Sleepwalking (2008)

Sheriff's office. How can I help?
Like I said, I hadn't heard
from this woman, all right?
Problems? What the hell you talking...
You guys come and fuckin'
raid my house at 2 in the morning.
You don't even give me
a chance to get my stuff.
Throw me out? Throw me out
of my own fuckin' house?
It's not your house, Joleen.
It's your boyfriend's house.
That's the reason he's in jail
and you're not.
You didn't even
give me a chance to get my stuff.
You can come
and get your stuff later.
So we fine here? Can I go?
I don't know about being fine,
but I can't hold you, so...
Great. Where's my daughter?
Do you even have
anywhere to take her?
Yeah, I got a lot of places to go to.
I got a lot of options.
Did you ever think maybe Tara'd
be better off with a more stable relative?
- I know she has a father somewhere.
- No.
- Just until you get on your feet.
- Just my brother, okay?
- Your brother.
- Yeah.
What about your parents?
- No parents.
- No parents?
No. All deceased. Where's Tara?
Joleen, I know you have a father
because we talked...
That man's got nothing to do
with any of this, all right?
- Joleen, I'm just trying to help you.
- I don't need your help.
Can't you get that?
I don't need your help.
- We're fine!
- You're not fine!
You think being dragged out
in the middle of the night is fine?
What about Tara?
Moving all over the place,
missing school, having people
talk about her mother is fine?
- Okay, I've had enough.
- Oh, here we go again.
Just drag her out
into the middle of this shit again.
You know what I'm gonna do?
I'm gonna take my daughter to school.
You know what then? Then I'm gonna
find us a wonderful place to live, okay?
And I have a lot of options,
by the way, okay?
Thank you. Thanks for your help,
but I don't need it.
Tara, let's go!
Come on. Let's go.
This is James.
James. Yeah.
Speedy. Right.
Is Mr. Carvel there?
Okay. Well, could you just tell him
I- I can't come into work today
on account of my back?
Still... I know.
How ya doin', huh? Look at your hair.
It's so long. You need a haircut.
You look tired.
Well, it's been a shit
couple of days, all right?
Have you gone to jail, too?
Jail? No, James.
- Why would I go to jail? God!
- I don't know.
- Why would I go to jail?
- I don't know.
This whole thing's got nothing
to do with me, all right?
- At all.
- Okay.
Got nothing to do
with that shit, all right?
- Yeah. Sorry.
- Put your seatbelt on.
Tell 'em we got Joleen.
Joleen's coming back.
Let's go, James. Come on.
We currently have
a suspect in custody.
It's regarding the marijuana grow...
I brought my brother.
Hey, I'll try to watch my step.
Hey, whoa, whoa.
Come on. I just wanna get some
of my shit, if it's not too much to ask.
Are you gonna be calm?
We got marijuana out back.
I hope you guys are proud of yourselves.
A bunch of big men in here.
Just get your stuff, Joleen.
Everybody's fine putting
a little girl out on the street.
Where's my coffee can?
Where's my goddamn coffee can?
The last thing you need
is coffee, Joleen.
You know what I'm talking about.
Last night, when you guys came in here,
there was a goddamn coffee can
on top of that fridge!
It has my money in it.
- Bob, did you see this alleged coffee can?
- No.
Pretty sure a girl like you can figure out
another way to make some money.
Fuck you. Come on, James.
The DEA's discovered
quite a few marijuana plants
out there as well.
And there's also marijuana paraphernalia.
DEA says
it goes all the way out there...
Marijuana cultivation
all the way down on the left side.
DEA's got another grow...
- James!
- about another half acre up there.
Let's go. Thanks a lot.
Anybody looking?
Uh, no.
All right. Let's go.
What are you looking at?
Can I stay at your house?
- So what are you gonna do?
- I don't know.
Tara! Hey, put it in gear! Let's go!
I'll see you later. Bye.
