Slow Burn (2000)

Of all the ways
this desert tests you,
the most dangerous
is the mirage.
In those shimmering, sparkling
depths, you see whatever you want...
water, wealth, dreams.
That's the promise,
and that's the curse.
When the sand swallowed
the widow mcteague,
the desert turned her silver box
into a mirage.
In 1907, her second husband
squandered his last pesos...
Pursuing what he'd almost had.
Thirty years later, her grown
children began to believe...
They saw a way
to recover their lost glory.
After the war, one of their
sons imagined he saw a way...
To get back the life he'd discarded
at the recruiting office.
Finally, 12 years ago,
his granddaughter saw me.
Humidity's about six percent.
That means it takes a grown-up
four quarts a day just to sweat.
If you run dry, your blood gets
thick, your tongue turns hard,
and you're dead in 19 hours.
I'll remember that.
Oh, she was the last thing
you'd expect to find out here.
She belonged.
Hi, mom.
Which is more than I can say
for catalina.
- Hey, dad.
- Hi. Jacob mcteague.
Come on up.
Frank Norris.
A couple of handshakes.
The ordinary greetings. Just what
you'd do with any strangers.
But out here you don't stay
strangers for long. Trina.
Over the next months,
we became a family... of sorts.
I didn't catch your name.
Catalina. Oh.
I even shared their secrets.
- You sold the house, didn't you?
- I sold the trailer, yeah,
to get the truck so we don't get
stranded out here. Stranded?
What were you thinking?
Come on. Piece...
trina, come here. There's
something I wanna show you.
I'm sick and tired of hearing... we found
her watch, the key, we found the Bible.
We're so close. Jacob, we found Paulina's
watch two and a half years ago!
- Did I ever show you this?
- Here. It's volcanic.
Stop it! Come here. Come here.
I've had it with you! Stop it!
There are steam vents on the
other side of the salt flats.
Five thousand degrees.
What? I can't... I can't
take this anymore.
I can't do this anymore.
Oh, come on.
No, leave me alone! It takes thousands
of years to lay those things down.
We're gonna find it.
It's out there.
Hey, it doesn't matter.
Is it for me?
Yes, it is.
I got somethin' else for you.
Somethin' very special.
That's for you.
Put it around your neck.
I won't disappoint you,
daddy. I promise.
I know you won't.
What do you say
we light your cake?
I miss mama.
Tell me what to do.
But even then, we all knew
catalina wasn't coming back.
Three hundred and fifteen
Three hundred and forty.
- It's probably over there.
- Maybe.
"Maybe." It is!
Probably. So they went on,
day after day, year after year,
until there was only her...
And the search.
I'm sorry. Your geodes aren't
bringin' in what they used to.
Since you promised this'd be your last
season, that shouldn't be a problem, right?
What you got planned, Frank?
A surprise.
Oh, yeah?
What is this?
A little Dutch courage,
a nice new dress,
and then you walk me into town?
No, it's to celebrate your new life...
In Cancun.
I know this guy who works in one
of these resorts they have.
They need people who can speak both languages.
You know, fit in with the clientele.
I told him you'd be just right for it.
No. For you.
- For people that belong there.
- Oh, come on.
- You're a beautiful young lady.
- What are you now, my dad?
No. No.
Tsk. Aw, gee.
Let me do it.
- No.
- Come on! You can't do...
I have this dream, Frank.
I'm in a grocery store.
Just a regular grocery store.
I wake up
and my heart is pounding,
because I don't
belong there, and...
Any place I go
is a foreign country.
I've never been to a dance.
I've never been to a library.
I never had a phone number.
I've never been
in a swimming pool.
I never... never...
I'm not gonna wake up
and sprout wings and fly.
Right? I mean, um,
this is, um...
this is me. This is it.
I've grown up.
I mean, look at me, Frank.
Look hard.
Who would want this?
Jesus! Look at you.
You're catalina's little girl.
Get your money back! And I'm
not goin' to Cancun either.
- We had a deal.
- No deal!
This desert killed
four generations of my family!
- Do you wanna make it five?
- I will not be the last loser in a chain of losers!
You know why? Because I
learned about this desert.
I respect it,
and I listen to it.
