Sniper: Ultimate Kill (2017)

If you want to call, please wait and ...
Shutter. Shoot.
Shutter. Shoot.
How can you be so it's best to commit suicide?
I had never imagined could Marines suicide.
To me, this does not make sense.
We carry out this job difficult.
For some, more difficult.
But Worthington legend.
If it could happen to him ...,
... what's waiting for me? \ Do you know,
... that I can feel the emotion in this work.
You're just part of the weapon.
But I'll pull the trigger.
The command to pull the trigger.
Whatever you want ...
... the answer is no.
You have not heard my will.
Worthington shown to have 68 missions.
I'm 63, and approached him.
I also knew Tommy.
It was shaken over what happened to him.
Aku mulai merasa
bahwa hidupku lebih lama dari yang kuduga.
Masa yang kita lewati menentukan masa yang telah kita tinggalkan.
Apa maksudmu? \ Aku juga tak tahu,
tapi bisa kukatakan dengan yakin dan pasti.
Tenang, Brandon, kau bisa mengatasinya.
Kau selalu bisa. \ Dengar, aku tak bisa melakukan ini.
Pikiranku terganggu oleh hal yang lain.
Bukan begitu hasil tes fisik dan psikologismu.
Ayolah, kami membutuhkanmu di sana.
Di mana? \ Bogota, Kolombia.
Kau pernah mendengar soal Satgas Gabungan Komando Selatan?
Operasi Multi Jasa di bawah Dept. Pertahanan, bertugas dengan
Anti Teroris dan Obat Terlarang di wilayah bagian Selatan.
Benar, Sersan Ahli.
Mereka juga diatur dukungan dari Agen Federal: DEA, DHS
CIA. \ Benar!
Langley meninggalkan jejaknya dalam segala hal.
You may also know who the leaders of her operation.
Weapons Expert mean, Sergeant Thomas Beckett.
Yes, I heard him on JATF now.
You can work with your father and Bogota today is very beautiful.
How the Spanish-mu?
"Dije que." \ Good, you're hired.
I mean, no. \ I know, I hear you.
There was a car in the parking there. There's a jet waiting car.
You would not want to miss.
Smile, you're going to Colombia.
Bring me a coffee bag and a beauty queen.
So, for the first time here?
The closest I've been to San Padre Island.
Spring break,'kan?
That's it.
I think San Padre Island is still quite far away.
So, Marine Sniper Trap Beckett.
Commencing on 63 missions.
Newly promoted to Sergeant Experts. It is quite impressive.
You like things like that?
You wallow in the mud ...
... hiding in the grass, shoot bad guys from ...
How far away, from a distance of a mile?
Yes, we do not do it at the DEA.
So what happened to your face?
It was a result of a drug raid? \ Oh ...
I have no idea
I have a girlfriend here, and ...
... you know, she was very jealous ...
... and yes, I hit him and ...
Actually, it was my fault.
Santiago Calderon.
I was assigned to serve.
They assigned you? \ Yes, you will need observers.
How much of experience do you have?
Enough. \ Hey, Long Shot, here.
He was Captain Hector Garza, contact our local team leader.
He led the Anti-Drug Task Force in Colombia.
Expert sergeant, glad you joined.
Thank you sir.
You've met Walsh, my number two.
His speech was quite rude. Do not take it personally.
And Santiago, the best observers of Colombia.
Yes, nice to meet-you, Sergeant Experts.
Weapons Expert Sergeant.
Welcome to South America.
I bet you thought you would not see me again.
Yes, you never know.
I was in Kosta Rika fishing and my phone rang, so ...
And you answered. \ Right, yes.
Enough chitchat.
Can we begin?
The fish are our hook.
Jess Morales.
Colombian Cartel leader.
He ruled over 60 percent of the ...
... drugs and smuggling at US borders.
No grip on everything from theft of oil ...,
... trafficking, the arms trade.
Specialists in recruiting children ...
... for his group, which he dubbed "Six Families".
When was this picture taken? \ 2006.
Since then, he's really off-guard.
He never slept in the same place two nights at a time.
He was traveling at night.
He has tracked the network impossible.
No one had seen in 10 years? \ None of the officers of the law.
And now he's back.
In the last three months ...,
... they get rid of his rivals one by one.
The bodies of his rivals were scattered everywhere.
But the latter, of a different level.
There is a sniper action, 10 days ago.
The victim terbusuknya rival Morales.
