Smart Money (1931)

Come on, ace. Ah.
Thank goodness for that. I'm done.
Come on, Joe, double or nothing.
Oh, heh. Not me, Nick.
I've paid you double too many times.
Well, faint heart never won fair lady,
or fat turkey.
Come on, Joe, what do you say?
Heads or tails?
Uh... I say tails.
I never seen such a lucky stiff.
Better luck next time, Joe.
Well, I guess we got enough money
to close up now.
Say, is that my tie?
When I got up this morning, I sort of...
Yeah, well, why didn't you put on
that new checkered suit of mine...
...while you were about it?
- Heh-heh-heh.
It didn't fit.
- Hey, Nick.
- Yeah?
Who do you like in the last race
at Louisville?
Well, I got my dough on Abie Kabbible.
- You think he'll win?
- Why, sure he'll win.
Nothing else, he'll win by a nose.
- Smart fella, this boy.
- I'm looking for action tonight myself.
- Well, don't worry, boy, you'll get it.
- Everything all right?
Mr. Nick, there's a lady outside
what wants to see you.
How do you know she's a lady,
Snake Eyes?
Heh. Well, boss, she's got a skirt on.
- All right, I'll see her.
- Don't forget to remember, boss.
Lucky with the cards, unlucky with the love.
That's a lot of bunkaroo.
Don't you forget to remember...
- Little Nick is lucky with the women too.
- I don't know.
- Sometime, you'll pick the wrong filly.
- Not a chance.
Nothing but favorites in my stable.
My lady, here I come.
- Oh, hello, baby.
- Hello, Nick.
What's the matter?
I've got to have some money
right away, Nick.
Well, what's up?
- How much do you need?
- I've got to have a hundred dollars.
Well, you know Nick.
I never go back on my word, sister.
Thank you, Nick. I wouldn't have asked you
for it if I didn't have to have it.
Sure, I know. I know you wouldn't.
- Gee, you're a swell fellow.
- Well, I'm glad to do it, baby. Glad to do it.
I've gotta be going now, Nick.
- Bye.
- So long.
Oh, back so soon, eh? Well?
- What's the matter?
- A dame wanting me to step out with her.
I've got holes in my socks
from kicking skirts away.
Let's see what the boys
in the backroom have got to offer.
I'll be right in.
Uh... Running into house and lot.
Who'll give me half a dollar for my hand?
I wouldn't give you a nickel
for your whole body.
Oh, Mr. Nick.
- Let's see you do it.
- Come, dice. Hah!
Eight's the point.
A dollar I comes, Mr. Nick.
Bet. Bet it is.
Half a cigar, he shoots.
- Hah!
- Six and he wants eight.
- Eight from Decatur. Hah.
Read them and weep.
Seven and you're through.
- Up pops the devil.
- Ha-ha-ha.
Tough luck.
- Mr. Nick.
- Yeah?
You sure is one lucky white man.
You got carfare home, Snake Eyes?
No, sir, I ain't, boss.
I ain't got a red cent.
Then here, take this fin.
Stay out of this game from now on.
Yes, sir.
Don't you kid yourself.
He had you on the run...
- Come on, come on, who shoots next?
- Your dice.
Come on, your dice, man.
All right, get your money ready, Nick.
- Hey, let me in here.
Hey, what are you doing,
kibitzing the game?
No, I got dough.
Well, we're not taking
any two-bit bets tonight, Sport.
Well, I'm not making
any two-bit bets tonight.
- That look like two bits to you?
This is big-time.
- All right.
- I'll shoot 10 of that.
- Shoot all or nothing.
- What are you talking about?
- You'll shoot the C-note or nothing.
- You can't tell me...
You heard me, the hundred or nothing.
Shoot the piece.
This is big game now.
- Get up and leave. The dough is piling up.
- Come on.
Three and two. Point is five.
- Six, and he wants five.
- Uh-oh.
Go on.
- Seven, makes him a loser.
- Heh.
And the prisoner ate a hearty breakfast.
- Well, that cleans me.
- Well, come on, move along.
- What the...?
- Come on, breeze.
And as you go out that door,
take that "welcome" sign off it.
Hey, boss, what do you got
against this Sport?
- I don't like the way he parts his hair.
- Ha-ha-ha.
- Who shoots next?
- You're too tough for me.
- It's not for us.
- I don't want any.
Nick, you're wasting your time
in a small tank like this.
You should be in that big game
in the city.
Why, Hickory Short
would be a cinch for you.
- You ain't kidding me, are you?
- I'm on the level.
This town's getting soft for me.
How much would it take
to buck that game?
Well, a fella shouldn't try to
unless he had at least $ 10,000.
That's a lot of dough.
- Ten thousand bucks.
I'll have that someday.
And when I do,
I'll show those city birds something.
Say, listen, why don't we make up a pool
and stake Nick to that big game?
- I'll go for a little of it.
- You mean that, kid?
Sure, you can have all I got.
That's a great idea.
I could raise 5000 on the barbershop.
I put in $ 1000, what I was gonna
send back for my wife to bring her here.
Oh, no, no, no, don't do that. Ha-ha.
Well, look, maybe I'm better off if I don't
send it so I can't lose nothing anyhow.
I'll put in a hundred.
Count me in.
I'll put in 200.
You can have all I've got.
I'll back you anytime.
We're all with you.
Blondie, what do say about us two
going to the big city, huh?
Boys, you're on.
Attaboy, Nicky,
you'll knock them for a loop.
- Here, Mr. Nick, I'll put in $5.
- Oh, no...
We can't lose now.
Too much from a guy now, will you?
- Not too.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, write me a letter and get fat, will you?
Just keep that in your pocket, Mr. Nick,
and you'll win for sure.
Oh, thanks, Snake Eyes.
Say, I've practically got that big
city sugar in my kick right now.
Come here, give me luck.
Here, Nick, here's my home
office address.
You can send my share there.
I'll send you back your
grand and your cut. Okay.
You all understand, I pay back your original
investment and we split the winnings 50-50.
That's right.
How much you think you're gonna win?
I'll win so much,
you can send back to the old country...
...for your wife and your sweetheart too.
Well, now, look here, young squirt,
you keep that barbershop going.
Sorry to see you go, Nick.
Well, soon as I make my killing,
I'll send for you, and that won't be long.
- Here's your ride.
- I'll be waiting.
- Well.
- Good luck with those big-city blonds.
Yeah, well, this is the only blond
that I'm true to.
Say, conductor,
what time do we get to the big city?
