Sm-rechter (S&M Judge) (2009)

All rise for His Worship.
We believe we have demonstrated that
Pussy Palace is a brothel, Your Honour,
and that the defendant is its manager.
The prosecution requests a conviction
for inciting prostitution.
Prosecutor Versandt,
may l congratulate you?
The defendant hired the best solicitor,
but you have furnished proof
that leaves me no choice but to convict.
Then again, l've been doing this job
for 18 years now.
The court calls Officer Van Durmen.
There are five brothels within 200 m
of each other on Mechelsesteenweg.
Why did you only report
the Pussy Palace?
Who filed the report?
- Frankie.
Not Frankie De Groote, your superior?
Why did Frankie file a report?
Officer, you are under oath.
Frankie is friends with Jenny.
Jenny from 'Chez Jenny'?
- Defendant, sit down.
Mr Spaan?
- 'Chez Jenny' is a competitor.
lt's the brothel opposite my client's.
The source is irrelevant.
The evidence is conclusive.
We either convict all or none.
Everyone is equal under the law.
The court judges each case separately.
- Not my court.
There's no room in my court
for nepotism.
Officer Van Durmen, look at this file.
D'you have any idea how much this costs?
Get out of my court. Get out.
Come on. Go!
The court acquits the defendant.
lt's over.
Next time you bring a case like this
to an already overloaded court,
l'd like you to think carefully first.
l can't sleep.
- Come in.
Come on then.
Magda. Magda.
Can you pick lris up from school?
l've got a lot of work after court.
Fred and lrne are coming to play bridge
so that'll relax you. You're cooking.
Magda, come on. Come on, get up.
You're picking lris up and
doing the cooking. Come on, please.
Good morning, darling.
- Good morning.
Mum is a bit tired.
Come on, l'll make breakfast.
Go and sit at the table.
Why don't you take a shower?
OK, well, despite our strong case...
Fred, l would...
- One moment. Koen, please come in.
Excuse me.
- No problem.
This is Guido De Wolf, the new bailiff.
Koen Allegaerts,
president of the criminal court.
Pleased to meet you.
- l'm honoured.
This afternoon l'll serve
your writ in the Van Den Abele case.
l'm off now then.
lt was a pleasure.
A real asset. Ambitious, conscientious.
Fred, the prosecutor is driving me nuts.
Can't you do anything?
We're 50,000 cases behind.
Prosecutor Versandt is too finicky.
You two never got along.
Move to the Court of Appeal.
What am l going to do there?
l can be useful here.
Not at the Court of Appeal.
- Done?
OK. Bridge tonight? What time?
- As usual, at eight.
You can expect a bottle. lt's our
Wow! Congratulations.
K & M
Hi, princess.
Where's mum?
- She's still asleep.
Didn't she pick you up?
- No.
Have you eaten?
- Crisps.
That's not real food, lris.
l'll do you something, OK?
Honey, can you give Daddy a hand?
Elke will soon be here with her parents.
- ls Elke coming too?
Hi, lris.
Hi, Uncle Fred.
Hello, lris.
- Hi, Elke.
We're going to make a movie.
- Action.
But before we begin,
l've got a surprise.
For Koen and Magda.
Here you go, honey. Fifteen years.
Well done!
Well done to us.
lt's only champagne.
What's wrong?
- Mum, what's up?
lt's alright.
Magda, calm down. Calm down.
- lt's alright.
Go and lie down. Come on.
Easy, easy.
- Wait, hold on. Come on.
Hold her.
Call a doctor.
- No, an ambulance.
Go and phone!
Magda. Take it easy, honey.
Hello? An ambulance. Hurry.
The Allegaerts family in Duffel...
Judge, your wife has had a nervous
breakdown and is seriously depressed.
l knew she wasn't feeling well,
but l didn't know it was this bad.
How long has she been like this?
- A few months.
Ever since she got the sack.
When was that?
- Six months ago.
She only lives at night now.
- What does she do?
Nothing, really. She wanted to paint and
draw, but she just watches television.
Let's keep her in observation for two
weeks. Then we'll put her on medication
and provide conventional psychotherapy.
OK. Thank you, doctor.
- No, no. Wait, wait, wait.
Don't take this too lightly.
There's a reason for this depression.
lt's bound to come out eventually
and then it may be your problem too.
