Sleight (2016)

Please enter your password.
Listen, press one. Send, press two.
Check receipt, press three.
Bo, it's Mr. Granger.
I called as soon as I heard. I'm so sorry.
I know I've never met your mom,
but if you were any reflection of her,
she must have been someone really special.
I just want you to know, uh,
I understand the pain
you're feeling right now.
It feels kind of like the world is ending.
And when I've been in that spot,
I just wish someone had been there to tell me
to not let the now disrupt the future.
That scholarship proves you're one
in a million, Bo, don't forget that.
I'm here if you need anything.
Don't ever hesitate to call.
End of message.
Delete, press seven. Save, press nine.
That the one you want? You could swap it out.
Yeah, I'll keep this one.
All right, can you show
everyone what card you have?
Not me, just show everyone what you have.
Sweet, so I want you to put
that card in your shirt pocket,
really make sure there's no way
I can see it or touch it.
All right, all right, so I'm gonna
take another card, all right?
Four of hearts.
Now, go ahead and hold
your hand over your card.
Really make sure
there's no way I can touch it.
- Yeah, for sure.
- Oh, wait.
Ah, you were just a little too slow,
so you should have my heart.
Weird, uh, does anyone else have the card?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
No way!
That's insane.
How did you do it?
As you can see,
there's no string at all, all right?
What's your name?
Uh, Holly.
You can grab it, Holly.
How did you do that?
You ready, T?
- Yeah.
- All done for the day.
- What you reading?
- Hatchet.
Oh, okay. I read that forever ago.
- I almost cried when he first...
- Stop!
I'm only three chapters in.
Oh, my bad. My bad.
- Let's head out.
- Okay.
You about to ruin my book.
I had a long day today.
Made this ring levitate
in front of this girl's face.
- Remember the trick I showed you?
- Uh-huh.
T, stop leaving your stuff
in the living room.
- You forgot the mail.
- Thank you.
Hey, what's up?
Hey, are you around tonight?
Yeah, you working?
Um, yeah, I'm making Tina dinner now,
but if you wouldn't mind getting her to bed?
Yeah, no problem.
- You have a good day?
- I did, yeah.
I just got back from Graffiti,
finished a whole chapter,
which somehow feels like
I've been to war and back.
If I stare at the page for one more
second, my eyes are gonna bleed.
Nothing, it was fine.
Okay. Well, I'm gonna take a shower
real quick and then I'll be over.
Okay, thank you.
- Yo.
- There he is.
- What up, Bo?
- What's up, man?
- What's up, buddy?
- What's up, dude?
- Luna's in the office.
- Okay.
- Luna.
- Bo.
Thank God. I'm having
an "I need drugs" situation.
Get in here.
I mean, DJs? I don't know what they're doing.
They will ask for a blow-up doll
two months in advance
and then drugs day of.
Like, I don't know how I'm supposed
to turn that around for you, buddy.
This what your ride is gonna look like?
Oh, God, no.
I'm a beer and pizza gal.
This? This is nonsense.
I am so over this gig.
Me, too. Later.
- Yeah. Cheers, dude. Be well.
- All right.
- Oh, so, we don't get a trick?
- Oh.
What's that?
It's my wallet!
He just gave me my fucking wallet.
When the hell did he take it?
This is my phone! What the hell!
What are you laughing at?
Are you Bo?
Yeah, get in.
Hey. Hi, I'm, uh, Noah.
I got your number from some friends.
So, it's, uh, $60?
For three. Yeah.
Three. Can I ask, is it one molly per person?
Or should I...
Do you think I should get more?
Do you sell coke? Can I also get coke?
Can you even do molly with coke?
I met these girls, and it's kind
of cool to know a guy, you know?
Sounds kind of dumb when you say it, but...
Hey, listen, man, whatever you want.
But, honestly, don't buy drugs
to impress girls.
I'll take the molly though.
The ATM would only give me $100.
I know we said three,
but I've got $100 here.
Um, that's no worries,
- I can give you five for...
- One...
- Shit!
- Hands up!
What are you doing back here?
What'd you just have in your hands?
Uh, nothing... Nothing, sir.
Why did he take off running?
I think he was just scared, sir.
If I search your pockets,
am I gonna find anything illegal?
No, sir.
Turn around.
Hands on your head. Interlace your fingers.
