Sniper: Ghost Shooter (2016)

Are ours?
Now, Objectives
supply, sir. It is 70/30.
Are the units in place?
Roger that
This is an objective
Priority Level 4.
Looking positive identification.
- Put the team in Amber state.
- Yes sir. They are ready.
Get out!
Talk Zeus, out.
The hostages got out of the boats.
Trigger unlocked.
Look objective indicators.
It is not clear to fire, wait.
I repeat, it is not clear to shoot.
Copying, Zeus.
Speaks Rampage in scope.
Hello, Air Force. How's my
designated shooter Falcon team?
Do not you mean "Chair Force", sir?
With all due respect...
Have been out firing 2,000 rounds a week
During the last four months
prior to this deployment.
We are here to work,
like you idiots.
So why do not you ruin yourself
, Cervantes?
No, thank you, Chair Force.
Falcon in position, Zeus.
Burla the lookout.
Air Force thanks you for the ride together .
My pleasure.
Suicide, status report.
Suicide in position,
observed through his sights.
Behold a pale horse.
That's a fucking omen.
This looks like a real damn show.
Pegasus Wait outside.
The executioner.
Bandolero in sight.
String Bean.
The death of these Americans is the result of crimes
Blood for blood.
The hostages are American, sir.
To arms, they are unarmed.
Zeus, this is the order. It is clear.
Talk Zeus, out. It is clear.
I repeat: It is clear.
Rampage, shoot after you.
Please contact your discretion .
Young in the target group.
No way.
The boy will do first.
Rampage, kill the son of a bitch.
Rampage, Shoot now!
Shoot, man.
I do not look.
I repeat, Falcon has the looks and looks.
Soliciting precedent.
Rampage, Make the damn shot!
Raises the knife.
I said I wake up!
Do you understand, Rampage?
Suicide, it's all yours .
A dead hostage, sir.
- Where is Pegasus?
- Two minutes.
Throw it.
Let's support them.
Identifying multiple objectives.
Aguardando turn.
- Tell me my distance.
- Thousand meters.
I lost.
Preparing goal.
Armando missiles.
Objective ready.
- Launch the missile.
- Copying.
Launched missile.
Objective destroyed.
Bring them back.
Pediatrician Colorado Springs.
It provided care
villas that had not seen a doctor in a decade.
The helicopter is here.
May run down.
Gunny, I can talk to you?
You doubted.
You lost composure.
You want to talk about it?
I'll give you the next time.
Our business has no "next time".
We only have once.
You have an opportunity to do well.
Do you understand?
Come on!
- Yes!
- It's okay.
- For Istanbul.
- Get out of the damn trash!
I thought Iraq was a garbage pit.
Syria. Afghanistan. It is the same
infernal pit crazy idiots...
Who they believe that a good time is beheading.
Hey. Can we avoid?
Hey, Red, can you tell contemplative
your boyfriend you relax?
Obsession that story ended.
Hey, do not take it with me,
underling, just because you failed.
You ruined the good vibe.
Did you have to do?
Fuck you alone, Chair Force.
Do not we surround ourselves with rubbish,
to fight each other?
Fighting ons.
Do not let it get to you, brother.
I again call "subaltern"
and Rojas will be an observer.
Aungst is harmless, man. Ignore her.
What has been bothering you, brother?
However, she's right. Aungst.
I failed, when I put that damn
child in sight.
And if I keep doing this,
I not want to do it halfway.
You agree that you made a mistake, man.
I Am an infant.
I'm fine.
Are you sure?
I'll be around if you need me, brother.
Yeah, man, just give me a minute.
You followed me from afar.
Better than you do well and I
No pressure.
So what brought you to Istanbul?
Really? So you start?
Sorry. It's just...
It has been a long time since I've seen
a beautiful woman.
By business. Your?
The same. Where do you live?
Far away from here.
What about you?
I'm not really sure. Here right now.
Next week, I do not know.
Is that obvious?
You're not from the Navy, Navy
either or Air Force.
There remains one.
Coast Guard?
Yes, that'll get
if that invite me to your hotel.
Hello, Gunny.
In food cans,
south side of the bridge.
In twenty minutes.
Crazy World, right?
