I know. No sense at all.
- Thank God my life is in place.
- Duluth? That's in North Dakota.
- Great letter. Write to her.
- You think so?
It's Y-O-H.
Your only hope.
I thought I'd do a story
on those radio shows.
- You'd have to go somewhere.
- Definitely.
- Can't you do a phone interview?
- No.
- I won't be in Chicago long.
- When you get back, I'll be gone.
- Then I'll see you in New York.
- I'll get it ...
This is Captain Browning.
We're cruising at 35,000 feet.
The weather is clear
and we'll be in Seattle on schedule.
- Don't you hate flying?
- Yes. and I've told a terrible lie.
Is any lie a betrayal?
I said flying.
- Thanks for bringing me here.
- He likes the planes.
Can I bring you back a souvenir?
Maybe one of these snow globes?
Sure, I'd really like that.
Thank you so much.
- He's eight.
- He's good at it.
I've read an article about it.
Children are hideous at that age.
Maybe when I come back, the to of
us ought to spend some time alone.
Bye. Bye, Jonah.
Listen, you don't know Victoria.
In fact she's a mystery to me, too.
She tosses her hair a lot. Why?
Is it a titch? Does she need
a haircut or a barrette?
I'd like to understand these things.
And that's why I'm dating her.
Just dating. I'm not living
with her. I'm not marrying her.
Can you appreciate the difference?
That's what single people do.
They see how other people fit.
Everyone's an adjustment. There's
no such thing as a perfect ...
Come on.
Dad, Jessica says
you knew Annie in another life.
The one who wrote us. But you
never got together in that life.
Your hearts will be a complete
puzzle once you're together.
I know that because I'm young and
pure, in touch with cosmic forces.
Who told you that? I sure hope
you're not marrying Jessica.
- I watched them play at the beach.
- Did you talk to him?
Couldn't do it.
- How did I get here?
- You lied and got on a plane.
- I'm going to talk to him tomorrow.
- Okay. Good. Goodbye.
Beck ...
- Is this crazy?
- No, that's the weirdest part
- Thank you. I love you.
- I love you, too.
It's good to see you. Where's Greg?
- Then what?
- I left, obviously.
- You were in the street?
- It was like walking around naked.
- I love that dream.
- This was more humiliating.
But he saw you.
You were face to face.
He said hello.
And all I could say was hello.
- All I could say was hello.
- It's a sign.
It's a sign that I've watched
this movie too many times.
From the minute I heard that program
I've been a complete jerk.
- You're not a jerk.
- Thank you. An idiot!
- You don't know who she was.
- I have a picture of her.
The detective sent it to me.
See. that's what she looks like.
- It's her back.
- It's her and he's crazy about her.
What's this?
It's from Seattle.
So I mailed your letter ...
"Dear Annie. Thanks for your letter.
You sound neat."
"We're excited about meeting you
in New York, and seeing if we're ...
... M-F-E-O."
"See you soon.
Sleepless in Seattle."
Made for each other.
It's cute. Like a little clue.
So he can't write. Big deal.
Verbal ability is overrated in guys.
Our need for it leads to trouble.
- I'm going to run back to Walter.
- And the letter?
It was written before I went
out there. Before the 'ho.
But she didn't look like a 'ho.
She looked like one of our friends.
- You saw her in the airport, too?
- It was like I knew her.
- Like a deja-vu?
- It was very deja-vu-ish.
- At least you're seeing people.
- Well, only one ...
- Victoria.
- You don't like her?
- She laughs like a hyena.
- Is this true?
Sort of. Tell them what you did.
Tell them about the radio show.
Christmas Eve he calls a radio show.
- And tells them I need a new wife.
- That's so sweet.
Now he's obsessed with
a woman who wrote me.
She wants to meet me on top of
Empire State on Valentines Day.
It's like that movie.
"An Affair to Remember".
Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.
Is that "car" or "cur"?
They were to meet at the Empire
State, but she got hit by a taxi.
He waited and waited.
And it was raining.
Then she's too proud
to tell him that she's ...
... crippled. And he's too proud
to find out why she doesn't come.
But he comes to see her anyway.
It's amazing when he visits her.
He doesn't notice that she
doesn't get up to say hello.
And he's very bitter.
You think he's going to walk out
and never know why.
She's just lying there with
a blanket over her shriveled legs.
- Are you all right?
- She's fine.
The he says, "I saw the painting,"
and goes into the bedroom.
And he comes out and looks at her.
And they just know
and hug and it's so ...
- That's a chick's movie.
- I'd say so.
- Who'd write a guy from the radio?
- I got hundreds of letters.
- Desperate women.
- Is wanting a nice guy desperate?
It's easier to be killed
by terrorists than to marry over 40.
- That is not true!
- Right, honey.
I don't want a mail-order bride.
Just someone who can converse -
- without falling into
weepy tears over an old movie.
I cried over "The Dirty Dozen".
Jim Brown throwing the grenades.
Richard Jaeckel and Lee Marvin
on top of a tank dressed like nazis.
Trini Lopez ... breaks his neck
when they're parachuting.
Richard Jaeckel had on a shiny
helmet. because he was an MP.
Please. no more.
God. I love that movie.
- This is the best movie I ever saw.
- What's so great about it?
- You have to find her.
- How much would it cost to go?
Nobody knows.
It changes practically every day.
- How much money do you have?
- 80 dollars.
- I have 42. That'll cover cabs.
