Smith! (1969)

[I Bobby Russell: The Ballad
of Smith and Gabriel Jimmyboy]
[horse whinnying]
[boy] Come on, Tasha.
Come on! That's the idea.
Come on! Come on! Come on, Tasha.
Come on back. Come get the apple.
Come on, boy. Come on.
Come on. Keep on comin'.
Come on. That's a good boy.
Come on. Come on. Keep on comin'.
That's the idea.
Come on. Come and get it.
That's a good boy...
Stay. That's a'way, Tasha.
That's a good boy, Tasha.
That's a'way.
[horse whinnies]
- [grunting]
[dog barking]
- [whistling]
- [cows mooing]
[dog barking]
[cows mooing]
- [boy] Smith! Smith!
- [dog barking]
Where ya been for three days, Smith?
Ma's fit to be tied.
I've been up in the higher range
tracking down this scrawny beef.
- Ma been inquirin' about me?
- Inquiring?
She says when she
gets her hands on you...
She's been inquirin'...
"Three days he's gone," she says.
And the two of us here all alone.
What's for supper?
"We could be murdered in our beds
for all your father cares," she said.
Chicken stew for supper.
What's this about who
being murdered in who's bed?
I dunno. But she's been walking
around the house with your shotgun
like there's gonna be a massacre.
Well, sometimes your ma gets
carried away by the pioneer spirit.
- [Smith whistling]
- [cows mooing]
Smith, remember
what we were talkin' about?
Three days ago before you took off?
Hope it isn't rooster stew for supper
considering the caliber of our chickens.
We were talking about Tashie.
And you said the day after Christmas
that you'd break 'em for me
so I could ride him.
Well, you got my solemn word, son.
- You didn't in January and February...
- And March and April and May...
Lemme tell you somethin', there's
only one way to break an Appaloosa.
That's the good old-fashioned
Indian talk way.
Eh, now I made a deal with OI' Antoine,
in fact it was the day after Christmas.
I'm sure he'll get
around to it sometime.
- Pretty soon now, huh?
- OK, Smith.
- Just thought I'd mention it.
- Well, I'm glad you did, son.
- I'll speak to Antoine. All right?
- All right. OK.
All right, Charlie.
Get 'em in the pen there, boy.
Come on, boy. Let's go.
[dog barking]
- [cows mooing]
[door opening]
"All right. Where you been and how come
you run off without telling me?"
Miss me? Hmm?
Oh, cut it out, will ya, Smith?
There's something going on in that old
shack on the other side of the meadow.
- Oh, really?
- Antoine's over there.
Oh, that's good. He's finally come
to break the Appaloosa for Albie.
There's someone in there with him!
Oh, now, Norah...
OI' Antoine must be
at least 97 years old.
- Smith, stop it!
- Wait a minute!
- That's the end of romance...
- Oh, stop it!
- All right, so who's with OI' Antoine?
- I think it's Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Smith, you've gotta
get him out of there.
- Norah...
- He's wanted for murder.
Please get him off our land.
I've been scared witless every night.
I don't know this Jimmyboy very well,
- but if he's a friend of Antoine...
- The police are after him!
Smith, he's got a gun!
How do you know he's got a gun?
I saw him. He and Antoine
went through the meadow
- heading for our old shack.
- [Albie] Smith!
- [footsteps pounding]
- [door opening]
OI' Antoine's here! He wants
some kerosene for his lamp.
Can we make him stay for dinner, Ma?
Chicken stew's his favorite.
Can he, Ma? Make him stay.
Hello, this place!
Hello, Antoine.
- Conesta.
- Conesta.
Well, look who dropped by
to borrow a little kerosene.
Uh, Norah, maybe we could
talk him into staying for supper?
- Hello. Good evening.
- Hello. Good evening, OI' Antoine.
- Smith...
- Shh... Now listen.
He's only gonna
stay a little while.
Eat, OI' Antoine.
Here. Hmm?
- [whispering] Oh, yeah. Go ahead.
- Antoine?
Smith says you're gonna
break my Appaloosa.
Could you do it
pretty soon, Antoine?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Albie] Will he do it, Smith?
I don't think he's talkin'
about your Appaloosa, Albie. He's...
He's comparing this stew
to the great famine of '78.
[clearing throat] Yeah.
Who is in that old shack with you
on the other side of the hay meadow?
- Cut it out, will ya, Norah?
- We have a right to know.
How can we sleep
with a murderer on the loose?
[Smith] Norah!
Antoine, listen to me.
- Who...
- [indistinct thumping outside]
- Hello, this place!
- [Albie] It's Peterpaul!
Can I go out and play till it gets dark?
I'll stay close to the house.
- Norah...
- Antoine...
I'm gonna ask you once more.
Now see what you've done?
Antoine, I tell you what.
Come by for breakfast and then you and
I'll go hunting in the hills, all right?
Might be that chicken.
No she chicken.
Might be he chicken, I think.
Indian very funny.
Oh, he didn't mean anything
disrespectful, Norah. He...
- You know OI' Antoine...
- Sure I know.
Blood brother.
Taught you everything you know...
As a matter of fact, he did.
Ever since I could climb on
a horse and throw a rope.
All right, all right.
We buy OI' Antoine,
but what about the rest of them? They
sleep on our land. They eat our food.
They get into trouble
and you bail them out of jail.
And you give them our hay when we don't
even have enough for our own stock.
I'm so fed up with Indians.
Norah, now you listen to me.
Somebody has to take care of them
or else they get pushed around.
But why does it
always have to be you?
Why do they always come here
when their sky falls down?
Where else would they go?
All right, I'll go up to the cabin
and I'll get rid of Gabriel Jimmyboy.
You just keep my coffee hot.
All right?
- Oh, Smith?
- Yeah?
- Here.
- What's that for?
- But he's a murderer.
- Well, I'm not.
- Tots alla.
- Tots alla, yourself.
- Oh, hi, Smith.
- Hi, Vince.
Smith, have you seen an Indian named,
uh, Gabriel Jimmyboy on your place?
