Snabba cash II (Easy Money 2) (2012)

Our Father who is in heaven.
Bless my family, my children and my wife.
Bless the food and the strength you give me.
And forgive me for what I do now.
You know that I have some other way.
I have had to work hard
for what I have.
I am just a human being.
I want to save my wife,
so my kids will not be alone.
I hope you understand me
and forgives me.
Thank you, Lord.
You know, it's a completely different world.
In Brazil, costing one kg
In Mexico, it costs 7000.
The jacket one of the smaller of Colombia.
Where it costs 2000-4000 crowns.
No, I mean dollars.
But for a really good deal
should I go to Peru.
So that's where you can make clips?
I gave 8000-9
$ 000 for ten pounds.
What good.
So if no one does anything stupid
We have ten million tomorrow.
Ten million in hand.
If God wants.
Now serjag him. That's him there.
As we go.
That's it.
Shoulder hit first sack.
I take it, you take the other.
- Matt.
- You are getting tough.
You said late matte.
You must say checkmate.
You said chess.
You did not think it was dull.
- It's checkmate.
- Then you have to say checkmate.
How should it proceed otherwise?
It's not tennis.
- There are rules here.
- You will find on Kosovo's own rules.
You can always try.
So we had agreed
how everything would go to.
It was not revealed that I was...
...we had other plans.
And then when everything happened
so it was just the opposite.
And then right in front of my friends so...
...they understood all
that it was me who was the rat.
I do not remember what happened,
but we ended up in a car.
Drove through a narrow, narrow street.
Then came Mrado running out
from an alley and...
I drove straight at him.
I had the gun in his hand.
I saw Mrado
lie there and it was like...
...was his fault.
Then I shot.
- Jorge, where are you?
- I just came to Gothenburg.
What the fuck do you do in Gothenburg?
You skulleju have come yesterday!
Mom's dying and she is waiting for you!
I'm tired of your excuses!
But I rju going. I'm going!
Paola? - Holy shit.
Fan... Look out onto a balcony.
If something is wrong, I look at you.
- It.
- For the fan, Jorge...
Am I not here in fifteen minutes, you pull.
What are you doing here?
Clean up a bit. You just rkerju.
Check how it looks, damn.
There are some who are looking for you.
Hey. What's up?
FOS in man,
he gets fucking whore.
Is everything ready?
- All is clear, everything went well.
- All arrived unharmed.
- No moisture damage.
- No complications at all?
- Nothing.
I must call Radovan.
- I take a puff.
Do it.
Is it lit?
- Mm.
Psst! Can I have a cigarette?
I can not go out.
Thank you.
Nice, huh?
Why what?
Why can not you go here and smoke?
We can not go out.
But this is not looking.
One day they forget to lock the door.
- Nadja, go and wash yourself.
- Wash yourself.
Wash you. You are here to work.
To fuck - it's your job!
You do not talk to anyone!
Do you understand?
Relax, it's a small child.
What baby?
There is a cunt, a whore, a hooker.
She should shut up and work.
Otherwise, she gets a wing. Okay?
Come to the restaurant tomorrow.
Johan Westlund,
You have been here for three years now.
When Mrado Slovovic a year ago
moved here we were worried.
We thought it would be trouble.
But you have built up
a relationship too.
You have shown great willingness
to re-adapt.
We see in your furlough schedule
You should see a ShoulderBolinder.
There is a... potential investors
a project-
- I developed with a friend from
Trade: Niklas Creutz.
Is Axel Bolinder a way for you
to get a job when you get out?
Yes, you could say. Indirect.
- I understand. Hope it goes well.
We must be able to reach you on your mobile.
And you can not
in any form drinking alcohol.
That was it.
Hope it goes well.
- Take these papers. Best of luck.
Thank you.
Hey, John. What's up?
How has it gone with the declaration?
I found the three deductions.
There will be little more than 9000.
- Mm. You have five minutes.
I need one quarter, at least.
Five minutes or nothing.
- Nippe.
- It is JW.
Wait, hold on two seconds.
Do not respond to my work phone.
How often do I need to say it?
- JW?
- Nippe, what's up?
It's good.
What are you doing?
I'm on... new kit
in Sprvagnshallarna.
Someone fucking secretly opening.
Among rubber balls and communists.
I need to move.
How is your stomach?
- Well, it's better now.
Fuck-carb. LLHF is the new black.
Lacto-Low High Fucking.
Okay. Bolinder, the meeting...
You said I'd call.
Where do we stand?