- How would I get there?
I have to drop these tickets off.
Can you keep an eye on things?
- Window seat or aisle?
- Window.
You want a fruit plate? I'd rather
die than eat airplane food.
I'll write you're 12.
That way you can fly unaccompanied.
- Who'd believe I'm 12?
- They'll believe the computer.
I'll say you're short for your age,
but that they shouldn't mention it.
Great idea!
- You'll miss the train.
- No I won't.
I'm so happy, Becky.
This is right. It's real.
The other things happen in movies.
Don't tell anyone what I did.
I'd die -
- if anyone knew I did anything
like that. You promise?
Sleepless in Seattle is history.
- Go ahead.
- No, you go.
I was going to say
that since Christmas -
- you've been kind of distracted.
But now it feels as if you're coming
back from wherever you were.
I am.
I was just ...
I think I got nervous.
But that's normal, right?
Don't you ever feel nervous ...
- About what?
- Forever.
Well ... I did.
And I think I thought
it was too perfect.
I was afraid we'd be to rights
making a wrong.
You know. it was like kismet.
but not, if you see what I mean.
You have to grow up and forget
the adolescent fantasies about -
- how exciting life will be.
I'm sorry, but I love this pattern.
You couldn't. This is just
like my grandmother's china.
- How many place settings?
- Ten.
Exactly. Eight is too few,
twelve is too many.
- Walter ...
- It was my mother's.
I had them size it down.
She had really fat fingers.
It's so beautiful.
It's exactly what I'd pick -
- if I had every ring
in the world to choose from.
Some people want a relationship
to be full of surprises, -
- but I'm not one of them.
Surprises are highly overrated.
I'll only be gone one night.
Clarise will be here ...
You can watch scary movies.
- Are you going with her?
- I'm going with Victoria.
Don't try anything tricky.
Don't roll in poison ivy or
do anything so you need stitches.
If your finger falls off, it stays
off. I won't take you to hospital.
- Is this about that woman?
- Annie.
- I don't care what you do!
- I'll tell you what I'm doing.
I'm getting laid. I'm the only man
in the 90's who's getting laid.
And I haven't been laid that much.
Six or seven girls at college.
How long have you been there?
What did you hear me say?
-"Six-seven girls at college."
- Seven ... Eight! Mary Kelly.
This is the one I like.
Jonah, you won't like any woman,
because it isn't your mother.
- What's wrong with Annie?
- Jonah, shut up.
Shut up? Mum never told me
to shut up or yelled at me.
This conversation is over!
This woman could be a sick lunatic.
Didn't you see "Fatal Attraction"?
- You wouldn't let me.
- It scared every man in America.
I'm not leaving till you say yes.
I hate you!
Good, then you can tell Oprah
how your dad ruined your life -
- by going of for a weekend
special at the Holiday Inn!
Jonah. Clarise is here
and I've got to go.
Jonah. Listen.
I've got to go ...
Jessica. tell us where he is.
Jonah's dad is very upset.
Jessica, this is your father.
Tell us where he is.
- N-Y.
- That means "no way".
That's N-W!
- He's on his way to New York.
- How?
United. 597.
- When does it leave?
- 7:30.
Here's a pin for flying with us.
- Can I take this for you?
- No.
- Where to. kid?
- Empire State Building.
- Empire State Building.
- Don't stop so close to the curb.
There it is. What are you going
to do up there? Spit off the top?
No, I'm meeting my new mother.
- I'm Jonah. Are you Annie?
- No, I'm Cynthia.
Excuse me, are you Annie?
Great table. Thanks.
Is something wrong?
- Can I get you a drink?
- Champagne?
We'll have a bottle of Dom DeLuise.
- Just kidding.
- He meant Dom Perignon.
Beautiful view.
Walter ...
There's something I must tell you.
Sorry, an emergency.
Money, money, money, see?
So he could be on top of
the Empire State Building now?
No. I guess he could be ... No.
It's not him. Walter. It's me.
I can't do this.
Annie, I love you.
But let's leave that out of this.
I don't want to be someone that you
or anybody else settles for.
Marriage is hard enough
without such low expectations.
- Isn't it?
- Walter, I don't deserve you.
No, I wouldn't put it that way.
But ... okay.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- What?
- Look.
- It's a sign.
- Who needed a sign?
Walter, I have to go.
What if something happened to you?
What if I couldn't get to you?
I'm sorry.
What would I have done?
You're my family. You're all I have.
I thought she'd be here.
We're doing okay, right?
So far, have I done anything stupid?
- Have I screwed it up for us?
- No.
- Observation deck?
- Sorry, it's too late.
- Please. I need to get up there.
- We're closing up.
Can I just take a look?
I'm supposed to meet someone.
He's probably not there, but if
I don't look, I'll always wonder.
- Cary Grant, right?
- You know that movie?
It's one of my wife's favourites.
Maybe when we get home
we'll get a dog.
- Wouldn't you like to have a dog?
- Sure.
I'm sorry, ma'am. Empty.
- Can I take a minute?
- Go ahead.
I left it by the telescopes.
It's you.
I saw you in the street.
- Are you Annie?
- Yes.
You're Annie?
- This must be yours.
- I'm Jonah.
- This is my dad. His name is Sam.
- Hi. Jonah.
Sam ...
- And who's this?
- Howard.
We'd better go.
Shall we?
Sam ... It's nice to meet you.