What are you doing here?
You followed from Syria
a reward for killing you.
150,000 by kill.
I called my office,
and came to solve.
There is nothing else to do but be
A damn mad country, right?
's All the same.
You had to ask, right?
Miller informed me.
I failed, man. I ruined the operation.
Miller would have lowered the range
me if it were not for my father.
What do you know about him?
Is gone as usual.
You're a valuable resource, Gunny,
if you need more time.
I'm fine.
You can not repeat what Syria.
She was just a child.
Listen carefully what you say, Gunny.
The work we do,
is not the work of God.
We do what he does not want to do.
There is no verse in the Bible
to help us sleep at night.
Are we morally defensible?
Maybe not.
Are we necessary?
Of course, dammit!
That's the job.
We must accept difficult jobs.
No divine providence for what we do, does it?
I hesitated.
You must turn off the emotional side of your head.
You have a conscience.
That is not bad.
But do not let the
imperfection is a friend of the good.
It is hard life after observing through the scope.
Aiming the target, life and death,
black and white.
Marines and members of the Navy, Gunny.
Back to work.
Major Bidwell, how was it?
It was very easy.
Other drunks are.
Worked on that, sir,
when we asked for it.
Where's Miller, sir?
They were not the only team in the field.
I assume you have not read their reports.
Just because we can count on you
to tell us what to do here.
The Navy wants you to protect the site.
Trans-Georgian pipeline.
Transport natural gas from Georgia...
Through the Black Sea
to Eastern Europe and beyond.
It's much territory to protect.
With all due respect, Colonel,
we are not civilian contractors.
Quiet, Air Force.
Marines will travel with as a courtesy.
- Understood?
- It is understood.
Colonel, excuse me for making him wait.
No, I did wait for me.
So let's get to the point.
I'm Robin Slater...
Civilian-Military Fusion Center,
Operations Desk.
Colonel Sergej
Babayev will be the link with the Armed Forces of Georgia.
When CFC has been asked to organize security...
Of-Georgian Gas Pipeline Trans...
Which mostly
monitor the local military and law enforcement.
Recent incidents in constructions require high-level response.
In Georgia, just outside Tbilisi,
involve local insurgents...
As well radical elements in Afghanistan and Iraq.
For this reason the CFC approved the request
to bring your team.
What kind of incidents we talking about?
Sniper attacks managerial staff and engineers.
pipeline infrastructure in key strategic locations.
Yes. Near here.
Tbilisi, Georgia, southern Chechnya...
Armenia and northern borders of Turkey.
It is a violent neighborhood.
Intelligence in the area attributed the attacks...
An Afghan militant, Roshan
Gazakov, alias Abu Abdollah...
Trained by the British SAS.
Born another jihad.
Killian Grn, Austrian oil tycoon
, has a scheduled review...
A Gazsnab
pumping station on the outskirts of Tbilisi after tomorrow.
He will meet with tribal elders
to settle land disputes.
Its mission is to observe.
Sniper Killing enemies with our air support.
Gazakov while planning this.
Kept her hidden deep anger
Instructed while the same people who tried to kill him.
This guy is not kidding.
We will provide air support unmanned.
- Drones?
- Yes
The MQ-1 Predator
be our eyes on the sky.
The Hammer of God.
I'll be in charge of the operation from my office
JCOC here in Turkey.
This is my stop.
The'll be watching.
- Cervantes!
- Mr?
- Cut your hair.
- Yes sir.
Watch your back.
I See you in the next.
Marines and members of the Navy, Gunny.
Hey. No hard feelings?
Would have been better if you had been more specific about your
business here.
The same could be said of you.
What we talk later?
See you in Georgia.
Three teams.
Do you think they can protect this vast territory
Do not worry about my computers.
- How's your air support?
- The whole operation running.
Very clever
detecting a friend of an enemy?
Smart enough to detect whatever.
Well, people, listen up.
Want three predators air...
Killian observe
Grn all the time that is in place.
That works out.
Grn will be on site in 90 minutes.
According . Listen!
Here's the short list in the package.
Killian Grn,
Austrian oil tycoon.
He is the one who will ensure...
Eastern Europe does not need Russian gas Ukraine .
