Snapshots (2018)

She never answers her phone!
It drives me nuts.
You're driving you nuts.
I thought you quit.
I did.
- Hey.
- It's bad for you.
Life is bad for you.
Come on, baby.
Come on.
Don't make such a fuss.
I shall die,
but that is all
I shall do for death.
I'm not on his payroll.
Mark just sent you a text.
Did he get the job yet?
Mom, don't read my texts.
Did he get the job?
Would you stop
reading my texts?
You're leaving me, aren't you?
Mom, oh, my god!
Give me my phone.
I'll give you your phone
if you answer my question.
Nothing's been
decided yet, okay?
Oh, my god.
I didn't look.
I can't do this anymore.
I'm calling in the cavalry.
Stop worrying. She's fine.
You know, I don't understand
how you can be so casual
about the fact that your
85-year-old grandmother
lives by herself
in the middle of nowhere.
I mean,
anything could happen to her
- at anytime.
- You always say that
and nothing ever does,
just like
when I was a kid.
Dad thought it was
'cause you were adopted,
he always said so.
My shrink agrees. She says
you have control issues.
Oh, well, thank your shrink
for that observation.
And dad blamed everything
on my adoption.
Did you tell your shrink that,
by the way?
Okay, you're all set.
Can you just sign here?
Keep an eye on your gas Gauge
when you're driving out here.
It's, like, really remote.
You might as well
be on the moon.
You see?
Thank you.
I'm not an idiot, you know.
I mean, that probably is why
I'm such a nutcase
about your grandmother.
But you have to admit,
she's not in very good shape.
She's in better shape
than you are.
Oh, for heaven's sakes,
what is going on with him?
If you stop asking me,
maybe I'd tell you.
Come on.
She must be at the lake.
Oh, I hope
she's at the lake.
- Come on.
(SIGHS) I got her a cellphone
for just this reason
and she never uses it.
It's so annoying.
What the heck happened?
Gran, you hurt?
Just my pride. I tripped over
my damn tackle box.
How long were you out here?
Do you need to go
to the hospital?
Well, I need some help
getting up.
Where is that phone
I bought you?
- Oh.
I can't keep track
of those damn things.
Oh, mom,
I can't believe you.
I mean, you could've been
out here all day.
Can you imagine
what might've happened?
Oh, what might've been
is an abstraction
remaining a perpetual
possibility only.
Oh, for goodness sake, mother.
We're only here
for one weekend in the summer,
don't quote poetry
when I'm trying to make a point.
Well, what exactly
is your point?
Oh, never mind.
Come on, don't spoil today.
I love it when you're here.
Now, for the next three days,
there'll be two
forbidden topics,
what-ifs and politics, agreed?
I'm in.
Everything is political, mom,
whether you like it or not.
Come on.
ROSE: Put that down
and then tell me all.
I wanna hear everything.
Tell me about the job.
I got a promotion.
Oh, honey, that's terrific.
The magazine is doing
a whole new restaurant section,
so they're gonna feature a
different restaurant every week
and they hired me
to photograph all the chefs,
their specialties,
- Good for you!
- It's really kind of perfect.
It's everything
I always wanted
all in one job.
Now, tell me about Mark.
He's just been
slammed at work,
but he's good.
He's fine.
It's just getting
a little complicated
with, you know...
Who's all that for?
For us.
Oh, mom, we found a box
of yours in the basement.
If I hadn't had to move,
it would still be there
- behind the boiler.
- What's in it?
Oh, just some Christmas stuff,
I think,
and a few books.
I'll go get it.
Oh, gran,
I have a surprise for you.
(LAUGHS) Glory.
Where'd that come from?
That box, right on top.
But that's not the surprise,
this is.
So you know me,
I can't resist old cameras.
I went to the store downtown
to try to get some film for it,
but what do you know?
There was already a roll inside.
So I had them develop it
for you.
I didn't look at it,
just in case it's you and Poppy
doing something
I wouldn't want to see.
Ali! Don't talk to your
grandmother like that, Ali.
Oh, come on, Patty.
I wasn't always
a widow in her '80s.
Really, mom!
Wait, how do I focus this?
You don't have to.
If you can see me, shoot.
Okay, stand still.
Say "cheese."
- Cheese!
Oh, no!
You closed your eyes.
Can I do it again?
Say "cheese."
It's so beautiful.
Don't you love it?
The rain this morning
made the whole world new.
Well, what do you
want to do now?
We row. Rosie, we row.
Who knows
where we might end up?
Grab the other end.
Let's take
this baby for a spin.
Well, all right, then.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
BOTH: merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row your boat
gently down the stream
BOTH: merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
Row, row, row...
PATTY: So, it just
makes perfect sense.
I mean, you never
use that place really,
except for your craft things,
and we could fix it up!
What are you talking about?
Mom, the cottage.
Weren't you listening to me?
I don't want
a stranger in here.
What can I do to help?
You could listen to me.
Honey, the only reason
you want to rent the cottage
is so somebody is here and you
don't have to worry about me.
Well, yeah.
But it would also
be better for you.
You wouldn't be alone
all the time.
ALLISON: Hey, don't
talk to me like that.
PATTY: Will you at
least think about it?
Having a stranger
here on the property
would be worse
than being here by myself.
Fuck you!
Not you, mom. Sorry, gran.
I can't do this right now.
Later, just...
Just later!
I don't wanna
talk about it, okay?
Do you wanna tell us
what's going on?
He just laid on me the news
that he got an offer
to join this hotshot firm
in Chicago.
Well, you can move to Chicago.
Get a job there.
My career is in St. Louis,
and I'm finally
starting to make
something happen
for myself there.
