Sniper: Special Ops (2016)

...turmoil since
the Arab uprisings of 2011...
As armored military vehicles
took to the streets of Kabul
in an effort to calm...
Even though the Middle East
is fractured by...
Burning U.S. flags continues
as unrest in Afghanistan...
And the other part is
under full Israeli control.
this is Apache Renegade,
nearing extraction point 3.0.
How copy?
Apache Renegade,
this is Beeline. All copy.
Beeline, Team Dogbite
is on the ground.
Repeat, Team Dogbite is on
the ground, outside Matubahk.
Returning to outpost Renegade.
Copy that, Apache.
Good luck.
Not now.
Roger that.
I'll be damned.
You see that?
Not now.
Now. All clear.
This was Johnny Longbow's.
A rabbit's foot?
Can't hurt.
No, thanks.
I'm trying to quit.
We're at Zulu, up high.
You got a visual?
Roger. Moving to Bravo.
Overwatch, confirm clear.
We're ready to check Bravo.
We're good here.
Bravo is clear bottom.
Heading topside.
Overwatch, Two is at Charlie.
Anything in my area?
That's a negative.
Quiet as a mouse.
Hey, Vic.
Yeah, Jake.
I've been thinking about
that 50 bucks I owe you.
Hey, don't even.
And it's 60 bucks.
How about if we
knock off five dollars
for every time
I save your ass today?
Tell you what.
How 'bout we double-down
if I get your butt
out of here in one piece?
No deal.
Where does an entire personal
security detail disappear to?
That's the same thing
I was thinking, man.
I really don't know.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Just keep your eyes open,
head on a swivel.
Copy all.
Two holding at Charlie.
Bravo is clear
above and below.
We got a butt-load
of mix-caliber brass,
some blood trails,
nothing else.
- All right?
- Yeah.
They're done.
No package.
Beeline, Beeline,
this is Dogbite.
How copy? Over.
Dogbite, Beeline.
Solid copy. Send it.
Beeline, Beeline,
Dogbite is at Delta.
I say again,
Dogbite is at Delta.
We have the personal
security detail all down hard.
No joy on the package.
I say again,
no joy on the package.
Last chance is Echo.
Oscar Mike there now.
How copy?
Dogbite, copy all.
Standing by.
Doc, eyes.
Hey, you think they're
waiting for us inside?
No. They're gonna hit us
on the way out.
- Positive ID?
- Yep, that's the congressman.
Help me cut him down.
Cut him.
Got it.
Bring him down.
I got him.
Yep, he's mine.
All right, they got him
narc'd with something.
I'm gonna hit him with some
Narcan to bring him out of it,
then we gotta get
out of here ASAP.
Beeline, Beeline, be advised,
we have the package.
I say again,
we have the package.
Sir, sir, sir, stay calm.
Look at me, look at me.
- No!
- Hey, look at me, okay?
We're here to help you, okay?
Beat up, but still breathing.
We will be moving to
Foxtrot 3 for exfil.
Seven pax.
And we need a doc on the bird.
How copy? Over.
Dogbite, Beeline. Copy all.
No birds available
at this time.
Exfil will be ground.
Meet the vics at Foxtrot 3.
They are rolling now.
Beeline, that is
a piss-poor option.
I say again,
piss-poor option.
We have a priority package.
Can we get a bird?
Negative, Dogbite.
No air authorized on this one.
ETA on the vics is five mikes,
call sign "Rattler. "
Copy, Beeline.
We'll talk about this later.
Break, break.
Overwatch, Overwatch.
Be advised we are Oscar Mike
to Foxtrot 3 for ground exfil.
I say again, ground exfil.
Cover our move
and join the party
once you have eyes
on the incoming vic.
How copy? Over.
Oh, hang on.
There's dust being kicked up
by something on the back street
to your right as you come out.
Roger that.
We'll come out with the package
when ride is confirmed.
Confirmed. Humvee inbound.
All right, gents.
You heard him? Good?
Marcus, give Doc a hand.
All right, help us out.
Get on your legs.
Use those legs.
There you go, buddy.
All right, you are glue to him.
All right.
Overwatch, Overwatch,
we are Oscar Mike with package
to Foxtrot 3 for exfil.