Diego Paolo. \ They killed him in the tub?
In the presence of her lover.
There are no trained people who can do the shot.
Both he military or ex-military.
They can be the bullet? \ Local police did not find it.
Caliber 50 for long distances.
Bullets produce severe damage when it reaches the victims.
What bullet through walls? \ Only the window.
Not even on the curtains.
Clearly, Morales hired a killer ...
untuk membantu profesinya ke puncak.
Dan apa misiku?
Kami punya info lokasi Morales, lusa nanti.
Intel mengusulkan bahwa kau akan ada di peternakan ini,
15 kilometer di luar kota.
Jadi, kau mau aku bunuh penembak jitu Morales?
Ini berupa operasi gabungan. DEA akan ditempatkan
dengan dukungan dari Satgas Kapten Garza.
Dengan segala hormat, sepertinya kita akan mengasuh bayi.
Sebut saja misi ganda, Sersan Ahli.
Kau terlambat. \ Persetanlah.
Kalian memulai lebih awal, Kapten.
Harus kujelaskan, gaya macho-mu kali ini membuatku kesal.
Kau tahu seharusnya tak dimulai tanpa kehadiranku, Walsh.
Ini operasi-ku dan kau cuma jawab "Ya" kepadaku, paham?
Ya, Bu. \ Jangan macam-macam denganku.
Akan kubuat kau terjaga semalaman. Apa aku terlambat?
Sebab jam-ku tertera 13.00. Pukul berapa jam di dinding?
13.00. Kau tiba tepat waktu. \ Benar.
Apa yang kulewatkan?
Sersan Ahli Beckett sedang dijelaskan soal operasi-nya.
Sapalah, Kate Estrada, DEA.
Dia pernah bertugas di Washington selama tiga tahun.
Ucapkan bahasanya dan kenali dunianya.
Ada perubahan.
Operasi dimajukan satu hari.
Kita harus tangkap Morales besok.
Apa akan cukup waktu mempersiapkannya?
Aku harus melakukan pengukuran. Analisis Drone, cek pemetaan.
Ya dia benar, jika tidak, kami tak bisa mendukungmu.
Hanya ini kesempatannya. Ini kesempatan pertama kita.
Besok dia akan kita penjarakan atau dia akan meregang nyawa.
Ikut denganku.
Mereka bilang kau yang terbaik, benarkah?
Aku melakukan yang diminta, Bu.
Jangan basa-basi dengan panggilan "Bu".
"Estrada" sudah cukup.
Biar kujelaskan situasinya.
I do not like your pride with weapons and attitude "Yes, ma'am" was.
But officials in me wants you to look after.
Apparently, the team captain Garza has not been enough.
So, I would ask the same thing in another way.
Are you capable?
That's why they sent me.
You already know the territory? \ Not yet.
This is my first mission in South America.
True, these very high-risk mission.
Are you seeking to appoint a map and then board the plane?
Honestly ...
Not my idea to come here becomes additional protective DEA.
But those who are above me ...,
... they think it is feasible for me to take care of here.
Learn all the rest.
Tomorrow's an important day.
This impressive region.
I agree.
I hate this urgent mission.
It is a struggle.
What are the results from the satellite?
Apparently this is a very large area ...
... and we're looking for a needle in a haystack.
I'm thinking that this DEA girl ...,
... he likes tough and taciturn attitude of yours.
Damn you, Santiago.
Go ahead.
Get ready. Get ready. Get ready.
I Estrada, we've arrived and are ready.
Waiting is connected to the satellite.
Let's begin?
We can start, Captain.
Wear protector, wait for my mark.
Instructions from the target.
Some trucks.
Hummer car belonging to Morales.
And besides, not seen anything.
This Mustang.
We are in a position south ridge.
We're ready.
Good to see you come. \ What about our situation?
Yes, with a little luck, in a few minutes ...
... we could have bagged one of the greatest results of this year.
Satellite images confirm their activity there overnight.
Talk to Langley. They want to know what the data is unreliable.
That's all we got. \ Tell me, he was there?
I do not know, maybe yes maybe no. \ You're risking an Agent?
Deliberately? \ It DEA operation.
Estrada made a decision and need permission to travel there.
Too late to cancel.
If you follow the system, there is always a risk.
How far in that house?
516 meter.
1,6 km/ jam.
Please counted.
Lower-five degrees.
No need adjustment.