So l'm to blame?
- Blame is an interesting concept.
Did you have a Catholic upbringing?
No, look, you're a couple.
So if one moves,
the other has to follow.
Do you understand?
No peeking.
Open your eyes.
For painting, darling.
Welcome home.
Thanks, sweetie.
Tell me if you need anything, OK?
Bubbles. Champagne.
She's asleep.
Fifteen years.
l can't, Koen.
Magda, we have to...
- We have to get a divorce.
No, we have to get through this.
We just have to...
l can't.
l'll never let you go.
l'll do anything, anything you...
- Yes, really. Anything.
What's this?
What does it have to do with us?
That's what l want.
To be tied up and dominated.
l want you to hurt me, Koen.
lt's been my fantasy for thirty years.
Thirty years?
Why didn't you tell me before?
l was afraid you'd reject me.
l'm your husband.
- l'm not normal, Koen!
Next month's agenda is overfull,
but what l can do
is schedule Versandt's lame cases
at the worst times.
But then we need to agree on...
Hello, Koen?
Are you OK?
- Yes, l'm sorry.
Do you have another suggestion?
- What?
My wife wants me to dominate her.
Hurt her.
Hurt her?
Why does she want to be hurt?
l don't understand either.
- Just to do something wild for once?
Or really...
- No, it's much deeper than that.
lt's not allowed, is it?
Articles 392 and 398.
Assault and battery?
- Yes.
Among spouses?
That sounds a bit far-fetched.
And without any complaints
it would be a hard case to prove.
Fred, what's the biggest thing
your wife has ever asked of you?
A new BMW.
No, l mean in bed.
Well, Koen, once a year l am...
How shall l put this?
... Attended to orally.
As long as it's not in writing,
there's no contract.
And that once was now, this week.
And only because l promised
to hang up the curtains.
Heavy curtains too.
You have to hang up curtains every
now and then when you are married.
Did she tell you?
- No, l had no idea.
But she's talking.
That's the main thing right now.
You need to help me, doctor.
How can l hurt the person l love most?
Maybe she likes it.
- Likes it? How can she like it?
You see, the limbic system in our brain
secretes endorphins
in response to pain stimuli.
They're a natural drug that fights pain
and also makes you feel euphoric.
Some people produce more than others.
- And that would mean
that pain is pleasant for those people?
- Yes.
What do you call that?
A Bloody Mary.
Sometimes a Bloody Mary Rose.
ls it nice?
- Yes.
Honey, l can't do it.
Koen, please. l want it.
OK. Ready?
- Yes.
- More, yes.
- OK?
- lris.
Dad, Mum?
What's going on?
What are we going to do?
We can't do it here.
Maybe we should talk
to some other people.
lt's a club. What can happen?
- Somebody might recognize you.
lmagine a defendant seeing you there.
- We're just going to have a look.
You'll set yourself up for blackmail.
- No, l won't.
l'm not allowed to enter a casino.
The law doesn't mention S&M clubs.
Bye, baby. Koen, we have to go now
or we'll be late.
Yes, for the party.
- Bye, Dad.
Bye, honey. Behave yourself, eh?
- You too.
Go on, go and see Elke.
- Bye.
Elke, what did you do with Kevin?
- Be careful.
lt's either that or a divorce.
lf you don't want to...
Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Hi.
We've come to have a look.
- A look?
That's 500 francs.
We have an appointment with Dominant P.
- Right.
Go and get Dom P.
- yes, Mistress.
Koen and Magda? l'm Dominant P.
Come on, follow me.
Good boy.
This is it.
lt takes some getting used to.
There's the dungeon. Come on.
No photos or videos, OK?
Only if you rent the entire place.
- Alright.
What's happening?
- She's going into subspace.
- She's quite new.
Sometimes you reach a higher level.
She'll be fine.
ls something the matter?
- No, l'm OK.
The one with the beard?
- That's the one.
Well? How d'you feel?
- l'm OK. lt takes some getting used to.
l'm OK.
Koen, l want to join in.
Magda, we only came to have a look.
- l know, but...
Sorry, l can't. l really have to
do this. l can't stop myself.
l have to join in.
l'm going to get changed.
lf you can't do it, then l will.
Take it easy.
This is her first time, OK?
