Sniper 2 (2002)

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Cease fire! Cease fire!
You sons of bitches!
- You almost blew my head off!
- Sorry, Beckett.
- What's wrong with you?
- I saw something.
I thought I saw it too.
Christ, man.
You thought you saw something?
I saw a deer, maybe.
A deer, maybe.
Do I look like a fucking deer
to you, asswipe?
- Where are they?
- Probably lost. No, they are lost.
- I've gotta find them.
- Shouldn't be too difficult... being the great white hunter
and all.
- You can't just leave like this.
- Watch me.
They'll want refunds.
It's coming out of your check.
Fine. I'm tired of dealing
with assholes...
- ...paying to shoot caged animals.
- Not sporting enough for you?
I suppose the people you picked off
had a better chance?
Every man I killed could as easily
have killed me.
Military Intelligence.
- Thomas Beckett?
- Do I know you?
I'm Colonel Dan McKenna.
This is James Eckles. He's with-
How'd you know?
I don't know. You just
kind of got that look.
Do you have a minute for us?
Boy, you've bounced around
a bit since your discharge.
Had trouble holding a job...
Trouble holding a relationship,
trouble sleeping past 6 a. m.
Trouble adjusting.
Trouble with my pension-
- Mr. Beckett.
- Sir.
I understand your difficulties, and I'm
sorry. But that's not why we're here.
You won the Kodiak marksmanship
tournament last month.
You beat the Marine Corps team
and seven SWAT members.
So? What are you,
the awards committee?
- No. We need a sniper, a good one.
- The best.
Didn't my dossier happen to mention
my medical discharge, unfit for duty...?
Apparently they made a mistake.
How is it your proposition entails hiring
a 50-year-old former scout sniper?
Can we talk about this?
Everyone figures the Balkans are clean
since we took Milosevic down.
But there are others like him
waiting for us to turn our backs.
Our Intelligence has tracked resistance
in what NATO calls "no man's land."
They're led by a rogue general
named Mulik Valstoria.
He's commander of what he likes
to call the "23rd Home Guard."
Look, this guy is running
a stealth operation...
...of ethnic cleansing
in Muslim towns along the border.
We're removing the general before
it escalates into something bigger.
Well, why me?
Why not Heister or Baker?
Those jarheads are still doing tours.
- This one's off the books.
- You've got an impressive career.
Former record holder on the long shot,
Baker broke it. Hit an al Qaeda
guard at 1.24 miles.
No, the record's 1.47.
A Cuban general
near Guantanamo Bay.
A Cuban general hit a man
at a mile and a half?
I killed a Cuban general
at a mile and a half.
- That's the record, for the record.
- Look, I'm not gonna bullshit you.
- This is gonna be tough.
- You mean suicide.
There's a group of separatists
in Gilau that'll help you.
I used to do this because
I was following orders...
...but what's in it for me?
The risk is great. We're authorized
to offer you anything you like.
- Anything?
- Anything.
Look here.
If you're willing
to offer me anything...
...then I have to assume
that you don't plan to pay off.
You've already chalked me up
for dead.
But then I look around here,
So you'll do it?
You know, whenever I do die,
I want it to be as a Marine.
So, what I want
is my former rank back.
I wouldn't expect you to understand
that, but I know you do, sir.
So do we have a deal?
Yes, we do,
master gunnery sergeant.
Roger that, sir.
All right...
A mission like this into hostile territory,
gotta be a two-man operation.
So, what I want
is a good observer.
Colonel McKenna.
Good. Send him in.
He's here. They brought him
straight from the plane.
How is a man in the joint for killing
a federal officer suddenly cut loose?
It's not easy, believe me.
It seems to me he'll stick out
like a sore thumb.
Come in.
Reporting with Mr. Cole
as ordered, sir.
Thank you, gunny.
Sit down, Mr. Cole.
- Shall I refresh your memory?
- I don't need no refreshing.