- Jimmy who?
- Boy. Jimmyboy.
No. What's he look like?
Looks like a blasted Indian. What else?
What's the matter with those dogs?
Can't they track Indians?
Eh... they've been trackin' all day.
They went and lost the trail
down there by Bear Creek.
Well, why don't you all go one back
to jail and kinda sleep it off, huh?
Look, Smith, somebody told the sheriff
they seen an Indian on your place.
I'm gonna ask you official: Have you
seen an Indian named Gabriel Jimmyboy?
[Smith] No... No.
Well, I think I'll just get down to
the old shack of yours and look myself.
[Smith] Hey, Vince. You got a warrant?
- This Indian murdered a man.
- Are you sure?
Well, now what do you want,
a personal affidavit?
He's an Indian, ain't he?
And he was drunk, wasn't he?
Money's gone and Sam Hardy's dead.
What else do you need?
I don't think the sheriff would
want you poking around that shack
without a search warrant.
- I don't need no warrant for no Indian!
- But you need your job.
Now don't do anything bull-headed.
You might lose it.
Hello, this place. It's me, Smith.
[gun cocking]
What's your friend holdin' a gun for?
I mean, it's only Smith.
He's scared, this place only one door.
Well, uh...yeah.
Uh... suppose we sit down here
and have a smoke, huh?
Never mind smoke. Tell him.
- Smith...
- What?
Me and Gabriel, we talk.
I tell him maybe you help,
so they don't kill him on that rope.
What kind of help, Antoine?
The sheriff, they look for Gabriel.
With them dogs.
They better not come this place.
I shoot.
Gabriel, he wants to go away.
He go with you, Smith.
Hide him in that truck.
You take him to Canada.
- What?
- It's the best way, Smith.
Oh, now wait a minute.
No, that isn't the best way.
You gotta have him turn himself in
and stand trial. That's the best way.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
No, no. You can't just run up to Canada
and hide, because they'll find ya.
- And they'll bring ya back to trial.
- [speaking in Native American dialect]
- Why do you say that?
- They kill me in that rope.
Maybe Smith right.
You go to court, Gabriel.
- No.
- You go, Gabriel. I speak for you.
OI' Antoine speak for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Wait, you'll speak for him?
Is there something you know?
I mean, about what happened?
I know that day very well.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Antoine, why do you talk of the past?
That has nothing to do with Gabriel.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Oh, he know it's old man's talk.
[continues in Native American dialect]
...the General Howard.
What are you talking about General
Howard for? That was 9O years ago.
- [continues in Native American dialect]
- Now, Antoine...
We wait now.
Well, I guess the best thing we can do
is smoke a peace pipe. Here.
[continues in Native American dialect]
Smith isn't gonna like this, Ma.
It's been more than three hours. He
may be lying in a pool of blood by now.
You lock that door and don't
let anybody in. Do you hear me?
- OK, Ma.
- OK.
The policemen,
they pay $500 anybody find Gabriel.
I bring Gabriel to this court,
take $500 and get good lawyer.
- No.
- [speaks in Native American dialect]
Hey, hold it! Just wait a minute.
We don't need money for a lawyer.
The Indian Bureau will get
a lawyer for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
- You trust Indian Bureau?
- Well, sure.
Sure. You not Indian.
[horse galloping up outside]
[speaks in Native American dialect]
That's just Norah, my wife.
She's come to tell me how late it is.
Gabriel, she's not mad at you.
She's just gettin' set to bawl me out.
So long, Antoine. Bye, Gabriel.
You think over what I said. Hmm?
Are you all right?
Norah, it isn't often that I get mad.
Please don't get mad now, Smith.
- Well, you oughta know better.
- I couldn't help it.
I got to thinking of you up there
all alone with that crazy murderer.
- He could've killed you.
- You could've got us both killed.
Aw, Smith.
- Smith, Smith.
- All right.
I'm sorry. It's just that
I've been so churned up lately.
- Smith?
- What?
What about Gabriel Jimmyboy?
I told him to give himself up, but the
guy's scared they're gonna hang him.
Rightfully he should give himself up,
shouldn't he?
I don't know about "rightfully."
There's only one thing worse than being
a cow rancher: That's being an Indian.
- [Albie] Did you ever see him?
- [Peterpaul] Sure. Lotsa times.
Does he look like...
he killed somebody?
Look like Indian.
You're a great help. [sighing]
- [whispering] Hold still.
- I'm trying to.
- Shh...
- [dog whining]
- Charlie, cut it out.
- Shh...
- Charlie, go away.
- [grunting]
- [Peterpaul] Run! He's got a gun!
- [dog barking]
- I see him. He have gun.
- You didn't see anything.
- There wasn't anybody in there.
- You sure?
Sure, I'm sure.
You got too much imagination.
- Sound like somebody with gun.
- Go back and look for yourself.
I take your word.
Maybe we oughta get out of here anyway.
- Let's go to the Topin Ridge and play.
- [dog barking]
- [dog growling]
- Charlie, stay!
Come on, Charlie. There's probably
rattlers in there. Come on.
[gun cocking]
It's him. It's Jimmyboy.
He kill Sam Hardy.
I no kill him. Somehow they cheat me.
I tell him he cheat. We fight. No kill.
[speaks in Native American dialect]
- You a Smith boy?
- Yes, sir.
Smith good man.
You see OI' Antoine?
- No.
- [sighing]
He say he come here. Plenty to eat.
He too old man.
He forget, I think.
- You hungry, Mr. Jimmyboy?
- No eat long time.
Listen, Mr. Jimmyboy,
we'll bring you food every day.
- And we'll have a signal.
- Eh? You tell.
No, no. I swear.
You go. If you tell...
Don't worry.
Hey! Listen, when we
come back, we'll whistle.
[whistling] Come on, Peterpaul.
Come on, Charlie.
- [cows mooing]
- [roosters crowing]
- Hello, Smith!
- Hello, Walter Charlie.
