Small Town Story (1953)

(bright upbeat music)
Small town story!
Ordinary folks that
you meet in the street
Small town story!
A Boy meets a girl,
life can be sweet
In a small town story
Could be your own home town
Tears and laughter
Cheers and after fame and renown
Hope and glory
That's the story of a small town
- [Bob Voiceover] Oldchester,
just too small town,
Several miles south west of London.
Nothing unusual about Oldchester,
not famous for industry,
no world wide celebrity
Was ever born here.
In fact nothing outstanding
ever happened there
until one day in 1948 when...
But that comes later.
Much of the local
interest centres around
Oldchester United Football Club,
a non-league club consisting
of a group of enthusiastic
part time players.
For example Les Smith,
the speedy left winger,
Owns and runs his
own grocery store.
Al Brookes, United
centre half and captain,
Had his own hairdressing business.
Inside right Billy Carter,
schemer of the forward line
Keeps the townsfolk
supplied with fish.
While old George Taylor,
between milk deliveries,
keep the turf up to standard,
And of course many others.
But none so important
as the manager,
secretary and general organiser,
Michael Spencer Collins.
He lives for football, and
the future of the United.
As I approach his house I wonder whether or
not he still runs his small garage business,
which during the war
employed one motor mechanic,
With his daughter Jackie
serving the petrol.
(doorbell ringing)
- Glory be is it yourself?
- Hello Jeanie,
is Mr Collins at home?
- Mr er, Mr...
- Reagan is the name.
- Oh of course it is, I know
it as well as I know my own,
come in, come in.
Miss Jackie,
come down here this minute,
Mr McReagan's come back.
- Bob.
- Jackie.
- Bob, how wonderful, I can
hardly believe it's you.
- Yep, all the way from Canada.
Plane got in this morning, And I
grabbed the first train down here.
- Oh it's wonderful
to see you again.
- Hey,
you've grown into quite a gal,
why didn't somebody tell me. I
wouldn't have stayed away so long.
So you've still got it huh?
- It's good to have
you back with us Bob,
like old times, but
you haven't told us yet
why you're here.
- Well I came over to find Pat.
- Pat?
- Pat Lane you mean.
That blonde girl in the WAF.
- That's right, I met her when I was stationed
here with the Canadian air force, but when I got
back home to Canada we used to
write Each other all the time.
I told her that I'd
come back here as soon
As I'd made a little cash.
After I was demobilised I even went
up north To work in the lumbar trade.
- [Mike] But you were
a motor car mechanic.
- Yes I know, but I wanted to make a little
quick money, and I was doing all right too,
until her letters began to slow up,
Then they stopped altogether.
- That why you came back then?
- Yeah, I figured it was best
to come over and see her.
- She doesn't live here anymore.
- I know it, but I hoped you might be able... - All
I knew is she moved to London some months ago.
- Well I, I guess that makes everything Just
a little bit more difficult that's all.
- You had better stay here with us Until you've
made up your mind what you're going to do.
You can have your old room back again,
Jackie will fix it up for you.
- [Jackie] I've already done that.
- I'll give you some
work at the garage,
And you can have a game or
two with Oldchester United.
- I'd like that fine.
Tell me, how's the team
making out these days?
- You'll hardly recognise it, we've made
a lot of improvements, changing rooms,
Gymnasium and a medical room.
- All you want now is
the FA challenge cup.
- We'd have to pinch that I'm afraid. We've
got a good team all right, keen as mustard,
but the trouble is
Bob most of the boys
work pretty hard at other jobs during the
week And we can only train in the evenings.
- So money is what you need then?
- Money, and a first
class player (mumbles).
I wondered you've never
turned professional Bob.
You were good enough.
- I wanted too, but there is no
professional soccer in Canada as yet.
- Still, how about coming over to the pitch
Tomorrow evening and meeting some of the boys hey?
- Sure I'd like that.
- Good.
- [Bob] Let it go Bill, right.
Hey Joe!
- That boy Reagan's not bad.
Not bad at all.
He'd be just the right man for us.
(gentle upbeat music)
Okay boys, that's enough for the day.
Get a quick rub down in the shower.
Now governor, see if
you can get him to stay.
- Bob, come here a moment.
- I'll leave it to you.
- Boots fits all right?
- Sure, made to measure.
- Like to hang on
to them for a while?
- Yeah, but I don't...
- Go on keep them, they're spare.
- Okay thanks.
- Now look here Bob, I don't
know what your ideas are
but if you're planning to
stick around in England
I suppose you'll take
up the game seriously.
- Well that's what I'd like too.
- Why not make a start here.
It's the finest
training in the world,
And we can certainly do with yah.
Now Bob, I'll,
I'll be frank with yah.
George's getting a
bit centre forward,
We want somebody who can
shoot, and what's more score.
A spearhead who could polish off the
efforts Of the team and you can do that.
You'd make Oldchester
into a fast team.
- Well Mike that's very nice.
- Never mind that, will
you join us or won't yah?
- Look you know if I
could I'd be glad too.
I like the team, they're a
grand bunch of boys but...
- Pat hey?
- Yeah I guess so.
Till I find her I
can't say anything.
- It would do.
- Well then there'd be
nothing I'd like better.
- That's great, I think
I'll buy you a bottle
Of beer for that Bob, now run
along and get changed. - Fine.
- I've known you since the day you were born
so I've a right to give you a word of advice
and it's this.
Get a grip on Mr McReagen
before somebody else does.
- Not sure that I want too. - Oh get
away with you, you've been making eyes
at him since the minute he come back. - I've
been doing nothing of the sort Jeanie.
Anyway, he's not interested in me.
- Ach, what does that matter?
- It matters a lot.
- It's none of his business.
- [Bob] Should be all right.