We're due in there at 6:42.
And we've never been late yet.
Well, I bet you 10-to-5 we don't make it.
Nice ride. Thanks.
Telegram for Mr. L.S. Johnson.
Mr. L.S. Johnson, please.
Telegram for Mr. L.S. Johnson.
Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Everything satisfactory, Mr. Venizelos?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
Fine hotel you got here.
Where's the barbershop?
- It's right downstairs, sir.
- Oh, thanks.
Oh, by the way, you haven't seen
Hickory Short around here today, have you?
You mean Hickory Short, the gambler?
- Yeah.
- He doesn't live here.
I heard he hung out here.
Well, not in this hotel.
Say, you don't happen to know
in which room the big roving poker game... going on tonight, do you?
No, sir, I don't. We don't permit anything
like that around this hotel.
Oh, I see.
Thanks. Heh-heh.
Oh, uh...
I'd like a heater, miss.
- Heater?
- Yeah, a cigar.
I've never heard them called that before.
Any particular brand?
Oh, about two bits or better,
if you got them.
These are very nice.
I can recommend them.
You smoke them yourself?
Oh, no, sir.
Well, they are good. Hmm.
Look awfully good.
I'll take four or five of these.
- How much are they?
- They're a dollar apiece.
You think so?
Well, that's the price.
All right. Ahem.
I'll take them.
Here you are, lady.
- Thank you.
- Keep the change.
Say, what are these things for?
Poker dice.
Oh, you gamble with them?
Yes, sir, it's a dollar if you lose.
If you win,
you get $2 worth of merchandise.
Anything behind the counter?
Anything in merchandise.
Well, you're a cute little package.
Would you like to roll the dice?
Well, I don't know.
I'm a little green at this sort of thing.
Poker dice, one flop.
- All right.
- Here goes.
- Hard to beat, lady. Heh-heh-heh.
- Not for me.
- Well, come on, let's see you do it.
- Here goes.
I'm for you. There you go.
Two fours.
- Three fours, one on me.
- Ha-ha-ha.
Well, here goes again.
Make it easy for you this time.
Pair of fives. That's a cinch.
- I'd beat it with my eyes closed.
- I bet you can too.
- Come on, let's see you do it. Ha-ha-ha.
- Here goes.
Oh, two fours.
- Well, I'm sorry. Sorry, lady.
- Two on me.
Say, you're a cute little trick.
Anybody ever tell you that?
Not yet.
Well, here goes again.
Well, better still, straight six high.
- Beat that.
- You must have beginner's luck.
- But I'll beat it even yet.
- Come on, let's see you do it. Come on.
- There's a straight.
- I'm sorry, baby, but you lose.
Five high, mine was six high.
Say, look here. You better quit this.
I hate to see a nice little girl like you
lose her job.
That's three games on the house.
My, but you're lucky.
Do you gamble much?
Oh, I take a little flyer
every once in a while.
For big money?
Do I look like a tinhorn?
- I should say not.
- Heh-heh-heh.
Well, how much do I owe you?
Three dollars,
and you get $6 worth of merchandise.
What will you have?
I got my eye on that big box
of candy right there.
- That's just $6.
- Well, I'll have it.
- Shall I wrap it up for you?
- No, no, no. You keep it, baby.
Oh, I don't think I can do that. I mean...
No, that's all right. I don't eat candy.
Gets in my teeth.
Well, that's too bad for you.
- Yeah.
- But my good luck.
Look here...
You know, I'm a stranger in town.
How'd you like to come out
and have dinner with me tonight?
Oh, I couldn't. My mother
doesn't let me stay out at night.
Oh, that's too bad.
- Are you sure you won't change your mind?
- Oh, I couldn't. I really couldn't.
I'm glad you like it here.
It's very good, let me tell you that.
- Really?
- Yeah.
It's one of the best seafood places
I've ever been at. Ahem.
- I thought you'd like it.
- Great java too.
Not a bad cigar you sold me.
I always say you can tell a gentleman
by the kind of cigar he smokes.
Of course, at home,
I smoke my own brand.
- Yeah?
- A fellow in Havana makes them up for me.
- You don't say.
- Hmm.
Say, Marie, you know most of the regulars
that hang around the hotel, don't you?
Well, yes. Why?
Well, ever see Hickory Short around?
You know, the big gambler.
Well, he's an awfully nice fellow.
He's around all the time.
You don't happen to know which room
they're holding the game?
I happen to know.
You won't say I told you.
Not a word. Come on, tell me, sister.
Mr. Short ordered some cigars
to be sent up to his room this afternoon.
- Yeah?
- And it's 346.
Boy, am I itching to get in that game.
I hope you don't think I'm butting in,
Mr. Venizelos.
Call me Nick.
All right, Nick.
Attagirl. Heh-heh. Say,
we getting along swell, aren't we? Heh.
- What is it you're gonna say, baby?
- You've been so nice to me and all.
I was just going to suggest
that you put some money in the hotel safe.
- Yeah?
- For carfare home, in case you...
There won't be any in case, sister.
I hope not.
All right, I got an idea.
Now, you keep this for me.
- A hundred dollars? Why, I couldn't.
- Yeah.
You keep this for me, baby.
After the game, I'll make you a present
of it. And if I lose... Heh.
Gee, it sounds funny to hear myself
saying "lose. "
Well, if I should lose,
I'll need it for cigar money.
But you don't know me,
I might run away with it.
Now, listen, sister, I'm a gambler.
It's my business to read human nature,
to know people.
- And I can tell that you're on the level.
- But you could put it in the hotel safe.
Oh, no. You're safe enough for me, baby.
Well, all right, if you insist.
Attagirl. Come on, put it in the sock.
I'd like to see Hickory Short.
Well, I'm Hickory Short.
Well, I'm Nick Venizelos from Irontown.
- Nick the Barber, they call me.
- Oh.
- Come in, Mr. Venizelos.
- Thanks.
I've often heard of you.
Yeah? Heh-heh.
Have you any way
of identifying yourself?
Why, yes, I...
Gee, I forgot my badge.
- Mm-hm. Yeah.
- "Nick Venizelos. "
- Well?
- You didn't miss many of them, did you?
Well, here's the convincer.
- That's me in the middle.
- Hmm.
Well, I guess you're yourself, all right.
I'm glad to meet you after all the stories
I've heard about your luck, Mr. Venizelos.
- Oh, call me Nick.
- Hmm.
- All right, Nick.
- Attaboy, Hick. Heh.