You get the barn
ready to bring hay crop, I see.
Yeah, I'm getting' the barn ready.
What's on your mind?
I've come to talk to OI' Antoine.
OI' Antoine break your
Appaloosa someday, huh?
Well, I haven't seen OI' Antoine.
I know.
OI' Antoine,
he's someplace with Gabriel Jimmyboy.
- By and by, he come to this place.
- Well, so?
I know a policeman give $500
for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Well, suppose you find Gabriel.
You'll be a rich man.
I can't do. Too official.
Are you gonna be the
court interpreter again this year?
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, boy.
It's no good for official
to collect reward money.
You get $500.
We split. You keep $100.
I'm taking up a lot
of your valuable time, Walter.
- Hop on that bike and pedal off.
- OK, Smith.
I make good bargain.
I give you $150. No more.
Doggone it.
Look what you did!
That's all right, Smith.
I give you plenty time to think it over.
- Yeah, sure I know.
- What did Walter Charlie want?
Ah, he wanted to give me $150
if I turn in Gabriel Jimmyboy.
- Cash?
- Oh, now white lady very funny.
Come on. Quit worrying, Norah.
We're gonna make it this year.
No, we're not, Smith.
Look at that hay crop. It's full
of weeds and we're down to 78 head
on the breeding stock. The bank
said even a hundred cow ranch
- can't make the grade anymore.
- You're absolutely right.
- It's all your fault.
- Oh, Smith!
Come on, it isn't that bad. We get that
hay cut, everything's gonna be fine.
If it gets cut. If McDonald Lasheway
comes with his mowers,
and if McDonald's Indians
feel like mowing and...!
Oh, Smith!
Wishing, grunts]
[dogs barking, howling]
- That sounds like the sheriff's dogs.
- Yeah. It does.
Well, I guess Gabriel Jimmyboy
decided not to give himself up.
[dogs barking, howling]
[sighing] Well, that's another
dead-end for those old hound dogs.
- Smith?
- Yeah?
If you made a promise to someone...
I mean, if you know the
whereabouts of a certain person...
Come on, Rufus, you find him now.
You find him.
Come on, Rufus. You find him. Yeah.
Hello, Vince. Any luck?
I wasted two whole days
gettin' a search warrant.
I oughta run you in for harboring
a fugitive from justice.
- Oh, I wouldn't try that.
- You see this rag?
Well, it's got Gabriel Jimmyboy's
scent all over it.
All right, now where you hiding him?
Well, I'll tell ya, I'm hiding him... an old copper mine.
All right, get those stupid dogs goin'.
[dogs howling]
[chuckling] I'll even odds Gabriel's
a hundred miles away from here by now.
- [laughing]
- No, he isn't, Smith.
You were right.
He is in the old copper mine.
Ah, doesn't matter. Those dogs...
He's where?
In the old copper mine
at the Tokin Ridge.
Me and Peterpaul brought him food.
Albie, in ten years I haven't
laid one single hand on you.
- [dogs howling]
- He's awful nice, Smith.
He couldn't'a done it.
If Vince gets there first,
there's gonna be shootin'.
- [dogs howling]
- [indistinct shouting]
[dogs barking, howling]
[dogs barking, howling]
Yeah, we got 'em now, eh?
- Gabriel Jimmyboy?
- [voice echoing in mine]
This is a police officer.
Come outwith your hands up.
I'll give you just five seconds.
And if you don't come out,
we'll come in and get ya.
- One...! Two...!
- [dogs barking]
Three...! Four...!
All right, let 'em go.
[howls echoing]
- We got 'em now.
- [dogs barking, howling]
Well, get those dogs!
I guess Mr. Jimmyboy wasn't in there.
Yeah, it's lucky for Vince he wasn't.
[dogs howling]
Smith, what will they do with
Gabriel Jimmyboy when they catch him?
Well, I wouldn't worry about that.
They haven't caught him yet.
- Hey, did you find that Indian?
- What does it look like?
[men laughing]
Let those idiots go!
Would you do what I tell ya?
[dogs barking, howling]
Vince, put that gun away.
Sheriff, I've been
trailing him ever since Bear Creek.
You never trail nothing. OI' Antoine
brought him in here a half hour ago.
- [dogs howling]
- Get them fool dogs outta here.
- Make your mark, Antoine.
- Wait a minute, Chief. What is this?
Antoine bring in Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Get $500.
You're not gonna let him
get away with that, are ya?
Antoine, you go sit at my desk.
- Lock up the prisoner, Vince.
- Just a minute, chief.
I've been working on this case
night and day.
Will you do like I tell ya?
Now just put your mark on there,
Antoine. We'll see you get your money.
[honking horn]
[tires screeching]
- [horn honking]
- [horse squealing]
[both laughing]
[speaks in Native American dialect]
Soda pop.
[brakes squealing]
Vince is just pulling up.
Look, Gabriel, you just gotta
sorta take things easy 'cause...
...everything's gonna
turn out all right.
I don't know, Smith.
Maybe was better to go to Canada.
- Maybe now they kill me in that rope.
- Nobody's gonna kill ya.
You're gonna get a fair trial.
Now you just... you must...
You just must believe that.
Not easy to believe, Smith.
Now you listen with your head.
You stop thinkin' about that rope.
You just... just stop.
- OK, Smith.
- [whispering] Smith!
You believe I don't do this thing?
Well, why do you think I came here?
[man] All right, Smith. Look out.
Smith, you don't have to come back.
I'm takin' him to Williamstown.
They'll keep him down there
till the trial starts.
- OK.
- Oh, and Smith?
They're gonna convict that Indian
as sure as you're standing there.
Now you're... You're just brimmin' over
with humanity, aren't ya?
You can afford all
that humanity stuff, I can't.
After all, I gotta risk my neck
with these people.
That's no reason to wanna
hang that boy in there.
Well, he killed Sam Hardy, didn't he?
Way I figure, he...
He hit Sam when Sam
pulled that knife of his on 'em.
- Just once too often.
- Well, it killed him. That's enough.
