Sleepwalkers (1992)

What's happened here?
Martha and Carl Brodie,
mother and son.
No one's seen them
since Tuesday.
The car is a trans am,
blue with yellow pinstriping.
California license: 2clg592.
No one's seen that
since Tuesday, either.
God, I just hope nothing horrible
happened to them. They were so close!
Ma'am, please, step back.
Sheriff, what
do you think happened?
I don't know, but somebody
sure doesn't like cats.
Looks like the place has been
empty for a hundred years.
Well, it hasn't.
What the hell was that?
It's a little girl.
What's that in her hair?
A rose.
- Hi.
- Shhh.
He can't hear us.
Come on.
He'll be back.
You always get 'em
sooner or later.
Dance with me.
I don't wanna dance.
Sure you do.
You'll love this one.
Come on.
What's for dinner?
Roast chicken
and cranberry dressing.
Pumpkin pie for dessert.
Going anywhere tonight?
To the movies, maybe.
With a friend?
With a special friend?
All by my lonesome.
Oh, don't ask your mother.
Well, actually, there's
a girl that works there.
I thought I might ask her out.
Oh, you might?
She's pretty too.
Is she nice?
I don't know.
I guess I'll find out, won't I?
- Jealous?
- Concerned.
Mm-hmm, concerned.
Should I be jealous?
Do you like that?
Oh, mother.
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me, baby??
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me??
?? Now that I??
?? Can dance
watch me now??
?? Work, work??
?? Oh, work it out, baby??
?? Work, work???? I'm
gonna drive you crazy??
?? Work, work???? Uh, just
a little bit slow now??
?? Work??
?? I can mash potato??
?? I can mash potato??
?? I can do the twist??
?? I can do the twist??
?? Tell me, baby??
?? Tell me, baby??
?? Do you like it like this????
Do you like it like this??
?? Tell me??
?? Tell me??
?? Tell me, wow??
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me??
?? Do you love me, baby??
?? Do you love me??
?? Now do you love me??
?? Do you love me??
?? Now that I??
?? Can dance??
?? Watch me now...????
Aaah! Oh!
You scared me.
Sorry. Sorry.
Oh, no. I'll take that.
Charles Brady.
Thanks for the help,
Charles Brady.
Don't mention it.
Could I get a popcorn
and a medium Mr. pibb, please?
I'm very embarrassed.
Am I blushing?
- You look good in red, Tanya.
- How'd you know my name?
English, period four,
creative writing.
Mr. fallows,
the weird and terrible.
Oh, you're the new guy.
From Ohio?
Paradise falls.
Go ahead.
You mean... free?
I don't suppose you'd like a ride
home after work tonight, would you?
Um, my dad picks me up.
Mmm, nice dad.
Besides, what
would your girlfriend say...
If you gave the popcorn girl
a ride home?
No girlfriend.
I'm new in town, remember?
I'll see you in class.
Oh, oh, wait!
Um... welcome to Travis.
Thanks a lot.
Oh, my God!
I'm okay.
How's my girl?
I'm good, dad.
Fasten your seat belt.
It's my son, officer.
- Cat?
Having himself one hissy fit,
I'll tell you.
I'm sorry, officer. It's late,
but this allergy is so severe.
Yeah, I know. I got one too.
Mine's to the I.R.S.
Y'all have a good night.
Thank you, officer.
It just ignored the trap.
It was right by the window.
It's okay.
It's gone now.
I'll set some more traps
in the morning.
Did you bring me anything?
Anything special in mind?
Am I beautiful?
You're always
beautiful, mother.
Did you ask
this mystery girl out?
What kind of a girl would go
out with a guy she just met?
Not a very nice one, I suppose.
Another one?
Goddamn cats.
Don't swear, mother.
Just you make sure
you ask her out tomorrow.
What's her name?
Tanya robertson.
Is she nice?
She's nice.
I'm sure of it.
She's pure.
I'm famished, Charles.
"They were sleepwalkers,
hiding in human robes.
"Feeding on virtue.
"Loving to feed,
feeding to breed..
"So, in the end, they ran.
"In the end, Robbie and
his mother always had to run.
"For one night, the men
would come in their old cars,
"men with lights and guns.
"And to the boy and his mother,
"their curses and the screams
of rage always sound the same.
"Like the laughter
of cruel gods.
"The time of happiness,
"too brief to be
anything but golden,
had run out."