Cover our six.
Roger. On our way.
Moving. Let's go.
This is your fire station.
Maintain my six.
Oh, man, that felt like a trap
from the get-go.
Like we had a choice.
At least they're
not behind us.
Not yet, anyway.
This is as far as we can go.
Rattler, Rattler!
We're in a firefight
at position Charlie.
Not sure we can make it
to Foxtrot 3.
If you make it,
you come to us.
Doc, Miller, Marcus, move it!
Let's go!
Doc's down! Doc's down!
Rattler! Rattler!
This is Dogbite!
We're still in
a heavy firefight!
Position Charlie!
Playtime is over!
Playtime is definitely over!
When you enter the ville,
bypass Foxtrot 3.
Head directly
to the city square.
I say again, city square.
We're on the southwest corner.
And, gents, give us as much
firepower as you got
so we can get this package
on the vic.
Over there!
Break, break!
Overwatch, Overwatch!
Join us ASAP
as soon as you have eyes
on the vics inbound.
Moving now.
Overwatch, watch my right!
Come on, pick it up!
Come on!
Put your hand on my shoulder
and don't let go.
Get him in there!
Get him in there!
- Secure the package!
- In here!
Come on, buddy!
Get him in!
Vic, we can't hold
this position any longer.
Don't you move!
Don't you dare move!
Vic, we gotta go.
Jake, where are you guys?
We gotta move!
Come on, boy, let's go.
Vic, the orders are clear!
You're risking everything now!
Get out of here!
Come on.
- Do you know your name?
- Cooper.
Cooper? Congressman Cooper,
I'm Sergeant Richter
of the U.S. Army.
We're taking you back to base,
all right?
Let me have that thing.
Keep it up. Come here.
You're gonna be okay.
All right.
Where are you?
Open another field dressing.
Give me one more pack.
Hurry up.
How you doing, buddy?
We should go back.
We can't. Getting
the congressman to safety
is our number one priority.
I know what our number one
priority is.
I'm just saying
I'd like to go back.
And we will, Vic,
as soon as we can.
Hang in there, buddy.
Hang in there.
I gotta keep pressure, okay?
You all right?
Step on it, Charlie!
I'm crushing it, Vic.
I'd like to be more helpful,
Miss Conrad,
but your timing's off.
Maybe in a couple of days.
I can't believe this.
You're deliberately
hamstringing me, Colonel. Why?
Nobody is
hamstringing anybody.
It's simply not safe
outside the wire right now.
That's ridiculous.
This is a war zone.
It's never going to be safe.
Look, you may have finagled your
way onto this combat outpost,
and you may be
Admiral Willet's niece,
but none of that buys you
a ride outside this wire.
It's just too damn dangerous.
I'll have you know
I was embedded
with Cheyenne at Obamadad.
Yeah, and three soldiers
were killed on that ride-along.
Ah, so you're saying I'm some
kind of jinx, is that it?
You're saying I got
those men killed?
I'm not saying anything
of the kind.
Here's what I am saying.
You are not going
outside my wire.
End of discussion.
I see. So you are
hamstringing me.
Let's go, men!
Oh, shit. What's that?
Move it! Move it!
Let's go!
Medics on the way!
Let's go!
Get him out, get him out!
Hey, get the congressman down
to the colonel now, ASAP.
Trevor, close that gate,
damn it!
Secure it!
Medic's here, buddy.
No, Charlie, I can walk.
Don't need no medic.
We can get you inside,
get you all patched up.
No, I can walk.
Let me walk. Vic!
I'm sorry, buddy.
It has to be this way.
Get him on the stretcher now!
- You! Get over here!
- Hey!
Come on.
One, two, three.
- Charlie, you got him?
- I got him. Grab him.
One, two, three, go!
Let's go, move.
I don't know who you are
or what you want,
but stay away from my men.
And who authorized you
to take photos?
Easy, cowboy.
Stay away from my men.
Do you understand me?
NATO correspondent,
so just cool down, okay?
Hey, you can't do that.
Give that back to me.
Give that-
- Charlie, keep her out.
- Yes, sir.
- Oh, my God.
- No, no, no.
