Smooth Talk (1985)

Oh, my God.
Look at the time!
The tape deck!
I've gotta carry the tape deck.
Hey, wait up!
We're never gonna get there!
We'll get there, you guys.
My mother's gonna kill me
if we're not there!
What are we gonna say?
That it was all Jill's idea.
Connie, it was yours!
We're in this together!
Well, how's this?
Too sexy.
How's this, baby?
I'm not with you guys.
I've never seen you before.
Oh, my God!
Thanks a million.
I can only fit two of you in the cab.
That's okay, 'cause she's not with us.
Would you play me
some music on that?
I'll ride in back.
No, Connie, let me.
No, no, no, it's okay.
I like it.
I don't want to sit next to him.
Play the man some music, Jill.
What are you, crazy?
She'll see us.
She'll be real glad to see us
getting out of a truck.
So, should I stop or not stop?
- Stop here.
- No, go past, go past!
I'll tell you what.
I'll just let you out.
You girls work it out from here.
But we're right in front
of the store!
Wait, wait! Get down.
Get down!
Boy, your mother's
a real terror.
What's she gonna do,
beat you up, Laura?
Yup, you got it.
- Thanks a lot!
- Wait a minute.
Jesus Christ!
Thanks for the music.
Go already!
I can't believe it.
We're right on time.
She's not even here yet.
He was a doll, the driver.
I think he was great.
Yeah, that's 'cause
you weren't sitting next to him.
What did he do,
try to get you to feel his bone?
Connie, cut it out.
Ma, you were late today.
- Crazy.
- What?
What are you laughing about?
Did you buy anything
or just go around gawking?
You don't want me
I turned it off.
You didn't even say hello.
Hi. I didn't see you.
The mysterious case
of the invisible mother.
So, how was shopping today?
It's all polyester junk.
There's nothing to buy.
That's too bad.
So you didn't bring anything back?
Not really, no.
I thought there was something
that you wanted to get.
Ma, what if I asked you to drive
me and Laura to the beach tomorrow?
And do what?
Hang around by myself
till you're nice and tan all over?
What car should I take?
I don't know,
maybe June would leave hers
and Dad could drop her off at work.
Fine. Dad drops June off,
June leaves her car,
and then I drive you.
That takes care of everybody, right?
Forget it.
Do you ever think about anybody
except yourself?
Mom, don't start.
Where's the roller and pan?
I guess you didn't have time.
Honest to God, I meant to get it,
and I left time at the end,
and then Laura's mom came early...
What am I supposed to paint
the house with now? Any ideas?
Who asked you to paint
the goddamn house?!
You've been trying to paint this house
for three years, and it's still not painted.
Look, I mean, we could...
cover up the walls with posters
like in my room.
I look at you...
I look right in your eyes...
...and all I see
are a bunch of trashy daydreams.
Tuna fish?
That's tuna fish.
Well, it's hot.
You know, summertime?
You got all day.
That's not what I meant.
I thought it would be good.
A salad... hot weather?
It is good.
June, could you
get me a beer, honey?
It's there already.
Knew it all the time.
You got nothing to do but talk
to your sisters all day on the telephone.
Then you serve tuna fish.
Sure, nothing to do.
I just get so tired of watching
all those guys that you send over
to help me paint the house
and lay the tiles
and finish the woodwork.
Look, get Connie to help you
if you can't handle it by yourself.
She's not in school,
she's got nothing to do all day.
Dad, you really should
do something about Connie.
It's not right, her never wanting
to do anything to help Mom.
You get her to help me.
Rumor has it you're her father.
Whatcha doing?
Holding up the walls.
You could be nicer to your mother.
So could you.
I guess, maybe.
Who'd have thought I'd be out here
smoking a cigarette... summer's night.
Don't owe nobody nothing.
Know what I mean?
I guess.
My own house. Jesus.
Just come out for a smoke
whenever I want.
My own lawn chair.
Leave it out all night if I want.
You know, I can't wait
till I'm old enough to drive.
How are you feeling tonight? Good?
Looking for fun?
How are you?
How are you?
How are you?
So, what'd she say to you?
I don't believe it!
What'd you do to your hair?
