Small Town Murder Songs (2010)

To repent our sinful
and evil ways and accept
Jesus Christ as authority,
an example for our lives.
And to live by the grace
and God's holy community
according to Jesus Christ's
rule and way.
The one who calls you is
faithful and will do it. Amen.
As I live and breathe,
what's up Walt?
You were doing
No shit.
Was that you up at Point
Beach yesterday morning?
Point ain't no dump. Have you
been hauling your trash again?
Just give me
the ticket
You want to
dispute it?
You know the number's
on the back.
You know, you no
different than you was,
no matter what you say
The stories Rita can tell
after a few drinks - oh!
I'll say "hi"
for you.
New truck?
Few years.
She's a beaut.
So what are you
doing here, Walter?
Just chasing
my tail
That so?
How is he?
Same as ever.
Been trying
real hard.
Can't abide that
kind of violence,
its not
how we was raised.
You made
your bed...
Better tuck in.
Heck of a day.
Diner was packed.
All those rural boys up
from Barrie making a fuss.
I was surprised none
of them grabbed my rear,
though I was ready with
a smart come-back if they did.
I can't remember what
I was going to say.
Been muttering it to myself all
afternoon, now I can't remember.
It was smart too.
They didn't tip worth a damn.
You'd think making forty
dollars an hour,
they could spare
a few bucks.
I'll get a sheet.
Get it around the bend there.
All sorts of stuff down there.
Good day
Seen better.
Yeah, I'm sure. Detective
Dave Washington.
Chief Walter Ruden.
Well.. uh.. Operator got
a call there and ah said
I need to come down here
and I was thinkin'
that it was just
teenagers playing a prank or...
No I.D.?
No purse. No wallet.
You didn't
touch her?
No Sir.
She ain't local.
Are you certain?
We're going to be
here a few days,
can you help us out
with a motel?
Yeah sure.
We could give Mildred a call
at the Super 8 there.
She'll help yous out.
I think I seen
Steve Hinden's pickup...
yeah... pulling down that
road a couple days ago.
Jim and I
was up fishing
and then I seen it
drive up and dump something.
What day was this?
Did you get a look
at the driver?
We were a ways out.
License plate?
But you recognize
the truck?
he's a real S.O.B.
He used to run
pot and coke for the Banditos
before the Renegades
ran them out.
I wouldn't
surprise me none.
Well that ain't much, without
a plate or an I.D.,
from the look of things, I'd
wager she was killed right here.
The pathologist will
determine time and cause,
but if she wasn't local,
pickup could be from anywhere.
You guys handle
the locals here?
That's great.
Thank you, Walter
Sorry about
the inconvenience.
Oh no, no, no, its -
Will this do?
Yeah, yeah,
fine, fine.
Grab Kevin. You guys
can set up in here. Okay?
First murder?
Hell of a thing.
Yep, you can say that.
Listen Walter, I don't want
to be stepping on your toes,
so we're going to try
and be in and out, okay?
You know that
lake pretty good?
born in it.
How many properties
around there?
Its like three
within half a mile
and a dozen more
beyond that.
Okay. Good, good.
They old order?
You guys making out
alright in here - or?
Yeah, yeah, fine.
Come in.
I'm talking to you.
You want to sit and you want to
talk like a civilized person,
we can discuss the possibility
of you going next year.
You're twelve.
There's a killer on the loose.
Where's your damn sense?
That's that.
Hey Deb-Deb
You're impossible!
Honey -
Did we know the girl?
I told her no.
I told him it takes more
than a few rocks
to keep them
from doing what they want.
You're early
for your next cut.
Wish it was.
Got a minute?
About the girl?
My God.
Can I finish with Mike?
Course, course.
Keepin the streets
safe, ay Walt?
Well, thanks Olive.
That's real fine.
Now you have a
cookie, dear.
Thanks, Olive.
Or do you want a digestive
or one of these creams?
No, no, no,
Fix you a
cucumber sandwich?
No, no, no, no.
Olive! This is fine.
You sure?
Yep. I'm sure.
