Slovenka (A Call Girl) (2009)

This is room 410.
The gentleman had a stroke,
a heart attack... something.
Call an ambulance, please,
as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Wake him up.
Do something.
It took me an hour today
to get from Preseren Street
to the central station.
I took some Dane
to the airport.
The entire downtown
was closed to traffic,
did you see that?
Unbelievable... one hour
for a few hundred meters.
Complete chaos.
It's no good, if you ask me.
This EU... it just costs us
a lot of money.
All right.
And here's another 200.
Anything else?
I've got something
to tell you, okay?
Just promise
you won't tell anybody.
I promise.
I bought a flat, a new one.
What do you mean?
How could you buy a flat?
An opportunity cropped up.
The Housing Stock
offered flats for sale
and I took a loan.
Why are you staring at me?
Sorry, I am in shock.
It's on Mesarska Street,
in that new block.
Did your dad chip in?
How could he?
He hasn't got anything.
Then how could you raise
that much cash?
I told you. I took a loan.
And how are you paying it off?
With student jobs.
Oh, come on, student jobs.
You're messing with me.
Here you are.
You're welcome.
So how's life in Ljubljana?
That's all you ever say,
As if nothing won'th
mentioning ever happens.
I passed the exam.
That's my girl.
Listen, have you heard about
that German that got killed?
What German?
I thought you'd know more
since you live there.
Come on, eat before it gets cold.
Yes, here it is.
"A German member
of the European Parliament
found dead in a hotel room."
A call girl had visited him
just minutes before he died.
Imagine... a call girl who goes
by the name Slovenian Girl.
The Police are trying to find her
to get some answers.
It's all here in the paper.
I'm running late, you know.
Wait, let me give you
some money.
It's enough for the rent,
but there's isn't much extra.
For some chewing gum maybe.
Gotta rush, bye.
Take care.
And stay a good girl.
Fuck off.
What do you want?
How did you know
I was coming?
- I spoke to your old man.
- Leave my father alone.
I meant no harm.
I just asked him about you,
because I haven't heard
from you lately.
You don't return my calls
or answer messages.
What's going on?
What do you want?
You don't get it, do you?
- What?
- Nothing.
You'll get your money back,
don't worry.
- Are you seeing someone else?
- No.
- Honestly?
- Now stop pestering me.
I thought you had fallen
for some guy
from the University.
Want a cigarette?
What do you want?
I've decided to divorce Polona.
I've already told her.
Don't divorce her because of me.
I'm serious, Greg.
It makes no sense.
We're like yin and yang, remember?
What yin-yang? Cut it out.
Come on, I've got to study
for my exams
and work on my thesis.
I have no time for anything else.
- Let me give you a ride.
- No, thanks.
Come on, I just offered you
a ride, nothing else.
No, I like to walk.
And please don't wait for me
at the University anymore.
Last year I was so nervous
at the exam that I threw up.
Yeah, I remember that.
So this year I try my best to attend
his classes regularly.
Well, if you're lucky
and he has a good day...
So I need two of his
good days in a row...
one to persuade him
to let me take the exam,
and the other to pass it.
Would it be possible for me to take
the exam tomorrow?
I can come anytime you say.
Listen, you didn't
show up last time.
It's not that simple.
I've studied thoroughly.
I've read all the notes
and everything.
I had some problems.
We all have problems.
I know, but I was...
Alexandra, what is it?
I've always liked you,
but you know that
I don't make exceptions.
I know, but I've been
through a lot lately.
Can you be
a little more specific?
I was ill.
I see. What did you have?
A tumor.
A tumor?
What... what kind of tumor? Hi.
I had it removed surgically.
Was it successful?
I hope so.
Okay, I'll check my calendar
and see when you can come.
Some time next week, all right?
Thank you.
Take care of yourself.
What do you want?
I see you've been spending again
instead of paying your debts.
Let me go.
This is heavy.
- Let me help you.
- No, thanks.
I moved out.
Isn't she pregnant?
You're a real pig.
How can you afford
such a vase?
You used to be so short
you couldn't buy cigarettes.
You're a jerk.
Grab the door.
Can I come upstairs?
- Ciao.
- Ciao.
- This is it?
- Yes.
- Here, this is for you.
- Thanks.
- May I?
- Sure.
It's wet outside.
I can't believe it.
It's nice, isn't it?
Wow, this is...
I'm speechless.
- Is there another room?