Today is the first day
of the rest of your whole goddamn life.
Moving again?
Are you all right, miss?
I'm really frightened to death.
But otherwise all right.
Uncle James,
you're creeping me out.
Hey, you be nice to Uncle James.
- James, where do you keep your hangers?
- What?
The hangers.
God, this place is some mess.
I should've brought
some of my furniture.
And we're gonna need another pillow
for Tara, by the way.
I'm not sleeping in the same bed
as you, Mom.
You know, you could really start
unpacking some of your own shit
instead of sitting there
and pretending to do your homework.
I'm not pretending to do my homework.
I'm pretending not to hate my life.
Well, you're not doing
a very good job of pretending.
Well, maybe I'm not applying myself.
I don't need this kind of shit
from you right now, Tara!
What kind of shit do you need
from me right now, Mom?
God, what do you want from me?
God, Tara!
Fuck it!
Take it easy, baby face.
There are hangers in there.
I'm not gonna use them.
How old do I look to you, James?
I don't know.
That is not the right answer.
Then what is the right answer?
Here's a rule, okay?
You should listen up, because maybe
you'll find a woman for yourself.
When a woman asks you
how old she is,
you think,
What age does she want to be?
And then you say that number.
That's the right answer.
You look 25.
Ya think?
# What it's all about #
# I can't believe #
# That woman done burnt me out #
Don't say it.
All right.
- How do I look?
- Great.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- It's... You look great.
- Aren't you a little old for that shirt?
Didn't I just say "Don't say it"?
I think I did.
You're gonna watch her?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Where are you going at least?
- Out.
Oh, my God. That's him.
All right. Wish me luck.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Have a really wonderful time, Mom.
# Got to get in a hurry #
# I got to get on down #
Shut up!
Shut up. This is my brother's place.
Baby, whoa.
Wait. Wait.
Just for fun? Wait.
We can say
it's the alcohol talking later.
But just for fun, just...
just say you love me.
Come on. Just say it.
Doesn't have to mean anything.
- I love you.
- Do you?
I love your jeans.
- Don't say that.
- I love your pants.
- Say it. Just say it.
- I love your underpants.
- Say it.
- I love you.
Who's the man
who always brings you flowers?
Baby! Mmm!
Whoa. Wait. Wait.
Cool your jets. Hang on.
I'll be right back.
I'll be right back, okay?
It's okay. It's okay, baby.
Christ, what kind of flophouse
you runnin' here, Jojo?
I didn't mean to cramp your style, Sly.
Come on. Come on.
Hey, get any sleep?
You know, we should've asked you
if we could stay here.
I should've done that.
You asked.
You... You called me up.
No, James.
I remember.
It was 2:00 in the morning.
The cops were going through everything.
I told you. I didn't ask you.
Well, anyway,
I'm glad you guys are here.
You know, James,
when people treat you bad,
you shouldn't turn around and be nice.
That's not how it works.
You're a good guy.
You should start standing up for yourself.
We're not with Dad anymore.
What's Dad got to do with this?
Hey, you remember this?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
That's the day we left the farm.
He beat the shit out of me that night.
Look at her.
She's growing up so fast.
I really screwed it up this time.
This is a good place for her.
I'm just trying to say thank you, James.
Yeah. It's...
It's okay.
Um, I wouldn't go in there just...
just yet, okay?
Where's Mom?
She's not here.
Did she leave a note or anything?
Did you see anything here?
She probably went out for smokes.
I gotta go.
I'm late for work. Sorry.
Hey, how you gonna get to school?
Um, I'll just wait for her.
Okay. Bye.
All right. That's lunch!
So, Speedy, you have any idea
where I could buy
about 2 acres worth of weed?
Don't worry. I'm not gonna let
any of these other morons in on it.
So what's she up to?
Joleen in jail?
She and Tara are staying at my place.
What? Oh, shit, man!
You gotta have me over!