Sam ran up against trouble
he brought on himself.
- Aw, Smith...
- Oh, come on. Get off it, will ya?
Sam was selling those Indians liquor.
And takin' their money
in that phony card game of his.
Hey, Vince.
You coulda moved in there
and stopped it.
Why didn't you?
Well, maybe there was a little
money in it on the side for you.
[horn honking]
[brakes squeaking]
That's all right, Joe.
You don't break anything, I think.
Walter Charlie, whose car is this?
My car. I buy this car
to take OI' Antoine to Williamstown
when they have
this trial for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Now don't tell me where you got
the $499.95 because I know!
Hey, Joe, you got a six pack of root
beer for OI' Antoine? He's thirsty.
He no used to automobile.
Why'd ya give him the whole $500?
He interpret good this trial.
Well, what happened to the lawyer?
Walter Charlie, he get lawyer
appoint by Indian Bureau.
No charge.
You're a cheap chiseler.
- OI' Antoine, he like that car.
- It's not his car. It's your car.
Well, the old man, he no can drive.
What for he want car?
- Antoine...
- [speaks in Native American dialect]
Just tryin' to be with the buffalo.
He's right, Smith.
This car like big wagon.
Go across prairie when
white man hunt buffalo.
Oh, boy.
[horn honking]
Hey, Smith!
[speaks in Native American dialect]
- Truck no good. Put it away.
- [both laughing]
[Smith] Walter!
- [speaks in Native American dialect]
- [horn honking]
[brakes screeching]
- You all right, Antoine?
- Yeah.
Come on.
Why you wave me to pass, Smith?
You pretty bum driver, I think.
Hey, Smith! What am I going
to do with this car now?
Well, I'll tell you what, Walter.
You go get yourself a paddle. You'll
have yourself a nice four wheel canoe.
[water gurgling]
And six makes a total of $2,300
after we sell the beef off.
- Smith?
- Yeah?
If we could borrow $500 at the bank...
Say, do you think
he'd like a can of sardines?
This package I'm making for Gabriel
Jimmyboy. You think he'd sardines?
You're the one
who thinks like an Indian.
I think I'm gonna
put in two cans of sardines...
- Smith!
- What?
If you'd send for that bulletin
from the Department of Agriculture
- on feed grains...
- How about some of that jam you made?
If you would send for that bulletin,
they could tell us how
to fatten up the stock quicker
and use less acreage.
There's no point in botherin'
the Department of Agriculture.
Besides, I'm running this place
only half as well as I know how.
Well, of course I've got $79
in my disaster fund.
But some day,
some distant wonderful day...
...we're all going to take
a fabulous trip.
Smith! Smith! The hay crew
is here! Come on! Come on!
Norah! Will you wrap these up?
I'll mail it this afternoon.
Oh... We're gonna make hay, Norah.
The best feed crop in three years.
They can't stop us now, huh?
- [dog barking]
- [horns honking]
[all yelling, cheering]
Hiya, McDonald!
- Where are the tractors?
- Tractors come by and by.
- Your men all ready to go?
- Yeah, sure.
- All right, let's get hoppin' then!
- Yeah, sure.
We cut the hay up quick.
We're not gone very long, I think.
Gone where?
We go see that trial they got
for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
- You... You... You what?
- We go see that trial. All mens go.
OI' Antoine, he go,
Walter Charlie go, everybody go.
- Now you got a hay contract with me.
- Why you don't go, Smith?
- We come back real quick.
- You can't do that.
What if the weather breaks and it rains?
I'll lose my whole crop.
- It stay hot, Smith. Don't worry.
- [horn honking]
- Well how about that?
- You can't go, Smith.
I know I can't go.
What am I gonna say to your mother?
[sighing] Oh, boy.
[sighing] It's not what you're
gonna say to her, Smith.
It's what she's gonna
say to you's what matters.
Norah, you can't sleep in the barn.
[Norah] I'm not sleeping. I'm thinking.
And I don't need
any help from you, Smith.
All right. I admit it. I'm...
I'm a terrible rancher always
getting mixed up with the Indians,
and I disappear for days
and nobody can find me. And I...
I don't even send for one lousy
Department of Agriculture bulletin
even though they just cost a quarter.
You know. You said it.
Just like you said.
Aw, come on in the house, huh, Norah?
- You left something out.
- What?
You wanna go to that trial
of Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Did I say I wanted to go to any trial?
- Why...
- You don't have to. I know you.
- Oh, you know me?
- You bet I know you.
- You do, huh?
- Yes, I do, huh.
Come here. Come here...
That's not going to get you anyplace.
It used to.
Well, we're not
talking about "used to."
Make up your mind.
Wanna go back to your mother
or you wanna go back to the house?
I mean, your mother lives
1,785 miles away from here.
She's already told you
it was a mistake to marry me.
- I should have listened to her.
- Why didn't ya?
She said, "Those good-looking ones,
they haven't got any sense."
They'll sweet-talk you for the rest of
your life, you'll end up with nothing.
I always did admire your mother.
Yeah, I sure did.
- Aw, you're not good for much, Smith.
- Mmm...
- Are you listening?
- Yes, of course.
And all those female idiots in
the village tell me how lucky I am.
Oh, Smith...
why did I ever get stuck with you?
I don't know.
You get anything yet?
There won't be anything on the radio.
The trial isn't that big.
Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll finish
this up and then get on with the hay.
- [engine roaring]
- [Norah] Oh...
Look what's happening to us.
It's Young Alexander!
Now look, Smith. We've got
an entire hay crop to bring in.
Let's not get bogged down
with an Indian powwow.
Probably just coming to say hello.
- Hello, Young Alexander.
- Oh, conesta!
- Hello, this place.
- Now you see?
- Conesta.
- Conesta, Young Alexander.
- How goes it?
- Don't go good, Smith.
OI' Antoine,
he send me to talk to you.
He's up at Williamstown,
at the trial, isn't he?
Yeah. Yeah, he go there.
That trial, she start yesterday.