Continue to monitor. \ Waiting and preparing.
Here Mustang parts.
Here Tim Alfa.
Results satellite, there was nothing visible in the house.
Change. \ Understandably, Team Alfa.
We are in position, and survive. The view is 300 degrees.
How to 60 degrees the rest?
That area of the South Peak.
That's where our position.
Already we check could.
Okay, can we move on?
There is plenty of space to hide him.
Continue to be extra vigilant.
DEA who have an interest.
Proceed wisely, Team Alfa.
Access is 200 meters. Give me a final approval.
They were given authority? \ Fully authorities.
With guns. \ With guns.
Two Alfa team approached the house.
You see anything?
Tak ada yang terlihat.
Semua aman.
Persetujuan akhir, Kapten. Kita diberi wewenang.
Semua maju.
Perlahan dan tenang.
Talk to me, Estrada.
Agen Estrada, apa situasimu?
Operation in jeopardy.
Menghitung jumlah korban.
Snipers were here. \Cari dia, Sersan Ahli.
Segera laksanakan.
Tetap di tempatmu, Estrada.
Akan kuurus ini, Mustang.
Cari si penembak jitu.
Aku melihat sesuatu di teleskop.
Arah pukul 11. Di barisan pepohonan.
Jaraknya? \ 723 meter.
Dia sudah kabur.
Let's move.
Mustang akan mendekati tempat itu.
Ayo, bangun, ayo, ayo.
Ini Mustang kepada Dogs Den.
Kapten Garza telah
terbunuh dalam aksi.
Oke, mari kita perjelas semuanya.
Ini disebut "Ceritakan kepadaku apa yang terjadi di sana."
Dan kau siapa?
Agen Khusus John Samson, Departemen Keamanan Dalam Negeri.
Morales tak ada di sana. Itulah yang terjadi.
Itu sebuah jebakan.
Morales memiliki mata-mata dalam Kepolisian Lokal?
I did not say that. \ The house was deliberately blown up.
That style of local police work. What other explanation is there?
Listen, you guys have a problem of implementation.
But I had no problem in the operation.
Snipers are not just killers. He's a pro.
He knows the tactics pitch.
He knows you do.
He knows who we are.
How can you say that? He fired twice.
Two shots, two touches.
Then he ran away.
He could have shot Garza before she pulled it out.
But he waited.
Do what?
He had one goal ...
Fortunately blocked Garza. Good luck to you.
Exactly, he sent a message to us, "Do not interfere again".
That's what you'll do.
You're going to expel them. It's too dangerous.
Do not do, sir. I just work tracking this guy for three years.
I just need more time. \ Let us inhale in ...
... and start again, okay?
You're out of protocol, you can be brought to a military court.
We lost 8 people and a high rank officer, for crying out loud.
Yes, right.
Garza friends and colleagues of mine.
And nobody will miss her more than me.
But this is not wise, if it is to achieve.
We do our best in such situations for the info you have.
Bad things happen, is that what you mean?
Nothing bad happened today, sir.
Someone betrayed us. \ Well, here's ...
Give us 48 hours.
If we can not keep track of these people, we will desist.
You'll give you 48 hours to shake the tree.
If nobody falls ...,
... you'll be on the next plane to America.
48 jam.
Hunters are already out there yourself.
So I want your mind to stay awake ...
... and open your eyes wide.
You're retired, Sergeant Expert Weapon.
What brings you back?
Yes, how many times did you go fishing?
Just like that?
I do not know, I guess ...
Perhaps it is I want to quit a dozen times ...,
... but I want to be active again.
I thought the Marine Unit is my life.
This is my family.
How can become civilians after years in the Marines?
Expert Sergeant.
We're off.
Great woman.
At once a little stubborn.
But I like him.
I read his file, it is quite impressive.
You take care of him.
And, sir?
Glad you're with us.
Did not mean to offend.
But the sniper can shoot this place from a distance.
Calm down, Sergeant Experts.
This place has been checked. Nobody knows you're here.
Climb up to the roof across the street, check all the rundown house.
From now on,
... we have to stay on the safe side.
That haystack is very broad, Bro.
Discover the needle. \ Yes.
Apa yang kaumau? Sibuk it.
Can wait? \ You get the opportunity again, EL Diablo.
He's in a safe house in the neighborhood Las Cruces DEA.
American sniper was with him.
Entailed the MORAL DAMAGE
Thank you for supporting me in the office.