One mission.
If I fail or try to escape or even
take a shit where you say I cant...'s back to death row, right?
Master Gunnery Sergeant Beckett... Jake Cole.
I don't think he likes me.
Must be that Army thing.
Colonel, Mr. Eckles, may I have a word
with this man in private?
By all means,
master gunnery sergeant.
Says here you speak the lingo
where we're going.
Enough to keep your sorry old ass
out of trouble.
- And you were an Army sniper?
- Former Delta, 85-41 out of Quantico.
Urban sniper, SOTG.
Seven real-world missions.
Four as an observer,
three as a shooter.
Three confirmed.
Couple questions, sergeant.
We're at 750 yards
at a 19-degree angle.
What's the difference between
the points of aim and impact?
- Well, how tall's the target, man?
- Five feet, 10 inches.
And you'll need to dial six
up three.
And when your time comes,
what will you say?
I ain't gonna say nothing.
I'll just shut up and die like a soldier.
Roger. Verify touchdown of Snake Eater
at ballpark at 1500. Over.
Roger. Touchdown Snake Eater.
Big Eye verifying ballpark
is clear. Over.
Roger. I copy. Out.
You ever try using one of these?
No. Still use a compass.
Just old-school, I guess.
Rendezvous points, radio freqs
as per S.O.P.
Two minutes out.
Initiating approach.
Roger that.
Once again, we drop in here,
seven clicks from Gilau.
At St. Stephan's church,
we meet our contact.
The partisans will provide us
with weapons and photos.
It's too bad it's not the Basilica.
I'd like to see that.
- Say again?
- The Basilica of Gilau.
It's one of the most beautiful
Byzantine churches in Eastern Europe.
I spent a lot of time reading
travel books and shit in prison.
I must have read every AAA Guide
and National Geographic ever printed.
To keep the dream alive.
It's pretty easy to let them break you
in the house.
Most guys on the row are actually
looking forward to the day they die.
We're here to put a bullet
in a man and let God sort it out.
You better just pray we get
out of this country alive.
All your dream shit... stops here.
Aviano AFB, Sicily
Snake Eater,
specify transmission. Over.
- Getting a lot of interference.
- Home run. Snake Eater out.
- Any problems?
- Negative.
They should make contact at 1630.
Remove your cover.
I am the one you are looking for.
She's our contact.
Get on your knees, son...
...while I pray for your soul.
My name is Sophia.
We were expecting someone...
Not many people grow old
in this business.
Did you bring our package?
The photo of Valstoria
is only a few days old.
The others are of the buildings
around the Ministry of Defense.
The one with the corner window
is very high and close.
A clear shot.
I think maybe that is where
you want to be.
I'll decide that.
It's nearly 300 meters away.
Maybe it's too far.
- Three hundred and twenty-six yards.
- I agree with her.
We should be closer to the action.
You just call it,
I'll hit it.
Valstoria arrives at the ministry
every other morning, 7:30 exactly.
He will walk up the steps.
It's six meters
from the car to the building.
- And he's 184 centimeters tall?
- Yes.
I'll need a guitar case.
As you can see, the streets in this part
of the city are very narrow and old.
It will not be easy to escape.
Sergeant Beckett's rifle
was our one priority.
That's the best we have
with our limitations.
No, it'll do just fine.
I must leave to make sure
everything is arranged.
The city will be in chaos.
You need to get to the church.
It's built on top of Roman catacombs.
We can move beneath the city.
We'll get to the church on time.
You just make sure you're there.
What he means is, thank you.
That Sophia...
- Not what I expected.
- Stay in the bubble.
If the diversion device works,
we've got five minutes.
I want you shadowing me.
No sightseeing. Understood?
- Roger that.
- Get your gear together. Let's go.
Three hundred and twenty-eight yards.
Give me three up one.
I've got wind coming
from the right at four to six.
Of course, that could change
in the morning. East is at our backs.