You know, I've been wanting
to meet you for a long time.
- For a little action? Heh-heh.
- How'd you guess?
Come on over.
I want you to meet some of the boys.
- Sure.
- King's high.
Boys, I want you to meet Mr. Venizelos.
- Mr. Tompkins.
- Honest John Tompkins?
- That's me.
- Oh, glad to know you, John.
- Mr. River.
- Old Deep River himself, eh?
In person. Not a motion picture, Nick.
- Mr. Shultz.
- Back-to-Back Shultz.
You're the fella that almost
broke the bank at Monte Carlo.
- Guilty. Glad to know you, Nick.
- Well, I'm glad to know you, Shultz.
And Mr. Barnes.
- I don't like them from the bottom, brother.
- All right, Nick.
I'll make an exception in your case.
- Hello.
- Have some grape, Nick?
Well, thanks, I don't much
mind if I do. Yeah.
Ahhh. Mm-hm.
Fizz water, huh? Heh-heh.
Very good, Hickory. Where'd you get it?
I'd like to get a case.
I'll send you around a case tomorrow.
Well, maybe I'll be better able
to pay for it tomorrow.
- Well, I'll send it to you anyhow.
- Hmm.
Well, what are we waiting for?
How about a little game
of skill and chance?
Well, I've heard of such things.
What do you like to play?
Five-card stud. How does that suit you?
- What's the limit?
- The roof.
Now, Nick, we're all friends here.
Of course, we ain't playing marbles,
but we don't want no arguments.
- Anything ain't right, you just say so.
- Right.
- Waiter?
- Yes, sir.
Bring a half a dozen new decks of cards.
Regular backs. Hmm?
- Oh.
- Well, go on, stupid.
- Anything the guest wants.
- Heh-heh-heh.
Yes, sir.
- What's the matter? Ain't those cards good?
- Oh, sure.
Just an old barbershop custom.
A fresh towel with every shave
is my motto.
Here, give me 5 G.
All right, Nick.
Four there?
If you run out of those,
there's more where they come from.
Brother, before the night's over,
you'll be buying them from me.
- Well, you're an optimist anyhow.
- That's the way to be, Nick.
Say, what are these yellows?
- Yes.
- What are the blues?
Blues are hundreds.
I'll call.
- All right, boys?
- Come on, ace me, big boy.
Well, a pair of aces.
Looks like you made them, Nick.
A seven.
- I didn't do too well.
- Six is a pair.
And a little deuce, a pair of aces.
Bet they're high.
Well, that cleans me out, boys.
Looks like I'm on my way
to the cleaners too.
- Never say die.
- I'll call.
- Raise you.
- I'm out.
Well, that'll have to be a side bet.
Well, I'll call. Pair of aces with a queen.
I think I got you, Hickory.
Aces, king next.
- Yes, you're right.
- Thanks, gentlemen.
- Jacks and sixes.
- Whew.
- What a pot.
- Old Back-to-Back Shultz.
Well, Nick, the luck's certainly
running against you tonight.
Yeah. Oh, it's just a matter
of the breaks. Heh-heh.
Don't worry about me, boys.
My brother works in the mint.
- Good morning, Mr. Venizelos.
- Good morning.
"Knocked them dead. " Hmm.
Hey, what's that?
I don't know, but it's plenty heavy.
- Hmm.
- Is that all, sir?
Yeah, that's all.
Here, take that.
Gee, thank you.
Thank you ever so much.
Say, girlie, where's Marie?
Marie? Oh, you mean the girl
that worked here?
- Yeah.
- I don't know, sir.
I just got a call
to report here this morning.
I see.
You don't mind if I put my hat
on top of yours?
- It's all right, sir.
- All right.
What's the idea, young man?
Give me my paper back. Oh.
I like your nerve, you...
Well, well, if it isn't Nick.
Well, it ain't his sister.
I'm awfully glad to see you.
I didn't think you'd get out
of that other game.
Hickory, that was nice of you
to send me that fizz water.
Don't mention it. Pleasure's mine.
- How are you?
- Hello, Nick.
- Hi, pal.
- Glad to see you.
You locate some fresh money, Nick?
Well, I told you,
my brother works in the mint.
You know, it ain't so tough
when you got friends.
Come on, sit in, Nick.
You can't get even standing up.
I'm glad you got out of that other game.
You'd be better company.
Sit in, Nick, the water's fine.
They're taking me tonight.
Well, do you think
you can afford it, big boy?
Can he afford it?
Oh, you ain't got any chips yet, Nick.
- I'll take 3000.
- Right.
No use holding up the deal.
That's all right, plenty of time.
Don't be in a hurry.
There they are, Nick,
the same values as yesterday.
- Mm.
- King bets 50.
Come again, Shultzy, 50 more.
You're too tough for me, boys.
Fight it out.
- I scram.
- And 50 more to you.
- I stay.
- Call.
Coming up.
King, six, nine, the eight.
- The king, six is high. You bet, Shultz.
- Check.
Well, you can't have anything in check.
I bet a blue.
- I'll call it.
- Make it three.
All right, I'll stay.
Coming up, you caught a five.
You caught the ace,
you caught the other ace.
Ace, jack is high. Your bet.
Well, I'll check to the raise.
Bet a half a yellow.
Well, how about making it a full yellow,
just for good luck, eh?
- That's okay.
- I'll see it.
Here's the card that tells the story.
You caught a nine.
The ace, king, the 10.
The ace, king is high. Your bet, Nick.
Well, ace, king bets five blues.
- Well, I'll make it a yellow.
- Call.
Well, I got so much confidence in my hand,
I'll tap myself for a yellow and red.
All right, I'll call it.
- Shultz is calling.
- Call.
Kings are good, I guess.
Not with me. Pair of aces.
Well, I think I top you, Hickory.
Aces, king next.
You win. Looks like your lucky day.
- Whew. Oh, boy.
That's the works. Sweet pot.
This Nick the Barber's
just a gambling fool.
And here you are, Barnes.
Here's my 3000 back. I'll play these.
You keep these, Nick.
Keep them, pay for them.
You ain't got enough velvet
to see yourself through a bad hand.
- That's all right. If I need them, I'll buy.
- Well, buy them now.
Well, why buy when I already got some?
See, I got enough here
to see me through a long way.
Well, that ain't the idea.
You come here, sit in cold,
you sit in without any dough...
- What do you mean without any dough?
- I know you got dough.
Well, what then?
Well, it just ain't being done. You
cash in your chips when you're through.