Hey, Danni.
You wanna have lunch
with a couple of handsome guys?
Sure. Point 'em out for me.
I know you love a man in a uniform.
She ain't bad.
You got trouble out there.
He's on the other side right now.
These are yours.
Did you see Mom?
Hey, Tara?
Hey, come on.
She says she's got a plan.
She says she'll be back
for your birthday.
That's... That's, uh,
just a month from now, right?
It won't be so bad, you know?
Come on.
L- l... I'll do whatever you want to do.
You... You tell me what to do,
and I'll do it, okay?
We'll have fun.
You know, l-l...
I'm gonna need a ride to school...
from now on.
I can get a ride back here,
but you're gonna
have to drive me to school.
What about the bus?
The bus doesn't come out here.
Anyway, the bus sucks.
I- I guess you could ride my bike
if you want.
I'm not riding your stupid bike.
I can barely touch the pedals.
You can drive my mom's car.
I don't... I don't drive, though.
And I don't think she would be
too happy about that, either.
Then I guess I'll just sit here
in your shitty apartment
until my mom comes back!
Where are the gears?
There are no gears, Uncle James.
It's an automatic.
It's way easier driving without gears.
You just drive.
R is reverse.
Let's go.
This is it. Here. Here!
Oh. Sorry.
Okay, Tara.
Have a nice... day.
Higher. Higher.
Set them there by the jungle gym.
I've never seen you drive before.
Oh, yeah.
You know Tara. She...
She had to get to school, so...
What about her mother?
Why didn't she take her?
Oh, she's gonna be gone for a while.
Well, where has she gone?
I don't know.
Don't worry.
I'm... I'm taking care of Tara.
James, look, I think it's great
that you're trying,
but you gotta watch it.
You're gonna get yourself
in all sorts of shit here.
I don't know what else to do.
You want something else?
I can make something else.
There's nothing here anyway.
What do you want to do tonight?
Can we go look for Mom tomorrow?
After my work.
No. In the morning.
Well, we can't do that.
I've... I've gotta go to work,
and you've got school, too.
Well, you just asked me
what I wanted to do.
Yeah, but l-l...
So you didn't mean it?
I want to look for Mom tomorrow.
This is James.
Yeah. Speedy. Right.
Is Mr. Carvel there?
Okay. Well, could you tell him,
uh, that I can't come into work today
because of my back?
Just... What's that? Yeah.
I- I know. Okay.
Can we go?
Uncle James?
And what are you two
doing here in the middle of the day?
- We're looking for Joleen.
- Joleen?
Well, she's not here.
Isn't she with Warren?
Warren's in jail, Mrs. Bergen,
if you didn't know already.
- He was arrested for growing pot.
- No. No. He would've called.
Have you seen my mom?
That's all we're asking.
Tara, you know I don't ever
speak to your mother.
Warren, you know where they might be?
Do you even know you're in jail?
It's your fault she left
in the first place, Warren.
This whole thing is your fault.
I'm just wondering how long
this has been going on.
That's what I'd like to know.
Do you know what Mom would call you?
She had a name for you
when it was just me and her talking.
She'd say it, and we'd laugh.
Do you know what it was?
I don't believe you.
What was it?
Tara, what did she call me?
Tara, get back here, you little shit!
What did she call me? Tara!
Oh, shit!
- Uh-oh.
- Shit.
Give me your helmet.
Give me that vest.
You're done.
- Why aren't you in school?
- I overslept.
- Come on. I'll drive you right now.
- No, no, no.
'Cause I'm too late already.
It's not like I have an excuse.
- It's not like I'm sick or anything.
- Tara, you gotta go to school.
Well, why aren't you at work?
I got fired.
Was it 'cause you were late today?
No, no. It's...
It's not just today.
If you want me to go to school,
I'll get ready,
and then you can drive me, okay?
Hey. All right if we come in?
You, uh, mind if we sit down and talk?