Excuse me, Sergeant,
is that Congressman Cooper?
Ma'am, please, just stand back.
Is that Congressman
Stan Cooper?
Ma'am, please step aside.
What is he doing in there?
Is he wounded?
Damn it!
It was just a bright flash
of light right in my eyes.
It must have ricocheted
off the Humvee.
My face feels like it's on fire!
I know, Marcus.
Let Shipley take a look.
I can see shapes.
It's all blurry.
Marcus, listen to me, buddy.
Stop talking and let Shipley
take care of your wounds.
Just sit back and relax, okay?
We'll be back to check on you.
- Let's go.
- Hey, Vic.
Thanks for dragging me
into that Humvee.
If I had just been
a little bit faster.
Yeah, forget it.
It's what we do, right?
We watch each other's six.
May I have a word with you?
V? You know what we gotta do.
Go get the gear prepped.
Stand by.
Roger that.
What do you want?
I know we got off
on the wrong foot.
I'd really like to fix that.
You know I got a job to do.
So do you.
Sometimes I can be
a little pushy
'cause I'm one of those people
no one ever wants around.
If I don't push, I don't get.
Makes me pretty unpopular.
So I'm sorry.
Fair enough.
Janet Conrad.
That Janet Conrad?
What's that supposed to mean?
I think maybe I heard of you.
Don't start with
this jinx nonsense.
Imbedded in Portacurdey.
- Obamadad.
- Have a nice day.
Was that Congressman Cooper
you just brought in?
I don't know who
you're talking about.
Of course you do.
Congressman Stanford Cooper.
He's one of the most vocal
opponents of military spending.
He'd shut this whole operation
down if he could.
Cut your paycheck,
cancel your vacation,
shoot your dog,
yet here he is.
Sure sounds like you know
a lot more than I do.
What's he doing here?
Why are you being so evasive?
I have a debrief to attend.
We didn't make it out, huh?
What about the others?
Some did,
some are lying out there.
Thanks for not
leaving me behind.
Don't mention it, brother.
I can't move my legs.
I'm trying, but...
I can't feel anything.
You got a round
lodged in your spine.
I stopped the bleeding, but...
there's really not much more
I could do for now.
We gonna have to wait
until some folks get here.
When will that be?
Soon, I hope, man.
Our 119 is shot.
Can't fix this damn thing.
Probably we're gonna have
to just wait it out.
And you checked the bodies?
Yes, sir. All of 'em.
Full of bullet holes.
Some of 'em cut up.
Bodies were all stripped clean
of body armor and weapons.
They had the bodies stacked up
in that little shop
across the street
from the hotel.
Looks to me like it was a real
intense, close-quarter battle.
They lost.
Then we headed
over to the hotel.
They had the congressman
strung up there
like a damn worm on a hook,
and we took the bait.
Then what?
Request to speak freely.
How in the hell does
a non-military observer
like the congressman
get authorization to go on some
sightseeing tour in Matubahk
and then fall into a damn ambush
that is so perfectly laid out
that not one of the team members
of the personal security detail
survives or radios for help?
Don't smell right, sir.
I don't have a good answer
for you, Sergeant Mosby.
What about the congressman?
Why was he spared?
Who the hell knows?
Maybe they were
planning to stage
some Internet extravaganza
with him
or trade him
for something they want.
Hell, they only
had him for a day.
Maybe they didn't
have any plan at all.
All right, sir, look,
as far Chandler and Cannon go-
If you're talking about going
back into Matubahk today,
Why? Those are my men, sir.
Because I'm short of people
and ammunition.
Here's the deal, Mosby.
Renegade got hit hard
last night,
and they're still
under pressure.
All available air assets have
been committed to that fight.
In the meantime, I get word
a major Taliban force
is headed in our direction.
If that's the case,
I don't have the people,
and I don't have the ammo
to stage an effective defense.
So I am not authorizing
anything outside the wire
until we get resupplied
and reinforced.
Now go see about your men.
All right, when do we go?
- We don't.
- What?
Colonel says we wait.
That doesn't make any sense.
I know.
He's got his reasons.
I'm just not sure I'm buying.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go ask
some questions.
You stand by.
Be ready to move.
You awake, buddy?