It is the subject to which you have to kill
to the most important argument.
Travel with Blackwater contractors...
In a highly armed and armored convoy
At 7:00 p. m. Tonight...
Will meet with tribal elders
to ensure land rights.
I have for two hours.
Okay, understood.
It's a nice and rich subject that we must not let die.
Mordamos dust.
observe from that row of trees.
I can smell them from here .
Rampage, blue sector.
All clear here, no movements.
Falcon, White sector.
Suicide, green sector.
Caravan, one kilometer.
Talk Suicide.
The package comes behind me.
I have nothing in sight. Really.
Keep watching.
objective indicators targeted. Mostly clear.
I think I see something.
What? What happens out there?
Someone tell me.
They gave Rojas.
I repeat, gave Rojas .
Contact, unknown position.
Falcon, talk to me.
What the hell's going down there?
Falcon, tell me something.
The shot came from my right.
Find me a fucking target.
I have nothing in sight, man.
Seriously. Where the hell are they?
Where are my drones?
Ladies and gentlemen, we have
Marines in a firefight.
Let us help.
- Find me a target.
- Copying.
Heat signal unregistered.
Position possible hostage.
- It could be a satellite echo.
- Confirming.
Set to the right 20 degrees.
I gave him one. A fallen man.
Look closely, sir.
Zoom to 500%.
- What is that?
- Armed missiles.
Target achieved.
Throw it.
Objective destroyed.
Good for you.
Rampage, what is your status?
God, Aurelia. Hears.
Rampage, what is your status?
Without confirmation
we assume that Gazakov is still alive.
Cap a shootout. It's a...
14.5 mm anti-tank shot.
We dropped something.
Shot impossible.
How the hell they found us?
They shot the hideout Rojas?
- Maines?
- Nobody's that good.
And there was no Georgian losses, Colonel.
Take care, infant.
Rojas could build a better hiding place than any
That shot was impossible.
trying to say exactly?
No attempt. I say.
You or someone on your team
gives our coordinates Gazakov.
Discipline Unit
leaves much to be desired, Mayor.
It's my job, Colonel.
Perhaps not remember the two deaths...
A marn and an American pilot.
I do not remember?
Do you forget who you're talking about?
Cry if they are dead!
Damn! You killed her!
I'm sick of this damn conversation
and unacceptable behavior.
Honor, courage, devotion.
You. Are Marines. Act as such.
Welcome to Pamir-Alay.
You must have done something very bad
to send you here, brother.
Sector Trans-Georgian,
peaceful area according to official designation Gas Pipeline.
Thanks, I think.
Do you have better shelter that crap?
Are nearly 3,700 kilometers.
Dude, you need a better coat.
So when will all this be stopped
In 1991, when I was born.
What exactly are you doing here?
Me? I am very skilled. But for now,
'm your new observer.
We'll see.
Do not speak English. They are very traditional.
They know these mountains better than anyone.
The Pipeline pays...
Better get that bastard
stay away from me.
It gives you a warm welcome to his country
, brother.
Is our American savior?
Sergeant Brandon Beckett shot, sir.
If we continue with this,
men will run out soon.
Then we will be just you and me.
Ready for some action?
This guy attacked a Georgian colonel.
's What your report says.
I think he, or someone of lower rank
is a traitor...
Providing secret information to the insurgents.
You think.
enemy snipers placed our exact positions.
It is an easy target.
I lost some friends.
Not a Georgian victim.
What persecute
is much bigger than one man.
There is much more at stake.
I suggest gather more evidence before raising the allegations.
It's a little hard to do
more than 1,600 kilometers.
It is the old Soviet way of solving problems with big mouths
The insurgent sniper could
tell the truth.
How they say: "From the original source"?
So what I ask only Gazakov?
Something of value ...
Offered in exchange for the truth.
- Too fast for you, Brandon?
- I'm fine.
Maybe next time, you will think two times
if you attack a superior officer.
The top of the mountain is good
to "calm down", yes?
- So where do we go?
- When listening post.
Spend highly sensitive information...
As size and movement of enemy troops
Coordinate surveillance.
If you do not patrol regularly
Chechen thieves take everything.