- Go ahead.
- I need to talk to Joleen, too.
This concerns her.
Oh, she's not here right now.
Where might she be?
I don't know.
She said she'll be back
in about a month.
Everything's fine here, okay?
What day is it today?
A school day.
James, why isn't Tara in school today?
We... We overslept.
Yeah. L... We...
We've had a lot going on lately.
Yeah, I know.
This is important.
This woman's from Social Services.
This is the part of my job I really hate.
Tara needs a proper guardian,
and with Joleen gone,
I'm not so sure that it's here with you.
I'm sorry.
He's probably right, if you think about it.
Don't you think?
It's... It's not forever, you know?
I- I promise.
Okay, let's do it.
Hey, don't worry about paying rent
or anything for a while.
You've been fucked over enough lately.
Go down into the basement.
Okay, here it is.
You're welcome to it.
Obviously not deluxe accommodations,
but you got runnin' water,
you got a place to hang your clothes.
That's the mattress here?
Oh, yeah. I tried to pump it up for you.
This damn thing...
My arm about fell off.
Jesus Christ.
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Hey, how about this?
How about we throw a party tonight
in honor of your moving in here?
We do it up huge.
- Are you sure Sharon's gonna be...
- Don't worry about Sharon.
- I wear the pants in this...
- Randall!
- What, honey?
- Get your ass up here!
Okay, sweetie. I'm coming.
- Now!
- All right. I gotta go.
- You fuckin' deaf? Randall!
- Yeah, man. Just make yourself comfy.
- Now!
- Okay, baby.
Here I come.
Oh. Sorry.
Is this a fucking joint?
Now, honey...
Sweet pea? Honey bunch?
Oh, yeah!
Oh, shit!
Speedy Reedy.
So, what, you're living here now?
Yeah, I'm in the basement
just since today.
What about Tara?
Oh, uh, they said I wasn't
a proper guardian.
Just, you know...
- Social Services?
- Yeah.
Hey, Speedy, get your ass in here!
Go ahead. I'll go sit with Sharon.
Where is she at?
In the kitchen, I think.
She didn't wanna play quarters.
No kidding.
- My God!
- Hey.
Hi, Danni.
Your fanny is uncanny.
Very funny, Randall.
"Your fanny"...
Hey, come on, Speedster.
Sit down, man.
Sit down here under the vacancy sign.
That's it. Okay.
Speedy! Speedy! Speedy!
Speedy! Speedy! Speedy!
Speedy! Speedy!
You think that'll work?
Mmm, I don't know.
I doubt it, but you never know.
I'll give it a shot for you.
- He's pretty angry.
- Yeah.
Yeah, well, fuck him, all right?
I'll talk to him on Monday.
I'll lay it on thick.
He's Christian or Jewish or something
prone to guilt, but I'll just...
We'll get your job back. Don't worry.
Hey, maybe I can just
get another job, you know?
Well, yeah, if you can.
There's gotta be places, right?
Joleen would know what to do, you know?
We should hold off till she gets back,
ask her what to do.
She'll know.
Speedy, you gotta wake up, man.
You've seen the last of her.
Joleen is gone.
No, Randall. I told you.
She sent a letter,
sent money and everything.
She says she's got a plan.
She's gonna be back
for Tara's birthday.
Okay, well, I'm on your side.
Uh, and, actually, you're lucky
because you don't have to
look after that kid anymore, so...
I think I'm gonna get going.
Danni, what? The night's a puppy.
Yeah, well, my boys aren't gonna wait
for me if I'm slow in the morning, are they?
See, now, that right there
is another reason why you're lucky.
Don't go gettin' dramatic on me now.
Randall, shut up
and help me get him to bed.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Oh, God.
- It's harder than I thought.
- Come on.
- Thanks, Danni.
Okay, watch your head now.
Jesus, Randall,
you're making him sleep down here?
Well, where should we have him sleep?