Oh, what's the difference, Hickory?
It's my game. It's gonna be played
according to house rules.
All right, then.
Here, pay me off. I blew another game
to come up here tonight.
We ain't running any credit game.
You ain't in Irontown now.
- Let's see your dough.
- You saw my dough yesterday, 10 grand.
- Yeah? Well, yesterday was another day.
- Well, pay me off.
You trying to pull a fast one?
Who do you think you're playing with,
a lot of chumps?
- Come, show him your dough.
- I don't show you nothing.
You cheap bunch of chiselers.
I know who you are. Hickory Short, huh?
Didn't take you long to get out
of that can.
How have you been, Sleepy Sam?
Yeah, and Two-Time Phil.
- Well, what about it?
- You guys ain't gamblers. You're burglars.
How'd you like to show
your racket to the police?
Why, you smalltime squealer,
you tinhorn from the sticks...
- Ah-ah-ah. Do I get my dough?
- You get nothing.
- Well, I'll show you.
- Come here.
Get back...
Well, hello, baby.
You must have the wrong apartment.
Why, you remember me.
You remember, I gave you
that hundred bucks to keep for me.
I never saw you before.
Say, what is this?
It's the big city, Hiram.
Open that door.
I thought so.
Why, you're a shelf for those burglars.
Stole the money
that belonged to my friends.
Come on, open that door.
All right. If that's the way you play the
game in this town, I'll play it the same way.
Only I'll play it in spades.
That means you'll pay double.
Why, you hustling little bag.
I'll have you begging for a cup of coffee.
And as for that dope of yours,
I'll run him right into the lake.
What's the noise all about, monkey?
- What's it to you?
- Nothing.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, how are you, Mr. Amenoppopolus?
Step right in. Well...
- How about a shave today?
- Nice to see you. And you shall have it.
Well, nice to see you again.
I haven't seen you in some time now.
Where do you get your...?
Oh, excuse me just a minute. Ahem.
Well, did you get the job, boy?
Nope. Just missed out on it.
Which makes it an even eight.
I told you not to come here
until I had dough to send for you.
Yeah, I know, but I couldn't stand that
small burg any longer, Nick, after you left.
You know how it is.
Well, it'll be all right. You'll find a job.
- Had any lunch?
- Heh.
Not today.
Then here's 2 bucks.
Now, put this on Flying Feet
in that third race at Churchill Downs.
And here's two bits for your lunch.
Now go on and put on the feed bag.
Thanks, Nick.
Pardon me, Mr. Amenoppopolus, but I
had to speak to an old friend of mine.
- It's all right, Nick.
- Thanks.
- Once over, same as usual?
- Yeah.
- All right.
- Don't shave it too close, Nick.
My face is very tender today.
I'll take care of that.
- Nice weather we're having.
- Mm-hm.
Great for the races.
Yeah, I'm glad it isn't raining.
The track is gliding fast, Nick.
Heh-heh. Oh, well, that doesn't make
any difference to me.
Say, I can pick mudders just as easily
as fair weather horses anytime.
- You little wizard. By the way...
- Yeah?
Who do you like
in the fifth race at Louisville?
I got a little bet on No Regrets.
Before I forget,
shoot this for me in the game tonight.
Right. Heh-heh-heh.
How've you been doing lately?
I've been doing swell,
Mr. Amenoppopolus.
The boys in the shop
have been staking me to the club game.
And I won quite a lot of jack for them,
and a little bit for myself.
They've been making a pool
for you, huh?
Yeah, that's the idea,
but that's just bush-league money.
Oh, if I have
some really important dough...
...I could get into that big game
where the sugar is sweet.
Why, how much would it take
to get into that big game?
Oh, about 10 grand.
- Ten thousand, huh?
- Yeah, 10,000, Mr. Amenoppopolus.
And what I know now about the racket...
...I could trim them plenty.
I tell you, Peter,
he is the luckiest man in the world.
- Ha-ha.
- How do you know it, Alex?
How do I know?
- I've been staking him in a small way.
- Yeah.
And he won for me every time.
- Haven't I though, huh? Ha-ha-ha.
- Sure.
Now, if we can put him in the big game,
I'm sure we can win big money.
Boy. Ha-ha.
Well, I tell you, Alex, if it's good
enough for you, it's good enough for me...
...for to take a chance.
- I'm not a gambling man, you know that.
- Yeah?
But you can count on me for 3000.
- Oh, boy.
- How's that?
Oh, thanks, Pete.
You won't regret it, I tell you.
My luck is running great these days.
Fine. I'll get the cash and send it over.
- Thanks.
- Let's step across the street...
...and see Mr. Dondolos
and his four brothers.
They usually like a little sport.
Yes, and let's not forget Mr. Agranopolis.
- No. Sure.
- We mustn't hurt his feelings.
- Can't I put more money in?
- No, you've put in enough, boy.
You'll be getting plenty.
You'll be backing up that truck of yours
at the bank every day.
- You watch it. That's great.
- Thanks, Pete.
- Goodbye, I appreciate it. Goodbye.
- Good luck.
If you don't mind, I'd like to return
these. The boy brought me more than I needed.
- All right, do you want the cash for them?
- Lf you please.
- Here you are, sir.
- Thank you.
Buy yourself a cigar.
Thank you.
That was a nifty girl you had last night.
She wasn't bad, was she?
I think she's not very good either.
Follow me.
You'll find I don't do so bad either.
You're a regular sheik, aren't you?
Not bad out here, boy.
You think she had a sister?
I think it's the mustache.
What's wrong with this place?
Who is it?
It's only me, Sam. Nick the Barber.
Well, Nick, hello, how are you?
Hello, hello.
How are you, Nick?
- My name is Nick Venizelos, what's yours?
- Simpson, how are you?
Glad to know you.
Well, I haven't seen you in six months.
It's taken me that long
to catch up with you.
Go on, play your hand out.
Oh, yeah.
Will anybody open?
It's up to you, Sam.
Well, I can't do anything with these.
I pass.
It's by me.
You looking prosperous, Nick.
Hey, now listen, you mugs,
no use chicken-scratching around.
I got something to say to you,
especially to you.
Sit down.
I've had some time to think things over.
I'm gonna be a real sucker.
I'm looking for evens.
You haven't any objections,
have you, Sam?
No, no. Sure, I'll play with you, Nick.
And you can see my dough this time.
Oh, you're all right with me, Nick.
I suppose I always was, huh?