Where'd you put it? I saw you
stash something in your pocket.
I don't know what you're talking
about, sir. I don't have anything.
You put something in your pocket!
I don't have anything, sir.
See anything?
Get the fuck out of here.
Oh, my God!
No, no, no, no!
Bo, I'm sorry!
Don't pour water on hot oil, okay?
It can start a fire!
Okay, I'm sorry.
I was just trying to make you breakfast.
What was this?
Man, let's... Let's clean this out.
I'll show you how to make it
the way you like, all right?
Come here.
You scared me.
Here, grab the soap.
What's up?
Come on in.
You have been doing good.
Keep it up and these assholes
will be working for you one day.
Everything else good?
Yeah, just dealing the shit out.
Nothing much else really going on.
You got a girl these days?
Nah, just my little sister.
Well, actually,
I'm meeting with this girl tomorrow.
It's our first time out.
No shit.
- Where'd you meet her?
- Just out and about.
Ooh! Attaboy.
You know what?
First date is on me.
No, no, no, I can't take that.
Oh, please, no worries, man.
I was wondering if you
could do me a favor though?
You still selling over at Daedalus?
Yeah, it's my biggest pull.
I've been hearing there's
a new coke supplier in the area.
They got someone selling there, too.
You mind keeping an eye out?
- Sure.
- Perfect.
I just need the name of the supplier.
Well, I'll let you know what I find out.
Sounds good.
Have fun on that date.
All right.
Hey, did that guy just buy from you?
No? Well, it looked like
he just bought from you.
Nah, man, I think you're mistaken.
Oh, come on, I'm just trying to party,
have a good time, you know.
Sorry. Sorry, man.
Well, I mean, all that money,
I'm sure you've got something.
I don't got anything for you.
- Come on, man...
- I said...
I said I can't help you.
Fucking punk ass.
Look like the supplier's name is Maurice.
Good to see you again.
We really didn't get a chance
to meet last time.
Hence me giving you my number.
Yeah, I was just getting off work,
that day when I saw you performing.
So, you work on Larchmont?
Yeah, yeah, Crumbs bakery.
I sell giant cupcakes a couple days a week,
but I'm at community college
racking up credits.
Oh, uh, here, sorry.
Thank you.
So, you do magic?
I mean, a little.
I'm getting pretty good at it.
You know, I have never seen
a cute magician before.
I'm starving.
He sent a card on my birthday,
but that's about it.
I haven't seen him in about a year.
Yeah, he moved out fast. Like, crazy fast.
Well, I mean, at least Arizona's
not that far if you wanted to visit.
That's what he said. Yeah.
It's funny though, 'cause,
like, I get it, you know.
Like, my mom has always been a handful.
And Arizona, it's far enough away
for him to get away from her,
but close enough to still come see me.
Not that he does, but whatever.
It doesn't really bother me,
but my mom is definitely still
dealing with the whole thing.
And she really needs me right now.
But once my mom is better, I can figure
out where I wanna finish up school.
God, I'm sorry. I feel like
I've been talking for hours.
No, I asked. It's fine.
What about you?
Well, my dad passed a while back,
and my mom passed last year,
so it's just me and my little sister,
Tina, the love of my life.
She's such a smart kid, you know.
I just wish I can move her into
a neighborhood with a better school.
- Yeah.
- Surround her with better people.
She's gonna be something big. I know it.
I grew up in a school district, and, honestly,
except for one teacher I had, nobody cared.
And I just...
Do you need to get that?
It's fine. Get it if you need to.
Okay, it'll just be a second.
Totally, man.
Yeah. I'll be right there.
No, it's cool.
I'm the worst. I'm sorry, I gotta go.
Society of magic ruining
a perfectly good first date?
I'm sorry.
I'm kidding, it's fine.
I promise. Let's do this again, though.
Ought to be good enough for you, young buck.
Hey. Ready?
What's going on?
Found out where this Maurice guy lives.
Homie moves into our backyard
and starts selling coke like I don't exist.
I mean, we're gonna pay him a little visit.
Talk to him about etiquette.
Let's go.
Put that shit out. Smoke after.
Yeah, put that shit out, man, smoke it after.
What the fuck?
Sit down, loser! Sit down!
Maurice, right?
Check to make sure no one else is here.
Get up.
So, here's what I don't understand.