Hey, Vic.
Yeah, I'm awake, all right.
They just gave me
a shot of the good stuff,
so it won't be long.
That's good, buddy.
That's good.
You need your rest.
Well, I'm sorry about
Doc and the guys.
Yeah, yeah, we all are.
I guess compared to them,
I'm the lucky one.
I want you to have this.
Maybe it'll do you some good.
Besides, I heard
there's a jinx in the camp.
News travels fast, huh?
You, uh, sure
you can spare this?
Yeah, I'm sure.
As long as you have it on you,
you'll be okay.
All right, buddy.
I'll take real good care
of it, all right?
It's okay, it's okay.
You're safe, you're safe.
I'm Sergeant First Class Mosby.
I was leading the rescue team
this morning, sir.
It's okay, it's okay.
Relax, relax.
- Sir.
- Hmm?
I need to know
what happened in Matubahk.
Sir, was it an ambush
or was it something else, sir?
You're not gonna get anything
out of him, Vic.
He's been on the hard stuff
for a while.
Ah, damn it.
Yeah. I heard him talking
before he passed out.
He was rambling.
What'd you hear him say?
He said a name
two, three times.
I don't...
Ab- Abdul Abbat...
Abdul Azim Abad?
How's your friend?
You keep doggin' me. Why?
Hey, I thought
we were friends now.
Besides, you're the most
interesting soldier I've met
so far.
Well, you must not be
looking too hard.
Let's call a truce.
I'm sure we can find a happy
balance, don't you think?
You haven't even
gotten to know me yet.
Oh, I think I know you
pretty well.
Let's see.
Spoiled little rich girl.
Probably went to Harvard,
Yale, Princeton.
Mount Saint Agnes.
Oh, Mount Saint Agnes. Close.
Uh, you got some heavy hitters
in your background.
The kind of folks
that can push along
your little career in NATO
to get you exactly where
you want to be fast.
I'm guessing you're probably
somebody's daughter,
Admiral Willett's.
Oh, even better.
That's outstanding.
Well, the admiral must not
be too fond of you
if he sent you here.
You kidding me?
I begged for this assignment.
But your colonel
keeps smothering me.
Now it wouldn't do for
the lieutenant colonel
to allow you to get your ass
shot up on his watch.
Can you blame him?
Well, no, but I didn't fly
all the way out here
just to photograph some
soldiers washing their skivvies
and playing horseshoes.
I have to ride along
on a mission.
I see. I feel your pain.
But that is not my call.
Now, ma'am,
if you will excuse me,
I've got some skivvies to wash.
It's funny.
My girl back home
is always ragging on me.
Stress of all this makes her
kind of crazy, you know?
So yesterday
I get this letter from her.
Not a phone call,
just an old-fashioned letter.
Says she found someone new.
Someone who could
be there for her.
Someone who wasn't
halfway around the world.
Didn't think this day
could get any worse,
and then this happens.
I mean,
what are the chances, right?
Listen, man, you're gonna get
a Silver Star out of this
when it's all over,
and you'll have all
the girlfriends you want.
Yeah, right.
Jackson wants to see you.
- He send you to look for me?
- That's the memo.
Stand by.
Never waste a good cigar.
Gents, we got an update on
what happened to our resupply.
This is Bashir.
He's a terp from Renegade.
Seems Bashir and a specialist
by the name of Tyler
were on one
of the supply trucks.
Escort hits an IED ambush
followed by a ground attack.
Bashir and Tyler take off
cross-country in the truck.
They reach a point
about eight clicks from here.
Truck breaks down.
Bashir dismounted,
walked the rest of the way in
to bring us the information.
What's the current status?
Well, Specialist Tyler
seems to think
that it's a relatively
minor mechanical problem,
something like
a broken fuel line.
He's standing security there,
but he can't call for help.
No radio in the truck.
Well, QRF from Renegade
should be handling that.
Yeah, and maybe they haul
his truck back to Renegade.
We need that fuel and ammo
more than they do right now.
So I want you to get out there,
find that truck,
help Tyler get it fixed
and roll it back here.
Take Vasquez, take Jennings.
Bashir will show you the way.
Any questions?
- I got one, sir.
- Yeah?