Do not you know that everything is encrypted, hackers
- What will you do?
- Les shoot.
- "Shoot them"?
- Yes, American. You shoot them.
But they are just thieves.
Chechens is not exactly the same.
What do you propose we do?
Arrest, as John McClane, yes
Die Hard ?
Something like that.
Well, show more correctly
how. Democratically.
Give me your rifle.
You too. Come on.
Yippee ki-yay, motherfucker!
Stop! Right there!
Help Me. Please.
Do not do it!
Welcome to the Far East.
Your father, Thomas Beckett, is known
At different times, another war.
Back then we were adversaries...
Confronting In the Line of Fire.
South America.
kill us avoid each other.
For my heroic efforts in the jungles of Nicaragua...
They were rewarded me with three trips
in the First Chechen War.
You Want to try your courage?
Choose a battle with Chechnya.
Before Chechnya...
I was...
A soldier like any other.
That all changed
25 December 1995.
It was Christmas in our calendar. Yes.
Our unit was assigned to support
troops in Ingushetiya border.
Many conscripts deserted,
others joined the rebels .
It was impossible to detect
a friend of an enemy .
The squadron
stopped at a city building that seemed safe .
My position was established .
It was my observer, Yuri,
who saw him first, of course .
"Andrei" he said .
"The child
charge something under his coat."
I looked at the child from my sight .
He was only ten years old .
Was a slice of bread
wearing under his coat ?
not .
It was a bomb...
made of a mortar shell .
My humanity tells me:
A little boy found a bomb...
and only wanted to give the soldiers
" .
Snipers doubted.
But only once.
Caucasus Mountains in winter.
Imagine the possible vacation.
Well, if it's any consolation,
the temperature is about 38 C.
In the shade.
Consider me inconsolable.
Incidentally, the subject we eliminate
on top, apparently was not Gazakov.
Sources say it was his brother .
Are you sure?
Yes, they have their remains. Incidentally, we deploy
tonight, Gunny .
continue the pipeline to the beach .
We recognize the area...
To ensure it is not repeated
what happened here.
Babayev Something?
No, we checked in detail.
No history.
only passes your test, Gunny .
Keep your head down,
I'll see you around .
Not bad.
The day will come, when Americans
They can beat the Russians in winter sports.
1980, hockey.
Lucky shot.
2014, Sochi.
Semicircular ramp women.
Gold medals and bronze for EE. UU.
Semicircular? Do not joke.
So how a Russian officer with the 3rd
Spetsnaz Guards Brigade...?
Security ends up working for
a consortium of Eurasian oil?
Do you have any idea why these people
pay a private contractor?
As your Navy Seals working for Blackwater...
Russian special forces,
should strive for profit.
Start again.
Lead a more normal life.
Is this normal?
Compared to where we were?
Yes, American, this is normal.
No family, no children.
Few choose this destination ...
But after the first death,
or second...
We become snipers.
We must comply.
Without hesitation.
All traces of humanity is lost.
Beautiful, right?
Colonel, I see the path.
There is movement. They come, Colonel .
An hour, maybe less.
The Chechens come.
Many Chechens .
I will enjoy seeing what...
Will make my brother...
And how he will kill you.
I'll kill you first.
Saajid! There is another, there
behind the rock.
I swear I think I enjoy this.
Another day you die.
Find a hiding place.
Shoot to kill!
Take the eastern slope.
Where the hell are they?
They should have arrived long ago.
That's what they want you to think.
Just they do what they were taught.
We want to put forward.
It's working.
Relax. And they will come.
Bscame that sniper, Saajid.
To my left something moved
in the snow. You see?
I see nothing, brother.
Kill a man, he frightens 1,000.
Get ready for a shootout.
Hello to my Russian friend!
Rocket-propelled Granada!
No... I came to help.
Arrojo my gun.
When Saajid
chooses to replace us?
Last month? Yesterday?
Ten minutes ago? Does not matter.
He's dead because he did.
You doubted before shooting this cowardly traitor?
- What are they doing here?
- Eyes in the sky.
We ended.
Lesson learned.
Take him there by helicopter.
Put him back in the field.
Understood, Colonel.
Your contact is
in our base of operations .
you take with the very Gazakov .