Send only the last files,
we are on the track.
I take care of representation.
You only need to get there.
- As soon as he sajnat's it.
I know, but...
Just send me the last.
I promise you, we are fully on track.
My grandmother once said:" All
stains dissolve with a bit of class. "
Until you go there
without any problems.
We solve this. Talk to you, old man.
I need to head over now. Ciao.
- Westlund.
Hi, Mum. It's John.
I have told you not to call me here.
I get my first unattended
furlough now... in a little while.
I was thinking if we...
If we could meet.
I can pay the ticket
to Stockholm on...
It will not matter.
Do not call us more, John.
Me and dad have just gathered us
after your sister's funeral. Now...
- It was a meeting I was talking about.
- Do not you hear what I'm saying, John?
You have ruined our lives.
I do not want contact with you.
Do not call here. Me and Dad
try to do the best that we can.
- Do not call here!
Okay. I love you.
What does it cost?
-600 fifth grade.
Take it easy.
- Have a good one.
- Guys, I've fixed the money.
- Haide, bre, go!
I got the money.
Honestly. Please, please.
We have been kind.
Why did you take out the Arab in the kitchen?
He had losttwo whores.
- So what?
He lost Maja and Ivana,
our two best girls.
Give me the gun.
Radovan, they tricked me. They said...
Sch, sch.
You are careless, Mahmoud.
Open your mouth.
What should we do, Mahmoud? Huh?
Tell me.
You want a chance?
What will you do for me?
Say, Mahmoud.
Are you going to pay?
Okay. How much?
No. 200?
No. 300000, Mahmoud.
You get the weekend for you.
Okay? Get out now.
I'm busy. What has happened?
Hi, Mom.
- You are late, my son.
- I hurried.
Where's Jamila?
She's in there.
- Your brother is here.
Is it true? Where is he?
You look like a princess.
Thank you. Oh, you came!
Do you think I forget
my sister's wedding?
What do I know?
What good you look.
Thank you.
How does it feel?
- Surreal.
I do not know.
Is not it nice
to move away from home?
Are you kidding?
I will miss my room...
...Mom, Dad... you.
How is your husband? How is he?
He is cruel. He is awesome!
Is he?
You need not worry.
- I bought you a present.
- No.
Take-upit, check.
- Have you chosen it?
Purple. The rjttefin. Thank you.
What are you doing here? I said to you
not to come here more.
I came to her.
Is it a gift? It's a trash bag
as you probably have stolen.
- Do not start.
- I can not stand this.
Enough. Come on, get out.
One hour, Jorge.
You had seen her in life
if you come an hour earlier.
" Where is my son?" She said.
She was waiting for you, you know?
This I take as a souvenir. Okay?
Someone adds still steal it, so...
No, I will not!
- You can now drag.
- But they drjvla maniacs...
Paola! Are you serious, are you?
No way Emilia
's left here with those two.
They are too damn wanted by the cops.
- Get her here!
Please, Andreas!
- They should go now.
Otherwise, tarjag with Emilia now.
I talk to her.
I do not want any trouble.
You've got trouble. Go here.
No, it's enough.
Tag, your fucking ass,
before I kick you in the face!
- Emilia, Daddy come late.
- What a fucking father you are. Bitch.
Mommy! Where is Dad?
Hi, I want to talk to police.
How does it feel?
- Tagged, huh?
The first time is always the first time
whatever youdo.
- You must not drink, right?
- No.
- What bastards. Not even a beer?
No, nothing.
Do you want me to submit the letter?
Are you done with it?
It was a long time ago, my friend.
I dare not send it.
I do not understand
varfrjag not dare.
People have tried to kill me.
I've been shot, stabbed.
But I have not been afraid.
I have been able to go to bed at night
Without anything conscience.
But this little girl...
What should I do, JW?
I'm stuck here.
Enough about that, my friend.
Do this now...
Go out there and show them who is JW.
- Hello?
- If you have the cache?
I received two days. I'll pay.
I do not have time to talk now.
- You have two days in which to pay.
- I said I should pay.
I sprttar up like a fish
if you do not pay.
Otherwise, you're a dead Arab.
- I do not have time to talk, bye.
Welcome to Nippe.
Say something after the tone, I will call.
Nippe, it is JW. You must answer.
We need to plan the meeting.
Call as soon as you can.
" I'm hungry. "
What's wrong with you?
- No.
Why are you upset?
Why do you ignore your mother?
I do not ignore her.
You get to a wedding.
Can not cutand shave?
If you start again? I look like this.