Come on, she's your wife.
You love her.
Hold her and put her at ease.
Then we can start.
You can kiss her, if you want.
OK. May l?
Not like that. Take it easy.
There, softly. Yes? OK.
There. Never on the same spot.
Not too high. Not on the kidneys.
There. OK.
Easy. When she says stop, you stop.
lf you hit her even once after that,
you won't be allowed back in here.
The same for you.
'Mercy' means that you're close
but can still go on a bit more. OK?
- yes.
Yes, who?
- yes, Master.
Right, go ahead.
That's it.
Carry on.
- yes, more.
There, that's it.
- Easy, hold on.
Are you sure?
Usually this is enough for a first time.
no, i'm fine. more.
You're sure about this?
- yes.
Are you OK?
Well done.
Welcome to the club.
Are you OK?
Magda, l'd like to talk about this
a little bit more, if that's OK?
Thank you.
l just don't understand
how you can enjoy pain.
Neither do l.
But l know that this is
what l've longed for all my life.
lris, it's time, hon... Good morning.
- Good morning.
What are you doing here, Mum?
l don't mean it like that, but...
Here, honey. Do you want an egg?
- No, l'll just have some cornflakes.
Give here. Give it to me.
You two are acting strange.
Strange? lsn't that allowed?
l don't know.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
Today l'm going to acquit everybody.
May l?
- Of course.
Was it safe?
- lt was fantastic.
l didn't ask that. Was it safe?
No one recognised you?
No. And l don't recognise my own wife.
- You're not going back, are you?
l thought it was just the once.
- We have to go back.
l've got a new wife.
We have to go back.
lt's not right, Koen.
- lt's very right. Very right.
The court is in session.
The first case...
You've got so many paintings, Mum.
You should organise an exhibition.
- Thanks.
- yes, Master.
thank you.
lt's the best film academy there is.
Hold on.
Here, four hours of camerawork.
But there's an entry exam. Philosophy...
Koen and Magda's sessions
are always very intense.
l suggest you just sit down
and watch first, OK?
l love you.
My compliments. Very nice indeed.
- Thanks.
This is Marcel.
Marcel, Magda.
l've rarely seen anybody go that far.
But, eh... well...
Magda would like to
go even further, really.
Much further than l can go,
or than we're able to go here.
Maybe you can help us?
- l know some people.
l'll rent the club. Leave it up to me.
Why do you want to go even further?
Your marriage's been saved, hasn't it?
lris is going to take her entry exam.
- Yes, but there needs to be more.
lt's about identity.
Magda wants to discover herself.
Discover herself? ln pain, or what?
- l don't understand it either.
After five years you still
don't understand it? Congratulations.
We can't film it in public.
- l don't want to lose you.
You're my best judge.
And some people are out for your blood.
What are we supposed to do?
Only use the missionary position?
You're a judge. Don't throw that away.
- My private life is private.
l'm a judge with an unusual sex life.
So what?
lt's like hanging up curtains, Fred.
Heavy curtains, but still just curtains.
Well, how did your entry exam go?
- Well, eh...
l got in.
l knew it.
- Only five got accepted.
Only five?
- l was one of those five.
We start with scriptwriting and...
- Baby, it says it costs 30,000 francs.
l don't know if l can afford that.
- You're a judge. Of course you can.
Yes, but we've had other expenses.
- Like what?
What's that?
Did you know l'd get in?
What is it?
No! lt's a camera!
Exactly the one l wanted. Thank you.
There is even a tripod. Here you are.
- The Alta by Vanguard.
Honey, can we use your old camera then?
Yes, of course. Perfect.
Yes, that's him. That's him.
A moustache, black hair, ponytail.
Yes, that's Marcel Luyten, for sure.
Does that guy know l'm staying?
- Don't worry. lt's all been arranged.
l'll be filming this, but no photos, OK?
This is just for us.
No problem.
l'd like you to meet Magda.
This is your master for this session.
- You talk when l give you permission.
Stand over there.
Stand over there, slut.
- l'm sorry, but we don't do that.
No insults, OK?
- All she wants is the pain.
No insults and no sex, OK?
- Who is that guy?
He's her husband. He won't interfere.
That won't work.
You can't stay here. Get out.
- Calm down.
l'm staying. lt's that or nothing.