He's gonna speak for
Gabriel Jimmyboy, isn't he?
Maybe. Maybe not.
That old man in jail.
If I jail?
Very bad, I think.
What happened? Did Walter Charlie
get Antoine into some kind of trouble?
No. Walter Charlie wait
for OI' Antoine in court.
OI' Antoine go to wrong court.
- He go inside, look for Walter Charlie.
- The wrong court?
Somebody call for
Indian named "Abraham."
- Yeah?
- OI' Antoine, he say, "Yes!"
That judge, he call OI' Antoine
up and speak with him.
"Abraham," he say, "These policemen
tell me you get drunk last night."
Oh, dear.
OI' Antoine, he forget speak English.
All he say is, "Yes."
That judge, he got
OI' Antoine in jail for five days.
Well, somebody's gotta
get him outta there.
He's gotta speak
for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
What I think, Smith. You pay $10,
OI' Antoine get out of jail.
Everybody know
he break that horse for you.
You supposed to pay him $20.
Ten and I've already given it to him.
[Smith sighing]
What for you don't pay him
all that money, Smith?
OI' Antoine, he shamed.
He ain't never been in jail before.
- What about Gabriel's lawyer?
- Lawyer, he little squirt.
He never try case in big court before.
- OI' Antoine say, "Go find Smith."
- [sighing]
- Smith, you can't go.
- I know I can't go.
- But you're going.
- Who said I was going?
You'll go.
Ah, stop talking like that!
I got my hay crop to get in.
You'll go aflYWaY-
All Indians say, "Find Smith."
OI' Antoine has to speak for Gabriel.
- Gabriel's life depends on it.
- All right, go!
Go and don't come back!
I'll cut every single
stalk of hay myself...
...with the scissors!
- What's this?
- My disaster fund.
Seventy-nine... and change!
Norah, listen, this is
the money for your trip.
It's going for a trip.
You're going to Williamstown,
and you're gonna get OI' Antoine
out of jail and stay for the trial.
Take it, Smith,
before I blow my top.
Smith, if you say something nice,
so help me, I'm going to clock you.
Thanks, Norah.
Well, somebody has to take care
of those... those children.
Guess we're just gonna have to take
our chances with the hay?
- She stay very hot Smith. Don't worry.
- Well, I won't be gone long.
Besides, Albie'll be here
to watch out for ya.
No. Albie'll watch out for you.
It's time that he saw how
the world moves. Take him along.
- Hey, Albie!
- [bell clanging]
Come on, get dressed!
We're goin' to Williamstown.
Gabriel, a lawyer-client relationship
is strictly confidential.
You can say anything you want.
- OI' Antoine speak for Gabriel.
- OI' Antoine, yeah.
That's just the point.
Who is OI' Antoine?
Why wasn't he in court today?
- Oh...
- He come this place by and by.
By and by? Huh.
They're gonna convict you before...
Oh, I'm sorry, Gabriel.
I'm sorry. [sighiflg]
You're chicken, huh?
You don't talk good
to that judge, I think.
Gabriel, that judge
doesn't like it when this lawyer
has to keep asking for an adjournment
because his principle witness
hasn't shown up.
- Don't you understand that?
- Sure. You're chicken.
Well, you're not even telling me
what Antoine knows!
I mean, did he see the fight?
Was he in that room with you
that night or what?
- He don't tell me what he know.
- You heard the principle witnesses.
They saw Sam Hardy lying on the floor,
dead. And you climbin' out the window.
- Now, isn't that the truth?
- How I know the truth?
Sam give me house bottle of whiskey.
How am I gonna remember all that?
Well, Gabriel.
You and I had better pray...
that your OI' Antoine shows up.
[sighing] 'Cause I don't know
how to ask for another adjournment.
I just don't know.
Well, you talk pretty good here.
Why you go to that court
and talk chicken?
- Albie...
- Hmm?
- Now what'd I tell ya, huh?
- Don't do any good, Smith.
The closer we get to Williamstown,
the more I get to thinkin' about it.
Will they let
Gabriel Jimmyboy go, Smith?
Well, that's up to the jury.
Antoine'll speak for Gabriel.
Antoine'll tell 'em how it happened.
Well, you gotta remember
that Antoine's an old man,
and he gets things
kinda mixed up sometimes.
- But Sam Hardy went for Gabriel first.
- I know.
- Everybody knows that.
- I know. I know, Albie.
They just gotta let Gabriel go, Smith.
Well, they might not. I mean,
there's a Iotta people that...
- They just don't like Indians.
- Why?
- Why?
- Indians any different?
- No...
- Peterpaul's my best friend.
- I know that.
- Antoine's your best friend.
- So why doesn't anybody like them?
- I...
[sighing] I don't know why.
The jury'll believe OI' Antoine, Smith.
They just got to!
I'm sure they will.
You're just saying that, aren't you?
- Smith?
- Yeah?
I'm glad you always tell me the truth.
Wanna steer some more? Come on.
Whoa! Whoa!
- Hey, look, Smith.
- What?
What's Vince Heber doing here?
Oh, he's a witness for the State.
You mean he saw what happened
on the night in question?
- [chuckling]
- That's what they say in court, I read.
No, he didn't see what happened
on the night in question.
He's gonna tell them
why they arrested Gabriel.
- Oh.
- All right?
[indistinct chatter]
Right here, Albie. You mind?
- Oh.
- Hello, Smith.
[sighing] Hello, Walter Charlie.
- You come for trial, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, you might as well go home.
Nobody can find OI' Antoine.
Gabriel Jimmyboy guilty for sure now.
Oh, we'll find OI' Antoine.
He's in jail.
- Jail?
- Mm-hmm.
- Who put him in jail?
- Uh, right.
We'll have
two orange juices, please.
- Why nobody tell me about this jail?
- It's a long story, Walter.
And then we'll have
the two eggs with the ham.
Crazy old man!
He no can do this to me!
- To you?
- Coffee, tea or milk?
After all the things I did for him?