What about Abdul Azim Abad?
What about him?
He's on our top ten
hit list of bad guys,
and he's operating in that AO.
How do you know that?
Folks talk in their sleep, sir.
Look, you might as well know.
When Congressman Cooper came
up here, he had an agenda.
The whole idea was to prove
that all our efforts
are just a big waste
of time and money.
He insisted on visiting an
isolated or abandoned village,
and we only had
one of those in our AO.
- Matubahk.
- Yeah.
Now you get out there
and find that truck.
Yes, sir.
If you can't get
that truck rolling,
pull what cargo you can
and blow the rest in place.
We got very little time
and a lot to do.
Roger that, sir.
Let's go, guys.
I'm burning up, man.
I know.
Listen, I gotta go.
You're not leaving me, are you?
No. I'm going to get
Doc's med pack and some water.
Use this. Just don't
shoot the wrong guys.
Roger that.
All right.
I'll just wait right here.
I haven't been out this way
in almost a year.
Looks like a great place
for an ambush.
Hardly anybody
uses it anymore.
It turns into a dirt road
just up ahead.
Let's just try not to hit any
IEDs while we're out here, huh?
Yeah, you got it.
- I don't like it.
- How's that?
Convoy gets hit
by a IED ambush,
and the one vehicle
that has all the munitions
and supplies that we need
goes all Evel Knievel
and escapes,
but breaks down
before it can get to us.
You think maybe
this is a setup?
I don't know, V.
Hey, look.
I don't see our boy Tyler yet,
so don't get too close.
Go ahead, stop.
You know Specialist Tyler,
Yes, Sergeant.
Go ahead and walk on out there
and call his name.
Excuse me?
About halfway
between here and there.
We'll cover you.
As you wish.
Go on.
Be ready, boys.
He seems awfully jumpy.
I might be too.
Yeah. Point taken.
Mr. Tyler?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
This is perfect.
Get back in the truck.
This is what I came here for.
Don't you try to stop me now.
I'll wring your scrawny
little neck.
Sounds like fun, but I don't
think my uncle would like it.
Stay behind me.
Mr. Tyler, are you still here?
Freeze right where you are!
Hands behind your head!
It's me, Bashir.
I brought help.
Hey, Bashir, buddy.
I didn't know who it was
at first. Sorry, man.
I was kind of a sitting duck
out here right now, you know?
I understand completely.
All right,
let's get on with this.
Brother, am I glad
to see you boys.
Need a hand, Specialist Tyler?
Need a fuel line.
What makes you think
it's a fuel line?
Well, I'm out of gas,
and I shouldn't be.
Might be a hole in the tank,
but I didn't see one.
She turns over okay?
Yeah. No, everything's in
perfect working order, except...
- You're out of gas.
- Right.
I got more gas than I need in
the back of the truck, but...
not gonna do anyone
any good there.
All right. Let's go
take a look, Jennings.
Do you mind?
Could you guys shake hands
again? One more time.
Oh, that's so good.
All right, Jennings,
get us out of here ASAP.
I'll figure it out.
Oh, dear God.
Just about to tell you
about her.
Yeah, that too.
Specialist Tyler...
could I have a word
with you in private?
All right, Specialist,
lay it on me.
Well, I lost my escort
around 0400 hours.
I was lucky to have gotten
around the lead vehicle,
so I went off-road.
Figure that's where I
picked up the damage.
Radio took a hit.
About an hour after sunup,
she comes running out
in the middle of the road.
I almost ran her over.
She, uh, hit the ground
pretty hard, so I stopped.
She was a wreck, Sergeant.
She was crying,
begging for help.
Bashir said she wasn't
making any sense,
and that's when we discovered
she had that baby hidden there.
Anybody chasing her?
No, I mean,
not that we could see.
I don't even know
where she came from.
There's not a lot
back in these hills.
That's all?
That's it.
I mean, you know,
without a radio in the truck,
I didn't know what to do.
And with the baby and all,
I just put her out of sight
in the back.
We continued on to Wildside,
then this happened.
That's one hell of a story,
It's all true.
It's just a camera.
We won't hurt you. That's it.
Tell her.
It's very hard to interpret.
She speaks one of
the minor languages.