Stand over there.
Hello, Mark? This is Fred speaking.
l need some information.
Marcel Luyten. The name sounds
vaguely familiar. Do you know him?
Yes, he's a hardened criminal.
- ls he?
He's wanted for sex offences.
- What?
Sex offences. There's a team on it.
- OK, thanks.
OK. We'll leave her here
and get some coffee.
OK, alright.
Honey, we're going to have a drink.
Are you alright? You're sure?
Come on, Koen.
Not now, Fred. l'm sorry.
Why the music?
- That makes it even tougher.
Here, eight thousand francs.
- Thank you.
She's really good.
l'll definitely be back.
See you soon.
- Thanks, Marcel.
What's that?
- These guys pay to do it.
Extreme slaves are hard to come by.
- l'm coming.
OK, they're going.
Call the examining magistrate.
Come on, give me that.
Frankie De Groote to dispatch.
Call Blechtert for an arrest warrant.
For Marcel Luyten.
l repeat, Marcel Luyten.
How can you keep that up,
for heaven's sake?
l'm not dead, am l?
l'm not in hospital.
Where were you?
ls your mobile out of order?
Marcel Luyten is wanted for rape.
- What?
l told you to be careful.
He's got a criminal record.
Fred, how could l know?
And how do you know?
Contacts. Does he have anything
that could lead to you?
No, there's nothing in writing.
- He's got nothing on you?
No photos, videos, nothing?
Not as far as we know. No.
Who's that?
Luyten, please. Who is this woman?
A slave.
- l don't believe you. You tortured her.
She does this of her own free will.
- Sure. Dutroux, does that ring a bell?
Who paid you?
Who commissioned this?
Who did you lend her to?
We're gonna get you for this!
You're out on probation,
but if you don't cooperate...
We have to stop. Fred is right.
Yes, of course Fred is right.
l know that too.
But we're not doing anything wrong.
lt's too dangerous, Koen.
l want to stop.
For your sake, for your job's sake.
Fred has a point. lt's not worth it.
Magda, why... You're worth it.
You need it. l want to give it to you.
This is about you and who you are.
lnterrogation ended.
The suspect refuses to cooperate.
Frankie, take him away.
- Wait.
What if l give you her husband?
- Not interested. You had your chance.
Her husband is a judge.
l'll rent something.
A chalet, something remote.
We'll ask Dom P. to set everything up.
He can film the whole thing.
Then we'll have it on video.
One last, final time.
Thank you.
Well done, men.
lt's the weekend now, so we'll wait.
We'll wait until Monday morning.
When he leaves, you go in.
When he arrives at the courthouse...
l'm ready. We can get started.
Koen speaking.
- lt's Marcel. l'm calling from prison.
Marcel, l don't want you to call us.
- They're coming round! Hide your stuff!
We're not doing anything wrong.
But you are. Goodbye, Marcel.
Hey... What? l can do that too.
My beautiful wife.
- My handsome husband.
Love is not for old people.
- Who's old? Get out of my court.
Koen, wait. You forgot something.
- A kiss.
Crazy woman.
Good morning.
We have a search warrant
from the Court of Appeal. Here.
Are you alone?
- No, my daughter is here too.
Go ahead, boys. Thanks.
What is this about?
- l have to ask you something.
ls that voluntary?
That's a private matter.
How did you come by that photo?
Will you answer my question?
- Of course it's voluntary.
l don't believe you.
What's going on?
- They're searching the house.
Come in, come in.
What's this all about, prosecutor?
- lt's been a long time.
We see so little of each other
now l'm at the Court of Appeal.
This isn't your office. This is...
- Blechtert's office. l know.
But the magistrate is out
and l wanted to talk to you in private.
The living room, first floor.
Mum, what's going on? ls Dad corrupt?
- Of course not, darling.
That's a sketch for school...
- We have a drawing here
that seems to depict a rape.
- That's not a rape.
We're confiscating the drawing.
- Magistrate, the daughter's diary.
That's my diary. Give me that.
That has nothing to do with Dad.
- lt's possible evidence, miss.
l've heard about your escapades.
- The legal grapevine, Mr Allegaerts.
How long have you been into S&M?
Are you interested in it yourself?
lt's nothing to be ashamed of.
Lots of people are into S&M.
More than you think.