You moved to this neighborhood,
started selling,
and never thought to introduce yourself?
Man, listen, I don't give
a fuck about who you are.
See, that's the problem with kids like you.
You come out hot-tempered and bad-mannered.
There's no respect.
I don't even know you.
And I don't need to know you.
Maurice, now don't play me like that.
You can't say you've never heard of me,
because you guys are out there telling people
that your shit is cheaper than mine.
So, you know me well enough
to compare yourself.
That's not good business.
Where the fuck do you come from
where people do business like that?
West Covina?
Yo... You know what?
Why don't you just get the fuck
outta here, old man?
Here, here, here, take some chips with you.
Oh, shit.
Wow! What... I mean...
That's what we're gonna do now.
Okay. See, even your boys
are talking like you.
Sit the fuck down! Now!
You gotta lead by example.
Maurice. Maurice.
You and I, we could be friends.
We really could.
And if you don't like me,
we could at least be co-workers.
And we both know you don't always
have to like your co-workers.
So, your options.
You can go back to wherever
the fuck you came from,
or you can get comfortable, stay right
here, sell my shit, and kick me 30%.
Think about it.
Let me know.
All this weed and no snacks?
Man, this party's whack.
Man, get the fuck up.
That gun slipped out of
your hand like some cartoon shit.
We gotta put sticky tape on it next time.
Yo, you're one of my boys now. Word?
I never thought it'd get dangerous.
You guys never done
something like this before?
A stick-up? No.
Hell no. And that's
what I liked about Angelo.
I mean, he didn't seem like the gangbanger.
Just a cool guy who'd help me make
money off kids who wanted to party.
I don't know, this is turning into something
I would've never signed up for.
And I thought this whole thing
would be temporary.
I mean, a year flashes by
and I'm still a drug dealer.
I need to get out of this, Georgi.
Eight of clubs, okay? Keep it facing me.
So, the card is gonna stay in your hand.
I'm not messing with it. This is all you.
All right. So, I need you
to name another card.
Any card besides the eight of clubs.
Three of diamonds?
Three of diamonds. You sure?
You can change your mind.
You're making all the decisions.
- Three of diamonds.
- Okay.
Turn it around.
Oh, my...
No way!
Are you kidding me?
- Uh, hey!
- Hey, what's up?
Not much.
What are you up to?
Just out performing.
- Are you working tonight?
- Yeah.
Cool, where at?
Uh, NoHo, maybe hit CityWalk in a bit.
Tourists love magic.
Damn, I was just, you know, seeing if you
wanted to catch a movie or something.
Uh, maybe tomorrow night, though?
I could make you dinner maybe?
All right.
Are you gonna be working? I can pick you up.
Perfect. Oh, shit, I have a customer.
Text me.
Oh, oh...
Okay, any one you want, all right?
I want you to sign your name on that card.
You don't need to hide it from me,
we all should know which one is yours.
Shuffle your card into the deck.
Get it lost in there.
And there's a lot of things
in our lives that can trap us.
It could be a person, a problem.
There're so many things that can wall us in.
But these barriers only exist if we let them.
We can do whatever we want
if we just believe we're able to.
There's a card in here
with your name on it, right?
Let's say 51 of these cards are
too scared to trust themselves.
Too afraid to believe that they
can do whatever they want.
Now, your card, your card knows
there's no wall, no limit, no barrier.
Is that your card?
Oh, my God.
No, it's not.
So, where did you meet?
On Larchmont.
He was performing outside my work.
- I like your nose ring.
- Thanks.
I want one, but Bo says they're ugly.
Oh, does he?
He said so.
So, is Bo your boyfriend?
Uh, we actually just kind of met.
- Do you have a boyfriend?
- Yeah.
Three of them.
Three? Who are these boys?
Jacob, Elijah and Daniel.
I'm gonna die alone.
I thought boys might like you.
Well, you need to let them
know you got a big brother
who'll beat them up if they ever get rude.
So, she's a lot cooler than you.
I have no idea how this happened.
Yeah, well, family dinner
is a totally normal second date.
Good job there.
Was that bad?
You're fine. You guys are cute.
You weren't picking up.
Oh, my bad. My phone is charging in my room.
Oh, my bad.
Hello there, ladies. I'm Angelo.
I work with Bo.
Hi, I'm Tina.