There have I said twenty times before.
You see how people look at the wedding?
Who cares?
Do you see your shoes?
What are you looking for?
Do not want to have me as a son, stop being my father.
You are a street.
Am I one street?
Yes, you are not my son.
I do not know what happened to you.
When I was little told you
stories that made me happy.
Now, you think I is a street children.
Why do you hate me?
It's not the time now. I have guests.
- Welcome.
My name is Johan Westlund
and have a meeting with Axel Bolinder.
But my companion...
...have failed to tell me
what time it is.
Yes, we'll look here.
Unfortunately, I can not find you
the calendar.
Okay. Ahh... you... oh well.
There must be at Niklas Creutz.
No, the meeting was yesterday.
Okay. Oh...
What meeting?
The meeting between Niklas Creutz
and Axel was yesterday.
No, it must have been something wrong.
Call and double check. It is wrong.
" I want a leg.
Do you have a leg?"
Jorge! Jorge!
What is it?
There is a car out there.
I think there are two civilare.
- Hell...
Sticker-you do not they will take me!
Shut up!
You talk too much shit!
Victor? Victor!
Cops arehere!
Hello. Johan Westlund is my name.
Forgive attjag jumps on you here.
We would meet today. I took out
program against high-frequency trading.
You've talked to Niklas Creutz...
- We talk about Nippe?
Nippe and I have completed the deal.
We wrote the final agreements yesterday.
Nippe was careful to point out-
- he did the deal myself
and had no partner.
What did he say?
- I think you heard me.
I would get money fast
and then go back, right?
- You have not kept what you promised.
Does the us-we get 14 years, you know?
-14 years in prison!
- I do not care about money!
Hey, Mahmoud.
- If you have lighter?
What are you doing?
- What?
- You stole your sister's money.
Who said it?
- Shame on you!
- Get out of here! Stick!
Teach you never?
Have you no shame?
How low can you sink?
You are worthless.
Help me.
My son will be alone.
- Friday on Fredsgatan...
Excuse me.
Not here.
- You look stressed out, JW.
Three years I've been working on this.
Day and night.
In the three years.
Too little credibility gerjag you 50% /%
though you have not done a damn thing.
Yet stabs me in the back.
I get it. This was the way you had planned
there from the beginning.
From the first time I came
you knew you'd blow me, right?
You think I'm just going
to release this?
I will take it to court and sue
Are you going to sue me?
- JW...
- You can bet your ass.
Who believes in you?
You are a convicted drug smuggler.
You have even shot people.
Are you going to beat me?
How many years do you get for it, right?
Three? Five?
You are over. Do you understand that?
What you want can not be bought
for money. Do you understand?
For that's what we're talking about?
Class. Class are born in.
Breathe. Berries.
Class sits in his eyes. And, JW...
You have your father's eyes.
And I have my dad's eyes.
If you'll excuse me now, I'll
go back to my company.
- Bowl.
- Bowl for us.
I would like to propose a toast to Nippe-
- who just finished a really good deal
. Did you like it?
Have you told?
Have you told everyone?
Has he not told you?
- No!
It is a brilliant idea.
A trading product
to eliminate flash trade.
There is something beautiful too.
Right? It is...
Itis something nice.
Only problem is that... was not your business plan.
Nippe sold my idea.
Right, Nippe?
If you have so much.
And then you take it all I have.
But it is not so strange-
- for you have gone free ride
your dad a lifetime.
The rju no strange
around this table, right?
- Calm down now.
- calm me down?
No, sit down. But this time
wanted to show daddy that you had-
- built something private that would
have his and the world's respect.
With own work. Is that enough?
That's enough when I say it.
- JW, we go now.
- But the thing is, Nippe...
You do not know what it means to build
up something with their own hard work.
You make a fool of yourself.
Go here.
You do not know what it means
to tear that ettjvla animal
- when no one wants to know of one!
You do not know a fucking shit about!
I did not know you had come out.
It was four months ago.
I received parole
for good behavior.
I have just started working with
Nippe again, from Trade.
We have developed a business project.
No, I developed it in prison.
A trading product
to be launched.
A venture capitalist will go in,
so it feels damn good.
I think it can be reallylarge.
The last time I saw you outside NorrtIje
Do you know what I realized after that?
The guy who I loved,
the humble, amazing man-
- that made me look at the world
in another way, he was never found.
For everything was just lies, Johan.
I have to go now.
Calls to you.
JW? Are you okay?
Are we millionaires?
There has never been anyone
way back to me.