Is Mark willing
to turn this job down?
No, of course not.
They said that they would
eventually make him a partner.
Well, he's gotta do it.
I know that,
but I can't follow him there.
I would have to start over
and I'm not about to start over.
He's the perfect guy.
Yeah, yeah, I know,
it's me who's fucked up.
Allison, please, language.
Sometimes "fuck" is
the only word to describe shit!
She's right.
Don't encourage her, mother.
Don't follow her.
PATTY: You're kidding.
At last tally,
I was ahead 25 points.
That was two years ago.
You're on!
g, as in,
that'll teach you not to be.
That's 25 points!
Who's ahead now?
Don't gloat.
Oh, I've gotta move
before I petrify.
I'm going to the cottage.
Later, gator.
This what you're after?
Uh, where did you come from?
I was walking along the lake.
I saw you looking at the hawk,
I saw the feather drop.
Figured you were
looking for this.
Thanks, uh...
Am I ruining your fishing?
ROSE: If I was trying
to catch anything, then yes.
But that's not the objective?
ROSE: Not mine.
No, I like the quiet.
I throw them back
most of the time.
I shall die, but that is all
that I shall do for death.
Don't mind me,
I'm given to quoting poetry.
It's a form
of tourette's perhaps.
What's so special
about that feather?
It is a red tail hawk feather.
Pretty hard to find,
so thank you.
My pleasure.
Do you ever go in?
Every day.
I did this morning.
I don't know how
you can manage that,
it's so cold.
I like to cross
my comfort threshold
at least twice a day.
- Hmm.
- And now I have.
Do you have a house here?
Oh, god, I wish.
No, we're just renting one
for the summer.
"We" as in husband and me?
Mm, Joe.
We live in St. Louis.
So do we.
Fancy that.
Zee and me.
We're down off the road.
A shack compared
to most of 'em.
It's good for him, though.
Nobody likes to have
a drummer too close.
Your husband's a musician?
When it pays.
When it doesn't, he does
whatever he can between gigs.
Same as me.
We should have dinner
together sometime.
All right.
That would be nice.
Afraid you'll have to ask us.
Our shack only
has a hot plate.
Oh, okay, sometime.
Thanks, we'd love to.
You're kind of...
You're kind of bold.
I've been called pushy,
bossy, bitchy.
Bold just sounds much sexier.
- Tonight?
- Tonight?
Uh, sure, I guess,
but I have to ask Joe first.
3243. Call me.
So it's a Joe and...
Your name?
Is it as interesting as you?
No, hardly.
Uh, sorry,
that sounded conceited.
It's just Rose.
Nothing special.
As in a Rose
by any other name
would smell as sweet.
How much more special
do you wanna be?
It's open.
Well, hey.
I love your new stuff, gran.
It's really amazing.
Thank you.
- It's kind of magical.
- ROSE: I like it.
Aww, this is my favorite
photo of you guys.
Poppy was kind of hot.
In my day,
we called that cute.
Do you miss him?
I do.
He was my best friend.
Yeah, I felt that way
about dad.
I miss him every day.
But I don't live in it
like mom does, you know?
She's just so angry.
Well, the suddenness
was so shocking,
and there was so many
loose ends between them.
Everything just feels
so complicated lately.
That happens.
I feel stuck.
I'm not sure if I love Mark
anymore, gran.
I mean, I care about him
and I love him,
but I don't know
if I'm in love with him,
does that make sense?
It does.
- PATTY: Oh, there you are!
Come on, she's rising!
Hurry up or you'll miss it!
At another time,
my darling girls,
we'd be suspected
of being witches.
Or bitches.
I heard that.
To witches.
And bitches.
You've had enough, mom.
Oh, that's funny.
That's really rich.
You're telling me what to do
when you're busy
ruining your whole life?
Cut it out, Patty.
Don't tell me to cut it out.
As far as you're concerned,
she can do no wrong.
He wants a family, mom.
Like, now.
- He doesn't wanna wait for me to...
- So what?
What, you think you're gonna
find somebody better than Mark?
Mark is a prince.
I know!
And I feel crazy,
but, I mean...
Mom, tell her.
Tell her that
she is gonna regret this
for the rest of her life.
I can't tell her anything.
I understand how she feels.
You always take her side,
don't you?
You always do.
It's not about sides.
It's about Ali
making her own choices.
Well, not if they're mistakes.
I'm just not
gonna stand by...
Okay, shut up!
Shut up, shut up!
Hmm, that's great.
Thanks, mom.
Once again,
you have put a wedge
between me and my daughter.
If there's a wedge here,
it's in that bottle.
Back off, mother!
I can't imagine what a bore
this summer would've been
- if our wives hadn't met.
- Right?
Think they'll
ever stop yakking?
Let's hope not.
It gives me a break.
Cheers to that, my friend.
And it's just not enough
to theoretically
support negros.
You have to take action.
Have you read James Baldwin?
My god.
Rose, you have to.
I heard him speak
and he's brilliant.
He's exploring
not just race, but class,
and sexual distinctions that
are keeping us all in our place.
Oh, sweetie, listen to this.
This is that song.
- This is the song.
- come on, baby
Oh, god, I love this!
Let's do the twist
Come on, baby
This... this one.
That thing.
Come on, Joe! Dance with me.
No. Come on, honey.
Come on, hon.
You know I got four left feet.
ZEE: You don't need feet, buddy.
Just rhythm. Just rhythm.
- Yeah, okay.
- Just like that.
Like... like that?
I got rhythm.
Go just like that.
You're doing this.
That's what you're doing.
No, I'm doing this.
- Yeah, real nice.