Now, listen, I got 50,000 bucks with me.
Fifty thousand.
And I'll play you freeze out
for the whole amount, pay after each hand.
All right.
Whew. That's a lot of dough.
Not for Nick.
That brother of mine owns the mint now.
And I'll give you a break.
I'll play at your best game.
I'll play you poker, stud or draw,
Clobyosh, rummy, high or low...
...pinochle, I'll even cut your high cards.
Name your weapons. Here, suntan.
Go downstairs
and get a half a dozen new decks.
- Yeah...
- Go on, stupid.
Anything the guest wants.
Yes, sir.
You're still superstitious, huh?
No, just careful.
Come on, Sam, get set.
Just you and me. We'll deal our own.
You boys get to the sidelines.
You don't mind if I take a peek
of his play?
I don't care what you do.
I'm just playing Sam.
Count me in, Sam.
All right.
Save your chips and we'll cash in later.
If you don't mind, let's see your dough.
I think I can match you, all right.
- Cards.
- Two.
One for me.
What do you do?
Well, I can't bet in to a one-card draw.
How much money have you got left?
Five C's.
Well, you better put them in the center,
because that's just what I'm going to bet.
Five C's.
Well, I've got to call you.
All blue.
Well, they're good, and I'm clean.
I guess that's all. Hmm?
It is, as far as I'm concerned.
Sorry, Sleepy, tough luck.
Can't say that you got the breaks.
Gee, I wish those tailors
would make these pockets a little bigger.
Well, Barnes,
and you had to cut in on his share.
Heh-heh. Not so smart, huh?
Suntan, my hat, my cane, my gloves.
I heard that in a play once.
- Go with that as far as it'll take you.
- Thank you, sir.
Well, Nick the Barber
gave you a trimming, huh?
Well, I'll be seeing you, boys.
- Just a minute.
- Wait a minute, Nick.
How do you like it, boys?
What are you singing the blues about?
I told you I was gonna get evens,
and I told you I was gonna play your way.
Of course, you smart gamblers
have heard of shaved cards.
Well, Nick the Barber can shave them
a little closer than you can.
Just take a look at those decks
I sent out for.
Well, goodbye, boys.
And thanks for the buggy ride.
A weak knee you turned out to be.
- I had to take half of a dumb like that.
- Mug like that take you.
- Pipe down, you. You make me sick.
- What kind of a mug are you?
Say, the smoke bother you?
- Oh, no, I like it.
- A little late to ask you, huh?
You know, a fellow in Havana
makes them up for me.
- You don't say.
- Yeah.
Now, be yourself.
I suppose you're very happy this morning,
Mr. Venizelos.
Yeah, why?
I read in the papers about you
winning a lot of money from that gambler.
Um, Sleepy Sam,
I think that was his name.
Yeah. Oh, that was nothing.
I'm just starting.
Before long,
you'll be reading a whole lot about me.
My, it must be wonderful
to win a lot of money like that.
Ooh. Money don't mean anything to me.
Say, you're a pretty smart girl.
Maybe you can give me a little advice.
Now, if you were a man...
...and a certain girl
had made a sucker out of you...
...once upon a time,
how would you get even with her?
- Well...
- I don't mean hurt her or anything like that.
But just make her change her mind
about me being a sucker.
Oh, why, you're only kidding,
Mr. Venizelos.
How could anybody play you
for a sucker?
No, no, no, I'm not kidding.
I'm serious, sister.
I'd just like to get a little satisfaction
out of that young lady.
Now, how would you go about it?
- Well, if I were a man...
- Yeah?
The first thing I would do
would be send her some flowers.
- Mm-hm.
- Then I'd follow it up with a bracelet.
Then if she's that kind of a
girl, well, the rest is easy.
So you mean one of those things
they wear around their wrists?
Yes, with diamonds in it.
You're not this girl's manager, are you?
Oh, here you are, Marie.
Take care of Blondie.
Just let me know
anything I can do for you, sir.
All right.
I want you to open that door
to that next room.
And put these
first two suitcases in there.
Yes, sir.
- Here, George.
- Thank you, sir.
But, boss, I can't spend no half a bill.
You'll get the other half
at the other end of the line...
...if you're a good boy.
Yes, sir. I won't be good, I'll be perfect.
Come here, give me luck.
Yes, sir. You sure have luck now.
Oh, George, what room is Mr. Short in?
- Mr. Short...
- Yeah, Hickory Short.
Oh, he's in 3-A, sir.
- All right, scram.
- Yes, sir.
Marie, open the suitcase
and hang up my checkered suit.
Well, boy, this is the payoff.
I wish the crowd back in the old
barbershop could see us now.
Louisville bound with a bank roll
big enough to choke a cow.
I guess after tonight,
I'll send the boys back home a few thou.
You've already paid them double.
What of it? I got plenty.
Besides, ain't they still my pals? Heh-heh.
Neck to neck, Nick.
Make every post a winning one.
If I lose,
I'll be back in the old barbershop...
...matching pennies with Snake Eyes.
- Heh-heh.
But how can I lose? Heh-heh.
- Good evening, boys.
- Good evening, boss.
Here, try these.
A fellow in Havana
makes them up for me.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Hello, Nick.
- Oh, hello, Tom.
Say, can you let me
have another key for a friend of mine?
Who for? The district attorney?
No, chief of police.
Oh, in that case, you can have mine.
Great. Thanks.
Good evening. How are you?
Good evening.
Good evening.
May I have your hat and coat?
I'll give it to you this time.
- How are they treating you?
- Just fine.
- Say, you're new here, aren't you?
- Yes.
- Oh, you'll like it. Heh-heh.
- Thank you.
- You know who I am?
- Yes, sir.
Oh, uh...
- Straighten that painting.
- Yes, sir.
Mm. Not bad.
Oh, Nick. Nick, look what I've won.
My luck finally changed.
- I just can't seem to lose.
- No?
- How much did you win?
- A hundred and 10 dollars.
Here, let me see.
Twenty, 40, 60, 80, 90, a hundred.
Great. Just what you owe me.
- What I owe you?
- Yeah.
You never did have a good memory.
Why, Nick. What do you mean?
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen.
How are you doing now, baby?
Great. I've been playing the red.
Here's a hundred,
put that on the red too.
Oh, Nick.
- You darling.
- Ha-ha-ha.
All down?
All down.
Attagirl. Heh-heh.
What are we gonna do about it?
Every time we raid Nick,
he proves he doesn't own the place.