I buy him an automobile.
- I buy him root beer.
- With his own money.
- Coffee, tea or milk?
- How come he tell you he in jail?
He no tell me he in jail!
He make me look no good in that court.
Oh, I'm sure you'll turn out all right.
Coffee, tea or milk?
- Hmm? Oh.
- Smith!
Excuse me. Uh...
one coffee and one milk.
- Two coffees.
- I said one coffee and one milk.
Smith, Ma says I can see
how the world moves.
[Walter] What Indian people gonna
think about Walter Charlie now?
- Two coffees.
- He let OI' Antoine go to jail.
- He no smart fella.
- Don't undersell yourself, Walter.
Why OI' Antoine come to you?
Well, because I'm putting up
$10 to get him out.
Are you willing to put up $10?
Someday, OI' Antoine find out
all the things I do for him.
Oh, yes, I'm sure.
That's OK, Smith. You bring
OI' Antoine to this court.
Maybe I interpret
for him good anyway.
Well, thanks a lot.
I sure hope he interprets
good for OI' Antoine.
Well, it's a rare
Indian you can't trust, Albie.
Is that something I should
remember, Smith?
Yeah, I think that's
something you should remember.
- [speaking in Native American dialect]
- [men laughing]
What's so funny, Geronimo?
You looking for trouble?
- Oh, no...
- [speaking in Native American dialect]
You got something to say,
you say it in English.
Hey, fella. When he
gets scared he talks his language.
- He apologized to you.
- How am I supposed to know that?
Harry, there's a guy outside
gonna beat up Walter Charlie.
They don't understand.
You gotta get out of here.
You leave that man alone
or I'll smash your face in!
- What?
- I'm sick and tired
of you guys picking on these Indians.
- Oh, nowjust a minute...
- [grunting]
[man] Hey, Harry!
This guy's the lndian's friend!
- Cool it! Now listen to me!
- [indistinct yelling]
The guy's the lndian's friend!
[chuckles] Hey, you should have told me
you were a friend of Walter Charlie's.
- Hey, I'm sorry, pal.
- No hard feelings, all right?
Good thing you didn't
lose your temper, Smith.
You might've hurt that guy.
I got something else
for you to remember, Albie.
What's that?
There's only two times
you get in trouble with Indians:
The first time is
when you try to hurt them...
Second time is
when you try to help them.
[man] The Superior Court
for the State of Idaho
for the county of Clearvvater
is now called to order.
The Honorable Judge
James C. Brown presiding.
Remain seated, please.
- Mr. Maxwell.
- [clearing throat]
Your Honor, I...
...find myself in a most
difficult position.
Again, Mr. Maxwell?
Well, I'm sorry, Your Honor, but there
are circumstances beyond my control.
- Chicken.
- [crowd laughing]
Does the defendant wish
to address the court?
No, Your Honor. He's merely trying
to explain himself in his native tongue.
- Sounded to me like he said "chicken."
- [crowd laughing]
Your Honor, may we make a statement of
the prosecution's position at this time?
- Yes, Mr. Edwards.
- [sighing] Your Honor,
the jury has endured
numerous postponements
while we wait for the defendant's
principal witness...
...a, uh, perhaps, mythical entity,
referred to only as "Antoine."
OI' Antoine can't talk
for me this place.
[Edwards] Your Honor, the government
has presented its principal witnesses:
Mr. Thomas and Mr. Gilbert,
who were present at the pool room
on the night in question.
Mr. Heber, who gave evidence
of identity, and Dr. Rhodes,
who testified as to the nature
of the blow that killed Sam Hardy.
I object, Your Honor! It has not been
established that the cause of death
was a blow on the head
or an accidental fall.
[Edwards] Your Honor,
we see no reason for further delay.
Many of these jurymen are ranchers!
And this is haying time.
Mr. Edwards, a man's
on trial here for his life.
We're not concerned
with bringing in a hay crop.
Yes, Your Honor.
I'm sorry, Mac.
No more spectators.
We're not spectators, Sergeant.
The judge said don't let nobody in
until there's a recess.
We got too many Indians now,
so why don't you and...
- Hey! Hey, you!
- OI' Antoine come now.
- Speak for Gabriel.
- [indistinct chatter]
I'm, uh, sorry, Your Honor.
He slipped right by me.
Well, Sergeant, that's all right.
Bring him up here to the bench.
Are you Antoine?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Sergeant, I think we'll require
the court interpreter.
Let the witness wait
at the counsel table.
Yes, Your Honor.
Mr. Maxwell, you wish
to confer with the witness?
Yes, Your Honor, I think I'd better.
All right, Gabriel, have Antoine
tell me everything he knows.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
What'd he say?
He say they give him no good
breakfast in that jail.
- [people laughing]
- He no eat.
[clearing throat]
We're sorry about that.
Gabriel, ask him to
please tell me everything he knows,
exactly what happened on the night
that Sam Hardy was killed.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
What'd he say?
He say, food like that, he glad
he no has to stay in that jail too long.
[people laughing]
[Judge Brown] Mr. Maxwell,
ready to swear in the witness?
I'm afraid so, Your Honor.
Will the court interpreter ask the
witness to take the stand, please?
OI' Antoine?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Do you swear to tell the truth, the
whole truth, and nothing but the truth,
- so help you God?
- [speaking in Native American dialect]
- He say OK.
- [crowd laughing]
[gavel pounding]
Now, Antoine...
You do understand
why you're here today, don't you?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
He say, "I speak for all Indian people."
Yes, of course.
You talk to the Indian people,
but you will also talk to His Honor
and to these gentlemen
on the jury, Antoine.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Good. Now, Antoine...
Take your time
and please tell this court
all that you know about what happened
on the night of August the 14th.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[speaking in Native American dialect]
He say he's going to speak
of the time when he was a young man
with Chief Joseph and they fought
the white savage in Montana.
- [crowd laughing]
- [gavel pounding]
Your Honor, I don't see how
an anecdote that goes back 9O years
to the battles of an Indian chief,
however famous, is relevant here.