- Yes, a bedroom.
Anything else?
And a bathroom.
Well, it's been established
that a representative
to the European Parliament
Helmut Buder had died
of natural causes.
The autopsy has confirmed
the cause of death was cardiac arrest.
That has already
been reported.
What about a mysterious girl
who was with him... the Slovenian Girl?
Tell me when our police have
managed to trace anybody.
- No comment.
- Meaning that you still
have not found the girl
who called the police?
The investigation continues
and we shall do our best.
No, this is not a good time.
I have lectures.
In a couple of hours
would be better.
I see. Okay.
I'll be there in no time.
Do you work alone
or with some other girl maybe?
and just occasionally.
Are you new
to this business?
You shouldn't be asking
such questions.
It took me a while to find your number
among the ads, that's why.
I've changed
the number, so what?
Just give me the money.
You'll get it,
don't worry.
Let's have a talk first.
What do you want
to talk about?
What business?
Who's that?
It's not the police.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Traffic in the city is a mess.
Ah, a pretty girl.
Hi, I'm Peter.
Just give me the money.
We have a business
proposal for you.
Wort you sit down?
No, thanks.
Look, you're a great girl,
good-Iooking and smart.
Listen, just pay me and that's it.
Wait, you'll get your money.
Let's talk some sense.
You can't work on your own.
It doesn't work that way.
A lot of girls like you work for us.
Listen, let's talk sense.
Just let me go.
I wanna go home.
Let me go, please.
- Where do you live?
- It doesn't matter.
Please, don't let me fall,
I beg you.
No no no.
Do you want us to drop you?
Would you like that?
To fly like a bird?
Will you obey us
and do what you're told?
I will, I will.
Say it..."I will do
whatever you tell me to do."
I will do whatever
I'm told to do.
Repeat it...
"I will do whatever
I'm told to do."
I will do whatever
I'm told to do.
- Should we pull you up now?
- Yes.
Okay, give me your hand.
Pete, let's pull her up.
Calm down.
Everything will be fine.
Do you hear me?
Fuck, you're idiots.
Do we have a deal?
Calm down.
Don't you think we know
that the police are after you?
We've been following
your ads in the paper.
Do you want us to give you
away to the police?
You'll be in all the papers...
your face on all the front pages.
Can you imagine that?
The Slovenian Girl.
What's your name?
Are you lying?
Shit, it won't work.
Come on, you're an electrician.
Just switch it on.
This is the grounding.
God damn it, man.
You almost killed me.
- You scared the hell out of me.
- I got shocked.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. I got a shock.
Now, let's visit your flat.
Yeah, and they lost the match.
But it wasrt their fault.
Where now, straight ahead?
To the right.
You'll be better off now.
You can't work alone.
You need protection.
You'll see it's better that way.
We're a serious company.
We have many clients.
Help! Help me!
Call the police! Help!
Are you looking for someone?
No no. Don't bother, sir.
We were looking for someone
and got lost, obviously.
Come on, Pete, let's go.
God damn it, Vesna,
where are you?
Hi, Greg, it's me.
How are you doing?
As if you really cared
how I was doing.
I know. Listen, Greg.
I'm sorry for what
happened last time.
I mean, I'm really sorry
for everything.
Please, I need help.
I knew it wasrt
a courtesy call.
- You're unbelievable.
- I'm too scared to go home.
This whole situation
is a complete mess.
The mess is in your head,
and for some time now.
Do you take me for such
an idiot you can call
whenever you need
Please take me in,
just for tonight.
You said you lived alone,
didn't you?
What do you want from me?
Greg, please help me out.
I beg you.
You ruined my life and
you expect me to help you?
Please, I have no one else
and I don't know what to do.
Come on, stop crying.
What's wrong with you?
Where are you?
- What's going on?
- Let's go, quickly. Drive.
- What's with you?
- Just drive, god damn it.
What happened?
Listen, I don't get it.
First you call, and then...
There's nothing to understand.
What's going on?
What's with you?
What do you think?
We missed the boat?
And one for me, please.
What about Joe Cocker
and guys like him?
Or Bob Dylon?
It's Dylan.
Listen, they were talented.
Oh, and we werert, huh?
We had the best equipment.
True, we were the best band in Krsko.
If punk hadrt conquered
the scene, we'd still
have gigs all around.
Fucking punk.
I say let's give it a try.
Hey, Slovenian Girl,
aren't you going to say hello?