- I'm Holly.
- Georgi.
Very nice to meet you.
You must be Bo's little sister?
Yeah, and Holly is maybe-Bo's-girlfriend.
And Georgi's our friend.
Well, you have a good one on your hands here.
I'm so sorry for interrupting,
but I just need to talk with Bo for a minute.
- Chat outside, real quick?
- Yeah.
What's up?
So, that motherfucker Maurice
didn't take my warning too seriously.
The dude's back out there selling again.
Like, really, man?
We hear he's partying nearby.
Ought to catch him on his way out.
Right now?
We're in the car. Hurry up.
Uh, hey, guys.
I have to head out with Angelo for a second.
I like him.
Um, can you watch Tina
for, like, a few hours?
- Yeah.
- I can stay, too.
I mean, I don't wanna put you out or
anything, I'm sure you've got things to do.
I don't mind.
Honestly, I'd rather stay if that's cool?
Please stay.
We'll see you when you get back.
Hey. What was he doing here?
Yeah. It's weird.
- It's cool.
- Always the same with me.
Why are we leaving? It was fun.
'Cause I'm fucking tired.
You can stay if you want to.
I don't even care.
You're my ride.
Well, then I guess it's time to go home.
God damn it.
- Fuck! Fuck!
- Come on, baby.
- Damn it!
- Let's go. Let's go.
Let me go, man.
Grab the tarp from under the sink.
I thought we had a deal, man?
Man, we had no deal about nothing.
See, this is why I fucking kidnapped you.
Look, man, if it's about
a percentage, then fine.
Homie, homie, homie. This is not
about a percentage anymore.
You are here because we made an agreement,
and then you decided that you were above it.
Now, how the fuck you think
that makes me feel?
Put the tarp down.
You right-handed or left-handed?
Am I what?
Are you right-handed or left-handed?
I'm a leftie.
A southpaw?
I feel like you're fuckin' lying.
Maybe not.
Tighten that around his left arm.
In case you're wondering,
I'm not gonna kill you tonight.
You know what they used to do
to liars and thieves back in the day?
Wait, wait. Hey! Come on, man, wait.
They'd cut a hand off.
Spread 'em out.
Wait... Come on, man. Wait, what are you...
As clean as you can.
- What?
- As clean as you can.
- No.
- Why the fuck not?
I can't. I'm sorry.
Hey, Bo! This dude does not respect us.
He doesn't give a fuck about us.
And if we don't show him who we are,
he will come after us.
Whose side are you on, Bo?
Come on. Come on, Bo. Come on.
Come on, man. Please, please, please.
Don't do this, man, please. Okay?
I'm asking you. Please don't do it, man.
Come on, don't do it, man, please.
Please, please, no, don't do it, man, please.
Please, man, don't do it, okay?
Please, man, don't do this, I'm beggin'.
Let's go.
Come on, please, please,
please, please, please.
His hand or yours, Bo.
Please don't do this.
Please, please, please. I'm begging you.
Please, please, don't do this.
You're gonna have to do it harder than that.
There you go.
You're fucking done.
If I hear that you're selling again,
I'm gonna kill you and every person you know.
Now, get the fuck out of my house.
Let's go.
There's gonna be a little more business
with Maurice out of the picture.
You can handle a key, right?
Yeah. Of course.
Your normal re-up's in there, too,
but you're gonna be working with
a lot more money, so pay attention.
I'm having a party at the crib this weekend.
You should come through.
Bring your girl if you want.
If not, a bunch will already be there.
Why don't you take my bed?
You don't need to sleep on the couch.
Oh, shut up.
We can sleep in the same bed.
Hey, uh, you want a T-shirt or something?
Yeah, sure.
Hey, uh, thanks for watching T tonight.
Oh, um,
what kind of cookies are you going to make?
Or are you gonna make a cake?
What makes you think I'm baking something?
Because you have two boxes of baking soda.
Oh, uh...
I'm not sure. We'll figure out something.
Holy shit. How much is that?
It's almost two kilos.
One of Angelo's cut with baking soda.
This is a bad idea.
Selling all this, I could pay Angelo
his cut and still walk away with $15,000.
That's enough money to get out.
Even if you sell all this, you really
think Angelo's gonna let you leave?
I don't know.
I hope.
I know it's not my place to say this,
but there's no one else
here to say it to you.