No, now... now, get her,
there... she's the one
with all that hip action.
- Oh!
- Louise!
No. No, Louise.
I don't dance.
Come on, Rosie.
Swivel those hips, baby.
Dada is sleeping
And my mama ain't around
I'm doing what you're doing.
Twisting, twisting,
Until we tear
that house down
Way down,
now, baby, twist
No, I was doing this.
- I'm doing that.
- No, you're doing this.
It's the same thing.
The heel.
Oh, no!
You should see
my little miss
- LOUISE: Oh, god!
- oh, do the twist
I love this life!
You, you, you should
be my little miss
oh, do that twist...
Can we talk for a minute?
Go away.
LOUISE: We can be teachers,
nurses, or secretaries.
Do you know banks won't give
credit cards to women?
Only their husbands.
We're considered chattel.
I mean, think, we're still
living in the middle ages.
Maybe I'm old-fashioned,
but I'm not sure
why you need
one of your own.
Oh, for god's sake, Joe!
What if you die?
Or, heaven forbid,
divorce Rose?
How would she manage?
She couldn't buy a car
or a house.
Anybody for tea?
Stick to bourbon, thanks.
Well, I've had
a little too much,
so I need to switch.
I'm dying to know.
What made you leave Iowa?
It's always a man, isn't it?
- JOE: No.
No, I was there in 1957...
- '58.
- '58, right.
And there was this
beautiful young girl
and two of her friends
and they were just
leaning on the bar
at Johnny and Kay's like they
belonged there with the men.
We did.
You tell 'em, Rose.
Okay. Okay, ladies.
she was not
your typical young woman,
and she caught my eye
like she catches those fish.
At least she didn't
throw you back.
No, lucky for me.
You were pretty confident
yourself, Joe muller.
He walked right up to the bar
and bought us a pitcher of beer.
Mm-hmm, and we were
married six months later.
In des moines,
where I'm from.
We got on
a train to St. Louis
and been there ever since.
So, what did St. Louis have
that des moines didn't?
The best barbecue,
and blues, and...
Translation... fun.
- ROSE: And sweet corn.
- JOE: Mm-hmm.
- ROSE: Mm.
- Sweet people.
You ever miss home?
No. Not when I'm here
at the lake.
That's why I'm determined
to buy this place.
So let's see, you all have been
married for about three years.
BOTH: Mm-hmm.
Are kids in the plan?
The business is the baby
for the moment.
What about you and zee?
Actually, we don't want kids.
I know it's a bit off
the social grid,
but neither one of wants
to make the sacrifice.
That is off the grid.
Well, zee must've
hit traffic, huh?
It's fierce on Fridays.
Cross your fingers, ladies.
If I hook this client,
we've got ourselves
a down payment.
This is Joe.
Hey, how you doing?
Yeah, I've got time.
Alone at last.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
My mind's
just skipping around.
What are you doing up?
I could ask you
the same thing.
I couldn't sleep.
Well, neither could I.
I guess I should surrender
to being awake.
I need coffee.
It's in the cupboard
right over there.
I know where it is.
LOUISE: Sit down.
Don't worry.
I promise I won't bite.
It seems like...
It's as...
Though you're...
Flirting with you.
I am.
Don't worry.
I'm not a man.
I only go
where I'm invited.
Do I scare you?
It's more like a fascination.
You're so different.
And you're so daring.
I admire that.
It's so not me.
My candle burns at both ends.
It will not last the night.
But, ah, my foes,
and, oh, my friends,
it gives a lovely light.
That's beautiful.
What is it?
"First fig,"
edna St. Vincent millay.
My first love.
The hazard at being
a lit major at Smith.
Of course, I didn't finish,
but that's another story.
I got edna.
Do you know her poetry?
No. I didn't go to college.
My father said it would be
a waste for a girl.
And then I met Joe.
So, here I am, I guess.
We need half and half.
Another heavenly day.
I have a brutal headache.
Well, it's no wonder.
As long as you keep on
drinking like that,
you're gonna die, too.
David died of an aneurysm,
not alcohol.
Yeah, it was terrible, but at
least it wasn't self-inflicted.
Do you know how hard it is?
My husband drops dead
two months after I find out
that he's been having an affair
with his secretary.
And as if that's not
bad enough,
I find out that
he's hocked everything
and got in mountains of debt.
So I have to sell
my beautiful house
and make some sort of a life
out of nothing.
Which, may I point out,
you have.
Loss is a part of the deal.
We all lose people we love.
Well, it was
different for you.
Daddy didn't cheat on you.
Contrary to popular opinion,
your father was not a Saint.
He was in advertising
for god's sake.
He traveled a lot,
and he was,
as Ali points out, hot.
With who?
I never asked.
And there were no
late-night confessions.
We never talked about it.
Could be that's we lasted.
I'm stunned.
50 years is a long time.
Nobody's perfect.
Hey there.
You don't look so good.
That is definitely
the 'effing pot
calling the kettle.
Don't talk to me like that,
Allison Michelle.
I'm sick of it.
Did you bring a hair dryer?
Hey. How are you?
What can I do?
Nothing really.
Everything more or less
is finished.
I just feel so rude
not waiting for zee.
Never wait for a drummer.
The only good time they keep
is with a bass.
You're an expert
at so many things.
Not anything important.
Don't denigrate
your worth, Rose.
- More butter?
- Yes.
Maybe a little more milk.
I like watching you.
You are so...
- Lovely to watch.
- What are you...
What I've wanted to do
since I first saw you.
Hey, guys! Anybody home?
We're in here, honey!
I can't believe I made it.
This fish is gorgeous, Rose.