Mr. Maxwell... see if your witness
can be more responsive to the question.
I'll try, Your Honor.
I'm sure that these people are
interested in hearing about Chief Joseph
- and white savages...
- [crowd laughing]
[gavel pounding]
But we're concerned, today,
with the trial of Gabriel Jimmyboy.
Now, he's accused of murder.
Antoine, could you please,
in your own way,
tell this court about what
you know on August the 14th?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Well, what'd he say there,
Mr. Walter Charlie?
He... [clearing throat] He said...
He remembered the time Chief Joseph
spoke to him. He remembered very well.
Why don't you speak up?
Just speak up! We can't hear you.
He said he remembered the time
Chief Joseph spoke to him, and...
[crowd laughing]
[gavel pounding]
- Hey, Vince?
- Yeah?
Why don't you give
the old man a break?
When does he start his war dance?
- You think that's funny, huh?
- Sure it is.
The old man's out of his mind!
Let's you and I step outside right now.
Corporal, corporal,
bring that man to the bench.
All right. All right...
Why don't you do your job?
- Who's this cowboy, corporal?
- He's a rancher, Your Honor...
Just a minute. That's right,
I'm a rancher. My name is Smith,
and I'm a friend
of this gentleman here.
[sighing] He has a right
to say his piece.
Say "Your Honor" when
you're addressing the court.
You aware it's a serious offense to
interrupt the business of this court?
Yes, I'm very much aware.
But I don't see why these people keep
laughing at him, laughing and laughing!
- Why...
- Any more laughter,
I'll clear the court, Mr. Smith.
Go on back to your seat now.
- Thank you.
- [Antoine] Smith?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
He wants to speak to me, Your Honor.
Well, Mr. Maxwell, it's your witness.
- I have no objection, Your Honor.
- All right?
[mouthing silently]
[speaking in Native American dialect]
- He wants Smith to interpret for him!
- [indistinct chatter]
Well, what else did he say?
He said... Smith is like his own son.
He speaks his heart.
I'll do my best.
Smith friend to Indian people.
He interpret for OI' Antoine.
[all cheering]
- We want Smith!
- Sit down...
Mr. Maxwell, you may ask
for a recess, if you wish.
If it please the court, we'll, uh,
we'll accept Mr. Smith as interpreter.
Mr. Edwards, this, uh,
agreeable with the prosecution?
Well, we will agree, Your Honor,
if the first interpreter remains
in the courtroom for verification.
Mr. Walter Charlie,
remain and listen to the testimony.
Swear in Mr. Smith as the interpreter.
Do you swear you'll make a true
interpretation in the language
the witness understands and interpret
his answers correctly in English?
[Smith] I do.
Mr. Maxwell, may I make a suggestion?
Why don't you let the old gentleman
tell his story in his own way,
and I'll stop him
if there's anything improper?
[sighing] Yes, sir.
I'd like nothing better.
Now, Antoine... you must tell us
all that you know about this case.
This is the law, Antoine.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
He says the law is a very hard thing.
The law is a very cold thing.
We cannot understand the law.
Antoine... must tell us all that
you know about Gabriel Jimmyboy.
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"I remember that day very well."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"Yes, I remember that day very well."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "I was in Bearpaw country,
in that place, Montana.
All around us in the
snow hills are the white soldiers."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "We came to that place
to hear Chief Joseph.
He waits for us on saddlehorse."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"Hear me, my chiefs!"
"Once again the white savage
has broken his promise to us.
He has driven us from the valley
that was said to be ours."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "We have marched
a thousand miles...
The chiefs, the braves,
the women and the children."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"We have fought the soldiers
four times our number.
A thousand miles of killing
lays behind us."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"I am tired of fighting.
All the old men have
been killed by the white savages.
The chief who led the young men is dead.
Tuhutset is dead.
Looking Glass is dead."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "We can fight no more.
Our people are cold
and there's no blankets.
Our people are hungry
and there is no meat."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "I want to ride off
into the snow hills... look for my children."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
[Smith] "Maybe I will find them dead."
[speaking in Native American dialect]
"Hear me, my chiefs. I am tired.
My heart is sick and sad.
From where the sun now stands,
we will fight no more, forever."
An... [clears his throat] Antoine...
Thank you for coming here,
and thank you for talking
for your friend, Gabriel Jimmyboy.
No cross-examination, Your Honor.
Antoine, you may go now.
You old fool.
He ought to be put away.
What did you say?
How long did it take you
to figure out that routine, huh?
You and Chief Joseph...
[imitating Native American accent] How.
We ain't no more gonna fight nobody.
- [grunting]
- [crowd murmurs]
[grunting, coughing]
[gavel pounding]
Sergeant, clear the court!
All right, clear the court!
- Clear the court!
- [indistinct chatter]
Corporal, bring Mr. Smith
to my chambers.
- All right, move along!
- Albie!
Albie, you stay with McDonald, there.
Come on, move along!
McDonald, what are
they gonna do to Smith?
I don't know.
We'll wait a little bit outside.
Somebody tell us.
Ma's gonna blow her top
when she hears about this one.
Mr. Smith, for contempt of court,
you are fined $50,
or, in default,
3O days' imprisonment.
- [sighing] $50, huh?
- That's all.
[chuckling] Well, it's a lot
of money, but it was...
It was sure worth it.
- Where do I pay?
- Here...
Just a moment, Corporal,
just a moment.
I beg your pardon, Mr. Smith,
did you say it was "worth it?"
Yeah. Well, I mean,
in a manner of speaking.
'Course my wife's
not gonna like it at all, but...
I sure got my money's worth.
In other words, you consider
the fine as a rental fee for staging
- a violent altercation in my court?
- No, I wouldn't say that. I mean...
For further contempt of court,
there'll be an additional penalty of
3O days imprisonment,
without option of fine.
Thirty days, at haying time?
Oh, man, that's really rough,
Your Honor.
- Take the prisoner away.
- No, wait a minute. I...