What is that, hairspray?
She's using hairspray.
She hasn't even had her breakfast yet.
Well, she better not
try that stuff with me.
I'm not gonna listen to it.
They're not kids anymore.
I'm telling ya,
it just makes me wanna throw up.
What about those dishes?
What about them?
They're not mine.
I haven't even had breakfast yet.
What? No.
No, I'm not gonna hang up on her.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna call you back, okay?
Did I hear you right?
What'd I say wrong?
You stink.
Yeah, you told me.
You don't like my hairspray.
That just stinks that you won't
pick up a dish that isn't yours,
that you won't pick up one dish
for somebody else!
I picked up a dish.
Let's not fight, okay?
I'm supposed to serve up the bacon
and then clear it away,
and you just take and take
like a princess.
Is that it?
Is that the system?
You shouldn't
give them bacon every day.
Are you gonna lecture me
on nutrition?!
No, I'm just fed up
with kids, that's all.
I'm up to here.
No, not June.
June is wonderful.
June is an angel.
Yeah, I know.
Betty called already.
Yeah, she told me.
Where are you going?
Where are you going?
Out to the mall with Laura.
Her mom's gonna take us.
Yeah. What time will you be home?
We're gonna go to the early movie.
Her dad's gonna pick us up.
I repeat, what time?
9:00, 9:30.
So you'll be
at the mall for six hours?
No, I was just wondering, 'cause
yesterday you were there for four hours
and you didn't have a chance
to buy me a paint roller.
So it's good that you're gonna
be there for six today.
Maybe it'll be
less of a strain on you.
Jesus Christ.
I place this five dollar bill
in your hot little hand before witnesses.
It's for two rollers and a pan.
Have a good time, girls.
Excuse us, excuse us.
Wait up!
There's your man, Jill.
Just right for your age.
Jill, we're gonna find you a man.
No, here they are, here they are.
- Oh, my God.
- He's cute.
Would you look at those buns?
Look at those buns.
- Cute buns.
- Oh, my God, no.
Check out this guy
with the big schnoz walking here.
Jill likes them with a big schnoz,
don't you, Jill?
Come on.
Connie, come on.
What's the matter?
You're chickening out?
Don't you wanna pop his bone?
Come on.
You're gonna meet this guy.
How ya doing?
Where are you from?
Who wants to know?
My friend here
really wants to know.
You come in much?
Once in a while.
Did you buy yourself
a new bat or something?
Something like that.
Her name's Jill.
I'm Stan.
She says she likes your style.
Don't mind them.
I don't if you don't.
Well, we'll be keeping
our eyes on you, Stan.
I guess I better watch out, then.
I guess you better.
Bye, Jill.
- Bye, girls.
- Bye, Stan.
So cool.
Stan, baby!
Look up! Look!
Oh, my God!
Those guys have buns.
- You can't see their buns from here.
- Honey, I have x-ray vision.
Anyway, you got Stan.
- How are you?
- Good, how are you doing?
Oh, my God, hold on to me, Jill.
I'm catching on fire!
Connie, you are a disgrace.
But a lot of laughs.
- Plan A.
- Come on, plan A.
You're supposed to point, Jill.
Come on! Excuse me.
- Laura!
- Come on!
All right, ready?
Come on, hurry up.
I like this one.
Do you like this one?
That one is really nice.
Do you think your dad
would like this one?
My dad would love it!
That's really a good idea.
It's really perfect for him.
How about this one?
That is great! You know
who would love that is John.
- Or maybe Bill.
- Bill would think it's wonderful.
- It would look really good on him.
- May I help you girls decide?
We're just looking,
thank you.
Don't even talk to me.
Are you gonna
leave your hair to science...
You chicks looking for us?
'Cause we can handle all three of you.
Don't you want some ice cream?
I heard you want some ice cream.
I don't want any ice cream.
She really hates ice cream.
We came here to shop.
Sure, you did.
How about some coffee?
Tea? Ice water?
Smoke a joint?
We'll go with you.
We'll help you shop.
Oh, my God, Connie,
the roller and the pan!
Your mother's gonna kill you!
Oh, my God.
And she's down here.