You teach me to fish...
I'll teach you to be bold.
Honey, we're in here.
Hey, girls.
Hi, sweetie.
Ooh, smells good.
Hard day in the city.
Traffic getting out
was a bear.
Here, this should soothe
your soul.
You do know me.
Thank you.
- So where's the man?
- Um...
- JOE: Yeah!
- Oh, there he is.
Oh, my friends,
I made the damn deal!
Oh, Rosie,
I am buying you this place
just like I promised.
Oh, yes!
Oh. Uh!
- Gran, you gotta help me.
- What is it?
It's mom!
She's on a rampage,
- and just...
- Oh.
- What's going on?
- I'm pregnant, okay?
I didn't mean to be,
but I am,
and I don't know
if I wanna have this baby.
And I just took a test
and I haven't even told Mark
or anybody, but mom
went on my computer and...
Slow down, slow down.
Take a breath.
Sit down over here.
Come on.
Oh. Oh, darling.
I guess I forgot
to take the pill for,
I don't know,
maybe two days.
We had sex in there
somewhere and...
Oh, god.
I don't know
what I'm gonna do.
Will Mark want the baby?
Are you kidding?
He'd love for me to not work
and be home with the kids.
Like, he's a throwback
from your generation.
But that's not
what I want at all.
And maybe we were
too young to get married,
but daddy had just died
and I guess I just needed...
I was just so scared.
I mean, I do want to
have kids one day.
I just, right now,
I'm not sure if I even
want to stay married,
let alone have a baby.
What do you want to do?
I'm thinking about
an abortion.
Oh, no.
God, you're just like mom.
That's not true.
She thinks it's practically
a criminal offense,
but if I'm not ready,
then maybe it's the more
responsible thing to do.
Well, no one, not me,
not your mom,
not even Mark
can tell you what to do.
But in my opinion...
You want my opinion?
You have to tell Mark.
You can't keep it a secret.
I know, gran.
I'm just so crazy
right now and...
Oh, god.
You got it!
You got it, you got it.
You're good, you're good.
- ZEE: Whoa, whoa.
Put it in the bucket!
Yeah, beginner's luck.
(MUTTERING) Oh, so...
Oh, now what?
What do you mean?
I mean, is it
supposed to do that?
I thought it would
just be dead.
No, of course not.
You have to kill him.
No! You do it!
- No, he's your fish.
- It's your pole.
Then throw him back.
Oh, hell, no.
I wanna eat it.
And that's why
its death has purpose.
Hey, you guys got
anything for me yet?
I caught my first fish,
but Rose won't kill it for me.
Yeah, well, now you know
why I don't like fishing.
Hey, you know what?
Here, take this.
- And you just give it a whack.
- Mm-hmm.
Just right on the head, right?
ROSE: Mm-hmm.
Come on, sweetie.
Just pop it
right in the head.
Smack it.
Forgive me, my friend.
Hi, sweet pea.
Are you feeling better?
A little.
What are you doing?
Oh, I'm taking the scales
off this beauty.
Then I'm going to drench it
in cornmeal.
You wanna help?
You're a warrior, Rose.
I am a 20th century peasant,
as common as these.
LOUISE: Oh, god.
That is hideously beautiful.
Hold it. Honey?
Bring my camera, please!
ZEE: Yep.
Thank you.
Look at you two
in the kitchen
making your men dinner.
What the hell
are you shooting?
Guts and Gore.
That's my lady.
Make it quick, darling,
the fire's happening.
- Can't hurry art, zee zee.
- I know.
LOUISE: Oh, fantastic.
Okay, what do you do next?
I'm sorry, I must be dumb,
but why do you want to
photograph a carcass?
I like looking underneath.
What's on the surface,
that's not what I want to see.
I wanna go below the ground,
behind the smile,
under the scales and skin.
That's where the truth is.
It's just hidden.
Oh, now step back.
I love this. Just love it.
You're either crazy
or brilliant.
That what my professor said.
At Smith?
Hell, no.
Chicago art institute,
before they asked me
to leave.
Shall we say
that my aesthetic
was not to their liking.
- Where's my drink?
- Uh, here.
- Oh.
- What does that mean?
Um, I did a project.
First year thesis thing.
I took all these photos
of women.
These weren't models,
just women.
All ages, sizes.
Some homeless, some teachers,
just being
and doing whatever.
I shot one of them nude.
Just one.
I think it was the pubic hair
that freaked them out.
They wouldn't let me
hang that photograph.
That's it?
Real pubic hair
on a real woman?
One photograph.
You would've thought
I molested somebody.
Why'd you do that?
It's the other thing
I wanted to do
when I first saw you.
Shh. Stop it.
We can never go there again,
Louise, okay?
Stop. Stop it.
It makes me
very self-conscious.
All right. All right.
So what happened?
With what?
Ah, right.
Well, there was
a great hue and cry.
The powers that be...
All men, mind you,
called it pornography
and demanded I take it down.
I said it was art
and gave them the finger.
JOE: Hey, Rose!
You throw it back in?
- We're starving!
- The natives are restless.
Well, I think...
You're incredibly brave.
The line between foolhardy
and courage
is razor-thin, Rosie.
Be warned.
I'm not always sure
which side I'm on.
I mean, sometimes I feel like
I can't breathe with Mark,
you know?
He wants to know
what I'm doing,
what I'm thinking and feeling,
and he gets mad if I just
wanna be in my own space
to dream or create
or whatever.
And it's like I'm abandoning
him or betraying him
if I'm not all about him
every second.
And it's, like, suffocating.
I mean, if I don't text
the second he texts me back,
he freaks the fuck out.