I don't want you to do this.
It's too dangerous.
I'm sorry. It's already done.
I'd like to re-up.
Or reorder.
Wait, what? What happened?
Where are you?
I can come over.
No, that's fine.
I'll meet you at my place.
She doesn't mean it.
It's just the divorce
that's still hurting her.
And I don't know, when she drinks,
she just has a hard time moving on. It's...
But she hits you.
I mean, I saw your bruises the other night.
No one deserves that.
You can stay here as long as you need to.
I mean, it's not the Four Seasons,
but we try to keep it pretty clean...
I'm never the girl with the mascara
running down her face.
Thank you.
You sleep okay?
What is that?
That thing in your arm?
Oh, uh...
It's part of an effect.
But what is it?
It looks kind of infected.
It's not that bad.
Bo, for a magic trick?
Why would you do that to yourself?
The first time I ever saw a magic trick,
I was with my mom and dad
on the Venice Boardwalk.
And there was this guy, this old
Italian guy with this little Jack Russell.
He had this small stand where he performed.
He did a lot of card and coin stuff,
but there was this one thing he did
that just stuck with me forever.
He took a pocket knife and
pressed it into the center of his hand.
It went through his skin with a hard push.
Popped through the other side.
He held his hand right in front of my face.
It didn't make any sense, you know.
It looked like it was going straight through.
So, he asked me to pull it out.
So, I grabbed the knife,
and it just slid right out.
When he showed me his hand,
there was no blood, no hole.
Nothing to say that there was just
a freaking knife stabbed through his hand.
My 7-year-old brain was just exploding...
So I asked him.
I asked him how he did it.
What'd he say?
He said he could only share
his secrets with other magicians.
I went back last year
and saw that he was still there.
I showed him a few tricks,
we talked shop for a little bit.
And I told him the same exact
story I just told you.
Did he tell you how he did the trick?
It wasn't a trick.
It was real.
I mean, for a year, this guy
stabbed a knife through his hand.
Each time, he cut a little deeper,
let the scar tissue grow.
Then do it again.
After a while, he had stabbed
a clean hole straight through.
And because of the scar tissue,
there was no blood.
So, when he performed, he just covered
his hands with a little bit of latex
and it'd look like brand-new skin.
That's the effect.
I mean, it's so obvious, but you
wouldn't think anyone would go that far.
Yeah, he cut a freakin' hole in his hand.
I mean, is all that
worth it just for a trick?
I mean, can't you do tricks
that don't hurt you?
Anyone can learn a trick,
but doing something no one else
is willing to do makes you a magician.
I can do something no one else can.
So, you think the spirit
is sitting in the right chair?
Yeah, I think so.
And you?
Yeah, I agree, right chair.
I mean, are you sure?
You can change your mind, 'cause
I'm going to ask it to get up in a second.
Spirit, would you leave the table please?
Hey, man.
Yeah, I was heading over there in a few.
Word. Later.
This kid right here.
This kid's a little pimp.
Hey, do a shot with me.
To the young buck, Bo.
Go find yourself a boo.
Everybody, get naked.
Like, when I drop that mixtape,
dawg, it is fucking game over.
There are bars on it, son.
And I work with this cat who's probably
gonna be producing Ye's new album.
The good lord, Yeezus.
Bo, let me talk to you for a sec.
Yo, Angelo, where you been at?
Something came up.
I just wanted to ask you
something real quick.
Yeah, what's up?
Why the fuck are you cutting my drugs?
I don't know what you're talking about, man.
We're not gonna play this game.
You ungrateful piece of shit!
I gave you a job when you needed it most,
and now you're fucking me?
How much did you cut it?
Just another kilo, man.
I swear I was gonna pay you back.
Fucking hell.
I swear. I swear. I swear.
No, no, no, no, no!
Come here, you motherfucker.
Please, please. No, no, no. No, no.
You know what?
I want my kilo's full value back
without you taking a cut. Obviously.
Another 15 since you doubled my product.
And let's throw one more 15k
on top of that for asshole tax.
So, if you're following me, that's 45k,
and I want it by midnight next Sunday.
Get the fuck out of my house.
Hey, close the door.
- Bo, what happened?
- I don't want Tina to see.
What happened? Hey.
I messed up, okay?
I messed up bad.