Sunrise is at 0637.
We could have some shadows on
the target from the buildings at 0730.
Rig the diversion device.
Let's get out of here.
- Where do we take the shot from?
- From the window she suggested.
It is the perfect position.
Catch any Z's?
- No.
- All right.
And who are you, my friend?
Two hundred and eighteen yards.
Give me two up one.
Full-value wind is one to three.
Give me a half left.
- I got a five-degree angle.
- Don't worry about that.
It's not enough of an angle.
You never asked me why I did it.
- Did what?
- Why I killed that motherfucker.
Well, I don't condone it.
I just don't care enough about you
to want to know.
You got a real way about you,
don't you, master guns?
They're here.
Black Mercedes with escorts.
Right on schedule.
Bastard doesn't know
he's got less than a minute.
If he moves,
give me half a mil lead.
- Wind?
- Same.
- Target's out and moving.
- Ready.
Diversion's set.
Head shot. Fire.
What's up?
- Nothing. Ready.
- Are you sure?
Just keep your eye on the scope
and shut the fuck up.
Center chest.
Target's down.
Shit, they made us.
There is no goddamn way
they can see us up here.
There! There he is!
All right, let's break down the hide
and didi out of here.
Four blocks, we reach the church.
- We should split up.
- Negative.
Keep your sidearm in your hand.
They're looking for two men.
Maybe separate-
They'll be looking at everyone.
Stick together, we cover each other.
Three more blocks.
- What?
- Change of plans.
Who was the last to get on?
The gentleman and two others.
Your identification, please.
Cover him.
On the floor!
We've got company!
Coming up fast!
Left! Left!
What are you doing?
Get out of the street!
You dumb son of a bitch.
Beckett didn't make it
to the extraction point.
- Was he captured?
- Negative.
Our people report
only Cole in custody.
Is Beckett dead?
It doesn't really matter.
Op's still on track.
Where are the others?
You're not alone.
No one takes a shot like that alone.
So who is with you?
I don't know
what you're talking about.
So you think...
...being in here is...
Not really.
United Nations?
Do I look Russian to you?
Get him out of here.
What are you doing?
You shouldn't have come here.
We ran into a problem.
Come in.
You should have gone to the church.
- They took your partner.
- Is he still alive?
On TV, they say his capture
will prove to the world...
...that we are the victims
of United Nations atrocities.
Where are they holding him?
Sponza prison.
I've never heard of that.
No one has,
not in your world.
It's a secret place where Valstoria's
men imprison their special enemies.
We have to figure a way
to get him out.
- It's impossible.
- Nothing's impossible.
Is there something
you're not telling me?
Of course not.
Let me talk to some people.
Maybe there's a way.
He's waking up!
The American is waking up!
Leave the man alone.
Let him have some rest.
Is it true what they say?
He killed Valstoria?
I think it is foolhardy to move him now.
We run a great risk of taking him
into the open.
What you think is not important.
They have started to advance
in the North and West.
We have no proof
they know about this place.
We're making a huge mistake!
The mistake was yours when
you let them kill Valstoria.
Now we must seek the protection
of our allies to the East.
The decision has been made...
Don't say anything.
Just nod occasionally.
What did you say?
That if you got drunk again tonight
and were a bad lover...
...I was going to leave you.
All these arms
are from World War ll.
Some of it, yes.
What are they doing here?
My grandfather fought the Germans.
My father, against the Communists.
Now it's our turn.
Mauser 792.
It's an antique, but one of the
finest weapons the Germans made.
I guess it'll do.
Cole's in.
The hit on Valstoria's got them
running scared, as planned.
They should move
our primary target soon.
- How do we know Cole made contact?
- We dont.
All right. Let's finish this.
Will this do?
- I think it'll do.
- Sophia!
It's okay. These are my brothers,
Vojislav and Zoran.
This is Sergeant Beckett.
The American who crashes streetcars?