Sansi, I think.
Very hard to make out.
Well, she knows
we'll help her,
or she wouldn't have flagged
Specialist Tyler down.
Conrad, go back
to the other vehicle
and go get her
some food and water.
You found your way
on this mission.
Now you're part of it.
Now move your ass.
Let's go.
- Sergeant Jennings?
- Yeah.
Your nickname is Detroit
because you're good
with cars, right?
That's the rumor.
Get your butt under
this Deuce-and-a-half,
find the problem so we can
get the hell out of here.
- I'm on it.
- I'll help you.
Why didn't you
tell us about her?
Sergeant, there are
many like her.
I didn't think it was
of any real importance.
All I could think of
was helping Mr. Tyler.
Now, is there anything else
that you have failed
to mention to me?
No, sir.
I am very sorry.
Wow. There's enough gas and ammo
in here to blow us all to hell.
Or start a small war.
- Is something wrong?
- I can't find the MREs.
That was some crazy stunt
you pulled, Miss Conrad.
Why would you do
a thing like that?
Pearls don't lie on
the seashore, Detroit.
If you want one,
you gotta dive for it.
This one?
Yeah, that's it.
I feel kind of naked out here.
You mind sharing?
I shouldn't,
but under the circumstances,
How's it going?
Nothing yet.
You give 'em to her.
You're less threatening.
Less threatening?
Yeah, you're a lot
less threatening.
Now put that away and don't
shoot yourself and jinx us.
You're getting your very own
article out of this, Sergeant.
I can't wait.
I happen to be
an expert marksman.
Can you say the same?
Jake. How'd it go?
Good for now.
What's the short of it,
We got a problem.
Not that short.
Can you fix it?
I think so.
I gotta swap out a section of
this line and see if it'll hold.
And that's it? You'll be done?
Maybe. I won't know until
I do it and then I test it.
I gotta cut out
the old line first
and then I'll know more.
Better have some
good news for us soon.
I'd hate to have to
blow this truck up.
I'm doing my best.
We know, son.
Just get it done, Jennings.
We gotta get outta here.
Okay, Bashir.
Let's try this one more time.
Yes, Sergeant.
How's it going back here?
We're doing fine.
I think she trusts me.
Good, because I need you
to check her out
medically and otherwise.
Make sure she's okay before
we take her into Wildside.
I'll give it a shot.
I don't have
any experience at this.
Make her understand.
I don't care if you have
to act it out or what.
Yes, sir.
Don't call me "sir. "
I work for a goddamn living.
Get in the truck.
Got it.
I gotta cut a piece of line,
replace this.
Don't look like much.
You'd be surprised how much
trouble a little part can cause.
Well, don't let me
stop you, Jennings.
Get it done.
- I'll help you cut it.
- I got a saw on the truck.
The lady wants you.
Yeah, what's up?
Thought you ought to see this.
This is bad.
Hmm. She been whipped.
No wonder she wanted
to get away.
Probably punishment
for something.
Any sign of infection?
Not that I could see.
All right.
Well, just do what you can,
then, uh, check the baby out,
make sure he's okay.
And you, wait here with her,
all right?
- Of course.
- In the truck.
How's our guest?
Pretty rough.
Someone whipped
the hell out of her,
but nothing a little time
won't heal, I guess.
I guess maybe Tyler did
the right thing after all.
Maybe. Maybe not.
One thing he was right about:
We are sitting ducks out here.
Heads up!
Go. Get down.
How many you think there are?
Not enough to rush us.
Not yet anyway.
Jennings, Tyler, sitrep!
- A-okay!
- Good to go!
All good.
Get back here.
- Vasquez!
- Let me go!
Stay put.
What are you trying to do,
get yourself killed?
You do realize we're sitting
on a powder keg here.
One wild shot hits those
explosives back there, boom!
V, I've gotta make it
to that Deuce-and-a-half.
I'm gonna bring it back here
as a shield for this truck.
That's suicide, Vic.
I gotta make it to your truck
and bring it back here.
Sergeant, let me go.
Are you sure you can bring the
truck back alongside this truck?
I can try.
We'll give as much
cover fire as we can.
- Roger that.
- Tyler!