We're both not ready for that to happen.
I've never lost people under my command.
If you can last a while, this will not be the last.
How do you respond?
Everyone has their own way.
What did you?
Yes, I said to myself that I was on the correct side.
I did all that could save lives ...,
... and I continue to fight.
You also have to do the same.
The second shot.
The shot that killed Garza, there was something wrong.
You suspect, huh?
I think you're right.
From what has been counted ...,
... his shot is not only unbelievable ...,
... it is an impossibility.
Sniper hideout here.
We know because we see it. We shot him.
He was shot from a distance of 732 meters.
Position here when with Garza.
Almost as if the second shot is following behind the tractor.
Look, I'm not interested in the sharpshooter.
I want Morales. \ I know, Kate.
I know you want Morales.
But sempitmu thought it ...
... will cause a lot of people killed.
What is the situation there?
Many hay, no needles.
Continue to monitor. \ Acknowledged.
Keep your hands, my friend.
I said keep your hands away from me.
Come on.
My advice ...,
... you get out of it, you can not win.
I've been approached, Father Carlos.
Yes, right.
That's why he euthanize 8 your man in the mortuary.
I will not let this man survived.
I will not give up.
More people will die.
You can live with it?
I could not live with myself, if the surrender of it.
Hey, I think I got something.
I go there.
The devil. [Sang iblis]
That is the nickname of the sniper.
He can direct you on Morales.
But it is dangerous.
Once El Diablo to know your name, you're dead.
So, help me ...,
... before I got friends.
I'll talk.
Do not trust anyone.
Yes. \ OK.
Report me, Santiago.
22 degrees North Northwest.
Ketinggian 12. Terlihat seperti laser pengintai.
Tepat sesuai laporanmu.
Kerja bagus, Santiago.
Jarak 1.750 meter.
Waktu tempuh peluru 1,6 detik.
Bagus sekali, Sersan Ahli.
Apa itu?
Apa yang kalian lihat adalah peluru standar cerdas berpemandu laser.
DARPA mengakhiri tesnya
pada bulan Juli 2014.
Bagaimana kau tahu? \ Aku pengujinya.
Akan kuperjelas sekarang. Ini teknologi peluru terbengkalai.
Proyektil punya sirip penstabil dan putaran yang stabil.
Panduan jarak jauh terpasangi sistem optik.
Peluru mampu menyesuaikan posisinya 30 kali per detik
sembari menyerang target bergerak sejauh 1,6 km.
Apa pun yang terjadi, cukup belajar bagaimana menembak?
Hari kebanggaan, Sersan Ahli Senjata. \ Kau benar.
Aku mau bertanya, kau masih GS-9?
Kau tahu, aku berhasil naik pangkat sejak
Panama. \ Yes, just like I told you ...
... since I started a little gray ...,
... but you look great, Colonel Sanders.
Wow, it's been so long. \ More than 20 years, I guess.
That ....
When DOD says you're on the team, I could not believe it.
Okay, gentlemen, I hate to cut this reunion ...,
... but can we get back to work? \ All right.
Where did you find it, Brandon?
Or rather, where did he find?
Last night he shot me.
A sniper who think we are working on Morales.
This is not the best safe house that you have there, Samson.
Let me be clear and slightly offended.
Are you not able to provide a safe home really safe?
Will be carried out, sir. \ Okay, I'll talk to some people.
There are some access to this technology.
If Morales had it, this could be the issue of internal security.
All right, I'll take care of it.
Well, will I prepare the vehicle, takes you to a CIA safe house ...
... on the South side of town. Let's go.
You sold me.
You want to rob me, boy?
No sir. No, Mr. Morales.
How can I cheat?
You're happy to be able to defeat the boss?
Take your money, it's yours.
Listen, kid.
To advance in this work, a man is expected to win.
What did I do to win?
I do not show fear.
Fear is your worst enemy.
Are you afraid, boy?
I'm not afraid.
Come on, I'm kidding, bastard.
Take the money, it's yours, you win.
You can not ...
... afraid to fight for what is yours in this world.
Listen, all of you, I will never lie again.
At this point, things are getting difficult.
One day I would not be here to take care of you.
And maybe one of you lead this family.
But can I assure to you.
If your enemy ...
... sniff the smell of fear ...,
... they will kill us.
Americans hunt.
We are too big to fail, pal.
Here's my ambition.
As American banks.