Very good, Charles.
Very good.
Your teachers in Ohio must have been
sorry to lose such a creative young man.
I beg your pardon,
Mr. fallows?
Isn't that where you
transferred from? Ohio?
- Oh, yes. Yes, it is.
- Hey. Psst.
Aw, shit!
I suggest that next time, you keep
your hands to yourself, Mr. Crawford.
Yes, sir.
All right, any thoughts
on Mr. Brady's "sleepwalkers"?
- Miss robertson?
- I liked it.
- You liked it?
It was different.
I thought it was very sad.
Sad? Why?
Because they were
always driven away.
Because they
were such outsiders.
I think miss robertson
might be on to something.
Now, we all understand
that a story...
Has to have a beginning,
a middle and an end, right?
But that's like saying
a box has four sides.
Actually, Mr. fallows,
a box has six sides.
Ahh! Ah! Ah!
I'm just kidding. You
actually talked to him?
Yeah, he's nice.
Real nice!
I'm serious!
I can see that.
Well, what happened? Did he
ask you out of anything?
Nothing specific, just a maybe.
We just talked at the theater.
That's all you would've done anyway.
What a waste!
Well, excuse me, but
what would you have done?
Well, I may have
plans of my own,
and they just might
include homeland.
Yeah, right!
I can just see you in the
back seat at homeland.
You guys! Tanya, you gotta admit,
your dad's gonna be there.
I can just see it.
My dad's not gonna be there.
- Hi.
- Charles... hi.
Charles... um, do you know
Jeanette and Carrie?
This is Charles Brady.
We are in the same class, Tanya.
Can I give you a ride home?
Uh, I mean all of you.
Um... no, we've got a ride.
But why don't you go, Tanya?
Okay, see you later.
I, uh...
I also wanted to thank you.
For what?
For what you said in class.
I mean, you really nailed it.
No, you did, so thank you.
I think I know how they feel,
the, um... what are they called?
At least sometimes
I feel that different.
This yours?
Do you like it?
Whoa! You know, some
people use a door. Really?
I heard that somewhere.
Did you?
Mom? Mom?
She must be shopping
or something.
Let's go upstairs.
Thanks for the ride home.
Oh, wow!
These are interesting.
Oh. My mom does
gravestone rubbings.
Pretty morbid, huh?
No, I like 'em.
You do?
My room.
Oh, you have a lot of pictures.
Yeah, it's kind of a hobby.
Oh, these are great!
Really nice.
Makes you want to...
Oh! Just really get a good
look at these kind of places.
You know, things
that we never really see.
My-my favorite picture's
over there.
Which one?
um.... that one.
I like rocks.
You do?
You know,
I'd really like to see...
How you see a photograph
before you take it, and...
I mean, you don't
even know me, but...
well, um, actually, I was gonna
shoot at homeland tomorrow if...
well, if you want to come.
What's homeland?
Oh, it's a... it's an old graveyard.
Yeah, it's neat.
I love old graveyards.
Sweetheart, I...
Oh, I'm sorry, dear.
I-I didn't know you had company.
Oh, this is Charles Brady.
This is my mom.
Charles. Um, he gave
me a ride home.
Oh, that's nice.
- Very nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
Well, we should go.
We were just going.
Um, so we'll do that tomorrow?
I'll walk you out.
So you two
are going out tomorrow?
Uh, Tanya's gonna show me...
Homeland. Shhh.
Oh, really?
You see, I do rubbings too.
Not quite as fine as yours,
but I figure there must be some
old slate gravestones out there.
Uh, yes, as a matter of fact,
in the old section
near the woods.
Tell me, Charles,
do you use powder or stick?
I use stick.
Usually a number five.
Really? Don't you
find that a little hard?
Yeah, but, uh, I'm clumsy.
You know, powder's so messy.
Tell me, Charles,
where do you live?
66 wicker street.
- Your father, what does he do?
- He's dead, Mrs. robertson.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It was a long time ago.
Well, um, the brands will be
coming to dinner tomorrow night.
So be back by 5:00, okay?
She will be.
How'd you know all that stuff?
I learned it a long
time ago, from my mom.
See you tomorrow.
?? It's a monster
it's a monster??
?? It's a monster
it's a monster??
?? Can't you see
it's a monster??
?? It's a monster??
Mr. fallows! Hi.
Hello, Charles.
Checking out
your new environment?