Tell me what happened. Tell me what happened.
If you never want to see me again, I get it.
I mean, I really hate that
I was lying to you about it,
but, honestly, I thought
I'd be out of this by now.
You don't seem like the type of girl
that'd want to date a drug dealer.
Okay, stop.
I'm gonna help you figure this out.
There's no way I can get that kind of money.
I only have $5,000 saved up.
Okay, but you have to try, right?
If he's as bad as you say he is,
you don't have a choice.
Look, sell off what you have.
Keep performing until you can find
a way to get the rest of the money.
And I'll see what I can do, too.
To working in hell.
You sold everything?
What's this?
It's only $900.
Wait, where'd this come from?
I had it saved up.
It was supposed to be
for school applications.
You're not allowed to give it back.
I don't even know what to say...
You don't have to say anything.
You know I'll pay you back.
Now, how do I get nine grand
by midnight tomorrow?
Is something bad going to happen to us?
You're scared.
I know.
I'm sorry, T.
It's just hard being a grown up
sometimes, that's all.
What's happening?
Nothing you need to worry about.
Well, I hope it's over soon.
I'm not gonna make it.
I've got six hours.
Then what are we doing in an arcade, Bo?
Oh, my God!
Yes! I won! Oh, my God!
- Hurry up.
- Hey. Tina, Tina.
Let's get you something to eat.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Here. Try this one.
What's the deal with these things?
Maybe over here.
Come on...
Please, it's so close.
Come on, buddy, you can do it.
And this time...
- Come on. Come on.
- Come on.
I did it.
Yes, yes! Oh, my God!
Yes! Yeah!
Yes! Okay, let's go over here.
Over there. a set on the 12th.
But we already have somebody for the 14th.
Plus, you guys have always
done better on Saturdays.
I think it's a bad idea, but...
- How much?
- Fifteen.
If that's what you wanna try.
You can take 'em off.
No, I mean, it's on you.
If you wanna take that risk.
I mean, look, it doesn't matter to me.
Door set is the same, no matter what.
Split on my end is fine, so I mean...
It just depends on whether
you can bring people out.
All right, you just let me know.
Hey. Sorry.
Okay, that is yours, this is mine.
Are you taking off?
I might stick around.
Yeah, you should.
I'll buy you a drink.
I just got some great news.
- Okay.
- You up to that?
- Yeah.
- Let's do it.
Oh, man.
You been out here yet?
It's nuts. Nuts tonight.
You gonna tell me the good news, or no?
But it's good news, so I'm telling you
at the bar with a drink in my hand.
Okay, well, I'll meet you at the bar, then.
I'm just gonna hit the bathroom real quick.
Oh, yeah. No problem.
Where the hell did you go?
I grabbed the wrong guest list.
There's a party of eight under Speranza?
Yeah, they're good.
Coming back now.
All right, what are you drinking?
Um, let me get that one right there.
Which one?
That Casamigos there.
Oh, yeah. That's good stuff.
So, I got a job.
Yeah, buddies of mine have a band.
They're going on a tour next week.
It's shit money, but it's not this.
Oh, my God. That's great.
- Yeah. Thanks.
- Yeah.
- Hey, to getting out.
- To getting out.
All right, I'll catch you later.
Chase his ass, and I'll go get the car.
Let's go, let's go.
What's up, boy? Where you going, man?
Nah, nah, nah.
What's up, black star?
Where you going, man?
You piece of shit.
Got me out here running around.
Let me see that.
What, you like games or something?
Come on. Come on.
Are you fucking serious?
Here. Come here, come here.
- Hello?
- You got a watch?
Where's my money?
I'm almost there.
I just need a little more time.
I didn't ask for you to get close, Bo.
I asked for 45k by midnight tonight.
I just need some more time.
I want another 5k.
Why couldn't I go in the house?
I'm gonna pick you up
from school today, okay?
All right. I love you.
I love you, too.
- Have a good day.
- Okay.
I don't know what else to do.
I can't get any more money.
I did everything that I could.
I don't know, nothing's working.
Holly, I almost died.
You and Tina have got to get out of here.
You've gotta get out of LA.
And I wanna come with you.
But what about school and your mom?
What you said the other night,
that I don't deserve this.
I really needed to hear that.
I do deserve better.
And you do, too.