You fucked me over.
You'll see, now I'm going to
fuck you over.
When I get my hands on you,
you little bitch...
Do you think you can hide
from me?
You'll see, you rotten cunt.
I'll lock you in a cellar just like that
Austrian guy did.
What are you doing here?
Nothing. I came home.
Come on in then.
I've noticed you have
two cell phones.
So what? Some people
have three or even more.
Why should they have
three phones?
What for? I don't get it.
Because they need them
for different reasons.
What reasons?
Why would someone need
three cell phones?
Isn't one enough?
Cell phones are cheap now.
All right, but think
of all that radiation.
I don't understand why.
There's so much
you don't understand.
Hell, I don't.
Okay, you're obviously
not going to tell me anything,
- so I'll tell you something.
- Okay, go ahead.
Light yourself a cigarette.
- Are you ill?
- No.
We've started
practicing again.
Electroshock is planning
a comeback.
If you don't mind
or feel embarrassed about it.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
Did I say something? Super.
Hi, honey, did you sleep well?
The entire neighborhood
can hear your playing.
Of course, we're practicing.
What? Do we suck?
I'm off to see Mom.
You smoke?
A lot?
Like a chimney.
Come inside.
- Come inside.
- I'm not going inside.
I don't want to share
in your happiness.
Why did you come then?
Can you lend me
some money?
- How much?
- A couple thousand.
Are you crazy?
Why do you need all that?
I just need it.
What makes you think I have it?
You think it rains money here?
I didn't come here to listen
to your lectures.
I get too many of them
in Ljubljana.
Why on earth did you
get involved with Edo?
If I hadrt then you would
have never been born.
Maybe it would have been
better that way.
I gave you life. You should show me
at least some gratitude.
Yeah, right.
I should be grateful to you
because you had careless sex.
Watch your tongue.
I hope I never become like her.
That's all I wish.
She's an ambitious, greedy bitch.
Why did you see her at all?
To let her know I'm still alive.
I'm so ashamed of my mother.
- Are you cold?
- Yeah.
God damn the antismoking act.
It'll ruin my child.
Go home.
It's not that bad.
- Hi, Edo.
- Oh, Zdravc.
- Hi, Sasha.
- Hi.
Well, is there gonna be
a rehearsal or what?
What's going on?
Nothing. I'm going home.
What's wrong?
She's cold.
Your daughter is
a good chick, you know.
It's kind of inappropriate
for you to make such a comment.
She could just as well
be your daughter.
Hey, that's not
what I meant.
What did you mean then?
Nothing degrading.
That she's a real fighter.
She is.
Wake up.
Sasha, wake up.
You'll miss the train.
Come on.
You need to go back to Ljubljana.
Not today.
What do you mean?
I'll stay here one more day.
You said you had an exam.
Should we go out for a smoke?
Would you like to go to the movies
with me sometime?
Do people still do that?
Well, here they do.
We're not quite
up with the times.
I don't know how
things are elsewhere.
Anyway, what do you
want from me?
When we were
in elementary school
I was building up courage
to ask you to the movies.
And why didn't you?
You always liked older guys...
the cool dudes.
What are you trying to say?
I just want to talk to someone.
I know. I'm sorry.
Will we see each other again?
I don't know.
I've got a lot to study.
I don't have the time.
I need to be by myself.
I'm doing my best.
Do you know how much money that is?
At least give me five days,
if you can't give me seven.
I think I could pay in five days.
Look, this is how much
you have to pay,
including penalty interest.
Okay, what if you
granted me another loan,
a short-term one
to pay off this one?
- Would that be possible?
- Are you serious?
You'll get yourself in trouble.
Your monthly installment
totals 800 Euros per month.
This is not a small amount
for a student.
I've mortgaged the flat.
But you've mortgaged it
to get this loan.
Do you understand that?
Until now I've always paid on time.
I can be late once, can't I?
You've signed a contract
with the bank, not with me.
It's not up to me to decide.
Mortgages are dangerous.
Can you at least
give me a couple of days?
How many days?
Five days.
Please, I beg you.
Okay, I'll postpone
the payment,
but please don't fail me
or we're both going to
have serious problems.
I won't fail you.
And pay as soon
as possible.
I will.
Thank you very much.
A 23-year-old student offers
all sorts of services,
also in English,
top-level, discrete.
Can you speak
louder, Miss?
I can't understand you.