- Here they are.
- Oh aye.
- Hello Jackie.
- Hello you two, how'd you get on?
- I managed it up a little. - Oh good,
anyway Mr Marsh phoned, the solicitor,
he wants you to call him back.
- Marsh, what does he want?
You've paid all the bills I
hope Jackie. - Most of them.
I don't think it's
anything like that,
But he'd like you to see
him tomorrow at his office.
- All right.
- Well I don't agree.
- Mr Collins, Mr Marsh.
- Oh yes.
- Will you come
this way Mr Collins?
- Good morning Mr Collins.
- Good morning.
- This is Mr Nicholas Hammond.
- How do you do?
- Do sit down.
- Thank you.
- You're still manager
of the Oldchester United
Football Club Mr Collins?
- Yes, that's so.
- And of course you remember
the late Wallace Hammond.
- [Collins] Very well indeed,
He was a very old friend of mine.
- Yes he states that in his will.
A will in which both you
and Mr Nicholas Hammond
are interested.
- Me?
- Yes, Mr Hammond
leaves his entire estate
To the Oldchester
United Football Club.
- What?
- Quite a considerable estate.
Net value about 25,000 pounds.
- 25,0007
- There are however two conditions.
The club must be accepted
into what is described
as the third division south
of the English football league
within three seasons
following the publication
of this will,
otherwise the estate goes to
Mr Nicholas Hammond.
- I call it damned unfair.
- It's not unusual for a
will to lay some obligation
Upon a beneficiary.
- I don't mean that, I mean
leaving it to the club at all.
I know he didn't altogether
approve of me but...
- No I formed that impression too.
The other clause Mr Collins states
that the club shall
give up any claim
Should you divulge the
terms of the will to anyone.
-I understand that.
- Nothing to stop you
talking Mr Hammond.
It obviously wouldn't be in
your own interests to do so.
- Obviously.
I'm not going to talk.
And I'll tell you something
else I'm not going to do,
I'm not going to let 25,000
slip through my fingers
Without doing something about it.
(crowd chattering)
- [Announcer] Attention
please, attention.
Will you please note that
abdications for seats
at the coming return
match against Gilmouth
Should be in by
Wednesday next latest.
(crowd moaning)
- The spin is that
Oldchester's going to win.
- Can't make it out, haven't
won a game since that flood.
- Do you know anything about him?
Have they got any real
chance of getting into
the third division.
- Ha, have I got any
real chance of being
President of the United States.
(crowd cheering)
Coming out for the second
half, watch 'em now.
- You mean they can't keep this us?
- Not a chance.
- Good.
(crowd shouting)
- [Man] Get rid of it!
(crowd cheering)
- You told me Oldchester
were a lousy team.
- Yeah, they've got this...
- Who's the chap who
scored the last goal?
- I was gonna say he's
a newcomer from Canada,
Names Reagan.
- Reagen?
(crowd cheering)
This fellow Reagen's dangerous.
- Yes.
- Do you know anything about him?
- Not much, there was
some gossip about a woman.
Forget her name.
Began with an S, no
Lane, that's it Lane,
Patricia Lane.
- Patricia Lane?
Pat Lane.
Well well, it's a small world.
- Bob Reagen?
- Yeah.
- I'm Benson,
Arsenal football club.
- Glad to know you.
- How would you like a
trial with the Arsenal?
- You mean, surely l...
- You're not good enough
yet, no of course you not.
If we take you on I think
we'll do something with you,
You've got plenty of stuff in you.
Now what do you say?
- Well there's nothing
I'd like better,
it'd be wonderful,
but right now I...
- All right forget it, still
if you change your mind
Just give me a call will you.
- Yes I will Mr Benson.
- There's my address.
And you think it over, the
offer will always be open,
Remember that.
- Thanks a lot Mr Benson, I
certainly appreciate your offer.
- Goodbye.
- [Bob] A trial with the Arsenal.
- Hey Mr.
- Yeah.
- Can I have your autograph please?
- Yeah sure son.
Hey you again, what's the idea,
You've had my autograph
five times already.
- It's six if you want to
get one of Stanley Matthews.
- Six, no 12.
- I'll wait for you,
I've got the car.
- Okay, ready in five minutes.
- You played a wonderful game.
- I guess I'm getting
used to it again.
- It's made a big
difference having you here,
To the team, and all of us.
- Yeah I know kid, and
I'd like fine to stay
But right now I've got to find Pat.
I've got to find out
why she stopped writing.
Maybe she figured I wouldn't
wait around, I don't know.
Anyhow I've gotta find her.
- Bob, I've found her address.
- You have?
- Girlfriend of mine had it.
- But that's terrific.
- Bob, promise me one thing,
write to her first.
- Why?
- You don't know much
about women do you?
- I don't get it.
- Well they don't like
being taken by surprise.
- Look, I surprised you
didn't I, did you mind?
- That's different.
Pat, Pat might be married.
- Pat, married, she'd never...
- It's been a long time Bob,
anything might have happened.
- What makes you say that,
do you know something?
- No, nothing I haven't
told you already.
- Okay, I'll write her.
Now stick around here,
let me go and get dressed,
I'll be five minutes.
(phone ringing)
- Hello.
Nick darling.
- Listen darling,
there's a little matter
I'd like to talk to you about.
Yeah, do you mind if I come round?
- Of course darling,
but tell me about it,
it sounds so mysterious.
Bob Reagen,
well yes I used to know him.
I've just had a letter from
him as a matter of fact,
He wants to see me again but
I don't think I'll bother.
(romantic music)
- Excuse me.
No it can't be.
- Itis.
- I don't believe it,
Pat this is wonderful.
How are you?
Wait, wait till I get
some of this stuff off.
It's great to see you honey,
did you get my letter?