In bed with me and Sharon?
Joleen's coming back
on Tara's birthday.
Oh, yeah. Sure she is, pal.
- She is.
- Get your head up on that pillow there.
- Why don't you go? I can look after him.
- That's what she said.
Oh. Okay.
- Jeez.
- Here, honey. Roll over.
- How's that feel?
- It's good.
Feels good?
You miss that girl, don't you?
She's a good kid. She's a good kid.
I wanted to...
I wanted to... to tell her, you know?
But I couldn't.
I didn't know... the words to say it,
so all I could do was,
you know, make it fun,
but... I couldn't even do that.
James, it's not your fault.
Yes, honey.
Can you go now, please?
- I'll see you later, okay?
- Okay.
Give me a call
when you feel like it, okay?
Please open the door.
Darlene, what did I tell you
about blocking the door?
Tara, you have a visitor.
Happy birthday.
Why don't you open your present?
The other girls will just take it.
They go through my stuff at night.
I never sleep.
A woman at the foster place
is talking to me about adoption.
Maybe Joleen is just...
delayed wherever she's at.
The woman said I might get
a family who has a regular house.
She said they might have a kids' room,
might have a dog.
I don't even like dogs.
I don't care.
I could just close my door.
It's almost 6:00.
I should, uh, get you back, you know?
I'm not going back there.
Can I stay with you?
We can't.
It'll just be for tonight.
- I'll see you guys.
- Not gonna tell us her name?
- Randall!
- Sorry, sweetie.
No, it's not like that.
I'm, uh, just going out.
Whatever, Speedy,
but can you just call Danni back?
'Cause I'm not
your personal answering service.
Have fun out there.
Say you could go
anywhere in the world right now...
I don't care.
# Come on, come out #
# Said come on, come on #
# A spot in the shade #
# Where oranges fall #
# A spot in the shade #
# Away from it all #
# Watching a sky #
# You're watching a painting
coming to life #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Staying inside #
# It all goes, all goes,
all goes, all goes by #
# Stopping the time #
# The rush and the waiting #
# Leave it behind #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Keep it inside #
# It all goes, all goes,
all goes, all goes by #
# Come on, come out #
That's not that much.
How far could we go?
I don't know. I'll figure it out.
We could go to Mexico.
Isn't that where you go
in this sort of situation?
Yeah. Like in the movies.
I don't think we have enough
to get that far.
Well, we need fake names.
You know, so we don't get caught.
I'll be Nicole,
and I want to be 13 years old,
'cause being 12 is stupid.
Yeah. Okay.
Yeah, yeah. I'll be, uh... I'll be Randall.
No. You have to be my dad.
Otherwise, it'll look weird to people.
So I'll call you Dad,
and you call me Nicole.
Okay. Yeah, yeah. Nicole.
So where are we going to, Dad?
You ever been to a farm?
A real one?
We can go to my dad's farm.
I think we have enough to get there.
The farm where you and Mom grew up?
Mom said she'd rather die
than go back there.
There's horses.
You ever seen a horse?
At a fair once. Brown one.
You could ride it for a dollar.
How long a ride?
I don't know.
I lost my dollar at the ring toss.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
So there's this guy in a cabin,
and he's got a hole in his roof,
and it's raining.
And, uh, a traveler is walking by,
and he says, "Hey,
you got a hole up in your roof.
Water's gettin' in.
Why don't you patch that up?"
He says, "Well, can't do it now
'cause it's raining."
He says, "Well, why don't you
patch it up when it's not raining?"
And he said, "Well, when it's not raining,
then no water's coming through."
Does it have a punch line?
That's the joke.
It's bad.
Let's go!
Hey, don't look.
If you tell them in the right order,
they're a lot funnier, you know?
Sustained beep]
I'm so cold.
Aren't you a little old for that shirt?
What kind of shit do you need
from me right now, Mom?