Wheat hell I thought.
What are you talking about?
- Remember when you said...
...that in our world are all thinking
on himself and the cache?
- You were right.
Can we not take it when you get?
You will come back?
I can not sit for a day
If it is what you intend to do-
- you know that there is someone
return. Okay?
Let me go with you.
I know where there is
a shitload of cash.
What are you talking about?
There is a man who works for
Radovan: Misha, Radovan" accountant".
He does nothing
to draw attention to themselves.
He takes care of his little house,
cutting the grass.
He does not even try to put on
neighbor's wife. He is as slippery as an eel.
When I worked with Radovan
I delivered the money to Misha.
Black money rolled into the system.
Coming out white as snow
to Radovan pockets.
the percentage of the pubs.
Kola Cod were around Stureplan.
Misha launder money non-stop.
And to Radovan...
He loves his little cash whore.
But there is one thing
Radovan not know.
Misha is playing cod.
He thinks he's smart,
he is orrbar.
But at Solvalla
no one knows who he is.
This is where we'll take him.
He is our ticket out of here.
Angel! Lovisa is dead!
Lovisa! Lovisa!
Lovisa! Lovisa!
Louisa, my angel!
My Angel, where are you?
- You should call the guy's family.
He harju two small children.
- I offered him a job.
He said yes.
That's what happens.
See what has become of you.
See for yourself.
This industry is risky.
I make none. We have other problems.
We have not dope.
How do we do...
We are going there to do business.
When we are there, they
to ask for the goods.
We say that we want to see the money first.
When they show the money...
...we produce weapons
and steal the money.
You are fucking crazy.
What is it with you?
- See for yourself.
- You yourself then? What the hell are you?
- I work hard for my family.
- For the family?
What do you think happens to your family?
What are your prospects?
What do you earn? Do not you think your son starts
drugs like everyone else?
Your son is 13 years already.
What will happen to him?
Just like us.
- Look at you...
What have you not I have?
- I work for my family...
- on! What the family?
Either you're with me or not.
Do you understand?
Are you with me?
Your shit, are you with me?
- Do not touch me!
- Nadja...
Do not touch me!
We have a guy...
Look at me, look at me!
He's going to fuck you...
Look at me!
He will be two, three times a week.
He likes you. And you bite him.
You need my money, right?
Whore! I fuck you in the pussy!
Now you might have some answers.
Tell me now. Tell me now.
Come here! I fuck your mom!
Come here!
Stand up!
Do you remember when we were little
and talked about doing something like this?
What are you talking about?
- We were going to do something we never forgot.
Do you remember? Now is the time.
Okay? Okay?
- Here we go.
Come on.
This is pretty good stuff. Right?
- Good stuff, Jorge.
- I told you so.
Bowl, guys.
Jorge, good stuff.
I think the little one is a bit weird.
There's something I do not like about him.
They seem frivolous.
Okay, we're here to do business.
Get the money.
Come, let's play a game.
- It tyckerjag.
- Are you hungry?
- Lite.
- What cards you give me.
- What cards I give myself.
My brother, we are pulling out.
- We pull out while we can.
- You're crazy.
- Shut up.
Okay, what do you have?
It does not feel good.
As soon as they take the money, tarjag
the gun and we do it. Okay?
Three short.
- We go. We're pulling out.
- Peace Now.
- This shit does not feel good.
- Calm, calm.
What's going on, man?
That's something between me and him.
- Cedo! They're talking something shit in Spanish.
What are you talking about?
- There's something fishy.
They take a long time.
Take it easy. We are ready.
What do you do?
What the fuck do you do anything?
Chill out, chill out, it's cool.
What do you do, your donkey?
We will do business.
- I want to check a bag.
- Do you do business like this?
What is this?
Where is laddet?
- Did you blow Radovan?
- We can solve it.
Shut up!
Did you blow Radovan?
It's okay.
Let go of me! Let go of me!
Jorge! Jorge!
Shut up!
- Your pussy! Where have you laddet?
- Jorge! Take the gun!
Where have you laddet, frgarjag!
- Quiet!
- Jorge, gun!
Where have you laddet somewhere?
Look at your friends.
- gun!
Where's laddet somewhere?
Where is laddet somewhere?
Look at your friend, your pussy. Where is laddet?
Where were you laddet? The last time.
- Jorge!
- Stop playing with Radovan, you cunt!
There's no fucking charge!
Should you blow Radovan, you whore?
Rolando, no!
Your fucking bitch!
I'm going to fuck your mom!