Are there more magistrates who...?
- Magistrates, professors, MPs.
- Van Preten. The MP. You know him.
He belongs to your party.
- Don't you think...
this... behaviour
can impact on our profession?
A private life is private. This has
nothing to do with my profession.
Bedroom. Particularly dirty.
The wallpaper is peeling off.
Guys, that's private.
- Three jars of Vaseline.
Two needles, five condoms.
We're concluding the search.
Where's the key?
- My husband's got it.
- Right.
You can't.
You aren't allowed to break open locks
without a locksmith.
l'm the wife of
a former examining judge.
l'm not into S&M myself,
but my wife has a threshold for pain
that is almost impossible to imagine.
Few people can understand that.
lndeed. l've seen photos...
Where did you get that?
When did you start abusing your wife,
Mr Allegaerts?
Judge Allegaerts. What is this? An
interrogation? You can't just do that.
Ask my wife if you want to know.
- lt's not an interrogation.
lt's a chat between colleagues while
awaiting the investigating magistrate.
What does...
- Blechtert is searching your house now.
A search? On what grounds?
- Remain seated, Judge Allegaerts!
Mum, what's this all about?
- Hold on a minute, lris.
Shame, eh? You'll have to come back.
Out, lris!
- Needles, collar, videotapes.
We're confiscating the videotapes
and other paraphernalia.
Come on, Kevin.
You Catholics think
you can impose standards on others!
A judge must behave in a dignified way.
- A judge must be one of the people.
You've no idea what goes on!
Spending time in grimy dungeons
doesn't mean you do either.
Detachment and dignity are essential.
- They have nothing to do with this.
We have to dispense justice.
- We have to set an example!
People like you don't belong in a court.
- Not in your kind l don't!
Gentlemen, please.
Put that down there.
- We've got some interesting material.
Mother and daughter are outside.
- What's lris got to do with this?
She doesn't know anything.
- She doesn't know anything?
l'll leave the interrogation to you.
- That's fine. Judge, sit down, please.
We've found some interesting items
at your home.
Videotapes and suchlike. Maybe we
can have a look together? Sit down.
Mrs De Herdt? The psychiatrist
wants to examine you for damage.
- Physical, psychological.
Caused by my husband?
- Come with me.
Caused by Dad? What's happened?
Mum, what did Dad do?
Shouldn't you question my wife?
- Your wife?
Mrs De Herdt's name was mentioned
in a rape case.
She has nothing to do with this case.
She's a victim.
You think she's a victim.
l think it's my job to decide who is
the victim and who is the perpetrator.
Come in.
The De Herdt file.
Virgo intacta.
Humour in the courthouse...
We are terminating
the interrogation at 1530 hours.
l am charging Mr Koenraad Allegaerts
with assault and battery
and inciting prostitution.
lf you could sign here.
l always used to start by telling people
what they were accused of.
Thank you.
Send the daughter in.
- Leave her out of this, you bastard.
What's happened?
- lt's alright, honey.
Take it easy.
lt's alright.
lt's alright, princess.
You have officially been charged. You're
not allowed to talk to the victim.
She's my wife. l'm going home with her.
- Yes, but you can't talk to her here.
At home you can do as you please.
- l'm not so sure about that.
Am l allowed to go to the toilet?
- Of course.
Don't touch me, whippersnapper.
lris, that's Doctor De Schrijver. He has
a lot of experience in cases like yours.
Did you ever have to participate
in the things your parents did?
Could somebody actually tell me
what they've done?
We can move you from there, if you want.
- But l don't want.
l want to know what they've done.
lris, it's not uncommon for people
to suppress unpleasant memories.
But you can speak freely here.
- l've had enough, you ginger dimwit.
Tell me what they've done. Please.
What's that?
Show me. What's on there?
Did you... my dad...
do that to my mum?
Yes or no?
l'm disappointed in you.
l want to testify on your behalf,
so do several colleagues.
l've informed the magistrate,
but he refuses to call us.
l can't stop them, Koen.
They've gone over my head.
They're in the Court of Appeal. We're
going to have to do it differently.
Nothing official.
Use the network, call some friends.
No, l don't want to cheat.
- Let me talk to my contacts.
No! l've believed in justice for
You must.
- l don't want to.
These judges are the best in
the country. They'll dismiss the case.