You got any smoke grenades
in the back?
- Negative, Sarge!
- All right, Jennings.
Run like the wind, boy.
- Yeah.
- Three, two, one, go!
Run, run, run!
- I'm moving up.
- Go, go!
Get in the truck.
I need a mag!
Heads up!
Good work, Jennings.
All right, Conrad.
Let's get baby-mama
transferred over.
Roger that.
What about me, Mosby?
You can still drive, right?
Hell yeah, I can.
All right.
For now, get your weapon
and put some cover fire
on that hillside.
Roger that.
Keep your head down.
Hey, V, I need you to set
a demo charge on Tyler's truck.
Use the remote detonators,
and we'll blow it when we're
on the road out of here.
Come on!
We're getting out of here.
You stay here.
I'll get up there,
and I'll pull you up.
You got that?
You wait here.
I go first, okay?
You're welcome.
Get ready.
Check on Conrad.
Vasquez, med kit now!
You okay?
It's just my side.
I think it's just grazed.
Heads up.
Why did it have
to be like this?
You'd be long gone by now
if it wasn't for me.
I'm right where
I'm supposed to be.
Your family...
must worry about you a lot, huh?
Ha. I wouldn't know.
Sometimes it's good
not to know, I guess.
Works for me.
Why are you doing this for me?
I don't know, man. You kinda
remind me of my little brother.
He always tried to do his best.
I'm just doing mine.
He's gone now?
Yeah, Desert Storm.
I'm sorry my best
wasn't good enough.
If a man does his best,
what else is there?
We're all set.
This thing blows, there won't be
nothing left but the tires.
What happened here?
Miss Conrad there
decided she wanted to earn
herself a Purple Heart.
Didn't do this on purpose.
Let's keep that blood pressure
down until I stop this bleeding.
- Hey, Sergeant?
- Yeah.
Help a girl out?
My camera.
Don't forget to spell my name
right in the photo credits.
What exactly is your name?
Victor Thomas Mosby.
I'll remember that.
It sure got quiet
all of a sudden.
Like somebody flipped a switch.
Wonder why.
You think it was
seeing Miss Conrad?
They shot her easy enough.
You think it's her?
I do, V.
When they saw her,
it was all over.
But why?
I don't know.
But I'm sure she does.
Grab him, Bashir.
Poor Mr. Tyler.
He was so very brave.
All right, Mr. Bashir.
Here's what's gonna happen next.
What do you mean, Sergeant?
I want to know
who that girl is.
And I want to know now.
Sergeant, I already-
Shh shh shh shh!
Here's the deal.
There are dozens of languages
just floating around out here.
Maybe she knows one of them.
And we'll never know...
unless we try.
Maybe you'll get lucky.
Got me?
Yes, Sergeant.
Get to it. Go.
What you thinking about, Jake?
I'm thinking about
trying to get out of here.
Yeah, I've been thinking
the same thing.
Any ideas?
Yeah. I'm gonna go downstairs
and commandeer us a truck.
Yeah? When you gonna do that?
Right now.
Maybe. Been at it for a while.
Jennings, how's it going
under there?
Almost there, Sergeant.
She speaks some Dani.
What'd you find out?
You'll be very surprised,
Her name is Jada.
She's the daughter-in-law
of the Taliban leader
Abdul Azim Abad,
a very powerful, very evil man.
Yeah, we know who he is.
And that is his only grandson.
Well, how about that.
You think she's
telling the truth?
You saw how those rebels reacted
when they got a look at her.
They fell back like
their asses were on fire.
Well, I think
she's telling the truth.
And if she is telling the truth,
she's worth her weight in gold.
What are you saying?
Sergeant Jennings, soon as
you get finished under there,
I want you in the front
of the vehicle.
Conrad, I want you in
the rear of the vehicle.
I want you guys to keep your
eyes open and your heads down.
Now that they know we have her,
this isn't the end of it.
Roger that.
V, let's go for a walk.
What's on your mind, Vic?
What's on my mind
is Cannon and Chandler.
They're waiting on us
back in Matubahk.
Oh, no.
Oh, yeah.
Just hear me out.
Vic, you can't be thinking
what I'm thinking.