Hello, hello -
I just made this cutie.
Ah yeah, oh yeah. Are you sure
I can't get you something?
Just have a seat, Olive.
Well, Olive.
Might have heard.
Found a girl
down at Point Beach.
Oh yeah.
You found a girl?
Oh. Oh Lordy.
A real shame.
Was it coyotes?
How you mean?
That took her.
Oh no, we're pretty sure it
was a fellow who'd done it.
My cousin, Marie,
swell girl, just beautiful.
She had this, this-
It was just- ah.
May 12th they found her.
We were the same age.
Half the town walked in
a line looking for her
over at
Jefferson Beach.
Told us that, you know,
stand arms apart. Walk.
Boy, they was ready to string
up poor Tom thinking he done it.
And we walk for days, it seemed,
until they found her.
Did they find who did it?
I don't...
Damn coyotes
dragged her off.
Don't think finding them
would have made a uh, uh -
Just the way they is.
Can't be helped.
Should have seen her
hands, though, boy...
state your emergency.
There's a girl. She's dead,
up Point Beach in Grey Fork.
M'am, we can
dispatch an ambulance,
but we need an address.
No, no, she don't,
she don't need an ambulance.
Uh - Look, I'm just
telling you that uh he found
and that she's just -
and you just got to do
whatever you do...
M'am, I'm going
to need more information.
If you can stay
on the line,
I'm going to connect
you with the -
I'm, I'm sorry,
I gotta go.
Play it again.
Go ahead.
state your emergency.
There's a girl. She's dead,
up Point Beach and Gray Fork.
Rita Louis,
hot damn.
Jesus Jim.
Um, she's the one
shacked up with
that Steve Hinden
The one with
the red pickup?
you recognize the voice?
Its Rita.
Lets bring them in.
I'd keep your distance.
I'll be fine.
Easy. Hey, hey.
I know, buddy.
I know. Yeah.
Did uh you want
to sit in on this?
Well, no, we got a history, so
you fellows best on your own.
Suit yourself.
The whole night?
Rita, I got to
tell you that um
any false information
you provide-
No, I get it.
I get it-
Its a criminal offence.
Yeah. Look, he was home
with me. Okay? I swear.
Anyone else
see you at all?
I sure damn hope not.
That would have...
Cross my heart, pinky swear.
He was with me.
You just sounded pretty
distressed in the 9-1-1 call.
I thought-
He found a dead,
naked girl by the lake.
Yeah, I was distressed.
Fucking asshole.
Frustrating, huh?
he done it?
Wouldn't surprise
me none.
Hey, was it weird
seeing her again?
Pow, right in the face.
Biker drops to the floor
like a sack of nothing.
The bikers look over in terror
like ole Walt just killed him.
Hell of a scrapper
he used to be.
We'll be in touch.
Don't be a stranger,
So, what'd he say?
A lot of B.S.,
if you ask me.
Said he was dumping trash and
stumbled across the body.
Had Rita call 9-1-1
from a pay phone
'cause he didn't want
to get caught dumping the trash.
Had lots to say about
you, though, Walt,
do you have any idea
why's that?
So, what?
So, Rita says they were home
all night, Saturday night,
occupied, if you
catch my meaning.
Now as to why they waited
almost two days to call 9-1-1
no answer for that.
You guys need
some spoons or
stir sticks or something
here, alright?
So is that it - or?
Biker Enforcement is
on the phone for you-
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Is that it? Well, what
do you want me to do Jim?
Bust him
for being an a-hole?
We've got no time of death,
we got no cause of death
and no I.D.
on the girl.
Now I need you guys pulling
double shifts, alright?
'til we get an
I.D. on this girl.
Get out there
and ask around.
Where you going?
To ask around.
Her underpants
around her ankles?
I'm afraid so.
Did you pull
them back up?
Her underpants.
Of course not. Why would
I go touching her?
What kind of business
do I have with her underwear?
Its so horrible.
All you men standing around her
poking her
and taking pictures
and she's left
in that kind of state.
Its a police investigation.