He's got a phony front for every one of his
joints. And you can't pin anything on him.
That isn't a suggestion. That's an alibi.
We close him one night
and he opens up the next in another spot.
Another alibi.
Now, I demand a showdown.
With election coming up...
...I'm not going to let a tinhorn gambler
put me in the middle.
We found Sleepy Sam, chief.
He got in from Frisco last week.
- Where is he?
- In there.
Boys, I'd like to see him alone.
- Sam?
- How are you, DA?
Just step into my office.
- Anything new on that case?
- Something hot.
- I'll talk to you later.
- All right.
Glad to see you, Sam.
How have you been?
What's up, Black?
I just want to get some
gambling information from you, Sam.
Well, three of a kind still beat two pair.
Don't be a comedian.
I don't know anything about it.
I've been legit for months.
- What made you quit?
- I got tired of it. What's it to you?
Yes, you got tired of it after Nick the
Barber pushed you over and rubbed it in.
I understand he took your girl too.
If you know so much,
what did you send for me for?
Listen, Sam.
We're both holding the same bag.
This little greaseball, Nick,
is giving us both the runaround.
Why don't you come clean?
Tell me how to bring him down.
If I knew, I'd do it myself.
He must have some weakness.
He's just a smalltime hick at heart.
But just dumb enough to be smart.
If you were the district attorney,
how would you tackle him?
I'd shoot him some night
when he was trying to escape from the law.
Don't be silly. That isn't done.
- Well, you know his weakness, don't you?
- What?
He's nuts for blonds. Yeah.
Send your wife around,
he'll go for any old bag.
Why, you... Grr.
A little rub, Nick?
- Yeah, I don't mind.
Now, what is it you boys wanna know?
We want to know what you've got to say to
this latest blast from the district attorney.
Oh, has he been talking about me?
Look at that.
He's throwing kisses at you again.
Why, he's got me all wrong, boys.
I'm not a gambler, I'm a barber.
This is my shop.
This is the only business I've got.
Nick the Barber,
isn't that what everybody calls me?
What's he wanna go ahead
and make a lot of trouble for?
I'm just a nice little fella
trying to get along.
What's he wanna go ahead
and blow a lot of steam off for?
You know, he reminds me of a little sawmill
we had in our old hometown in Irontown.
It had a big whistle,
every time the whistle blew...
...the sawmill stopped running.
Then you're going to keep
your place open as usual?
Well, why not? There's no law
against running a barbershop, is there?
You're too smart for one guy, Nick.
- Yeah, I ought to incorporate, huh?
- Yeah.
Here, have a cigar, boys.
A fella in Havana makes them up for me.
- Is that so?
- Help yourselves.
- Sure.
- I'm not forgetting you, old boy.
- Well, so long.
- So long.
See you in the jailhouse.
Sure, I'll come and visit you
in the can anytime, brother.
So long.
So long.
Good luck, Nick.
I gotta catch this next edition, Nick.
Thanks very much.
Well, pleasure was all mine, boys.
Boss, you're sure one smart fellow.
- You sure tell them a big mouthful.
- Yeah.
If that cheap district
attorney get too fresh...
...Nick the Barber give him close shave.
Place your bets.
Now, don't be jealous, pal.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Are you Mr. Venizelos?
- Well, you've got the right fellow.
- Sit down, please.
- Thank you.
- I wonder, Mr. Venizelos, if you could...
- Oh, call me Nick.
- Well, I'm in an awful plight.
- Yeah?
I've lost all my money
at the roulette table.
And I wonder if you could lend me some
to get home on.
I don't believe in lending,
but I'll give you 10.
Ten? Oh, I need 500.
Five hundred?
Where do you live, lady? China?
I could leave this for security.
Hmm. You can't go wrong on that.
- It's worth nearly a thousand.
- You know jewelry, all right.
And women too.
You know, it's my business
to make a study of human nature.
And I can see that you're on the level.
I've heard how fascinating you are
to women, Mr. Venizelos...
...but the stories only half told it.
Hmm. Heh-heh-heh.
Well, I think that deserves a drink,
don't you?
- How about it?
- Fine.
Thank you.
Here's to the most charming man
I've ever met.
And here's to the most charming woman
I've ever met.
- Ahh.
- You're certainly a friend in need.
Big-hearted Nick, they call me.
Never said no to a woman in my life.
I'll take you to the cashier's and get
the money. Oh, don't let's forget this.
Tell me, when am I gonna see you again?
When would you like to?
Tomorrow for lunch, at the Savoy?
Yes, that would be splendid.
You give me your address,
I'll send my car for you.
No, thanks.
Never mind, I'll just take a taxi.
Oh, no, no, no. I wouldn't think
of you doing that. Ha-ha-ha.
Oh, that's all right.
I'll meet you there, Nick.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
And tell the district attorney
I'll see him on Tuesday.
Hello? Hello?
Say, get me the district attorney... his home right away.
I'll answer it.
- Hello?
- Hello, is that you, Black?
Well, this is Nick the Barber.
I just kicked your stool pigeon
right out of my office.
If you don't quit messing around my affairs,
I'm gonna kick you right out of town.
A stool pigeon?
What did she do to tip her mitt?
Oh, boy, I can tell them.
She had "district attorney"
written right across her kisser.
Before I got through with her, she had
Nick the Barber written across her...
...something else.
- Heh-heh.
- Congratulations.
- Yeah.
You got wise to yourself at last.
No woman will ever make
a sucker out of me again.
Nick is plenty smart these days. Yes, sir.
- Oh, boy. Ha-ha.
- Heh-heh.
Boy, I'll never forgot the expression
on that dame's pan...
...when I gave her the boot.
Probably the first time
she was kicked out of an office.
What's that?
Stop, Bill.
- What's the matter?
- We dragged a girl out.
- Will you take her?
- Where is she?
- Right over there.
- Go on, let's see.
Still alive?
Get a robe, quick.
Yes, sir.
We'll take her to the hospital.
Wait a minute,
what do you know about this dame?
Well, all I know she's almost drowned.
Come on. Quickly, get her in the car.
Get her in the car now.
I'll take care of her.
- All right, George, pick up.
- Attaboy.
- All right.
- Go on, step on it.
How do you know she's not another plant
from the DA's office?
I suppose they brought her here
and threw her in the water.
Well, don't forget,
you can still pour water.
Smart fella, aren't you?
- Where am I?
- You're all right.
- We're taking you to the hospital.
- Where?
To the Receiving Hospital.
Now, don't get excited.