Boring, isn't it?
- Disneyland for cows.
- But for human beings?
Well, I like it.
It's kind of peaceful.
Reminds you of Ohio, I suppose?
Yeah, well, you know...
no, actually, I don't, Charles. I don't know.
And you don't, either.
There is no
paradise falls in Ohio.
Your transcripts
are also fakes.
Clever fakes, but fakes.
Anything to say?
You're mistaken.
Oh, no, I'm not.
But you are, Charles, if you think
you can wiggle out of this.
I don't know who you are, but I know
you're not who you say you are.
If this is blackmail, Mr. fallows, I
think you've picked the wrong guy.
This car is the only
expensive thing I've got.
I'm kinda sentimental about it.
I don't think I can sell it.
Ow! Sit till I'm
through with you.
Your generation is so mercenary, Charles.
Money this, money that.
Well, money is not
the only medium of exchange.
You're right, Mr. fallows. People really should
learn to keep their hands to themselves.
Here's yours.
I'm sorry!
Come on, boy.
Get the bad guy for daddy.
You know you want him.
Get this bad guy.
There you go.
There you go, clovis.
Come on, boy. Come on, boy.
Get the bad guy.
Get the bad guy.
Get the bad guy.
Come on, clovis.
Here we go.
Get that motherfucker!
All right!
Good boy, clovis!
Yeah, that's a good boy.
Huh, clovis?
Well, clovis,
looks like we found ourselves
a goddamn speedster.
Unit three calling home.
You in there, Laurie? Come on.
Andy, what you up to?
Got ourselves one lawless perpetrator
heading east out here on gray road.
Copy? Copy. Need any help? Bye.
Nah. I think I can handle
this one all by myself.
What the... Jesus!
Oh, shit!
Jesus, no!
Everybody okay?
Go get him!
Son of a bitch. Report, unit three.
Need a location.
I'm out on pond road,
Laurie, still in pursuit.
Bastard almost ran down
a little girl!
I think hetried
to run her down!
I think he's playing with me!
Get me some backup! Bye.
Pull over!
Pull over, motherfucker!
Pull over!
What the fuck?
What's going on out there, Andy?
Please respond! Not now, Laurie.
Christ, clovis! What's he got in there?
A supercharger?
I lost him.
How in the hell did I do that?
Stop looking at me.
Stop looking at me.
Stop looking at me,
you fucking cat!
Shit, clovis.
I know just how you feel.
Can I tell you something, ira?
It's kind of weird, but, uh...
Horace, if you laugh,
I'm gonna break your jaw.
What is it?
Well, you know how I told you I couldn't see
him because of how fast we were going, right?
Yeah. Well, that
wasn't entirely true.
- How's that?
- Well, we were both doing 90.
I pulled right up beside him. We might
as well have been standing still!
- So you did get a look at him.
- Well, no, no, I didn't.
'Cause... see...
He didn't have no face.
Andy, you got plenty
of sick time comin'.
Horace, shut your pie hole.
I-I-I mean his face!
It was like a... a blur!
Like... shit, I don't know.
Maybe you got some grit
in your eye.
Makes 'em water.
Yeah, I guess maybe
that could've been it.
Andy, do me a favor.
When you do get this stampeder,
just leave that part out when you
talk to the county prosecutor, okay?
Anything else, Andy?
Anything at all?
Yeah, there was something.
Clovis here got a good look at
him, and he didn't like him.
He didn't like him
one little bit.
And it was the other guy too.
He didn't like clovis!
It-it was like he was scared
of him. Scared of a cat!
I'm gonna look for this guy
on my way home,
and I'm gonna find him.
I'm gonna find him!
You didn't get it?
Why didn't you get anything?
I just couldn't.
What about the girl?
It wasn't the right time.
Tomorrow. I'll get it tomorrow.
What are you talking about?
I'm starving, Charles!
I need it, and you
have to get it for me!
Oh, my poor baby!
What happened?
- What always happens, mom?
- Someone saw you?
The deputy had a cat.
Maybe for a second or two.
He won't believe what he saw.
No, he probably won't.
Somebody will find the teacher
that I dumped in the woods.
It's already started
again, mom!
Don't worry. Don't worry.
But I have to feed you.
You'll see her tomorrow. What
if something happens to me?
You'll starve!
We haven't even seen
another sleepwalker.
Oh, we aren't the last.
You don't know that.