And they got to
find evidence
and we can't go
messing with it
just 'cause it makes
us uncomfortable.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
its just-
I know you're doing
everything right.
Just feeling so-
God, that poor girl.
I'm sorry
I'm such a crybaby.
Oh no.
Can we have
a moment of prayer?
You want me to put
some coffee on?
That'd be fine.
I'm on track.
I ain't like I was.
Walter, you can't
change who you are.
But you can choose to act
against your impulses.
That's God's gift
to humans.
You need to ask: what kind
of man do I choose to be?
People will learn
to forgive
once you've chosen to walk
in the shoes of a man.
Thank you,
Sir, were you with
the men that night?
In English please, sir.
Not too fond of
people with guns.
What about you?
Not too fond
about me either.
Yeah, I was with them.
Until what time?
Any of the other men
leave the farm that night?
You sure?
Anyone come around?
Anything out of the ordinary?
- Nothing?
All done.
Call it into Washington.
Fine, we're done.
Hey Sammy, what does it take to
get some creamer around here?
Oh, I swear
this head would pop clean off
if it weren't
attached at the neck.
There you go.
You doin alright?
Oh yeah, it just-
I hear Walter sure got his
work cut out for him, eh?
Oh, I don't know.
Only murder he seen is on
the idiot box, CSI and whatnot.
Don't imagine
he'll be solving much.
I'm sure the OPP'll
do their thing.
Yeah. Nothing.
Ha ha.
I'm just saying them
London cops are much more
interested in cleaning up
their own backyard than ours.
I hear Walter paid
a visit to Rita's
If he did, he did.
Huh. He still
got that temper?
Huh yourself,
Miss Busybody.
I'm just sayin'-
Look what all your
talkin' gets me.
Hey Walter, you caught that
damn killer yet, or what?
Some sweet pie
for a sweet man.
Thank you, Sammy.
Want some more coffee?
No, no.
Thanks, Sammy.
How you
holdin' up, Gretta?
Good, good, Walter,
how 'bout yourself?
You minding everybody else's
business or just mine?
Well, don't say
you wasn't told.
Coroner confirms the girl
was killed around 11 PM
Saturday night by strangulation
and was moved post-mortem,
suggesting she was
in fact dumped.
Tox-screen shows
coke in her blood,
but I can't find
any priors on her.
Nothing from town?
No one saw anything or they're
not saying, if they did.
I gotta say, with no I.D.,
its not looking good.
You keep pushing that sketch
out province-wide.
You know if it was
maybe we'll catch
a break from known dealers.
Yeah, um, what do you
think about Mitzi's?
The Henchmen
have been dealing up there?
in Hanover.
Yeah, its about 80
kilometers from here, right?
Yeah, about 40 miles
on the sideroads.
They bring in from all over
and change em up every week.
Yeah, well, she certainly
fits the bill of a dancer.
Well, then I guess you boys get
a paid trip to the peelers.
What about the MTO,
anything from them?
Nothing yet.
No news of the disappearance
of 3 year old Jamie Smith,
missing from her home outside
Gray Fork since Thursday.
Police are asking
anyone with any information
to please come forward.
Family members have
offered a $10,000 reward
for any information that
leads to her safe recovery.
Think I should text Jenny
and let her know we're here?
Jim, grow up.
Good afternoon.
What can I do for
you, Walter? Its been a while.
You remember Jim?
Mitzi around?
Nah, she just had
another kid last week,
a little girl named Mary,
so she's taking it easy.
You got that picture?
I don't know if you've
heard what happened.
Yeah, I heard something.
Have you seen her?
What happened?
You recognize her?
Yeah, Mitzi uh -
She brought her in
last week
Melissa somethin'
from Hamilton maybe?
When she didn't show up on
Sunday, we thought she quit.
We better call
Sure thing.
What happened?
Too soon to say.
Did she have any uh trouble
up here? Any bad clients?
Nah, I don't think
nothing like that.
We run a pretty tight
ship these days.
No drugs
in the club.
What people do outside,
thats there own business, right?