He should not be here.
He is not part of the plan.
His presence could jeopardize
Pavel's escape.
Well he is here!
We have no choice now!
Say again in English.
There is great concern
over Valstoria's killing.
The American prisoner and several
others will be moved to Pozarevac.
Pozarevac is a fortress,
Once they take him,
he'll be executed.
Okay. Get me five men,
your best shooters...
...and I'll need a map...
What's so funny?
There is no one to help you
except us.
You people
are the entire underground?
We're the only ones left, no?
Get me your best shooter.
It's me.
Get out! Come on, move!
You're Pavel, right?
When the time comes,
just do as I say.
You two over there.
I don't know what happened.
It just stopped...
Get that piece of shit out of the way.
He's in the other truck.
Cmon already! Cmon, move!
Who the hell is he?
That's classified.
Classified, my ass.
Get rid of him.
- Calm down, Beckett.
- No! We're on a mission.
We're not here to make new friends.
Your mission is over.
It ended when you killed Valstoria.
This man is mine.
- What do you mean, yours?
- My mission:
Get captured, find this man...
...and bring him out of the country.
Your mission was
just a setup for mine.
Are you all in this together?
Don't act like this is the first time...
...the government's ever
fucked you over.
You made it out.
Why'd you come back?
I had my reasons.
Yeah, well, I wouldnt
have done the same for you.
I guess this is a conversation
for another time.
Whatever your reasons,
my friend, I'm grateful.
Satellite uplink beginning in three.
- Colonel?
- Yeah?
This is a feed from Atlanta.
CNN's on the scene.
Some kind of terrorist attack.
What do we know?
Four military vehicles,
one transport...
-, maybe eight bodies.
- Ours?
No. Soldiers.
Scramble a chopper.
We got an evac in three hours.
- What was this place?
- An old ironworks.
The government brought
Muslims here to work...
...and then killed them.
Generals and majors,
fools and idiots.
What is it?
What's the matter?
- How much longer?
-10 minutes.
A long time in your world
of precious seconds.
Yeah, too long.
There's a rooftop extraction.
- Is it safe?
- Absolutely.
Where to now?
The sewers will take us to the river.
They're sure interested
in getting you back.
What did you do?
I'm a writer.
I challenge authority.
They put me away
but they can't contain truth.
They can kill you.
I die, my words become more
powerful. They want me alive.
- I'm going back up.
- Me too.
No. You lead them out.
That's crazy, man.
You can't help him now.
Maybe not, but I can
slow them down for you.
- That's suicide, man.
- I don't care.
Dr. Pavel is my country.
If I die, don't make it in vain.
Okay, this way.
Though our nations are different,
you have our...
What is it?
Your condolences
are appreciated...
...but your help is unnecessary...
...unless you can name the
Americans responsible.
What are you saying?
They've taken something
very important from us.
Something we want back.
They will be placed on trial...
...and their executions
televised worldwide.
I know American people's passions.
What will they say when their sons
are hanging from the end of a rope?
Come on.
What in the hell was that?
One of our birds picked it up
about an hour ago.
A call from Leskovic, who says hes
head of the NNB, whatever that is.
The other voice?
An aide who took the call from
our Romanian ambassador.
- Does the White House know?
- Not yet.
- They will not be happy.
- There's always a price to pay.
What's up?
Shoot him and you let
everybody know where we are.
We can go to Komra.
It's a Muslim village.
My friend Nauzad is there to help us.
All right, wait a minute.
How far is this Komra?
Maybe 10 kilometers.
If we leave now, we can be there
before the sun rises.
All right.
It's time she goes.
Look, I'm not gonna play
fuck-fuck games with you.
She goes...
...and you live
to fight another day.
He's right.
Take care of yourself, Mr. Cole.
Yeah. Good...
Got a light on upstairs.
Got it.
How well did you say
you know this guy?
Nauzad and I are old friends.
