Slugterra: Ghoul from Beyond (2014)

Slugterra. 99 wondrous caverns
filled with incredible good...
and despicable evil!
Dr. Blakk used his foul science
to corrupt slugs
into hideous ghouls!
Only one slinger had the courage
and the skill to stop him!
Me, Pronto the Magnificent!
Oh, no, not Pronto
the Magnificent!
You are too brave!
Too magnificent!
I, Pronto, single-handedly
defeated Dr. Blakk,
vanquishing him and his
foul ghouls for all time!
And stay out!
- Oh, come on!
- Hey!
I thought you wanted Trixie
to record you
telling the real story
of the Shane Gang?
Actually, I went with the title
"The Illustrious History
of Pronto Geronimole,
featuring the rest of
the Shane Gang."
What? One of my many fans
suggested it.
Well, if, and I emphasize "if,"
you have any fans,
don't they deserve the truth?
I told the truth! Are Blakk
and his ghouls not gone forever?
Well, yeah, but Bro, that's
not exactly how it happened.
Why quibble about details?
Blakk and his ghouls are defeated.
And now, Slugterra has entered
a new era of peace and tranquility...
Yeah, well, at least that's what
you thought woulda happened!
- Nice!
- You liked that?
Watch this!
Hold it!
What are you doing here?
- We've taken over this mall!
- We?
I hate this mall.
Well well, look who it is.
Eli Shane.
Come to find a nice
summer dress?
Good one, I see
you found the food court.
Yeah! It's just one of the many
perks of taking over this DUMP,
though the falafels make me wanna puke!
Yeah, they're not the best, are they?
No! And you know what
else makes me wanna puke?
You! You see, Caverna Mall
has a new policy:
No Shane Gang allowed!
What? News flash: Policies, they
mean nothing to the Shane Gang!
- That's far enough!
- Listen to me, Ember.
This is your last chance
to surrender.
I think you are the one
facing his last chance.
As you can see I've already taken
care of Caverna Mall's security.
Oh, man. If Boss Ember could
do that to Security Slingers...
What are you doing here anyway?
Why'd you guys leave the Scrap Heap?
Well, mostly because living
there made me wanna puke!
I always thought you liked it.
- Eh, Yeah!?
- Why should we live in junk?
This mall is full of
much classier stuff!
Besides with Blakk gone,
I figured it was time
to stretch my legs...
and expand my empire.
You're not the first bad guy
to have that thought, bro.
Although he is perhaps
the most peculiar looking.
He's still gonna end up
like the rest of 'em.
Kord ... Loogie me!
Trixie, go!
Pronto, too, is ready to fulfill
his duty as a hero!
By posing for a photo
when a fan demands it!
- Say Cheese.
- Cheese...
Wait. What?
I don't want a photo!
I want you to do something already!
And so I shall!
I will...
give you an autograph!
- Gross!
- So they got some amped up slugs.
That's not gonna be enough
against the two toughest members
of the Scrap Force!
Um, shouldn't you guys have
a new name now
that you've left the Scrap Heap?
- Yeah! She's right!
- Not necessarily!
Scrap Force can mean
a lot of things.
Like, maybe we're the Scrap
Force cuz we're scrappy.
- Yeah?
- Nah...
Or maybe it's because
you're about to be scrapped.
Wait ... what?
Hello, evildoers!
- You now face Pronto, hero of all...
- Blast him!
Reminds me of the Scrap Heap!
Whew, thanks dude.
A true hero never disappoints
a friend. Or a fan.
Oh boy.
It's over, Ember.
This is a megamorph.
You know you don't have
the firepower to match it.
Don't I?
I thought we were the only ones
who had those!
That's the one good thing about
living in a Scrap Heap.
You can find the parts
to build anything!
Even a blaster that
can shoot megamorphs.
Ember, no!
That slug's not ready,
- it needs to be able to handle...
- I don't have to do anything!
Not anymore!
Not when I have this!
Stop that slug!
- Kord!
- A brave lad.
Well-muscled too.
He went too young.
I don't believe it!
The whole thing fell on you!
Ah, it couldn't've been more
than 8 or 9 tons, tops.
No biggie.
Ok Ember, your run is over.
It's off to the Big House, buddy.