Mitzi fired a couple girls last
months for performin' extras,
but I ain't heard no
complaints about Mel.
Damn, that is
fucked up.
Give a warm round
of applause for sexy Cindy.
Thank you, Cindy.
What did he say?
Well, we're going to need a last
name for Melissa, obviously,
as well as a number
for Mitzi.
Oh yeah, yeah sure.
Her husband's name is Jim,
just like yours.
He's going to be
around shortly so uh-
Hey Billy, you wanna get me a
sprite? I'm fucking parched.
Sure thing.
Good afternoon,
Here you go, darlin'.
Hey sweetie? Can you
give us a minute?
Don't mind me, I'm
just being a snoop.
No point getting them all
worked up hearing things
until we know
what's what, right?
I'm afraid not, might need
talking to. One more thing-
This fellow - have you
seen him around here?
Oh yeah, yeah, of course, he was
up here for karaoke on Saturday.
You're kidding.
No-no, no-no,
very comical, if you ask me.
Son of a gun
got up and he kept singing
the same song
over and over again,
buying girls drinks.
Looked like him anyway.
Was Melissa working
here Saturday?
Yeah, if it was
karaoke, she was here.
You're telling me that
Steve Hinden and Melissa
were both here
Saturday night?
Best as I can recall.
Whatcha thinkin'?
Don't know.
Steve was there
partying then.
You know that means
Rita is lying.
Don't like
the look of it.
What's the plan, Walt?
I was thinkin' I
should talk to Rita.
That ain't a good idea, Walt.
We gotta call Washington.
I'll talk to him first
thing in the morning.
I need...
Alright, alright.
You gonna come in
for a beer?
No. Gonna tuck in.
'Evenin' Rita.
Sorry to be um-
You can't come
'round like this.
No I- I know,
I know it.
Hey, hey
Jury, Jury, in the house,
in the house, come on.
God damn dog ain't got
no damn sense inside him.
This Steve, he
here full-time now?
That ain't none of
your business, Walter.
And you can't come
by the house no more.
I'm done with it, k?
We're done.
You were lying
to the OPP.
I ain't.
Look me in the eye and
tell me he was with you.
He was with me.
The whole night?
Bartender puts him
at Mitzi's
with the girl
same night she died.
Then he finds the body.
Don't look good.
You're lying
to the OPP.
Oh fuck you, Walt.
You had no problems
when I was lying for you.
I'm just trying to
help you.
Well, I don't
need your help.
Yeah, he didn't do it.
Well you don't know that.
Guys like him, they-
Oh give it up,
Walter. Guys like him.
There ain't no fairytale
in your head
gonna fix it
and that's that.
Come on, Jury.
God damn
son of a bitch-
I can handle it.
I'm calling the cops!
Steve Hinden, I can
God damn handle it!
Call the cops and
get off our property!
Ain't your property!
Get off the
fucking property!
Shut the fucking
dog up, Rita!
You stupid fuck. She don't want
to see you no more, you hear?
I've had enough
of your shit!
Hey, you want
another beer, dad?
No, I'm good.
Thanks, darlin'.
I don't know.
Something foolish.
I never know
what's on.
What got into you?
What, no, its nice.
Its just-
half the time
its a struggle
to get more than
two words out of you.
You angling to go
to the drive-in or-
No. What?
I can't be nice?
That's okay, Tiger.
Its just unexpected, is all.
You're always nice.
Has this business gettin'
to you? With the girl-
Yeah, a bit.
Me too.
...however, OPP
have been forced to allocate
much of their resources to
Hanover after a triple homicide
has been linked to a surge
in biker activity.
Hello, you are
on the air with radio talk news
Hi Jeff, I just have to say
that I think this is a
travesty for our community.
If the OPP
aren't going to pursue this,
then who's going to
stand up for that girl?
Who's going to
do what's right?
There's a killer in our midst
and who is going to stand up
and make this town safe again?
I mean, who's going
to make this right?
Thank you
very much for your call.
And by calling in
you could have one two tickets
to the Maynard
Ti-cats next game.
Good morning.