She's in the store down here.
I'm gonna throw up.
What a pair of perverts.
Did you ever see such perverts?!
Did you see the guy with the muscles?
Did you check out that total burl?
- He oughta be kept in a cage!
- What a fag!
You girls are going to have to go
someplace else to make your noises.
You're disturbing our customers.
Oh, God.
We're terribly sorry, madam.
We came to shop, really.
Yes, we did.
In fact... Yeah,
I need a briefcase for my office.
Get out.
This is not an amusement park.
This line is so slow.
We're never gonna get in.
I don't even know
what movie to go see.
Your sister said
theater number two.
My sister?
What's so wrong with her?
Are you kidding?
If I had an old maid like that
living at home, I'd just be so ashamed.
I feel sorry for you, honest.
I guess so, yeah.
Do you actually have to
talk to her at school?
What am I supposed to do,
turn around and run away?
I would.
Who wants to work
in a high school?
My parents treat her like Miss Perfect,
and I'm some career criminal.
My mother wants me to
start going to church.
Every Sunday?
What, Sunday? Every day!
She's a fanatic.
Like to morning mass?
She's afraid for my soul.
Oh, my God,
it's the guys with the buns.
Oh, my God!
Zero? Three?
Number three!
So that's where we're going.
Theater number three, right?
I'm not gonna sit in there with them.
They're 1 8, maybe 20.
Laura and I are gonna do it, so...
Go ahead, then.
Just leave me out.
I guess we can't do that.
What do you think? Fast.
I don't wanna spoil your big party.
That movie really sucked.
I thought it was kind of okay.
Yeah, sure, Jill.
At least it was short.
So, where's your Dad?
What do you mean?
We've got 1 5 minutes.
Yeah, 1 5 wasted minutes.
Look, I'm sorry, all right?
Wanna go over?
Not enough time.
No, I mean just
kind of check it out.
It's really just older guys.
They're all out of school already.
Not me.
I'm going to the beach.
Well, you have to read 'em
and weep, honey.
I'll knock with three.
Oh, wait a minute.
My gin card, you rat.
You little shithead.
Boy, Daddy. What luck.
- All right, that's a seven.
- Luck, huh?
Mother, wake up.
You can lay them off.
Oh, undercut!
All right, that's two plus three.
Geez, thanks
for the help, June bug.
We're really glad you're here.
- I'm ahead.
- Yeah.
But not for long.
Hey, Kid.
Where you been?
What'd you think? Like it?
It was okay.
It was great.
Here's your roller and pans, Mom.
It's okay.
You wanna play?
Come on, we always
used to play four hand.
Remember how smart
Connie was?
Beat everybody when she was
eight years old, for Christ's sakes.
Come on,
I'll deal ya in, babe.
Then none of us
have to sit out.
No, thanks.
I got things to do.
Where? In your room?
Well, if you're gonna go, go.
If you wanna play,
play, all right?
What if they don't talk to us?
Who are they?
No one.
What if we go in there
and nobody talks to us?
We'll still have each other.
Yeah, great.
What's the matter?
Don't you love me?
- Don't you love me?
- I love you, I love you.
- Then take off your blouse.
- What?
Tomorrow night,
I'll wear the halter.
Tonight, I think we should
just check it out.
- Come on, Connie, baby.
- Okay.
How do I look? Okay?
You got ice cream on your nose.
We gotta shape you up.
Come on!
Go, Laura, go!
Come on!
Come on!
Where are you heading?
This is where it's at.
Forget it, Leroy.
You know that guy?
He's a card-carrying creep.
She doesn't know
what she's missing.
- You know this one?
- Yeah, I love it.
Well, what do we do now?
I don't know.
Is there like a system?
How should I know?
Well, you knew that guy.
Leroy? Please.
He used to hang out at school.
The guy is like a walking infection.
Listen, I need some cigarettes.
Cigarettes? For what?
Hey, Connie.
How are ya?
You scared me.
How are you doing?
Do I know you?
I'm Jeff.
Hi, Jeff.
I thought you didn't notice me.
Notice you?
Yeah, I noticed you.
Cutest girl in
the whole freshman class.
This is my friend, Laura.