- Why do you have to be so goddamn stubborn over this?
- Because this is all I got!
What if you find Paulina
and the diamonds aren't there?
- Shut up! Shut up!
- Then what are you gonna have?
You're never gonna find
those diamonds!
Oh, Jesus, I'm sorry.
No, you know what?
Don't need a daddy anymore.
Maybe tomorrow, Tracy.
Some dreams die hard.
Because in this desert,
under that burning eye,
there's always another dreamer.
You're thinkin' again, aren't ya?
I was thinkin' about what's gonna
happen when we get across the border.
See? I'm in this hellhole,
fightin' for our lives,
you're sittin' in some ice cream parlor
in El Paso with a banana in your mouth.
Come on.
I still... I still say...
That if we never plan where we wanna
go, we ain't never gonna get there.
When are you
gonna learn, duster?
The future ain't gonna happen unless you make
the most of it right here and right now.
It could be so good, Marcus.
You hit the jackpot when you got
chained to me, and what did I get?
Hey! There we go.
See, discipline.
Mental toughness.
Get some, if you
wanna be like me.
What if I don't wanna be like you?
I heard that.
Marcus, wait up.
You think bugs
get itchy, Marcus?
Because if they get itchy,
they'd itch on the inside,
'cause the skeleton's
on the outside.
Bugs don't get itchy! Why not?
Their lives are too goddamn
short, that's why. What is that?
What is that?
Holy shit!
Congratulations, pal. You ain't the only
one out here dead between the ears.
You sure know how
to pick an easy mark.
This sucker's been
out here so long,
we might find
some antique jewelry.
Marcus, I'm gonna
leave this for it, okay?
Ain't that sweet? Sending flowers
while I grope the stiff.
Hey, Marcus, these little
pictures are everywhere.
- Huh?
- You think they mean somethin'?
What have we got here? Ring.
Oh, Jesus! Na...
hey, duster, you remember
our little conversation?
Which one?
The one about all the things you miss if
you ain't livin' in the here and now.
Aah, fuck ya.
The here and now here or wh-when
you were talking before?
Forget it. I take it all back.
Don't need no chain,
to have you drag me down.
I knew it the day mama said,
"meet your cousin."
In the lottery of life, how
the hell did I draw you?
I don't know why we got what we got,
but we gave ourselves a combine.
And no matter what, we put everything we
are, everything we got in the combine,
'cause that's what's
gotten us through.
Sometimes what we share is good,
and sometimes it's bad.
But right now...
right now it's this, Marcus.
You did it.
You son of a bitch! We're rich!
And you did it!
Dumb fuckin'...
I got this off the stiff. I
should've put it in the combine,
but I didn't,
so I'm doin' it now.
That's good enough
for me, Marcus.
I love ya.
I love ya.
Marcus, make sure you
don't slam that box shut,
because it's gonna take a
blowtorch to get it open again.
What now, with
the rock collection?
Yeah, yeah,
especially now, Marcus.
Hell, then, take a big one.
Pawn my watch
shh, shh, shh! Come on.
Pawn my chain
pawn everything
that was in my name
oh, lordy me
didn't I shake sugary
everything I got
down in pawn
everything I got
down in pawn
The widow's diamonds.
It was the last thing on earth
I ever would have thought.
All I knew was that a couple of
convicts had escaped from matamoros.
Disowned or not,
I needed to warn trina,
so I went back into the desierto,
and I came across some tracks.
In the end, I'd guess you'd
just call that good luck.
I brought you a surprise.
I'm ready to live again.
Go get the truck.
So what do you want me to say?
I followed their tracks, but I lost them
where they met a set of tire tracks.
Sorry to bother ya. Wouldn't you know it?
Our truck wiped out.
We were hopin' you
could give us a ride...
El norte.
What are you doing out here?
W-w-we could pay you.
I'm not some taxi.
W-we're just out here
collecting rocks.
We must have took
a wrong turn somewhere.
We're on our way to Texas.
Where you goin'?
Get in.
Come on, Marcus.
The back.
We've got to stock up on water.
Gabby's tank's up there
where those three rocks are.
- You've gotta be shittin' me.
- I mean, what...