- Yes I came down at once.
- You went up to
the house first huh?
- Jackie told me you were here.
- Well Pat, are you er,
Is there, you know what I mean?
And everything's just the same.
- As ever was darling.
- That's all I wanted to
know, don't go anywhere.
- Yes?
- Why did you stop writing?
Why did you stop writing honey?
- There seemed so little hope.
We were only hurting
each other by pretending
That words brought
us closer together.
- But you knew I was coming back.
- It seemed too good to be true.
Too good to believe
that we weren't just
another wartime affair.
- Yes but surely...
- Besides how was I to
know that I had the right
to drive you away from
your home and your job,
Your whole life out there.
- Honey that's nonsense.
- It does seem like it now.
- Never mind,
I'll never let you go again,
nothing else matters.
(phone ringing)
- Sorry I'm late.
- It's all right, I started.
- Good.
Where's your young man?
- He isn't my young man.
- Isn't he,
well where is he anyway?
He usually manages to
get here for lunch.
- Don't expect he'll manage today.
- Anything wrong?
- No, not really,
except Pat's arrived.
- Pat?
That's too bad, I was hoping,
I wish you hadn't
given him that address.
- I had too, it wouldn't
have been fair if I hadn't.
- No I suppose not,
he'd have found her
in the long run anyhow.
It's a great pity all the same,
He was settling down nicely,
working in well with the team.
It's going to make
a big difference.
I had hoped he would
have helped us along
to the third division...
- You'd think he was leaving
us the way you're talking.
- Well I suppose he had...
Jackie, what's wrong?
- Nothing.
(Jackie crying)
- Jackie!
Oh well.
- Where did you go when
you left Oldchester?
- I took a job in London
as a receptionist to club.
- Quite a job.
Smart clothes, car, how
much do they give you?
- Bob, you look much cleaner now.
- [Bob] I feel a little better.
How much did they give you?
- Give me a light will you?
- [Bob] Yeah sure.
- Quite like old times isn't it?
- Sure, how long will it take you
To pack up in London?
- Pack up?
- Yeah.
- I don't understand
what do you mean pack up?
- Well we are gonna
be married aren't we?
- But I thought, aren't
you coming to London?
- But what's the
matter with this place?
- Well I can't drop
everything and come here.
There's my flat and my friends,
And there's my job.
- Is it all that important?
- But darling you
are being difficult,
it was me you came
to find wasn't it,
or was it Oldchester.
- Look honey, be reasonable.
- Reasonable, so now I'm
not being reasonable.
You think you can write
to me and you expect me
To drop everything and
come to you at once.
You might have even come
to London to look for me
And now you call me unreasonable.
- [Bob] You know I
tried to find you.
- I dream about what
it's going to be like,
I make plans, I want to
take you back with me
to show you around,
enjoy things with you,
go mad with you, forget these years
that I waited, not daring to hope,
And all you can say
is I'm unreasonable.
- I didn't know you felt this way.
- You don't seem
to care how I feel.
- Listen darling...
- You're not in love
with me, you're in love
with this football club.
- Now look honey.
- Oh, stop honeying it's
no use, I'm going back.
I thought everything
was gonna be wonderful.
- Darling.
- I'm so miserable.
- Okay, I'll come to London.
- Promise?
- I guess so.
- Oh darling.
- Well this is it Mike.
- It's hard to find
a good centre forward
But it's a lot harder to lose one.
- We're not losing him.
- I'm coming back
here, don't you worry.
(car horn blaring)
Now that's Pat.
She's getting impatient.
So long Mike.
- So long.
- Bye Jackie.
Now don't you get any
prettier while I'm gone
or you'll start a riot.
- Look after yourself Bob.
(clock chiming)
- Yes but the Arsenal
is a big club darling,
They're not interested in me.
I'll bet Al Benson has forgotten
all about me by this time.
- Didn't he tell you to
get in touch with him
if you changed your mind?
- Yeah but...
- Anyway you must know
somebody who's able to help?
- Not a soul, who's
anything to do with foot...
Wait a minute though,
Dennis Compton.
- Dennis Compton,
you know Dennis Compton?
- Pretty well, we met during
the war, he was in the army.
- Well for goodness sake,
what are you waiting for?
- Look honey, I've got to get
back to Oldchester some time.
- My darling, I sometimes
think you don't quite realise
Just how important
your future is to me.
This is a wonderful opportunity.
What's his number?
- Okay, I'd like to see
old Dennis again anyhow.
(phone ringing)
- Hello.
- [Bob] Is that Dennis Compton?
- Yes, Compton here.
- [Bob] This is Bob Reagen.
- Who?
- [Bob] Bob Reagen.
- Reagen?
- Yeah Bob.
- Bob Reagen, what are
you doing in England?
- It's a long story Dennis,
I'll tell you when I see you.
Look, I need some advice,
could I look you up sometime?
- Yes that's fine Bob,
I'll be glad to see you.
- [Bob] Well I'll
come over now then.
- It's a little tricky today.
- Oh.
- How about tomorrow then?
- [Bob] Okay, I'll be
at the clubhouse early.
- Yes.
- Early.
- Say around 11:30.
- 11:30 it is.
- Okay Bob, tomorrow then.
- 80 long Dennis.
- Be seeing you.
- Hiya Dennis.
- Hello Bob.
- It's good to see you pal.
- It must be three years now Bob.
- More like four I guess.
- Now let's see,
the last time we met was
That awful inter-services
match at Oldchester.
- Oh boy do I remember that day.
But you've been doing all
right in football since then,
Not to mention your
efforts at this game.
- Oh well Bob, I've had more
then my fair share of luck.
But come on let's hear
about your news Bob.
- Well you see Dennis
it's like this.
So I came to London, and that's
really all there is to it.