So strong they can not let anything happen to us.
Our goal is near.
Only two routes in Central America which we have no control.
When we get, all of which crossed the border ...
... will be handled by us.
Men sucks call.
Tell them to kill American sniper.
I want all men to hunt the bastard.
Hei, El Diablo.
Halo, El Diablo.
Listen ...,
... next time if you stopped ...,
... ask first, okay?
Where's my money?
Marine snipers were still alive.
I pay you to kill ...,
... so your money back to berangkas.
Screw you, I shot him.
Listen, "El Little". [Devil child]
We no longer need you.
Go on vacation, you understand?
And go from my house.
Then what is righteousness?
Righteousness? \ Yes, your story.
I wonder, since presence, I became a target.
Do not blame me.
You're chasing the devil, and it's your fault.
What's up?
I have something for you.
Kau yakin kaumau?
Yes I am sure.
El Diablo visited the girl.
Mara Ramos. I knew of his whereabouts now.
Morales controlling this environment.
SMS-kan i address.
thanks. \ He will not be there long.
How much time do you need on the target?
36 hours until I get position before shooting.
Yes, this man was so old KuLacak to forget to count.
But you
You do not like this job, looks not ever want to.
You do not care about the problem or my operation.
The only reason you stay for ...
... because someone has a better shot than you.
That you think?
Yes, right.
Maybe you're right.
Because this bullet changed everything.
And it is far more important than Morales himself.
If I'm going to catch that bastard ...,
... maybe you and your operation can not currently kuhiraukan.
And that's my truth.
So, what's your truth?
Kate, come on, get out of here.
What do you want?
I'm looking Mara Ramos.
Get away from me.
Be smart and stay away from my sight.
What are you doing in my neighborhood, bitch?
Release him!
You made a big mistake coming here.
I'm not kidding you again.
We have to go, now.
Do not, do not ...
You must be kidding.
Where are you, Sergeant Expert? \
We can instructions sniper.
We had a photo with his girlfriend. I'll send her picture now.
Yes, we accept it.
I need identification, and Expert Weapons Sergeant.
See if you can figure out who this asshole.
But there is a bigger problem.
Someone eavesdropping. They attacked us on our way.
I'm going to hide until I overcome this.
Nobody can know where our presence.
Sure, but ...
Okay everyone, listen.
I need a facial recognition of this bastard.
I want to report on all who cross the border.
Main priority.
So you let Brandon and Estrada unsupervised?
Yes, we let them down.
And now they would be able to support and best information that can be given.
He will hide until satisfied. \ This is not the mission of your son, Beckett.
Oh, now hers.
Someone knows all our movements.
Do not trust anyone.
Come on.
What? \ I can get us to a safe place.
Come on.
This Brandon Beckett. We work together.
Pastor Carlos.
Can we hide? \ Yes, come with me.
Come on.
Who owned those in Morales?
That is the question.
You have to assume that he had a lot of people inside.
Morales is protected by thugs and powerful people.
The worst of the worst. \ If you get rid of some of them ...,
... maybe he and the sniper will be forced to come out ...
... and make mistakes.
Yes, maybe.
Morales relies on her family.
So help us, Father.
Point us to them.
What happened, Sergeant Expert Weapon?
Yes, we're seeing it now.
Three bodies were found this morning. All came from Morales operation.
And all of them were killed by snipers.
Jorge Marroquin, banker Morales, was found dead at his desk.
Miguel Kemper, the torturer, was killed in broad daylight.
And Johnny Morillo, its greatest thug Morales.
This is one of the victims were dumped in the polling stations.
Only, there was a hole in his head Morillo.
If this Brandon, his killing was uncontrollable.
Target touched.
Come on.
Participate walks with me.
Before coming here ...
... I went to a fellow Marine who was buried.
He committed suicide.
He's a hero ...
... the effect on him of his past.
Perhaps because he often pulled the trigger.
Sometimes in my mind, that's my future.
I do not want to be him.
But I'm confused, how that could end otherwise?
There is a way.
And that is forgiveness.
You must forgive yourself on your moral damage.
I also killing people.
I grew up on this street.
Here I learned to hate ...
... in the group of competitors.
I've seen many friends die in these streets.
I'm not proud of myself.
But I chose a different life and you too can do it.
Your sins are sins of ordinary people ...
... in this sinful world.
And sin can be freed.
Do you think if there is a slip comfortably?