You have one chance in a hundred of
that gives you the information you are looking .
No matter what happens, you have 36 hours
to officially inform
your OC in Batumi-Gazsnab Station .
Good hunting .
I am looking for Mothershed.
You found it.
Zotov sent me.
He said you could...
To help, yes.
Zotov told me all about you.
You're a cowboy and looking to Gazakov.
Yes, it is. Zotov said
you can take me with him.
It is suicidal.
Can you do it or not?
Let's say I can help you find him.
And then what?
- Did you ask who your source?
- That's a start.
What business. I compenso.
His brother was an observer.
Yes. I flew into pieces.
What would not Gazakov
by the remains of his brother?
Decapitarte, for a piece.
I look forward to taking that risk.
Man to man, is worth the shot.
No, not worth it.
That's your opinion.
I pay for having smart.
Can you put together the pieces for me, or not?
I want to go to dawn.
So better not to waste time.
What is this?
The peace offer you requested.
When I spoke to Zotov,
I knew how it would end all this.
Only this is it?
Yes, after a Hellfire missile
he caught.
According .
We leave at dawn.
What is your job officially
with the pipeline, anyway?
Did you hear that?
I hear nothing.
MQ-1 Predator Drone.
Say "cheese" before we end
in a cigarette box.
We have many signs of heat.
Get me Colonel. I have something.
- Officially, I'm a geologist.
- A geologist?
The natural gas and oil
make the world, my friend.
The Trans-Georgian Pipeline is the largest in the city
geopolitical game.
the most important players.
You, me, Gazakov...
We can not even pawns.
We're close.
How do you know?
We have been following an hour ago.
What then?
We are waiting to come forward.
What do you have?
Potential hostages
potential high net worth individuals.
- Are you sure?
- I can not confirm, sir.
They arrived.
Put your hands up.
I do not give my gun.
Then you will die.
Give me
cigarette box and wait here.
Peace be with you.
We brought the remains of Shaheed
It is grateful for the remains of his brother.
You can now
bury him according to Islam.
Colonel, I think you should see this.
What do I see?
Objectives font.
Facial recognition is impossible,
sir. They are masked...
But our men there tell us
is Gazakov land.
How do I know
is not a shepherd with his flock?
The last time I checked, the
pastors do not need guns, sir.
He says that by the will of God
escaped drone attack.
Ask her who gave
sniper location.
She says it was a godsend.
He was not who killed the unfaithful, but God
Brandon, beware.
His talent God gave it.
This is an insult.
I do not lie.
- The drone is armed?
- Fully armed.
He did not want to be disrespectful.
We will win this war.
Perhaps not while I live...
But while living
my children and grandchildren.
We will win.
Now, go away. I'll kill another day.
In no way she could make those shots
without coordinates.
Ask him how he got it.
- Brandon, enough.
- Ask her.
Without precise coordinates...
Could not have
kill the sniper.
Who gave you that information?
He seeks justice like you.
Forget yourself, American.
Him out.
I wish someone had told me this stupid move
Then I could have said:
"No way".
Until I got there,
I did not know whom he could trust.
What did you sit with Gazakov?
We did not actually sit.
Okay, so what did you learn?
How Gazakov? Nothing.
He alone holds the rifle
as God guides his hand.
But I noticed something interesting.
One of its members carries a notebook
wrapped around his back.
never stopped looking at her .
- A computer?
- With a satellite link.
That's a very serious piece of hardware for a militant
, do not you think?
Do you think Gazakov
set the location of the units with our drones...?
Using equipment that could be purchased from Amazon?
No. We believe that copied the drone network, real-time
Improbable, yes, but not impossible.
Talk Robin.
Yes, sir.
He's right here.
It is for you.
Wait online, Beckett .
Talk Zeus.
- Are we safe?
- Yes sir.
Does anyone want to tell me what the hell's going on?
I do not understand, sir .
Well, Sergeant Beckett went
And had an unauthorized meeting with Gazakov
or punished.
The first time I hear it.
Thus you manage your people, Major?
No, sir. It is not like this.
Shooting Sergeant Beckett, do you want
definitely pick it out of the field?
Just say the word and I can put
at a desk in Egypt.