- Thanks.
Now tell me Bob, why
didn't you accept the offer
from our talent scout?
- Well at that time
I hadn't found Pat.
But now that I know she
has to stay in London,
well I figured maybe
you could help me
Find out if his offer
still holds good.
- Of course Bob,
now don't you worry,
I'll ring him this afternoon.
And anyway I feel certain
everything will be all right.
- Oh that's great,
thanks a million.
(bright upbeat music)
Well Bob, how did it feel
to belong to Arsenal?
- Terrific.
- You know, while you're on
trial your name's in pencil,
But later if they like
you they'll ink you in.
- It can't be too soon for me.
- There aren't many rules Bob,
they don't tell us what
to do or what not to do,
they leave it to us.
But there is one tip
I'd like to give you.
Now look at this,
non-smoker, non-drinker,
Non-smoker, non-drinker,
non-smoker, non-drinker.
Okay Dennis, I get you, you
don't have to worry about me.
From now on it's the Arsenal
and a bottle of ink for that.
(gentle music)
- Happy?
- Sure.
- Well you don't
sound very convincing.
- I guess maybe I don't feel
very convincing right now.
- Darling is anything wrong?
- I had a letter
from Collins today.
- What did he say?
- The team is not doing so good.
- You're not thinking
of going back?
- No, look Pat, I think
we've waited long enough.
I want to settle down, have
a home, and get married.
- Listen darling,
think of the chance
You're getting with Arsenal.
You're glad about that aren't you.
- Who wouldn't be?
- Then forget everything
else right now,
You've gotta keep your
mind on one thing.
Just think of the
future, our future.
- I suppose you're right.
(smooth jazz music)
- Please Mr Hammond.
- Yes Mrs Corbett,
something I can do for you?
- I wonder if.
- How much?
- 100.
- Nice colour.
- I had the stone specially cut.
- Remarkable what they can
do with glass nowadays.
The settings worth a
fiver, any use to you.
- Well I thought it...
(buzzer ringing)
- Hello, come in.
- Good evening Nick.
- I've been expecting
you for some time.
- I know, I haven't been
able to get away until now.
- Well how are things going?
- He's settling down very nicely.
He's signed on with Arsenal.
- Good.
Turner tells me that Oldchester
United are losing matches
With agreeable consistency.
- Nick, I'm rather worried.
- Oh, what about.
- What's Tony gonna
say about all this?
- I'll take care of Tony.
- And Nick there's another thing.
- Yes.
- I think I deserve a little
more money, don't you?
- One must think of the future.
He might go back to Oldchester.
- Would you darling?
- Don't.
You make me feel jealous.
Nick darling,
what a gorgeous colour.
- Yes, the stone was specially cut.
- Nick was it terribly expensive?
- The setting alone cost money.
(suspenseful music)
(Pat gasps)
- Tony.
- Care to see me.
- Of course.
- You surprised to see me?
- Very.
Give me a light.
How did you get out?
- Well early this morning a
man with a big key came round
and he said Tony Warren
you've been a very good boy
The last six weeks, how
would you like to go home?
So I said, couldn't I stay
for another couple of days
and he said, I'm sorry
chum but your rooms booked
From tomorrow.
And he shook me by
the hand and he said,
Don't be naughty again.
Next time you leave
Switzerland don't bring
Anymore watches strapped
round your middle.
By the way darling,
you're very late tonight,
Where have you been?
- Tony dear, since you went
away for your little holiday
A wonderful chance has come along.
- Goon.
- The only thing is you
won't be able to come here
for a while.
- And what's so
wonderful about that?
- Well, you see.
- No I don't see, now
stop being so mysterious.
And stop being so damned alluring.
It confuses me.
- Darling,
I've got to play up to somebody
for a special reason, and
it wouldn't be convincing
With you around.
- What are you talking about?
- I've got to keep a man in London.
- Keep him.
- Darling, don't be so
silly, I didn't mean that.
- And what's it got to do with me?
- Well if he found out that
you and I were friendly...
- I don't mind, who is he?
- Well you wouldn't know him,
And I'm being paid 5000
pounds to keep him here.
- 5000 pounds, now come
on, who's the sucker?
- Tony listen to me,
I need the money.
I can't stand the
thought of being poor,
I'm not made that way.
And I'm not doing anyone
any harm, not any real harm.
I wouldn't want that.
I can't help it if
people are silly.
Tony you must believe me.
- Who's paying you?
- Well, it's Nick.
- Nick!
I might have known it.
You know what I feel about Nick,
The minute I'm away you start
fooling around with him.
- Well listen Tony...
- You keep quiet.
I'm sick and I'm tired of
Nick and his fancy games.
Now you can tell him it's all off,
you hear that,
tell him it's all off.
- And you can stop
giving me orders.
- Cut that out.
I suppose Nick gave
you that line of talk.
- Tony.
- What's been going
on while I was inside?
- Can't you understand
I wanna be rid of you.
- All right.
- Tony, I want my key too.
- We don't always get what
we want, do we my darling.
- I do wish you'd
be reasonable Tony.
-I used 10 be reasonable,
But it never got me anywhere.
- Let's forget the past shall we.
This is a big thing.
- I've got too good a memory.
- You can forget
anything for 5000 pounds.
- Not anything.
I can't forget how
much I don't like you.
- This is on the level
Tony, we've got a break.
- We?
- I've been left 25,000 pounds.
Think of that Tony, honest money.
- I've never seen the
stuff, what's it like.
- There's only one snag,
if Oldchester United
get into the football league,
The money goes to them instead.
- That sounds nuts.
- There's a chap called
Reagen, Canadian,
He was over here during
the war, he's good.
If he plays for Oldchester
They might make the third division.
Pat used to know him
when he was here before.