That's all right.
And therapy seems to help,
and thanks
for the check, gran,
but it only helps
when we're in the room.
The minute we leave,
it's like we were never there.
My therapist says
I married my mother,
which is enough to
make me wanna, you know,
off myself.
If you can,
just try to just
separate everything
and deal with one thing
at a time.
Thanks. You're the best.
You fortified me for mom.
Let me know
when the coast is clear.
Yep. Pray for me
or something.
Yes, I got it. Okay.
I just need some space
over the weekend.
Yes, I promise.
I will.
Me, too.
Oh, sweetie.
It's okay.
He was crying, mom.
Like, really sobbing.
And I don't want to
hurt him, but I...
You always used to ask me
for a little sister.
Do you remember that?
I wanted to have
more children.
Honestly, if I could've
had a litter, I would have.
But your father,
he was content with you.
But then when you were
six years old,
I got pregnant.
And we fought
terribly about it.
So, finally,
I did what he wanted.
You mean you got an abortion?
Then when he saw
what a wreck I was,
he agreed
to have another child
and I couldn't get pregnant.
I always regretted it.
I'm not ready
to be a mother.
Oh, sweetie.
You'd be
such a wonderful mother.
But in the end,
you're the one that has to
live with whatever you decide.
Oh, did you hear that?
I'm so...
I'm frozen solid!
Oh, god.
We could get hypothermia.
I'm going to make us a fire.
- Oh, god.
- Oh, my stuff is filthy!
Oh, let me see
what zee's got.
Good thing we've been
staying here. Perfect.
Where I grew up,
we never had access
to the real world like this,
except for a little
patch of woods
behind our apartment complex.
I imagined so many worlds
in that tiny wood.
My grandfather,
he had a place
in the lake district.
He's the one
who taught me how to fish.
That sounds idyllic.
It was, when he was sober.
But when he wasn't, it was something
out of grimms' fairy tales.
Take off your shirt.
You're soaked, Rosie.
Oh. Right.
Oh, gosh!
Being with you is like
returning to childhood.
All play, no plans.
Pants, too, baby.
Don't be shy.
It's only us girls.
I hope the boys make it
through the storm.
The back roads can get
flooded sometimes.
Might delay them a bit.
Or it might not.
You know, it just depends
on what time they...
Went to work.
Do you know
how grateful I am
that you helped zee get
that job with Joe's company?
It changed our lives.
Photographing weddings and the
occasional political city event
wasn't cutting it.
Well, zee got that
all on his own.
I mean, his jingles are good.
I have no clout with Joe
when it comes
to the business.
You mean you can't
sweet talk that man?
About some things, yes.
Like, for instance, me coming up
for a couple of weeks on my own?
There was some
sweet talking involved.
Would you hand me a towel?
I'll do better than that.
Feels nice.
You have beautiful hair.
Beautiful skin.
It's so soft.
Like silk.
We can't do this.
All right.
Why did you kiss me
that time in the kitchen?
Because I wanted to.
And you wanted me to.
It's not true.
I just...
Just what?
I'm confused.
I'm feeling so many feelings
all at the same time,
and I just...
I don't know what
I'm feeling anymore at all.
I promise I won't
kiss you ever again, okay?
Do you promise?
Do you want me to stop?
What about the boys?
They won't be home
for hours, Rosie.
It's just you and me.
I'm scared.
Of what?
Baby, of what?
How right this feels.
Me, too.
Me, too.
- Stay with me.
Stay with me.
How am I ever gonna
look at Joe
or get into bed with him?
Just be here with me now,
my love.
Oh, my sweet, beautiful Rose.
Did you hear that?
Oh, my god.
That was a car. They're here.
Don't panic.
It's okay.
They won't come down here.
Zee knows better.
What's that supposed to mean?
Just that...
Zee doesn't go
looking for me.
Don't look so shocked.
And, here,
your button's wrong,
let me fix it.
What are we gonna do?
Love each other
whenever we get the chance.
Don't worry.
That Scarlet letter
is only in your mind.
Shit. No service.
The landline still works.
Should we call gran?
Yeah, if there was
a phone down there, we would.
Maybe you should go
and check on her.
- ROSE: Hello?
You girls here?
Is the power out here, too?
Mom, did you walk up here?
I didn't fly.
Anyway, the rain stopped.
But that path
is very treacherous.
Yeah, I had my stick.
You're too much, mother.
You are out of your mind.
It hasn't been working almost
since the day we got married.
I wish you had told me.
Maybe I could've helped.
We went to therapy,
we did a couples' retreat.
We even tried bringing in
a third sex partner.
Oh, t.M.I., Allison!
Way too t.M.I.!
It can get a little weird when
I want him to go down on me
- and there's another person.
- Oh, stop it, enough!
How could you help
if you can't even hear that?
Sex isn't the only thing
- in a marriage.
- Let her finish, Patty.
The point is
he's so controlling
about everything.
Like, really ocd, you know?
Like, if I don't put the books
back in alphabetical order...
Oh, sweetie,
everybody has eccentricities.
You have to learn... -He even read
my journal, just like you used to.
So now I keep one for him
and one for me...
PATTY: Oh, when did
you start doing that?
A long time ago, mom.
I got the idea from daddy
because you used
to read his journals...
Because he never gave me
any information either.
I'm glad I read them,
otherwise I wouldn't
have known about...
A lot of things.
Oh, forget it, mom.
His affair is old news.
You knew?
Who in the world?
Stay there, I'll get it.
- Oh, hi.
Did you speak to Mark?
Now I feel both bad
and guilty.
It's marybeth
from across the lake.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How you doing?
- Hi.