Yes, I do!
I can feel the others.
You'll feed tomorrow.
And then you'll feed me,
and then we will leave.
Nothing's gonna happen.
We just have to take care
of each other.
Remember, honey,
I want you home by 5:00.
Make sure Charles
understands that, okay?
Yes, mommy. I'll be sure
to pack extra didies too.
Nobody loves a smart-ass, Tanya.
She is smart, dear.
And I'm smart enough to know this is her
first date with the new boy in town.
We do understand each
other, don't we, tan?
You know, mom, I think we do.
Five o'clock?
Five o'clock.
Bye, darlin'.
Bye, dad.
Have a good time, honey.
I hope so!
Are we awful?
Terrible. God,
I've become my mother.
Well, you met this kid.
Is he okay?
Yeah, he's terrific.
He's utterly charming.
Does it have to be her?
You care more for her
than you do for me?
You know better than that.
Why are you being such a bitch?
Because I'm hungry!
You cannot be in love
with this girl, Charles.
I'll get it.
You stay here.
I love you, mom.
Do you?
Hi. Um, I know you were supposed
to pick me up, but I was nearby.
Yeah, Tanya, um...
oh. Oh, this is a bad time.
I'm so glad you came by.
Thank you.
Well, we really ought to go.
The light for Tanya's pictures...
will be just fine
for hours yet.
Come in, Tanya.
I have something for you.
- You do?
- Mm-hmm.
I won't keep you long. I know young
people have to run and play.
Charles said you were nice, and he was right.
He usually is.
Oh, well, thank you.
Charles is very nice himself.
You have a very beautiful
home, Mrs. Brady.
These are beautiful figurines.
Oh, they've been in the family
for a long time.
You probably wouldn't
believe how long.
Uh, mom, we really
ought to be going.
Soon, Charles. Soon.
Just a second, dear.
This is beautiful.
Mmm, nice car.
Where's the trans am?
Oh, it's in the shop.
The mustang belongs to...
his mother.
Wow! Those all your cats?
There's a lot of 'em.
Oh, they're strays,
but we'll get rid of them.
We're good at
getting rid of pests.
It finishes you, somehow.
Thank you.
That's very sweet.
Oh, sweets to the sweet, I always say.
Right, Charles?
Go on now, you two.
You'll lose the light.
Um, Mrs. Brady, it was
really nice to meet you.
Oh, very nice to meet you.
This way.
Thank you, ma'am.
Uh, this is it.
It's really beautiful here.
And so are you, Tanya.
Thank you, Charles.
Well, I better get these
out of the way right off.
Your mother's gonna want to know
some rubbing went on out here.
Me too, Charles.
Hey, wait up!
Oh, hold it.
Come on.
Hey, clovis. Hey, clovis, what's up?
You catching a nap?
?? There comes Johnny
with is pecker in his hand??
?? He's a one-balled man
and he's off to the rodeo????
What are you looking at?
Oh, mmm, very nice. Gotcha.
Oh, very nice. Smile pretty.
Oh, very nice!
Oh! Oh! Oh, my God!
Oh, I'm sorry.
No sorries.
Do you really feel alone like
the characters in your story?
'Cause I do.
I know.
It's wonderful to feel...
to feel like
you're really with someone.
I think we better...
Charles... shhh.
You don't know me, Tanya.
But I want to.
Ow! Mmm, a little slower.
But I thought we
understood each other, Tanya.
I couldn't breathe.
Isn't this the excitement
you were talking about, Tanya?
You're right. We do
understand each other, Tanya.
See, this is just
how we live, Tanya.
It doesn't have to hurt!
Don't you get it, Tanya?
I need you.
I need you to live!
Oh, God!
Please don't kill me!
Tanya, I don't think you're
entering into the spirit of this.
Why don't you just think
of yourself... as lunch?
I lied!
It does have to hurt!
Feed me, Tanya.
Mother's hungry.
Just look at this shirt!
My mother's gonna kill me!
Get off me! Get off!
Stay away from me!
Now, Tanya, when exactly
did I lose your trust?
Help me!
Somebody help me!
?? So allemande left
and allemande right??
?? Come on, you fuckin' Turkey
get your right foot right??
?? Get off the stage
you fucking jerk??
?? You know
you piss me off????
Well, well...
Hold the phone!
Hold the phone!
All right.
- Help me!
- Please somebody help...
help! Oh, my God! Help me, please!