Hi, Laura,
how are you doing?
We're sophomores now.
Gonna be sophomores.
Yeah, well...
You're not still
in school, are you?
No. I'm out in
the hard cruel world now.
Yeah, poor you.
Yeah, that's right.
You won't laugh so much
when it happens to you.
Connie, how about
something to eat?
I guess so.
- Would you like that?
- Yeah.
Listen, what about my friend?
I hate to leave her like that.
She's cute.
She won't be alone for long.
I'm watching you.
This is so beautiful.
I wish I could
just travel somewhere.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Hi, how are you doing?
How was the movie?
The movie?
The show.
- Oh, the show.
- Yeah.
You should know.
How was it?
It was...
Hi, everybody.
- Hi.
- Hey, kid.
- Where you been?
- Movies.
What'd you see?
You won't believe this.
We went back
to that same movie again.
It's so neat.
I'm really glad you told us about it.
- Glad it worked out.
- It really did.
- Mom?
- I'm here.
I've been thinkin'.
I really wanna
help you paint tomorrow.
You know, I mean,
you were right.
Well, you were right that I should.
You know, like instead of
just sitting around.
Are you sick?
No, I'm not sick. God.
A penny.
For what?
You know for what.
My thoughts?
They're not worth it.
Honestly, Mom.
Okay, then how about
half a penny?
That's closer.
Who made up these damn rules,
and who says I have to follow them?
I mean, why can't I ever
say what I feel?
I miss this, Connie!
Mom, you do it every day.
How can you miss it?
Don't be such a wiseass.
You know what I mean.
I guess.
Do you know what I mean?
I don't know.
What do I mean?
You mean like we used to
do things together, right?
Honey, that's what I mean.
- Mother, please.
- What?!
What did I do?!
I don't like to be hugged.
You don't, huh?
No, I don't.
I guess it depends
on who, doesn't it?
What's that supposed to mean?
I mean, it depends
on who does the hugging.
Jesus Christ.
Hi, Jill.
It's nice to see you again.
Becoming quite a stranger.
I've been tootling around.
You know,
patrolling the neighborhood.
You three kids are all crazy.
Going back
to the same movie every night.
We are?
Oh! We are.
We really are.
Don't I know it.
They say time is the only cure.
Jill, could we do
a little trade around here?
Switch some girls.
Sure. You bet.
My mother'd love that.
There's this guy.
He's asking me questions about you.
- He's stopped me on the street.
- Will you shut up?
So, what'd you wanna tell me?
Let's go in your room.
No, I don't wanna
go in my room.
Why not?
She's gonna think
we have secrets, you and me.
So, this guy's been
asking about me, huh?
Does his name
happen to be Jeff?
And he's got, like,
curlyish brown hair and kinda tall?
And he's asking questions
'cause he's dying over me.
Thinks I'm great. Right?
I thought you
didn't wanna talk about it.
That's why you
came over here, right?
Hey, girls, gather round
Listen to what I'm putting down
Wanna dance?
Come on, Jill.
I'm not the kind
to use a pencil or rule
Then I am the man to see
I whisper sweet things,
you tell all your friends
They'll come running to me
I love it so much.
Oh, shit!
- Oh, my God!
- What?!
- Are you hurt?
- No.
I think that was my father.
Oh, my God!
- That wasn't your father.
- Yes, it was.
I swear to God.
Well, did he stop
and come back?
You're just bad,
you know that?
Was that your name... Connie?
Do you want to get
something to eat?
I don't know, Eddie.
Is that your name?
I'm not too hungry, actually.
Let's just get something
and not eat, then.
That's wasting food.
I don't think your mom would like that.
Let's just get something, then.
Well, what do you wanna get?
I wanna get what you've got.
Well, then,
what do I get?
You're gonna get a fat lip
if you keep this up.
But then I'll have
a big mouth, won't I?
You have already got
a big mouth, kid.
Look, I...
Look, I'm not used to
feeling this excited.
Oh, my God, Laura?
What's going on?
Where's your father?
Oh, God.
How'd they find out?
What do you mean
you can't talk now?
You gotta talk.
Why didn't you
wait for me, anyway?