I'm not pretending
to do my homework.
I'm pretending not to hate my life.
Where are you going, at least?
You need a hand?
# I sleep all day #
# Out all night #
# I know where you're goin' #
# I don't think that's actin' right #
- Hi.
- What the man said is
he'd give me some money
to do some work for him back there.
Oh. Cool.
You gonna be all right
hanging out here?
There's three kids over there
you can play with.
All right. I'm off to work, then.
Hey, come on.
Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Come on now. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Make it.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Take her out to pasture.
Get rid of this, and then you can go.
Hey, Dad.
This is my daughter Nicole.
Well, isn't this a surprise?
State bird in California is the quail.
State bird's a quail.
You got the brown bear on the flag.
What else do I know about California?
House looks good. Looks the same.
Joleen's got a house.
We got a house in the country.
A country house?
- That's right.
- Well!
We're more in the city part...
Nicole and me.
And Nicole's mother.
I don't notice a ring on your finger.
I- I lost it... a while back.
What about the missus?
Did you lose her, too?
No, Dad.
So what's the big mystery?
She's in New York.
In New York, huh?
It's for her job.
It's in computers.
So we thought we'd take this time,
you know, come out here for a vacation.
Nicole's never been
to a real farm before.
So, when her mother gets back,
we'll meet up and, uh,
take it from there.
Joleen's living the good life, huh,
in her magnificent country estate?
I- I didn't say estate.
She still livin' with that one guy?
What was his name?
You know,
the one that knocked her up.
What about the kid?
She end up having it?
I never heard...
so you can imagine I'm kind of curious.
Well, I got the one, though, right, Nicole?
One grandkid's better than none.
Well, you two better hit the sack.
Got an early rise tomorrow.
How's she on dishes?
Fine, I guess.
Rise and shine.
Rise and shine.
- Hey.
- Hey.
This is Jack.
Your mom named him that
when he was young.
But you're a big boy now, aren't you? Huh?
Hey, you wanna see something?
He likes apples.
Can I try?
- He's letting me do it.
- What are you doing?
Feeding apples.
- Did I say for you to do that?
- No, I was just...
- I was showing Nicole how to...
- What happens if my horses get colic?
You know how to take care of him
if he gets colic?
Then maybe you should ask me
before you start
shoving food in his mouth.
It was my idea.
I figured that.
James didn't go to school much, either.
- Right, James?
- Right.
Had him working full time
when he was just, uh,
a little bit older than you.
It's not like they lost their star pupil
or anything, is it, James, huh?
See ya.
Can I help you?
I'm sorry.
Guess it was my mom's dress,
wasn't it?
Come on! Come on! Feed the cattle.
Can't you see
that that doesn't work that way?
You didn't coil with the lay again!
Well, I tried.
And don't get smart with me,
you little shit!
- Have you... Show me yours again.
- Dad, it's getting to be suppertime.
Not until Nicole here learns
how to coil a rope properly
instead of running her dirty trap
all the time!
Come on!
And go with the lay of this.
Give me that. Go into the lay!
Nicole, come on! Get up!
My hand is completely full of blisters.
Here. Here, let me take a look.
Hyah! Get in there!
Go on! Go on!
Why'd you bring us here?
I thought you'd like it.
And we were out of money.
I didn't know where else to go.
There's so many other places
we could've gone.
I mean, Mom said she would
never come back here.
- Not in a million years.
- Shh. Don't, Tara. Don't talk like that.
It's... It's fine. Usually, he's...
- The way he talked to us?
- Yeah.
- And the way he treated you?
- Listen...
- It's not fine.
- Hey, don't... don't... don't be loud, okay?
You gotta... You gotta be quiet.
Usually, he's fine.
It was him and your mom
that always had the problems.
Now, he's... he's a particular
kind of... kind of man,
but if you just keep your mouth shut
and just do the work, then it's fine.
But your mom... she just never did.