Get me out of here!
He's trying to kill me! Okay, calm down.
Tell me what happened.
He's right behind me!
Look, we'll get him!
You don't understand. He's trying to kill me!
This guy have a name?
His name is Charles Brady. He's not human!
His face changed!
Face changed? Get in the car.
Lock it. Yes! Please!
No, we both have to go, please.
Look, just calm down.
No, no, wait!
No! We both have to go!
Calm down, okay? Everything's
gonna be all... please, no!
Cop kebab!
Isn't this fun?
No! No!
Off me!
Get off me!
Get off me!
I don't believe you fired
a warning shot, officer.
Oh, my God!
Now... where were we, Tanya?
Oh, my God.
Unit three, unit three.
State your twenty. Come on.
Hello? Hello? Hello, help me, please!
Somebody help me!
Andy, get with the program. Bye.
Hello? Oh, God. Help!
Somebody help me, please! I'm at
homeland, and the policeman is dead!
Please! Please!
Please come!
Oh, God.
Please. Please come.
- Oh.
- Oh!
My face is so hot!
Oh, God!
I'm sorry, mom. I tried.
I really, really tried.
It was the cat.
It was the kitty.
You were right.
We've only got each other.
Shh, shh, shh.
That doesn't matter.
Save your strength.
- How bad is it?
- Well, you'll be okay, honey.
But I'm afraid
they'll be coming for us soon.
We can go, mom. I'll be okay.
We've got to stay here
until you're stronger.
But I want you to help me.
Try to make yourself dim.
Will you do that for me, honey?
Go on. Try.
I can't, mom.
I can't do it. Oh!
It's all right.
I'll do it for both of us.
There's the car and the...
The traps! Shh!
I'll take care of you.
Hey, buddy. Buddy.
I ain't taking the rap on this. I
lock this place up every night.
It's not my fault if every pervert, weirdo,
horny kid... go talk to someone in charge.
I'm busy.
Listen. It's not my fault if every horny
kid and weirdo, pervert comes in here.
I lock this place up. I don't need this action!
Okay, talk to the sheriff.
I checked it six or seven times.
Sheriff, hey.
Not now.
Okay. His name is Charles Brady,
formerly of paradise falls,
now living at 66 wicker street.
And the rest of it... including
the make and color of the car.
Okay, well,
we, we came in a red car.
And it was older.
But it wasn't a trans am. See,
he took me home in a trans am.
It was a blue trans am,
and he left here in one.
- Okay.
- Listen to me!
I know I sound crazy!
You're not getting the point!
Charles isn't human.
Excuse me, miss. Sheriff, I
need to document these bruises.
All right. Do you have
to do this right now?
Yeah. It'll just take a sec.
Don't worry.
Could you...
Just turn your head, please?
And the other way, please.
Oh, my God. My camera.
Did somebody find my camera?
I took his picture
in my camera.
Yes! Develop that film.
You'll have his picture.
Get on it, a.S.A.P.
Yeah, sure.
This is officer raeburn.
He's gonna run you home.
I'll have to come over later tonight and
ask you a few more questions, all right?
Okay. Are you sure his
name was Charles Brady?
That's what he said.
Do you think he was telling the truth?
I don't know.
He was...
he was very charming.
Take her home.
Excuse me.
- Um, sheriff?
- Yeah.
Will you bring the cat
when you come this evening?
What for?
- The cat saved my life.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Do her parents know a class one
assault did not occur?
You mean, do they know she managed to
avoid being raped by the bastard? Yes.
Don't let her out of your sight.
Drink some of this nice cold water.
It'll make you feel better.
I'm dying, mom.
My boy is not going to die!
Not ever!
They're coming.
I'm going to make us dim.
I can do it.
But you have to keep
perfectly quiet.
I love you.
Quiet, Charles.
It can still be all right.
I'm scared.
Charles Brady, come out with
your hands open and empty.
I'm so scared, mom.
I have to do us.
Keep still.
Open up, Brady.
I'm in no mood to be polite!
Police! Hands up!
Ira. Soames.
There's nothing in the kitchen.
I told you to wait on my word.
I thought you gave it.
A lot of cats. Well, I
can see that, dick-head.
Brody, can you handle it?
Come on.
Give it a push.
Oh, shit.
What a Polish fire drill.
Get out of there!
Get back in the damn car!
Now! Move!
Move! Move!