I'll fuck you, I'm gonna fuck you all!
Your fucking cocksucker!
Do you hear what I'm saying? - Rolando!
Bring him!
Your bitch! I'll fuck
your mother, your fucking ass!
- Down on your knees!
- Fucking bitch.
On your knees!
Where's the stuff?
- I told you, idiot!
There are no stuff.
Do not you hear what I say?
There is no fucking stuff.
Where the hell are you from?
Go back, damn it!
Go back to your fucking hole!
Listen, go back to your fucking
Stick to the hell!
You are not so fucking tough anymore!
What? Juggehora!
Excuse me. Is the surgeon in there?
Call your mom now. Take it.
- I can not call Mother.
Ring your dad.
Heis dead.
Do you have any relatives you can call?
Some friends?
- There is no...
- We are in a hurry. Call someone.
- I have no one to call.
Take them.
But... Is that all?
It is more money than you ever had.
Can not I go with you?
I can not help you. Step out.
Radovan, that little Jorge
's gone with the money.
How the hell did you know
that you would end up in the same place?
Procedures, my friend.
This country is built
All they do is because of it.
We're sitting here because of their fucking routines.
And you know, I like routines.
In practice there are weaknesses.
You just have to take care of them.
Shoo, brothers!
Holy shit that is...
- Do you feel the wind?
- I know.
Bravo, morre.
In three years, they said, go and add
Now, go to the bathroom now, eat now.
It is over now.
This is the end, my friend.
Around one hundred.
I have already fixed so much now.
I had until tomorrow.
Do you know Jorge?
Jorge Salinas is back in town.
Mahmoud. You will help us
find out where he is.
Do you understand?
No problem.
You should extinguish him for me.
If you do
we draw a line under this.
I have known Jorge since he was a child
and gone in his syrrasclass.
If you want my respect, you must show me
attjag can trust you.
All this has sacrificed something
by itself.
Now it's your turn to sacrifice something.
To switch off him when he is ready.
Paola... I heard what happened
with your mom, so...
Is Jorge here or what?
Is not he here?
Do you know if he is
in your mother's house?
No, I do not know.
He has the keys, I think.
Thanks for the flowers.
- Mm.
Is this your mother?
It is her apartment, right?
Where is she?
- Mahmoud!
Where's the money?
- What money?
- Your sister's money.
- You ruined her life's finest day!
- It was not him!
- Well, people saw him.
- Nadira saw you.
Nadira is blind
for all plastic surgery!
You're a disgrace to the whole family!
He never listens to you.
I left my country, my family...
Stop giving us guilt.
That you have done all my life.
- You decided to come here.
- It was for your sake.
You would live in peace and security.
But you got boy
the Yugoslav gangsters.
They appreciate me at least.
They use you, but you're blind.
Do something of your life,
so your children can be proud of
- instead of wagging his tail
as soon as aSwedish...
You call me a dog?!
I took the money. He's right.
I am a thief and a liar.
It's me.
Are you satisfied? Are you satisfied?
Are you happy doing this? Say it!
Get out of here.
I do not need any of you.
- It.
- There it is.
Give me Uzin.
Do you know?
What power you have
when you have one of these.
I think intejag can do it here.
What is it?
I think intejag can do it here.
It is not me.
I can not do this.
It's given you.
What did you say to me on the phone?
No turning back, okay?
You must take the step of
on the other hand, JW.
You velar between.
It does not work.
- This is not me.
- Yes, it is you!
And you're fucking owe me this.
Check what happened the last for me. Huh?
We fix it here.
Hi, I can not answer right now.
Leave your message. Thank you.
Hi, Mom.
It's me.
I'm calling to... ask for...
Mom, I've done
so many bad stuff.
I have stolen, lied, killed...
...and dragged me away
from those who love me.
Now am I alonein this world, and...
I just wanted to say sorry
because I was late.
I have been an egoist.
I'm really sorry.
I just wanted to call to say
attjag love you and...
That's it, okay.
Whenever. Goodbye.
Damn, Ratko, I do not know
if I can do this.
I have known Jorge my life
and can not just go up and...
Good, huh?
How much money do you think?
One million?
Three million?
Six million?
- Ten.
- Ten?
As we draw.
Do not want to pull? We go to Paris,
building a house on the beach...
There are no beaches in Paris.
When we build a fucking beach.
- Oh?
Yes. A beach, a small dog.
Do not you think? There are ten million.
We can do... we can buy...
You can buy a car, drive around me.
I buy a nice dress.