Walter, was there any
reason you didn't call me
as soon as the bartender
placed Steve at Mitzi's?
I uh-
I got a call last night.
A complaint, actually,
from Steve Hinden
and Rita Louis.
They've asked for a
restraining order against you.
Now I ain't a judge,
ain't none of my business
and I told them so. I told
them who to call and all that,
but she tells me that
you two were in a relationship
up until about 6 months
ago, that it was pretty serious.
What, you weren't in a
relationship with Rita Louis?
What you two didn't
live together?
I told you
we had a history.
Oh for God's sake, Walter.
Don't be an idiot.
I know all about you,
I know about your past,
I know about SIU.
You were with her for two years,
she left you for Steve and
now it looks like you're trying
to pin this killing on him.
No, no,
it ain't like that.
Walter, open your eyes.
We have one suspect in this case
and now I'm not going
to be able to bring him in.
Even if he did it.
No! Even if he confessed,
he's just
going to claim improper conduct.
Ain't no fucking judge
gonna say contrary,
not when some local cop
has been harassing them
in the middle
of the fucking night.
Alright, look it.
I'm just, I'm just going
to let it be where it is.
We have to take
the long road on this.
You can't see them no more,
you can't talk to them
and you sure
can't touch this case.
You're done.
Are we clear?
Okay. Well, lets just get
through the God damn day.
Why don't you pick
up the girl's mother
and take her to
I.D. the body.
Can you handle that?
Then you go home.
...Wallace across to Delver.
Still no word of 3 year old
Jamie Smith believed abducted
from her school on Friday while
playing in the schoolyard.
Police suspect her abductor-
They ain't gonna
find him, are they?
And even if,
what then?
Couple years.
No difference.
I still won't
have my Mellie.
Couple years.
If a dog had done it,
they'd put him down.
You think that's fair?
Is that justice?
Or just a waste of time?
Dear Lord, we give thanks
for the food before us
and the shelter
over our heads.
We thank you for your
guidance and your love. Amen.
Jan is scared
out of her wits,
says she won't let the
kids go swimmin' because of it.
Not 'til
she knows who done it.
You believe that?
Like the whole lake
is contaminated or something.
You think Terry McNeil
is going to stop parking
up at the Point
I swear that boy
didn't wait 12 hours
before he was boasting about
doing his business up there.
There's gotta be a fine or
somthing for that right?
Boy. He sets no example
for his brothers.
Oh! And worse
than everything,
Mary D. had her fat arse perched
on a barstool all afternoon.
Spoke her filth about how
that girl was a W-H-O-R
and got what God gave her.
Just appalling, talking that
way about another woman,
another person even.
No sense speaking in a
public place neither.
You know I ain't never been
to a men's parlour or what you
call'em, but I can just bet you
that them girls is just people.
Probably got kids
need taking care of,
mortgages over their heads
like everyone else.
God forbid I should say
that to Mary D.,
she'd probably
lose her mind.
Her fat, little head would
probably pop right off,
it get so red like a beet.
Those dancing girls
may as well
be the devil incarnate
in her mind.
I know you're treating
her like a lady,
doing your best to find
who done it.
Baby, what?
What's up? What?
No, no, no, no.
No, this is too much.
You must tell the truth.
Get out!
You have to tell the truth!
Out! Out! Get out! Out!
You fucking retard!
What's wrong with you?
Oh my God, what's
wrong with you? Huh?
You tell me what- what am-
I fucking hate you,
I never want to see your
stupid fucking face!
Go! Off our
fucking property!
Take a hint. She hates you,
you pathetic fuck.
Stop embarrassing yourself
and go home.
what do we gotta do?
I know what you done.
I know what you done.
Fuck that's it,
I'm calling Jim.
You're not calling-
Leave him be
He's already fucking down!
Let go!
How's Rita?
You're gonna have
to come with me.
I almost- I could
have put him down.
But, I'm not
an animal.
I can't be
like that anymore.
He did it, right?
You think I did
the right thing?
No. But whatever you did,
Rita turned Steve in.