I kinda figured we'd get a break
with Blakk gone,
but bad guys have been crawlin'
out of the woodwork like crazy.
And you know it's only
a matter of time
before the rest of them get
their hands on megamorphs too.
Then why are you smiling?
Because as long as there's no
Blakk and no ghouls,
I know we can handle whatever...
Let me guess. Those crystal
worms have returned to Molemound.
No. Gateway cavern says
they're under attack
by strange Marauders...
and they're firing Ghouls!
- Ghouls? But, but can that mean...
- Blakk is back?
I don't know.
But we're going to find out!
Fan out! Looks like everyone's
gone, but let's make sure.
Now there's a big boy.
I feel like you must feel
standing next to me!
You feel like Pronto?
How wondrous for you!
They're gathering Fandangos!
Who are these dudes?
Clearly, they are...
about to become footnotes
in the glorious history of Pronto!
I think we found the Marauders.
Are these guys from the surface?
No. But
wherever they're from...
they've got ghouls!
But how? Doc cured the last
ones Blakk made months ago.
Unless Blakk is back!
And making more!
Someone's trapped in
the rubble over there!
It's the King of Sling!
There's no way we
can get to him.
She is right!
It would be madness!
For any lesser hero than Pronto!
I don't know if that's the
bravest thing I ever seen...
- Or the dumbest.
- Let's hope it's the first!
Woa, hang on!
Wait a minute!
Hey, hey stop that!
Let me go!
- Are you all right?
- Feelin' a little lightheaded.
- Who are these guys?
- No idea, they just showed up,
started rampaging and taking
all of our Fandangos!
Anyone else with you?
No way baby!
I got everyone out safely.
But I just couldn't stop them.
- You did your job. No it's...
- Pronto's turn!
Whoo. I like that guy's style.
Cover him!
- No need to thank us.
- Of course.
You should be thanking me!
Say cheese!
But do not worry!
Pronto will protect you!
You know, I appreciate that.
But maybe let's let someone else
lead the charge this time.
Like you, Banger!
Show 'em what a megamorph can do!
I don't believe it!
They've got megamorphs too!
Yeah, and they seem to know how
to use 'em a lot better
than Boss Ember did!
Seems like all of a sudden,
everyone's got megamorphs.
But no one's got one like you!
He wields the Infernus,
that must be him.
Mount up and ride out!
It may have take them a while
but they finally realized the
futility of fighting Pronto!
Could be, but I've got a feeling it
had something to do with you.
- Whew...
- Doc!
Thank you, thank you very much!
- You'll be all right now.
- Thanks to your Boon Doc.
Stay here.
We'll go after them.
They're headed back the
way they came. To the East.
The East? But that's ...
I believe the word you're
looking for is
Gateway is the Easternmost
of the 99 caverns.
To the East of town are
the Barren Wastes
of the Outland Reach.
And to the east of that is simply...
... the end.
Behold! The end of
the 99 Caverns.
The End of the known world!
Whoa! How could
anyone get through that?
- Like Pronto said... it's...
- Impossible!
Well then, I'm seeing the impossible!
There's an opening. That's
where the must have go!
The amount of energy it must be
taking to create that opening...
I can't even imagine
who could do something like that!
Eh, I'd put my money on that guy.
- Is that...Dr. Blakk?
- No! It's not!
Yeah, that's the good news.
The bad news is...
this guy looks like he might
be even worse!
Ever seen a ghoul like that Burpy?
Looks like we're gonna find out
what it can do!
He's being ...ghouled!
Burpy's been ghouled before.
He didn't attack us then!
- Yeah, well this is now!
- Go!
Eli move!
Burpy! You OK?
That one must be some kind of
ghouled version of a Boon Doc!
Who are you?
Do you work for Dr. Blakk?
I serve no man, men serve me!
Uh, that's not good.
Is he your slinger?
You wield an Infernus. You are
the protector of these caverns?
Well, perhaps technically yes,
but truly it is Pronto who...
I am the Shane. Which
means you're gonna have
to go through me to
get to the 99 Caverns.
99! So many!
Eliminate the others.
I have found my new slinger!
It's on!
Mr. Stink Beast, we meet again.
We're getting nowhere like
this. And that ice wall won't
hold for too long. Doc, your
job is to cure that Goon, got it?