The kind you trust.
- Nauzad.
- Pavel.
These must be the Americans
we've heard much about.
The television reports them as killed.
Sorry to disappoint.
You should know better than to believe
what the television tells you.
- Want to say again in English?
- Of course.
We need some help, Nauzad.
- We need to get to the...
- Border.
There is a bus from the village
that travels to Krizevci.
From there,
the border's a few kilometers.
I will drive you to the bus.
Thank you.
Stay here. I'll get my brother's van.
Here are beds, a shower.
If you're hungry, I'll make something.
We can manage.
You go.
Any updates?
Not for an hour.
What's their secondary?
I suggest we consider an abort.
Start working on a cover story.
No, not yet.
Those are American soldiers.
We're not gonna abort.
I still don't trust old Nauzad.
How about you?
I don't trust anybody.
That's why I'm still alive.
Look, I still don't know
why you did it...
...but I owe you
for coming back for me.
You don't owe me shit.
Just leave me the fuck alone.
What, are you still pissed?
I had nothing to do
with their decision.
The important thing
is to finish the mission.
The mission? Mission?
You mean remission.
- What?
- Remission of sin.
- That's what this is.
- What are you saying?
That's what the spooks call it.
You kill someone,
you make an act of contrition.
In this case, that would be
your buddy Pavel.
Penance, and it doesn't matter
whether he lives or dies.
The debt's paid and everybody
walks away with a clean conscience.
- That's bullshit.
- Bullshit?
That's the nature of political killing.
Why do you think they picked us?
Some kid on death row...
...a beat-up, four-fingered
sniper whose eyes are going...
...and it doesn't matter if Pavel
makes it or we die trying...
...because it's a great story
for CNN...
...and they'll play it over
and over, 24 hours a day.
In the end they'll forgive and forget...
...there was some bad fucker
named Valstoria...
...that took a bullet in the chest
in the name of freedom.
I'm not pissed off at you, son.
I'm mad at myself.
I should have seen this coming.
I guess it's age.
Well, how about that,
master guns?
You and me sharing
a moment together.
Who knows?
If we weren't doing this,
we might even be friends.
Say, Beckett, how long
were you in the service?
Twenty-six years.
You ever think about
doing anything else?
Yeah. Yeah, I went to
school to be an engineer...
...but I didn't have the head for it.
So then I worked on
a ranch in Montana.
It didn't work out,
so I joined the Marines...
...picked up a gun and guess what?
I was good.
From the shots I've seen,
you're better than good.
Being a Marine is the one thing
I've done well.
Is that something to be proud of?
Being the best at killing
another human being?
I kill people so that others can live.
Like you, for instance.
There are other ways
to achieve peace...
...other than through force.
Diplomatic ways.
Oh, yeah, the diplomats.
Without the diplomats,
you wouldn't need soldiers.
We unscrew the problems
that diplomats make.
We have the same goal,
you and me. A world free of hate.
I just hope to get there without blood.
If you haven't figured it out,
freedom isn't free.
You realize McKenna
probably thinks we're dead.
Yeah, I guess so.
He's gonna shit when he
sees me walk in with Pavel.
How can there be traffic
in the middle of nowhere?
He would die before
he told them anything.
Open up!
Where are they?
I think they are still
heading for the border.
Unless there is another extraction point.
Take your men and check Simand.
Move out.
How far do we have to go?
Maybe two or three hours.
Just got word from Langley.
He's with Cole and Pavel.
Why does this not surprise me?
Also reports of heavy military activity
near the border at Simand.
They're coming home.
Scramble a chopper.
I want you to think hard...
...and tell me the truth.
When you were alone with Nauzad...
...did you happen to mention Simand?
It's a fucking ghost town.
Muslims lived around
here for 600 years.
The Nazis tried to wipe them out...
...then the Communists
and the Serbs.
They were called the modrus.
It means " invincible."
- Why do this to them?