She's managed to persuade
him to come to London,
And now he's tied up with Arsenal.
- I knew I didn't like you.
- Now look Tony...
- When I was a boy I wanted to
be a professional footballer.
I liked it, it was clean,
but I never made the grade.
And I've always had a respect
for the ones that did.
- Very pretty.
So you don't like the idea?
- I wouldn't pick it up
with a pair of tongs.
- Well that's no reason
why Pat shouldn't pick up
5000 pounds.
- Well I don't like the idea
of this boy being fooled.
And I don't want Pat
mixed up with you.
- Hello Tony, hello darling.
- So that's how it is.
- Tony, I want my key.
- I'll drop it on the pavement.
- You know, he's a nice chap.
- What do you mean?
- I'd have killed you.
- Hi Dennis.
- Hey Bob.
You're lucky aren't you?
- Lucky, how's that?
- Well haven't you heard,
you're playing tomorrow.
- What me, for the first team.
- Yes, Dougie Lichman
has pulled a muscle
And you're playing
for the inside left.
- No kidding.
(crowd cheering)
(upbeat music)
(whistle blowing)
- Oh nice, very nice.
(bright music)
- [Nick Voiceover] There's
a chap called Reagen,
Pat used to know him
when he was here before.
She's managed to persuade
him to come to London.
- [Pay Voiceover] I've
got to play up to somebody
for a special reason, and
I'm being paid 5000 pounds
To keep him here.
- [Nick Voiceover] He's good,
if he plays for Oldchester,
They might make the third division.
There's only one snag,
if Oldchester United
Get in the football league,
the money goes to them instead.
(tense music)
- Come right in.
- Well thank you, I'm in.
Smashing game wasn't it?
- Yeah.
- You're pretty good.
Great goal that last one.
- Thanks.
- It's tough on Oldchester
not being able to keep you.
- Look, I, I guess somebody
must have questioned you huh?
- Yes that's right.
My name's Tony Warren.
- Glad to meet you,
what's on your mind?
- Well this isn't gonna be
easy, you know Pat Lane?
- Well I should do,
she's my fiance,
what about her?
- (laughs) Fiance.
That's a laugh.
- What's so funny about that?
- I hate to see a fella like
you being made a fool of,
About time somebody told you.
- What are you getting at?
- Don't you get excited.
- Time somebody told me about what?
- About Pat Lane.
- Yes.
- Well I know her quite well,
I know her better then you
do as a matter of fact.
That's why I'm here.
- [Bob] Is this Mr
Nick Hammond's place?
- [Man] Yes, that's right.
- [Bob] I'd like to
talk to him please.
- [Man] I'm afraid you
can't, he's engaged.
- [Bob] I can't help
that, I'll see him anyway.
- [Man] I tell you
it's quite impossible.
- It's Reagen.
- Nick what's happened?
- I don't know, you better
get out of sight quick.
Good evening, is there
something I can do for you?
- So you're Nick Hammond?
- Won't you sit down.
- Know anybody called Pat Lane?
- [Nick] Yes I know
Miss Lane slightly.
- And Tony Warren,
you know him too?
- [Nick] Of course, he used
to come here and play poker.
- He told me a story I don't like.
- It's a habit of his.
Did you tell me your name?
- I didn't have too, you know it.
How much did you give
Pat Lane to keep me away
from Oldchester?
- Mr Reagen, this is my flat.
I object to people I don't
know forcing their way
In here and cross examining me.
Why don't you go.
- And who's gonna make me?
- What exactly do you want?
- The truth.
And I'm gonna stay here
and bat hell out of you
till 1 get it.
Are you paying Pat
to keep me in London?
- Why the hell should
I want you in London?
- Oh quit stalling Hammond,
You wanted to keep me away
from Oldchester United.
- [Nick] Oldchester, are you crazy?
- [Bob] 5000 pounds Hammond,
that's what you paid her
Wasn't it.
- All right so you know
all about it, so what!
(Nick groans)
I tell you something
else, she'd have done it
Without the 5000.
She'd do anything for me,
you understand, anything.
- For that money I can imagine.
- Darling that was a
silly thing to say,
Or do you like being knocked about?
- Hello Reagen, just the
very man I wanted to see.
You did very well last week.
Now you're playing this
Saturday against Sunderland.
What's the matter with
you, you look worried.
- Look Mr Benson, I came
here to see you because
I wondered if, if it was
possible for you to...
- Now there are only two reasons
why a player looks worried,
Either he's had another
offer or he's unhappy.
If you've had another
offer forget it,
If you're not happy it's either
a woman or your homesick.
If it's a woman you forget it,
no point in keeping you
here if you're unhappy,
You better go back to Oldchester.
That's what you want isn't it hey,
I'll fix it with the manager.
Quite easy, you've only
been here on trial.
Now off you go, go on,
back to Oldchester,
And if you're still unhappy
back you come to us.
Anything else?
- No sir, thank you very much.
- Oh forget it, forget it.
(upbeat music)
(train chugging)
- [Bob Voiceover] I fully
realised that I was walking out
On a great opportunity
by leaving the Arsenal.
But despite this I couldn't
get back to Oldchester
fast enough.
I found myself hoping that
Mike Collins had not yet
signed up another
player to take my place
in the forward line.
- Bob.
- Hello kid.
- Well boys, you all know
by now that Bob Reagen's
Come back to us.
(all chattering)
He'll be playing again
at centre forward.
We'll talk about the
necessary changes
During our next training session.
Now there's one other
thing I have to tell you,
as you know I'm very anxious
to see Oldchester United
In the third division south.
Now the best way of proving
to the football association
that we'd be worthy
members, or even persuading
their officials to come
down and see us play at all
is by getting far enough
into the FA cup to be drawn
Against a professional club.