Hey, hey. Whoa, whoa. You gotta take
all that stuff out of the truck now?
I'm not rigged for passengers.
There's nothing out here
but a thousand dead ends.
You know, I'll bet
we could hire a lawyer,
sort out the past, all the bad things
we ever done. You got that right.
I'd like to get a house too.
Definitely a house.
With a yard
so I can have a big dog.
Hell, you can get three of 'em.
We need new clothes too.
Definitely new duds.
- Nothin' with stripes on 'em, right, Marcus?
- Nothin' but giorgio Armani.
Look at that.
A lifetime in the makin'.
So what are you gonna do with
the big score, Marcus? Me?
Ah, well...
I never, uh...
- Shit!
- Yes...
why didn't you stop it?
Wha... go get the box.
- Now, how are we supposed to get out of here alive?
- Settle down, all right?
Duster, come on. Chop-chop.
Give me the box.
Could you help me, please?
Keep pushing. I'm gonna go
try and bounce it off.
Keep pushing!
One, two, three.
Duster, you know what an intelligent
man would do in this situation?
Sit and watch.
A real intelligent man would
put his back into it, Marcus.
All right.
Watch it! Watch it!
You all right?
Where's the box?
Where's the box?
You were holdin' it!
Where's the fuckin' box?
I found it.
It's right here.
Hey, is this thing important?
What is it?
This thing better not
put any kinks in my plans.
What plans, Marcus?
I don't want my future slippin' away
before I figure out what it is.
That's what you'll get.
Booze is just the first step.
I know the rest
of the 12 steps.
I'm gonna use that booze
to start a little business.
I get myself a house, a yard, a dog.
That's my future.
There is no future!
We don't have any way to fix the
truck, and you can't walk out of here.
In four days that water will be gone,
and then you and me are gonna be dead.
Isn't this funny, Marcus? Yeah.
Funny if it's happenin'
to someone else.
I-I-in the future they'll buy us
steak dinners, limousines.
But the here and now,
our big score is worthless.
They can't even buy us
12 hours of water.
Hey, you got anything useful
in that saddlebag?
Uh, yeah, yeah,
we got lots of things.
We got... we got some clothes
and some tortillas,
a couple pieces of hacksaw
and my... my collection.
What collection?
His rock collection.
You're carrying rocks
across the desert?
I-I-I mean, yeah.
He's been collectin'
since he was a kid.
I mean, they're nothin' special, but there's
a couple in here that are kind of nice.
I like this one a lot. That one's nice.
You know what this is?
You just saved our lives.
This is pumice. That's tufa.
We mix it together with a
little sand and some motor oil.
It could make a forge.
Could fix the linkage.
What are you lookin' at?
At sunset, I stopped searching,
and I took catalina back,
back to the place I'd found the
widow mcteague all those years ago.
Now, I don't know
how catalina died,
but I was the one
who gave her the diamonds.
The least I could do was give
my old flame a decent burial.
You died for
a bunch of rocks, cat.
A bunch of goddamn rocks.
I got the truck.
Trina's not... Coming with us.
And neither are you.
Wait, wait. What'd I do wrong?
- You listened to me.
- Wait!
I'll never know what happened
to catalina...
In those few minutes
it took me to get my truck.
The one thing I do know, is that
trina was never quite the same...
After that night
her mother left.
I was searching for trina
at first light.
I knew it might be days
before I found her.
But, in truth, I was less worried
about the convicts than trina.
I don't care how well
you know the desert.
If you're thirsty enough, you
start stumbling to the mirage.
When we get the forge built,
everything's gonna be fine.
So stop ridin' me.
Ah, Mr. Independence.
Where the hell do you think you'd be
without me telling you what to do?
I wouldn't be
bustin' out of some jail.
You're damn right, 'cause you
never would have shot the guard.
That's it.
Hearing you're gonna die
should have got your attention.
This place tests you.
Yeah? What makes you think
it even cares?
Think what you like,
but it watches,
and it's in charge.
So, trina, I was thinkin'.
Shouldn't we top off the
jerrican at the water hole...
So we don't lose so much
to evaporation?
I'm a quick study.
Why don't you stack those rocks in the forge?
Trina and I are gonna tank up.