- Language...
...religion..., greed...
You choose.
Men kill other men...
...and nobody knows why.
I don't care what he says.
If I see something moving,
I'm shooting it.
Verifying touchdown
of Snake Eater at LZ. Over.
Roger touchdown, Snake Eater.
LZ is clear at this time. Over.
There has been a report of an unidentified
helicopter headed towards Simand.
We're on our way.
- What do you think?
- I don't know.
My men are in position.
Good. All right.
What is it?
- What's the matter?
- I don't know.
I don't see anything, but...
You like to hunt, master guns?
As a kid.
I don't much care for it now.
Cole, I've got movement.
Get up. Come on.
How is he?
Flesh wound, upper arm.
He'll be okay.
They're definitely not
conventional infantry.
Roger that. You okay?
- Yeah, but they're crawling over us.
- Let's move out into town.
That town's gotta be hot.
You look here. We got 30 minutes
to our rendezvous.
Now, you either go with me
or without me.
You ever seen
anything like this before?
Yeah, Lebanon...
...when the Hezbollah took out
the Marine barracks in Beirut.
And then Nam.
Hue City, Tet Offensive.
Three weeks of sleep deprivation,
endless rain...
...endless death.
Just shit.
That ought to be on the recruiting
poster. "Join the Marines.
Travel the world.
Make new friends and kill them."
You look at this shit:
buildings down, people dead.
You gotta draw the line somewhere.
So does that make us
the good guys?
There are no good guys
in a war.
Knock off that shit.
We're going down there.
- Move out.
- Not the shitholes again. Goddamn.
All right, this way.
Anybody know what day it is
in the real world?
I'm supposed to die on a Wednesday.
The first thing I'll do
when I get home... take a shower, and get laid.
Not necessarily in that order.
Think that was just some shit
somebody left behind?
I don't know.
Goddamn it, my ears.
- They're gonna bury us down here.
- Negative.
I put us somewhere just
outside the rendezvous point.
You take Pavel. You get up top.
I'll provide cover for extraction.
- That's suicide.
- I've said that since the beginning.
Now, don't fight me on this, son.
Just do it.
Roger that, master guns.
Cole. Com-techs.
Cole, good to go?
There's only one shooter, middle
of the block, southeast corner.
- Got you. Inside the church.
- No.
I want you to stand by.
You're here to protect the package.
What did you mean, you were
going to die on a Wednesday?
I was sentenced to death
for killing a man.
I went through selection
with three other guys.
We were like brothers.
Called ourselves the Four
Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Couple of years back, we went
into Rostock to help the DEA...
...take out some big-time
Russian heroin drug lords.
Two separate missions.
We got ours, but their
mission was compromised.
My guys...
...left their heads in an alley.
So who's this man you killed?
The DEA who betrayed us.
I can't prove that he did it,
but I know it was him.
- Which one were you?
- What?
Which horseman?
The fourth one, I guess.
"And his name was Death...
...and hell followed with him."
"People sleep peacefully
in their beds at night...
...only because men stand ready
to do violence on their behalf."
- You write that?
- No.
Something by George Orwell.
He abhorred violence too.
But I guess he understood
when it became necessity.
Got you.
You just gave away your position!
We don't have much time!
Get back!
Oh, shit.
Talk to me.
Talk to me, kid.
I'm hit.
How bad?
My friend.
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
Today was going to be
like my birthday.
Well, hang in there, son.
The helo's inbound.
You never told me...
...why you came...
...back for me.
I was in Panama...
...captured and tortured...
...and a young operative
like yourself saved my life.
I figured I owed him one.
But you came back for me.
You'd do the same for me.
Here he comes.
Let's go.
Look at me. I'm a mess!
Belay that.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Good to go!
I'm so warm.
I thought I'd be cold.
Shouldn't I be cold?
The mission's over, son.
You're going home.
I don't mind dying.
I just didn't want to die in that cage.