No, sir.
are near the limit, the son .
I can only cover your back for long.
Somehow see
transmission surveillance drone.
That's impossible.
They have no intelligence
hardware or network to copy the drones.
Credentials to enter the system
are obtained on the black market.
Nothing that is digital
is absolutely secure.
What you're suggesting does not even
to be a feeling.
Listen .
Accomplish the missions,
I will discuss intelligence.
do not want to talk about this .
And you, Mayor, manage your team,
and not the reverse.
Yes, sir.
Sergeant Beckett, I need it back
in the Black Sea with his team.
We have another operation to Killian Archangel
Grn .
Now, I do not want this becomes
another damn show as before.
Do you hear me, Major ?
Yes, sir. damn show, the last.
Good. I'm counting on you.
Now go back to work.
Any response concerning the ghost shooter?
Slatcfc02: CFC
confirmed that data is safe and that there is no breach.
Jsoc01: That checked for twice.
Archangel is mission critical.
We need to be sure.
Hello. Welcome back to the party.
I thought you'd left us, brother.
I froze for a while.
Where are Barnes and Aungst?
The radio is mute from 9:00 a. m.
Next review scheduled at 14:00 p. m.
Mountains and ravines, man.
We must find them.
The use for target practice.
Zeus, I have nothing.
Intelligence says that Gazakov is here.
We are here to support long-range
Let him do his thing, Suicide.
The troop is 90 seconds.
Snipers in the grove south, confirming coordinates.
One Man Only at the top north.
Arboleda south, right?
Yes, God's will.
Georgian troops
dirt road on your left.
Get the snipers.
Shots are made. contctense troops.
Where the hell is the shooter?
- I can not find him.
- Dammit! Me neither.
Find me a target.
Team Snipers,
500 meters to the right.
The shot came from my direct front.
White House, second floor window.
We have a victim!
Reach 2,800 meters.
- Damn.
- We must move, Mayor!
I'm with you.
- You're fine.
- Zeus!
Get back!
Take off your vest.
Our GPS is interfered.
Stay with me. Please.
Suicide, speaks Zeus. Take off your vest.
GPS interfered.
Let's get out of here now!
Stay with me, Aungst. Come on.
She has lost a lot of blood!
Marchen, quick!
How are we, Major?
Better since we took
vests and GPS. He almost saved our lives.
What do we get?
It was an ambush, sir.
They interfered definitely our network.
It's bad enough drones,
I tell you can see
what we can see.
This is your problem, Mayor.
No, our problem, Robin.
The Colonel is a good friend.
I can not imagine that
happy to read the reports...
I will send to Brussels
concerning the operations of CFCs in my country.
Attention on deck.
While they were.
What the hell happened out there?
We were warned by radio traffic not guaranteed...
Gazakov who hid in a village west of here.
We popped, we were.
And it was a trap.
They had our positions.
The GPS was completely interfered.
They shot to the top pilot Aungst.
She is on a flight to Germany
for the cure.
Perhaps the history of drone
Gunny was true.
I have my orders, too, gentlemen,
and do not have much time.
I'll check.
strike back and will be hard.
Turn off GPS, is that clear?
Yes, sir.
Keep marines.
Killian Grn is here to observe
Operation Archangel in action .
Destroy Gazakov and strength...
that they continue to operate in Kobuleti
and South Georgia .
These areas have seen increased attacks by ISIS
On NGO workers and civilians.
As you will see in your package...
This is a stock photograph
Indicating that Gazakov near Kobuleti...
Compression station Kobuleti
Preparing to attack this season here tomorrow...
destroy and kill all staff .
We estimate that between 40 and 50
enemy combatants in Kobuleti now .
know of the arrival of Archangel here
which is more incentive to attack .
As you know,
Gazakov and his ilk are bad .
differentiate between hard and soft targets...
And are known for attacking
meeting places...
Restaurants, tourist sites.
My God!
Evacuate all non-essential personnel
offices Kobuleti.
Intercept and capture insurgents before they could get there.
How many additional troops
can put on the ground there?
For reasons of time, not many.
But you can increase the number of UAVs.
Two more units in the air at dusk
double our firepower.