Hey, I was just down
the street at the mcdougals'.
- Is Evelyn all right?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
I went by to make sure,
They got a new generator
since the last storm,
so everything's cool there.
Anyway, I came out
to a flat tire,
so all they have
are cells down there.
I was just wondering
if you have a landline,
I can call the garage.
I'm surprised you didn't
fix it yourself.
Oh, well, I would've,
but some fool
didn't put the Jack back
in the right place.
It's over here.
While you're waiting,
would you like some soup?
Twist my arm.
I'll have a schlafly, too,
if you've got one.
Coming right up.
The end.
Oh, man, that was fun.
Well, thank you for dinner,
And for some serious
freakin' scrabble,
but now that the power's on,
I should go.
Speaking of which,
the cottage I'm renting got sold
and I need to find
a new place.
So if anybody
hears of anything or...
My cottage is empty.
Now, if you'll help me
clean it out,
it's yours.
Sure! Yeah!
Oh, my god.
How much fun will this be?
Thanks, Rose.
All right,
I'll call you next week.
Oh, that's terrific.
- Night.
- See you then.
Bye, marybeth.
Great seeing you.
That was fun.
I knew when she got us
on "periocular,"
we were done for.
Oh, it was the "apraxia"
on the triple
that killed me.
I mean, who knows
medical terminology?
She was an EMT.
- Oh.
- She's a good egg.
She's kind of tomboy-ish,
don't you think?
You mean butch?
Well, no, I mean...
You mean gay.
Well, yeah.
Well, what if she is?
Well, nothing,
it's just that...
I don't like the idea of it.
It's gross.
ALLISON: "Gross."
Did you just say "gross"?
I'm sorry,
that's just how I feel.
This is why
I can't talk to you.
What has this got to do
with anything?
You're so goddamn judgmental!
I'm judgmental?
I mean, this is
against nature, Ali.
Oh, my god!
Did you just say that?
What decade
are you living in?
No wonder daddy
had an affair.
- You're impossible.
- Allison, that was...
Unfair and it was cruel.
Okay, well,
what about you, gran?
You think your way is better?
Just stuffing your feelings,
never talking about anything,
just pretending
that everything is fine,
when all the time
it's really fucked, it's fine?
You don't think that's cruel?
Mom, I heard what you said
to gran about daddy
after his funeral,
that he dropped dead
because he couldn't live
with what he'd done and that
it was better for everyone.
Well, it wasn't fucking
better for me!
Don't, mom.
What is the matter with her?
This weekend is a disaster!
I'm gonna go get soused
and take a nice hot bath.
I'll see you
in the morning, mother,
if I don't drown first.
Just breathe, flick your wrist.
Oh, did you see that?
- Perfect!
- Perfect.
- Where's that camera I brought you?
Take a picture!
Nobody will believe this.
Okay, Rosie.
- The time has come.
- For what?
You promised,
if I let you teach me to fish,
we were gonna go
skinny dipping.
I didn't think
you were serious.
I'm always serious.
Especially about fun.
Liquid courage.
- Oh, no, you don't!
- Yes, I do!
I think I felt a lizard.
No, it was me.
I'm so in love with you.
I want you all the time.
Every moment, every breath.
I love you, I do
Angel baby
My angel baby
That lizard is back.
Yes, my love.
Angel baby
My angel baby
Ooh, hoo, I love you
Ooh, hoo, I do
No one could love you
Like I do
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Whoo, hoo, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh
Whoo, ooh, ooh...
Jingle bell, jingle bell,
jingle bell rock
And then
the choir director says,
"ma'am, you can't
sing that part.
You're a woman."
To which she replies,
with a dignified,
straight face,
"my dear, sir,
there is no evidence
that handel required
his tenors to have balls."
What'd he say?
Well, what else could he say?
"On the count of three, then."
My wife has been known
to sing bass.
Only when we're smoking pot.
Wait, you've tried that stuff?
Oh, yeah. It's great.
It loosens me up creatively.
And in other ways.
You know, I'd like to
give it a try.
How 'bout now?
Oh, I don't know about that.
Well, why not?
Come on, Rosie. Be bold.
Just breathe it in.
- Okay.
- And then...
As long as you can.
Maybe after dinner.
It's very, you know...
Makes all your senses
come alive.
It's fantastic really.
It's majorly cool
that you guys are having us
over for Christmas.
And the best part is
this house belongs
to you guys!
Well, and the bank.
I think we should make this
a lifelong tradition.
Well, I will be here.
- Hmm.
- Oh.
The roast is ready.
Louise, do you wanna
give me a hand?
- Oh!
- Almost fell through.
Coming around.
How you feeling, buddy?
I don't know.
But that angel looks like
she is about to
fly across the room.
- Right?
- Yeah, it does!
It does.
I can't wait to be alone.
- Oh, god, me, too.
- Zee thinks I'm hormonal
because I can't focus
on anything.
Anything except you.
It drove me absolutely wild
to see zee kiss you,
and to know that...
Oh, god,
we can't keep doing this.
We have to.
I can't keep my hands off you.
Stop, stop,
stop, stop, stop.
Careful, we must be careful.
You know I love you madly.
Hey, ladies, you want a hit?
No, thank you, honey!
We're fine!
Meet me tomorrow at the cabin.
Zee has to stay late for work.
- Say yes.
- Yes.
And don't make love
to Joe tonight, promise?
- Promise?
- Promise.
JOE: The girl will grab
the tri-lakes beer.
That means she wants him.
Ergo, you drink our beer
if you want to get laid.
- Bingo!
- That's brilliant.
- Hey.
- Hey.
We just came to help.