Stay here.
- Ey!
- Jorge.
I heard you were back in town.
Okay. What the fuck do you want, smooth?
- Eh...
I have ended up in trouble
and need to talk to you about something.
- I have no time, bro.
- It's raining, man.
Two minutes only.
Come up.
Is it okay?
It's just an old friend.
- Calm. What the hell are you doing?
Why did not you say that she was here?
Whathell have you done? We have known...
Why did not you tell the bride?
My sister's grave.
Please JW, run.
We do not have time for this.
My parents had her declared dead
a few weeks ago.
She is not there.
She disappeared...
...a little more than seven years ago.
Come, JW.
We do not have time for this.
We talked on the phone... every day.
Every day for two years.
And then she called no more.
It feels like something... me disappeared with her too.
The good part.
I think that's why I
can not believe she's dead, too...
Then I would just have
the bad side left.
A guy will meet us in Malm.
He has passports ready.
We take the boat at midnight.
To Germany.
Where we go our separate ways. Okay?
What should you do next?
I go to Serbia.
Buying something small house in the mountains.
And just take it easy.
I might come and visit you there in Serbia late.
It is not a good idea, JW.
This will be our last trip.
Who expected it
by a Muslim bastard?
How long have you worked for me
Now, Mahmoud?
Five of six years.
You have made some botched miss.
But you have always shown
that you are loyal.
Radovan, I...
I want nothing more than
to work for you. You know that.
Yes, it is good.
He must get merjobb,
he has earned it.
What does your tattoo?
It says" Bashir, my dad's name.
Why have you tattooed your
Dad's name? Do you have a girlfriend?
My father was a freedom fighter
in their homeland. He was...
He was imprisoned and tortured
and so on.
I looked up to him
when I was little.
Now he's like a dog and just do
Swedes who tells him.
It's not just your dad.
It happens many Serbs as well.
Old war heroes who come here to clean
Swedes toilets.
Mahmoud, what you have done for me
Today kommerjag never forget.
As of today-
- are you a part of my family.
It is good.
You can not smoke here, Mahmoud.
- Misha, the cache is back.
What good.
Yes. Listen.
There will be a delivery for you.
That he is, he will.
Remember that he did not recognize you now.
Yes. Goodbye.
Bring Mahmoud
to Misha Bladman.
Let him see how.
Teach him a bit.
Get out of the car. Out of the car!
Get out of the car, I say!
What are you doing?
Are you crazy?
You remember me, Misha?
I'm here Radovan money.
Either you make it
easy or difficult, Misha. You choose.
- I have no money.
Okay. Last chance.
The storage in the kitchen.
The key is in the hood.
Code: right 22, left 28-
You've come to Misha.
I can not take your call...
What the fuck...
JW, I have to Gnesta, okay?
You must take me there - now.
My daughter is there - Loviisa.
I must see her.
I have to give her this.
Run Now.
Please, run.
I think it is here.
We're here.
Shall I help you in?
I can not.
She can not see me like this.
You may submit a letter.
I have a letter to Loviisa
Unfortunately, she lives no longer with us.
There was a little problem,
so she is away located.
To another foster home.
So, she's not here now.
Can not you give it to someone
who can forward it then?
I can not help you.
Joined theGood?
Yes, it is good.
I gave her the letter.
I said:" It is a letter from my father:"
She just lit up like the sun.
She looked so amazingly happy.
- Was she nice?
This is not possible,
you must to hospital.
You will die if we do not drive to the hospital.
I will continue to run itself.
I'll get you later.
But you have to the hospital now.
You have been great.
Are not you cold?
It will be good, you've got it good here.
It will go great for you.
Father knows.
This will be good. Everything feels good.
Daddy's gotta go.
Can not I show you something?
I can not anymore.
I can not.
I can... I can not.
Take care of yourself.
Dad will always be with you somehow. Okay?
Daddy's angel.
As you read this letter
I am far from you.
But was I than is
so vakarjag over you.
Remember Me, My Angel.
But just for the nice things.
Though I know there are many.
If I could turn back time...
...would my decisions
look very different.
I would not let a day go by without
to say how much I love you.
I was too greedy to make
what is important in life.
Forgive me, my angel.
Forgive your father.
If I may ask you for forgiveness.
The only sure thing is that you have
forgive to move on in life.
Now I understand that you were the only thing
that was good and pure in my life.
Somewhere up there
I will be proud of you.
Lift your head to the sky
so lerjag at you from up there.
My soul is always with you.
With love - your dad.