Come on, trina.
I've been thinkin' about what the hell I'm
gonna do once I'm back in the states.
In case you're blind
and didn't notice,
my life took sort of
a wrong turn somewheres back.
You mean getting arrested?
Hell, I mean breaking the law.
The only reason we got busted
down here in the first place...
Was 'cause duster was already
wanted north of the border.
Had it all worked out, happy as a clam.
How was I supposed to know?
I'm lyin' there, takin' a nice
snooze on the railroad tracks.
Comin' right at me, full steam
ahead, a freight train named duster.
First his parents get wiped out by
some drunk, and mama's next of kin.
A couple years later,
I'm last of kin.
It took me a while, but you start
to see you can't rise to the top...
With an anchor tied
around your neck, you know?
- Duster seems harmless enough.
- Duster?
Duster's my cousin, so I don't
wanna say nothin' bad about him.
You know what you got to do to get
25 years labor in a Mexican prison?
Don't give 'em the chance
to show ya.
Oh, no, no.
You can't go nowhere.
You can't go nowhere.
You gotta stay right here.
Shh, Tracy. It's okay.
It's okay. I'm gonna
fix your door for ya.
Hey! Don't! Don't touch her!
But the door was open.
Well, I-I-I can fix it
so she can live in there.
Hold on, hold on. I got it.
Hold it right there.
Yep, she'll be comfy
as a kitten in here, trina.
See, I'm a locksmith.
- You ain't no locksmith.
- I was before, and I trained for a long time.
And who sacrificed his hard-earned
cash to give you that training?
- Please, stop wasting everybody's time.
- See, I can do it.
- I can fix it if you want me to.
- We'll just open this up, and...
I was gonna put a piece of wire on it.
There we go!
And we got it right here.
What are you lookin' at?
I'm lookin' at nothin', Marcus.
There you are. A little drink.
Now, I-I-I know
what Marcus must've told ya,
and I understand why
you don't wanna be around me.
But I need you
to know somethin'.
I-I'd never do anything
to hurt that bird of yours.
I wanted you to know that.
I just really wanted you
to know that.
Hey, you know these little
pictures on the rocks here?
Are... are they like
a language or somethin'?
Like this bird here.
Does that mean somethin'?
It's not a bird.
It's a dragonfly.
Oh, it's a dragonfly.
Dragonflies need water
to breed.
When you see one on a rock, in the
direction that it's pointing,
it means there's water there.
I knew it meant somethin'.
I knew it.
The Indians used to
leave 'em for each other.
Just hundreds of years of
people leaving their mark.
Corn, counting.
Man. Woman.
Well, they're real beautiful.
Now, I bet you can read all
these rocks around here, huh?
Can read the chatter.
The big guys there, most of the
time they keep to themselves.
They're called petroglyphs.
"Glyph's" a carving,
and "Petro" means stone.
Hey... hey, Marcus!
- What are you doin' here?
- You know all these stone pictures?
Bug-eyed, starin' things?
They're messages.
You can read 'em. Each one
means somethin' different.
Why don't you try to read the
meaning on that one, duster?
- What are you doing?
- It's just graffiti, trina.
- It's not graffiti. These are sacred carvings.
- Sacred to who?
They're sacred to me!
It's the gran desierto!
You respect it,
or it will kill you!
It ain't gonna kill me, 'cause I'm
gettin' out of here in that vehicle!
So when you're finished teaching
art appreciation to Picasso here,
fix the goddamn truck!
What's up with you?
He's my partner.
It's gonna be hot work.
Keep going.
You want it to melt or what?

Do I gotta do this
alone or what?
I need it hotter.
You're looking kind of peaked, duster.
Why don't you take a break?
I don't... I don't need a break.
He can't keep up.
He's down.
You all right?
Come on, pal. He's all right.
He's got heatstroke.
No, we've got to get him to the water hole.
Come on, help me!
Women of quality don't usually occupy
themselves with heatstroke and hammers.
You learn fast when your life depends on it.
That's my point exactly.
It's all about
what we depend on.
Your friend's gonna die if we
don't get his body heat down.
You don't give a damn about him, do you?
Of course I do.
The way I see it, it's pretty
much out of our hands.