Apa yang kaumau? \ Kami Things masalah.
I want you to put your gun and listen.
I listen.
I'm sure you've heard.
Beckett caused me headaches.
I lost the ...
... and patience.
Then? You're fired.
Let's not argue.
You missed once. I also missed.
But for both of us, death is very valuable Beckett.
Too much pressure and little profit.
Truth be told, there are 500 thousand additional.
Plus 500 thousand more ...
... when he and Estrada were killed.
Well, Pvt.
We found it. Practitioner's Office Port in Caracas, Venezuela.
We think he's Panama. \ I do not care what You think, Samson.
I want to know the result of the face recognition program.
The results of the program, 93 percent fit.
I received 93 percent. \ Former sniper defense.
He killed his son Noriega. \ His name is Enrique Quintero.
Where did it come from?
From Venezuela, he crossed the Colombian border east ...
... through a small border post called Ccuta.
It 9 months ago and lost his trail there.
We will send all of this.
There is news about Brandon?
Not yet, but Dept. Homeland kept me alone.
This should not happen. \ Really?
Funny, they have not called.
Dept. Internal Affairs and National Security work together ...,
... but his plans do not always agree.
For security reasons, terorislah threat. Bomb, not a drug.
That is our priority now. To fight them ...,
... we can not let crazy people hanging around ...
... and start a war with the "Family of Six".
What do you suggest, John?
My suggestion is take Brandon and Estrada ...,
... enter into the airplane before the situation worsened.
Expert Sergeant Beckett and Agent Estrada're troubleshooting.
I say give them time. How about you, Tom?
I agree.
Are you kidding?
I know Morales paid a lot for this man.
How about 50?
There will be another wad when he was killed.
Rumors are circulating in the streets ...,
... that a priest helped him.
Where did this rumor come from?
This neighborhood, you forget?
And it's no secret to me in my neighborhood.
Pastor Which? \ The name ...
Pastor Carlos.
Handed him over to me.
Pastor Carlos SMS at 7:21 at night.
He said: "Meet me at Plaza Cortez in front of the church, at 10 pm".
Telepon dia mild petition.
He has not answered.
There is something wrong. \ Yes.
El Diablo is here, somewhere.
Here, please.
What strategy would you use?
Supervision, bait.
He will try to force us out, but we will survive.
Until when?
Until the time comes.
In the Southwestern corner.
Mobile is.
Tinted windows.
This guy is better than that.
Where is he?
He acted like a sniper, Kate.
The training is not different from me.
El Diablo soldier paid by drug dealers.
There are others.
Someone more powerful than Morales.
I can be anything.
Nothing happened.
On the back of the truck, what do they do?
Did you see that boy?
He was one of the gang members were in the apartment of Mary.
I remember.
Pastor Carlos. \ No, Kate, it's a trap.
He wants us out fishing. \ Let me go!
If you're out, you're going to die, and that's what he wants.
Where are you, bitch?
He's out there, Kate. Find him.
Come on ... give me a sign.
Definitely going to be late.
She's dying.
Share emosimu.
Keep it under control.
That's how we carry out the mission.
There's no time to joke. Do something.
You fumble, shoot again. \ Damn!
Get him!
You work for Morales.
He killed Father Carlos. Pastor-mu.
Help us improve.
Tell us hiding place.
If kubocorkan, I'm not going through this night.
We will protect you.
Halo Jesus.
Finally, you make mistakes.
You kill a priest.
Why do not you kill me, bitch?
That would be too easy.
Besides you, on whom El Diablo work?
I'll talk when I can deal. Agree, man?
US Attorney General's office wants him brought to Miami ...,
... to be processed in the Federal Court there.
There is already a waiting plane.
They caught him. Good work.
El Diablo impossible to let Morales brought to justice.
He knows too much.
All right, we'll meet in Miami.
Welcome to Miami, Tn. Garcia.
Next, prepare your passport.
There are no problems at Immigration.
Everything is already prepared?
So his claim to agree ...
... she would start to confess.
Session 14.00.
That would give El Diablo time.
Before I forget ...
... I want you to know you do a good result.
This has not been completed. We begin and end.
Marines should speak true.
How are you? \ Nice to meet you, Sergeant Expert Weapon.
Timely in the current action.
All right, just try again, Sergeant Experts.
As I said in my evaluation ...,
... if I El Diablo, I'll kill Morales ...
... 30 seconds after leaving the headquarters.