God, Laura, thanks.
Are you sure
they don't know about me?
Okay, okay, I know you can't now,
but listen, Laura, I just...
Oh, my God.
You want a ride?
Hi, there.
What's going on tonight?
Care for a ride?
Come on, hop in.
You cockroaches!
What do you
think you're doing?
All right, since you ask,
what about the Pettinger girl?
What about her?
You know what I'm talking about.
No, why don't you tell me?
I'm Connie.
She got herself knocked up,
that's what we're talking about.
That's 'cause she's a dope.
What's that got to do with me?
She's a dope,
and you're not.
Just 'cause you hate me
doesn't me I'm stupid...
Connie, I don't hate you.
Then leave me alone.
Get off my back.
You know, you're always at me, Mom.
I'm at you because I think
I know what you're doing.
You don't know anything.
And I'm not doinhg anything.
Connie, Laura's mother
called this morning.
She made Mom nervous.
And you believe her
and not me?
If I ever catch you fooling around,
young lady, I will personally...
You were none too careful
yourself, were you?
Like you're some example
to try to tell me...
You make me wanna laugh.
Don't you ever
tell her I was crying.
I would never do that.
Connie, listen.
Mom shouldn't have done that.
God, she's so insulting to me.
Well, you said something
pretty mean yourself.
No, I mean all the time.
God, why does she think I'm so bad?
Connie, listen, now.
You're not a dope.
And I'm not blind.
Just be careful.
That's what we're both trying
to say to you. That's all.
You don't understand.
Sure, I do.
I mean, it's not
what you think.
I'd never do that.
It's just... the boys
are so nice to you.
When we're together...
I never knew it was
gonna be so nice.
Did you ever have a boy
hold you close and sing to you?
This one boy Eddie...
...he sang to me
right in my ear.
And he held me so sweetly.
June, don't you know
how that feels?
Just to be held like that?
I wonder if you know
what a little bitch you are.
What did I say wrong?
You're gonna
have it all, aren't you?
And you think you deserve it.
Wait, come on, Junie.
Don't be mad at me.
Rub my feet?
Come on,
don't you remember?
You used to take me
to all the football games.
You played
in the band, the flute.
God, I had forgotten all that.
I was what,
like 7 years old?
You were so nice to me.
You let me sit with the band.
And then we used to walk
all the way home.
It was, like, November.
I mean, it was cold.
I could hardly walk.
I was like a war veteran.
And you sat us down
in front of an old radiator,
and you took off my socks
and rubbed my feet.
You were the nicest sister.
I don't remember.
You don't?
Hey, there, young one.
Holding up the walls?
That's right.
Oh, boy.
Late again.
Come on,
take a little ride with me.
Dad, I'm in my nightgown.
Is that what it is?
Well, you can either come with me
to get the barbecue stuff
or else stay around here
and do some weeding.
Okay, I'll go change.
Nobody's gonna see.
For Christ's sakes,
you can stay in the car.
You can scrunch up.
I wanna have a little talk with you.
I thought I saw you
out on the highway the other night
with one of your friends.
Yeah, we were at the movies.
You were heading away
from the movies.
To the hamburger place?
That's right.
Well, we were going to
get a hamburger.
Is that all right?
What do you mean?
Crossing the road there?
Yeah. We're careful.
I mean, your mother knows
you go over there to eat?
She knows.
Jesus, Harry.
I had to get
the lighter and stuff.
- Connie helped me.
- Sure, she did.
Get dressed. We're late.
I said get dressed.
We're going to the barbecue now.
I'm not going.
Hey, it's at my sister's.
We got all this stuff.
Don't you wanna see your cousins?
It's boring.
And you're late already.
All right,
stay home alone.
Just a minute, folks.
Just let her stew
in her own juice.
How ya doing?
I ain't late, am I?
I don't know.
I told ya
I'd be out, didn't I?
Do I know you?
You're cute.
What's the matter?
Don't you believe me or what?
Look, I really
don't know who you are.
Ellie's got a radio, see?
Mine got broke.
That's Bobby King?
Yeah. I listen to him all the time.
I think he's great.
He's kinda great.
Kinhda great?