One day, she met this guy,
and he tried to take her away.
Dad found out,
and he took it real hard.
Finally, after a few months,
it got so bad between 'em,
she was on me and on me to go,
and so, finally, I just... I said, "Okay,"
and we snuck out
in the middle of the night.
- Now we're back.
- But, hey,
don't... don't take it wrong, okay?
It's... It's Joleen that he's always
had the problem with.
You know?
And we won't be here long anyway.
- You promise?
- Yeah.
Yeah, look, if we do the work now,
then maybe he'll even give us
some money for the road.
I wonder what happened to that guy.
The man Mom was gonna
run off with, you know?
I don't know. He just...
He never came back.
I wonder what would've happened
if she had gone with him.
Excuse me.
Hi, I'm... I'm Joleen Reedy.
- My daughter, Tara Reedy, is missing.
- I gotta call you back.
If you hear anything, can you just call me
from this number here?
Where the hell have you been?
How nice of you to show up.
I'll take it from here.
So was that your plan, Joleen, hmm?
Just completely abandon Tara
so she could go
straight exactly
into what I was afraid of for her...
Child Services?
I mean, who the hell knows
where she's at now?
- Please tell me something!
- I don't know.
I don't know what to say, okay?
I don't.
I don't. You... You're it, okay?
I fucked up... I fucked up, and I can't...
I can't take it back.
My number. You can just
call me if you hear anything.
Joleen, you, uh...
you got someplace to stay?
What about a job?
I'm working on it.
The Voyager spacecraft
has been exploring
uncharted territory for some time,
but now it's really
going into the great beyond.
Launched in 1977,
Voyager has now traveled
more than 13 billion kilometers...
well beyond the most distant planet.
Voyager is, in fact, right on the edge
of stepping into interstellar space.
What it should meet there is something
called the "termination shock."
This is a shock wave
where the tenuous messages
of the solar wind particles
ejected by our sun
run into the cosmic wind particles
floating through deep space.
In fact, according to some new research,
Voyager may have already
hit this shock wave.
This week, two groups
announced their latest results
from instruments aboard the space...
Dad, I don't know if I said it,
but it's real nice...
you lettin' us stay here.
So thanks.
But, uh, work, you know...
It's... It's real... real hard.
You don't have to tell me.
Especially for Nicole.
- Welcome back to the show.
- Thank you.
And this... this was gonna be a vacation.
That was the original plan.
Yeah, well, hoop-di-doo.
Are you kidding?
So I think, uh...
we're probably gonna have to move on now.
And I was also thinkin'
maybe you could give us some money
for the work that we did here.
Think that might be fair.
I just want some money, that's all.
Who is Tara?
Well beyond the most distant planet.
Before you came here,
I got a little social visit...
these guys from the sheriff's.
And they told me a whole story
about a kid named Tara.
That's not Tara.
That's Nicole, and she's my daughter.
Oh, bullshit!
Lmagine the tree you'd be hanging from
if I'd have called that sheriff on this.
And where would she be?
So as long as you're doing
all that thinking,
why don't you think about that?
And don't you go telling me
what you think is fair!
You little prick!
Hey, what's wrong?
What are we gonna do?
We're fine for now, okay?
Let me figure something out.
Get to work!
And you,
get up and get to it,
or I'll beat your ass into next week!
What is this?
Are you playing games with me?
Lettin' the horses stand in
their own manure till they get thrush!
Was that your idea?
Now get your ass in there!
I can't...
You don't think I can hear you?
Now say something.
Now you clean up that shit!
I don't wanna see that ornery face
that you put on while you're doing it!
Dad, she wasn't being ornery.
She was just trying to help.
You don't know shit about shit!
You stay down, James!
Don't you fuckin' look at me, boy!
I'll split your head open like a pumpkin!
Ya hear me?
You put your eyes on the floor.
You think I can't break you?
I'll break every last one of ya.