What does going to trial depend on?
- A meeting at the Court of Appeal.
They need twelve signatures.
- Twelve?
They'll never get them. Never.
l'll open the door.
Guido. Well?
Koenraad Allegaerts,
judge by profession?
Are you having me on, Guido?
- Could you sign here, please?
l'm just doing my job, Koen.
- lt's Koenraad.
We're all just doing our job, Guido.
- Goodbye.
lt's a summons for a trial.
There you are.
The Court of Appeal. Twelve signatures.
They're all magistrates, all colleagues.
Leo Leemans, Karel Rombouts...
l believe in justice.
l have to believe in justice.
l can't believe l'm sitting here,
in my own courtroom.
The court.
JUNE 1997
Please be seated.
Mr Allegaerts, would you rise, please?
Would you prefer the proceedings to be
closed, given the nature of the case?
No, we have nothing to hide.
The prosecution requests they be closed.
- Do you?
That is very unusual.
- l'm sorry, Your Honour,
but we need the public as witnesses,
especially in this case.
Don't you trust us?
The prosecutor's request is granted.
Thank you.
- The judgement will remain public.
Allegaerts acted as his own wife's pimp
and lent her to other men
to undergo excruciating pain.
Excuse me, Your Honour, but this was
at the so-called victim's request.
The defence calls Magda De Herdt.
- Articles 392 and 398 ask the question:
did assault and battery occur,
yes or no? Provocation is irrelevant.
Then you can also prosecute
every boxer or plastic surgeon.
The court will be the judge of that,
Mr Spaan.
We will hear the victim.
You are Magda De Herdt?
The person in the videos and photos?
- Yes.
ls it true that you asked for this?
- Yes.
Were you drugged when you were...
treated like this?
No, of course not.
What do you mean?
- There would have been no point then.
No further questions. The prosecution
may question the witness.
Mrs De Herdt, will you get treatment?
- For my drinking problem?
No, for your tendencies.
- No.
l'm a healthy woman. l know
perfectly well what l do and want.
You know perfectly well what
you do and want. No further questions.
Taking somebody somewhere for
illicit sexual acts is against the law.
Judge Allegaerts, did you drive
Magda De Herdt to that club?
Yes, prosecutor.
- Of course he drove her there.
Mrs De Herdt doesn't have a licence.
- l drive, she cooks.
That's our arrangement.
- How was your wife paid?
That hadn't been arranged.
She got half of what that man paid.
Who accepted the money from
Marcel Luyten, a suspected rapist?
l object.
That has nothing to do with this.
- Thank you.
Who took the money?
- l took the money, but...
Thank you. No further questions.
Why did you take it, Judge Allegaerts?
- Because Magda was getting dressed.
Not that it matters.
We don't have separate accounts.
There. Thank you.
- To prove the assault and battery,
l would like to present these exhibits.
Chalet tapes one to five.
On Chalet tape number one
we see the following images.
Consider exhibit 137.
Her legs are being spread.
Judge Allegaerts applies
two nipple clamps to her vagina.
Consider exhibit 1 46. Judge Allegaerts
ties rope round her breasts.
The court has reached a verdict.
All rise for Their Worships.
Be seated.
Who invited the press?
- l didn't. Neither did you.
Yes, so who did?
ls one free to do with one's body as one
wishes? Courts protect human dignity.
Exhibit 1 15. Koenraad Allegaerts
sews his wife's vagina together.
Exhibit 186. Koenraad Allegaerts
sticks needles in her body,
in her buttocks, vagina and breasts.
Eventually, Koenraad Allegaerts moves on
to the most symbolic
and extreme form of torture.
Magda De Herdt's wailing is terrible.
The video images show
the smoke of burning flesh.
Mr Allegaerts, would you rise, please?
The court declares Koenraad Allegaerts
guilty of assault and battery
and guilty of inciting prostitution.
This session is adjourned.
l'm sorry, Koen.
S&M judge loses pension.
ln today's papers.
Well, Mr Spaan, if he resigns,
he'll keep his pension, won't he?
He tendered his resignation three
times and it was rejected three times
by the Minister of Justice, so he will
be dismissed and lose his pension.
Has the minister been asked about this
in the Senate?
Yes. This is an exceptional case.
Many specialists agree with me on this.