A 23-year-old student offers
all sorts of services,
also in English,
discrete, top-level.
Anything else?
What else?
Your advertisement
code name?
Oh, yes: "Naive."
Thank you.
That will be all.
Thank you.
You know, when I'm
behind the wheel,
I often think about
stepping on the gas
and turning left
to crash into some truck.
When I'm on some
high balcony
I think about
jumping over the rail.
Me too.
I'm afraid of myself,
you know.
You jump off the edge
and you're gone.
All that's left of you
is a pancake.
A pancake.
If it wasrt for my little girl
I would have done it, I'm sure.
You know what?
Death fascinates me
much more than life.
I think of death every day.
But I don't want to hurt
my little girl.
She loves me, you know.
And all the complications
she'd have with the funeral
and expenses...
it costs a fortune.
Yes, I'm down here,
in front of the door.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Are you coming in?
If you want me to.
Come on in.
Take off your shoes so you
don't bring bacteria inside.
- Are you clean?
- Of course.
You say you're naive.
No, that's just a code name.
You're not naive,
you're scared.
I'm not afraid.
Oh, but you are.
Take off your stockings and panties.
Sit down.
You're expensive.
You'll see I'm won'th it.
Let's see.
- How are you?
- Fine.
Coffee with milk.
This won't do.
You haven't studied at all.
I have, but...
Not enough.
I don't know.
What's going on with you, Alexandra?
I have to pass this exam.
I have this terrible headache.
Please. My dad will...
I don't know what he'll do
if I don't pass.
What are you doing? Wait.
Calm down, Alexandra.
You can't do this.
Try to understand me, please.
I do understand, but...
I knew enough to pass, didn't I?
Yes, it wasrt that bad.
Let it be.
I passed the exam.
Well done, great.
That's my girl.
Sasha, are you
coming home today?
I have some errands,
but I'll come tomorrow.
Okay, okay.
I'll call Mrs. Bonaventura.
Stop getting on my nerves.
I don't believe it.
I really don't.
You can't trust
people nowadays,
especially not
people like him.
That's what I'm telling you.
Forget the police.
What are you having for dinner?
Good, good.
I'm sorry, love.
I must go now.
Yes, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Bye.
I'll call you. Bye.
I love you.
I stepped on the floor
and there was a mouse
next to my foot.
Can you imagine?
- Really?
- Yes.
I told Boris to take it out,
but I don't think he did,
because yesterday morning
there were two of them.
I think there must be
a whole brood of mice.
I don't know what to do.
What do you do, because
I wouldn't want to...?
You know?
I just can't.
I'm sick of this.
- What is it?
- Let's go.
- What is it?
- Just run, come on.
What is it?
Why are we running?
- What's going on?
- I'll tell you later.
- Hey, Sasha.
- It was Greg's wife.
- What?
- Greg's wife.
- So that's why you're panicking?
- Yes.
- What is she like?
- A blonde.
That's why you're panicking?
What's going on?
I told you.
Happy birthday.
Today is my birthday?
Thank you.
I completely forgot.
Well, let's see.
What is this?
Look, it even has a small light.
That's why I bought it.
I knew you'd like it.
It's better than the internet.
Thank you.
Bravo, Edo.
Hey, did you know
he taught me my first chords?
- Electroshock.
- Cheers.
Fuck the birthday.
You know, they say
that in big cities
there's this...
Nobody knows anybody.
But I liked it that way.
You know that girl
with the long hair...
- Joan Baez.
- Joan Baez, right.
It'll be a girl.
We'll probably
call her Ajda or...
Bye, Zdravc.
Edo. Bye, Sasha.
Destination Ljubljana.
Here, 600 Euros.
Just a second. Another 100,
so it's 700 altogether.
- What is this, Miss?
- I brought you the money.
I can't take that. You know exactly
how much you owe.
This is not the way it goes.
Tellers are over there.
That's not all of it,
true, but 700 Euros
is not such a small amount.
It's won'th something.
You owe 2000 Euros.
This is not the way
you do business.
I trusted you, but you're
late with your payment again.
You obviously think that
I'm some kind of a fool.
No, I don't.
If anybody here deserves
to be called a fool, it should be me.
Look, you owe 2000.
I will bring the rest
in a couple of days.
I just wanted to prove
to you that I was serious.
Under the circumstances,
I don't see
how you managed
to get the loan.
Is that important?
Listen, I've mortgaged the flat.