If he dies, you can't tell me
you're gonna be heartbroken. What?
You got class. Mama learned
me how to spot it.
That ain't easy when you're
growin' up in a cathouse.
I learned all kinds of women. Trash,
hard-luck girls, you name it.
I know I ain't got any class,
but God, do I know the taste.
When the door is closed, you
look in the client's wallets...
At the pictures...
kids, houses, wives.
That's how I got to know class.
That's why I know you.
You don't know
a goddamn thing about me!
I know whatever
happens to duster,
it's not gonna stop you anymore
than it's gonna stop me.
'Cause I know somethin' else... you
don't let nothin' get in your way.
You're a son of a bitch, just like me.
I am nothing like you!
I'm a sleazy, greedy roach
who doesn't give a damn...
About the one person who
gives a damn about him?
Fuck you! You're trash!
Pretty soon, you grubby little desert
rat, we're gonna go our separate ways,
and you're never gonna know what kind of
pearls you just threw out with the trash.
Wait. Do...
You all right?
I don't feel good.
Huh? My head hurts.
You're pretty feverish.
Duster, remember anything?
I remember the forge.
I remember you.
I remember the heat.
I remember lots of heat.
- Come on, drink this.
- No, I don't want your ration. That's yours.
You have heatstroke.
You need water. No.
Come on.
Did we fix the linkage?
It's nothing
a bigger hammer won't fix.
Please, drink this.
I'm glad you're all right.
For a moment I thought you were
gonna leave me with Marcus.
Marcus don't mean
to do those bad things.
Marcus had a real
tough time growin' up.
- And you didn't?
- You don't understand. Marcus done extra work for me.
Someone like me
could have opportunities.
I learned about
radial pin keys...
And multipass
combination mechanisms.
He paid for all those courses.
Advanced locksmithing.
- Why'd you stop?
- Locksmithing's a special job.
I mean, I'm responsible for
people's homes, valuables.
It takes a special person,
the right kind of people.
And I ain't the right kind
of people anymore.
Oh, duster.
Why were you in a Mexican jail?
He and I robbed a bank.
Advanced locksmithing.
You shouldn't let people
take advantage of you.
Yeah. Maybe all that time
you were busy cracking safes,
it was you
who was being robbed.
One dream doesn't
make a whole life.
It's... it's
nothin' special, but...
I can't take that.
It's beautiful.
It's just been a long time since
anyone was glad I was around.
Be careful, duster.
It's funny how you never turn into
Florence nightingale when I'm around.
You seem to have a lot
of spare time...
For someone who's supposed to be
tryin' to get us out of here, huh?
If you're that bored, darlin'...
I said I'd work on the linkage.
So, uh, if you'll allow me.
All right.
All right. All right.
Jesus Christ!
How could you let her
put that thing on me?
- You know I don't like bugs!
- Without insects, human life would end in two months.
I do not wanna talk about bugs!
Aw, Jesus! Yuck!
Did I... see that...
Ring on her hand?
It was in the combine.
It was worth somethin'.
Well, if you had plans, Marcus,
you should've said so.
Well, it's a little late now,
isn't it?
Shut your fuckin' mouth!
I don't wanna hear any more
of your goddamn lip!
Where the fuck did she go?
You leave her alone. I'll give you
my half of the diamonds, okay?
It's what you want, ain't it?
Unless I'm mistaken, they're common property.
They're in the combine.
I'll give 'em to you.
I'll give you everything.
I'll give you
the whole combine.
Wait a minute. Wait.
- What you're sayin' is, we don't need a combine anymore?
- No, I didn't say that.
- That's what you said. That's exactly what you said!
- I did not...
you're always babbling about how we've got
to get some future. Well, we just found it!
I've been motherin' you since I was 16.
It's been cruel and unusual.
You want a future, I'll give
you a future, all right?
The future I want
is the one without you.
We'll still be partners?
Not no more.
Come on! Don't go weak on me, boy.
Hit it harder.
Goddamn it, get it open! I want
my share of them diamonds now!
Damn it.
- Goddamn it!
- You can't shoot it open.
You can't hit it open.
You can't get it open.
Then make a key and get
it open, all right?