Listen, the guy's great.
I mean, he knows
what's going down.
The man knows what's happenin'.
So, what's all this stuff
painted on your car?
Can't you read?
That there's my name,
to begin with.
I wanna introduce myself.
I'm Arnold Friend,
and that's my real name,
and that's what
I wanna be to you.
A friend.
Inside the car there,
that's Ellie Oscar.
He's very definitely kinda shy.
And over here,
right down here...
This here's a secret code.
But I'm gonna let you in on it.
This ain't definitely
no secret code here.
Oh, God.
Round the other side,
there's a lot more.
Wanna come see 'em?
Why should I?
Well, don't you
wanna see everything?
Don't you wanna go for a ride?
Kinda doubt it.
Why not?
I got things to do.
Like what?
Connie... you're not telling the truth.
Today's your day set aside to go
for a ride with me, and you know it.
That's what you think my name is?
It's Connie.
Maybe and maybe not.
Definitely maybe.
I know my Connie.
I've been watching you.
Me and Ellie come out here
especially for you.
Now, Ellie can sit in the back seat.
How about it?
Where what?
Where are we going?
Well, just for a ride,
Connie, sweetheart.
I see.
So now I'm Connie sweetheart?
I know your name
and all about you.
I took a real special interest in you.
Such a pretty girl.
I found out all about you.
Like I know your parents
and your sister are gone somewhere.
I know how long
they're gonna be gone.
And I know who
you were with last night.
And you got one best friend.
Her name is Laura.
'Cause poor old Jill, well...
Jill's out now.
Am I right?
How'd you find all that out,
the stuff you just told me?
Laura Condon, Jill O'Mara,
Tony Fitch, Jeff Toussaint,
Raymond Stanley
and Eddie Hunter.
You know all those kids?
I know everybody.
Look, you're just kidding.
You're not really from around here.
Sure, I am.
You seen me before.
You just don't remember me.
I guess I'd
remember you if I saw you.
What are you worried about?
You're not worried about your hair
blowing around in the car, are you?
That's not it.
You think I maybe
can't drive so good?
How should I know?
You are a hard girl to handle.
How come?
Don't you know
I wanna be your friend?
Didn't you see me put my sign up
in the air when you walked by?
How old are you?
That's a crazy thing to ask.
Can't you see I'm your own age?
Like hell you are.
Maybe a couple years older.
I'm 1 8.
Him, he's crazy.
Ain't he a riot?
He's a nut.
A real character, that one.
He's kinda strange.
She says you're kinda strange!
Kinhda strange?
Maybe you two better go away.
How come?
It's Sunday.
Don't you know
it's Sunday all day?
And Connie, no matter
who you were with last night... you're with Arnold Friend,
and don't you forget it.
Maybe you'd better
step on out here.
No, I got things to do.
Maybe you two better leave.
I'm not leaving
till you come with me.
Like hell I am.
My father's coming home.
No, he ain't.
He's at the barbecue.
Twelve miles,
as the crow flies.
They're all out on the patio now.
Right now, they're drinking.
Sitting around.
Yeah, sitting around.
There's your sister in her party dress
and her red high heels... poor old thing.
She ain't nothing like you, Connie.
Your mother's helping some fat woman
with the corn. They're...
They're cleaning the corn...
No, they're husking the corn.
What fat woman?
How do I know what fat woman?
I don't know every
goddamn fat woman in the world.
I don't like 'em fat.
I like 'em the way you are.
There's not a one of 'em
that's like you.
You're special.
I saved my whole
Sunday afternoon just for you.
So what we're
gonna do now is this.
You're gonna come on out that door,
and we're gonna sit up front.
Ellie can sit in the back.
I mean,
to hell with Ellie, right?
This isn't Ellie's date.
You're my date.
I'm your lover, Connie.
You're my what?
Yes, I'm your lover.
You don't know
what that is, but you will.
I know that, too.
I know all about you.
It's real nice.
And you couldn't ask for nobody
better than me or more polite.
I always keep my word.
And I'll hold you so nice and tight,
you won't need to think about anything,
or pretend anything,
and you won't even wanna get away...
...even if you're scared.
Hell, everybody's scared the first time.