True, but you don't want
the bank to close on your loan
- and sell your flat.
- Of course I don't.
Well, that's the only
thing a bank can do.
Ma'am, my father is very ill.
I'm sorry to hear that,
but I see no connection.
I did everything to get this flat.
Then my father became ill
and things just got worse.
Please understand.
- Miss.
- He has a tumor.
- I'm sorry I'm the one to let you know.
- Fuck off.
- Don't push me.
- What is it?
- I just thought you should know.
- Why are you lying?
I know it's because
she dumped you.
- Get lost.
- It's true.
- You're an idiot.
- Fuck you.
Sasha, wait. Sasha.
Sasha, wait.
Why are you
running away, Sasha?
What is it?
I didn't say anything.
Why are you running after me?
Life is one big
disappointment after another.
I'm afraid you're right.
You won't tell Edo, will you?
I don't know.
How long have you been
doing this?
- Doing what?
- Come on.
What? What are you
getting at?
There's no need to say anything.
It's all clear.
I have to attend a lecture.
You're not going anywhere.
Fine, I'll call Edo.
Edo mustrt find out.
I'm going to quit all this.
I did it a couple of times
because I needed the money.
You're right.
He mustrt find out.
He couldn't take it.
If you don't tell him,
he won't find out.
And now you're pinning
the responsibility on me?
Let's go.
Go where?
To the room.
I've paid for it,
so I'd better use it.
Are you serious?
Why not?
One more client.
I can't.
You're fucked then,
because I'm calling Edo.
Give me the money.
I don't have it.
Fuck you.
Should we go for coffee?
You're sick.
- Shocking-
Police catch
the wrong person.
Alexandra, can I
ask you something?
What is it?
Are you on drugs?
What's wrong with you? Just because
you did drugs when you were young,
doesn't mean that
I'm into the same shit.
Can I ask you
something else?
Go ahead.
Could it be that
you're pregnant?
What's with you?
I'm not pregnant.
Don't you worry.
So what is it?
What are you trying to say?
You aren't depressed, are you?
I could have passed it on to you.
Oh, come on.
I just want to know
what's going on with you.
The thing I like
about Ljubljana
is that people don't interfere
in other people's lives.
Here everybody wants to know
everything about everyone.
Interfering in other people's
lives is one thing.
But telling your folks,
the people who care for you,
about your problems
is something else.
What do you tell them?
What do you want to know?
What's going on with you?
Did you tell the ones
who cared for you
- that mom was cheating on you?
- Alexandra.
- What?
- Oh, go fuck yourself.
Are you coming back
when you graduate?
I don't know.
Should we go for a beer?
I can't. I have to pack.
I'm going to Ljubljana tomorrow.
I'm Ionely.
We're all Ionely,
each in his own way.
Zdravc, come on over for one.
I can't. I have to...
You'll do that later.
Come for a beer.
Are you a friend
or are you not?
Come for a beer.
One beer for you.
- Alexandra, what will you have?
- Nothing.
Okay, so it's two beers
and one nothing.
Mira, give us two beers.
How are things
in Ljubljana?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
I'm going home.
She's been
in a bad mood lately.
She says she can't sleep.
- Is everything okay?
- Sure.
Here, I've ironed these.
Hi, Vesna.
Are you in Ljubljana?
How are you?
Not so good.
Would you come and sleep over
at my place tonight?
I'm in kind of a mess.
Are you crazy?
What do you want?
We didn't finish our
conversation the other time.
I come to save you
in the middle of the night
and you're gone
in the morning.
- You really are sick.
- I'm sick?
I'm selling myself
all over Ljubljana.
What are you talking about?
You think I don't know?
I thought we could talk
in private but if you want
Vesna to hear it as well, okay.
Sasha is a whore.
She's selling herself.
If I got it right,
she's that Slovenian Girl...
the famous Slovenian Girl.
This is the woman for whom
I divorced my wife...
a whore.
I can't believe
I was such an idiot.
Vesna, are you a whore too?
The two of you work together?
Study well, girls.
I'm not going to
bother you anymore.
It's not true, is it?
Greg is really
one son of a bitch.
I'm selling it.
Selling what?
The apartment... I'm selling it.
It's a shame because
it's really nice.
I fucked up everything.
I shouldn't have gotten
myself into this.
Yes, but after all of this...
How much more
do you have to pay?
Too much.
I just want a normal life.
- Here.
- No, thanks.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
It's nice to have you back home.