That's gonna take time, Marcus.
Here we go.
I'll make sure you're not
disturbed, all right?
Any questions, partner?
Not no more, Marcus!
I thought I heard a car...
Backfire or somethin'.
I didn't hear nothin'.
Bring that key with you.
Come on.
A tour bus full of lap dancers
on their way to Vegas.
Absolutely nothin' that compares
to what we got here.
What are you doin'?
I changed my mind
about you fixing the latch.
If your offer's still good.
Y-yeah, the offer's
always open.
You already got
a hobby, duster.
Here, I'll Polish it up so it'll
look just like new, okay?
All right.
- You really gonna work on princess' cage?
- Yes, I am.
Let's test the engine.
You can't be serious.
If we can't crank it over,
we ain't going nowhere.
- It's out of gear, right?
- I can't get it in gear.
But if you get it started, I'm
sure I'll be able to find one.
What are you so happy about?
Oh, fuck me!
Take over from duster.
All right, I got it.
Come here.
Can you keep the revs up?
Give me some slack, will you?
Truck will be ready tomorrow.
We can leave tomorrow.
We can leave tomorrow.
Wh-what are you saying?
That we take the truck
and just leave Marcus here?
Hey! Well, when you passed out,
he wanted to leave you
lying like roadkill.
He didn't give a damn about you.
I know Marcus.
You don't know me.
Now, I grew up out here. Hey!
And my family, well, they had
some bad breaks way back.
And now it's just me.
I got no one,
and I got nothing,
except this desert
and a few heirlooms.
Don't you know
I wanna go with you?
I mean, what are we gonna
do, just ditch Marcus?
Well, no.
We'll radio the federales.
We could hire someone
to come pick him up.
It's still gonna
be rough for him.
Now, all he's ever had
is combine and me.
Hey, duster!
If I leave the combine,
he'll be all right.
Wha... no.
- Oh, Christ.
- I don't have anything.
Not any money. Nothing.
It don't matter.
No, because Marcus and I,
we been... we been up,
and we been down and out.
I know you think
you don't have nothing,
but you have everything that you
need in order to have a good life.
Nobody... nobody is gonna make
me do what I know is wrong!
Not you, not Marcus, nobody!
Ever again.
Aw, shit!
What's eatin' her?
I would think you would get a lot
of magnetic interferences out here.
Must play hell
with the compasses.
I'm surprised you know
where you are half the time.
What, do you keep them
all adjusted or what?
Most of them.
- Right. We're in gear, right?
- Yup. It's our one slow gear.
But it'll run, right? I mean, we can
get the hell out in the morning?
Sure. A whopping
five Miles an hour.
What are you
looking at, Marcus?
I've been searching water hole
after water hole all day,
but it was the darkness
that let me find them.
Hey, duster, wake up.
Come on. Get up. We're back on the job.
Come on.
Let's go. Listen. Hey, listen.
That thing I said about us not being partners.
I was way out of line.
Hey, and just to prove
I trust you.
All right?
Now, come on.
Shake it. Let's go.
We're gonna swipe the truck, all right?
I got maps, a compass.
Got it all figured out.
I ain't gonna do that, Marcus.
I even guessed
you might say that.
All right, let's see. I got
all the angles, all right?
Now, you are going
to hot-wire the truck.
I'm driving you, me and them
diamonds out of this desert.
We're gonna get things back
the way they used to be.
It ain't gonna
be the same, Marcus.
It ain't gonna be
like it used to be.
It ain't.
All right.
All right.
Fine. It'll be a new way.
Move it!
You know, I've been listening
to your bullshit my whole life.
What, are you gonna shoot me?
If you're gonna shoot me,
go ahead and do it.
You son of a bitch.
I hate ya.
I hate ya.
I've hated you since the first
day I ever laid eyes on you.
She did this.
No, Marcus, no!
Marcus, come back here! Come on, trina.
Come on.
- Marcus! Marcus!
- Frank!
Marcus, don't you touch her!
Marcus, don't...
Marcus, please!
Get away from her, Marcus!
God, how did you find me?
'Cause I've been looking,
that's why.
I read about these two convicts.
They got the diamonds.
Jesus, trina, it doesn't matter
about that now. Come on.