This is kicking a man when he's down.
Koen has lost everything.
Where are you going?
- l'm leaving.
What do you mean?
Honey, we'll find a flat.
l'll find a job too.
l'll open up a bar if l have to.
l don't want to live with you any more.
l don't know you any more.
lris, we need you now.
- You should've thought of that before.
Before your sex life was in the papers.
- That's not our fault.
lt is. You're my parents
and parents don't have sex.
lris, be reasonable.
You can't do this. l need you.
l don't need you. Not any more.
- l've taken care of you for 18 years.
l got up for you every morning
and this is the thanks l get?
Leave me alone.
Come on, Elke.
- l'm moving out and changing my name.
Please stay.
- Do you know how people see me?
As the daughter of vile sadomasochists!
- Stop that!
Can we call you?
- There's no phone.
Then give us an address.
- There isn't one!
Are you serious?
Yes, Dad. l'm sorry.
Judge Allegaerts?
- Ex-judge.
l'd like to invite you and your wife
on my show, as the main guests.
Not now.
- We want to hear your side of things.
The public is behind you.
l can help you.
- l said no.
We should have got a divorce.
ls he OK?
- Magda.
ls he likely to die?
- Magda.
Will he live?
- Hello.
They don't know.
- ls he going to make to it?
- Hello, doctor.
How are you doing?
- Not too bad.
He'll make it.
He has lost a lot of blood,
but he'll make it.
He needs something to look forward to.
That's the main thing.
You need to give him
all the support you can.
l'll do my best.
That's good.
l'm going now. Good luck to you both.
- Thank you.
Sorry, Koen.
Sit down, shut up and watch.
Hasn't the judge gone too far in this?
- Not at all.
l believe the judge has applied
the law correctly here.
A judge needs to review each case
separately. lt's not a verdict on S&M.
The fundamental question is whether
a judge who frequents shady circles
is a suitable person to be a judge?
- Magda disagrees.
- ln the company of pimps and rapists.
Does the state have any business
in our bedroom?
This was a case of extreme violence,
let's be clear on that.
The judge deemed it necessary to end it
to prevent anybody from getting killed.
l have spoken to prominent sexologists
and the DSM agrees.
Sadomasochism is perverse, so
Judge Allegaerts is a criminal pervert.
A pervert? According to the DSM?
- Hold on, what's the DSM?
A medical reference book that until 1990
claimed that homosexuals were perverts.
Homosexuality is in one's nature,
like sadomasochism.
Why does society accept one
but not the other?
Because S&M is punishable by law.
- Koen is my second husband.
My first husband beat me.
Why didn't you prosecute him?
l don't see...
- l filed charges,
but you dismissed them.
But if l express my sexual desires
in this day and age, l'm punished.
No! You didn't even have the nerve
to punish me, while it was my wish.
Koen would never have done it if weren't
for me. He's the best husband there is.
No other man would have done this for
his wife. We're committed to each other.
No matter what you do,
l will never leave him.
Do you have anything to add?
- No. And l cannot change my opinion...
Are you OK?
- l'm sorry.
- Mum, it's lris. Can l come up?
Of course, sweetheart.
We're on the first floor.
- Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad.
Come in.
- We can't stay for long.
Excuse the mess.
- That's OK.
lt's a bit smaller, isn't it?
Are you at the film academy now?
- Yes, l'm on social welfare.
So that's all taken care of.
How are you?
- l'm alright.
lt's not easy of course,
and l still need to take medication.
But l'm OK.
- You're still alive.
l'm going to give you something.
That's my address.
lris Allegaerts.
- lt's a nice name, eh?
May l have your attention, please?
l'd like to propose a double toast.
To the creativity of my two women. First
of all to my darling daughter, lris,
who graduated from the film academy
this week.
You can view her work here.
And, of course, to my wife, Magda,
who is holding her first exhibition
after all these years. Congratulations.
Fred, thanks for coming.
- You know l wouldn't have missed it.
Thanks anyway.
- l should thank you, d'you know that?
Me, why?
How should l put this...?
lrne and l never really
talked about sex before.
About what?
- Yeah, yeah...
But after you and Magda...
l have to say that our sex life
has really improved a lot.
More spice.
- At least it was good for something.
Not just for that, Koen.
K & M