That's why I'm so specially nice.
I come along just
when you need a friend.
And I'll come inside you
where it's all secret and I'll whisper...
Shut up.
You're crazy.
People don't talk like that.
You're crazy.
Why lock it?
It's just a screen door.
What's a screen door between us?
It's nothing.
I mean, glass is nothing,
and wood and iron, and anything else.
It's nothing when
you need somebody.
I mean, what if this place
got all lit up by fire?
Well, think of that.
You'd come runnin' out here
and safe into my arms... you knew I was your lover
and stop fooling around.
So look at it that way.
This place is on fire now.
You're not saying these things.
Nobody talks like that.
What do you want?
I want you, Connie.
I want you so bad.
I seen you that night
and I said...
"Oh, my God, that's the one."
"That is the one."
"The very special one."
I never had to look no more.
My father's coming home.
He's coming back to get me now.
I had to wash my hair first.
No, your father ain't comin',
and yes, you had to wash your hair,
and you washed it for me.
It's nice and shining and all for me.
You want me to pull out the phone?
Shut your mouth
and keep it shut!
This ain't none of your business.
You know, if I call the police,
they're gonna get you.
The plan is not to come in the house,
where I don't belong,
but for you to come out here to me,
the way you should.
You're crazy.
Who are you?
You're crazy.
I can't hear you, Connie.
I mean, let's just stop
fooling around.
You want that telephone pulled out?
I told you to shut up, Ellie!
You're deaf,
you get a hearing aid!
You're blind,
you get a cane!
Now, this girl's no trouble,
so Ellie, lay off!
I mean, this ain't your date, right?!
Don't worry about him, honey.
He's a...
He's a creep, he's a dope.
You know that old lady down the road,
the one with all them chickens?
You know her?
She's dead.
Dead? What, you know her?
She's dead.
- Don't you like her?
- She's dead.
- She isn't here anymore.
- You don't like her.
You got something against her,
some grudge or something.
What do I do now?
I'm patient, honey.
There's no rush.
Just put the phone back,
and I'll still be here.
There's nothing to worry about.
You're just a little scared is all.
The place where you came from
ain't there anymore.
The place where you had to go
is cancelled out.
This place you're in now,
inside your daddy's house...
...well, it's just a box.
It's just a cardboard box.
There's nothing for ya.
Connie, sweetheart?
Are you all right?
Can you hear me?
I hear you.
All right, now put your hand
on your heart.
You feel how fast that's beating?
You feel that?
See, that's because
it's a very special heart.
And it's telling you to be sweet
and pretty like you wanna be
and give in to me and get away
from here before your folks come back.
You don't want them
to get back here before we do.
Now, get up, honey.
It's best you get up
all by yourself.
Come on, sweetheart.
Come on, hon.
Give this girl some space, Ellie.
Come on, now.
Now, that's the
bravest girl in the world.
They're all eating corn and hot dogs
cooked to bursting over the fire.
And they don't know
one thing about you and never did.
Not a one of 'em
would've done this for you.
...leave my family out of this.
Let's leave Ellie here.
We don't want Ellie on our date.
I mean,
just look at him.
He could stay here
and guard your daddy's house for you
so no harm will come to it
when you're out with your lover
on a Sunday drive.
My sweet little blue-eyed girl.
What if my eyes were brown?
I asked you to go for a ride
with me today, and you came.
And that's what happened.
Am I right?
I don't wanna see you here again.
Hey, kid.
Where you been?
Took a walk.
We missed you.
Wish you had come to the picnic.
Me, too.
You mean that?
I don't know, Dad.
I don't know anymore.
Honey, I'm so sorry
I hit you this morning.
That's all right.
Honey, I thought about you all day.
It's okay.
It's okay, Mom.
Don't cry.
What happened today?
I don't know.
Well, where'd you go?
This man...
...he came and asked me for a ride.
And I went.
You know...
Maybe I didn't go.
Maybe I'm going out of my mind.
Listen, I didn't go.
Don't worry.
That didn't even happen.
Would you dance with me?
Yeah, okay.
You wouldn't feel, like,
defiled or anything by touching me?
Do you still like this song?