And I'll break you of that
city-shit attitude!
Your dirty sister and your whore of a mother
tried to teach both of ya!
But it won't happen again.
Now get down there
and clean that shit up!
You don't think I can strike you?
- No!
- You little piece of trash!
- Sorry!
- Huh?
I'll spank you like I spank every horse here!
- Don't you fuckin' touch her!
- Aah!
You didn't break me!
You're never breaking her!
You hear me?
You piece of shit.
You piece of shit.
You ruined everything.
You ruin everything!
I want to go home.
Aw, shit!
Detective Woll speaking.
- Detective Woll?
- Yep, that's me.
Hi. It's, uh... It's James... Reedy.
James, uh, where are you?
I'm at my dad's ranch.
But, uh...
Yeah, he's... he's dead. I...
I killed him.
I didn't know what else to do.
You know, he... he was going
after Tara, so...
Oh, ok-okay. Is... Is Tara all right?
Yeah. She... She's fine, but...
Look, I know... I know the cops here.
They're not gonna believe me.
They're gonna take her,
so I didn't... I didn't know what to do.
James, you listen up.
For the record, we never had
this conversation, all right?
Now, I can't promise you anything,
but if you'll bring Tara back here
and turn yourself in,
I'll do my best for you.
All right?
Okay. What... What about Tara?
I'll get Joleen. Don't worry about it.
Where are we going?
You're goin' home, and to your mom.
My mom? Where is she?
She's in Westmoreland,
waiting at the police station.
What's gonna happen to you?
Can't be any worse
than it's been, you know?
Before now,
it's like I've been living in a dream.
Bad dreams.
But you helped me.
Woke me up.
- I did?
- Yeah.
You did.
Do me a favor.
Yeah. Sure.
When you see her,
tell her...
tell her
"This is the first day of the rest of
her life."
Okay? It wasn't before, but now it is.
Why don't you tell her?
This is one you tell, okay?
All right.
You know, you're not an idiot.
You're not an idiot,
like he would always call you.
Tara. Tara!
- Oh, shit!
- James!
Jesus Christ.
Oh, God!
Oh, my God! Oh, my God, baby.
I'm so sorry!
Oh, baby!
I'm so sorry.
Oh, God, I'm so sorry.
Tell me you're okay.
Tell me you're okay!
- I'm okay.
- Yes? Where is James?
Where is he?
- Where is he?
- Gone.
Oh, shit!
Where is he, baby? Where did he go?
- I don't know.
- Did he say anything?
Yeah. Yeah, he said, um...
He said that...
today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
I repeat, all Westmoreland,
put a scan in the area for a blue Buick.
- My life?
- Yeah, that's what he told me. Yeah.
# Come on, come out #
# The weather is warm #
# Come on, come out #
# Said come on, come on #
# A spot in the shade #
# Where oranges fall #
# A spot in the shade #
# Away from it all #
# Watching the sky #
# You're watching a painting
coming to life #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Staying inside #
# It all goes, all goes by #
# A blanket unfolds #
# A blanket to lie #
# The pieces of gold #
# They light up your eyes #
# And now we're alone #
# And now we're alive #
# Watching the sky #
# You're watching a painting
coming to life #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Staying inside #
# It all goes, all goes,
all goes, all goes by #
# Stopping the time #
# The rush and the waiting #
# Leave it behind #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Keep it inside #
# It all goes, all goes,
all goes, all goes by #
# It all goes #
# Passing by #
# It all goes #
# Passing by #
# Come out #
# Watching the sky #
# You're watching a painting
coming to life #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Staying inside #
# It all goes, all goes,
all goes, all goes by #
# Stopping the time #
# The rush and the waiting #
# Leave it behind #
# Shifting and shaping #
# Leave it inside #
# It all goes, all goes by #
# Come on, come out #
Subtitled By J.R. Media Services, Inc.
Burbank, CA
# Come on, come out #