Look, you guys could get out of here now,
and I'd only be a few weeks behind you.
My semester's almost over, and I could
apply to some new schools over the summer.
But where would we go?
Excuse me. Have you seen my sister?
Tina? Tina Wolfe?
Yeah, I think your uncle picked her up.
- T, where are you?
- Homie, did you think I was kidding?
Get me my fucking money.
If you touch my...
Everything okay?
I know you're in class,
just wanted you to know that it's looking
like I'll be working late tonight.
I need you to snag T after school
and get her to dance class.
It's that studio on Walden.
She knows where.
I'll be out in plenty of time to pick her up.
Oh, and there should be a 20 on the fridge.
Go ahead and order yourself something
if you get hungry before we get back,
but no pizza tonight, please?
Text me and let me know
that you got this message, okay?
All right? I love you.
End of message.
To replay this message, press...
Hey, Mr. Granger.
You all right?
- I, uh...
- Come in. Come in.
It's a little complicated.
It always will be.
Anything I can do?
Do you remember the last project
I did senior year?
Building an electromagnet
in a shoebox is one thing,
but in your arm?
How long has this been infected?
I'm taking care of it.
It doesn't look like it.
The negative is fed to my thumb and
the positive to the rest of the fingers.
The board is programed to read
all the different inputs.
It gives me a little bit of control
over pitch, yaw and roll.
But I need more power.
I mean, the lithium-ions last a while,
but their output, it's just...
I need more output.
Have you always run the battery
straight to the electromagnet?
- Yeah.
- Huh.
What about a feedback oscillator?
A feedback oscillator
would magnify the voltage.
You could do that without touching the coil.
But with a higher voltage,
you'll be running into a new problem.
You see, these wires in your arm are thin.
You'd want a larger gauge
with that much power,
otherwise, it could overheat.
But it's still possible, right?
I think so.
So, a feedback oscillator.
And a bigger battery.
Do you have a soldering iron?
This isn't for a trick, is it?
For what it's worth,
I didn't want to bail on the scholarship.
But I had to.
I just want you to know that.
I do.
Please be careful.
Listen, uh, if I'm not back in a half
an hour, call the cops, okay?
It's like, "You're so fat, why are you
"living in your mother's house?"
You gotta be out of your fucking mind.
Everybody, get out! Get out!
What the hell is goin' on?
What the fuck are you doing here?
You have my money?
Where's my sister? Is she here?
That's not the deal.
Angelo, where the hell is my sister?
Give me my money.
This had nothing to do with Tina.
You crossed a line when you took her.
Bo, the fucked-up thing about all this,
man, is that I liked you.
You did good work.
And you know what, I invested in you.
But I'm getting so tired of people
who have no fucking respect.
I'm trying to build something here,
and every corner I turn,
there's another piece of shit who
thinks they can just fuck me over.
You did it behind my back,
you did it to my face.
I mean, where's the common fucking decency?
I'm not gonna stand here and have
you roll up inside my house,
fucking my shit up,
telling me you deserve some shit.
So, let's make this an example.
Not for you, but for the next
motherfucker who thinks it's a good idea
to fuck with Angelo.
What the hell?
Where's Tina?
Shit! Fuck!
Where is she?
Oh, God!
Where's my sister?
Stop! Stop!
She's fine. She's fine.
Where is she?
Stop! Oh, God!
- She's with my aunt.
- Where?
- Okay, stop, stop.
- Where?
3221 San Tempest.
All right, come on, man, stop!
What the fuck, Bo?
Oh, gosh!
Please, leave, man.
I told you where she is. She's fine.
Oh, come on! Look, we're good,
all right? We're good.
Just... Just leave, all right?
Oh, shit!
One kilo.
What I actually owe you.
Oh, gosh.
Oh, shit.
Hey, are you okay?
- Where's Tina?
- We gotta go, she's close! Come on!
Okay, okay.
Thank you.
Hey. Wanna go?
Oh! Hey. Absolutely.
Thank you, guys.
T, go start your homework. Bo and I
are going to start dinner, okay?
I had my test today.
Oh, yeah, I forgot to ask.
I got a B.
B's not bad.
Did you hear from Georgi?
Yeah, she should be here this weekend.
What'd you do today?
Just working on that new trick.
Are you ever gonna show me?
When it's ready.
It's gonna be something special.
Oh, my God!