The result is not unexpected ...
... and also reckless.
I strongly agree.
How about over there?
There is a wide open area, plenty of room to operate ...,
... traffic minimum citizens, focusing on one vertex.
I think so.
Yes, it was the perfect location.
We benefitted from both sides when we were hiding.
We look at him and see who is the most clever.
We face a very sophisticated equipment.
DARPA reviewing its inventory ...
... and found that there are about 100 bullets were missing.
Someone reached into the biscuit tin.
I have a friend at the Defense Development ...,
... so I guess we could match his bullets.
Lab. Research Marines sent from Chesapeake Beach.
What is greatness?
Bullets will explode at a predetermined distance.
Explosive shot with a shotgun?
Yes, but the term cool is, reconnaissance ordered bullet ...,
... bullet reach the target, the target to meet his Lord.
Okay, kid, come back to your suitcase.
Mami child has come.
My men will be in the last convoy of vehicles.
They will help. \ Excellent, thank you very much, Bob.
John. \ John.
12:30 pm, time to leave.
Get in there.
I think all this can be done without a trial.
Bit of a nuisance, easily resolved.
Look, it was a decoy convoy.
Wait a minute.
If the man who uncovered it in the car, where Morales?
Later he will be taken by car Van cleaning.
All right, very clever, it's good time I told you first.
I think JATF is about cooperation between institutions.
It is true, let's go up to the roof.
Rolling Thunder, street.
Understandably, Rolling Thunder move.
Accepted, Romeo Tango.
Yes, we're in position. Where are you?
Yes, we were on the way.
They're coming.
Ada jejak El Diablo?
Not yet.
I'll keep an eye on the convoy, you check around.
The convoy safely.
El Diablo does not appear.
These Van him his car.
What is really needed, Richard?
I think the main purpose of the bait to confuse the bad guys.
Better safe than sorry, John.
All right, come on the road.
Black sedan, from the North, 30 m from the crossing.
Move quickly. \ It was surprising, Samson.
And from the South, the old Cadillac.
Moving at high speed, approached Van.
I've seen it, keep looking El Diablo, I'll deal with this.
Understood, sir. \ All units ...,
... car approaching from the North and the South.
Where is he? \ I'm looking for.
Let me see, how can I put it out of them?
12. Confirm the pedestrian bridge at the hole in the window.
Distance locked, but I can not see it.
No problem.
IN HER CAR VAN Arrangement
Make sure the position is secure?
Target touched.
Welcome to Miami, Jess.
No one in the van. Where Morales?
What is this?
Air-control vehicles remotely.
It's called bait, John.
To lure the enemy sniper and the National Security Agency ...
... involved with Morales.
These cutting-edge way.
It's just a guess, not a fact.
You want the truth, John?
I told my guys at Langley cloning cell.
Everything here, in black and white.
We got a copy of every message you send.
You SMS to Morales and El Diablo is like a teenager in love.
You help him pass through Immigration.
You send our movement, endangering our lives.
Okay, we catch it, slip.
Already I have sent Garza cancel the operation at a farmhouse.
And I warned, drop your man. \ Yes, after trying to kill Estrada.
Garza was killed because of you.
You helped him.
... our best option to prevent the entry of illegal bomb.
It was a deal for him in exchange for weapons.
It is not possible it will be used against our people.
If we can eliminate their rivals in exchange for a guarantee ...
... on what goes into the country, yes, let it.
People were killed, Samson. Good people.
It's your fault, Goddamnit.
Bye, Bob. \ Come on.
Although I wanted to stay with you to celebrate ...,
... but Washington sent me back.
Weapons Expert Sergeant.
GS-9, Miller. \ Oh, sure.
Estrada, nice work. \ Thank you.
Expert Sergeant, nice work. I'll miss you, Dolls Rice.
Thanks for everything, Miller. \ You know, you do what?
You do not mind? You do not mind? \ I am fine.
Okay, I know you're not a quitter.
"Semper Fi", pal. [Always dutiful]
You guys did an outstanding job. You're a solid team.
According to you, we will work together again?
You mean nurturing DEA agent?
Best job you have.
Jeez, do not start, please.
I'm going to go fishing, what can you do, huh?
The place is called Puget Sound, in Washington, Brandon.
Keep away from the danger.
You've got my cell phone number,'kan?
Call me if when you want to go fishing, huh?
Call me, huh?
Weapons Expert Sergeant.