Oh, please don't take me to the hospital.
I don't wanna go there. I won't go there.
- What did I tell you?
- Now, don't get yourself all worked up.
Let me out here and I'll go home.
I can get a bus.
No, you can't do that. You're all wet.
- You'll catch pneumonia.
- I'll be all right.
Let her go if she wants to.
We might get into a jam.
You don't know what her racket is.
Bill, come on, pull up to the curb.
Say, I think you'd better take
that robe with you. It's cold.
No, I'll be all right.
Thank you very much. It was kind of you.
Oh, Jack, Jack. Come here, get her.
The act is on again.
It looks as though the kid is starved.
I suppose you call that fixing too.
- What do you wanna do?
- Put her in the car.
We'll take her home.
What do you think we're gonna do?
Come on, take care of her now. Easy.
Well, what are you gonna do
about that girl?
Are you running a sanitarium?
Are you still harping on that?
Put on a new record.
Haven't you had enough trouble with dames
without going out and looking for it?
I wouldn't trust any of them.
But you gotta admit,
they're awfully nice company.
Oh, why don't you snap out of it?
Say, your face is so long,
I'd charge you two prices for a shave.
What, you up?
Probably got a date with her manager.
Yes, I'm leaving.
I just wanted to thank you
for being so kind.
Oh, don't thank him, lady.
He loves playing St. Nick for dames.
He picks up a woman every week,
just to keep in practice.
Don't mind him.
He's rehearsing a vaudeville act.
And if he lets out one more crack, I'll
ring the curtain right down on his chin.
You can't walk out like this.
The doctor said you might get pneumonia.
Even the doctors play him for a sucker.
Say, why don't you wisen up?
Give her a break.
- Snake Eyes.
- Yes, sir?
- Draw another cup of java.
- Coming right up, boss.
I think you better stay put for
a few days. You look plenty weak.
Like The Wreck of the Hesperus?
Yeah, something like that.
I have a few questions
I wanna ask this young lady.
- Do you know who we are?
- No.
Only you've been very kind.
- Have you ever heard of Nick the Barber?
- Yes.
I've read about him in the papers.
He's a gambler, isn't?
Oh, I recognize you now.
And you've never seen him before?
Only pictures in the newspapers.
Well, lady, you must have some cream.
Why did you jump off that bridge
last night?
Are you sure you didn't fall off?
Say, what are you,
a policeman or something?
Go on, get dressed.
I know what I'm doing.
Go on.
Mother knows best.
Your friend doesn't like me very well.
Don't take what that loogan
said seriously.
- Really, he's a swell fellow.
- That's all right.
I'm used to abuse.
Hey, you'll be having Blondie
crying in a minute. Heh-heh.
Come on, get hold of yourself.
- Were you working?
- I was, but I lost my job.
And then I got sick.
- Yeah, and you were broke, huh?
- I had a few dollars.
And some more things
happened and... Heh.
Then last night.
I don't suppose
it's very easy for you girls.
I was a coward.
Oh-ho-ho, coward...
Say, lots of people would be cowards
if they went through what you did.
But I'm all straightened out now.
- Attagirl.
- I feel like a new person.
- Thanks for what you did.
- Oh-ho.
It's nothing, really. Heh-heh.
Oh, here.
You'll need a little stake.
- It's awfully kind of you, but I can't...
- Oh, that's all right. Come on.
I'll probably never be able to pay it back.
Well, that's all right, sister.
I own the mint. My brother gave it to me.
- Thanks. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
And keep off of bridges.
- Here, what's the matter?
- Oh, I was just a little dizzy.
But I feel all right again.
Now, look here.
You're not going out of here.
Not until you're better
and get some color in those cheeks.
You're set on keeping that date
with the undertakers, aren't you?
Nothing doing, you stay put.
You take orders from me,
I'm taking orders from the doctor.
The doctor's coming up
to see you sometime today.
And you're not going out
till he says the word.
Now, be a good girl.
Oh, here's the key.
Well, I'm glad to see
you get rid of that ghost.
That dame gave me the creeps.
Well, you'd make a great copper.
You can guess more right things wrong
than anybody I know.
Well, where is she, then?
In the bedroom, wise guy.
Say, how long is this gonna last?
- What's the big idea, you going screwy?
- Why don't you button up?
I'm only doing what any decent guy
in the same spot would do.
She'll be gone in a couple of days.
And then you can be
my sweetheart again, dearie.
- I've good news for you, Snake Eyes.
- Yes, ma'am?
This is the last time I'm gonna change
the furniture around.
I'm glad to hear that.
I done thought you was gonna wear
this furniture out, kicking it around.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- Have a good sleep?
- I feel fine.
Well, so you've been at it again.
- Do you really like it?
- It looks swell.
What did you do with that picture
of Jack Dempsey?
I put it in your den.
- You don't mind, do you?
- Oh, that's all right.
Say, you can put Tunney
in the cellar if you want to. Ha-ha-ha.
It's been so much fun
fixing up a place like this.
Yeah, I like it better myself,
since you've been around.
Sit down, Nick.
There's something
I want to talk to you about.
What's on your mind, baby?
Why have you been so nice to me?
Oh, well, that's my nature.
Big-hearted Nick, they used to call me
back in Irontown.
You've done so much.
There doesn't seem to be anything
I can do for you.
Why, you've done plenty.
Just being around is enough.
Don't you worry about that.
What's the matter?
- I was thinking maybe...
- Yeah?
Oh, no, no, no.
No, you don't owe me anything.
Now, you stay here as long as you like.
And the longer you stay,
the better I like it.
And someday, maybe...
Now, here, here, what's all this about?
Now, please, don't cry, baby.
There isn't a thing for you
to worry about.
What's on your mind, honey?
I haven't been
on the level with you, Nick.
- You're not from the DA's office?
- No.
But I haven't told you
the whole truth about myself.
Oh, that's all right. I haven't told you
the whole truth about myself either.
Did you know
I used to play the saxophone... the Irontown band?
- Heh.
I'm serious, Nick.
- I'm wanted by the police.
- Police?
- What for?
- For blackmail.
- Blackmail?
- But it really wasn't blackmail.
I mean, I didn't intend
to blackmail him at all.
I wanted you to know.
I might get you into some trouble
with the police.
Police don't bother me none.
As far as they're concerned,
I'm just a barbershop proprietor.
They haven't got a thing on me.
- But don't you want me to get out now?
- What for?
I'm not exactly
a Sunday school teacher myself.