Then if we put up
a good enough show,
and I promise to make the
necessary improvements
in the stands and
terraces, I've been assured
That everything will be okay.
(all chattering)
(bright upbeat music)
(crowd chattering)
- Hello there,
ladies and gentlemen,
And welcome to Oldchester.
Now I know you've all been
following the struggles
of this gallant club
very closely indeed
In the FA Cup competition.
Well this is their great day,
and it just seems to
be as if the whole town
is crammed into this
comparatively small ground
to watch this non-league club play
A first division side
in the fourth round.
May I say that we
are very glad indeed
to have the television cameras here
On such a momentous occasion.
(crowd chattering)
- Now boys there's no
need to get nervous.
We can beat Bearhampton
and we're going to.
Get a goal in the first 10 minutes,
It makes a big difference
in a game like this.
Well that's all
boys, and good luck.
- Thanks Mike
- Thanks Mike
- Good luck I'll keep my
fingers crossed for you,
I'll be thinking of you.
- Bob, you know what this
game means to us don't you?
Just get that ball into the net.
- Don't you worry Mike.
- Good luck Bob.
(crowd cheering)
- And here come the teams,
and there come Oldchester
the local heroes, and of
course there you can see
Bob Reagen number
nine in his jersey,
He's centre forward, and
back again at the side.
And here come their first
division stars and opponents,
- It's Bob Reagan daddy.
Let's hope he's in good form today,
he's got with him Baker,
Smith, Thomas and Carter
on the forward line.
- And now here's
the referee calling
the respective
captains out to toss up
For choice of ends and kick off.
So Oldchester won the
toss, and they've decided
To defend the north park end.
(whistle blowing)
Ball for Lloyd, but he's
tackled by Hill of Oldchester.
Hill beats his man
and puts a nice ball
through Baker,
up into Bearhampton half.
Tarrow of the Bears
throws out to Johnny King,
Who slips it up
through then middle.
Hill intercepts and
saves a breakthrough.
Crawton has the ball again now,
racing into the
Oldchester penalty area,
he's got a chance here, he shoots,
And the ball just goes
wide of that post.
That was a close
shave for Oldchester.
To be down a goal this
early could put paid
to any team.
Now here's Stubbs coming
to take the goal kick.
Oldchester's inside
left's got the ball,
And he's lost it to
Lloyd of Bearhampton.
He dribbles through to the
Oldchester penalty area.
- [Woman] Come on Lovers.
(whistle blows)
- Well that was a very
easy one for the Bears
Centre forward, he just didn't
give the goalkeeper a chance.
- Well done ref.
- Reagen to Carter,
Carter beats it in
And passes through to
Thomas on the right wing.
Thomas centres, and what
a pity there's no forward
up there to make use of it,
And the ball's gone to a defender.
It's still up there in
front of the Bears goal.
Woodtown to Smith who cleverly
slips it back to Hill,
he puts it over the
heads of the defence,
For Smith to run onto
again, but he's too late.
(whistle blowing)
And it goes behind
for a goal kick.
- [Man] Take him off ref.
- No wait a minute, it
must have touched Bane
Because Smith's appeal
for a corner has come off.
And now here comes
Smith to take the kick.
That was bad luck for Oldchester,
the centre half managed
to clear that ball
Before he could even
get his head to it.
Now Baker comes in with the ball,
he puts it right through
a defenders legs,
onto Reagen's foot.
(whistle blowing)
Wait a minute, wait a minute,
no there's something wrong there.
Reagen must have been off-side,
The referees disallowed the goal.
That's tough luck on
Oldchester because a goal
equaliser just before
half time might have made
All the difference to them.
- What a swizz, that ref
must be blind as a bat.
- [Man] Come on the blues.
- Now it can't be
long to half time now,
And at the moment the
Bears are well on top.
Lloyd's taking the
ball well up into
The Oldchester half.
He sends a long pass
up through the middle
but the Oldchester
goalie gets to it easily
And throws the ball
out to left back.
- [Man] Let it go, get rid of it.
- He takes it up the
left wing, meets his man,
Passes the outside left.
The throw in goes to
the Bears right half
who puts it right up
in the Oldchester box,
But it's much to far
forward for call.
Stubbs comes out, punts
away to the centre circle,
Trapped by Kent before
he can control it.
Davis dispossesses him
and passes to Lloyd.
Oldchester's winger
tries to cross it,
but Bane is too quick for him,
And it's gone behind
for a goal kick.
Farrow takes a long
ball right up into
the Oldchester half
where Steven's heads it
Neatly to Hill, Hill to Baker.
- Come on Oldster!
(crowd cheering)
- That was a beautiful
move by Tommy Baker.
He put in past Reagen,
and Reagen made no mistake
about it at all.
Well that's Oldchester
one, Bearhampton one now,
and if Oldchester keep this up then
it's anybody's game.
(whistle blowing)
(whistle blowing)
- Well that brilliant, last
minute effort by Reagen
Brings us to half time and
the score is now one all.
And I shall be back with
you again very shortly
to keep you in touch
with the second half
Of this most exciting game.
(crowd shouting)
(dramatic music)
- Mr Reagen.
- Yeah what is it son.
- A gent gave me this for you,
Said it's very important.
- Thanks kid.
- Look Jack.
- Uh huh.
- Is it okay if I
slip out for a second?
- What?
- This is from Dennis Compton,
he's been watching the first half
and he wants me to
nip out to his car,
have a word with him.
- Why can't he come here, you
know you're not supposed too...
- Yeah I know I'm not
supposed to leave the ground
During a game but, so does Dennis.
So I figure it's important.
- All right but make it snappy.
- Thanks Jack.
(tense dramatic music)
Hi Dennis.
- Get in.
I said get in.
- Bob!