The intercept in Kobuleti
before they get there .
Do you really think it's a good idea?
I think it's the only idea.
What if Beckett is right?
What if they are in our system?
If can you see what we see?
They are not in our system.
And you're 100% sure?
Rather be 80% sure that before
100% sure late.
Understood, Major.
Why we not use the GPS.
According . We know our role here.
We do not like.
Do not do these missions,
we carry them out.
You had a problem with that,
not divulge.
What about the web team?
Are we out of network?
They recommended modification.
If you have not been done, pull out your GPS.
We retired at 3:00 a. m.
What was the evidence of the insurgent movement
What about in Kobuleti?
The Gazsnab headquarters.
Easy targets.
Well, what's in Batumi?
You know what's in Batumi, Gunny.
Since we were there.
Morning will attack.
Just left the pumping station...
For full transfer to the Black Sea.
If the attack,
900 kilometers of pipeline will be lost.
According . But I saw
insurrectionist movement with my own eyes.
They target Kobuleti.
But how
transmit the coordinates?
Let me guess, the network drone.
Can you give me the location of equipment
enemy sniper?
For the greatness of God, yes.
No GPS data now,
but were seen leaving Gazsnab.
So what they believe
we meet in Kobuleti?
Yes, it seems. Pass
false information was easy.
Georgian forces
endure to fight the enemy, but that leaves...
Grn and station pumping vulnerable to attack.
Is an action that confusing, sir.
Tomorrow is today.
Call Colonel.
We lost our link
makes 15 clicks, sir.
Then, changes direction.
Change direction.
You better be right.
What if
is not only GPS information?
What if you can see
what we can see?
I do not know what to say, Colonel.
Our people checked .
If they get information
is from another source.
It's too quiet.
Something's wrong.
I feel it in my bones.
I do not trust completely in bones.
I trust zeros and ones.
There is no indication of enemy sniper teams
or support troops.
infrared heat signals are suppressed.
Send a message to others.
Grn must be captured alive.
This game is a binary.
It is aggressive intelligence.
- My God!
- What is this?
Are you okay?
Gunny Beckett was right.
They Sacaron UAV information network!
Get reinforcements.
Get him out of here now!
Command CFC, Robin Slater talks...
Identification code 0-2-9-Niner-8-0-9.
I repeat attack us.
Canceled flights UAVs
to Batumi, Georgia.
Cancel the CFC aircraft.
Authorization for ships landing UAV for later review.
"Further Testing"?
Landing now.
They are extracting data network
and who knows what else.
Parks anywhere.
Find a hiding now.
Really, guys? Who
testicles cut off first?
I need ammunition.
Zeus, speaking Rampage.
With the look we got the goal,
I do not remember
given permission to enter, Rampage.
- My mistake.
- Now kill those bastards.
Snipers. Look for them.
Suicide, have you made contact?
Suicide shake hands with the devil,
Well, rmenlo, boys.
Team bombing, on my left.
Authorization Approved, Ms. Slater.
Clearing his ship now...
We have lost our infrared.
Keep looking.
Find Gazakov. Is here.
I can feel it.
No, down!
In front of you, brother. On my right.
Not him.
Who cares?
Lower the damn Muji.
Where are you?
We have a rabbit, brother.
Gazakov up.
Are you okay, buddy?
Yes, have the look and kills the trash.
Rampage, what is your status?
Talk Rampage. Low hostage.
I need a doctor!
You should see the other guy.
- Well done, son.
- Thank my Lord.
Brandon, I want to talk to you.
Some time ago, I told your father
it was just a murderer.
I was wrong.
He had courage and guts.
You are worthy son of your father, Gunny.
I See you in the next.
It's good to be back, boys.
I missed you.
A team is what I like to see.
Disappeared there, Colonel.
You know how it is. I had things to do.
But I wanted to go and say:
"Well done."
It means a lot if it comes from you, sir
But I thought I should tell
who transferred me.
I thought he had retired.
I retire otherwise.
I'll still be with the CFC,
but direct field operations.
The I observe more closely.
I brought someone to see you.
Colonel, take a chair.
You were right.
I was wrong.
Just doing your job.
I buy you a drink?
Yes, I'd like that.