I seem to be kind of a jinx wherever I go.
Well, you haven't been a jinx to me.
I hate to do this.
But it's the only way we can nail him.
Of course,
it's really compounding a felony.
Well, what of it?
The end justifies the means.
And we've got to drive Nick
out of this town.
The disgrace is we have to resort to
such roundabout methods to get him.
But if we can put him in jail
for only a few months...
...we can break up his ring.
The public and the press will lay off me.
The girl is here.
I picked her up at the Savoy.
Send her in.
Miss Graham, come in.
How do you do, Miss Graham?
Sit down, please.
Miss Graham, I have here a warrant
charging you with blackmail.
And enough evidence to convict you.
L... I didn't mean to blackmail him.
That's your story.
But what you did is extortion
in the eyes of the law.
And you can be sent to the penitentiary.
But there's a way you can avoid
going to the penitentiary, Miss Graham.
- A very simple way.
- What do you expect me to do?
Just a little favor.
While checking up on Nick the Barber,
we found that you live in his apartment.
That isn't true.
I live in a spare room down the hall.
Now, don't lie.
We watched every step
both of you made for a week.
The sentence for blackmail,
Miss Graham... two to 10 years in the penitentiary.
But you can avoid that
if you'll just do what I ask you.
- Well, what is it?
- Not much.
Just this.
I want you to get me those gold keys that
Nick's customers use for his gambling...
I won't.
- I haven't finished, Miss Graham.
- I don't care, I won't do it.
You can send me up.
Now, don't be foolish.
It's a case of you or him.
He'll never know you did it.
I won't. I won't!
Now, don't get excited.
All we wanna do
is to give Nick a good scare.
He'll be out in a month.
That wouldn't hurt him at all.
While if you went to the penitentiary
for a long sentence...
But he's the only the person
that's ever been kind to me.
He's a public menace.
He's trying to corrupt public officials.
He's even put his filthy hands
on policemen, state's attorneys.
- And even made overtures to our judges.
- I can't help it.
Leave me alone.
Please don't make me do it.
Oh, please.
- Have you a key, sir?
- Sure.
All bets down.
You look swell, baby.
You got class.
That's what I like about you.
I think you're about the prettiest
little thing I've ever seen.
And the sweetest.
- I'm not what you think I am, Nick.
- What, not sweet?
Don't tell me, I know.
Nick used to be a sugar taster.
I've got something for you.
Doesn't that look nice there?
- I can't take it, Nick.
- Oh, yes, you can.
And what's more, before long,
I'm gonna give you a ring.
For that finger.
What's the matter, honey?
- You're shaking like a leaf.
- I'm all upset tonight, Nick.
Have you a key, sir?
No, we're with headquarters.
Go on, break in.
It's a raid. Get rid of the gun.
It's a raid. You stay right here.
Go get him. Get up.
I thought so.
It was you who let those coppers in.
You dirty little stool pigeon.
What's this all about?
Lay off, Nick.
She's planting evidence on you.
She put it in the inside coat pocket.
- I'm telling you, now look for yourself.
- Hmm?
Why, it's nothing but a racing form,
you smack-off.
Lay off, I'm telling you. Quit it.
I'm trying to steer you straight.
Steer you straight.
- I'm gonna let you have it.
- Yes. You won't.
Yeah, I'll show him,
treating you like that.
Come on, Nick. Let's go downtown.
What for? You got nothing on me.
I'm just a guest here,
like a hundred others.
I like your company.
You can't hang anything on me.
I don't own this place.
Look up the deed
in the Recorder's Office.
- You don't, eh?
- No.
All I own here is what I've got on.
We like your company.
It's hot and stuffy here.
Let's take a walk.
You got good manners for cops.
All right, I'll oblige you. For all
the good it's gonna do you. Heh-heh.
All you've got here is what you got on.
- Is that it, Nick?
- Yeah, that's it.
Then you've got plenty.
That's nothing but a racing form.
You probably don't know
there's an old blue law...
...that classifies a racing form
as gambling paraphernalia.
Makes possession of one punishable
by a six-month jail sentence.
I didn't know it myself
till just a few days ago.
But I know it now, Nick.
And so do you.
- Why, you dirty, you double-crosser...
- Here.
- What's the matter with this fellow?
- I socked him.
And I'm darned sorry.
He didn't have it coming.
- He's unconscious.
- Let's be going, Nick.
- This fellow isn't unconscious. He's dead.
- What's that?
Look out, here.
Jack! Jack!
Jack! Jack, I'm talking to you.
It looks like manslaughter...
...or murder now, Nick.
- So you gave me the works, huh?
- Yes, Nick.
I did it.
But I didn't think it would be for
anything like this.
I've always been a little coward.
Oh, Nick, could you ever forgive me?
That's all right, Irene.
I've always been a sucker for women.
Come on, Black. Let's go.
Hold it for a picture, Nick.
- Oh, sure, just a minute.
All right.
Yeah, Snake Eyes.
I brought Blondie along.
Thought you might like to say goodbye.
Hey, you sure
I can't take her along with me?
Nothing doing.
No blonds where you're going, Nick.
Well, Blondie,
no use two of us going up there, eh?
- Take this rabbit's foot, boss.
- Not a chance.
You gave me one of those once before.
I didn't mean no harm,
because I loves you, Mr. Nick.
Here's the way to give me luck.
So long, Snake Eyes. I'll be seeing you.
Come on over, Marie, the water's fine.
I suppose I should be glad...'re going up, Nick...
...after the way you've treated me.
But I'm not.
I came down here to laugh in your face...
...but I can't.
Oh, that's all right, Marie.
You're a swell guy.
I deserved what I got.
Oh, that's all right, Marie.
I'm sorry the way
everything turned out between us.
I guess somebody must have been
dealing from the bottom.
Well, here.
Buy yourself a box of candy.
You know I don't eat it.
It gets in my teeth. Heh-heh-heh.
All aboard.
- Yeah.
Come on, Nick, let's go.
- I'll be seeing you. Heh.
Hey, Nick, bye-bye.
I'll be seeing you.
Any final statement, Nick?
- Sure.
Tell my public I've put the close clippers
on other fellas before this.
And now I'm gonna find out
what it's like myself.
I wonder how I'll look with that
monkey haircut they give you there.
Hey, Nick. How about a picture?
All right, just a minute. I'll tell you when.
- All right.
- Good.
So long, Nick. See you in 10 years.
Ten years?
I'll bet you 2-to-1 I'm out in five.