- Just too late.
- No we're not, we've
got a car here, come on.
- Come on then.
Let me drive.
(car engine roaring)
(tense dramatic music)
- [Announcer] And
here are the players
coming out for the second half.
Well this should
be a real thriller.
Hello, who's missing, it's Reagen,
The Oldchester centre forward.
That's strange,
I didn't think he was hurt
In the first half.
Well let's hope he
won't be off long
because it will be a big
handicap for Oldchester
With only 10 men.
Anyhow, there goes the whistle
and Oldchester kick off.
(train engine chugging)
Met the ball with his
head and flicked it
Only a few inches
wide of the upright.
This looks bad for Oldchester.
I still can't understand
what's happened to Reagen.
If anyone needed their 11th man,
Oldchester certainly do now.
Stubbs take the goal kick
and sends the ball up field
to his outside right.
(car engine roaring)
- Bob?
- I might have guessed you'd
be in on this somewhere.
(dramatic music)
(car engine roaring)
- Which way now?
(tyres squealing)
- This way apparently.
- This is the first
time for quite a while
That play's been inside
the Bearhampton half.
Heaven's knows yet
what's happened to Reagen
But his team could
surely do with him now.
Now the Bears have the ball again.
(crowd shouting)
Sam Lloyd was tripper there
and it looks as though
He's been hurt because the
trainer's just been called on.
- [Man] Send him off.
- [Man] Look up ref.
- Free kick to Bearhampton
and Davis is about to take it.
The Oldchester keeper punts
up field, it's gone to Carter.
Carter who's taken Reagen's
place there has a chance
of a breakthrough.
No he passes it to
Smith, Smith on the edge
Of the Bearhampton penalty area.
He tries a shot but the
centre half intercepts.
He heads away to his inside
right who's come back
in defence and he takes the ball
Away out on the left wing.
Now Lloyd's dribbling up the wing,
Small, neatly through
to the outside right.
And the balls gone for a corner.
Well Bears are really pressing now
and here's a very
good chance for them
To increase their score.
(whistle blowing)
(crowd cheers)
Score Bearhampton
two, Oldchester one.
Well Bear's are
completely on top now,
and Oldchester will
have to pull something
Out the bag pretty soon if
they're gonna save this game.
(whistle blowing)
They're kicking off
again with Carter,
makes a long pass to Thomas,
he centres first time
and Carter takes a header at goal
But the Bear's centre
half gets a foot to it.
The ball's in the air, Thomas
races in to hit it first time
But it just goes over the bar.
This is the first
time for quite a while
That play's been inside
the Bearhampton half.
The visitors are certainly
pressing home their advantage,
and the Oldchester
defence have really got
Their backs to the wall.
(car engine roaring)
- Are you sure?
- Yup.
That's Nick's car all right.
- They must have taken
him to that house.
But that's old Mr Hammond's place.
- Hammond, Nick's uncle.
- Who's Nick?
- I don't think you'd like him,
But I've got a hunch
he's in that house.
Now you better stay
here, turn the car around
But keep the engine running.
- [Announcer] Well
there's no doubt about it
that Reagen's disappearance
from the field
Has made a big difference.
Oldchester just seem
to have gone to pieces,
and at the moment there
doesn't seem to be
Much doubt about the outcome.
A pity for Oldchester,
this game might well decide
Their future status.
- Say Hammond, what do
you get for Kidnapping
In this country?
- Turner, take him in the
next room, keep him quiet.
I want to watch this,
I'm enjoying it.
- Get moving.
- [Announcer] There's
another Bearhampton movement
Starting now, this looks dangerous.
Yes the Bears have completely
taken the initiative
and as I said before
one forward short
Is a big disadvantage
to Oldchester.
Oldchester's inside
left gets the ball
but loses to Roy of Bearhampton,
Dribbles towards the
Oldchester penalty area.
He's too slow,
and gifts it to the Bears
Who slips it through
to inside left Peak.
- Say Turner.
- Yeah.
- What do you tell your kids
When they ask you what
they do for a living?
- Tell them to mind
their own business.
- [Announcer] Davis manages
to kick the ball up the field.
That was a superb effort by
the Bears centre forward.
- Do you have one of those
for me or is it forbidden?
- [Announcer] I haven't heard
yet what happened to Reagen
But his team could
surely do with him now.
(Turner groans)
- Shut up.
- Good work.
- Boy, am I glad to see you.
- Yeah well you
save that for later,
You better get back to the game.
You'll find Jackie outside
in the lane with a car,
And get the police here
as soon as you can.
- Right.
- Now where's our little Nicky boy.
- [Announcer] There
goes the whistle.
- Hello there.
- You're playing in a
football game remember.
- Okay, let's go.
(car engine roaring)
(crowd shouting on TV)
- Hello Nick.
Oh I don't think
you need to get up,
Let's just all sit quietly
and watch the game shall we.
Should be very
interesting from now on.
- Balls back near the
centre circle now,
and the Oldchester
right half goes for it
but the Bears man tackles him.
Put's a long high pass
onto his right winger,
comes right back
across the field though
and Thomas just manages
to keep it in play there
With an overhead kick.
Carter passes onto it,
but he fails to hold it,
And now Davis gets the ball.
And the score is still
Bearhampton two, Oldchester one.
(car engine roaring)
(crowd groaning)
The Bears right half passes
up into his outside right,
takes it up the wing, but
Train the Oldchester left back
relieves him of the ball,
Sends it up into the centre circle.
There's no one there to
start the attack off,
And Kent kicks back into
the Oldchester half.
Back it comes into
Bears pass right through
To right half Stevens.
Stevens sends the ball
right up in the Bears area,
but it's a poor effort
and goes behind harmlessly
for a goal kick.
- [Man] Reagen's back!