- Whoaa!
- Go for the Goon!
That is one tough dude!
Ok Doc! Ready?
Oh no!
- No! Guys!
- Do not worry.
Once you are my slave,
they will follow!
They're still okay!
And we're gonna be too.
No matter what this guy's got,
he doesn't have anything
like you Burpy.
Of course I do.
- Another Infernus?!?
- You don't get out much, do you?
Who are you?
I am the conqueror of
the Eastern Realms
and a hundred caverns beyond...
East? You can't get more
East than here,
- this is the end!
- The end?
This is just the beginning.
My Marauders attacked gateway
cavern for the sole purpose
of flushing out this realm's
champion, and you took the bait!
So what do you want me for?
- I need a new host.
- What?
My Dark Energy Attack doesn't
just twist slugs into ghouls.
It can bend a slinger to my will ...
like the one I ride now!
I'm talking to you, aren't I?
I'm talking to the Goon Doc!
Now you know whom you will serve!
Burpy! Where's Eli?
- Dumb rock!
- Kord! I almost blasted you!
- You seen Eli? Or Pronto?
- Can't see anything!
But I hear...
- Pronto!
- Oh, ho-ho sorry.
I thought you might have been
those Marauders.
Can't be too careful.
After all, we would not want
to lose Pronto, would we!
- Now we just gotta find Eli.
- Hey look! There he is!
He's ok!
- Bro!
- Protect me!
It will take time before I
control this one completely.
O...K! That there...
that is just creepy!
Goon Doc! Somehow, it
must be doing this to Eli!
We need Doc, he'd be able to cure
that freaky ghoul and help Eli.
Ah. Just like a slug,
running from danger!
No he's not!
He's going after Doc!
Guess he's not here...
wherever here is.
Here is where we begin
to have a little fun!
You see, right now we're
in your mind
We're...we're in my mind?
And very soon, it and you
will belong to me!
You parasite!
You were controlling
that slinger all along,
like a puppet.
You used him to invade
and destroy our home.
You upright fool!
I am not here to destroy it,
I am here to protect it.
By ghouling the slugs
and attacking us?
Slugterra rightfully belongs
to all slugs.
You humanoid beasts are like a
virus that needs to be wiped out.
And you, Eli Shane will be
the perfect host
once I enslave you!
What's the Goon doing to Eli?
- Anybody got any ideas?
- Pronto knows what to do!
I am invisible,
like a Molenoid ninja.
Hut! Scup-scup-scup.
Woot! Ha ha!
Excuse me.
I am sure that you are not aware
of this, so let me tell you.
Your leader...
he is really a... slug!
Pronto! What're you doing!?!
Once he realizes he serves a slug,
I am sure he will abandon him.
Am I right?
You see? My plan worked!
I can see you have many questions.
Actually, I only have one:
how do I kick your tiny butt
out of my head!
Ah, not true.
You also want to know
what drove me to come here.
- Through the wall.
- And you're just gonna tell me?
You should know whom
you will serve.
Even through that wall,
I sensed the presence of slug
energy being corrupted.
You mean the ghouls?
I had to know who else but
me had the power to make them.
So with some Fandango slug
energy and the Terra Portal drill,
we bored through
the wall to come here.
But it seems like I was wrong,
there are no ghouls here.
You're too late,
we cured them all
and defeated the man responsible
for making them.
Now I see him...
Thaddeus Blakk.
He foolishly allied himself
with the Dark Bane...
- How do you...
- A barrier was broken between
Slugterra and the Deep Caverns.
The Dark Bane would try
to enter our world...
They did enter...
but we stopped them.
- They're gone for good.
- Ho ho ho!
They're not gone
neither is Blakk
and perhaps your father.
What do you know about him?
- Where is he?
- I'm just grabbing at your thoughts.
You are the one keeping him
alive in your heart
and here in this mind.
Get out of my head!
That is not good.
Ok, so this ghoul may be
a little bigger...
But he's gonna go down just like
every ghoul we've ever faced!
How can I be hurt?
This isn't even real!
- Is it?
- I assure you...
The consequences of what
happens here are very real.
Once you fall to me,
you are mine.
And when you are mine,
the 99 caverns will be as well.