Look, Old Abdul's
daughter-in-law there,
she's our ticket to waltz
right back in to Matubahk,
extract our boys
without even firing a shot.
Are you serious?
You would use that lady
and her baby as a human shield?
Of course not.
I'd just have 'em along,
keep things peaceful, civilized.
That's insane.
Is it?
I got a truck
sitting right there
with enough firepower
to blow old Abdul and his boys
to kingdom come.
Now I got two things
that he really wants.
This will cost you big.
You kidding me?
I'm already out 60 bucks.
- Beeline.
- This is COP Wildside.
Identify yourself.
Beeline, this is Overwatch
waiting for extraction.
Copy, Overwatch.
Message received.
Colonel, this just came in.
Well, thank Christ.
I swear, Chandler's got
more lives than a cat.
Make sure I see all
the traffic on this.
Yes, sir.
All right, everybody,
listen up.
This is what's gonna happen.
Sergeant Jennings,
very carefully,
is going to take everybody
back to Wildside.
I'm going to take command
of Tyler's vehicle.
Roger that.
As soon as you
arrive at Wildside,
I want you to inform
Colonel Jackson
that I elected
to take a slight detour
and reunite this young lady
and her baby with her family,
and that I will be following
shortly thereafter.
All right,
anybody have any questions?
Yeah. Hell yeah.
Sorry, Conrad,
we're out of time.
You're in charge now.
I can't leave you sitting in
the brig all by your lonesome.
Who'd you have to boss around?
All right,
let's gear up and move out.
Get timers and blasting caps.
- Five minutes.
- Meet you in the square.
Rich, wake up, man.
Cavalry's just arrived.
Be ready.
Don't run out on me,
little brother.
We're almost home, ya hear?
Well, that answers
one of my questions.
And that answers the other.
Halfway back up the street,
right side.
Rooftop, Sergeant Chandler.
I can hardly wait to see
what happens next.
Let's get to it.
Oh, look, proud grandpa.
At least I hope he is.
You should.
Your life depends on it.
Good luck, buddy.
Hey, who needs luck
when you've got a...
rabbit's foot?
Here we go.
Very amusing, Sergeant.
Just like I figured.
Educated in the States.
Four years Liberal Arts.
Four years, high school.
All right, have your men
put their weapons on the ground,
put their hands
behind their head,
and then we'll get this
whole matter all wrapped up,
nobody gets hurt.
You truly are
a very funny man.
your daughter-in-law
sure seems to think so.
And what a handsome
grandson you have.
Yup, he has your eyes,
all right.
He is very dear to me.
My only son Emir
was killed not too long ago.
Very tragic.
Do you think your son Amir would
approve of you whipping Jada?
She made some bad decisions.
An animal's foot...
for good fortune?
Well, you'd have to ask
the rabbit about that.
Get Jada and my grandson
to me now...
and I'll let you go.
Is that your best offer?
Okay, then.
Stand by.
- Let her go.
- What?
Let her go.
What choice do we have?
Rot in hell, motherfucker!
Get back!
Vasquez, blow it!
Come on.
Detonator fail!
You know...
we're gonna be in
a lot of trouble for all this.
Most definitely.
I, uh...
I just want to say, uh...
thank you.
You're not a jinx.
Wouldn't have missed it
for the world.
Besides, my uncle is an admiral.
That's right, he is.
So maybe you could
put a good word in for me.
I'm definitely gonna need it.
I could be persuaded.
Your exclusive story rights.
All right, you win.
What do you need from me?
Well, we could start
with a big hero smile.
All right.
Right here.
Man, what kept you, Vic?
You still sore
about that 50 bucks?
Nope, and it's 60.
Oh, you gonna
be like that now?
And after all the times
I saved your life.
All the times
you saved my life?
That's what people say.
Yeah, right,
and you don't call no more.
You know why?
We done broke the comms
in all this excitement.
Yeah, well, it was
a very long day, brother.
You know what?
When you get a minute someday,
you're gonna have
to tell me about it.
After you pay me my 60 bucks.
Where's Cannon?
He up there, yeah.
Good to see ya.
Sergeant Chandler?
Yes, ma'am.
Are you really as good
as they all say you are?
Every once in a while.