You are looking especially
pretty tonight.
Isn't she?
Mm-hmm, she is.
Oh, god. Oh, this
platter's way too heavy.
Food. Okay, I'll take it.
Oh, how is the gentleman?
Well, I'm stoned
and there's food,
so I'm gonna take it.
Here, potatoes.
Thank you.
Oh, god, this food
looks delicious, Rose.
So different
than all your other friends.
She's an artist.
Like... a free spirit.
Well, just don't you
turn into one, hmm?
'Cause I don't wanna lose you.
Oh, you won't.
You promise?
I already did, Joe.
Food's getting cold.
Is there any of that
ginger tea up here?
It really helped.
Oh, I'll get it.
I'll make it.
Go and sit out
and get some air.
Ah, here you go.
I hope it's strong enough.
This is such
a special place, gran.
I'm so glad you're here.
- Listen, I...
- I just wanna say...
- You first.
- No, you got first, mom.
No, look, I gotta be first,
'cause I'm, like, the one who's
been acting like a crazy person
and I need to say
that I'm sorry, okay?
To both of you.
I never should've said
those things last night
and I am really,
really sorry.
I think I'm, like,
off the charts hormonal.
I was the same way
when I was carrying you.
You remember, mom?
I mean, I would scream
and cry if a salt shaker
- was in the wrong place.
- It's true!
It's not just hormones.
I haven't been totally
honest with you guys.
And I...
I called my therapist
and she said
that I have to be,
that it will help us to,
you know, move through this.
You can tell us anything.
I'm not so sure, but, okay.
I've been seeing
somebody else.
Oh, Ali, how could you?
That's not helpful, Patty.
Are you saying
you're cheating?
Then the baby
might not be his?
Oh, no.
It's definitely his.
It can't be Dani's.
How can you be so sure?
I don't wanna freak you out.
I'm too old to be freaked out.
Dani's a woman.
Excuse me?
Are you telling me
you're gay?
I'm telling you that I'm
in a relationship with a woman
and that it's, like,
really serious.
So maybe I am. I don't know.
What difference does it make
what you call it?
It's not a crime, Patty.
I mean,
before any of this happened,
Mark and I were not
in a good place
and I was thinking
about leaving and...
But you got pregnant.
Yeah, I did because I wasn't
being honest with him either.
Well, one thing is very clear,
you cannot stay
in this relationship.
How in god's name do you come
to that conclusion?
Well, isn't it obvious?
I mean, she can't have
the baby with a woman.
I don't see why not.
People do it all the time
these days.
Think of the child!
What a terrible thing
to do to a kid.
Two mothers?
For most of us,
one is bad enough.
I don't understand you.
I made mistakes.
And Ali will make hers whether she
has this child or she doesn't.
But who
she chooses to love,
and whether not
you approve of it,
it has absolutely nothing
to do with that decision.
You listening, Ali?
Not one fucking thing!
You taste like rain.
Maybe because it poured today.
I'm in love with Rose!
I love you!
I love you!
ROSE: Okay.
I know you girls are dying to
see what was inside that camera.
So here.
Here they are.
Have a look.
How old are you here?
ROSE: 28.
You were one hot mama, gran.
Well, at that age,
who isn't?
We met these people before
we even owned this house.
Actually, it was the first
summer we were ever here.
That's zee
and his wife Louise.
They were our best friends.
How come you never
talked about them?
I don't know.
I came from a family
where we never talked
about the past,
or anything that
was difficult or painful.
Anyway, your dad hired zee
to write some jingles.
He was a musician,
and one of 'em
became a huge success.
And it launched your father's
company into orbit
and we were able
to buy this house.
And after that, zee and Louise
would come down every summer
for a couple of weeks.
Sometimes Louise would come
and visit with me.
I was staying here
a lot of the time
and your dad would visit
on weekends.
She'd come down here
to keep me company
and do her own thing.
What was her thing, gran?
She was a very fine
photographer like you.
We even set up a dark room
for her in the cottage
at one point.
- Amazing.
- This was before me?
Oh, honey, long before.
I was 25 when we met.
Well, she was quite
the exhibitionist,
- wasn't she?
- (LAUGHS) Louise was a ball of fire.
She was always laughing and
seeking out new experiences.
And, god, she pushed me,
always tried
to get me to experience
something out of
my comfort zone.
Everything we did
felt dangerous to me.
But, Louise,
she was just living.
They only thing I taught her
was how to fish.
She taught me how to live.
55 years.
A lifetime
in the blink of an eye.
I don't understand.
If you were such great friends,
what happened?
My love.
My Lou.
I came.
I'm here.
I won't let you go,
Louise, ever.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
Thank you for coming.
I can't believe
it's been a year and a half.
What happened, zee?
Burst appendix.
They... they didn't see it
'cause it was on the wrong side.
Why would she do anything
the way you're supposed
to do it, right?
I was, um... I was
on my way out to a gig
and she said,
you know, "go, zee,
it's probably just...
Indigestion or something,"
and then she collapsed.
She's young.
She's strong.
She's gonna be fine.
When they went in,
they found...
Cancer everywhere.
They couldn't do anything,
so they sewed her back up.
She wanted to...
She wanted to come home to...
To die.
She wanted to
come home to die.
She didn't want me to...
To call you.
But when she
went into a coma,
you know, I called you.
She's here, baby.
Your Rosie's here.
I'm with you now.
I'm not going anywhere.
She died.
Oh, god, gran. I'm so sorry.
She was 33.
Full of life.
That's so sad.
You still miss her, don't you?
Every day.
When I fish, when I walk,
when I read poetry.
She broke me open.
You don't understand
what I'm saying?