I know not from whence you came,
but even there,
surely they must tell tales
of Pronto the Magnificent!
Uh! Or maybe not.
I've got you!
Do not worry, they will only get
to you if they get past me!
I hate to tell ya, bro, but
that's exactly the kinda thing
I'm worried about!
Stop! Look!
The Terra Portal driver
is losing power.
If it does not get more Fandango energy
the portal will close permanently.
Hurry! Bring them through
to the other side.
Their energy will keep the
portal open long enough
for you to lead my army here!
You see, I told you Pronto
would let no harm come to you!
- Thanks, little dude, but...
- Eh, minor quibble,
but do you really think that
you should refer to the Molenoid
who just saved the day as
"Little Dude"?
That's just it ...
the day, hasn't been saved.
Not yet!
We've gotta stop them from
getting those Fandangos
to their friends or it's
game over for the 99 caverns!
Don't you see, I'm slowly
taking over your mind...
Sure wish we had Burpy.
- Uh, no offense.
- You care so much about your Infernus.
And yet you don't even know
its significance.
You're wrong.
I know how special Burpy is.
But do you know that in each
set of caverns,
there is only one Infernus ...
wielded by the protector
of those caverns?
What? But the Dark Slinger ...
he had an Infernus too.
- He...
- Was the Champion of the Eastern Realms.
A highly gifted warrior with
years of specialized training.
I used him to conquer the
caverns he once defended.
He was unbeatable
and he served me well.
But now I need a slinger
who knows these caverns
and I choose you.
That's gonna hurt in the morning.
Wait. Everything here,
it's all just...
figments of my imagination, right?
Well, maybe I just need to start
imagining things a little differently!
- It's over.
- I am the master here!
What I command, your mind obeys.
That should knock the wind
outta their sails.
Oh no!
The terra portal is closing.
- We need to save those Fandangos.
- Pronto, no!
We've got to go back.
They're too far ahead.
You'll be crushed before
you can catch them!
Perhaps. But better me than
the 99 caverns.
Please, my friend,
go back while you can.
This is something
only Pronto can do!
Hey you big stink ball!
Time to take a hike.
Uh oh.
Ok, maybe I shoulda been
a little bit more polite.
Or maybe I shoulda done this!
Nope. Shouldn't've done that.
- Kord! I don't have a shot!
- I do! I just need my blaster!
Take mine!
Whew! Thanks dude.
Hey! Where's Pronto?
Dude, I'm glad you're ok!
But get off your duff
and guard this portal
before that army comes through!
Ah. You cave trolls worry too much.
Behold and bask in Pronto's
most epic deed.
The rescue of...
the Fandangos!
- Bro! You're a hero!
- Aw! I am no hero.
I am simply the best at what I do!
- Eli!
- That's not Eli.
You think that will save you?
Separating me from my Army?
I will raise another!
Now that I have my slinger,
nothing can stop me.
All you have done is trapped
yourselves in here!
With me!
I don't want to hurt them!
Why do you continue to resist?
Haven't you been listening to me?
Have you not heard enough
to know you have no hope?
It's never hopeless ...
as long as I've got my slugs!
Now it's over.
Eli, I know you won't do it.
Don't Tazerling me, bro!
Such power! And I sense
even more within you.
With such a slinger as my slave,
your caverns will fall in no time!
There is no human, troll or mole
who can help you now.
No! Not the healer!
Stay back!
Even with your powers,
did you really think
you could best me?
- Trix!
- What's happening?
I'm not sure, but I think
two slugs are fighting it out
for the fate of the 99 caverns!
Filthy Infernus!
I ghouled you once,
I will ghoul you again!
Not if I have something to say about it.
Without a slinger, he's powerless.
You're not done with me yet!
I'll find a new slinger,
create more ghouls,
build a new army.
No matter how long it takes.
You know, a lot of other ghouls
escaped back into the caverns
during the fight.
Including the Goon.
We'll find them.
All of them.
Right, Doc?
It's kinda weird, but even
after breaking free of the Goon,
there's still some kind of connection.
Like I can almost hear
what he's thinking:
"Find a slinger.
Create more ghouls.
Build a new army..."
Ok, so we've got some work to do.
Yeah. Startin' with ...
whatta we do about him?