The truck's not that far.
They've got my diamonds!
Do you want to die for those diamonds?
Do you want to kill for them?
They've just brought misery to
everyone who's ever touched them.
Just look what those
diamonds have done to you.
Can't you see? All I
want is your happiness.
Haven't you done enough damage?
Some dreams won't die.
They have to be killed.
Oh, God!
- Did you see Marcus?
- Well, look at here. Ain't this cute?
No, Marcus. No.
Who the fuck is that?
Oh, what have you done?
We gotta get to the truck!
- You gotta help me start the truck.
- What have you done?
Come on! We gotta
get to the truck!
This is what it is
to live with these things.
You shoot a man
you don't even know...
And count it as good luck
because he was carrying them.
But it didn't matter
who was holding them now.
Me. Him. This desert.
The curse of these diamonds
is that they exist.
As long as they exist, you think
they're going to be within reach.
Where we headed?
Get some ice cream.
I never wanted him around, but
then I got kind of used to him.
He was...
It's like...
Like you were married.
That's why I never had a life.
Married to duster before
I even got out of high school.
Must have really
brought you down.
I know I, uh,
done some bad things.
We got off to kind of
a rocky start.
You know what
I'm talking about?
Go on.
No, I'm...
I'm just saying maybe, uh...
I want to forget the past.
I'm saying... I'm saying,
you know, maybe...
what I really want is a friend.
But not someone...
well, not someone
like duster, but...
Someone with style and class.
A woman.
Not like those other types.
I learned something out here
in the past few days.
You gotta give to get.
I wanna... I'm gonna...
I mean, I wanna...
I'm gonna give you something.
You know,
half of something that's...
still, half's the best thing...
Probably anyone
has ever given you.
But before I do, I just...
I feel like I want...
I really want
that you should...
Shake my hand.
There's a gun
in your hand, Marcus.
What the hell, right?
Good enough for you?
Anyway, I... see this?
See this?
Your diamonds belonged
to my great-grandmother.
But I wanted to share.
No deal!
Oh, Jesus.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
No. Hold on. Hold on.
It's pretty bad. Hold on.
Stop the bleeding, and it'll be fine.
Come here.
Hold on. Hold... hold tight.
Hold on. Come on.
Hold on.
Hold on tight now.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to.
Eventually I knew trina
would double back...
And look at the guy I shot.
Then she'll know I took the
diamonds, and she'll come after me.
As she must.
Maybe in another life...
I could have converted them
into cash,
found a charity,
washed my hands.
But, uh, that was before
this desert reminded me...
That penitents typically
travel on foot.
And so I have.
The one place I can end this
curse and pay for my crimes.
The desert will swallow
these diamonds again.
And this time, even she will know
that they are gone for good.
And she will have no choice but
to drive out of this desert.
And these ghosts will
finally be laid to rest.
I thought you...
no, the bullet just grazed
my head and knocked me out.
I'm sorry.
Well, he had it coming.
He was going to strand you out here,
take your truck and leave you to die.
And I was gonna let him try.
And then he was pumping you
about maps and compasses.
And I finished the new key, and I
traded my rocks for your diamonds.
All the pieces were there.
I put them together.
A prospector with
no prospecting gear.
And that key you were wearing
looked like an original to me.
The thing is, I don't have
your diamonds anymore.
What? No, I had 'em. I had 'em.
That guy was gone
when I came to.
Frank has them?
I found his truck.
And believe me,
I searched through it.
But there's a hole in the radiator.
He must have set out on foot.
You know, he could have
gone in any direction.
No, no, he couldn't.
No, he's... he's got to
cross the flats first.
No, Texas is still a long way, and
this thing's just patched up.
No, we...
we just take his truck.
Come on. Come on.
We can get him.
Trina, maybe it's better
this way.
Help me start the truck.
Maybe it's better this way.
Look at what the diamonds
did to Marcus...
And what they did to the
woman who had them first.
Well, that woman was my
grandmother, and she lost them.
Look at what they did to her.
She didn't understand.
Look at what they did to her!
I spend my whole life here.
Every year. Every day. Please.
You wanna know why I gave
up my rock collection?
You traded it for my diamonds.