Listen, I got, yeah, I got $13 left.
Couldn't we make some sort of a deal?
Perhaps you'd like to rent my court
for another quick go at the sheriff?
[sighing] Man, I just
gotta get that hay crop in. I...
I'm sorry, Mr. Smith. Now, you brought
this on yourself, definitely.
Take the prisoner away, corporal.
- Smith!
- [indistinct chatter]
Albie, I'm gonna be tied up here
in Williamstown for about 3O days.
- Thirty days? At haying time?
- Yeah.
Uh, yeah. Well, that's
what I told the judge, but...
Mind taking my truck and asking
your boy if he'd drive Albie home?
- OK, Smith.
- Fine.
Now, you tell your mom not to worry
about a thing, because...
Oh, here's the money I have left.
I've got...
Right here. Now...
Oh, come on, now.
Don't look so sad here.
Soon as I get home, me and OI' Antoine,
we'll break the Appaloosa for ya.
- Take care of him, huh?
- Come on, Smith.
Don't worry, Smith. When that trial
over, we go back and cut your hay.
She stay hot, Smith. Don't worry.
Where did you get that Indian?
Well... [clearing throat]
I'd like to take credit for him,
but I think in the final analysis,
he found me.
- Congratulations, anyhow.
- Isn't it a little early for that?
When you've been around as long
as I have, you know when you've lost.
I must say it's the first time
in about four years.
Oh, you're putting me on!
You haven't even made
your final summation yet.
Oh, but you've made yours.
That was the best plea
for self-defense I ever heard.
Come on, I'll let you buy me lunch...
It's the least you can do.
[chanting and singing
in Native American dialect]
Too bad Smith isn't here. He'd like to
hear them singing for Gabriel Jimmyboy.
I don't know what Mom's gonna
think when I get home without him.
You tell her OI' Antoine
make big speech.
- Judge let Gabriel Jimmyboy go.
- Uh-uh.
Not the judge, the jury.
They let him go on account of
self-defense on the night in question.
I guess I gotta go home now.
- How long are they gonna keep singin'?
- [Peterpaul] Long as everybody happy.
What about Smith's hay crop?
Don't worry.
They only happy little while.
- OK.
- [speaking in Native American dialect]
[Judge Brown] Mr. Maxwell,
state your request.
Your Honor, we would like to ask for
a re-hearing in the case of Mr. Smith.
Corporal, do I understand that Antoine
has been sitting on the courthouse steps
- for the last two days and nights?
- That's right, Your Honor.
And he says he's gonna stay there
until Mr. Smith is released.
Smith good man.
Longtime friend of Indian people.
He speaks English, Mr. Maxwell.
Antoine, uh... You speak English?
[Antoine] Uh, yes, Your Honor.
Off and on. More or less.
It's against the law for you to sit on
the courthouse steps for 3O days?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
- What does that mean?
- Courthouse steps very hard, judge.
I sit on the grass.
Uh, Mr. Maxwell...
...will you vouch for the good behavior
of Mr. Smith henceforth?
From my discussion with him,
I certainly will, Your Honor.
- I'll consider a re-hearing.
- Thank you, Your Honor.
Now, will you gentlemen excuse me?
I'd like to talk to Antoine.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Antoine, now tell me,
were you really there
with Chief Joseph?
[speaking in Native American dialect]
Yes, yes, Antoine.
Well, let me put it this way...
Now, if I were to release Mr. Smith,
could you and I possibly manage
to talk in English?
You let Smith go, we talk plenty.
Whoa! [exhaling]
Oh, Albie, it sounded like such
a good idea last night, didn't it?
We'll make it, Ma.
We can cut the rest
of this section before dark.
Oh, why did they have
to put Smith in the pokey?
You're gonna miss him, huh?
Yeah, me, too,
but we'll surprise him.
Aw, no. We'll never get this field
in before the weather breaks.
Something will happen.
The mower will give up
or the horse will go lame or...
The rain will come down out
of a clear blue sky.
[horn honking]
It's Smith! Smith!
Smith! Smith!
- What happened, Smith?
- I got a re-hearing.
The judge let me off!
He got a re-hearing,
Ma, and the judge let him off!
Get down off there, woman.
I'm taking over.
You stay away from me,
you jailbird!
I started this field
and I'm gonna finish it!
- Ma, you missed Smith!
- Be quiet, Albie!
Get away from those horses!
I've got work to do!
When I was sitting in jail, I did some
thinking. Know what we're gonna do?
Oh, Smith! Everything that we own
is riding on this hay crop!
I know.
And I can't trust you
to even finish the mowing!
- That's right, I'm irresponsible.
- You are!
- You get into fights, You run off...
- Yeah. Yeah.
You work yourself
into a lather over the Indians!
Right, right, right.
Oh, Smith. I did miss you.
Of course you did. Now, come on.
- Ma! Smith! Look!
- [vehicles approaching]
- What in the...?
- [Norah] Indians.
- [Smith] I don't believe it.
- Indians with beautiful hay mowers!
[indistinct yelling, cheering]
Smith, can me and Peterpaul
help with our mower?
- Yes.
- Peterpaul!
- Come on, let's cut the hay!
- Giddyap!
Move it, Young Alexander!
We almost got ya!
- McDonald!
- We're gonna cut your hay, Smith.
We're gonna get it all finished.
You have supper for hungry people?
Oh, you can eat the place bare!
I'll get everything ready!
I think we're gonna make it this year.
Now you see, Smith?
No good to worry about hay.
McDonald, he come cut,
just like he tell you.
I stay here and
break that horse for the boy.
- You mean today? Now?
- Sure.
Smith... good friend of Indian people.
All Indian people say,
"Smith is like big tree
out in the grass
when the sun is very hot."
Is that what they say?
Gonna be good day tomorrow, Smith.
That hay dry pretty quick, I think.
You're right, OI' Antoine. It certainly
looks like a good day tomorrow.
[I Bobby Russell: The Ballad
of Smith and Gabriel Jimmyboy]