We weren't just friends.
Louise was
the love of my life.
I can't do this anymore.
We're heading
into catastrophe here.
Zee knows, I'm sure of it,
and I think Joe is
just determined not to see.
I don't know what you mean.
Yes, you do, Rose.
You do know.
Just because it hasn't
been talked about
doesn't mean it isn't known.
Baby, don't you get it?
I love you.
And I can't keep
giving you up to Joe,
and I can't keep lying to zee.
what choice do we have?
Come away with me.
We can go to New York
or Paris or San Francisco,
anywhere you want.
I can freelance.
I've made connections
with a couple of magazines.
If you want,
you can go to school or...
What are you saying?
I can't just leave my marriage.
Rosie, we both already
left our marriages
many times over.
I just can't keep going back.
I can't do this.
I have to...
No, you can't
keep running away.
You have to turn into this.
I can't.
I can't do that to Joe.
But you already have.
Don't you get it?
He is my husband, Louise.
I made a vow.
Which you break every time
you kiss me or make me...
Stop. Stop, Louise.
Don't you understand?
I'm not like you.
I love you.
You love me.
That's all that matters.
What about a child?
You can't give me
a child ever.
No matter
how much you love me,
you can't give me a child.
If you want a child,
we'll find a way.
You're crazy.
I can't have
a child with you.
And I can't do what you ask.
And I can't keep
doing this, baby.
It's killing me.
Please don't say that, Lou.
I can't live without you.
Then come with me,
or you will have to learn
to live without me.
I was scared.
Scared of...
Not being normal.
My whole life until then
was spent doing what
I was supposed to do,
being what my father,
my grandfather, church,
society expected me to do.
I didn't know
you could choose
your own life.
Have you ever, you know,
been with anybody else
besides her?
Another woman? No.
I fell in love with Louise,
this extraordinary being
who turned my life inside out.
She happened to be female.
Until Louise...
She was...
A paradigm shift.
As if I'd known
the world was flat
and she burst in to tell me
it was very, very round.
These are incredible.
She promised she'd never
show them to anyone.
You're the first to see them.
Except for zee.
He sent to me
after she died.
She was, like,
seriously talented.
ROSE: I think Louise
was ahead of her time.
Would you let me show
these to my editor?
He's into this kind of stuff.
What's the point?
This way,
she still lives on, gran.
- Her work was her.
- Take them.
Show them, burn them,
I don't care.
Live your life,
no matter what the cost.
Don't live somebody else's.
Mind if I join you?
Where'd you find the rod?
In the shed.
Must've been dad's.
Joe hated fishing.
It belonged to Louise.
I'm sorry it
all came out that way.
You should've told me, mom.
It doesn't matter that it
happened before I was born.
You were carrying a secret
that excluded all of us.
You know...
I always thought it was me.
That I wasn't enough for you.
That if I could just
figure out what you wanted
Do some elusive something,
whatever that was,
that, finally,
you'd let me in.
But now I understand.
That was never gonna happen
because it wasn't me
you wanted.
It was her.
Oh, sweetheart.
Those dots do not
connect that way.
I wanted you more than I've ever
wanted anything before or since.
I desperately wanted a child
long before I discovered my body
wasn't going to cooperate,
long before Louise.
It's one of the reasons
I stayed with Joe.
Yes, you're right, I...
I was grieving.
But we sought you out.
And I saw you.
And I wanted you.
Oh, boy, did I want you.
No matter what you think
about all of this,
you're wanted.
You're my girl, always.
Oh, my god!
I caught something!
I caught a fish!
What do I do?
- I got something!
- Stay calm.
Look at that! Ooh!
ALI: Dessert first is
my favorite tradition.
PATTY: Mine, too.
Who started this one anyway?
I did.
Ali was three years old
the first summer we did it.
To tradition!
Listen, okay?
There's something
that I have to tell you both
that I haven't said.
I hope you can hear it.
- Uh-oh.
- What is it?
Am not gay.
I feel so excluded!
Take care, okay?
And I'll call you, you know,
when I figure myself out.
Follow your heart.
That's your true north.
Here, take this.
Don't argue.
It's yours anyway.
This way I have the pleasure
of giving it
while I'm still breathing.
Thanks, gran.
I love you.
And call me when you get in
so I don't worry.
Meanwhile, I'm stuck worrying
about you all the time.
That's not fair, is it?
No, not in the least.
I've been thinking,
it would be nice
to have somebody here.
I'm gonna follow up with
marybeth about the cottage.
Oh, great.
It's perfect.
Go before you hit traffic.
Well, we had quite a run,
didn't we, Rosie?
I don't know what it is
that makes me love you so
I only know
I never want to let you go
'Cause you started something
Oh, can't you see?
That ever since we met
you've had a hold on me
It happens to be true
I only want to be with you
It doesn't matter where you go
or what you do
I want to spend each moment
of the day with you
Oh, look what has happened
with just one kiss
I never knew that I could be
in love like this
It's crazy, but it's true
I only want to
be with you
Mmm, you stopped
to smile at me
And ask me
if I wanna dance
And I fell into
your open arms
Oh, and I didn't
stand a chance
Now, hold on, baby
I just want to be
beside you everywhere
As long as
we're together, baby
I don't care
'Cause you started
Oh, can't you see?
Now, ever since we met
you had a hold on me
No matter what you do
Oh, I only want
to be with you
Now, listen, honey
I just want to be
beside you everywhere
As long as
we're together, baby
I don't care
'Cause you started
Oh, can't you see?
That ever since we met
you had a hold on me
No matter what you do
Oh, I only want
to be with you
No matter what you do
I only want
to be with you