I'd rather have my rocks
than yours.
The first time I ever picked one
up was for my parents' funeral.
And the second was the day I moved
in with Marcus. I had 38 of them.
The day I got
my locksmith's license,
the day I went to prison,
the first day of freedom.
Some are good and some are bad,
but when you put it all together,
it's a whole life right there.
Well, I threw your rocks away.
I-I guess that
just makes us even.
Besides, I kept
the most important one...
the day you kissed me.
All's I need is one more, and
I can start a new collection.
You don't understand!
Trina, this ain't
about the diamonds.
Your dreamin' and the diamonds,
they ain't the same thing.
You've been looking for
these stones for so long...
That you forgot what you were
looking for in the first place.
You don't gotta
be like that no more.
I mean, it's simple.
All's you gotta do is just
walk out of this place.
You gotta make a choice.
You just gotta make a choice.
No, wait!
Look. All of this
is gonna be the past.
It's all gonna be the past.
All right.
Just sit back, trina.
We'll be at Frank's truck soon.
I'm ready to live again.
Go get the truck.
Baby, I'm sorry that you
had... how could you?
I have to get the diamonds.
I know I can get along
without them.
Maybe they ain't
even good for me.
I can't just give up.
What do you mean,
you can't just give up?
It'll all have been
for nothing.
For my father, for his father,
for my great-grandparents
and for me.
And now it's all down to me,
and I am good enough.
I am the one.
How can I start a new life when I
ain't even finished the old one?
What if I don't go with you?
You can't go with me.
You should take Tracy with you.
No. I'm comin' back!
No, she'll be all alone. Take it.
I'm comin' back!
I'm comin' back! Take it!
I'm comin' back.
- I promise you.
- Okay.
Tracy. Tracy, I'll be back!
Stay away from me, trina.
I mean it.
Aw, come on, Frank.
You've been here before.
It all went wrong.
Now you've got a chance
to undo your mistake.
That's what I'm doing.
Give me the diamonds.
This has got nothing
to do with you.
It has everything
to do with me.
What, you don't wanna
give them to me?
You wanna keep them for yourself?
Is that it?
Okay. Well, you're gonna
have to kill me first.
I won't give them to you,
trina. I won't.
You did it for my mother.
You can't have them.
- Why won't you give them to me?
- Listen to me.
- Because they'll destroy you!
- It is over between your father and I.
You stole for her.
You lied for her.
- Did everything she ever asked you.
- It has been for a long time.
- No.
- It was wrong. I should never have done it.
- What's wrong with me then?
- There's nothing wrong with you.
I can't stand here and let him squander
your whole life. No, you're leaving us!
Why didn't you tell me, huh?
What is it?
- No, I wouldn't leave you.
- Am I stupid? Am I ugly?
What did she do?
What do I have to do?
Shut up!
I'm taking you with me.
Trina! No!
Where did you put them, huh?
No! I'm not leaving without you!
- Where are the diamonds?
- I am not leaving you.
- Where are the diamonds?
- Listen to me!
- Come on.
- Damn it! Calm down!
- Trina! - No. Stop!
- Where are they?
- No!
- Trina, I'm taking you with me. Trina!
Wha... Frank. Frank!
Wha... Frank.
You can't go.
Dad's gonna find the diamonds.
Where are the diamonds?
No! Frank, come on! Come on!
Amazing grace
how sweet the sound
that saved
a wretch
like me
I once
was lost
but now
I am found
I was blind
but now
I see
through many dangers
toils and snares
I have
already come
and it is grace
that brought me safely
thus far
and it is grace
that will lead me home
yes, and when
yes, when this heart...
This heart
and flesh shall fail.
And flesh
shall fail
and mortal life...
And mortal life
shall cease.
Shall cease
I shall possess
within the veil
a life
of joy
and peace
through many dangers
toils and snares,
I shall possess
within the veil...
A life of joy and peace.
Grace will...
grace... grace will...
amazing grace
how sweet the sound flesh
shall... flesh shall fail.
That saved a wretch like me
oh, grace
oh, grace
oh, grace
grace will lead... grace will
lead me home... lead me home
lead me home grace
will lead me home
lead me
a life of joy joy