Move! Move!
Cold draft.
Use one right now, could you?
I'd like to set up a couple of
checkpoints in and out of town.
The perp's history by now, ira.
He killed one of my men.
All you got is one hysterical little
girl with a very vivid imagination.
What about the cats?
What about 'em, ira?
Listen. That little girl
needs a good smack on the butt.
And if her mama and daddy won't do it...
I'll happily volunteer.
Stay away from her, soames.
Hmm. This is the best meal
I had since my wife passed on.
Boy, if ira found out,
he'd kill me.
Well, it was already made,
Uh, there's one more ear of corn here.
Would you like it?
well, yes, ma'am.
She's been up there
an awfully long time, honey.
Do you think we should... she's
taking a nice hot bath.
She just needs to get clean.
Honey, is everything okay?
Yeah, I'm just getting out.
Your mother's keeping
supper warm for you.
Um... thanks, daddy, um...
I just thought I would, uh,
lie down for a little while.
Could you call me when the
sheriff gets here with the cat?
Yeah, I will.
I love you, honey.
I love you too, daddy.
What was that?
Who's there?
Identify yourself.
Police officers.
Maybe it was the wind.
It was not the fuckin' wind.
You're right.
That was not the fucking wind.
Who could that be?
Let me take a peek.
State police.
Probably soames.
Hope he don't think he's gonna
question her before ira gets here.
I'll get this.
Hi, I'm Mary Brady,
Charles' mother.
- Charles couldn't come himself.
- Donald, who is it?
I'll take care of it, Helen.
Just stay in the kitchen.
- Look, Mrs. Brady... - but I know he
wanted you to have these flowers.
Donald! Donald?
You have a lovely home,
Mrs. robertson.
I've had lovely homes too.
We never stay long.
You stay away from 'em!
If you'd just
call your daughter for me.
- What?
- My son is badly hurt. He may be dying.
Your daughter
tried to kill my Charles.
Good! I hope he dies!
I hope you both die!
I hope you both die
and rot in hell!
He's my son!
My only son!
Daddy? Mom?
Mom? Daddy?
Oh, my God. No!
No! No!
Get off me!
What have you done?
This is how they came out on the camera?
That's it.
Hmm. So was the camera
moving or...
no. See? The background and
the clothes are in focus.
Hmm. Laura,
would get that damn thing.
Take a look at the collar.
Travis sheriff's department.
Where's ira? Horace?
What's going on?
There's a woman here. She said
she's the Brady kid's mother.
- I think she killed don robertson.
- Slow down.
There's blood everywhere!
No vegetables, no dessert.
Those are the rules.
Horace! What's going on there?
Hello, Horace?
Come on, Horace.
Answer the phone.
Are you there?
Answer the damn phone!
That woman over there, see?
Hold it, right there.
Put her down.
- Put the girl down.
- Give me back my daughter!
Put her down!
Get soames!
Every man he has!
Castle rock too!
Put her down!
Drop the gun, lady... now!
Hello, dear.
What's happening?
Where are you taking me?
To see Charles, dear.
No! No!
Get back!
Let go of me!
Get in here, you bitch!
Oh, my God.
Charles, my beautiful Charles!
Mommy's home.
See what mommy's brought you?
He's dead.
Look at him.
He's dead.
No! He'snotdead!
He's sleeping.
Can't you see he's sleeping?
You know what I bet
he'd love to do?
You'd like to dance,
wouldn't you, my darling?
That's his favorite song.
Did you know that?
I said, did you know that?
He's a wonderful dancer.
But you don't have to take
my word for it.
You can see for yourself.
Dance with him.
Dance with...
with Charles.
Dance with my son.
He's a wonderful dancer.
He'll lead.
That's it. Dance.
No, no!
No! No! No!
Yes! Now, Charles! Now!
Good! Good, Charles. Feed.
- Suck her dry!
- No!
Stop! You're killing him!
- No!
- Tanya, get out of there!
No! Help me!
No! Oh, my God!
Holy shit!
Wait, wait, wait, wait! No!
Now! Now! We've gotta go!
Come on!
Damn it!
Charles was dead, wasn't he?
Yes, he was dead! Yes! Let's go!
No! No!
No! No!
Hey, mom!
No! No!
Oh, come on!
Oh, God, help me!
Oh, God.
You killed my son!
My only son!
It's just you and me, clovis.
Just you and me.
The end...