- Well Oldchester just
don't seem to be able
to get going at all and
I still haven't heard
Why Reagen is off the field.
Wait a minute, there is Reagen.
Yes, he's running
off the touchline now
Trying to attract the
referees attention.
Yes, Bob Reagen having
been missing for the last
30 minutes has come back at last.
Meanwhile the ball has
just run into touch
On my right,
just below the end stand.
The Bears left half
takes a throw in,
Up the wing to his inside left.
But Reagen beats him to the ball
And passes to right half Stevens.
He dribbles up field,
passes to Thomas.
Thomas crosses to Carter
on the edge of the box,
he beats his man but
oh what a feeble shot,
And the Bears goalie
easily clears that one.
Wally Kent traps the
ball and passes to Lloyd,
Who pushes it through to Peters.
He puts a long pass
over to the right wing
Where King is cutting in fast.
He's tackled by the
Bears right back,
The ball comes over
to Thomas on the wing.
He fumbles it, and Tony
West kicks it forward.
But Davis is too slow,
and the United right back
beats him too it.
And now there's a scuffle going on,
Right down in front
of the stand here.
(drowned out by shouting)
manages to kick the ball
up the field where
Banes has crossed over
to cover his right back.
He sends a long ball,
right the way down field,
Where it's beautifully taken
by the Oldchester inside right.
(crowd cheers)
Mike Collins, the United manager
who's sitting here on my
left he's just going crazy
with joy, well that
certainly was a beautiful
Goal by Reagen,
that makes it two all.
Now anything can happen.
Bearhampton kick off
but United right half
Has got the ball and he's
pushed it through to Baker.
Baker takes the ball,
just outside the area,
Passes across to
Carter, who's tackled.
The ball goes loose.
(crowd groans)
Well that was bad luck,
Reagen very nearly
got a hat trick there
to put his side ahead
for the first time in this game.
But the left back came
across and pushed the ball
right out to the touchline.
Smith crosses it back into
the penalty area again,
And there's another close
shave for the Bears.
(crowd shouting)
And now Farrow is placing
the ball for the goal kick.
He kicks right up
to the halfway line
Where Parsons passes
to his inside right.
Hill intercepts neatly, pushes
the ball through to Baker.
He's too slow, and Kent
gets it for the Bears
And slips it through
to inside left Peters.
- [Man] Come on the blues.
- Reagen's got a
terrific chance here,
He's only got the
centre half to beat.
(crowd groans)
(whistle blows)
That certainly looked
like a trip to me.
Yes Reagen's still
sitting on the ground
And it's a penalty with only
a few seconds left to go.
- What's happened, what's going on?
- You see Bearhampton's fouled
And the ref's awarding a penalty.
Reagen's taking it now.
- Well the crowd know
how much depends on this,
And you can almost hear
the proverbial pin drop.
(crowd cheers)
And there goes the final
whistle, what a finish.
The crowd have gone mad here.
They're rushing over
to the touchlines.
The players are
congratulating each other,
and the United skipper,
Bob Reagen as well,
they're been carried shoulder high
By their team mates off the field.
What an afternoon for Oldchester.
Well Mike Collins down
there, he must be
a very happy man indeed
because this victory
over a top notch
first division side
has certainly improved
Oldchester's chances
Of being elected to
the third division.
- Do you think they'll get
into the third division Nick?
- He doesn't think, he only talks.
- You know what I
admire most about you
is your loyalty.
- I know, I don't seem to
have very much of it, do ll.
But I never meant any real harm,
I was just weak and stupid.
Tony, you must believe me.
- Oh yeah, anything you say.
- It's true,
I didn't know they were going
To do this to Bob,
honestly, I didn't.
I would never have let them.
I used to love Bob once, in a way.
I loved you too Tony, maybe
I still do, I don't know.
But with Nick I just
wanted the money.
I've always needed money
Tony, you know that.
Now it seems that it
doesn't matter so much.
- You don't need to worry with
5000 pounds in your pocket.
- I don't want that,
he can keep it.
- You know I think I
ought to take you in hand.
- Would you Tony?
(car engine roaring)
(tyres squealing)
- That's the police.
Quick, catch.
You get into trouble
if you're caught
with one of those things,
I haven't got a permit.
- But...
- Thank God you've come
officer, there they are.
- Are you all right sir?
- Oh yes, perfectly all
right now thank you.
So's the lady.
(bright music)
- [Bob] So Oldchester
went back to normal
and during the following
months, my teammates,
who were carrying
on with their jobs
never lost hope that the
good news would one day
Come through from
the football league.
Despite the beating we
took in the fifth round
of the Cup.
I was given what Mike
called a retaining job
in the garage,
and one day I was working
on a customers car.
- Wonderful news.
- Aye it is, she's got him at last.
- The letter I've been waiting for
From the Football Association.
- Hey, she's got who?
- Well who else would
it be but Mr McReagen.
- Who's got him?
- Jackie.
- That's it.
Won't be long now.
(Jackie screams)
Take it easy.
You need somebody
to look after you.
- You mean somebody who's not
Pulling me off boxes all the time.
- Hey Jackie,
I guess it's too late huh.
You wouldn't consider me
for the job would you?
- You never were very
good at guessing.
- Look at this, the letter
I've been waiting for.
We're practically in
the third division.
- Nice work Mike, I'm very glad.
- But he wants a transfer.
- He wants what?
I told you we're practically
in the third division,
And all you can say is
that you want a transfer.
- Mike, it looks like
Jackie signed me up.
Maybe she'll let me play
for you now and then,
what do you say?
- What do I say?
You've made my day.
But on one condition only,
That you arrange the honeymoon
in the cricket season.
- When does the
cricket season begin?
So ends the story of our
Small town
(bright music)